Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1961, p. 5

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t- Ian- finesi >ffeeed nligisl an Mi- t-iere ma-k nigist rdial- pire Il 8.45 ,ne P. L Roblertson einlry la Mito lW e Lequgl ohdmn 15Ï4 liI sagrs ibis saison#t lisey defeaird Oaks- vila altO iam 9-3 on Tliursrlp niglil. Thie ailier Lise, cntoesta lisve liera ties and the Rainaand Glea WII- lstaois one eau b frisaa lise malniags. Tise second gante Thuraday aigitsi w 50 -Hamilton Speolitor swamp Gai-rt-ala the taoni of 10-2. Stnaadi aliat-aina one of the- fintita gantes if uheseon oaa playeu ansd Hailtoan Qieenstoin Malais ioraed barcl a drialag per- formnace bp Gien Willtamsî an îisey nsoail la a 6-4 vcalry. The Spai. sait-y liais: il an the chia in lise seond gante nile Oak- ailla Raina nîvad itt sale pas- session if third place, one poi aliead if Gien Williams wtu a final nan orio 7-2 ta facaîr ni tise HuitS Pires Tisane Bill Huis paoed flie P.L.R. ai- taok Tisda- aighi ntitis lisre goals latu ot-ocrdit. Tant Barts wua lin d singles ointe front Bois Salai, n Philipi. Skeeotar Hill aid Dn Kearne~y. AI Crus., Mut-tay Smth, Gît-p Haghs aad Mai Lang nalaisot tht- Rami goala. Rani T9ais soitrd t-ht-et- isig goaln t-ha Specatni win nier Gerepsanmd teeiorales Bois Hant- kinand Ke-n Tukfied to ach tu isaip. Singles wet-a 10 Dace Mut-ray, Alidy MOatt-tie and isu Dunai. Gît-di- Bail and HiaIod Timtis e heus Gerrys inarismon. Titres Tnt. Goal Mes Thet-oîp acaring ltrio a Joi Ft-annoa. Bt-uno Delizeet and Bt-ian MacMilan îaoouîied fat- at-I nia Qit-ensn Mtat-n ina- et- n t lit big mia acet- Gît-a Williamsn Sanda,.. A in fart-hue Gien iquad wold haie ntacod lisen îp tnt-o seond place ta tise leagne bsut with tise tains lisy t-e- mintaiack inafoualiplaeseisiad Gakîtito Ranti. Fi-anian. Dolme- andl MacMillan t-ais saitred ia goalsit ici m t-ht- ota.B Haines, îîlaised lo, snagles caine it-ant Bois Websater and Jin Bt-ch- eitt- liste Gît-n sidr. Ceaci sants Wsy Ptat-tag cachi Bais Way tint-id Plbus Ihdrwuly Ditractar At-t Sant ansnic Saadap usai tht- aisial lacaîtil Htokey wanrrantent otish oi eoa fouaidaypeadse-odu- mng Apt-i, aunis ta ho ainthat- woipping niifesg, , , "Tise oay plana isavé wotked t out and eouillesihav-ie en con- iag tain ofat-. tht-o ta ltile daîist lis oilb isesbis iggani yaar eve-camnteîdMr.-Saari-a[ a metraing tait.i faiowed a t- cord gathat-ingofn Tat-Caiity lia- oie offtiil. Theis et niayt- n fat- tan% lar haristub accepted. and toisat thi,.e at-c tn tise Pt-,gt-. ciedutia, miii ha dtataipiand a mnassive puiity noisame ili gointipat-tiaa inevet-ntcei- t-s, ait-an, t hé pt-vice. Latent tanion toantiag lut-i ati t rain Salt Ste. Marie aid thtis tanks as if tl coaid bs tise recortd fat- distance t-i cmn ta Laite patint tisa lantne-. Oc-ti tai tocai icihant,. havt- hait, appt-naisait and hai-a con- snît-id fi damaiat-r thiston-a, fat- tisa tait- dayc. Dî,iîg tisa aestimntisa paiaed istlofideus fat- dacîtat tag titi b i eaand la aoanspeapte misa miish