- --a- '5 a-s-vra ~5en - 5E, --7,t57 o- î555 ' Milton Bowlumay 2129 0 68 The Canadien Champion, Thors., January 26th, 1961 il. ~~Rqsbe . 39 64 triple of 625. Tiike .5ý 48 AII.y Rockers 'I tstire ...........3037 2 64 onrîe îqoii-Is.î el*""- FI Cr ................. 31905 54 ai lheopo liha p fiih, Jan 23: High singles, Jackie h P. L. Robertson Girls îs lOaIsiaTtChlt28icttmu24. aa ian 9: ighiripa, a M Proves ati t1hinpls ci rit M :clD,,gall 247, liv MeCiel- BYBLLMXE an1: ih rplMrie ur 1~~îîîî landîl237,ack Maxiiel234. Higb BYBIL YKSiay 639; high inglc, WilIIm Wil- Pin, W îoî Jt.ssv Coaa 610. Ruth so285; big [uce Marie MuryIoui ............ 294 59 1icis 594, Jas Gond 593, Duri- few f th boy wen up u "he lfe yu sae ma bc our639. Della MiPhlii 637, .Y, Cra e ........ 2423 2 - lia oivt s 582, Jaaky Mas- lac Simcse avc the weekend. swn" aouldbbc rwed andap- ~ bIe2,îno nke 604asd 'aai esII , They brins barrk tite report that plied 1a banltttg but ail the stu- Wuwt niomen bowlers in tomas, flot only single, Don MacMurphy 294; mneis Lais Evans 597 Huons......a..721PinsW T a tenu iake trout are bitisg but gant and articles tend to tise Veteran bomier Mrs Fred (Ru- this seusuin; but as Par back as ltîgh triple, Don MaMurphv 659. Alita Brusb . 2670 7 21 the wbitefisb are stiTl Tying Tom. tbeir initial effeat and su ti i byi Childs hud 1tihe fiai a-, y aperatar Stan Chisholmn Pins W T Gartir Mousiain 2794 ýAKf .. ......... 8 715I Stil1 as Lake Siettue, muid sous neaessary ta priaet caîd, hard pling Pridus nigbt osen shie TO am- mme.Piti . 16a7 DsiGmo 2l53~S aI' .&Ms JbH7i going arousd ihat ihey sre bc- facis. Onessdrsd atîd fotY- assado airiplegamne total of 934, Congratuleons, Rabs., Keep Gvashisls .,I, 3119 9 ovI Poils, Cannon .. ,1 264 16 Sosan 21 ll;IF lIîîsJic, Pu 10 0 II ginnieg lu barars lromn gais8 [ive acidenialslshootngs is Ont- in the Early Birds bolingeagu. upficrgondssork. Whippct, . 2919 2 67 Kaili Ci,s .. 2721 5 Ott lita 52attt ,hlil- Kiog Pin 6 4 iI out on theate. Naadless Io tus aria by huniers ie Onitario alOc, Rabs starlad vith a Soit adslsd a Milton Ratepayers Bllogs ..31036 4 .9, Mariv llieiLO.l .. .. 2444 il 6 crs tî-l li,'. 7. Pllr -9 5l wiih Cris "ktecnes-ýbrner ofalresuted dis 35deatsi 1960. le 306tand cliioined ithe wasderful Jan 17: Ladies htgbsingle, Glur- Tlorsi,.i.....4.355 3 51 Oil Corp.7i 24412 2 La a , tg 7,.l 2i 9,,1 snld siiup tlsey prubabis could 1959 Tisese mere 97 accidents. sgîmî hipig37Hr P.lbs 2 ais6g r 59SS i iai .. 2i isl 1iaks ilsil, 21l, tIiitlIclctto72 night~~9 wihawopn 2. e iîttbn 25 aihli r, "lielsad 534. fletItilî-. 2Wi '44 n 43 alo ak u nth c o.til utlasses ail the. men asd 1pie Kay eg 581. "Ms 9(1 ........334 5 51 Hoy Rosary tsdl 99 t Itil 1,,. aTo tns a u bets a. Hum abut Tat mess of irsutTil.ig ibOat . 