Contribution cf Private MP0's F l lOy Sandy RosI, M.P. S'oa MrF Se .0ls .Ii- eb*0U0li «W~ !. People frequetîs asis me noie- visoos eoesemy. Tise importent tiser priecte Memisers cf Pochia- cil ohteisod freen tise seed isus tneni cern aciec mchi, cr ie- rd for a eerttyeffrtihleottd i- derd aistoin mach sattisfaction duntriet ttcreeeet. Rrysold Rapp t thise tr crist Oittts. It s wocrking toaans more aqeit- colt ho difficit. pompia poittt ehle freight rotes, wito coutl ouet, intse case ofmciers of encourae fermers tc gtcmore t aParty fcrmiez the oternment, of tis4oeelent,enon-surplus pr J partitclerty soit), a -oetantici duct. f eajttity. Heer Smith fron ice Nr- Wiileiliî hiard t grnecclize thslnsOtari,ssmcredhord onselttatvide ttpic a, this, 1 te retait otme meonere of sii usecelis tapis ihat il is estirely building sn Casede. Shie bsuild- ptacil fra miserof Parliac ing yardsoaithie teen et olief- mete te ai defiiettancd sons- Wooed, in his rIdiez, ore an, m stniteti coeniisutiensstnd tu foie portant foctor cf emplesment in mcch stisfatitt [tee, hiserrisar thet arsa. Oecesteordert fornmoe crlt. 0i coreote de noi.t[hon 12 millien deors mertis cf Inevtsrs y.ariv, tharo eOy bc vseo te bc huilt ai Cetliseseed tts luisc h lied il dilfirlt to ad- hose proee il s ceos s isis ju l oa crouaine otîttereet front prOjeot. Wiie t.eige cempeti- tiai proession oraocctpation hie- tioe, due particutarty te tee, lais- foe atisas mare elacted, and cf ccc rates, cans cemetimes moise torei deponds greatis epon for ions costly pcodects, in samne the idisidua[. It i eetirelype rO.aces at lesti, tise tas and con ste tu caitea .distinct eetise- pieyment hanefits rerteinty cor-- iioi he i f cangeision e nt tise mcting of settis seas stief togisiciien. croc lefisaio int Canada. ah evdor parisaps in tise moe There are mocy etiser once,- suiteia [[as of pubict opinion pies. A Member cf Facliaioeet. and tneoctde. as os individuel cr maite cigni- 1cntisinis et a nemiser cfr le- firent rcnributions in tisa fields stnesliara mamiser.,ihave ch- hs is c ataedhaeacfical rous. Ail, cf reurse, hsave te dai soiti mcny NEWS FR030 hundred of soial and indstrial P bi c o l préhlameý Naraertistas macs v fis stii e area ainala er mit@f lo ntisa issue cf ctpttal peri ishe,ot. His priate ills brou- Tisis ocai a meeting socs isaid gist htAle Hacca cf Cemmens fer principals of Hlat aea Na. have ttked istatad deas and 4 ccd Wentccrth aea Ne. 2 in midaospraad puicî inerrect. tie Bec-mec Public scoea. Tise Thora arr fa,' sueaon ,,t tiir sehjert c at ceaaica Eegiish in lhcaeraccivadmoraiaetiars thtn t ie ciassoece ced tise spakisr fiictif cptaipaeiismnidr- eHowrd Adainsthevisas] ira tise pavtoi tisai tise fattes a- edecatien dircter traim Harit- imitd ibis ise Ali ibis piavo tee. A qestion hex discssttteo a Mest imporiant part cn express. c-cc alolteicd derief tise meat- ieg tu tise Gasarrement pehiço cf. opiiotn andeoniorminf people On Wedneda theagrade 7and ofîtheatarsisse in ciaitieirhi8tacens wil maetcithMr.Mu' Goercmat may maka legisi- Niiand Mr. Hccterand hifh tive changet.scetl cienceand math tat ers at tise Martin Sîrct Higi Liod CrouefcccfNova Scot- sahel fo gececal iisei. ias ueacs-Luenehrgacecstite- Tise Ieiicoiog Wedecdcay, iseý, ecy bslong