Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1961, p. 9

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A Lake in the Fufure- ,ctIs difficult 1o nisssulioe a mun-mado laboe made mors productivo norîh of Milton. Il conig 85 acres springing np clos (o Mil. racelles sriy hiatoricai reports (but a (pocicu ton. Thua' part ni (ha plan thogh that s c f salimont ma ut ons te sa plorvlful in onpectod will sule (ho Kalitn Dam projoat cum- (ho Siateen that a farmi wagon could bu inad- pleted by cent spring. cd vihli a phtch furb. Tho $332.000 prnjuct miii, muv fatui sure The donolopmsuet ni wa(er consrvation, hovo for-meachin8 affocta on (ha rocroation on miilifo, famrsle, intelligent land use und thia are. recroatina fanilitis are aile aprt ni (ho pro- Mure significat ihough, wiii bu (ha ai. gram ni (ho Cnservation Aufsority. ircis on (ha strcum flow in tho dry sommer The Kulso Dam, is troc, is e major pro- munilhs and (ho ganrui fimpromunt to that jnect and'b000 thst mi huve s (remendons arouam through thto greutor flom. impact on the urae. ln thoste duys ni shorter Tho Sioteen se a picturaqno sroum. tf mnrb ws and grenter beiture, (ho locution forma ils houdmutors in nnr(hore sections ni ni rocroatinul fucilities dloser (o me(rnpni- Eaqucsing and Nasssgamoya in aunerai tan and urban avoa, has guinied groat funor amailler sîreams viiih (ho muin hrunch guing und use. thrnugh Miltnn d cumin1 its wuyll dlown Tho municipalitios hat are parficiputing through Trufalgar Io (ho laboe in a naiiey thut in this project, Ouboilie, Trafalgar, Milton, gains graut dleph na (ha vcuth. Nussaaumya and fsqusing dosorne oom- Wu're (nid (ho Sinteon.MiIu Crack dons mondation for TfiSoif g vision tv 500 (he prunido Iront matot that conli ouaily bu long torm bonofits thut miii accroc. Halton's Congfratnlutînns to Alun Philiipa on hoing ruamud murdon ni HaItun County for 1961t. Approirent ouf a n>ardoen in Hailon oach ycar is un intoroaflng and significunt avont. T'Ie position carrina mith il a groat deai of prestige as (ho hcad ni Onturin's second mOui(hisst cnunty in terme ni ussoasmont. T'ho job ni a wardcn gons fur heond (ho routine cunduct ni affaira ut (ho monthiy mneetings ni County Councl. Thcre are a groat muny committoo meetings, us moul as numboriesa citic occasions mhioh (ho mur- don as oapectod (n attend. Mor. Phillipu, (ha roono ni Trafulgar Town. ship for four forma, is no sîrangor (n munic- ipal politica with oaric( sommie in 1Ç4t and (942 and thon continnnnsiy sinc 1953. As tho hoad ni (ho bustiing township ni Trafal. gar ho as undoubcediy fumiiur mith (ho gromth in (ho aouth and (ho probiemai atendant (n such gromîh. Top Spot Ittis this samc gromththiletisheing mre and moro keoniy ýfait ut (ho cnunty iconi. Prcmn a popuiftioe ni about 40,000 ir 1951 to a