4 isC a Champion TisaIs, Jaeuary Pile, W9 THESE ES LITLE dcalta h ultyu okyi h Cenrul r ctîarnu Iteetutudiate HckyLau sa l ekrgh o su Via' lw te Éli, ci IlN'0 tuen tte cme tup quaints houhey ttves luhteiiitlu gettatkusamataîut thelocalriuke ater lrfit]ie tit but ee .tailuti. Get gelan %vu catualivth fiti laite nu ban-e the trunen sr.CutIifiette rin thatet inlutter baui tor Barrie, nuwsec enoslaîci. Octi ilt- and tuedias atideti theirs aubhin the neut ctenarfintsttttile titilctdtas hallartifiuiai icetaorihe pant uncycr. Paît Cct sittîtet îtp las[t. a'i ddto i Otitille ard Duedas tant Éle ague sithout hi int lu peel ilicr rosiers aun math frcie ttc ducs shen thep f i enitîr 08* cent.nv signitien tte top brunti cf chiner buîag pIacdti Oak% i11e ite s itritag tu show nfs pua-ecr le the lup subite Dnalest plate lieîshtî la tte Niagasa-Metra feuler lup tuti yer i el c tuettuc theiet- ii acar nutf but tuve wsuinl the Geýelosun. B: aiec and Bradftord buse faught a tree suay buffle aiteatcicrthfiataumastaoftheaeat antiaseu the lia[ ucd bufîlicier cfa-et tutm Geurgetosun macet.itt games. banc snce taîtt ac au ct subile Bradifard, aiscayc a top camipulitîr ith bucage, tias remaineti ai the top thraagheut. Ttht Foiclbave tadatop1 item ditere ecer siece jainingithe G.H.Ai aukeutttulrctItaiuattce listicoupleutf seasunc tbey se t i lîe 'C' ca.ls ht ic peiteall thetc t stetup efieris aiea te effucti bs vii %ihliiu% eecis t the' leaguecandima 'B" crIes. Ibtile ie 'B"iecte ahIl meut fit detitie a alaner 1cr 01H8A o ince (Bradford auti Pari Creditî une ut the tace "A" clbs iet tangI bca cu f luth vtme piascff fime. The club 1 nihighakui tetuirtourudîtpctkhiupil'r te sasn tatu a tnniatire plu air essions and eartuntisnthe tu clb ailint li ibis tanne ,tr Milice ati Dutias. Regurdies as lit hitS lett e tptusunts tte leagur lu "A" tmpuintian there isl ilt deafli, lucaueeuiltuupitc hecalibreofcultbicne i Mi NOR HOCKEY WEEK la Canada a bieb gels ander suas ibis eatd% fiuuiv i Jit joud cninuues ttruugb ta fanears 28t tei îîighilîlîp ai ticritci% actlii lies lu Milton. fl e aie Micerbatt-es eul uturv suuutere cammeet Huisb Hîce., cîeietaof Mîltie n Mia et setup, bîmcelt an atidict af lie fleflh ci auticdeto a tuthe cres ai the ecang lads inette miter Iciagu- i e v t-trbtieune c an % tieb spai tuanlessbaautswitb the huas la ectiag tem tscatfl theiir hautkus etercisce. Coaches, muaigeis,, e5cctie sumesfese usai tant- t.u, ail i ciii lugether ta peutiteshceeenudflcad. fauvte iu-eedftiuMiner Huttus Wuet Ttc nseuto iis hierres lu une eus ru-pis-tu gel the paruntseouituîseu thctvus a cthaakpartte fatest sport in anti. Macs peuplie Lacev teir flue te pltcing buttes. but nut item va aat îem e le plactat lue et il bre ga iuns goals Sanurtias ai the% nn ttiecalu Tusu arethepeople Mincir Huctr Week inCaadais aimed i masticv Tvesîn eue veut erganiedt bettes tuame lnanc age brartutt aulfsu18varseofageuertiatulcetaus thr isea loiaf narhhcing - duone ecut anti uurv etk le miaur taches lu Miltone. The cachues, suaahrs .euicat mrmtr, a-fiat base suai] duserietfle