advcateaoCoastpuis al teiacs ill met Geard sarvice. Specising ced et- ,gain fer an in-service pcacrcm. [tne. fiis effects ccre rcccet cith serraIs as tisa Minictar c Transpert hcecght aoutc a ce ciigemaent cf Gesercmect vsseit specÉiialsv fer ibis pelpoee, Aet new vssais ara biic biett i bolstur ecr Coact Geard. Frens Sasoatchean, cre hon gretr to c cap Oayeeid Rapp' claiiad teeosiadge cf rapaceet groctef ced e,., Satico. Thsis rî icrectýice plant. cot grttcn et tisre quariersocf a milion ars cn tisa Wet tsoe wchi cet ferihar divecsify ccc p1ir PROFESSION AND TRAVEL DENTAL DR. G. A. KING Dental Scrgent Otfice tin tRoyal Buiding, Miltot Heursa 9-5 X-50p Servite. Tel. TO 0-970 DR. H. F. GALLOWAY Dental Surgnon 155 Matn St. con airent fions Ho-r O) tn e et.. Y-etc Service Tel. Office TB 8-9201 MacDOUGALL CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC X--c - Lcbtrctaey 35 Drnt r th. y . vl,n Victorpc5-2291 tOcere, charge, -rcpied) KENNETH Y. DICK Baet-clte, Solcitor, Nctacp Foi Tetene TO 0-4491 T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q-C. Beccitter, Soitcitor, Etc. 131 Thsonas Street TetePhene rtO 8-6551 GEORGE E. ELLIOtI, Q.C. Boirvser, Solicitor. Nctacy rasti Officr 207 Mary Street Tclepisccc TO 8-9202 SHARPE and NICHOi.S W. z. SHARPE A. J. NOCHOLS ide maie St. uiOllO ToioghlO. Ti à-MVil F. OAVO TIm~O B&sci&er and Ballotter lu main 85co6$ st,,ut-e 6AlalBM Ikuww ibs eOtioe t@W4t- ft W aiFslsfwzt2eM. ed ImOl m-fl. etsonl-sotc 0*10l vao Cellh6f Hot * n hW=fen pslw- igfcell oflIge &"ekhem e00 y4tRjllllW IIRAIO AN MWP9WA& hoâ lcti irèe s eot cqemtd l IR« enceSsezgO yactisl stcgecs, frem bth rcral and crisse srisccs. tareces lite tise oe a pcirorycd ccci sieve tise firct fesival mes hl-id ie 1928. I-lot Milier's J.I orvepts tise fccst piton ticphy le, trile duett deig onst year's festival ficols i marts tise 30th anveccoy cf tise fesival. FLANS THIS SUNDAY'SPlnsra Church Calendar uc otn fheaitticaid fistt aid in tise pubic KNOX PRSBYTEEIAN CNURCN Sy. PAULVS UNITED CNUEtCH sahoois. Miistet ev. J.K. L. MGecn Main and JsnR Lecture en Art B..Milt egB Anetser n-secicemeetng slil <e, A.Mielstec 10ev 1. L renoe=o felesa wecis icter ith Acice Oreantst and Choir Mtasier A.B. .Aohri-evc etn il Ms .WihATCM . tis the pia cf oct. C. M. Gray. "Conte induc tis on d me tctlt SUNDAY, FEBRUAeY 5ti, 18 Art Sraepoenetslos O-eieMoc- de gîe, god." tfsmbse 10. 290 9.4 e.o.-ScetSey eScl o ea à c ary ts lils in Guelphs, mOl be tile boy np d giels nuo yree s speaiser. 1Tiustaa. 9c5. 2, [961 t cm. - cgr ild eide. d Tise International Reading As- Pir-Cc-non Pvefeittctt 11e0 o.. nNeasery c Ocsm in1 rsocatien Heiten Ceencil cciii Sericea.-Daner'nDe Not Ener riscraish sece, meacOn February 20 ai8p.m.i Uctot Yeu Mcao Busiss!" tt0 a..-Mrnn-g ilWorshipj. In- s tis Gienod Fuicl Saheel le cUNDAYFE. UR 5h 196 stallatdoniE esaet tan- s Bcciingten. Tise tepir miii hie Tise t945 c.c Tis Titoa tni. *Tise Pelicyof tise United eof the Rade. 0St,00a..SncecCsarcisSisea. Cisavaiof Canad." 11.0t e..-Matctvf Woe,ap 11.00 e.m.-Bere and girls leur "Tise Seacd Ecede. Steve- art of age te rtght woi as- 5~O95OO O 5507 OOST0 i~- ment of tise Ltdts iScpra. semblie in Then Sanaceaned 11.00 a.m.-Nutteto preaeed te, Sendeaiseel et iu.aoni.