Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1961, p. 12

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114 TtiaComanain Choant, Tinars, 94bruerys 2nd, 196 CAMKMLVLLI W.M.S. Instalis Officers Hears Reports of Secretaries Bp Mae. R. C. Moncil M:iîe Mi"s. Frter: pianisls. Mr. Crdword waobii Ico M Mahlloatnd Mr. Crac- ite W.M.S. of i. Daid's chrc sontNc preo oer Mrs. R. loi' lte aouariceilit. Mrs..Hrre eIl nd is Aee Farter. A. T *Moacre apee -il lte ceeting leadersof cilte Si. David: girls' citba short Bileeainogaksl1 6cuis and Mis. T. itchoell and Joint ' lite hit h Il..sf i Johbî. Mis,. j:%ce Cheter, leadrcof lt, Clî::îoi'. line F:,o:daiarii::the Cilileo :1 the Chori. %%,,, ng 111, -o.:.l:l:ciî-i lTe prdcl pa110cr fur lthe iin 'J'a go Mis,. P.î:l.c: r,îd m.nhiîs R% J E aîd Mrc.iSo- Mr . -Maliî. hiîraed, cl-a Niii b o reloreieg inu re~port, %vote given bY nFroa s moelh Alerter illerolouiie, secret-o 11110 e it Tac Roberts, Tairvae tU:î1i%ýKi,; 11:0 ]îoiii::îgs (Formosadidnd rooioeilit Miss Mi, .Kiiiis:IN wlloîiî ii Jeae MoFloîli %vadoreai ito Mrc. îidc0 M:Cc.îo.:.lpi-c LC,.oioiorolThits wasvety i- ad Mrs. Mee:cs: soppil leelsilifg Theeclasîeg pdragrepit M:..R FIlîi .pd tica-sureril of lier cas 'liloe lthai Ms . d Mitl . Le Ics ol ipl::aioilloi a secse ofoteiic precidl:ae %î-ere rc.:d li:ce lits. %îh ius as pdrt cf Chito M.Mthell,.k.::icuriolite gil ciihur eoland ilcitre oito s in and:î: .::luî. ilcel. le.lil oîicoîlc:iithegidaneaddri- 0tIOC. hlieg of tho Hale Spirit iait liaee Preideot Chîlsîs poàrpili cac hu dacmIt- 95 i.:: :îleol lthe ollicelrs lisitil itoro tar 1 preclîleel, Mrc. Parkerc Ms or cdanwlte M1:,s C: I.iio a, i,51'1 -ilion bci Roger Talbtmis ,n rci: ' C.:î::îs, inie.: Boit chters s M- co c.- 01: Tid1c, .er itrsiog. itSseroul -b.::col.iilia: %ve dîscoosediaule-, M-l:. g ac d se.Iîc:,. :îseeîintlrcclinît ho Wîîceeo 1ýi -- ond1 M-.0 Mon. iîc O :î:aor Lîke a tiîeplicrd Lead l"', ~ ~ ilîssoeung Afilr grace crac Sz:sI \i J1 K.î:î onaneýii sî.l lthe itess. assicîci its Nt--Fi 1) .A-.. hom:eclelp- Its F D andl Mis.J.K. Maion, F, E ::-.: -oil. ,*,,idiI îclri'ehtcce: i 1 1-1 uni-e te .01111ilo liore crîioo h' lite 15 M-: Mi:: ls . LK. ituoscrit.0 Donald C. MacDonald Outlines New Party's National Policies F0 'îi. NL ld t::: hooed al gis:i::il:leiiibcakclidbl. Oýc . c 4-.:o ticNeî P.:rls as, cadidateor na1er izti ho:.: c o:îrlîiosiics en Hesî.cderel ce., how an -ztrZ le oticeit son-car-'ooepep:eîîoldiikeleoreloîeltua .îeîllil,,an qoied to e lcaoso l:ee eslcrprî'soeslec addedecel ii l c P:cr.:e::î Polo: lîîr..llitîesao:dl legisi.aio lie nov .1, pie.pIn le h.: ..:ep.::ge hîsie. In essene hoe sido the Neoî ho ubi rel:. îiîsit tOlo c::one, P.ilsiî woui copportlealoealed- in:::the o1ls:l:iee l:ous.l:.ams::liolî.i oul h ie flice best finOilnd en te o0rd ut inlereof tlhe peule, tiiold e and:ssenioilitrcs. co::siippir l ie:îliîhr hs:s spo.:kcîgLt. metn of:tlle Tradi alir .:: ecos VoIis Assooia- EIa.La,.e ii :en in e thoNe Centra l Sho:o, W. cci"aaim &WC P 1 îin i qeson 1:: len À0s Acte,, Mufites the00 liner, as to..L th Pett nioaiaion oidsli-v WIi:loi à SphIV ..oD6sa bhopLîrsoîcdh iî e Neîl Party, MaîrgaetBelseer troc Woesl Mr Macionaîoldlcid htinotie holachoothilokitophcelors old ls Dulies ando Foils main-i tîlho H.