ALL TOP AWARDS ru Cîitatr, SahurI Truarec - speat.rig cofies rafrile rîîtîîte Jualge Mara aîttu'ý Shetasafrller. a-licta. k te seconrd I 6b1 Miic k cicd Mia' G rîtall ai Ic Martin St. S Bruce St. Wins G Christiné F tira ltît a tr i , C hotria in u ti Mi tutil C cîrtîr i l tuu ila MLIi ttt1.h 'ai lai L Cijtitra lficta rit cla II laudlea W. N. It lI.r tari la Y. fiat.i fogrtan la. r gi Ntilto ira. thu ratsp tra 8 in tîtl' tir ti N- i c'ï i al'. a r ai lia.lliura.c St. ca.luî Loal Jutagua Ritc . i ý "titra , a pa.'i tri , t ic' Su t iit t i i . liigh i K. Y. Rrtîîarr. allai' i 21ra' iiii li.l'itt ita aar, On In a laa oil ci ASU Luke's, Zim ~. HoId Cong Dp Mtra. . i'eiicttcrier th i li. 1 -I hi ..a... . .. i .. l i '1LiN l M t airi . tr Mi . th A'iSarnî ld i iiuuk itli t titi Al ttiii tt l Insurance th TR 8-2436 Mulll REAL ESTATE gROR Choose Offkbes f or W Ms -Grotqps Donate Quits to N~ Famillies By Mr&.Ceci Parfera Agiculture offceMitono = Iudfrtsparttweek.Al three' Thera. 1crar meetin ofs taeut eicsgyu tiusahe Mill Lampman, home ecagcrn leetaed chui irtholaaen- W.. ndW..S ws ieda the and markscalhgrl'sworkmin pary. hmofMrs Robr Masal ud!is lorchieen dape in Fuve ear edMater Bre 014 Thusdy ltrnro wth17lad- Wil!ar Avenue High Sc4 of AdrwuW daholdaying wih les rescit.Mu iu'bul4. hil srrars Mrand Mr Mi.JC Marhl und he 1he fiatSouthlub, "SuGordonRobertson. W.A.meeig wtprvr ol-wng Debt'ai tadl14yvoit Mr.. Dvns, M" T.Bus- edtp a hynunand lire EurdsPulaistr hecban ai 5 fed Mrs JMcCi n Mrs laer Mrs. Chas. Jarsis ra h itdte nt h ol w G.Roisnatealcur scripturetesson and gava. fn il wrn ees Bet an soigofpcu'sht- tlthun thei'aalmcshehuia l rne Din Doly Din Fod grp ufh NewYr n Mrs.T.Snowgavapraes heu R 1 Mitn Herh Brut- oot HomeShw entyu aseary read maus tell fle n Bevre SEyo ..1 'Itro eori hsl LardsMakng plans fr th cin us t Maln uts Bevre gHal O.A Gulho esa igyar tha. ladies &drai t BiitubegadJne Patï evet'- yarpusnaiv 'o havean au tmw claeu u a n caein i t .54 Mitn M. umson rnnsow ute do slea. bout the. mirddle. ofr ngte Whe l. Shived cro<in rn nfriueadhm t,. tha. Court OavleanJct Hall ahos Tht. heay quils ar ta. us'Nl Mato n Babr Brea Th.'ee Neus Girls inuthe.dstrict. MrsaT.Snw er Mr.C atsoan Mrs n ap aet fbb gil kiudy douated a tp fur n fT Boufed hsps ek Mran Mrs Ea thcew The [reuurer gave a reor 92 <irOd Dieu Snw Mran Mrs Dai Prrv ýýfP- iaca alaternt showead that ressauthe fucaretai service un 'un. ru tuken by Bruce St. Suhool ir te [r hadi becs a gud year. rharaday cn Oaisille l'or thaise F riendu ef Misu Laura Scott a' and [atepayera Associatiun public W.M.S. trees "Riches" Miss isabelle Rubiusou, RN. wil! te curr lu lears tisail uhsl Milton Public Srtuulu. Chrisine Hicts, The