7 7 Ss 9 _i_ i 1îis mos A siiiî und ilipli. Tohunier aurd signas, deerrn ts reslsly ,augbtin luthaït hîddos Early Birds Futstn 779. B Coile 629. Womaii, pin, W T nubute cusaonessese10Murisuha etiet, spglieri' in the J a j an 20: Rulsy Chîids, aur star V. MoLatti 808; M. Emmersan Huzbeents . 7,97 berm aavbie posAot23 t ate. trying pan and smothered inte 1 CaUU of faitw 181> maW hasolr, had pins scciag marec34 Whants ..i... . 2846 1 Thearmbaet bes bted u oeul butter? Lip nmocking mail Weil [* han stars ti aek mith thrcs Hiuh singles, sen, B. Cole 293; Chitirs -_...... 2746 7 8; High Schoor' Th ricibsbesaasiy pu onty huaie ibree monîhs ot sMu ~ M Fe *A garnis if 301,. 306 asd 327 gsiig li. Fttost 293. Wttsiun, V. McLeud Tsrasîs ......... 2119 Il 4 employed by the Hamiton Sp- tit. The trut season openssons EEEWDs DAfEEU H« o hark o00 hNherpwsi 94 sme's Assoation. Bilt Crem WTe News rileo 94 spokesmosn for the Hamiltan May i. binar HoeypWek unCana- Crig Sush ledîthemaymih Furithe metDeansGavookWT grioup, beariy endorse% the Hal- c du apenrd last Saturdap oin ail] bhrr goals. Marty Seed and hoih high single miîh 307 and Tva Kippers ........ 584i Lowville HÏ tas, Sportamen's fsuiios Aci msbs scrp ro rnts and righî here -te ouramwn Keith Higgs aTsu talied for tbe high triple milhi 755. Sputis .........2 82 Sas. 20: tadies' blsî ,-î TIs Miltan Disirit Hg reusainpustiugtbesigns Mo. s hlutn aruendbsreortep ice aeolhri12 games ofuFstua.- Pec Wees. Seed. John Furbes, Pins W T Jimhadics . ......... 775 Dtona Caiilut235; laii,.-sv;, i"" iun uiclpse Cram. min bs he taibg ns er iboatin thepn ikes mea.bo or' lion taers reordsd by the yousg- Brion Brusb, Duug Heares and LiI Ahîsars .....2808 7 5y Whisttars .............5 67 triple, Actîret Rt 5isi 84 bîiallctvîghe pttauscoflltae seserai uf the Ballon tcemrbers. uundbhere beîerthan thi treg . As bas bers the babil cn Phiiiip Brush drem assints alto. Siompers .......... 3 5094 Bomhars ...............264 Matis high single Kon Cac"i *'h, cisett v-ls-hlct ponsotta ftes mure ular slamping grouadai. Tlrse pan years the loal misir bacc- Cruig Vuriep aod Ras Patter- Allov Doppats..... 289 j 2 Coflic . . .... O 0 335;)r mass Cnlul i1. caîîî sicioos. a metn sacs as be clubs iuuk cp tbe idca il auuld birds are easy targets becUose yp exaculiv i-a o t hold mintîr son scrid 16e Springfield gals Dtigpatchciýs . 2775 4 il) ThIle ao . 54 si 16 ig.îiîits0- - r cl iailn tos liogiail ha spreod and heaume provinae tbep hase nu tear of man. Be-I hoha sghîatlltrO 5mt RsHca uht iSfai21359Simak . 29l toar htivtIoo - 3 e .ll iviit ths'îiîsa %vida. Parmers mishing lu bave cauve ut fibis. iheirscarciîy and au rý Thppstt s i thru. Paisitrs .............2910 2 4 Hlo Junior oasnrs ,,is t, ro t tItI i. fttI cililî htt a La ', i cailis ii u their farn pusiad nb uid contact the [oct fihit tbey are asssas our lha pslîl tilikaly marinJn.2:Mn' ihsigeJh Lis sosîts go Boniier î; l, sie IIA oleal sqa îritîîî [a iltas wic-l as in extra PER WRE Commercial Sals.n 2; moas il , Jgack ohi L-i Wt BT la lok [liA iiailotli.dl sqto mhidt sy membrf theuHauro Sport- ganetheuslymway youoaeo luurei. gan o he aniog.This Mageans tram deteuird Sas 17: tigh singla, J. Coîtusai 24;sc5 tipa i t; 5 ta loil-tho îlcb toitd t sho hen i th angti sal elat d. Stot' et sae Prgasos 614. L.adies' higli single, Flîtîs ..... 