îlloe lespeciirio pohlic ti::îcî thoîr 0:1:1 .îcîcee i il spekingconeo fiteld ce Fridds I pubhlico lpinione ioeilcol dl 1ho îenîtî Morte Stîreet High sohool. neoilsscsldlfhlcr. cu ociex Milicn.. :,îr.îiliîclonl io ,i.îs î Mîs Biselecr111 wonon ov oid,one ouîîldlid uîcînlîîl lîrlol,,f ol eilair coneseoicos iod- incol Plames, trains, sirel carc, ing cepreceelalires trocr Milton al isîîî hîîaî, llîîîîolî nat:iona:l- andî Acoî,. Sito-îis îldocl hosi i/edcndn.l.oks and ole.îaxîi:cy MiîssF. Mers,prinipal of (If îaiîîî skindi, loin: laiad1 .îîlKillîîî:l -foul, Alo Beidal. a fati 'oll.lel I110.llîob ilI1lvrlvi'lohdsl*icx in A,É.n cllolI, ado.l e.:l.alîod hso:oandGuelph, and:Re%.Camcpboll cln. gel .1 11,l1 liî:ou~i e. :lî. ea Forgoo. bced Ecplîîî:ec:î Gli:o, p îlsIa PIoshîloel Mrc,. itîî Hers., of fllet lh:ogi Li c.îoli::lc Posl lbe Wl Giolo Homc ccd itohool ifice Lis %:cl: os :îî:es% ntlicr, cc Asstooîîîoo Milton, precenled tlîe amlples.lo and :î(neo: d îîhî n:11:: .:î.rol t [loie Nincn10 r on hehilf ___________________ f ellthe Miltîon Huce anod ichoul A-ocliOdlollc. Chairmde ourte GIRL GUIDE NEWS cotetRoocîîd Foot, prinoipal ______________________W._1. ticoi School soid l itni il s% nl delisic vol sîhuiher 000:121 in the SCOLIi tho lioci vill eo oe t ooel hall ý"a p-oOllgldacshfild i heîHalon utWentworîh coe- h\ tl, 'îidlMiltonel,:ri Gu:ide FCo.1 i olîroati-Cîîsî.: M::. C.ý I,,1 l,, lrls pariîîof Ih po il" grl a 1:1 ciM-R Brn-,, ,hl oi GOT THAT.. Martin1 clî.ploî LOUE! R,. D. A. Po.:îJIl 1-1,uni t11he' Ceîee:sseîîc Mi-,. A.I Je:cî b e,an :.:îîcoi- Slîcili ,r Religionî - - fi'.:: . ir . ::î II. i,.o il-:. h M'ir l::-.:Si'ýý. .e: .lli .100si 0 h p::e:e Why not paint up insid _____ our Spring sock and a Re TNESE REDUCTIC ELEPWONE--TEIEVISIO 3 D y R Mi jfF rO A£ THIRD PLACE WINS cera reearded ai lte Pmnvincial junior larmes Conereone ie Toroto recnoîi b9 ibis geop repr««t.- ting ltae -lon rnioed quartette cnd ladies' trio. le frcnl are Joy Haycnrd, Aileen Harrop, itarbara Biggcr, beiid an.i Tomrmy Hooler, leader Moi. George Neceli and Johe Wilson. lThe trio itad 85 marks, lte quartntte 83. Ja Norma Bird fIcte d. Dimctor for 1Soil a nd Cror Association J. Normn 0eut, Geargetona la. Mary, ai Hatno: furieers ai- Gooci Speaker wau elecird as Zona rapreeta- lendec i l Cunveiatn la bc le lthe evenle*. glieut speaker rive fer Hiallea Wellington, aod itroagit p le date on nec de- ai te annuai banquai waî Jamen Waterloo coeantinu.t ta lte Otlver, vebiposentsein" Suieand Croitus. S.y Duneca taiinaPlrmn, Dentadrna. la Salif andt Ceitp Improvent seroal secot eeiedfrHduEeil uerCree Auaceaioe Tthe