~aencvCscraSasai thtis secnd isrmn. AL DIRECT R a18oc anm.-Yeeg Pecpeos COrtet- eeet ai tisa hoe cd Mr. Lice- invYa,th Waott Fvos dr lot donsMaNeis.102KingSt.,TU LERS' GUIDE thsetrWOeOst etian Peas reem ediliobsta"to, ni 1n c StonaynFebruett meai-"Gct houridWrkersncofToronto. T.grice, Gtoca. Hoerv, Mît Visiteta Wamy WeIcaeod ACCOS1ITING Doz Lace. Sovrah Si. ___________ _________________ CNURCN 0F CHRIST, OIMAGII EARL G. BLACK EMMANUEL SAPIIST CNURCH Ne. 5S idsrmd aod Suis Lino B. Comes., l5.IÀ., C.A. Commercil St., Milton Trafalgar Chatesci Aceesiteeet Ciscci Serctcct - ee1o Mais Steet Mcl. Gee. Moatoen Tht 8-971a. SUIODAY. FEBRUARY Suis, 1961 Boea 460 Miltce, Ont. Pantent Mr. Catec Coloc 10.3e e m. Oisle Sobouel Claes 2 Ttliatsgto n-6f42 fo ea e agen. ____________ SUNDAY. FEORO2AIY 5-,O 1961 1.00 ct-. Meaeg Wtcnhtc, LEVER HOSK c 33 a.n.-Sacday School foc al] Pridor. 8.30 cem.-tie OtedY. LEVE & OIKî ocs. Yeu Are Aimea Wecame Cisertered Acecs5es5l I 11c0 c.m.-Meveiug Weceip. Ltstan tc "Hcreld et TraOh, CKEY1 Phoes: CIL 1-4824 EM3 4-1mt 7.00 cnm-Evcesie Service. Toronto. Sceday - .15 es. 51 Maie St. f. 212 Con St. W. Meeday 630. Piceer Gials; n Set- "Hareold et Tcts ce TV Brampton erenn c. Y.P. Chsannel 7, avery ee,,dee, 8.30 Wrdvoviey - c t-c. l0Mtd - mari ont. SIIEVSYOR5 carar esnd e st cci.PASHC NIGHWAY GOSPEL CI4URCH St. Jon's Cht-ch, asevîleis BOWMAN, BLACK AND Ailocl ct, of lJlnsCu-h Nsaasp SHEAE TE PENTECOnTAt. ASSE55B- (The Aezlhoee Chesais o iltemie SHOMAERLIES OF CANADA Rector: Oetario Land Sarveoes Pesor; Rt-a. M. CSciseosen Rec. R. P. OE. Jefftes and Ottaneers -Ca.citote Onlttoi Mais Office: flcctch Office. SUNDAY. FvSRUAOY 5ts. 19a1 Talapisae lNa. tiLstea 4-2577 3I Doglas St. 1tc main St 00 ca .m.Scoiat School clzise SUNDAY, FEBRUAeY 5th. 11 ùlOn. Miltoe Onit [or att. Sexagesîcc cTA -4031~n TIt â-6983 11.00a c -Marctsc Woý,it. 100 a aotîtHctc C...- 7.110ac 5,toacc.,otît svoSermon ccd iSonac Wrdoactia.y, 700 -P.t co -dA Stît citl. instaaticon Eoacîva W. TEAVELLERP' GUIDE Stotit A.aîrr ________________ nco, 8 p.m.c Y,,otec Fr>otta. 2,00 a..Netscaae Eveotvg sois ccc n rottef rrat eayet. Sei-mon aed Scvder CANADIAN PACIrtC OAILWAY sovct lot Chistiance lltacora Saisool. c Standad Time A goocîc ricr-i c an mae Gmoin Lsts-liS .m.; 2.40 e.m.; race bonnse BOSTON AND OMAGN c .27 p.e,. Ait Wairame PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Gotef Wast-9.20 a.m.; 7.t5 p... 'stnistor: Rev. B. A. Nt-vts, O.A Tdc8c4. GOSPEL HALL SUNCAY. FccgUAcY 5tO. c9c1 TO 8-4471 5~06 Oetario Si. N.. Miltas 0.00 O .ccs esspS OPOETUiiTS ÏCisîtians gatisrdc on "tise Noieo 11.105 ccm-Ocgs Ssnday Sthaci. the____________a O Lorvd Jeaa Chist mc ..cttn:SnaySho [Mataises 19-2010.) 0c oseSee tse ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 1.30 e so-B,,tîst Wcreip cee- tn4 Mois St Milles LOeD'S DAY. FEOIeUARY 5. [1961 __________ ILloyeasisei Jeaealeal ia.30 ..m .keing c! caaa. GRACE CNURCH Phonsee TO 8-9952 Ree. TO e-913n 12.15 cm litiste Ctove ANGLICAN Tcetday and Fcidep ornsass 3.oc eso-Sceac Seshticitn ctct Evonsoahe itmn MlonOtai c eeeces 7.00 alo -Gotott Serîtîto Alto Reo: e:D A ovl PUBLIC LIORARY HOURI Wror d;t y P, r iNDYcavAYOtt Bible ititaSoacetîma Savdcv Y. oa e hecr1tta cttce [. Ilig .. Hatr Ce-s-ncemon. Mcnday -.. .... .10 ta 5 tsi thisee ceectaso. e 45 a.m.