ta ht-tp. Ia tisa accommondation dépat-- mnt Mt-s. Editis Dananais, and Mi-,. Ar-nold McDaffe ouIl agaie bc ta chat-ge and tl ttisi,. tht- Reisekh Ladgo miii again ted ta inrats ta tisa capabletane st-sis lisey hsaca donc ta tisa pa.st Titi t-oit- service at-ns isava ht-en appraai ta regar-d ta gicing fiacal ansstnce taisep ta the p-paratiaa if thetlnny. toish isepectd iodan anues- inat 2,500 peopantutonoer tho fanr day pe od. SER VICE AFTER 6 GPl F4. DAIIY i ont, la i pir. SES LE11N OWEN NORTH END CITIES SERVICE Base Lnailefr 5 1 1.2471 lissas gas ln lise seconad falai usa thé n ana2. r Spacli- tq-- 4idie Militant ielliad le a Mgway in lise saria de i mens as aneli ino lie sienr usesai goals and analsled an an- otser pair. Bah MoJfay added lise aIses aramt iîIy. Bih Hiankinsand Rîn Pilhyaa Onra lise ian ganîlsutreai for Iha Hailton cais. NOTRSt Tise fagueeaoaite bis hsadl ta npplylIts ann maric- ai kil, mises lise alrsa boail niai- att il inaili ai longer prat-ida tsii service un use noena . . _On- ly 10 gînies i-ain in tae lnegue sctedili mitti tiaiisenapuon Miaish 23. Languse USading W L T Pis. P. L. Robetsoni. 13 0 2 28 Qoaranian Mira. 10 5 O 20 Qakailie Rima . 9 6 I 19 Glea Williamns 8 i 1 17 Hînigian Spai. 3 12 I 7 Geirys -........... O 14 I I Gantes ibis nteeit Tasigisi - Gien Williamis ast. P. L. Robetson; Quarillion Malien t-s. Ganryn. Suodîy - Glea Wtillams t-n. Hamtilton Spaclilor; Oaeon Mîlîra vs. Rami. ANY 0F THE ABOVE MAY CAUSE AN ACCIDENT 'ROAD SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS" IBY POPULAR DEMAND WE ARE CONTINUING OUR STORE WIDE PRE- 1 INVENTORY SALE UNTIL ÇSATUPDAY A&T A PM& jeu ivau vauv n ry mure un aur new ana eniergea Bsec. eparlimenE. CHILDUEN'S AND GIRLSt SENSATIONAL VALUE FINE SHOES WOMEN'S OXFORDS & WEDGIES Fineshoe forschol wer orReg. 5.95 Vaues Fine qaity P t-e aana fa n hon e t-t n a riod medgie a or drsaup. Ticsa Str Lop a ir aittire amenare ey-dîy ar and Saddle Guiods Al niais. sprsea.Picd fr e Reg. 04.95. apit-a amen Puc adisfa ti CLEARANCE RG$59 LEADIES' BOYS' SHOES LADIES' PUMIPS LDE"LOAFERS St-atdp tonlet-nanddaniord mth pice. Ladenfae qaiaypmps iradnrtetatartit cok orirethern i sols egnS to5.0. Brken z ran e ot-a ay an this fr n o olesa la u Sînen 1 ta 6.gîap. pt-ce Bt-ao inio islack. Aul nînri $3.61 $200 $3.00 MEN'S OXFORDS A sprandidnasstmrîtofi a i 4 ras styes. Fine grade calinkîn Black and Brow annnrdsand r Ibo MAIN ST. R 0- 161Ueg . 7.95 Reg. a 11.95 MAIs Th HeurS LI9 Hallnnis ir M00 TR S 9261 3.61- -7.61 Mti>~nor PtaydoW'*às Satu dà' Suffers Defeat by ffci]&ofMitonMior . atpln ick ae t By M idgets 8-3 ttie pant .e mil britea seni Tise Nois nn pyd~ 'ia Miton Mudgaun liais an 8-3 via- ln the O.M.H. arasta sut-It tise Acn Monday aighi anisý fsil. e tht ie haplesi Aciie creo tisait raad if lise élimsnaions ig ai aIl contant. Tiserea I. 0t ai Aclan At-ena an Pt-uday augsu ibis Situ-dipi Parts oui niaisa calegory ta tise O.MN.. fort- iis Ilmas aiver isa-sîded gaine outis thseoppossition and lise lealos eltgegrsip andiiseir b aey 8 s1 iaaniteminnlcept shina d,.