OneleciSio iabnd , poo ad tarnlp groceru. heon. fls tapin: "A Citallenge ta Cpe titoe Ontrie Sai nd <monq Seu ie eien or Crot IiernetentConeeioe. Geeral Sasomu cere itld un On Jaouary 27it weed conîrol Thelt ant Conu Association Januury 26 and 27. Thea prograen out lthe feature. lugelther eth wau repetned ai lthe Caieve- oin iaearp 2600 itncluded iefore- cri insuronce. neu, findingsinl tiniy lite MolKay, Geoergetown. ation on grasind farmien. pas- fertilizer oie, and forage iturneol- Worid Saed Year s n red tare for iteef collie, and anew i10. ai lte lait ilorretitieun aut Istti. fyor lu iaodlias forage. A Titrnagit lte convention,a ai-y 23.261 and V field ai lbe Colî- discusson and film dcir cuit numioer of edocaional exitibili aonuin Enhiitioln Park, Turn- lthe winelng paillure praclicet of cere on display. loclading a rond- HearI Watsan, "Pasture bing" of el of lte Herit Wtson ltre. ~oeeroosa Onlrarln. Tite day cneaded witit Haha M0 *e a iusicon o ther aillae and uid lte lth consectitve uniuol Arogus Asocoatto Ooreoao bp W. P. Watson, Ontario MI Dr. Toe Buirgees at lte O.A.C. Agricultorai Outtuat fer 1961. deparrueee of animal ititanai COMPORTABLE Ai ey nas lthe ganai speakr ai lthe _ _ __ _ __ _ canquai meeting ed lIa Ceairai Raaica Ontario Aberden Anges aao laei te CiotP Hall. G= STREETSVILLE recentlp. About se tneebrn anal guenlu 25 THO atlnndnd the discetr andallrv î1à iog Dr. Surgess' aibleea tere PO EN cas lte preonntation et a color Presidet lie MoKap gave an juallen cin eilew nf the argnt- ciudiog Atigus ited chtampion- saipu scorod ai ditterret ehb- iioni and district tain. Set Sala e Dirncioronilecled fer iten ieg voir wore Jaees XoKap Gnîîrgeiewe Oscar Leiit Har ristan: George Siurey, Guelpit; Gordon Schiteiir Petersbuarg; PmaaSUROel PAINT Johe Wiiieoii, Milton and Mur- rayFrtz Gelh, it Rssll SPECIAL CAMPSELLVILLE Loegclrrei. Bontaoî. e ret- -- arc ireaulrer. (~1 SafTtc spring sala eus net for a Alit1d fiaI - ail our Post O ffice Saf Expands clieenollatrr th e ecn Cubs Hold Tobogganing Party MTheync recont clailed im $6.10 GAL. itp Mrs. George tegla %veekeod goeslc wî thl Mr. aod Mrs. colt., %icc-piesidenl. - $1.75 QUART Mr. andMrs. Smîlhee Crre Wallace King.r 101 iîî.l il, lth, pr Mrsc T, Rbrs rameo troc ucollecpoîîy orS.S.l1Slcol sc- Toreonteo Soedio ou clo' with Coeosor U.C., M., 1.B... C.D.. cen on Sedncdverîeietohoo Mn. and Mis. Williac Roberts Dopoiy Sherril of Yark Cooty. rio er ur 0di Calhaoî le wi.i Erîoîlale. ne Ciîric. Isabel OSmîith, Claudo Hardy Pîîrdv Sr. aileodrd ltae Freodo of' Mcs. Frankt Wheeli- PAINTS-WSPG ecis, Donald Scall andIHarold fumerilo[o flIlolccrcinr of hano ad Mr. Jack Weiha re AU Scdil. The nexi porlo shli bho h i Gacma GrIa ce Tues- plcdocd lu keo ihey are icproo- - i îcld len 100 liees ai flic homoe oies lthe laie Col. Jocos Dooglas ieg lîomt ibeir rcentille If Robert Ibuis. cceimpoîiseîs!,clecd 1e Ms fie Gîleoo and Anna. Mn. an Oins. Chorlcs Welsî oed Mr. and Mtrs. Aedrelv Franktandifaci dorieg ltereeco loco ofitrint fe lcîcd. lthe laie Mrs. William Franek of Georgownsi seio veu horcd ai i. aids Pstieeia Cceeery onMond:s. More Staff Foira pari lice staffi the Cdcphelliile Pîol Office isex Peceled thic îîeeb. ho lthe perol of Mrs. Haold Domisoandols Roberti Elli. Mis Margare Doofon- (litîssport thesîckcendoith Mis LoIsîi, c Mr. oed Mrs. Fioî'd Boîlcs on îeei.