2654 3 I ltols! slî lias citaliatgad tIse sîghts ssoiain ysai 2ati aianad tep 37, hihtile, R.Sann76 arbora Biggar 199; Lnics triple, losIci4tOclOsl aso. h at c c o camrera. Tbese heautitul hirds As foi- Saiurdav moreicgs il lup. Slavont Lawrence and Pa- Ciller gonîd singla gaines tara. 26941 s.hi ui aih h an The saine tbemne over and user are pratecîrd by tam in Ontarioi ,tesnn aet i -r lar e soe h ano .Vuln27 .Bre-21,R avLt Tv5 9.pcl,24 olfo oi Tus apneds mu gel braiog es ln ihalolhws a-gas Astiy Barry scored o hno 8 Biav8adTasaTso Pin, W T Bomberi, 2 1 41 î.îîîttîi pprmgznsradiead tele- gulfs, eugles. osprry and toke n0ttt cach Saturdayhîh gol.baSO5526.988 u t laho Stroaui onasops fram Tans 1 acai29. Goalisvat an ritontskEtc 24468 7 8795 a)Ii o tasn,, acta is avat as- BuaS. Vsogbsi 279 Bon Ptighs 686Mlio od 24155 sviioiTlcoatiy try to eepsuoture.i1persuualyarisseoh ab-ite Naltns8 1790r un theaarafri of theltunter's slutelysnopuint inkiilicguaa- leaa sosco. farîitchav Ssocdbas G.suvertsi709,-. lttgt 86Jyldauioi...... 0024 miod ibis ned Ftir subisv. Fer- imuluorhird thuts n cal. riher ltuilcîy gwcîns, sahaîhar il hcaiu a 4-2 couririnhe oher PisWse BCadal564 . Barker 675îî aIt ol Martshall. 2186 05 hapa the trfio safesy 'slogan, usistuT os gamne or destrouive. son anutile msrisg sur soyas Leagois gaine. Richard Clemasîs . Fusn69 ias W T 24 ClubTO NHP FTR AL R ms~~~posseuos ~ r uaaan- o igfit houa s mincir hb oi omysihsm ias WiIs Miils Tsassp ..3049 2 79 las. 18: Matvis Asnl itlloattTWSHP0 TAAL R P-ve p atîhectrena. Koys andTreor outon hlp- j N. .317.1 7 70ilte îtîîrs larîthe ososssg w enl-SrnldBasinsi aillstars delcaicîl Phot- al dDavidFrench asore fur Melrs ........... 3252 568c Isitît singleofii 267 titi a ilgiNOTICE mav41i h is an fLeasar. Bah Caltenas-sisiad [or____________________________ -. I-I.v **ve ssc4ishiitg O ihleuto nndLw huch olItala Salitulv onn.Lu noeBcl cpdouSe The MLrtin h o Tilt Stickle, ,icc (Liais, Don Chois- 'eoBsLa aialusSs ANNOUK<EMENr TO DOG O W NERS As Acton Drubs Milton 8-5 ilh, vOîaaI s Bobs Wilson saut Gor NOVICE Miltn seul Acîsu High aoiiided Lindlsay, Paui Fllui. Bill Dais- Ch car Bothy t' goals Wiilscis olahd or Hata Cu4-0,i~ ut ai high sauring. Peaolty sprink- kius, lorry Waiarhousansd Jack Kaît Tîîîîîîsîss,, andi Bar-v Fiai- cictory tgcîiosi Outrait. Cllesasn u Rat e t Dog Licences for 1961 are now anailable and may Miltîon Arcna as Thuisilay af lasu calas. Dossis Gibbonsoand Shol- goals ,ahil, Ditu, Asailanl helpoul and Ken Parias. Tommy Lcor h bacdfac9eTcnhpOfnDno stock, su 1h tho rasilts rovsesd. ilan Blows; [ormards. Absn tay-s i ts ln hs taliv. mont, Gary Yong and