Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1961, p. 7

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l'y Mes. YdwmRaislertoan Tine nseing iansed ns b prafo Vit. Molts Ploua S. Stephea s Anglicn Cborcb or. The Joint W.A. of Hobp tit. Home troa ?olsdm ed cburch beld tbeir Joan r ilcnsbcrs inett tiseir enfitul1 vestY Bill Tbnrepson nf Potsamn, meeting in tbe cbarab boituln meening an Manday atlast neok. Nean Yark la home ns lb has par, Wednesday afieransia Ron. J R. Moawell apened the calts, Me. and Mis. W imer Tbann- Min. L. May preaided fnr tha meeng ngatbpryo Mas Alan paon foafewdaya. meetng. Mca J. Neflad read Be was lctd as ncaiey clrn Vaei le lanrcovoring frtha e bminaeutes Nra A. Dath anas ibo chorhen po.riondsar saic 50 nstailed ansb nheantcar and Ron-. Maxwenll anas çhairnan rJt eri aock Rnycn is l OAftr a tongiby discusin il aas for tbe meeting. Tboso elcted tn patini n Pool Menai Hospil-dcdd1t odarmaesi offices ancre: sececlry Mns. Alan ai. la Milton near tbe end of Marcb Bye, recaor'a anarden John Brod- Birlbday anlahes ta Bill Taupen If arrangements con ho mode. tep. peuplea mardea Alan Horrop, and Jim Poterson an Pcbriary . Plans ancre mode Io banc tbe loy dolegate Tans Drens Brook, Horahy Commoalin Prk nons Milton Juniar Formera prean ausaiasite iay delegate Gcoffrey bas an ouldoor skating rtnk ihat fcrpa iPryMrySho Drens Brook. irasarra tr. and maap nf the residoats are enjay- onei plhary1.A ady ai taiy er Sho Mrs. Craig Raycc. ahoir leadee log, thanka ta Alfrnd Brigden and oko aatoare 1 ta ho ndy and Mra. Alan Bye, sandop achooi sap- the park board bk aeaet ehl h an erioloatient Dinh Weiior, chair, Roterai tadient1rom Hornby Ua. igt nsan oi oldeamea Pot Phippanc. iend nhorch attendçd the 'oint Thc nsemhora of thn joi W.A. Adtisnry board, Brod Wright anas leadership tralalag do aon M on- are caierlag 10 the Eoplorer etncted as a ocra meshor, aniah day ai Pirsa United Church. Port Mather and Daogbter banqoet in balt yeails miembers srving ag-. Credut. A pas loch diane-r anas ecbroaeY. ain ibis Year. Aodlnnrs are Wmn. aorvedt ai noon. The menaing anasa tunetive Bradley and Tam Drew Beook. bïIai os $6Yens lu Mrs.,A. Deatb the Christian Rac oranzason an thir Siarere sympotby la canded Steanrdahipoconrener. The mnt-l Eachorgniztiongav th io aMr. andMr. HarryNeanton ingcloaet intboraynr andilunch YoartY reports. sbasming o nory andfam12yun the deaib of bis anas snrrcd by the Afiemoon WA. auncesafoipeoar. geericaroh fathrHorry Newtoan Sr. ltis LaduersthipCourse Mottea ancre divoteaofd.hRer. Tharaday ai Nensnarkci. Mr. Tee meshors of the Horaby Mon etimfoftedahrocofieba Newtonmwas 96pearsaofag. United Chaoob Sandoy sellat IonMs ho aifnUt ohrch mehorbs Mr and Mrs. Loan Somsonvis- staff atnnded the Teachers' 10e Mra. ranat r e as litid nith their son Lomoe, ai Lon- Worhahop Loadership nourse hctd henrs nbn oasa foh ere nsncai don' for the aneehenti. on Satorday Sa Bcihel United yca rs to anas ani ere. ,htMr. and Mrs Hns-old Armstrong Cborcb. Thore anas o good attendi- bee esinalon nas ccctcd ofHamsilton vînîicd anith Mr. and anco. The day anas aneli aneni and _____________ MeWStriager for themwekcad. pronodncery intrsting. RIAL ESTATE (Cenftnamll AMs. Far nS g For Sale lageSon oost bcNo? alue lotsaonhNo. 