îieol lte Cubîho nie llîca Io a1 llîotoggai parîsoun Friolý e-n nReid', Hill, Ihence t te Bnsioso home for hot lued andoinoes. Sicloe Lots attnd. Mr. and0 Mro. Allai Haoleyanîl BrulcR,llclo o1 Fîiososîîor F EE L1N G ? ta nono and save st make way for Ire offcring dcuction on ail our uality Moore Painis eduction on somne iscontinued LUnes iNS FOR OnIy -CHECK THE COLORS NOW AND PLAN YOIJR DECORATING. SAVE THIS MUKNO AT An open and shut case for an airtight car Pick G Volkswogcv. Any Voiitiîvgno ld or Eecîn of thn cap lte VW i dai:a.d. your :e-.Wueh theoner gnt l% Choieaen esolc raeo:egeoîls aeeeulcvoy doc, Reeaoseeolithe en lhe haboh f ei aies lte vcirdon belos.te e e cîith wch il is eoeiîael il st.ys w shol: lin doo. Te seeson: Hit Voibîogn is longer and goos alo more graeefully. Tholis o:îl:ghl. (We keep iteeîieg lai ltoe VW orlo- cliyyootee sixand sener-yeas.old Vlkob geri ailycîlI fboat5i ruamigvaoerd le wooyeas-oldi. And iholis When a Voikscogen letont lte lotor, why ltey holol lhe:î lîaden-voalue belles thon esyshieg fls. onry polt stays as ligisi as n Dry eites ar druos Y losyc and peaus Volkscooenssdonsl Butlcidorollhink te Wiis a ood il eer develop ualies, vn n she:î dolana. And rhnp ho îepsoond. Wn ore eonslaslly lisdîog ceyî donst reo awy bnathyo. taemokail a boletar. Titi Volkswageo il a solid ec". Il cvos de- Fou eeoeple, lte unec so in te hoont sigved lhni cap, ted eîr hiactryemploys biren itaon t n enî o t ves î 10% nore lcouoOnd nietneiOltleeeItoinay.rn- passgpoersbutniitsbnthecsaineeooy. pleted ears ose rejnelod lor faillis and itinoîîhet Hon ail lois gnas orn iyoeiteo:ed. loi eoe you eoldnl spoi nviti yoci naleut nya. On lokn change nd f5 irs niiteol ssoppisg. Titnînis more psidc:in e olbieegev' inOis. Ieidc ad out iponnoonder thnhe on hoo. Tee cn loba bop aed batoiren ltae V i d:ppcd and îpîapnd neoîiy tice an mci ioggagc. ltrougiîe ours ofpeon. ViipvuVW deailersuri feuartensi of Ohn 91 yo olksee povobensa hi a irtgt cso ebuyinga olksbicten. lasg inetient An inemn tacavgoet caitcei af 331 alSelea Sta sealea lusataas l* mm CmmkIa. Trna itat* otin alàal li tanr-cep Street. Ocast CROSS SALES Ir SERVICE tcnînntloecsai in iarP R.R. 1TEL. TR 8-62l GermnyspnoraConadiao gocids ire Thrwwu Quarry BMIfFý1 g Crushed Stone qu.ariea z ana aweya tuock un ani5dflreai 2 pie. Tburuday aitt cciii. age chen an oil coverad aieaa et grouond cauglit tire and tbreaten- id a nearby building. The lie wau under contrai by lthe turne finrement arrrlcd but respttrd in $1i0 danlage te thto tin strtucture. Fur