W.M.S. pesideut Ms C. Misa (Belle) Ruhisaus aPatient in Hamiltoun Hoapital truphy, as te heur speaker in te Plraureidla[tsr asuaf a[ the Haltunel au t awlp a trke tip. Ste wua ru- rai ulusely by Dures Paedy cf grade 7 ual meeting, acclcusiug the ladiea yuarauof agcl audthe lacs( meuster Macnoihre rss Sco te Hfralnc- est spo.fEdnasatry astops ingrade and [haiig thetuta uttes e ut a tasi[l afjax Siteacas thme MsrMaS.awtfrc tuap[al[y.Ttcglaa [dira pa dughtserofthtlaie. Me. asti Mec, tee of ycara a tcacher iu Buyue sPurdy rai te cumpestinr us Pridsy ycasa etalty Mc ga.i F.dng lcttathus'Rtrauudaa usC uhuajlinerhe rupectrrste cnes. ye ftaaa[s[ndislau..tfcurs[ Htenry obsoana'edhr.isf te field iu thc Suuday Sutual Durueli. loust fice sud aise a(- -Abt 100 riemisera tave jii nrisin Maea.t. [ertad Ouagtsctu. About1904 ed aIl aat[a[ucal aurlutylun The usîta Day uf Prayer pro- tte andhuesfauilyucacd toOutil Burtiugîuu. as ul[ud ln the ldT-vle licsgasa tel bc fllosacd ai ttc Pcb- Nigerias Speaiser catit. ma.~n. JZ .uuaryumeetiug, ai ttc terrer, ut t7eu~? :d S N LF puhicýTheconestntshui a huie iis Laris Spiritual Rictus"- a s puak us tils vrus. Heais tit S. il 5 iferet orie.a.Tethil[tr ccluac.c"Th rih.,tuauHi., 'tu[ucd pictur'ccantgave a mss U L lcudtcbvtliacinerswuA Hit- gcuuuact Ttc roll cut %vo'uuinîterstcig talkon aundayeen 8 e1c ie htil MeaurN c "gaual" aaaaail auaýrcdhyclal iue[asttheYungraPulru'Socy a ier. j iCaruadian. and OurcewaNeth.MsaCK.Jac.isgaveualic feu in Osagtlcut. Yunugpeopl Mnrra Tte spechestu ac heldta u a [[suc diug. Tte meectirg uluacîl Naitt a Immu Milton, Carnytle Nur . uc 1 litit ul [roms 5-7 mius. tymu acta praye altuer autics a cal ati ttes placesa taure guas progressive DotlWiiis in utheOntari cshoui stcales feld.A deliciusalunch AI ttc close a luc a.ts c ae7 Tiuaîcca' aud Sa*tcpayuua' Asua as servcdl ty file Ilsta[cc ccd Blriisdsy Wlehes Cricsato Putlic apeakiug cteat aummisac Mer,. T. Sruar autaMd Beaied tiuthdu gaeutiugs tu Company aisbcal Iotue ail tlica C. Patterun, and ail ,uj.y.dr, Peer suit ci Harold Mer (Fr iiiaay uu poinuceuudc.u - oil ot aots Wallaceu, ail see in a 'r i iicen. Ttc uretual acucuer aujl List iNfîicers _____________ v aril [Lic i ucftaiiss Dîssacl. Oirus fu lue ua vc ae progressive tuaîi "teai cace Vikisi Atditiso if .A..psideus, Mrs. J. C. Ma' W.1. Diak.tMatiia Badiurlî.f j"u puitr, Mec. T.sal ie lidsr Siottul Isaus Oea Srscaray. Mrs.& . r' AFR ICE nuti ai .Isaa i idu 7 cre Rush 6ý.S, WM."'det W.s GRAY. ch.;fl Dula's Ricardsi Ciceusn, Pattrsua c ue peseict, Mrs FE M .G A uaMDucuFonaJde 8Nruiiri HAnn Pcaaua.t; ra.seIlavM OPEN DAILyTR 2 hi, a Dtut ,ý, l'u ruceStiuraus'l, Vsurhall: usuy onM. R. ..fr9P i' Mal îr"l_ Duuuu- and Lealup Ad- Muarall; gladta ns", Mus W. liai'.