25 ighway, 1tti <t S mur. Aeing $Q5000 01 'oe 2,0eah 23 acres barn' moil. brtiro. cltose t0 Cam pitnllo, pond, Asktisa OOsfait poîic ith $900 clown. 10aocoes, atme bhu AoMing $1:9 ful1 pvce mSS $500 domo. Acton Last at 6% $500 PULL DOWrf PAYSENT No Secondi Mnrngage Nom 3-beoonn brion bongalow, 4-sotec oearasle nue Sath. L. ahase in0 romo, large loitien 1011 baoen oIt funaoe eýlo.Akn $11,97 fail onice. CALL MILTON Mel Stark TR 8-9343 Yvonno Chiristie TR 8-2095 For Sale Bn-stle home, J betiroons. tacrgeo Oornoee. uoi alumnoom to niom anti qomeoo, SaSk yrdt icncd Poil to 10.00. Domo poy- mni N10 .H. morigage oh 81i intoicat. For Sale .50 ncres no oiltiogs, sarenin anti nnoiîngi. cosr tn 401 olonrînni Pid11prine 10,000. Holl ciash dmown paymnsco. Wo have a _got aelcîmio country butilings lots anti Wm. 1. Woods MILTON PHONE 710 8-07 u .has~ 200 AUCTION SALES SYDNEY K. LAMB 1AUCTION SALE REALTOR anti INSiJIANCE n Miii Si. E. Actan Phumo lad Mensber Cînadian andti oaudo Rnal Balaie oards. Alan ai Gorgeown anti Maiioii. BRIA.N BEST REAL PATATE AND GOINERAL INSIUSAJgC 810 MainS Bt MIlios Town Properties MAIN ST. - ILarge 16-r...n boose olO, gacaga and oolbadldiogo, tOICio Se mnadc into aoarctnrnts. $16.500 misSt terns. MOUNTAIN ViEns DiR.-Modemn 3-Sndroin nlay bungalowo milS garage. Pol oic $10.700. Opeon ta lutter. M(nnSly pymron 000.10 F.IT. 5% HLrA mort. MILES ST. - Lange 4-hotino houe wmuS a ftlhoon anti i-rime waghrmro, garage, large loi. Poli prion$1.0 min- F,40 full clown Opapient. FULTON ST. - Jahedroon Sonen- lot. ion eceet cdtoilI 44i fi. a 122 il. Pol 000e 6,800. HESLOP RD.-Modern olar brioS bunnaowo. stal mooti binoSen onilis anti bnin to11 bnaimntS an any cntraa. $Ï4,500, FOR RENT 0-hedotii 5buao on George ni.. tarant ft MainS, $100 ne, mon-. Modcrn intez office on Martin -Si. $90 pâ mnnh. LOUDOUN HOMES Locnte i n the Paile oi bo- divisin. Poil peice $R0. Poill domn poomnselan $0M. Con- Oietnic timonatoti. Sce theso huin- os liais isoeotin. Co untry Properties OO ont amail .ittdino itti anon -htmonbungalow. 010 mites tronn Milton. Poil onice $19000 n-iih nemns. O-roos Sies hanie. large? ion, M00 i1hsn fo i lion. Il .tba$,0 ee Arsntmtem For Service & -Satisfaction CALL - tR 8-6292 7,00 pi. FRDAY NIGHT. PEOSUASY 000 HAMILTON-MILLGROVE AUCTIONS No. 6 lighwnr Miligone MU 9-1051 Water Shortage Hits District Wells, Citizens Gone Dry by tara. George Pelltteio in bine Nora Francon Henderson honorai faros in ibis district Hospital anith pnolnonia. Wn are anithoul anater, anti bain t0 ail anish hlmn o sprody renovery. boy tanks of anator for thoir cal- Vios la Disatrito lin, anti msn ciîizena are dry sno Mm. and Mrs. Bibi Meredith anc arc ail htiping for a big main sponi Mondoy ciening aniih Mm. or thant, soon. and Mrs. Lloyd Cargo and fan. Asb Repraeateti iiy of Borbingion. Ahout 600 peoplc gaiboreti ai Mary Loo