S:GNING UP foe tire Milton Safety Coorcil Driver Impruonet Ceerre is reeor S. O. Chiltis shows ireieg esrolled by P Irwino Mayer Chiidls orgeti cîtizoos t0 taire port fi tire coo crirrhes thep wure roperiesceti or iregiuing diriovers. ' cati al learn moro.' he sa'd. - LO WVILLE Hospitalized After Accideni Car Hit Ice Patch, Ditched hy Mms. Kaihis Cona ire miii satace breoveceti. white ,Castingt Sore frei a Miasions Tupia WN.tîctaîtite ai Pcrt Ceedit TireYoung Peopie's Union Mone.t ,tay c, i cal silî heo leir ragotar meeting ai Lo iciu passeneras %ves peoeeainO iug mur 18 mumirers pe notti i ira Gelpir Lise. Il .Iostse MeArlOOr mas li c co t ,o itl i [ Les Peur's of tire tri sssg, lte rhum îr.elt a Patetc t ce bnd %t hireievtas MissionsOnand m. -rpio. Tira est enclc OP Ooieeaeh. Mary Jean Ct ig , oc in tira dilsir. Mes, face lire col lu Wcirip. 0 Olca Coliie soit ered a irsokes Sinclair reai rire st.ritsro, p,]i,, am v, drt,cltu i. Js-oJeansfotson mad astct ciii..s Hosptl in u Hoiicc. Mes. lad in proyer. !ioarloi Cîîce %vs lai.îtoMil. Mes. Nancy Roseshase g. -"s DiltaictHopital fcr obiserva- salir on tire reloge girl lira M . Mi. iruot, Mist M.as and atiopltid iy tlie Eveuing Mît i %vvaresîttiv rroii adl tum ire he Yong Pu aille lui go homOe' SuntiayiriSheelandiMission lira six ilontirol biti isrc ti Mr. has t rlihltid. anîd Ms. Jlio Richrdsn s ii Tire grop riren ditidesi 51,11cr tli-.tii H-seila tOc hope to arotus tu discoss M pretes. Irle nomt meetinsg ir Bi reo oakePole 14 Piano Students In tohie snremstocu of ios Pass Examînations a vnnacrmsea fileful s a ,siet. uc.oi- sirte Gsuelphrfiue, on. tiSliita ir- i is mite aoosaCoolsous Cornei Il I1.11licil- i exa ina recie off a trteproOO po iIl' d iaLt ceeili St flircRval front o! Frankr Coolsons. C aiçltil ut Mulsic ii Toreote cor was drivenby Jim Cross iti Mliiton, t ihe raines fisgofln Polisce rurastigalti. al.iî-z.îiga-lin îîîîdtel orceeil. RobrertlAndersosn and jean 3Gî,tde Viii Piano: iroras. speur lire seueieud aI lire .ILsîcaliiist p.tts, fr50 Mcý o! George Cooirson. ttc. t.We arc sorcy tu htac ssat CII Gtdu Vii Piao: test Clats King s in sire irarpitl. Ws r. iti cariltlon. _ wimi sooneire reeoeered. lit n. Nît or, ici t,,.a i C, 11 Fîtst Citîrs I.., ci Xtra at îî.îr Kz,ilîîto Dîrtir. 1 Pian-, Fî,t Ci.ir Hie John.. t Fiai tici,; ~1T~~ TarilesCo*~TEamnps Pr.coded Today's Hyr lut-~n Tirs glcss ca flhown weei and ai il a-cioci où Son- an aposer iruo It my ircu ai Bahi .Mto ' ric a Bt he mtuntcpal plant did Teanaidrer Arrie ira sootgli damaitchangea net meet tenerdsOf siesot By Feiruary of 1913,theo trains frot tisE Raly'dayn of in cont- tor sery nruny yeaen. formnt liad arrlved and tl wan ttSuisg Olero ffyAm ropected power tu tire P. L. Rit- Porhgire hi National F.tectrical b 92 etrn ouainn irtrîs plant nausd ietmt reni Il s in agond rime te taok .,804, a Septemirer meetin ni u miin lB tlayn. Bock, tiras sire paser si laday etossnsil approeoi -a w rlOail-, le Maes.i, 1913, tire Champion May ire more apprccaled. tog fr ritrascrslts ote un oh-I jubtiantly reteurteti. "Tire pomer CotaiXiLampa îîiîsieea sappl) otirydru ee- coingorandaintTrente re "Haltun's Pages of fle Por~sC tie powear from lire Hydre El- nfodrietenirtîet recurdeti tiras "citizen, iraviof ecarIn