Ibousands of yearu maoi- bled hbatotled ta controi fils Moat vatuable of nervaato-ira Nac in lthe awfui climax ne. leur fisionbe bai-flaah, tthe baille faabas new furi and eaong. Ci HOME CCOMMODA11ONS iltmaies IURSING HOME MAS ST. TA 643116 GOSPEL HALL Sixeonthitbae oue puosedosnce teopeeingot the Gosnel Hal ai 3060e Otroi. North Milon. Titeprnu bot ofte ospçIbsbe itusitc eto ite auvton of saufsand iool et laie on Jaeoary i. i961la numereo el lecrs fol- bored lthe Lord ie itaptisae bp imeerion. tli urn broagit ta aar attactiac ltai came faîka are acder lte Impessaion vie are, or iteîocg la ltae leitac tuicect.na Lai us pablily atate tac arn e ina wep con- nced wlib titeci Thte wriie op tetoso uppeared in lthe Canadien Citampion six eooibo ago soio carup ay nîiiunderclanding nn locl oor eed t0 repral lthis article. OIDER 0F MEETINGS: EACH LORD'S DAY: 1030 A.M-BRAIiG 0F RERAD. 12.15-EIPdAY OCROOL & BIBLE CLASS. LOS--CIILDSEN'§ MEETING. 7.001l-GOSPEL MEETING. EACH WEDNESDAY 8 P.M. PRAYER & BIBLE READSING. 1. Who Are W.? Chitiins oîonieg onirue oaitlloes as are giien t0 lthe cbldron of God le lte Newc Teostcment Scriptores, socit us itelieors itreltree. saints, Clirisîluen. ec, anly of îobich salis- faclorily describes ail %vitoa beloeg t0 Christ. lAclo 11, 26; Colo- sians 1-2), We arr oi ihose soho bave no forcolaled ereed. bol occofi the itole Bible as lthe ooprreme and final aoitoritc of fait and conducl. Tite Word of God li oor iniallible guide le ail thingo. (2 Tirntity 3-16.) We are ut citose cio oitierve ln siepliciip tite ordinancen tnft by ltae Lard lente for Hit pole. naeelp Bapiof etirie itelieere le Citrist (Mtallthe 901W: Anti 140 ani tite Leeda Sepper. <Laite 22, 1920: Acti 2-42: i Cor Il, 23-27.) Peritaps o cord muy ele inrnifer as ta lthe ordieunen oitoerved. An <irdinance. loa ali ad for lte beliener iitould ceen a ltreefidd iesi. Pleul. il eust la detieilnly ceeeandred it lthe Lord les.s an reeorded le lte gospels. Second, il mont la prueiiid iy lthe apoolles. as descrlbed in lthe Anis. Titird. lin spiritual olgeitinance eust la clrarlc nspesaded le lthe episites. Only eco ordînances meel ti îbroefîîld test: Buptim and the Lordis Sopper. Sichuer grains of belienerin lelthe Lord Jesos Citristilloa nu lte New Tentaeent pattern, ceel le ail partscof lthe snorlîl. 2. Whaf Do w. m.r.e.? Thte felleaing fandamntl irolts of ite Holy Sceiplures are field and ugit bp tose wbo mee i llthe Gospel Hall. 1. The ivine Triaoily ot lthe esiernal Goditead. coesioling of Faîbar. Son and Moly Spirit. Noi iee Godi. bol une God- itead ubsistieg inlthre Persans,.each equal andnternlWviri eacit ciller. Read (Mattheo 20.,19: Johtn 15-26: Heitrnc- 9. 1314: Epitenianu 2-tO: 2 Corinlthiens 13-14.) 2. The essetiel and eternai Deiiy efthe Lord Jetos Chtrit,. lte Son of God: Hic nirgin iirt., sinlein bousaity, sobstilo- lionury sacrifine for oor rndeeplion. itedily reisoreeciion. ascren- sion, giriictiin,preei inir ailterigitiited ofGod, and Hlie eal and persenal second comniig.Readl(Hireos 1-8: LobaI.I 26-35: 2 Coeinthiens 5-21: t Peter 2-22: i Corie- ibians 15, 3-4: i Timeithy 2. 