ficesi tie dît fcr their sec-leces anti ubtie tusecitim gel cavsepeciat mcaceeof ttatits. there le 11111e tin"iafi [bat fice siltctiue ttee gel tramt telping lu ibis mauner le paymrui encut fu lc t tleIroubles. There are su, ne slogan.s tieiseti fer ibis Miaor Haoches Weeh, al] itaiebîcenribut taithe maiideaofgLiithehboys mnan.c uf praper secrean ian. Ifilîerr itsoesmatisuwassvu a frpisabant thebcacb ofteferînt ceurinas plas un, lun'i besitatte lu tho soi as esun c martial' thanks is samuatmue a fig flucen ai tte eigbi lime. SPORTOPICS Petenllst1toitit c tev unerhadhilsugod, hatauth tpvsefram thleaeuof st eaisu onupable le phuNthe gamutlu their tearîs content lu urganet leagare . . . Ev .ers lame eu flascaguuîmtncs setup and ilhockeyplucets au usertuoicna bc-tietulpetticnettras eas stuldshvil h. Lets hape i lu pictleuing gound ititeas ce tlt. an a tiret effot. Tte juvenie butte: club le baclut lie ebare cf trublec, ,,bt il ut havtcinc mua a game ail yeux anti Mandas eight a ecuplecutinentsntarrudcanuthersisenafd gaie . ' suas uilliciat aithfe Flamidîcu Peterbornucb game andti huefoire tidt eut se the games hure Mîretas but accarding ta reparte the inient iaculiucpDonCurir andia Hnpctertarsuard s uit tele c eoutîne afluir citer the Huspeler placer T. Shunte. hati cîceti Cuiricaon ut nîgfi .. --hm-us a shasuman et taris Cardie culti nul cllue bimscii ta u trmeuni hy the opposition cuti ibiceelre tiitieîmeîhîccabouutn i uual rugchcdmannct. H800 ABOUT THAT-filer the lieut au cighîceunb baie. ttc geifer ,idds up hie scre anti tucps a tua te reacs 8b. H8e thea bas a saim. apuic f gineasinl cveci Aduelier- wihbnuofutber lii e ad cas il the cuti of c perfeet day»" lue Muntiay nigbt. anti c-un an a Outlucked Mîdgets fleartbreatieg geai rieur the enti Bow ta~ Orng til althe game ceu Mitnce ruther- Bow to ran evile le ci guale tcmman. suobuatil Sflceainaurcdearlikr in the game. Then Hespelerîtes Alraga-estr(proHs Mîllîtu MMVei' intt d o peler e t eruge înitb nueo Graacuîîtc tataîtice eigft -a-fil gule en the secuond. tainehumecett -1fitnn.har htthe sartuofthe tbiripeiud. the score îcae ce indicatnut ci Mîlîon gel tee quiet goaie ta put Zh pics. Oscucutiiel blasteti j tem haet in the game. Pletcher hreiet ulcc galsnflore Mil- tuaseisteti anti MeKeucic frare sic gel set and secreti agauu te1i MuDufle anti Lue-rente. Du a bh, eeuuuî etrict. dleit-tauiet tush, bespeler drane Curriuîthen tppe inl MeKcar- r igbt ta un gualiu femman. m-bu le pas- hum tehîci flis goal ,îceladuysbhcnapandhbailta d eme mntesluter. sucire festepanire 1lu tle ii M-f aie cuame liai BcLivurrnuuun apaue fraret deecemîcd ut Ora Giugt cl elî helten ted il cp again. bat Heu- pe i n c flict ebot Irce a tle peler agatu scareti ai 16.0 acur ut hodîies. I-ram bure cn MilIeu fie, htcky MuIton gualnu- te taie Joitî ucharge anti tumpluiels ouci borme flie marbies. plaveetibbncuthe sntltua Suluiceng e-ce esception- bull, but Granceilk' cfIls' -an tllt cuud le fhis camne, salit Sa terrifie cuti matit imieussibleu artreebarnuof Hespeler anti cisuil ttc cati. iClIII H austn ai Milion , lu Hecpeleu Midcus ieate- Mil. crce. ment, Daug Gernais, fia M- Juniors Drap 7-2 Doad o HeloRbSak ~~~~ ite al huard. Aady Williiams anti Bramptuaeý Junior SB' tecm. Bill Rîthardec a-fiavh pîuvet ficdeti Mifloiuenet fusrri leue e%% ie fltunie%( uces age, aeT2 lunnf i laine tîuse Il, Joeu-tlî li Theciccue O Calcrituîeletuuct u lce île ctloe lu eljere li Miltanneeti nathe scoundpenid\eut wsainiurctialler fnuuminctes cr c playHe reeineti evr cn b cuunnant anti minceti ttc Ait-Star garme suhen bit au the fereheuti suite a shet taom the peint. FOR YOUR ALUM1IN Pur Milieu Snu Mcflnnalti WINDOWS, SCRIE ucureai astuteti by Dan Hec uy, thnDuug Putie scuee t eus WINDO tf beti lie net. uey andthile Milton crere sto bie canutuceti frumpan is tuve pggp STIMATE AN puals lie nettee- tenir. fies Putie, Wayne McCeunettlb li Pila Muteie, Mite Bruuh, CuraitdW fianufetei B Suait, on Leuar- t c LEGION SOPTELLIES roen ust aci-r "Cc ce "B5 uth at sommet end cuptausi tse Disftic 'S" srewn lu thts unnal ceauament tnt-t. S-acutiap svnin5, a sports dancs vishl bntI i the Légian lu, busnr chu plaeu. en uac fene Commaender Pt-un Jutunson, sigt, presueutt te fuphp lu ncoath Lune "Deunte" Evns un bhbni eoch thditrict spnrts nifinnu. tuatiug un ai mist mit cesir tudiniduti feuphien une lecal sports officuer Ceunit ReuItp anti gractu 138 preaitint Chut Ci-cutis, huit plupeun an tse Idem. D.Z.C. Jotuton lu uluie, a plupse un ths cuack quat, retint tus suan n dintrict ctumpianttip thrn pi-net in n ow gauent netm me Tai nue, m itreC tie palier. Gene" w==%e1 aita OnniY finat tata a 4«4 de-a againli Buato n t t init garnie ut the montnnte-lengPeec$eieeai Gat-y Nayc nur pSettSS*d tehM isunal mam- lice- nttelfg tht gain ati Dann Envffoade utthle uthet mue-heu. ttuusrry: Lene-usnt anai Ge- Yaung anaitea mn une ut Wtikeiuunisgute mite Mikle Mcc Ce-aIe anai Taung helpeai un lie tJian tai eu <li-ai tie unly eau guals ut the gamu ta gise Chicago a 2-0BmintuueuDetroit In theusec- anti Nuvice tea ue garme. Cornan McCatumn adt on the neconda mauter. MIDGET Bantamu men thi tielt liniiltem laap mlth a 4-2 mie laveu Led- mithus. Luuu StiLlu, Roger Wilti- Milhon Merchants Take Command Whip Oakville 7-4 on Wednesdaly Vete-an Att Meltnuon liruti tren then again lu the secunti. Bruce turing the final trame, ut Fred Luacur lu the Milton net goals last night lu leati Miltan Brutwn upticti the sccring fur CBuuch Win suas the hig tiittuuuncu lu the tilt. Merchanen tu a 7-4 victars at-a Milieu unir lu bat-e Phil Alcure- Goais by Larry Shuber, Stu Pt-lday uight tihe Murcatt Oatntilie. The rein ciree thie braut taiiy une fur the Qaku. Hennunt, Jack Pnie antd a final hast Dutiat Gautunu hurete fourth place Merchants lu scithin Bruce Mctaddcn anti Melansan taily hs Melan-cun ail but ciech- wbat fl tnt-muni au the ait-ire- une poiut ai Oaktiile. scateti in scareti belure fli encd ai the cd thu a-lu fur Milieu but Bah purtant gamne ut the teaun. A bhird sput lu thu sevt-ecam perlid. tHawkinsnscured the final goal ut ain hy thn [ocafs cutil put thcm op. Oaksvillecuire bc lne bse- tbe