population tnduy ni (((.009, (he onry ha sut a romurkbhe grnw(h rate. This is tho rate that mahea the nom county fusiliics important and nacossury. Avothor major issue faces (ho cnunty thIrs yoar mith the iong-mnotd amaigamnatior ni Trafalgar and Ouboilie duo for somne servi' mont. Jual how this major stop wiii affect (ha county administrativo structure is hurd ta prodint. Cortaieiy il miii ho necossury (o catahiah a murs oquitahie convy 00(109 powor (han nom, s possihle. Prom his position as warde, ifeene Alen Phiiiips miii hava a busy ycar norvoeinQ (ho county's actinities. Wo mish him oncry succons in charting, mith membors ni cnunty counoil, a stong and nigornas future for Hulton Cnunry. New Life for OId Houses Ove nifc epropouais Ottawa is onamin. bnom foay cuet rendu9y dispose ut od ing ae estabiahmont ni a necm nortgugo gages to othor innestors. An institution thal banb, The Pinancial Post suys. cudbymrao naug ol n On oronht betiuf anb(hoiodrai thon reiltsr »l (hum, or sscuritise bacbadi by OfficiaIs hansve in a n fv,i JrJÂ sit unuthor mnrtgag [endier which cuollecte san-r the murtgageaZdvdiufdoàikliisovery sunl o~ru1ons mmmof innostmon( mutch moro marbolubie ings~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e atfnneismrggeoeaina mtructins.,.,- somne unve auggcstod, tf lobks liea dnb>ous anaa proposition ineod. Thoro are lots nf fhose lmproncd londvng arrangements for nid airoady. If, howsnor, (ho intention loto set up hontes arc a much greuoer probiem. Sonsu an inatitution to promette a seconder0 market bird ni gonernmonî guranteo, or a tenders' for mortgagos, or to doooiop a hettor iond- pnniing ni (ho risbs for second mortgagev, ing iociiity for nid bouses, fois sonid ho a might bu (ho unsmor hero. As tl iv row, t roui stop formurd. ,homeosunor who has to solf his hous.e seourai A major drumbucb.-iv .thu movîgage fsid Yeats aftOult A urs but mui1 fOnd il airnout Oas boon fou polir markoabiliiy of ooiu(ing impossible (o find a buyor mith o large mortgages. !F you on a stoch or a bond, ita enough dlown puyment. Nom bouse huiling vusy to fOnid a boyer ut a prioe set invactive guts iota ni hoip uiroudy. Whuf's noeded is a (radin1 umong maoy inoostors. ('horos ro botter climate for mur(gugus on nid hooses, snch merket in moriguges, honoonor, and (o hoip cut clown somoe of (ho high seoord tendrs tend(tohumoreucatiorsaboutr(ab. motgago rates, and for(trading inl xist0g 109 on nom commitmonrs bocuso (ho>. mortguges, (o a(truc( more lendors. One Set of Laws A Hongarian-born oaluruiioed Canatison cien vameti John Pull bus heen mosh on (bue nom a recunily bocauseofn his prniessnd support (or (ho Nazi poliOicai phiiosophy. From more hian one source bas somte tho suggestion foot Oucause ho han pobii>. on- yoondod suci oisons, Poli shooid bu bcoled out ni Canada. Sut mhev Immigration Mynis- fer filon Puircinugh mas auboti in the Hooso ni Coorsmnon hofor her deparmrn mas snnsiderivg enocation ni Pal> s ostvoonshsp s>o(us. she matie this rop>.> "Uniess (hore avn groundu for renocation ni (bat csiien- sloip, I-e nI coursc rouainu bis Couadian ctii nnnship anti sucI- punishmev as ho moy do- snrve by ressort of hos octiities mu>. bu met- cd ont to hatm juut in the samie muy as iSt nouiti bu meteti out t uny collher Canadian citizn." John Pull's politicai actinities thns pas( (ail cortainly moolti min him no popniarity conoest ln Octobur ho uppoureti on a CBC telenisian pmograog anti cluimoti fouet ho mas one ut about 600 Paiaul ie Caiaa ho moent on (o say thlet most of theon more Hungur' ions, a suggestion (bar brooght deeviais ard donuinciations frmw spobesmeo for vi- groop. In Nonembor Pol truocile>. to Wos ingn, D.C., anti bonamo a membor of IF U.S. Hazi Party. Wmîhsn a iem dayc ho ho ronignet il(bt momborship anti hati boer di portedti ( Canada, nff>ciaiiy for a faillire t onaintuin bis osotoru statns. BacI- in ('oront a contrite Pull (nid nomsmen that ho ma (hogh mith poiticu for gond., (bot ho in Cathoio anti nppnssd t (ho porsoonhion o Jnms, aithougI- he stili ioungil Ilon Nnni hati shomo thomseioou foc mnont oiinnîio barrior to commomuon. Ho udddtilIat ho oni misI- mus tn bu 'a simple Canadiansciizeno. Pols politicai oiemn> or perhaps forme political oiOms, amis hot popUior hore. Boto is iafree contry anti ho is stili a Cani i an citizen. Au, Immigration Minister Poit ciough no(od, if ho engages in iliogai octiova oes (hure are legal penalties, but (ho ion must bu appied uliko tn naturalicoti ors nutino-born Cunudiens. ('homo can bu cri) one set of lamanot nne set (or fou numiva bomn Caeadien citizen anti anothor set fo (ho naturailooti Caradioo citizen. "Winter EIf"" 9c~ JOTTINi 8>0 JIM *3 TOQIC A ion> tu flio Joseyph lai nvciirva ospv>.ital(n Sun ', (0>00iLc bok los nvysoif. da. mnun ni nîhor p00p>0 s>tie h»oe tho in» o>. lob in, bcv Sons»» tor ni tho bo.. no[l b>o>.kd, for' son di 'slnce 0>000 flio loboshosc h>»O>.oy. tipic., v in . 'nel IOn N ..>>s lnivhion e L oboo - Hi-ivyjois. flio Ounn Elion- ns> o>> vo Iisod trats> s( lIs> iss Iton , os»fr it.>i s T>1- iIIOSTORY C> buili>ing o Iltho, noun> >0'. yovhovet. nnhoo.ion flist or>lin ti0%' Élel.ironvoininu e.l of tvo 4501 asc osooso ioonn>t>. vvn>i On COin>l Jorseph 0sov>, yvioia 1 0>,er. i>o, l»sn lfLio»>oisnn. SAA BITrLi nd »'oVsoo..oti- 0TH sTl'-'sTo»>0h1i.> ,-.agi loiso and> il %vas0 gond Ilho fi, enoool S3,65,000; noon»l koyt s ooi>g ohon>d. o 000 .> $l,546,0oo; puohi. A>>, (5>0>'> l>>o i>sn LE o] ,n., v\s' ho>>l 110>?is,'> il lu.. cv.sko cOnÉ Ion> [!.nss> l> On sinn Wo>ooi'> VOLÉu loî VOLÉ %veno>. k..ivan iont 1(0»»> kfoi.e .mv ok ins itu l>soi (>0 le ss(No>o\ig Ilc.,j icl.i> n 's i iv>> 01 >>>. I>>o>>l >4»v 1> %a ni ,,it h>osnis aînd nd lîs n>nhliko on>ar s>.ddi (00 5>r'. soinosion If la c ci o1vlis>.' ihvo ni i. sînî.Ni, le >00>0 llv si ,%. f Lvvivvvs fi(5>0 (Isos.'vo (i>- sVv>vli (On) IlleI soncoc aivos Ébatnn COLys (vs . >.skn' i s>> on> t Il (5' thn'1((0( ile ni>>o i> k»,' il o. cin cntre s I- Eokii>c »fil ioso0 l ple>.oînveooidv al.. I irtr syn libre , oo d hvubu aooit ne d Ih ushory o iio. nEnkn isnd tirorbti'o fu thecy ni' Cal ingsl, n N coln haetu nlak ut1 00u.il tubeN maciat ni m os dun. it% c Toruyd'gsutturae thoyllpu hun btig i i nd sunt ac d'iln( -. ilAcs br ai Ovnis Oou'Lona ilnso, [av iulo sve mc or fivu odas, sithe1 na boutonh asooBukliae huines uipod Esu for fas 'chaig 'fusa hotIsug ofbail recru lan eahc Zo 'n i.>. - 'o>> \\lo v,,>>>> Carl> . I"h>sLosI 11111 >s'îli'n'ola n in l, o naioa ,fIlinieO, son'o >.» o>t On, soh, >20. 1ooloicl onno d os. lu o.. W ho iLi NOcurgu. csr ' ll on ii 1h»>, shonoil cili o si coon.> ovoirnill Tîeonin ligf th l posm oli ni, ns'..y l, cnos y ni tl o an gno t'icot. fio la (bore oetbt iku to mii4%e aurgoe nilo hohms yoo lmv buenegs bat abeocut b n Id liraitiaot bile. Iii , , $7 oE raol ss( 374 s (N tDI- ns> t ohole. C >no..csugil isvnoo. ca Tl,,,,', il Ill'at inki bu:, il 1 'ai night. l"I'l ni LI I ioli. -JflCIo,ý ni', ......... 1 I;n lit ,,,, Illat', wl pirinp. P-1 Up [Ili, ing ri [v cIfo, 'Éori k,,l "En î1ct to c 4 n ~ .01>0 50 YEARS AGO Taklen trasi the files of tho Cua'- Ch us>iil. meetingn (ho til»H Got s».>.ti Associati>on %os'. suel isthe lo hasll, MinI> (in Di1L L S 'tl>v..,,of>iu..scvs.'k. Ps.'idn A.' Ms.Gihhon 5v,' fin lecar (vput o> ssi>ino>'. werc re' 48,472; o..ii>r>,hod s> oiso.. cusu,. ide.o>d Th s pr'00 >5t >ooilngoo»tor .»iE Inive is o.. howecd (ho hoen- liii ainsut 6.8 pu'r nit> ((o ass'ociat(ion ws' (s> [lie oc>o>in...>l.is .o counsvulH.sisnun,yuovieuayi.nvn * »>>so228frti y t~ho i.»rer n av.nd Ihoso hassing h.ons(ohhylbpo>.. h>o..(ok. Heonivout>Éhatvno Ici, o>s».lotuioo (hohe sivoenor insurance ound ho hui» 400.novwio>o and s the uassociati'on cvs loonned l'orsthe soie puryns> s,> hoiping su ro>cs>or..suion pro-' .>GN the buidi is»» ;'s» and hoinging tho iocovs Ai toru.sssv nssvos0 usino, ho thugh ovury gucc 's> (vo(hleilio o'y> siorn ni sh file Oly should s t IvIl> on> (o' li> vs s>c snionVeu..h>o ho>iur i2nomn 'lo h.>.n>o ho onrolos>ilu ho uîtnos dnong 5>lait > >00>0, lle05 ,sr nd ho>t horo nu.. o i>sv>>..n ton» ..lo,>.s on>,nd vnth sOnk nbvi F.110 276.50. The o ili>nsnu c %,C>u cleiods: yois>on>Cli, A. Mný .s s>hs s».li yvo..preisonl. W. J ln >lo t;sý tt--rn..urol'. i. IL. (((Si IV ui> TI>s> u. D, obrson. S>. BILL OMit>. ond.>,. i Tn'h>>.nsid n» son no vnsn..nin»d, S. IL Mc.G'hsl,bot <'nnu >.>.>oo11111e no>d C. IL. Tuilon>, to , i l ,.v>> ji ioLNI, Nil Il Oo1Mo>n'.l.>>..>v> JE,»e t.- -on o u, oVl»o onfiloon.tflg, ai[ lo , thon . l' i f lluv Iro'nt> Ille>n> oa i l, i i th >>>, ' 'Cois>. flou>.i vI'd,>> so,> L> Iin i Ni ro>>i>>.'>'.>Ili, ', no>.a k h,,sonlsn0> o, ri Oo....,> it >.(h o M>ar grlle( hn1 00 0 o> 500 Ofice ',ll il 'lc h'io>'. do >1 >s>> ' ' o n'. vS "sI ,I>>v ' LI .>> i ls ovn , >000» di- ouost n». . an 'le nOvosi >.,Ik >000>f, ns>'." n.so Ilho 0>0(000" os ol>rn 01>0(01 i 0>00>> il "lnssîn oun 0o ho.>pv I"I hon s>lnoV ansllnuoovso O>ther..of mO niinihor ,ir lgime. abe îHrNnscbny iv alonos y Wseind toc.tr Ibo oi îs wbn Vo ptardlia. « Or15 ien r e Mivo imb drot to rue doo oui ni flic treantiau bae obu uitr % in alt fc'.arbte 20 YEARS AGO Tabon froua INn flcs vo[ lite (au adian1 Cttall)ttîs1, JattnorIIy 2s, 1941 PL: s'Lnn i.>i C on. v hîo A.L iv 5»,. Ho lo Il>>». City' ]List Monda> v 0 o .C. lv or nu o'. c»> nssyionofloylte f An>. yoisn hoirn maas ne (vs Il aie I fic Nov ý-% glu, y>oose ..o v >00>0 t .1flic Cio0bL'. stIiocn s» r soE liait Jo... W. O(oos. A suonvcii o %c v,> I lcli Lord Banos-»Posunll, >>s,>snChi Anonst o> thvss , f>.iel (s> s Knoxu Pslv>o>'>.s» C>,,»c o Suv>iovosnning i.>... TOniewa unOn large >vvonlvn, i- >.e.vqr, TrOnoids, os.. vs,>, lo Roi . L Risdd». So»»> Milirn 5»>' is.. Mai>> il Eh, vvv %vie,. >010> y.>>Aot on>>» : Elhl»> . A,...i..>o 5.0 ( nI> Mils'e Koono> h Ra.ndiiI.and 1oliL n out s n s hi.,>ss os. oi Mao> or RidIsil made>( s>.L'> ndon o> (>0> Sont Milliero Sov SsusOsn, oIns ii hol T oupl hil> 5.> oolosos. 'll>. MI>.o S.,ia"af -nfo1 li,o, .l k l., L.>>'>>> (n.>sng Milton 42. 1i», go».», fcoo>n A>>>..' ho, >l vs,L, hudd000> ho> th. soni haine k >so '> h M>>.0 El,>I. .i lO,>41>>. s non o -vi .0» I-t>.>.. J on", foot i n > l s i s,> >1. s aDfiDg 'Rouai thes District BY BOY DOW9NS (a1>0ýý (.5 Canada)ll( '> nssnvso Oss>>gn>u lin i .îîî>lit (11>>>>>. LINili iTRAF'ALGAR -tîln.. Servine O»l .>»»vv.'i y>.,> Élit v iv, su >htw >>o s>t i il'. fî.v>sv>0.> >livs.y' vi vv>n'lnson.svsi vs>on empIlit 'n>oo(en. The unit %sss sss(>n. aout>s M00000 oands>>0001c 55 o v,>il] b, > ooî l-,- lv>ElE 0.. o> i0onv non,> Mss ,Ioo [vos>.», (,i li lis animsal Citizn of li Yeao awo>sv.od ivr by the Lins Club. IIBRAM.PTON-Thv totl oc..s'.vvvoos lias alolns> vionhli in the ile. tiuors.. noorbulio0 hrnt $12.0f0.00f in Ds'nnsbr, 1955 t0 an nporotlid $24,0fO,0O0 Ny Ibm end ni 190. Thc sssor reporns the 60-'4balanebasvheeusn(vyclns.y mintid Oi(ANGEI>VLLE - The Banner cuys tboro more a tew, grauis aotmîov oI-os Ibm fille chitinm record to(Oards -the ttse'mm s toune- bounr Io squelchflame. uand a sieusi cf back nsmem Itovrvr it wse onl osyboli volini machiue bus'sicg. and 'utOo ote estoe. FbRGfln-Beutty Bros. ptant bus cînsoti idn f4ana tre soe* porhsd aifecdingaubout 4510 ompîoyues and i tting sire towa bard. ACTON-Drmias of 4 preposed uom Pudlerai Pont Office fe- Attn oison réuainoed bit tonal officiais for commiets tend a The bsildiug lu sianoctd for Iwo proertos su Doivce eAu tu bu d«asigo ai (or tbche rasp"s Pout Office buiidibgs ru The Canadian Champion Psh(msbed every Thuisday ut Maie Si., Milton 0nt hfember uft(ho Audit Bunra uf Circulation, '(ho C.W.N.A. and the Outario-Quebec Division C.W.N.A. Advertlsl Ete on roquesi. Subsoripiions payable io uýdvance,.&.1l Caauta, $4.11 lu chu .S.A Aoîhoriuod as Second Ciaun iait, FoUst Office t)epurcmuent, Octawa. G. A. bris, Sto-no-lChief James A. Duls, Managlag Sdltno Phtlislscd lu th5e Heut nf Idalton JUS1,NtSSÀND P aa:qPbilalad hy SagVll Poittl Mad Puabtaa Cat. LIA. iUSIN SS A D I fAt OFF ICE TELEPRFIONE TE 8-2341 The Turning Point Bp J. M. Staoo 'Ibil.. io il. susc lIon Oyt flo>,oso cînoislonsm o cetui00ler loI acososi Ils. Isod >0o>. o> rite. %Ssssss>ss". Isoweins s> sucs ;Idj ns '*inlonoe". Il oinvoooîns >nuoi yooilh', 0>00> bonko, Étio ossson'sslt, bs>one 'cnsvo. on n>.svlos isn.lSss Ili,> Sink s ssnatr.'bOnono>l iiono ...cadlsssss o»>,'i %L.1 riIl susnlhnv'*inluences our lino. IlI-sck nIai ohe oh-c bo'>.»> ho h t >0. io>buennnn'>thnvcordh irso g flicvsooslossI oflh1kIý OonsogoogOtir Pplepi ul ou>' luns. t»> s>hosifunet1 i, f- . * cissin uy th. h>ood ynvi-vnovo ni koolsos» o n n os». li ns. Wo hio lc Onvovsci n us iiluno . (ossi ilhsoy0hi slt ia selfinsLn,ssonîoosasiionc>vsvsco Wo>svnd,s sonyio n Iln k>.> asndhviionuv>.>nothe ho'sooiri.Woybsh.noosovu nouo(>sh ..nn'>ho nond. is hshnioýnslalnosooL ooinskoos, h.».1. loi il ohso 00vons lios'olsso>. ar rliovogo .v -l,.'f os Ilri o n sIsekhvg ond Our' usc kioocclndo . o ininono ,iil couse tif'sshisosssy.I.s>nk>.i>Ind s>>n>, nIlscionso o ýl,j au,> iiiEdc t1i 'n.Iosi ssI happon excitant, nl >n'no iri ssl sh,> s> osolLososs no(sbshoNsl Ions, o> [heniess'.s (s, >0>'>'>' Ille. s>>>>n oo hsmon I>.'is(ilonv'in'ssOr pIy.svn>vo> vos>>>>, 1>,0' ll oho.s'influncenson b hnoos(c shoos>hoos flho h.., os>.>. Ilinid . _'>crvono carne.ocs>> .st v>.o> a i pls',>. slvssss finir . os, I Ivso> Iluhoi>'osonsi n sviops.i A o nlisooso o loi .. I(i os s ,>> ip> i -is> vvlioisO o'. ous a o suns.>>> wo A cnssiîn' b,., fsin n ,i -IIt so n - int s no-iiv lI'a ' s1 lI> . r >> "s'.îr g Il s '> C1 11 ik . I 1 11i1 in iio ihcebs I' oi t c sn's s- cnion' a o d iiinv ioos >isn nss 1>> ii -vil>>> TosOl Yooi hvndiflunon'snos e o» oborO>o>ne. h, > ..>vhvn si influnce soi» b(00 happy on' sous) Makv li, soîssos .> lin>.f vos oil lv.. i n [li(v rollosi- l.s>ovv'o D>> an%> of> (55>.5vin oiii s' oi [>>'lsoin Ilh, (lso so.ss's >1..>>>> (vt in> theosuon'> s>>>lunne l fic Pltis'>.ssi , sI> lises lleo hon>.' ni Os son>- THE GOOD OLD DAYS

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