Morodith visied San- tino Armorion in Guelph on Wod- a ihM ndMs .Pre nesdy Jonoary 25Io attendithe Of'anihM.an mCPr Recognitin Day flinoor in honor n oîho of Goorgo P. Droanan anho iv re- 00e aie aorry Io report thal living aftott16yars of srviceas Mrs. TanBerîassonsiaa paient Holstein Fiottiman in West Contl ah tho Hamsiltonanitorions. Wr ral Ontario. Sonoratanotormntnîalhoteliat horatayanilinot train titis district. ho long. Surprise Party Mr. anti Mms. Georgo Pohinîlor- Mrs. Stoart MnFadtien heid o on and iansiiy opoot Satorday on- .surprie prty forStur olMon enig wih Drand Mrs. rank day slgbt. Canais anere Mr. anti Vosai anti fansiiy of Bramspton. Mrs. BrookHownard andiSharon, Mr. and MmoGordon Hilliand Mr. andMrs. Robert Hrrnnad fmilo N ewmnarmb eiaalii Mr. anti tra. Rasseit Hurren. ail ors on Sunday nilbh the olle-e of Canspnollhe, Mar. anti tara. las. JS Henry nnd Joanne of Kil- hide, Mm.,Datsy p ieLaasn a Mil, -Tra0tguî -1nfi l o ion. Mr. anti tra. Loron Laing cbasng ianea rtc-.nîa Jr. anti Mrs. Lotos Laing Sr., anti and chonnia anti a pick-up irons Mr. anti tara. Sin. McFaddon. Roni-Rediero Liti.. Milton, c000-, Mar. aod Mrs. Stuart Mcanpaitn cil onnooncodti aneh. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Win. McPodtion --Mony rain ioann are ioining .int Sondayait r. andaMn i hobingo atPrnsiîonoach Stock Hoaard andi Sharonaofanook. Canspbellbiie. -Yoonve onby got six aneehn ta Marns Blrthdoy boy your 1961 licences anti li.- Lynno Dates cohobratoti ber lOIS ring permis. hirtbdny on Montiay anith a sat- tng party and dinnot. Hor goosir weeAnne Libby, Karen Camp oeil. Mariolle Wiaison, Canon 0'ocr TWO TYPES 0F and Margio Poibetterlo. DEALERS Visiiora on Mondayanuîh Mm. 1Irecontiy hoord aa lebr a- andiMr. L. ScotiaedaneroRon inano anho hati nsood Ken Campell anti faiiy of R.R. froin o er 2, Miltoa anti Mr. anti trs. Fred largo cy ou Binas of Torontoi. a meiuns Clarcnce Bridgman is a patient s Oc placex The Britisb Motor Corporation- TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING Norton-Turner Ltd. HAVE SUEN APPOINTUD AS THE DEALER FOM Nuffield Diesel Tractors Visit or caîil Norton-Turner Ltd. for a -FREE - FARM DEMONSTRATION Thrae andi Four Cylinder Tractors oný displap ai Norton-Turner Ltd. "MIKE NORTON' ALLINAFA~O ONT. TR 7.4993 ns neons- ns in g ns ns iOn ti ag nes penQ yan lm oe mesîtd tht o nons fBut hOintmvinnoo tua ie o ten thv hppsita ay nhor anar othphoapevnoam boidng Thvront lîm troth ahfwon th er oaloa acoon l orth a H amte duiot onw oall thos ithd hiang coolr for rheoloît aso n tat fh hrv frisousns nioh ard pi, ho ad s î vuinsiiorl gisnsivk is osicy otriiont atho theo he theraec blanca' hie o ulyon aais of ditanco n vig hadh or semlr i or nIais thgical tol of doolornc conidera hin ont-ovn ho- yenfair garnsefortciotypooi cenrorottiog that nnitisuez aextra ollaoiprfiti 1 o Il non dea i of n vonîr 111111 townnor citynithiistypeofi onerator on tho onderatandahic tiosiro ta savo" a fens doliot, yoa are liiety t0 regret il, as ihousands of buyers who hano miii insiy. TRAIRAIAI MQTOUS 40 Mcdo