ameut 17.41 in aditing ef- iniu anamuntuuiid pucitiuntuor Milice hadt commanti ut flie unti periati, Bihy Fard aadi Hrb ,ý et 1cr [bu Gaku. a piayutf sput in tue loup. came muent cf the suas anti the Baher nutchin guIs anit Thc gamne praciduti feu% thrills Uni Standing Gaks came hack ttctce lu tic the Merchants sur tetuf belt the-uome 2001 paiti custamuers Standing lu the meagne an ut lutloceitheticstperiutiand scre sheet lu gise a 3-3 ticeun-uon baud, anti the guaiteeptng at ng i:Goeow ad t Bratitord tieti sitb 23 putin 5 IfO-Mapie Luais vs Detrait uach: Gcorgetaswn ha Il luns, ni l.20-Cbicagucvs Buston six lasset anti a lin subite thn Mfiner Hqockeyv Schedut 10KtJ~ Minutes antis hae t0 ics Barie ls Fulusuing lu thu Miltun Mînar 9.50-Bulfalu vs Springfteld 1.0-ngt sLdtihs idtretc;Bri snx Hîs bus set-upcs schetiale tar the ifMals - amf uBuau uiib 2t points an lainu suint, tire remaining gamus lu ittsulîtter's itOf0-Macuuets Leascr Satuuduy, Feh,-uuup 1l ville ns taurth suiîb eight suint, league. Players are acteti tu clip tUt20-Suce Sîcaut 7.011 am.-Springfieid ns Rangers sun-un tasses anti a île fer 17 bue subedule far ftute relureui.e t0 Minutes - 7.4t-Pttburgh ns Buffalo puints: Milieu is net suitb eigbt anti please hie ai bhe aruna ai 12.1-Mape Luafs ts Bu-tua t.2t--Cluselaed us Puce Weus suies anti Il luttes fer 1h paint:; leasi if minutes ahut ai gamre 2.50-Dehtot îc Chicagu if Minutes Dundat is sisth suitb lice sulus, finieSaiuuday, Feheuuuy 4 f If--Magnon ns Leasur uigbt musses anti a lie fer Il Salut-day, Jnnuuyt 21 f.0 a.nt-Raucers us Clevelandi ffl-Sieesttruuti naints: anti Purt Credut ni tast 7a.m.-Phat macs vs Buetunîs 74t-Piltsbargh ut Springfield if1 Minutes uiih buve suies anti 13 fosnes fer 7.40-Ledtisb Ils Knîghts 8.20--Pue Wucs ts- Ballalu tOit Muiple Leats s-s Bosittn if palets. if Minutes ta Miautues il20--Dctrit vs Chicago i.3t-Sangersnvs Pittsburgh fîf--Magnua s Sine i0 Minutes fit0-Cielani vs Buffela f Of-Sirauti ts Leatur 17itl.-Bantumns vs Letisuiths f. 50-Spi inctieli ts Pe Wue if Miaules 1250-Knigbtsuvs Pharmaus if Minuut ittit-Maple Lcuts us Cicaguo au. d itif0-Magnuatvs Sîcut 10i Minutes Saudy, Pnbeuarp 2i l Il 20-finie t- Leatut l2.10-Biaes s Kaigbis 7.00 a.m-Magnans fine,111 if Minutes 1250-Leiniths us Pharmiac, 7.40--Sirudt vs Leaser 12.1f-Mapie Leants us Detettit ISauntday, Feiury Il if Miaules IN VOUS 2.5f-Chcagetvs Bosonu 7.00 a.m.-Piîîtabrgb ns Peu We IJO0-Maplu Leiris us Chicaco hatuedun, Junuat-y 28 t74l-Rangrsts Buffalu 9.10--Delti ut s Bustan -OFFICE 7 am-m Baatams tvs Leilts l.20--Ceselanl ts Springfield li0 Miaules 7A40-Kuaibtu t-s Pharmues il Minutes lf.flf-Bcantas us, Kitigbis if Minuaies t 9.f-Mmieun vs fîrut if id---edtlths %s Pharmaus i.3f--R.uersevs Pue Weus 9550i-fine fis Lctuer If Minutes flt0-Ceîelaincl ns Pittsburght 10 Minutes i .f-Raenrs us Pittsburgh I2 1I-Cleulnttl te Baffalo eue - t n-t -fi issuSetiaclit N., Peu Wues Lopsided Tlts Feature Sunday Afternoon Action Taiclpnidetigamettcalatret irenttfims ...Bat imesufe thc fanday atteunuan ation In recreet majer penalties, an