- iras ln Paris liss Sait-rday nin- limittif ta fague piey MLur iiO'oîtto Actan iirem is ht-a- lng, lise finIt gaine allten i ibis, amants. ho-kn stich at hua Mlo a d-e-at-y lise second gamne si falow. ta_________________ Tisalseo oi he t-an gamn-s ia a ttai galtu t-u nt. Thre i-et-s-a B gante. oui ha ptaed isais ht-o "VU5Wr an tise fnlumsang Salai-day aflte- d nr.PO esPull Win *#,di Na IR é à rift Fur lise fit-si tima Iisneasna Milo Midgescm pwtelined[o uhrci- lise Par Wea nkuiod tu i o neou hi fles sowig f ptto aara adlu inet-B-ampon. Finaisorett i n i eauo l ngh tskaetble.Fnlsoew 20ith lise tit mW -2 fut- theo tuas and a 7-4 mua agauncl Heisineler. Tis meunafiat- Ho-cgalit- had scoitd il Oas Cudîg Brauli, bang Hirn mii ga [hem a lie wlIsh Hes- mimce ia tisa îpening peiid. and Matu Sead wisa zid th, polie n tahie booul if lht-ee Th isaîctiaapod mils a Mon- scoring tanlise ig oie, selr min th ie latigue playaffi. itaa nigisl 3-I vialt-ry n enaîgs Tise Novices cime îisrangh oti Hanpataa isad mua here an Mia- lio ocst Miltont frcm t-ho Tai" a îie in lhisat oIta5 againîl lise day &-3. Caat-uy lcaî "B" pnymuffs fat- flowerooaers and iis s ar,_ Tise tocals sot-d net-en galsis ht, cmx. Bt-inn Hamilton mîrsale fat as oeil. Brampton haut-e Henpnto- nlariad sa t-nIl. cîmtd th- nly gatfo tailtai b.d lad 3-0 early in thoîaînt-ý Bruce McDuffa, Mira Fltcaisr, Manday nigisî. and lisa n thie lisird peiid Rois MaKet-ia, Brian His, I-ha dectdtng gamin mnho nid- KePa na Ted Hood and Dan Bi-i Carit, Dat-e Asçtlia and gai carton oi hc ptnacd batre Her cte u ol a ieAlan Reid sait-ad goals for Mil- ici Salt-rday aflernanani 4.30 lie. Heara ntisad lise net ta the son ia tisa geint- ahîci anas play- pin. tcha tho liat lad,. tail] final seconds oaaolose ouait in d sin epel-. gvtiiiir ttint an efot tu theachanceaI îgi-aiaoin. Jsves Osted cii Pauclt I-calot playaci mn gat Tise haant aontingent did't 1Ai au Heipeat- tant aiglal. i m the cutis tct- tisatii-ait lima .lic invanil iininft-anloaoic , yiu nad-parkt-hiis nn Security with à Retirement Pension before FEB. 28 t SAVE on your 1960 INCOME TAX QWhalta tiste --mi-X imm alîoihire Tua parpîssr? A. I0',o ai- ltta e fo - ro Yar otiller questins aiy lie asoired lis as fa 1i a r'B etinamani aviogi Plais. For full deltails DROP IN PHONE NE 4-1028 TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY 451 Braot Btrsat SRLINGTON Mur.: J. E. Wiiieee Ras. TR 8-9333 Fortaniaveragetiiom 12'pi b 20 atarian fît- raînomy t-nant mi-h no dama pay' met rea lw s$12. MONTNLY CEILING TILE FLOOR TILE i tîîiaa itîti 9 h, 9 EACH MAHOGANY REDWOOD hlluip 1Labltgand Lait.pa . ici M li ST MiTn Sq. Fi. i d :fr d a mi emd,élq for The Canadien C humpion, T1r.,erua n;1961 5 'Miltaon gos tere îwo ar o- --------------- BuCHR rie, two for Lanrence., len for -Spuiniks captaiaedby BllBSu- Hilton and une apiece for MaDfo- tja j4 fini top tbis lup wîlh 34 points. Le aad Fletcher. This a is .c 1411Ww s" Iws 1 opr ulie yKnSut tant ganta