[<ra a Drca.Madtau; aclarr assîlfac E SUN LICE ASSURANCE C Mua. H. Rutaerr, Mia.J.. Mashall anti Mec. F. Puacok LET OWEN psauiast Mia. J. C Mauctaîll , r st.c A. Ms4Kue and Mac. Ma. NRT-N merman Churches Faddlcu Cumpicie Precc CITIES SERVIC regational Meets -nsiSlin Hcacriug wa dut a ilejs efr 0 iruid un Jaîuc 23 ratcnreca.rd TR 8-2471 ttiritII ing ciCiivoTiuit truckc s nlirictua garric _____S_ $ FL ,n,- Rell cc ilg ,ig i 1 1 ,1- cr Maili PRESENTS ani Ns,* tald M.,. Rrrr litî IîI ro r- itiatrtiataihîuîîî gicrc 'READY rO I ,la't',ii., tifi ica. 1 i, ta n, .aa r t THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 8 P.M. t.-titi Btia r t ist tit, ti, lîrtue IN MILTON TOWN HALL anut' Mica Beill) Cia ira.l ,ti' %ac Spaticuu ty Haltar, Citaptes 0.E .. li.' tttr I ADULTS 50c CHILOREN 3Sc y m le ai Ill La VI p; el al tAeothoe Pool Trick Il DRIVING AN OLD CAR WITNOUT A SAFETY CHECK-UP ccrnn rltr.rritr rstaic dt Illrurrr i inerîca butai t k-I i ai cr Irrrr.1s. I 50WC -ri tii, cr t Tbask Yîlîr Repair Man For "4u. The Aecident Thar Dtdn Haoppes' IIDiEPlFIDN 1 M iBghwa 23 ESsuim et Mules TU 8-2393 SAFETY NEAUOUARTERS [I SALE--1/30OFF * DRESSES *SWEATERS ID COATS *BLOUSES *SHIRTS 0 CAR COATS *SLEEPWEAR l CO-ORDINATE SETS S SLIPS *SKIRTS *SLIMS PSUITS 1/2 PRICE!m 7/. l4 t0ff 12 MARTIN ST. MILTON Tt "8442 Clubbers S". hy Mem A. Bail Tise Nist Trafaigar Commusi ty club met eenetly au it thern ut Mes, lies May. Sereste memisersascrered lise rolt cat. A micoie's silence mac oisserveci lu memaey ut tise tli Mes W. Aisn ache hai hes a mai- teer ufthe citai for a uamifer "t yeacs.and hai pasc.daaaayasice thc tact meeting. The preaidesi Mes. A. May ire- atcd. Ttc memterc ciicacced mohisu isandagesai 5cte meetings fue a Leis uretuy sud tîtetter information irasu tcle tesugsr tu tise seat meetin. A Valeninue cachre as pisse'- cd sud la oub te in lthe Perey W. Mey achatal Fahrcary 1f. Mer. Alîcu Ruas loiscd tteclubt rnatiug amurneratip of3. Mec. D. Durtiug rhcred alide, us tiee vsit thia pat aummer [c the Calgary Slamnpede sud Laite Locuisce. Ttc reut meeisg wili te blettî a the home ef Mea. Gordon Lea' lie Feteoary f. wiat Mes. J. ' D Cuediugly sud Mac. C. May lu ctarge of the peugesus. A dutici ouclsunct wascervecdy the hot- ccc aud a social lime cujupei. Accident se Wurk Fuicuda oreais Leatie accru srry tihrie buc lishe rnisfor- loune cf brcaiig tbu tocc ou ltsa rigt frit arhite ut rois ai Ferar- 'ume' 1 sf ee, ad iltbeoff Bes Ihueah auuat meeting tuttfie aun Satueday [n lise -2 107 Court St. OMPANY 0F CANADA Stampede Show cisa rcit àement. A pot rsack lusc aisg esjuyed tihtsue pres- eci. Fsiiswlng uhe lunchs Rer. L. Hllt ceuductosi the buasnsa ses Me. sud Mec. Lysais