titi the Mitn Hockey Lcague. P. L. bac uppoentus ,*NeiThomîn Robertson puppeni off ce Queens- usas invatet le Ine sconi entai tan 'Matarn, îbiricarcetbcar- fie anti etas ceeu nit the pur ta the lune cf if-2 le the gaine bs ttche'latenl . . . He Gu'rn mrrureticthY meetingub le hedtituighîbei if-i touanir. l h Af. s ut ta Buli sains cure decicise for thc clubs inualeet i s-lb Robertsoa mueing turtter lu front alithe sie eucms la the Icanue, anti Gerý rysverto tpîcaop anuinualler a Huit Nutuiea Te-lu Btll Huit foui the suay l'ur Rab- ertsonuithtba battrick le the scaring dupartiment. Ruaey Phdl lips, Ntpper Gervait anti Bah Sales heipeti oul lu the caus by getuing tua gale caut anti Tom- mu Barrent atiteti a cingle. Bruno Deiaaaer anti Muca Puliciani cr cul fur Queunstan. Tte tiret O.M. îeanter came-nntheecoand seriud tu setthe court ai 3-i ati then theaother galnuas firedbv Pli- zi nte ttc ird lu makie il 7-2. Tren Hut Tr-icks Eddie Milman anti Mas Lang tact sturet îbeee tualsuti)snh Gttry's etip lu the- cecnd garne. by Bah MuRas anti Gares Hagh- us, bath ut sham trat tua eacb ta tht-rtredit. Gerrys, unly goal came le ttc bhird periati suen Due Wilcon scurudti irue minautes helare the endofthe ganteshen Rcmsi[cd NOTES: Ttc lerst gamu wsa tougîliK plseti tuai ilceh Dec Keztlee sfucian f ail sliiw ai the Ouceustue pliyet e ai diii- IUM COMEINATION NS, DOORS, PRIME ws ETC. eprouadve ioda>'. I Ct DEMCNStMTIO)N - p. mincr penalties met-e dnleouticu ...Theeeôndgliane secncaiu righi, fine ta Guirs anti iture lu Gatuilie . .- Tnnigbt Certes meut Gien Williams lu the lirsi game a(tigbi cc annd in [lie setondtfrgame Ouceresian Muiens anti Hameilton Spectanurnlill pics , , , cundy i brer. Gen 00:11- le the laie gume Hamilton hpec- rater ates aa P. L. Robertson.- Salue-day, Mutcie 4 7.f0 c.m-MagnantNs firacti 7.40-flace te Leaner if Minutes 8.50--Mapie Lects te Detroit f.tf-Cbcacu nu- Boston if Minutes tt.ftt-Ldmnvinbs ns Knigbtu tf.40-Pharmcs us Bantamu 10 Minutes tt.30.-Rangres Pc:c Wues 12.i0--Cicselanti us Pittsburgh 12SB0-Sattaia ns Springfieldi Sauday, Mutni Il 7.gon.re.Mapmc Luafs eve Boston 7.40-Detruit s Chicago if Minutes i.30-Bannams us Luduvitne 9.l0-Knights su, Pharmcyn if Minutre tg.gtl-Rlauget-uvs Clenelandi tt00-Pitu.bcurg us fprtntillt 11.20--Pue Wet's s Buffalo t0 Miutesic 12.lS-Magunu s Lecuer 12.50-fine vs Strcati ACTON TEEN TOWN Spunueruti ty Acun Lieut Club DANCE THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 2Oth ACTON LEGeON HALL - 9- i A.M. Penturiiug THE CONSULS ON .A. INTERMEDIATS "A" HOCKEY FRIDAYn JANUARY 20 - 8.45 P.M. DUNDAS vs MILTON WEDNESDAY, JANUAIY 25 - 8.06 - P.M. BARRIE vs PMTON AT MILTON AMNA This onuneunci-esut upunnuoet Cpu $urray's Varlety Industrial f etfenfus, Lîglel Lunetes CctrItig Service Dueiug Stations 152 Main Si. lailée, Pe Coit di Euh WViee Se-iggdnaub, Cure, Milum ains diitut drwtiti-s an la n MiUe-luS lanti ontuvni hadt taen déisteacti tue- Kulgieta. Se-tan Çruci flis iee Rule lu r Cia Cn pt-en te titibon- tain antion arIt- unig Alln Jones uaicai tint fourli tatly alte