Bobhv FORMER TWO STAR MEAT MARKET h bandfo h onhpOfcDna Titis lima tha hord.luiiing A clos tsard. Stuort MoDonalil. Saa Loti ttstssh odgm Robsas dmua assisis. aoati funk the gamo 8-5. Sprsstas. toorry Philiips. Was-ne ai titi1 o h eodgieHiha n h eet ie Tisa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ inuii iing ctooisu alsSdo sd otsRs5 tîsaîîîho Midgrt In tha sther Nutriar lcongue NOW OPEN Tieijg oi, a eiiRde n ut aiiy aaisssttippisg Ktighi 62. Bah- gainesshiohssoîthefinal tila ofoihoeibmi. pletofroa Raousoy af Acto ait ch a pools la Mitos lsoup: Bulîn toamilton, hv L;ttsasco sctroci 1565 goals. the msrsisg. Boston edjgrd Chu- If________rmi___milapictin__rs bis suils. Harold Wilson ai' Mil. Mille, Pudeila. Charlot Marinu WIzîîsaý1 Bi4rss Cuii Otcasdys cago 4-3. Gcary Na.viar hud a hai THIS WEEKtS SPECIAL ho obtained bp writing Io the Township Office or tas dut tliesa m stancd Bnsas Hil- Sitl rush, Brios McDaflo. Sryas Paulati and ist rias MaMul triac fsur Bosston assî Dascy Es sos ilsos ou a daitr uto aheck to ils, Bruce Canson, Harold le,~ hinî fo hbe irs an ss haoged in ha Uriher maricer ROUND STEAK ROAST 69c IL calling Oaksille VI 5-4253 or biltIon TU 8-6469. a possihle braSas arias. W-ilsonGeorge Biobirs andiTerrs r\ c'zi n aToa Ted Hod hai tw10 goalsan Ad Stc46e Font Shor t. scaroîl l,, lsiii1his. Thsomas td Gorîdon Mcalloas the athar for BOLOGNA (BY TH PICE) 28c IL.S .FAHTN usi -rucs quicbiy s tlia Jaolckutu Ke .îiissioîlloroiKsighss Chicago Evaos and Naylerdrem S.___________________ A.lnrk RSON firvu pas bo. piolsiog ap tu gcais Ladies Special fiosOosîli b,,îl Lawîrence- lolpolà tha osit assis[ givos for Bosison l hahsîro Miltais coud cutre truls lan. 19: Higt singia mont ta osnolî i gals. whila Datvid Gaies heipad oc the R.R NO. 2, ROCKWOOD PHONE UL 4-2482 tua lîcnlîs it h e endis caoocdh Donna Kelohes mitb 256 and 61gb BANTAM usa CH..55gala hogm taollisaiu~t ho sd o haripla I ta u Waters ssith 624. Gary Mutii ais fircd theoanîy h os seond pcriotisthrs Aot as pinsW galaut (hopunesuaopss Tram CameThis Sturday stili iradiog hv aniy osa goal. TpI .u - -Ziit4 Keane lu clia Rongers a t-0 n 7.00 a-m.-Micigoi: Baniaros ns. the intalipriodîhoy..sî4moW.: 2488 2 32ounihe iîit il.îiiangarmcofth, Ladmillus; 7.40 a.m.-Kns is faite ficgainesblaposî c oalcNoomu's--...........2527 2 28 morsîsg. BîufataniCloeelad Phrma6. ubsi takc- lita tassa h.a..r...gîtai.T...mas 2834 5 27 plaveciui.u i- lie in thess 8.0am SaomRng margin. ~~Giadas.............. 2544 2 22 gaise. gît., Suai o for Buffaîti ss. Parc Weas; 9.10 a.m.-Ci-sae Start Mcounatd wsaasuper-Sas . 28 18 and Allait Jlias fori-si ve cdad s-s. Pittsburgh; 9.50 ast. star, tsr the ALion fouar, iring ________ wmsr tis, gaai saîors. Tcr Bufao us. Spring[ield. ihugis halO ii the toas. galas Cirns aîîl 0î SValI ilH rota I .0 a. saoPcr- OlîsîsoIf i p r Nsio ofahlsgoals -Amhcuanccsrvic s, haig "sO4 aîsoîîîî a. oa- Pc 20 Mignon as passas ircilsa.