Se. kit..,, Oni. 1C CI~io ho Febriaey?2nd. 1194 7 Truck is Stolen In vt~ire forum «Holds Euchre pashv l,ome tned t Thioroa struck tisnin onqs the W . .mam~ fr sy ho ciae'ood, thoit dfiginal weenlrd anlîhin the spaoe of 24 W .A glaI3ets fo hrs a rightoness hn' hmhng in botter- hoora. By Mrs. A.EBO ' j igop wecomed a nsone mbr mil Ora wak %nona solution. An olionnpted safe-cracking anas The Poatwitin Farsi Formq hetd! t thr oranzaio. A ton, rhnbarb louves, added t0 faiiod ai the C.N.R. station neii aoucsaqato wtradbili fi)the P. L.Robrson Compny. W . faicchreshcci ondeoînnloancornihpananoîîh-îbînîann Consablet Pichoi white unhis 1*Mtaha o idyno af Mrs. T. Aleo ..cd theo hyno ______ reg fi-<rounds Sttnday evning, ing. Prize witners ,Oere: get "Tila My Faihor's World ws KPHI10 lonrd ho sta ion doors noido firai, Aloi tngram, goals a"rond, sortig Mis. Bill Harris prestdrd, w ETHI opo tn o nacie 0f101tf fnOonr cnoain r the business meeting. Faiiofipinane -'ve beon lyig rond nttagesthng bhat the Fivh; laienît r ti Mia. M. Wilit Acimto fbn l nonolvn c îoiiooo bandits fiet vohen i6cy a lovn amn facde scond, Mn. A. pninted tu pion nd volve 'and- Enspinnot - 1Th11 i, taha %ou ç0min. Ingam; onsolation, Mrs.Mer-lianwhon.0ookies und co ihave h0n hru oin2.5n li,ar -ttonlich huid ina-on choc- 1Ihoeoornm; te Olsh1 hc itîh a hanmoîvpike nd in Dont; trivtoliing prizes Mrsbin g hmo ut the h rknp bar wzc,s abonni compintoinwec F. Noar anti Mrs. W. Hamitn. uly.~ii0 bî.o-hn o lied, butl un topooned. . Siarllgbt Grmo Meeta M aProgroars Thro faîod a licile hotter in o The Bothet Starllghl WA. holti Min..Meoatheraton, Mrs. S.I crilicfl. Stom teran or persnn ihoir lirvi mseeting of thse year Raiph and Mrv. L. Litr wero madehoff ithatrc wndb Monday evening Jana 23. The nosed asvacomnniec tuotaao c Jh rioofHnnilton vatiich rollicuit wordvoas Life' and as op new programasforhe nnning an-tý îarked ui Milton M rat aneed byt12memor. Theoyear. Tonhiaketsacer prhav '- Sales. c. d for ovrsnan relief. MANA toiler of thanka nov t-rtd N Firemen Sit Tight irn thohVîig h i tr e Breaks Ankie On Tax Payments ceied. The metngw vtclused ~ ~ t0E Halion's firof'ighînra andti he tain acting asauvioooor conioct- Icnme Tox Butreau are ouvrent- cd tho saleofn homo moado hakjng Tobogganing ly deadiocho e ibteir figbt ovor anhiîh pmovod bat nih tinn Mri. Bort Keondall of Bronte fironson normag inarne tas un0s- andi profitable nviid latSunday nith herason pense mnsy rocoivodironifigh- Sbnr eld and inaughter-inian Mr. andMr. ing ires. Ahohby hnor\vas hoiti for John Kendall on Fivo nidoroad. A ]citor iron Halion M.P. Soný Mrs. L. Lritr and Mm. Dong Ail 10001 tohoggnng on tho dy Oat ta Halon Muaai Aid co- Woodnwasproseniod v-ith ahav Boînc hiiiv on the Douglas fiort, ordinator Chiei Dnag Wilson ni hiankel. Mm. Hitl 100v honionti and Mrn. KendalliSr. hacd the Oakvleiiodivd ChirfWisno forlthe cîooiiîîand vmvodadc. _ mioruiînotohrea nankte in do notbing ahbothe incoav u iiîionnluch ofivranbcrries and throo placos. She anar tabon t0 ordor for the rment, as the gov- ic o am