5-6: Acis 1, &-il: Hetrrsc 4, 14-16: i Tlaaananti 4, 13-tO: lobe i, 1-2: 1 Tieothy 3-16: Fl plans 2. 5,11.) 3. Thte Deiip and Fersonuliip of lthe Hoîr Spirit, cito ln- cpired lte crilief ol lthe Bible. wnio convcts lthe -lober of bis losi and goillc doile itetore God. and, un the sieecl' oaiceplaince ofiChristlasis on peronl Sviitr and Lord. rennraeî. ieilselloildecpoero fitta servelitheLordlJcsis and ta fixe a toi*v lite on cet. Rood (2 Peler i. 19-21: John 16, 7-15: Epiteciaoc 1,.13-14: 1 Coinieans 6, 19-20.1 4. Thte Bible is lthe Divnel iespired. oiîlbeeic and aolbîîr- ita1ive woid of God. and is lteretoie lthe Cbrisliae.' comploee guide on ail] milliers et failt and praelice. Reid (2 Timoiithr 3, 14-17: Mulitheo 24-25: Poulies 119, il, 89, If5.) 5. Thtar calcalion front çies penalie. secorril ai lthe letielle cotof ailthe preeicuo btlondl of Chitl bas lae pronided tee evn iener cito ciii unval] biseif ni il. Titis salealion nboliv ot fr000. unil ltrfore eellrele par froct hit et-il inan silane or lorm.I i, Crîîdilic)erl ho cisipe filli ln Citris tinisbed cent et redeiplioe. wiii Hi accospiobed on lthe cross, acceptance ofHiie aso:o-s own pprsoîonievor aend confesion oHiceasltheLolrdi thil fle. Re.îliJohn3 14-1: -5-24: if-9: 14-6: Romns 10, 9-10: Epitecians 2,9-9: Romanes 4, 1-5: i lobe 5-13.) 6. Eueb retenerulrd belirrer is nol onlc elereaill scire in Chtrist. itu.t, lthe Hels' Spirit. huas bre coolleI îthe las et Christ:theCbrcof.liie heChitiitheiHead. and es-er bse- ]e eratembler. Reod (Jobn 10, 27-30: 1 Corieîthians 12. 12-13: Ppitesions 1, 15231) 7. Tite elernul retriboln et God lpon a11 sîbo dlie le lteir sins.riiter reiectiiet. depisineor neglectinge ent alsivaion pronidrd ts te redemnice scrnfie of lthe Son :t lied. eid (Johns 3-36: t, 21-24: 2 Titeccolonians 1, 7-If: tînitreos 2-3: Reeelalioe 20. 11-15.) 8. Atorfgospel serv.icesno collections of meVarealite. Or Lord.s neîrdn are ail-r pied liîrroiiv: "Frecin ce borve re- ceived. frreiy gile." Rrad Malbeîe 10-9: i Cîireliiins 9-19.1 3. Why Are We Here7 ChiTe pn-eeel the gosprel (re. iOrebjeoli%, o icic :îî:s foe I. Man iii ost an ne-elc I:o- ..:s: 2. Ho caeeel ce ne lîimseli: 3. Thte Lord Jecos Chtrist bas prevcied salcaien; 4. ThenLord JessChristiisableltasve and t rep al tha put titeir trust je Hie. Read l(cite 3-3: Actn 4: 12: i Peler 3-18: Hebrr-ce 7-25: Jade 24.1 GoSunit je briet. is lthe espianaion toe lthe prenenee et lte G pel Hall ai 306 Ontario Street Norlth, Milton, Ontari. To is ereaebien services cou are mosi cordiaiip inviled tal attend. tn lte werdç of annîber cie wuld aine nef. Cete tou cith on andt -e no-lt do lter gond. (Nuebere in-29.) Trueing peu cap vieil uono aine reain Voue servantn for Jeousalie. I. 1

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