î islastick of dîscosac in utsHrtngios, asd ists Thoon.6lc-lcsittLai Loruel. Dennis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hostos; ikdI dso uneil pinfed1.1 ..-Noie er T H E R IG H T 'ID EA Tîtraatler tfho ctores bote~urui îhai tos" andc5-2 sîsîo flistFialin a, Boton 2.0 p.m.-Del-itl 'iota plclsd cs ha b Polo Laisas Pilai ailuctals- Chicago. Bill DcîtsLss. Alan li-s-stard and Ron alclm. layard nd al--A N D T H E colon cach piabad ap ait 055555 apîc for tho ate-irt. ANNLIM E IN HIB5AIO D EL Bill Biosit las- Milo look i solsiu rru L M E I G W AIA O D ELI H L C goals% tuîlico îighi audîthorcmai Ilisspsoiiy msh stadr I H L C susg goals wcre spraamos OF THE practice for many peuple thii Mîlso Paîilîla Citasrles Martin anîtng o b% Bi5.ts tolstus. Brias McDîîlOc Foru la a s, Bsao Lsasaus HîodP-iss Upper Burlin,.5n Citizens'Fouca shp MoreulPiseItle ELECTION 0F OFFICERS FOLLOWED BY FAIM ner le sEl -asfsînaî esuutre pascîîtclpcrusas sa.scih SAPETY AND CON-SERVATION FILMS. ere ce atsrentsnr ed l Latcsonundsc Malicolm la tha hit aenli, organ si.îsi, uciia [tr criout MONDAYe JAN. 30 r ..c n ii Like su mucy nîher, she lisarrnrd tIsa Fuir Multas toamiltonî did lum in sLai ePraro-tt cn for lcilsig, Pedlil %va.u i For drPOvaleof regula vig..tr afoty, . nims,îcîoad Brias McDuii nence and unefuluros of a baouk asuuit. tank liia oi for tsippisg. FAIRVIEW SCHOOL, LOWVILLE p cbs Avtas litaitp; g.î1-Lbapcrs erlssossthatpricoýisbh n Joshn Loatheriaud and Aody Wil EVERYONE WELCOME of[iealhiagshaaesvosîîc l There are millios of Caaians like bier. tiains; tiefence. Polo Li-iv.s on i505ig iltilligoatit - Hau lie casi ie fuotdl Tiury nttain 12smillion depuait acous pive llme wasilutrto in tie churtred banks, 10 million of iltosu an i ado papcr Thtersacal soriogs acaucits. C o -o -o - ld eran oilu sdcrbte h teet icticrrutsoî pse, li e halena r - ~~ ,~~ A lior caîî.uîhaî.Aller ha icgglu- tslt iis uorlnoal srlassug .t.. iitsng oyato tisitî lic u-I' iergi lc od l o rbtktg S p c a l e finulIK agroaci t nciI, chstumai' pielc 125.00 las 5 DUO-THERM lii ciar liiiu caasitg iii iii.-ECHRERDBAK -n'N saîLîs SERVING MODEI 1356 TOe ale t-ca puasîlpil vc, I OUS CO.MMiLNITY toith tlisa costumer hosmiîtg hI ~~V*51Id . cîttîsi . te fihon osais s- bac isdoîîlioai and sigsoi [lia 50000 B.T.U CAFACITY papeîs. Il tias noi until ltae ihasi the clouler, sîho happuiv 'ARegua S139.95 %vus a rapuable Ousinssaî, sstar-med his ttismei*thai the aecn litrv s omr las, SA VE $40.00 olus 70 1 l, cia ýiiitis soi ilzll ) îîîî hil i , l'ad , ________ FULL PRICE $99.95 O)hcil~I.î î.îîc _______ r Oliorad issmoayhacs flic ,ALSO DUO TNERM RADIANT OI ostsiumer ttisrir iecided' os...... HiATERS AT OREÂTLY REDUCRD FRICES addiionaal S125.00 mus o burgaus pruaa for a car with 80%i of ils fle uboad of il aguisst une virih 80%s ai ils Flic guo. MITO HARDWAR 44,4 22 T tui;I St lust ILIO -IRL_235 MOTORS - 4U9 Main Si. MIN«e, ont.