Miltn Hospitali for tirootoio eraint nov îîoîtino inîîî the A., E. LePAGE 40 Y'Pe Contisnum Sernice FOR RENT $In, 6-eom homes os Mata S1 oil iheseý86x 13lot, nno aan. We Want Listings We have beverol clies eho e lont& Meboes bath nId end Piesse Colt Tom Bradley 'IR 0-0043l Sm -4121 Mesa cd th4e Toronto and Onarioo Real BElote Bourds Milton Area $10.900 Full Prica 3-hotrso brinSk hoagalans nols alarma, and sme, fuli baie- moin, nst loeono., tacile loi. Asb. îng $3500 clama. M FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DIRECT PROM ISRAEL Sweanad Jnay - NewCrop JAPPA ORANGES 5 Pol 69e FLORIDA NO. I MARSH - SEEDLESS - RRD GRAPEFRUIT 96'n 10for 49e Ontaria Nn. i Grade NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES Bug 1.49 CALIFORNIA - CRISP - SWEET - RED GRAPES 2 1bs. 29c MIX'EM OR MATCH 'IM GATTUSO - TOMATO 3c OFF SAUCE ino lot GATTUSO - SAVOIA f IMPORTED) TOMATO SPECIAL PASTE 1kZ GATTUSO - INSTANT SPAGHETTI SPECYAL MIX Pk. loc AYLMER'S PICKLE SPECIAL SWEET WAFER PICKLES GREEN TOMATO PICKLES IMEET PICRIRD EEIS PRESN PAR D11.1 PICKLES aasaua00 o i no - JOUISOII 9.05 OOiiWEU5ia aua GARAE FOR BITTER USED CARS Andi Reliable Automotive Repairs You Carlt Go Wrong At LEE - CHOICE - SLICED SPECIAL PINEAPPLE 2ýi 2 3 c TILLYS - PEANUT SPECIAL BUTTER Jr 2.9C SERVE SOS P ANID CRACKER SPECIAL AYLMER - VECETABLE SOUP TOin 4 for 45C BSB. MIX BISCUITS MEAT SPECIALS DEVON EINDLESS BACON t LB. PKG. 65c POEKY IMILE SKINLESS WIENERS 2 h.i Pki 79C BALLErT Si itIE PINK, 'iELLOW TOILET 2 Noit TISSUE Pkg ONTARIO - WHITE 2 tht1 BEANS P SPECIAL SPECIAL 23e AYLMER - PURE SEVILLE ORANG.E SPECIAL MARMALADE ja 15C IRA BAGS SPI Phkj0îîi ECIAL 3 6ILLEi M UNION Valisgs effectdve la Milton tI Bsît Feb.s 4, AIFCR a and tîi ho a patient there for a uauucr. Miltot Fire Cbif A. E livre.Cimnsct said that abîhoogh bbe Greettaga batille voemod t ho ai a stand Sitthday grootinga ibis ttech nuil for bbe pronni. ai anas ce Io Miss taaret Whecvecbn Jan- initoynroiovror. tilfrol tLawronre tv onfinod Tho firoinon arec rossina thoin ho hi-t homo and ondor docttîrr fiogcra aod honing tho moude cure wilh a kneaainto. He ha, aiitbcdroppod. Theynmade in- boan aîivianatmont-tandnsurt qn esio-in othr Otaiocntres. crvîIo heip rennrc h ihnjniod andîOOSed thal only fireomon limb. -totiî hy tho Hamilton bureaut Oagh frionds vilt hcvonty ta Of the inbtrai revenue dopt. lean lii Mon. Loin Camopbell ta mont are bring asked to poy hun a Pienot in Privaho Patients, Pot- on iheir brigade orpoonco. ilion, Toronto Gencrai Hovpital. Jot.khoyîîoofitheioth lio bo patienti n Bramîpton Honni alt fiod n i-tidot H il INSURANCE lid n tort lorg We n-ish bth the-o a quivk velurm ho hcalh. Buby Obonser 1 M-s. GrantiDeinn-waano-ts ont Thornsdai-ot-niog J.ooonn 2ï, ai a bob-t -tio-ct for Mms Jîîbîî Wittanoîî anît hor infant dangsi ti* Cort Jen. Aflt the giii, eiwdbbcth ladiva,. A ntlcioo- R. R~. FO RD lunch a onrrod hy the honicnvI aastntved bv Mm Dougilas, Lonivi MILTON, ONT. Il ML357 and Mia. Grahams Giltien r' -u Il .-sa- y

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