______________ Upset Sailors, ain Two Needec BY BILL MYKES Aeeked of .500 hockey gave M At theMilton Merchants treo more At h preset lme, lait loe To avaid the $34$6 to, Bilt peots in the league standingP hov Il goeupl et eygen, as Shields, Jim flotts aed 'Brat:se Cmethtog mhich they are je dire R the PatTr o hae jeet Coulson fermait ap with Tob emdlet at thie polet.du heen completet. Tht tait tombe-. Ramsham, vilhe but a four treal Thedyngthytrvtd s tre ytccoolie5 et ýce hut., It repertedty hec roum te Port Crd4tt7et;h ele th eperlo ers.heetyt or a da coc. Tht house ba eqoe c eateieta e thtcbIoemcxwhc the~0 hyplimmel laivesdaets,-mde his.hthe heeall thetr omtto.the past two iok otte i yer . h hptte.c e art cut anld emo tow tsars ie tht Icage, the, Sattere la or lntthm aer.Wv h re todees te etw in tomne ttgbt. ctaetd ta a 4-2 mie crier tht Mev mater~~ tetune- cahta Tme slidlcg deort et tht sidea chants. Tht mie gave Port Cred- M: item tareperatare ef tour de- atiam ventilation. Ae attemacce il filele in15 oaicgc, thlme etof grees centfigrade, tht wld aed je srade ta o matt tve te ha which have heen crier tht local PC mave asti on catt cliv the etire instalted. tetermediate cluh, whem they PC volumtet fater mithie tht faeke, tct-ficbicg ectoatiy te on inter- have ended on tht top aide eof thus takn nafodspl mieer vîieg sport. ttci tht samne as ie mast caes ie the tact eme P oxee othaeg liner ta ah bt-ey ether type ef tishlng; yeu yeare. The atd adage et gaieicg 1. eft et on flfo thcei e behle. m usteat aeed and mait for grondontheemier pace cluhcso mitof al; milaeving fherm teh îg heerc for e bli. Beceece ln the ceagot appcrentty dceccic.c wacreh !e th ieeesih ttcakl resting on the flat merk ln the case ef tht Mtrch- P. eot suhea t ine r andh opretecttd eurface ef tht takle, acte. PC ouarm l earpt eer an a tht steve reetty lsctcecssry. WS.Bk T ia0À crB CEMPOB cse a enydy lever mscdertd. oTht, tichicg equipmtnt is Hemever, Criday nlgbt hock in scores Tsne, Sot. sop Tsn Geai, four acilai Peiday M: e tiehing je hecomicg more made et et three heake rehich sheir o igtoo, tht Merchactc ccd more ppotelr as tht yearc go ar aec i cee ahs ameerohmt a ceevtocicg pamped home tive more tailles TUBA hy. tn a recet soree on Lake ie tht mater acd a tise attactted min. Jeke Prise tired gnother mithaut a repty fromt Part Crudit. PORT CRIEIIT 4 MILTON 2 M: tmncae, ont et tht mont pepetar ta a belecced stick. Tht stick three goals te iead tht club te e Brute Brette, Ste Hannact, Pic-st Perdiet M: iceftsin grurs, ,00 htsbobs mhen there sa a nibe at14vcuyagaleet tht Port Cred. Bruce McFaddtn and a pair tront P.C.: Sibbich (Milce, Gra- mere ceunted on tht take. Ten le cubher satted or tîve mtnnems. te t4isiters. Jerk Price mece tht mcrksmee haret...............ý 5.20 M: ytars cgle, there mere enly 250. On Lake Sîmce, you cee catch Saiter vint ie frent 1-0 in tht le ibis stanze. Cetile c Carîhy theidi 9.40 Pc taite trous, mhitetisb and ber- tiret ptrlad Thursday etgbt and NOTZEt Ovtr 50tgreoù haed Dance tisolstl 17.21, Kelly <1,ipi McC If yeu're roggrd eeeagh te ring. Lobe Erie bas a plentitut trami tbis pitnvrrlnusýhr rdyngt..Pr rdt1-3 ti drive ta Labe Siece then pcy seppie' et ptreb. Total catch tire- cod ph c.eint on etre rtiue hrew Prida eht 10 . ort Chredit . Seon eto flera$3Io 6 ora fia oranitsbhaenot as yeîbee et t tbeed. T ht gaseondth prrid dreistand 106o ansa Thoedsoy .':Gaa Se c k >. 3.3 ice-bote per day, ced once yoa're tl eppears limite miii he set soean rs aed unt tor Milton, cnd in se far ibis year . . . Fach club j Mi.er tý1HapiHtit 12 cet up te tht shack, il yeu're Acloalty, t like the sport bot tht third trame clebs split single drere tire muiner penaltits le the C.C.; c Netetot . 12.50 stugnogtîrt eectmybe ina hrobck. I ike mres Thuredcy gore white Priday sawl P,.ealtls-Kellr istcr trente I areap trure tht table mbits hold- my sports ruggc or t Elke te i-ick Ferri, ptaying coach of six mteers te each club ced c 2.50; McCerthv li rip) 8.03, t4ac ing unte a toit bouse te met ie thiek tbey are. Tht tirst tireI tht Mercbentt bcd le de att tht miscondact te tht Seit6rs' Muck- cei theld Iteeki 9.43; McCi i y eue catoh, thee yoeece get i t set a tetecisen gcribi] on oveen hrbrste thcr ve Melne intht tirct perlid toc iel McCecthv ihith ikkl 16.16. mod. es ca bcee ]cece these shackc, tre tersiog areoed partreci as bc tattird bath Mer- tee much toth mllth reterc cev Tisird Perteet ticherman. andt geieg home.Haitno ulntn...A P..Rihr(Mne......72 A Tht Grup ef Ten chant goals. Linere John Heip- Hmte tBrige i C;Rcadiiei 72 -------A groupof men ille a c ie terned te bis essai terre iel filme tiret period Merchant gea-,1 M: Ferri (lct.on, eHipeiî 1850 gropaimecreo ac b- ing tht goals in theve but tht came mith Mite te tht ste hinenCaties - Melaect (huai cerelot atreosi tegendare' as fa1ier the tme otse tht Merchacte ... Merchacîs pluyed le Oakviill 18.4; Oatece andt McCirtis ili a as Milton acta sportsmcn are coutdc'î Oct entrerhtd on tht test nighî ced mitî.hoet Duedas stick) 12.28. Le e o r~ coeceed, hase doe t agate. lerger. icr coriace. Grcftons hece Pridey etgbt . .. FRIDAY W T-hic miner, a greep et 10 men, Toit Richard, Marre Sibbich, Tht public addrcssesysetm et the MILTONs t0 OTCEI _________________ ioclodieg Rocs Colsen, Don Mce- Brerbie Greaam ced Bey Ntmý arcîsa mas est et arder Cridos Fis PrTla it 4 Leai, Jle Prie and Stas rCne tes le tormer Milioe ptaycrl diii eigbt and Icit tht 501 peple te M: Price (McFasîdeni.. 11.28 Th ZoeBwigplvfs%1icarted cerce eight dcc ndt h teorigfrPort Crcdit Tbocc the derk as tac as gealscerittg M:t Hanse et (Rbhcr-,, Grankai be el hreibs atrdv i te oue.bt y ireeeycarec.a. nTpealiet-retitcrel.. ......y .c...rtcd..... da... MitnBwigLns is shf 1amay the gane ecae the only Wi aPprlisescnc13td24 starts atl10.1linthe ,rntegeand a; to el t ofe tbcir heeting Cicstlesget le Third A rcr rwt Pese h Mr the second shift mili go aI 12'45 octa 471'emilees t fePrry Jack Crice, Sto Haienaset and ct er'cqaneîtd ttMeFr- mithîbthîhrd onese.-teuiartlai Seod i ta goeinandeoutby ral.Jack obrtsntchedoalssin t'e daylthetfans eilthave o chance 2A.45 Thi-s greep, eriginulît- eraei- tiret pet-led hcrt Fcidey sighe te nm blet Maplle Leat ticketc Som to hohe aclen eî by Sert Boirney, lias, heci shoot Milton, inIe as eerty 3-0 un - -Merchoeîs cere bold ci -il1 aiep bwingt-artond %v ra wrkisa toethercascatem, gice teedhereîthceclgesîecromdeen record le the mie-t ose ce le O lte tle btier te tîo en mlii etr tehe c few haniers. ter about bond tor the mie. Larcy Shoker ced the r et ettili le tit plae hle topreeîn w ersfont Mide.n Jir 16 ycors. Stan Prire cars the ce a ot-s-ey Gresealicd sonly leibte Cesîral Ontare Icagot ... bepret, Bri Tetto, Frcek Kas; harte asystcem. "t, tihe c bel, le thesecondi peried le aire the TeYugCnd i ita ycki, Geergc Fletcher, Aex Pen-Ie. esr- m cli wrk d> Mermyibeia ceicete fo Th t cg cc Ld ne t tek, Gerd Hadley, Ornis Remtty, gether.' Tht boti-meece, dressd NemiibcatekdtcheFhury 8 ... Tht Niagara Patte Baruey couleen, Aide- Greaam, sccighcd clese te hiait a' tot' emi tiret eft me on the eleht. Tben lesdaI e cnrchtdoîcd O Eulldoztng 0 Ttenchicg Bruce Marshall, FreetJbse tocr et tht boeks meighed oveer Tom MrCcrsthey nota.hed eeott by the O.H A. ced Hep Emms ButCeae ndDa ohCaIsone 200 tht. The higgcst - mcigbed juet as Art Met anso sctrpped ietecmed tht le-aIe il moid * thtl loyersan Dall Cotts am areend 23. hack onthetie atcr erelegn a lefor gerese o s reaey 0Sn rvl0F tplay e Mite mith aine ail, te Thty bcd tomne troueble gtttissg trippieg penalty, te close eue the nights if tbty Playr trcyt plaotd i ton , e th a lrepb hi. estou ont et tht meese mbest Boss perledt et 5-2. LI -P co eray1 hodngo a h toh w hCotilson ptced tl off le c beever Then te tilt third trame Sib- PORT cREDIT--Geai Austin UJ K r jyur mas ccptorsd test t-cir. pond; eerteone had toclieb intu hiekcscored belteetherptriodmcas I.es etnKly Cx cE G R H W E DARTS tht mater te poll i eut0. a reieute old and luttle Ttrreit detec Nemre, Keell, co nsP.T862 RR3, Milo fp.ealo SBqWti tft B3pppt-c Tu r oend out tht Milltsn acta Websît-r added-sanethertramnA.MeG.MlGrheBb - 25 .. ils Mlh.attthi =oc~t&n4rte eeiggtet oeRt oi Isli t st6 Ois5ih bick, Wébster, Biérbt-d Camplisiivtillc, Sidemild BRi ibis reeek mitb 60 peinte. A 12-0 son, 18,Ïie Jack Ocre' choold be bech tnt,, contentiee fer the MILTOPI--Goci, Leavrr. Ot-t,-v- mhitemwashing tbry handtd Led- ieeiodsd. On Itit- trip. they hag- goree'e wi0. se, Grenke, McCcten, Hatt,î ilth's Speelts Wadtseedoy gare atît a hoît-meese asd aceaf Hoeer the Merchanîs mere Mogterd. Pot-mords, Roberts, lie.e a Iwe point mar-gen eer yearlieg. Tht boît-meese mas net te be reritten off ce ecclt Brown, Haneant, Prire, Shaker, Witdcatc, milb where ther tedl Bei' tira flot-theri prite. and eritb the cour t sitting ai 5-4, MePaîldee, Hripcl, Metam>tt, htttetiedtlast e.Biîtets did the localtladssriet temckcand Fet-tianre. oairt- mrtt tsoIIgh. as Geerge . * -e' , -c ete v Wiecey's beys piced op 10 polît,s i, LD SB agaiest thtu Mistfits. M o drÀgtHceyLnu xct r 0015e c gap t-, rît hetîrcen tht Meoved te Fehnry 8 Executive Sets tterkt Lagge pecidet Brc vent clebs and these tra, and The a.dîter theYeoungCanada * egt i"c-pt-cssdtnt; Beb Ma. Legionnairre had Misti s tedo Night bas hemn haegedi trre o ck y N o t Ce eetire ced Donc Pct s ~ iro astesrrAie iting standing. 05,fP. lied Legiiînirc-, aneeonctd by etticiats eto a. Mit iu n an lbe cratire amc Arn Ma. 66e thsthis plis; ii sit tt tein Met-chant-, hockey a.ob Ibis r rv n Dettc. Jire Seeds, Lcccs; Arhi, 42Jnlewit Monîcincecsîrî tace 'e o arch 3 e. tehJbcnoi i cndcoîponts aîotestBrick- te a phone coti frot Hap Marh 3mittbermiieorhocbey Marchait. ct-s, whhav ar peints. Pirema.' m, etr te Niagar b t in Miltoe. Thie date mes tietetd tbe Erere8- t ul Fls.Fi reer h be i h gra asnoenrcd by tht Miner Hockey Are Meootte mas chosens;oin lie a 32 peint li Catis fiyet- slho s«t bel hr League escotre citer thelr Mec- detegat le tht Tri-Cesnîy Hec- ln cat place Ibis mcc-k is Led- lac the big game that nigbt, tht dcv meeting. bey Leagîtk,. mith's-Speial seitît 28. cluîb tras notitied et tht change Thec mas seree ditticeite' le iUHR n the date. Erers reperted thet acranging tht Cridey night date. FUCHseIw dates et gores had beten Tht hocekey ana.co tise tnds ilne.- Thc t-art ni.' reague is t-ciiv chaegedforhfilsclub by theOCH'A*esrtahviloIlewkndST i 19pints anedC. T. ervice thetlîsîl etd ulima o red e te inet-ngtsethas USADN AG FSI lied mitb Blue Suoco îrith Il on taree in as nt;lsy meoyeor iglethesparentd eut oth rglar GUSTheORNi iSI tht bottera. te betmcan Teppet-s club. Mach 3 date mes errurgtd bs; TAILORDTtO GMtASURf st m ints boc etd IbePr Altheegh tickets, bitte and tft-e ceqouting the Met-chante te topspt eih 7ce Od t-s duaes fur tht chldrtn bort bren chasge hockey teiohts mitb them. COME IN EARLY. lttmc eT!htcd mîtb 15, Acmy prntt'd, tht change is mctcomed tbat ireck tht Mtccbattsseit 15hae 0,f a nd geseard bast l et-h soeîno cleeieg fac plett et play un Wrdnesioe. THEt SUITINtGS YOU CHGGSt 12pit.Sunk andsi oiiainte the public. Geme Scereute i WILL Bt SKILCULLY TAILOtO 12posin. P lace g ýain sol Ffita.n bondreri tickets ara go- Thte uid ltante sc-heîttte tritl _____________ î Ot ASURtMtNy. paucetettcupitebg I l ogtoIoetheschots in Miton hae e'aesdîates atemingîteces te OYU i.c afine pits hetrat C.TSric d Distriet îtering tht neetmctek. plae' in theasaineeorder as thes; Tceppfer let ma ek. ie mtb sehia.h miii gec Ire admission did licloct Tht repcated selle CT TBpRslst Thweecîte tu taboy lic girl occerepanied hye' oit li contiue ots tu Match U CHATTR: Te -onhly 1-11an adoli. The adoits get ane 11, bhei tht plas;os relI btsgin. I T R S Fachre clh u t hara Iienoiet ci six prices îsith their ticket. P re m r f h Mio ,il, reaive boIt tht loaate o thteLf A IE O nighi ...Ace Bahceek aid Den- DEPEND ON INCLUSINO HARtIS TWtED els Bomiey- hase cbeitanged Beb et tuebre Ibis Salu-îles ci neen E A."AL" HENRYSA N S aiser bey gel skîîîka t his seek. 440 MAIN ST. MILTON TE 8.2381 ofcsO "SPECIAL PRICE $ P'. Fridays 9:00-4:30 CLEARANCE Ask fer *fler FASHION CRAFT PROTECTho STOCK SUITS Your Ca YOUttegulc; $59,9i5 AY ol iour ar , for dependable, timely S A V 1N G S NOW I age 0 îcîî(a %ih a deliveryof C ANN G RO0W ONSAL $3 -.5 Cal fo ectîmote ESSO HUTINO OI 4102 ____ffM" Ror Ol= hetn unt IU 'à%uf Bus Knight's Eutlditte Ceuieeacîoec, ctPMl"e COUPA4' oàtd451 Brant SLt ' QUALITY MER U 4223for ai yeur E' BLIBLINGTON 8.s 4-22M63 potroleum nodca AGENeT Ê. E, tl V 202 MAIN ST. miL box &9 Mlton(9Bec, 1ik f-051 Tbe Canadtien Champin, tbars., Jenearp i9tb, 196b1 5 Ca e s in taeck me-c tht Brampton geai- rNOTRBti t-a tbt cma asn th, I Points 3-2 Thriller iII Baherîs~~~~~~~~ iR-.n anni MtiCirr eîittNs lctbt istl Georgtownc -Weste (ntel y pile Ilîitîe t-Tome tetries t....... . r14.1 -îsic agited,', gc ba.'i' iter a - . Tht Notice teml le te ) tek; Mitîr teisuin' Bt-arpsets 3-2. tha acrvae ai a spse Pl',, i lcetsree 1 10.12; Webstresîoghi 10. thrlle Ima niîr i- tîis trt ist loil at tn th Beldlcv Shaker ibtîk i 17- Locas-c thtillcar eoki st ,et l ichwl 10tr Mrions Not-hice Weuraîîd attbisegisetrted by MCFaddnei n the tisai pecîcri. BsM- mil Tîh ttc pieand ,t Mccctht- ircoghingi 16..q. Daioies ices ntheu iîi". ii" t iei M5..pcîes SecndetPriod higFA geiPtsMicîbi iats lU,î' tta td"oii bi Shaker M.Fddn. Psl Harns cquitstltchî 1 eit: h ................. 2.5 Peais.n Gare' Naît--. .,ei n d îls;dýý Gienka (Ferri, Metaisan 15 Hed alscsvod aie ible ga, i,tt1 Si b. I ........... 258 Msontgomreay ,,,oreîi bo,îîiî a ......b ....-.--417 lort-ha vsitsîr. IDEA FOR A COLO McCarths; (Cco, Evates) Pee Wees edged 2-I WINTER'S NIGHT .................... 18.27 Tht Kinsmee Cee Wc ete Ae its lm t ttn tnaities-Miea, i(,ross c-heck -h less torturait, in iiri tii s Abei t il li ie oi ut ý eig s 3; Kails (trip) 11.59; M c a t- gd - Il; Btti, l,t 11ilN n e a cuo ih hlv 16.21. Ct-dg Brosh ecichedilt i e Thîrd trio l'on Muitte anasseccîl. Ttitsns iSibhick (Grahame 5 odt i c atst Tnvshii t-, e iWebster - 25ta rarpen. e- po ailtl10VIii bce ac I - BromsHasenntBeertci Bramptan came est ais top eti a un -ie5.27 aS4icisr 5 iaeime coldas Im Prs(Shaker, MsP.îddeteî ictttairs ineth, i ma -Ion pci ti- -...........8.12 aftecîc n. filmer Widiccg scar. pt î,i oit Hanteant (Grenkat-.1159 ed smo goals. Diek Maeshaii ced- i McFaddes (Shukar, Prîie) DOcnt- Chrbaaec ie aic. s -...................19.18 tht loL Siee ec Keî i i ,iaa Prise (McFaîtîteni-15.30 Therepsen, Chrseven eiWi naities--Gi-cek, (boulot 9,17; tcvang ais, bal anist"aý ýf, c a intc'it isi. aies lîtîtt 14.20; McNai Sois Cases talt a petit, WijinI.it failrite il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , oeil5 Maaa aevLest ii i lie-uwhn - c ,rc. litlil w-,,îest, bhat Ihe hei , lmitr c Ctslc'ttc'Se-r Il saik ver reat as they eat hild aemnlv o isse ii M,,er ciels; deicil DISEASE CONTROL ol tsonr Mstîîsîyî,îtîssîinuorder ta filer ehrtettndswnetight dsesfst oihA nll peaig,,,,a Ce i ite it t-rle ilr Il WI vi Pt-epared ce"ech yeta1tntktctbebaigc o troruble.rIn ereand daiy iitthr for a sale il, terres et taille dArreet-ci Ceambits redite seetees, terasse lint e--it- iraing~ ifltcre thon other lsî/,'r ia4eep ther* cite eteraîcuemia fose$.sIn neine tee %vise I il1 il usel it li bire se peetbctver;i eneecitis,nttpprres eccied.teyt-.teri.t in- tiliiie aille,ctc's limerec i'g terriens atesi belle m tetîc n ici t-t isic ,11.I andte ti n h e-et eeigbt gaies te site tiesccnee ut teR etelisg Ne' - c,, iiitgr At it Ateachia Rhiititin, AUREO yCIN7 Pile'tlitleiras; . ire teIa-t Have. icrca n, R-e,îiitlss c lie rimrce. Hrt Aoetes on cuis tut, tule s-1il vic deatl Crosobes oshsed ..,t/a~ISt.vce illi lis. b,,îes-ec. voit con he Aren dilsetntkec. !"survol et hcesi trealnieet t iifllltlle)tt errr pars i' tht recv,~v.~ i '~ ttronîgli ,în saeice. It vot bat' DISEASE avai car, su cen Ire set-e belt CYANMDOF CNAD h, ballil tlb,,, aîgh pre-delis- CAIAMITDCAA CONTROL aryricinîg; if il is a used crat, LIMITED ben tl s a retiahis; rcînditiee- col usait car and tent ant-es;tees AVAILABLE AT v ittrubes vi.iire bt "a Il the mo-,t salue Iiv in c an s Icccolie lton Co-Op Supplies ONTE T. MILTON 711 8.2391 e4e_ TRAFALGAR MOTORS 1409 Main Bn, Milion, ont. *SALE INGS, PAîTTSRNS AND SHADSCO 67 THE ONt L0W CRICS. s49-95 ITWO TEOUSERS $67.S0) PORT JACKES S, STRICtS AND CHECKS. 19-9$495 20/- OFF *Top Coaits *Stock Suits *Winter Jackets * Sweaters Men's Wear CHANDISE TON TR 8.44