Paner Commission ut Ont- irasve heurtsnpleudidly iighted. umergn thlie peiad ai aria. Tise irouse servsices urc gond iras b.m. ad ttose condies la tire Ciio o0isalocs foc tire action nssI yut ost tiroir huis an thry mii luxuryuof otaloil lampo, hast %sas tireMil'tn Board ofTracte. ir ecrn crtain adjustments teoe Iirs - consciou ad lus May, o Me. Yatos of rire H E. hase heur mode. P. L.:Roirertson ireom i;4gfimsoteeans P.C -icse supyn oe Ca. Lsd. iras sire entra power su sh. ~ ion hidl simeed taur seoo PChospteisplyu use siiol tWgouken tu illuminaiu Milton andti iere seos o hig rdynee.1 rsu truie nîrectn ... Evusloolly lire torouofs a momirs lu irar hmlitrte 10001 wiii sin secure ne lomo latirers bonis action ondi a lire Champion ai sire day reports. industries." nuomier oftoal oil laepsttere Tirere waasoluost uanimOos 1914Meeting. uninstlleti , go.s corner posîs. A support toc lire estoirlisirment of Tire Milton Hydro Electrie eOt gentleman knon os Tommry sire Hysdre sopply of poser. lu Commission, as i prurenly us- ole Tuorner mat tire tamptigirlur amd Ocloir. 1912, siere uots nf tire Isis, was tormuti for ils fint rie ssst irufore nigirfoît ire made iris eleeliono n lire qustion ohosed meetinf in 1914. Tirere hase hun Nc rounds, fltine and ligirtine sire 185 in laverand tour Opposed te mouy mliustuon on tire patir ut îomps, semirh secu sien alloset oblirtiig H.E.P.C. poser. prosîding tire streant of etectrie- lVUTil-tucoal oit gare Bright Future tp uMilnindustries aod out. Tiras is, ou doris nigirîs. On Eitilr William Porint serete irumeutnes. ne onsiered necessacy ai~Î ai. lire ta sstePl ltrite istrihuting syclurns a op:n ei d Miltn eentullyreplced irylose ssooid mton putting anBy cary, 1955. ail tire, humes and ilto ermseit aally reiaeed en ute5 rges h h industries irud heurn coriverted tu moonted on extra iiei pales. oseo iras iree., mairu lattecly.60clepwrfotheemr FiitElcticPlnt Wiliross poseer, M illn adsa- 25 ccsle. FientEleetie Plnt oges af situation, mater soppty. Tire somo's first peivoreiy osto fire protection, coiiseay connet ed eleetrie tigirt plant mas dots-o ions aad sirippiot faiitsess ird elose tire hli on Victorie Si. La- sutild r0 oirac irte menu- L W. EMIIS svied tursirepoormo ws inssalledin oaefacoring causse mici s iroiibuiding at tire reor of lire pe- iropeti sire miii irecomne E EC esn.seul ceomery. Il mas non as a lu Oeloir of 1912, il mvas ie- EC R ebnuge prirteoeterprise tuitJnsrv, porîedrirasssorirmeumumirnbsy ire oO 190,rwen t mos Italoen oser os pioolioe potes mitir o numirer Woeid a.municipal project. already rcteed onMainBi. In As lirot limie, o rew biliding Jaooory or 1913. il mas repocitid Ciitriolitie toison mas iroilt et o cosl af $8,t0S and rat lte irydre elecîrie poseer end Smeiing tennis pari. s! lirai building rlowsecree seood ire disrlirolei Prom lira Mary as MiinensSunoeoservie station P. L. t!oireisoe faetorr 'ot iOtoMain Si. In tose a.s filreshietii es ereamilirbcso av algtis,r power, tras trcîed oit mule se fur flia tosn poser Phone Miion. IR 84731 t wa proptl ai idnght uriglire brosaonestlthetoltall,lfiirtis, opMses Banrd imati. e hal Tire sLyou hosme hope NOTICE ADVANCED FARMING SYSTEMS LTD. Kitschener, Ontaria Btler, ci Dc.ti Ltcsicscd Ci.., C.a Ponîlry ilonten 0 Ileline Barons 62 Applicants D aey RAma o is a S"Ic il- Maehlrery Stseds t,, ic Litîiî e lav Feedes ndntlher W,, con Far, la nitrC. o Builsdings. i ii. Lil, Mi lton ANNOUNCE iCi.., I,, tct 5 aHORACE TOMLINSON X:.î.î~,: ~ ~SURGE DEALER S ,, 1 t iii,, S -. loisa i ,c.-.as inîî i 1talîion Cîtoosî CALL h-,I1,aipaîî 9 MSI.AUGHi.IN RD. NORTH 55.ssîr.Oss. GL 1-1275 NAIOA Asy rcsrovaîin or exsansion of your ELECTRICAL firme proides an uxtellent opportarrity WEEK se oroderniest electrmnai sysiaso. Ci FEZ. 5 un for help whcn renOivationa are Plan- TO il ned. McPHAIL ELECTRIC 66 CHARLES ST. TR Ill1 mmr4SIT APPIANCES o .f every type ... ADD 'ROOM APPEAUL WITH ATTRACTIVt FIXTURES IN MODERN AND CONVÊNTIONAL DESIGNS THAT COMBINE EFFECTIVE' LIGHTING WITii AN ATyRACTIVE APPEARANC ... PRICES ARE 10W 100 FREE INSTALLATION- È ON ORDERS OVER $6 Coii Todlap ai BERT JONES Coroner Bronle and Vicoaria Si. MILTON TR 8-9784 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK PEBRUAIRY 5. -i1 Fosr item homesa... ndded roumis ..hard-to-heas areon If1y0u are planînintg a nese home, yoo cati heat il aafiy andi auto- srîstticaly sentir tire contrlnni, cleai, inîsteant ireot tirot nlectricity 5trovides. Electri irosnse lteating ins cisy ta inntall, eostnicOi Eu tit.tiitail anrd pr estc omfurt- asile, club lesstlreratures tirat sclti vory mîoire thano few desrrees front caiiing ta Atour. FOR FREE ISTIMATES ON ILECTRIC HIATINS CAU EeatherstoneS . ectric RAt lit MILTON IR 0.878 NATIONAL 111CJi IIE<ALI WUMPUUARY à 4I 1 hi uonr and ownoea Md elca. . stop ci1d ~~~~ ~~A t=ho ieirn iiza tatwe a et I> r ehta ot c a peru uBR a ai Week and a t te a n Ast pý sed pont. restraînt eni encouritoe rhiY memisor£ tiei odn Foe Ptposi lis, aska tise OstapiuBai tisat Ineonquey lie tseadDem egue. LIVE BEITR ELEcrRICALLY "Is Mummy ever lucky she doesn't have to hang out the wash today!" Evcry day's a iucky day ... hen trie ciotises dsyer is casy on your you own an etectric ciothes, dryer washing and casier on you ton. in' . .. herause rsacry day's a pesfcs.t just elle Mre wsay tisat elrrt i,-iiy drying day! ligistens youc duties, hrighitens Safe, gentie electrie ircat dries ail yoor day. yourioaundry to fade-proof, soil-proof You get msore out of iife-whcsî perfection . .. fiuff dried, rrady te yen get thse Most out of cectrîcity. put away ... with o ciothesiine sag or soil ... o ciotliespin corners. For MAKE ELt:ClRICITY easy ironing, without sprinkitg or WO.FR O HYDRO roiiing op, orst set thre dia! to tise la yours desired dcgrce of donipncss. An rire- NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK- FEB. STH -FEB. 11TH SAFETYs To arr cicetrie mater Iseoler, tis ieating utîits are onceaied for stfety ansd eniienscy. 'i'iere arcsso laisns, 110 fumssu. ONLY ELECTRIOITY GVIS YOU use lom eust e!eetrieity te sient mater, you eau ire sure tire litut yoO loy for its going eiglit irtn lire mater. Littler if aoy, lisuat io masteti. THESEIMOTN limL ý EFFICIENCY: Bn aue tht.c i n e1 oeatescapus and you ea intiait yoor mod cin e u ic r water ina e EilT E any orvnintlocatin HuiANLINEBS AIVANTAGES Eceieit ioleoîs orii. .. Terirr ins nediet. fumesn or stîssoke. Milton Hydro-Electric ., Commission NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK FEB. 5 - 11 19, ý- - c ý I.