Wayne frit de-seing oaeilta mn tireus ni-te churgcra, li e anc ua illu Wutuen uliuiede tortuhe Rangern ana Katan tiesa a aint ,on the Wi-tuun gent un weti. Singfldt waîkei uni-r Pitts- burgie 3-1 uaid lit an Kagr Jon-t son mCa carne- Ibeugin Be ntce lu gbals tuer th A rndn-. Crot; Hnchey,. Wayne Cutsn anti Lurne Bila pichuti np assute as aiL Pende itPnt tit-etithe Pitts- burge singis and an Miliet ment lu Tam Rausieu. Sellais Flua Purt Buttato kept uigbî in tIhu fie of lie bule tut- tep upot mheu ihey lied Pre Wen 4-4. Marty Moét Nobleton Ttc ntemty taureed Jaunior huc- het- Club cs tnt play tise Mabieîun Juniors un Fritiay, fantary 27 in Nuhienan. Came limie is i.uc p. The gume wuitl bi precetict hy buirec Miner leaue pars This mutl b ie t-ufrt gamne feu bath icamui te thuir usun areup- iug. Againsi 'B' clubu, Ifabictun tnst 11-7 lu Usnifull anti the Mitoun care tutti 7-2 lu Bramp- The Miltuntns reel tte Troen- lu Mnrlhuuu Juentilet au Puliay, Peierua-y 10 in thetu lirul hume appearnue. tmnctuatteen In t he nîtional le- carne ctntunly putal-Iunl C lui putp atid pallier piduliein. Punpntty in tint Ind,.asu ei n Cannais are finusepai aille. FUBNITURI? FIL" Io PloStm CHAIRS ANS Iexéutivil SOso ;NICIAL PlU auailabls, at îry & Offico Supplies Milton TE 8-61112 us Y u1 i la s eul a Wne-nt pruat l aunnuae ue appointinat au an nutiedt NEJW lBA tinaIent. ht ue ainscs Cg- lnlieu ht NEW lOBA Fueus Ma-inrpesposant tuc higgeutlues on tuaiyt usarkeL Wttl bu happy lu uuplain îhei mny exluivntenfeutulnstiyut uany lame. Wecue aine ueady te gîne pu any senti-a tenu- icu-auti guneantue sattsfactiun. Stop in suant asti geltuequaintei. I Oga a laiti at tn tS salnistse n Mm rm I~~~b liii-muu ~n SLIS1APAD. ONT. T ~ j &eiu~ I l~di tour r s lui * h ien an Bruce Evouae auiied un tie second Pau] libi 9= y SeeS abâia golu lue lie Pua Wueu. Ket sit ,ilGunay OnyBus anti te-ut Se-eue baid ussista au mcii. S1ins tre eWtt ee 1 lioneua àueekte a ila In tiet ssst peu tee gdnW tainini e t.le C ti ll etM unl) Langer anti ie nynmtalu aâ 11 lie au *ap ICulyn acuen mn a paus lpnec Te-sete- liiton fo tu he »fle tallit and David Wetls nnlcb- edth I tao( u ku Méite u n ncaat attes, (i-entis, nidn nes ut linos. ..at wet ties usetntip - tante itauu nintaruu ..S eale! Let uttcoeict puecarno% uuthuuou cienti5ARqupnt Tait Voir lopomr Moo Fer "The Acctideont Tient' Dideft Hu,>efxae REEfEN ID. Higenay fi Smth ni Mtileon TE 8-239l SAFET? HEADOUARTEES PHONE TR "4538 Pue- tie thtnuat Ciae frvete Pntree-um Progiciela MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES Sau Liso ut ThIS Lino MILTON ARENA Tieue-ded, Jan 19 FlGUSE SKATING 4.30 la 6.30 pre INDUSTRIAL LEAOUE HOCKEY iîariag 8 p.m Clan Willlaaa mn Crya But-lingloa vn Queesin Feiduy Jun. 20 INT. "1A" HOCKEY DUNGAS MUCHANTS 8.4i pua. Suatdap. Jus. 21 PUBLIC SKATING 2 lu 4 pu. 8 lu If .. Manday, Jan. 23 MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Tacadap, Jas. 24 FlGURE SKATING 4.30 ta t6if put JUNIOR FARMER HOCKEY 2ZCameststattuganti pu. Wadaoadap, Juan. 25 ADU1.T & PE SCHOOL IN?. ,ÀÂ&" HOCKEY sAai MEIMANTS