~Trade Conference Favorable I HOCKEY Are Goose GOM*s, uIi By Ssody test, M.P. By Mes. Rinviri Rbehrton 10 are. hy prlant ,from Malton Heaih wasththmttforlherpatuna w nhvaatio1 pilnwlng lesa artile y arsoant of tht money s camne Janoary meeting Hornhy Wom- Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. BAie lth usdy Bus, M.P. for Halton, ditectly tramn tht cîttrnsof aiuPa- en's lvstitutn with the connrtt- plans 10 niait a cousin, Annie B. ta isilli wthi the currens pari* linglon. This prehahty is tht ar, Mrs. J. Wallace. in charge of Brain and botprs to bc able ta ge laine session. Ftram ror tsa 10mst efficient mony, raised lac- tht inrairastt. "An nli fashionrd booh sp otlier Jigosnn relatives Pt tCue Me. Seat vltl welse art- alis anal cntrihuteà laaliy, itY remtty" vvas the roll cali and o titre. Ht bas 'stade orraee [iu icls for he paitr and they thc atotvtitiztfls scio wiut bcanuastart of id remedits werr mestlstohacerhiocopy of te ho Wii ippearalmter the aire aaidaflt tht destify ai tht bas- hroaht ta mind such as te ase Cnnadien Champion se!t ohire mi haading. pi-alin the ytars ahrad. ai gaast greosc. ltae spring (unic in Joreaica. Anyant saishintt Whtn thealtaus o aCatatatas Istresed Coneribution? of saipharand masses hread correpond wtth Mr. Brain 1,etdo rtsumed lis sitting itis saatk, tl Thtc iderai gavrrnment Meay and mut., alsa union pottices can amid mail aidresard tin hlm ai cautilookahak ota fir mtas- odard netd ta step ino nrssand htrhtea. i.ncareofthe Canadien Bank ofW lire ai aaatatplislttttnt in lte proJects such an laspitat grants. Mms. Wallact mra an article on Cammerce, Britisht West Inics. hb fis.. taaaks Of te sssont an Nar- tht itaspitatiitatittn sciete and retardrd citilurea and the titre Kingstan, Jamoica. W comhtt and Decomitat. Enattasing ta assi-at in pilat praitats or ta "Tiere ta Ont an Ettry Street" Sincrre syrepathy i n entended stt.disatitlitae thc ac tie incrattant otibtos nva-ws and pttttalreasin ta Mrs Robert Pesatresand dm n thet H,.aaa a Commats atgat- sas fields. Hoorore. at as samne- îeresting. shawinî whiat is itrini tamiiy on tht drth ai Mr. Pesa- hi castv aisaassd te W tastres tires ditticait ta canvioca peaple dane far tht rrtarded chitiren ars n Tutsday. Jaoaary 15 'Il da, braaght uart anda ptapod Itoat hWork cati ho dont n o matiosf thent con bc therMilto istrict Hsital. fa ho thc gatatOttaent. maat etlacieatiy. maiooy toisod hetped. A tarer af stides af Tuas Baptims nia Nat for sort lime han o partl- ai ptritaps Iront coat. n tht vety pitutres tahen ity Mr. and Mrs. Timolty Actl, infant sno of its aetvsession rot off ta Oach ostoa itichit t~ista be used. Wattlacr an tem trip ta Iretood Mr. and Mrs. Gorrge Pretidge a tast sa-at and itlrîar tht And aimost iaeaiiaitty a greator narra siawn. Jr. and Philip John Croig, son ut Houst ros fortflic Christmastre measrra tu-loai aataoamy re- Mrs. McCrrn as inochaorge Mr. and Mrn. Ernest Pretlidge.ren cas appaaaaate ca otsidrt.iotttîinad. af lte buasiness port ai lte mmlt- wttt itaptimed hy tht Rer. J. E. in itai tran giaco la Li namitan of Since 1958. wittO yaar iastto ing. Arrangreents scere mode tar Matawell et lte Sandoy rearnins Jo impolirt tan new eascocn. ment itraaîit Iota etîrcI lte has- lte first irsan an haahtd lots service aI St. Stephen's Anglican M plessti Reaclian Hart pitoliztiat ncitame. sonne 205 ta bchaietd Janay 17 aI lte citorch an Saoday. en One ai t WOllttataiticimitn doarsiashrtancanlri.ihometofMr. Sampsan. Anom- Goffrey DresslBroohand Ptars cauit i uta publictead itas hated ity Ottawao or ils aperot- bter af thte ladies are inttresttd Flippance accampanied lte Firt ta raaativdavoalea.commenttsos ion. Now whtraî sac w o? Wa in itis prnîact. Tht Fthrury Horay CahPac oa ramhlt theatsapaat-anlTrd Cttfcttnca samtmessanecaatt t eat metingts tahbtaam nihthraritHasard radley'starrmtli calti, theit Maotstat cf Tradt m-ans Rayai Commissasons itat ta ha itnld in lte Haraity hait, an Soaurday afleenan. The cuho re and Comtrce, tha Han. Goarge titayaiaqatntts serve a usatal lte cansanar. