SP MSS. LIL HOUSTON atal. Cal, hics. HTIsgon et Bincee c oirabuablona are on- taidel ta Mr. and Mn. Wilam Coaion.3 Mhan' Si., Mllhio, who'tnnre mondial 55 yacn on Toendap of Chia weah. ate joie with bheir maapy fiendn in mich' iîg them manp more panca af hoppity onarrimdlile. VintCti %%!th Mr. aid hics. GSard tacy anal Camifp. Sidnay SiE., mon bhaic aorte. J. Bonaf f a Thsaot, Sash. A sarpeine hnhy nhooec tan haid an the houa of hics. Mihe MoOeaCh, BacCon SC., on otedoata- aa e ingo tnib meek te hon- or of Mini-V Daoonino. Sarfan Ei. Piadadnd ne4iihhnan ai- tender! anal a noctal ecentag fol' tated. Sea. anal hics. Jains f. Suth- erlanal anal fouéity aI Formoa niniCeal mith Mr. and Mcn. Wilfrid Theimanp friendnnoflion Pan- We arcencrryCoc eport Waynea ter, Woodwacrd Ave.. caitt hi pieu- Timhecî. Robart St., ta a paieta ted Ca hnte h- han cetaracal ta Miltan Dintict Hbospitat." homo fram Mitona Dintict Hna' The UeiCedl Chaa'ch Senioc pital. Choir field a chacina pacey SaC' Mr. and Mrs. Altea Ciceenta. aîitay aeoina aitChe Miltton Ac- R. R. 2. arc hctidayieg ta Piarida ena, Chai cetaicocl ba the Soîdnp eaith hic braither, Mr. anal Mia. Schoa forcrefenet. ASouci Frnk Ciaîaotc. aimtre a liad hg ait. Mica Copie Waldie faoim SouCh FPefl Mamariai Hospitalf. Ccahc- v'ilbe, npenf the meehonof milh her parents, Ma. anal Mon. A. f. Wof- die, Jamen St. Nursen f rumi Mitlton and Oint' rict bacc heen tacitod to a Cana and ai lvar Ica f or reaitrel nr- sesnltatheJosephSBrant Momac' t Hospital neet Saîday laftor- ooai Sort tntoa. The Haf toi Chapter of the dintrict 4, R.N.AO. iatSponsoring the tour. Graceeaaaandnonaniyofamp-1ne' Formerrenidenta'o hliailte wite on fartoagtt. Thcy týadMs.C .I wlroliant ta FormoaaIn Fehn.b M.ad m C - an'. ton ac-vndl ho hy meehk aftýerpdtog t Mea. J. Arnotd, Barbon St., ai St. Potersburg, Fti apeni the meehend In Toconto niiting with hier ninters and home of Mr. and N friendi. 1Armstrong. M«others Murch Mn "I mont to ny a pernonat "Inetteopatt12ema wocd of tbanhn ta ail cabo have shosatd "1,1t4tnatc pt aoionteeced thein' cervicen for nefetreat ta t'ie Fon Monday night'n Mothet'c' Match ana has ecc" haco tu. af Dinton."naidtieene Mn.Mary. and theMatch bifDimo Pottit, Chief Macching Mattter tac je Mitton huipe tha for Mibton. attv dtcobtad porcan a "Ttte responne af the mamarin of ta'oad ata ft'ant tact Milton han heen acatitrina. Il "Oar Morcbiog M Che cent of the conmounity nhomn ready ta go" coactada artythina tihe the namte entilas- tit"and Oecgai aactiy ian tehen the Mothers March ta peopte lit Milttan tai Co theiclicolsn, oaa 196t camp- ancly Ioa bic titatl oan mitt b,' a cenoondina tol Setvice." "Matcth of Dimen achahitat ni B Ion mech ta one of the fiocn ar ar cannen I ontes ni," cbld Mam. Pet' lit,"ad 1oetly nhb1coatdnget Ski Instruc a Ceost my fettao cittaons tabat Choir donations cao menat ta pot- Barhara Browned io and accident titatimo an naett Mr. andtMan. Ciff Ba an tu ihone dicahted fra teberit' 3, Miltton, coan ana ai cdcue.TeMtvte fteisrcoswopseieahtfitation Fonedation hotd dian Ameateua Ski A Pnt teemendoon hope to ttteteacouase foraimatear peapte hot thota operonions haro raaaîtly. fa ha moen ta ha fatty apprecia' .Matt ma ona ,vd. "" liUIIo'tBaveri MNs. Pettit enpiained Chat the Matube. .with 46 otb. Match ai Dimen bopen ta raine ars. Vet aety tliC i $650,00 te the t96C campaigo. Browcn andalneother g Mothes in 2C0 Ontario centren the s.tanatardc roqaira cciltt ahle port in the one banc ctractn begionean at "btit". ' Ski Ctub, Tarano. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTIC AND TRAVELLERSC C Ul[ DE. G. A. KING Dental Suegaon Office Isn Roali Buildiag, Milon X'Sap Sarvia Tel. TS 8-a7a2 DE. aH. F. GALLOWAY- Deaial Sacgii 155 Man St. on SCiaet Damo X-Rap Sarite Tal. Offiae TE 8-9201 CEIEoPEACTOEls OsrDOUftALL CHIECPEACTIC CINIC X-eae - Lnhoatory Phpiahcempy, - Traection Maloapoatlan 35 Drct St. Sorth, Oaitta. (aevet se haets RobaeptP ed bM6 Maie Stceet Temhne TE b-Ml9 T. A.' HUTCHfNSON, QOC. Saretstec. Soltettor, Etc. 131 Thomna Sacse Miton Tafaphone TE 8-6531 GEORGE tË ELLIOTTO O.C. Baeetbae. Solltettai, Roaon Pnhbtae Office - 207 Mary Street Tetephone TE 0-9202 SHARPE and NlQ-fOIS W. S. ObCARPE A. J. tIÈCHOLS Sariteas, Bolbciors and l'oteiiu Pubtta IfiaiOatt8-0&071 F. DAVID TH-OCOPSON Darifoer and Snolliiter Iidn n e-ou ACCGVWIINC CARI G. BLAt S. Commai.. E-tO-., Chacteicd Aeon 1O3 Mata Dirai Bon: 460 Mit LECVER & HOS Chactaced Acort Phones: CL f-48t4 if Man Si. N. 2t12 Brampton aURVEVORI BOWOAN, BLACK SHOfOACER Ontario Laid Soca and Cniniios on Offnicen Sa. Guoef Oaa. m TEAVELLEBA' OU CANADIAN PACIPiCt Standard Tatre Codn Fiant-7.i2 nm. aIs7 pm. dally. ARTHUR A. JOHN 1t4 Mata St. MI (Lloydl Davia Jetef Phone TE 8-9972 RS. Toabpaid Peiî e T'eaniiaay apactat PUBLtC LIOOARYi H' Manday 1....... 0 Taetitay a. i- ..n Wednda -....3 am Thnmday .. tu3-a p.m.e Fi'cday _.1.30-5 paiý ana terhy - *0u - PtIfEML pIEBOOSI - MaKERSIE FUNEBAL HOM0 PROBE Tf a-oo52 NTar sinaaa Canibasa B i tbtc liea, ian of Ac- place tat cao moaohn rida, at the Or'. Hari ralst afena" lotion. Nic es omminat- îanoghy.ic' il anver hoe ailiers am Ai Mr. Pf't gica genea aown Local f riends mtl hae norry Ca Ceare thaf Mas. Gmeit Clarhe af Scindabe. Cncmariy ai Milton, caf- fooreal a haeara aataah raaaaiby. Mac. Clar'ke carai tha pullutac hockh, Habtonas Paaes 'af thn Pubt. Congrabtatioans Ca Mm. Carot Snaah ' Mon' St., caho aaehranad boa birihdoy Priday. For the happy occeasion, Carot receineat a long ditCance phne cati from, hoer taillr, Raa. Wiacion of. Southampton, Saab anal. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hafeag- et and Dottaie npenf the meehaîd mtth Mo. and Mrs. John Nafnag' et aaat attendeaf the aUnver teed- dina aaate'eraary af Ma. and Mac. H.' Ktnmeac cf the homne of their daoghter. Mr. and Mci. W. Wilsne Milton. Pateicin attenaeal fcam Aliitoa. Toroito, Actai anal Milton. The mnaay fateeda of Robert T. Creotiet' Sarah Et., Milton, miii bcad tfa i.or hae rotoraoi home ai Monday aifter cpeadtag Iwo macho i t ah Gecoci Hus- pifai. Hamilton. Tha fateoda of Suanne Doens mli bcarry to ha iteisao patiintiin Miltn Distict Ha'. pitol. Oha haita tamcit aparatin. Craftmoe Appratica fobart Croetar of Baariatiaiit. Kiagsînn, cpaot tbhegaeekn ithi hi'.ma balr atet ci'itiag hic foir 'n tbe Oecîci Hos.pital, Hamilton. -Gndi Foiitoy. March 31ist the acai pabltic botiity. May 22 cones ,îtaltarîboat. mE. ANC MEIS. GEORGE DI000197 nign the tegigîcer follnming Chair marriage on Deoimbor 3f ie Goare Anglican Charch, Milton. The bride ea the former Santra Cllott Adams, taaghtnî of Or. and Oea. Morrinoni Adaten af Milton. Thbe groom ns the non of Or. andt Oct. George Onfamaet, Milton. Gjeorge Deforest, Sanidra, Adams Say Vows at Grace December 31 Crata Analiean aboach tn MIi- to was the teena e a .quiet mat- alla0, Oatortay. Decembor 3f, f960 ai 3.30 p.m. fao. D. A. Pocall ait ficiaicit aI tha caamoap. aoitin ta marriaga Misc Sandra ffort Adams, Oanghter ai Or. and Mra. Morrisan Adams ot Milton ta George Robert Deoraco, son aI Mr. andt Mf'c. Georne Clort nl if Miltion. Gitan ta. marriage hp baer faeb' etha hride loahait loegvic tao cIreci ienlth whf iae chaib gamn. Hea tinerip ccii mac hit ta place hc a simaili acccen. She car- dait a ichite Bible itacoratitd cith mhit'la tceot andaetratntith a corsage ofcmit roca'hatc. THIS SUNDAYeS foc hile Deoacci. ciciea il, groom Oaa matit aI hcîîcar. Slîc iaokcd taaavin ta muv tactl icaaath giate thwht andaaccc a a,'.ag.a anavcio hait'ud. Baihler Atteads DmdDlaac'.i.hcthr cithe g c.c-cas« bcdt mari. Chaci Geaa Aauce. 'llemiircicf Iibridetccre hi ilck i. .aigl cal dress, wit «\ii cesr citnda coicaga c1 and tl inatinc. acamiie o lie groom %or î lot. '.traight cl cc-, tîilh olieacsoisandîca crage c) et n hite occai ns lTae gcic'tc aicciallaî l.ttar ai ita ciamo ofIll hi lid,' P.aent hii uflai laîcclîti ered Ti, hridec and graciavi] e ,ide i 375 Mai,, Stcrie, Milice. Chure Cale New Commissioner IlgsuaingWelcomed by Croup! bhe Ceae A meetng oftha LA.aof Browca ssactaton'a iL Guiea ait nogar muflber's teKNOX PIESBYTUIIAN CMuta ST. PAULI UNIED CIIUECH Nf',c. R. McCoaig. Mac. .taae mpetteg inMtnitCec: Sev. J. X. L. 200MB.o Matain M hai Sta. 1l.,cîy c'a'. wcomad a'. tbeae raltey. reuor B.A. -' h SeIltena ehaB Disict CiCa si.c- tr iectract' Mrs S. Wright, A.T.C.M. 4' Grha ThC. aec.gac oat ao tha malbacc acing Mica Ceanint and Choie Mastac « B.. a...C.. ,h pra, ded bakicg tac tbe sco tati paccad "Coma thon wth -l Mcd 'a Witt SUNOAT. JANUART fat. ta6t cecciat baka cala il erir d. Sba te- dothcamcnd." . SuhacufC1.U1. 0045 a.m.-Saadaa Caboot caor Cîccl a' noteait b. d acaitdaue tha Atpite baya aad nginl rine ycacsocf andl Saccacia aeit orc wre alli- OUNOAT. JANUAST 29tf. tut1 anc and aider. ]y acedacl Aîeone %vîcîtîa ta ailto- 9.45 am.-h Tlcrtintey. 11Ct.0 a.N.cccacy choot an Poseaofivrecconeconacatfic. A. o 'ye c0.00 am..--n, hoetitî Scheel. ebaaeb fonce. Rcc'[)teci.aet. TR 8-6527. 11.00 a.m.ýcMoeaCn Wacnhc 11.00 c-t.-Moiaa nWooofî0c. Se .a a aigo theaSouattHall ic "TfeotDiscîieto Oicacleo" 010 on scacIt "Sylf t ico"co ofpine n, rtries iWalee." yroacacc, oic'dcatoilako )RY 00o5~~gevmmca fîoame.-Boyo:adgila tfc pcait'c An, tour c' lio of telit )E Thurciyaaa.efcccîa202 0 pet. .ac,,ditaSucdcy Sch.clM M, or acatt The Mage Lent Croc- teif the scondca fyma. Ms.a Al îaoac tarae na aoc' net at file haieo o a.mR VisloaaWacm lo'ea.ci tcaabehiclo'.,ialocmarli'u fODOonell. 2S6 Poarl St. lion, wich creied mac merri CiURCH OF CHRIST, OMAGH lan îht,.t'.tttriin fnd _____EMMANUEL *APTIST CHURCH NofoSdroa o 4Lc the mccîagtc'ac îbiib .5 Cortncnaaetnt St. Millon Traagar C.A. Cbhu'ch OaaEetaeo - t~an Mm. Gao. Morion. TR a-a71c. OUNOAT. OCUART 29h lf Pato: Me. CInytoov Coaî 10.3 a.t.-Oifle Safeel. Classesa n ~ ~ o Ont agec as. onà usha A&fX/iury to,'nt SUNOAT. JACUAOT 29t,1f. 1 LOtîc a m.-Momcîng Weoc' osto// 9____ .30 a.m.-Saoday Scfool foi ail rtdoy, 0.30 c.m.-Bb Sat '. fIStr EzcuICtive IN an.jal.mMri Tooh. Ye Ace Almae'a Wotrotee baccbii," Scîcaîl Ladlîr" Auci tine .00 .m.-Macoeic WSe'ri. Ltate to "Heralal et Trutht CKEY . omvýad\str nti ant 7t p-OcOnfcf Ccaîe. Toronoo Scnaa .1e.. li.,aiclc' EM 4-9131 Maday C.630. Pioneer Girls; O Boa "Hîeratld of Tratf"- oa TV tba Scacvhîae b.i,iol Sc'ca SI.. o p w n" TP. Cfaoncal 7, eery Oanday, . o ici [lie J.ac.caictolet'n Çaeýao S Wea-aeday-aim el eof àm. tifa tia'aciî gcayec anal Sala aody. tha Dacami,', îmceting %asc lattal _______PARSO OF lad ha Mr,. 'tatI H. a bola. That HIGHWAT GOSPEL CHUECH St. Gaege'a Charah, LamaCila otta 'c as lc ~ccA, Mr. A&otg aemi St. Jaha's Chneah, Nasagaapa batrai iogaiti. i'ay ae,ielt, THE PENTUCOTAC. AS M (The Analicean Chucel o Caadal Mac. iîcic Wcli,, tîca; scea AND LIna OF CANADA Pnntac: Ste. Mo. Chenun Setor: Mo'.. Ma,, Rc, ca".cî Misc. Sec. R. P. E. JoCOacea fdtc D.,,ca. -yn hdysd -7 Camofollailc Onotai Ic,\, 1a,,cidA t,,ui a( ayO'i hocala aalFoiday. 2027. Oe Tolegfccc Na. uitelc 4-2577 faim iait coi;aiiic «i fae Febr OcEaednoiono Seorvices ooltht aeh Office: SRc FpitPter A" teicoana OUNOAY. JANUASY2Th M Ic larv metinc g a bie, a lag ltn i Main St. CUNOAT. JANUART iOta, 11Ot Cetglanmia oui i .Iton.O't, 10.00 «tSe cgmial nayOrfhoi1.0 liam.-Locle' f.itaavc-' Maetigs ciciiiia'.c'ail ba TO a-ana3 S'aliy. Oaa Pacte,' apeaha ta mac cid Cacdoy CahîcI' baelaI on tha îlîiî. W'a'.i.ii ocir cSaday0ofool. Spotiai 200g .m. Naaagamy. Liocacîacr caoîhbI.A iîame iaî -11__ bl cm .k.g .7 tSa aily Pal- BOSTON AND OMAGN CAîLWAY o meaaconiaano. Sperai PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCHIS Tsc. oao, calved. ftiaaiteot Sic. S. A. Nevin, B.A 2.0Oe. tady and Ponyeo nI 8 y- SUNOAT. JACUAST 2t1f, cati Fc'doy. PFoouary 3 Ton Peogi' 10.00 a.m.-Omagf: Wohio Sac' 7.3g. 's aeettng r afooayacae- vie i- efa'apci yoccac 1.5 a.m.-G,..gh: Ccdicy Sche,m C h o ti c a f l k . ta ta0.1 5 - O t c C c a d a y SC a f c i AIt Weicma 2.30 y m.-Comteaaiyaci' Ci.e,le SON GOSPEL HALL 8ai5 Poea SaaO",YTac0 Pc,p"c' ion 306 Ontario St. N., Milton Society. ery)TR -9»High sicili TE a-a7SE "Cft'iatiaaa gathereCi theb Namie GEACE CNUBCN lons of the Lord Jea Cfrit." ANGLICANatr soal cs talentaa 'Maftcotev 180.1 Muta OnCoalal co Seainet fia. D. A. Poell LORDOS YA. SAChA-NT ce, 1961 OUR LICENSED ELECTR UR3 c 103 m'. -Aaocog cf Bread. CUCOAT. JACUACO 291h1f!'6i OU1 cm,1, Ciasý nda «atCc. Ccn- « , a OUR CHARGES FOR REF ai 9p.m. O.., P..c ccG cmPe l.cvr Ccccl c,5 -c LA1'ICN, REASONABLE. Ds-ot ,ot oaOcc S'tcCO ,ac am-Ccciay Cchc.i cc Otif. Ciao. aWo iiP-m.wMaestaona pm.-PoaooîCland10mMtimalCySermon Na ci -_9pa. ifiaccadeaalo. 7.00o.te-Evstnanad ermon t7-9 pa=. Wî ýpreaob Christ arueifid, co-.sce ntA. aiain gueteaor a naa eaco BANAi WORLD PAIN E ebaagio nore,' Snho'aa leie . . . 'Meht Maci- mi- acet y m on t his ind aOname e. Toliitemari- orna A erv;itces. hicd, . met aay mtlle ait prie- The Sibletay coton. Theteri a. te-u,' maeî r -Tetu ut l. PoltiCaor 0ePatnoti. W os sait] ta 'fias beurt Chere la ce heamaste crause ai tfh uniiftt E Ccd." iPil. 14-. 'ahanle frois ton oC tfe haomac rcc. - Baba'! 66 Ch or DAl Himcnom'topnae e bync toenn.p ias tair Chelal1 mit i haurgn rj,ýr.neetd piuecl us » u oueimai d W l '0-Bu This .aalbaat rriad abickea aaca iebc omyltîlyaaokad in ac'a'arc '.kitlet. Ta da this, baoccke ina~ o bt fat, thaen ,cdacea ta, atd a itewlr coaar and co.ak aelti tnder.Li- quatW ttat ta aclclac if oaoccaavr. Wbctt doac, mmatalater andl ['c aetil crl'.p. Cfickaa t'. atse '.amothteg %vca t'. cameaca an ilmott ev- c caaatainthea 'aartd anal cachune as ls ovn aay at .cakiog and ccrvtag bhic anit' er-at ds'. White taaking ttet'ogtt -'me at h tc.'aakbaakc notae ac- qait'ad.tlhertr tcanty rcipoc aî iccka,aontafrt oaat w parlt tha caatd. Hatcaitao Cht- tara iaane aa'ta aeat' triait Ha lun Cei,-a tgg fi'ighf attien Flaay, s.att andt pappar Ray Olan Butlding Canfeactors Linaitad UL 4-2263 Box 569 Miltan t ICà~ -r--eP ClANS ARE TOPS. 'AIRS AND INSTAL- ahb ooolage oro iLECTRIC taies St. TE 0-9513 MILTON 't, ~ f r6 V They're always 4%,for a Ha ayig home trem sehoet or ptayig t th yardn... togmoean>ay ready feasack. And Ce onttiy robant appetis literies eotbiap lihe o mhoeamme tui ai atanon Bread. btan cîecoagy food aootaieiea high-nuaIity natitnta thot precide a noacilhina tidi-acce to dhaner. Aid a lwoa fhave tl on hond heaae the Jacksnn noiemon il i> )ooe notghhoarheed ecce> day. Aak hîmn aboat chat ffeee difféent hinda of hmead .- tna anoe anal at a prcae deargnei t a aniiyaofamily . .î.adf heieoaecy ofSann a Jatnon Kitahea-Feoceal hatacd paols. 0 -I TheCnde iaspas hr. Jaiay 26th, 1961 RIGHT AROUJND HOMEM by Shirley CbiahenevPary Saedap. Re 3 ib htshoreeîng Mat tcbootetag ta chilfet. AdO Ilmrhraiam paart agah tZ Icrnc'shedpio eappa eafýry alioscaedimcbronmî te> ttic aenmabout a tyict cap matler (if fooah ate laci. Sca atd conh lomily Whalo bi ave "C 1he cap arateenoaeit 'm'a mfautes.. Aiti chickenaont Earcooea"t oneafine, V 'copferrantjica tanchaîmataî(i canai.'Aarc u, chihentw,ca mat tacot, one !, 'cpatchactt. i siv. ti"ca. Hoat ,bout f0 minutes wicicbcacoalvtsert'eatonhSn-l ared afmontc more. Combineaaonaîarch.c<op Aayc andtapciat occaciont id b tnpno caiooce ffn conscmen. Sor'sow- aciofi> il mat noa'. chichen cath Freheat chulit at 375 degrien. iv itl chickea mixfura. Suar anal gihlal gracc oal craahabrrp Cao ahichen tn e aaacg piccea. htat liva minute.. Slir te lm .sace.Dtp pierra in cttohîiv ha otan egg, nal'. bac-ca bhot on flaltc Cicc. Toaa ahichre cant ha enjoyea l hie ta ceaaoer fleur. Met hy ecaryaaandteot mîst on nhorfeaina ta thiOcit or efectica _ ________ Oootay. Peopfe are inca nmttng fsypon«aol brome' chichea. E," cbichea dartng the cneeho dore heat tb 223 danacea. AttDd L. apecial occasioons, for maie 'dinh- piceapplo. mater, 'a cnp cocaoout Redintll Is uasy as n. a nlada, noopn. canneroles tcmon jaice, 'i cap alîmonalc anal With Norn Pla andatcariep of faceiendihn sai.Cavcrandaoh l]dttea.nr n Pieco ta oachichen, nonahecn Serve bot freim ahiliet, gaaichel «I mnl mhaiaheariediyrcon liietahcheeseomaf a bCthe cth remaialtg coorai aao- mondfthe aronPlan.1inaveftest moi.ipopotarcaayfloraeng. otil. *5 Consi tetsen weei.s SoiChico Pebs Clililiisi *fiat mach hetrannefgi 22t 3flb.chaheo 'Iata nant racipe satamodrn- hnanyt.mobliertdentloge Sacoeat floor t7ed ceraion of Chce AimonO. G.PAIIR i agg ohite, dliJoteat tli 'chich ortgiaten in China. Mitianit. Ont. 2 lablocpoonc wtcer Chiakea AMnnd Carats weaight a liait for yaae Shartaenig 2 lbtpan hortenfing heatfh. taplaesaanda taaiann Cnlt op abtahen in servng piec' ia cap clan' (eut te f'tnch 000e hiart, lt aroi lîioei as. Dtp an ccaooed floci', thon ta pic-catI coaete dtabeteinasmell as rireu- ogg andmwaîcrthea inahe.ftaar V.icaptliaeitunion Ioaoe cromliation.Seaiaefatiîa anoin. Fry thete fightfy, a Iota 2 cap'. dicat coatacahiakon hait Cor year morafa-yoa look oit, bofgy and oeotirîetiae. Why pice aaa ttme. inaboutfone 'î capcaeioracsh msli goanbrooebaanohr'.ear snacr- Inch hotîi. Rmocaatham andt recusmag teg5Sa noaatef.olse Weihlt place gilcles on paper toceftng. f tbsp. corettarch hafoea another moeth foies ya.' Whea ail piei.o are ligbtfy hracc' 3 lbtpa. cap sauac' Tha tiret îtep la alînnys tha bid lied, ploce hemn an absorbent 1 cap chichon concomme or esthbt oncet o haveitaiee it the gapor lenaailinn te a acide, fiai chicke haîtb caît taeoana. Taha tChat sitep tntey paribathyidoeot tooch onea bcop oncalîit faciAe adm' -oo teour doooiaaîne.. foc the Nacon Plan. Ct icld n anothac. Cooh te a slocw ocen ai anita amonayhba'k garanee,