ofth tiaff-oluaris~ T..a-, Ilrtadb anSa anti play.fln wttt Liret atnati aclose scond tth 33 white atata. tATShe ilat placte pasitia fiada lwo Retersa Bellin George Wtrnaî, thet te-headtd lem-.. Kiatis Bilans Army and Mitton Mtdge-îta la tu epai- Eiottihmno pitctad hi,. Wîltd,i Dat-nia Rowlys Tigeis ai 2i. Bob Cienaota C. T. Sondi lis lied er ta the liraL gaie if the nemt- ta Ir top ot the pite ta ttte D.i t iîith Hatod Coulotnn Otd Pitia finats fît- th ightîtu eter 1 O.H.A. ataptjîjai an Maîday loup. A 12-0 toto that pa,.tad ove at 72 poits. la the nexi tpat l nigsî ta Mitton. Ledottha Spamiati lai Weiîtia tittin Siîtti 0.S.. untt cati Attan Retd ipcned the s taan i.tave hm76pits l ta i . 2 tnt antttatntpot i ord un a tip-ta fîtit aaîti aid Mc - t.tit tid vt Oiiaa xaîia Mitai, Boc Sat"onai 22. Daffa. Hoaspatat ttcd tl up wiatt i B gpiat. t *ctin Doot S C. R. BANTERt Tht- Zaie lB7 MWottwxsciaahathaotat and [tiean Ieý hI-iiaiiian i'iO i ililiig, ttt.îtIilt t tt h i hatd Bil Cuný ith5 tatliiî lhc Bti 0,-11sSita atiid.î ai Poat Ci-adtt Lxin. Btlt it-ta pan-ad ta Ross Mc- Mlt.,iith 56.i, I it 1iiî i îtamsa ha tiaaiaitaee dkatnhgaliad tackana the piît.,. uuadB.eM n hrai100ooc pck ilhagteemvndt.tokttaadîtto att auMi, l.Xîaîîî titi, ttiatî.stttaalu attplayer egan Hspeer ie ilup vh vek iqdafi ai. poi.i> M in Il uîa t haau t.2pur pnk. Mitotîwuanhaaîhanddad adaî- 1.ack oftthi.,onufi-r ,ai, I lîa uoiitinin ut u. .es ii Wed- id a thtad itahe scond. St-totîaauîit 5tt; Geirge Ooiîdta ieaav uughti, an vot onl have la1 tha thtd paaiad MuKcrit Ftittui tutti 44; RBo Vivrall-itt- ui lit) vvcitt Georitge Wtit-y.. attpped ta a Httîaa paahaîauttd Jaottth4,aî î u i i atta iîîat ha o id hi the deirtat-utd eftortsnît Ntp Miakatia I aeditti t iili 36i, laîiîingoti taIra thse lha Heapatia refeaa. Hoopitit- piiti iitiipioiithisuiiaia added tuai mate ta nuaka the fatinacr 5-3. Haîpatitas tast to goatsaer toitaaid totth tht-ai Mittn meaai taho penatty han. malyto naties r foaltaaiadaai M ILTO N Oaty ttapaati 1 ota antti on Hengotit- da-tag Iha ganta Secndî garnie tut the -uita-,s ton,.t Haîput- on Waîtaa-uîay atght. LUMBER HEARING AID SERVICE BATTIES - COUDS y 1 E I i JJ ;L j I. ACCUSSORIES AFO Y URH M JOHN REYNOLDS CONSULTANT Conaet-aînrsd attit- hrait-menit pace quickty and eastty t-o anetta bert-iin a ectratn t-nranta naît-a mat-h spoan Far arviacr and repat-n cati tno aid pay tnte- on Milt-n Lambrs Budge-t Plan. Takeaup o3ya-n t-n pay. Yîa atre t-he at-a aha bat-eSti ohea pan MILTON hrav orbholdigipoeetorrnva dcculg PHARMACY ~ thed aitr tinit-, tirame and mote-ml at-e avnîlaite. Chec iu pecal nia ! 14 Maetin St. Miltsn TU 8.2343 am- b u y yb rsey R$AVE .You BEEN VIOLATING YOUU MILTON SAFETY COUNCIL NOTES SOME OF THESE MOUE PUEVAIUNT PARKING VIOLATIONS: 1. Parking on WRONG SIDE of Street. 2. Parking in CROSS WALKS. 3. Parki'ng doser than 30 feet <îwo car lengths) of any intersection. mli 5î - 1WIý r- V117-1 ý"ý ', ý 7 1 1 1 Il 1 1 1. 1 1-1. .

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