-Setsday Bahe0 and Toudé"y pArL se 7- pin, M%aet tWe mac isa donc - -Ail me Bisbt- Clat Wednosdey ,.,.. 0.9 ., P-m liho tseap heve fana atcF, mc 11.()0 e te -Nle Comnonet. Thdsadar .. 1»0 P.m, aed 7-9 pm. hcve tccned evere cne ta -his on p, Md~4P as 7-4 pi.. Y Wist God isa d.nce-And 7.00 p.nt-enng an tt-mos, ML9J c5 La ~ rd bacth laid On HiOm (Jeas) .w P 1; teiviqiteo u ail." lIsetait, 53, "M M Itwuaemndt-riaeeae,t1didnouf kilaonO q eu lioSbn 1eSeetcce' vôSe. r. tltl0a esegoé k-4.m5co5nl0 teàli bIIn 98ie. We s 1OWalS tesoosttleu. oso ls isc o tisa o f thea. B«ù* se n th n wion b 0 th 544 'Tués, nIé rs t né Ailmo rIt sBhue.a Co-tM'.WU duimcNelt maen me wbaoe U2~L00eotel 1e905 med~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~l aer osWEO4e~-is fellesen ed' eheai boai ers ad Rural: Final, April 27. Rkober. maei cash dotllcne isetod, LithAtl M tamore, Act. 194, EVEEY sceo 1 ltesl- Seuils ifeiton Olo, Gre-Mi, t mticipaeed le the Festival. tIn March 21, Mens Sciseet Audit- mllh ale1 IPIO ohiidren orie,.Oahndlle, Greais Il, Mercs lie eessly, eliminetien festin- 22, Weodeide Seltool Auditorium, e f * 1 wers necesser wi 'tise mis- Ozieville; Groep III, Mercs 23, m gell le Mllte fur tihe Oakmocd Seheci Auditoriumn, CIM C i. 1 18, oser 6,300 child- Oukvtlle; Gnecp IV. Mercis 24, E. Il te 5is,. f0 pertlcspotod, MO mors tises J. James Auditorieni. Ociscilla. e ti on1S00Ii prsviotts voor-sol Le 1939 fé d figure mes almment 7,0001 Lest pqr,, tise Fesia c. n $itg. *000 ho lsmen os Sr,110s8is epola tion le tise Souths of W S coccty liaitsecesisatsd repld W S zoo. Lent yer four seperae W EEQALT SH vals wcre iseld instecd of pre- WH EQUIIYSH sary classes and ose final. nreels erisenizetion cf the . W EV H tis nf lise cemsty sa mahing W EV H IOUl felt ahuri, end tise Recel fesl- RS OM L Esueosing and Il sse yaeP DIAL Tl cc iehd as ea-ay prelim- y ession witis oe day of fin- hebt tisî year, snce twe nom lldeted scios ei e open- lest feil, tise Recal festitOl hon i le one day cf finals. Tise ffnis cf Georgetown itnd Berl- W#~on have nitidroen front tise Ilhlivai dicte tiste eargs semiors rtC éd citdren le tiseir sciscels. bis orgosootien of tise Associ- I.5 1 Sffin hon undergonoe chaonges ýo TlijU lJSO iR bflp cp mush tise population je. alvise ntise county as weIi. Une- rot 144",0a% 1; 1959 an executivo dtcws from &W0 choIe cf tise Ceents mitis tofftmittees in eech ae s e = sihle fer tise pIonnieg. At " i finie, o rcncpleteeecttive vas elected for ecocf tise tisse tOfllelticnc-ooiis Holton, Norts o Oisn Orsond Necths Halten .iccedie hy o Central %treary-Trmaterer wariig witi lthe lespeclars, and ail fends are -àu hensed Itemt this office. fbref 14 The rogrnt chedule fer 1961 boe ve cbees MA. Decycs schooil n Acier. This yoac Which i9 the F arn, Asto ets. Inn W. , to attend ca o C vais. If you arceani cornier o car County. do plait tu attend. You mi lied t transit enjoyahIe. ln thîs cra of "caoced" entertaire- ment. the chiidrsn need this type af traîning as Weil as.poar sui: port antd enscoegeet. by Eilesn Iartt <. é, . E.). llecrstars-Trestorer. flaiton M,,slc Festival Ass NDMEAT. NDMARKET GHER THAN THE PRICE EAST END, TOO PROPRIETOR t8-6501 I.