have suld Iel prspory un tise sevenih fice sud aiit he marisg lu tise raie future tu tisl cer hume [s Oasiite. Me. sud Mss. Martin SRelP i- s ieriaised sererai ctiscer, las a ukais pali us Saiurday eres- PuleyedlE in w10ow [glcieeci loy a.MdeRwý CeO.etafféile $b4 MdUlm J- C@DOIR %COus Ulseh) H LTII. hi NE 4-7763 EVENING* MITR T 46 di ST. AW C FRUfT 0 Zffl DSIoR RED VINER ESPPuXl TQMATOES - - - - -17c lb. PIRM aU15 -LETTUCI ý CELLO Large He a CARROTS - Il 2 PM 25c 20oz. Bag Auued JAMS A JtLIES .89 0&. jar far $1,00 SALADA INSTANT TUA ............ Sl Fuie 49e Jeu KE ENEX ....................... S enesu l ii 201i box TUA ROSE SUND SALMON (Kota) ......... Yib. Tin 27c Queeeewey TOMATOIS .................2 os. lin 19c Nunge TOMATO JUICU ................... 48 oz. lin 25c SLICED PINEAPPLE - Choice Qual Le. 20 o«. lin 25e Si More DESERT PUAIS ...............Le. 20 oz. lin 17C Walkeee SODA CRACRIS ........ : ......... h.Sbou 25e JAVEX --L ................. . 9 32 ou. Souris 21c Sérue GO. LIQUIO DUISUINT ...............Lu. Sie 39C Solde King Sic. FAS DETIROENT ..................... M9 Sox LUSHULS NATURtES BST JELLY DESSERTS KERNft CORN 14 s. Tins 3 FOR 25C 2 FOR 29C FRRSH LEAN PORK CHOPS - - - - 65c lb. PRAMEAL MAPLE LEAF BACK BACON- BOLOGNA ilc LB. SLICID 33c LB. BLICROD LEAN FRERH PORK SPARE RIBLETS --29c lb. REPRATRU EV GREAT DEMAND MOIRTON ]FROZEN MEAT PIES - - - 5~ Chiches, Turkey and Beef 2 , -0 Desu E T V hn Deliai ESTI O 'S 15P-M04 OUR FIRST ANNUAL OOR SAIMPLE $ ol *tore$ ais OIe $ $ $ REDUCTIONS 20% to 33½/3% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -s -.4 Sale ends February 4. Don't miss these Money-Saving Values. Corne in andi browse around.S MIS-MATCI4ED MATTRESSES AND BOXED SPRINGS Oriy "ou" cuill fril tri flic riciurj ulars ratais. Rastalar $119.00 calc. Luaa t,,3 $39.70 YOU PAY ONLY $79.30 1 Ca Etîrrîipilu Unit 3 PIuCE BEDROOIM SUITE Triprle Dresser, Cheut and isohuse Sud, cîsircoal tfiit. Regular $269.50. Less 20% $54.00. YOU PAY ONLY $215.50 3 ONET KROEHLER PLATFORM ROCKERS Gont, Green, Tpcgerrre, "Ccaliiiuredcl ritrc- tua". Regular $59.95. truc 1,3 [20. YOU PAY ONLY $39.95 2 PIECU KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITE Airfuacur utatruca ses grues rylon fricce. feejular $269.95. Luas U 3 $90.00. YOU PAY ONLY $179.95 2 lIECS CH4ESTERFIELD BED SUITE Separarescprirg-filled maîrreus. Airiusm austiors, trucar nylon bucle ruucr. Reular $349.00 valae. tacs 1/3. YOU PAY ONLY $233.oo KROEHLER .Oneuarmnd, curai Turisre nylon hu far [45995. cass t. YOU PA' ROBI. CHARLES FURI CENTER BUILDING $ $ $ $ 3 FISCS SECTIONAL SUITE cdconretump Ooma cel afoa e cructeuc Rosa- '3 $154.00 Y ONLY $305.95$ IITURE$ TIt 8.201 "WHERE QUALITY US ECONOMY5' MILTON . m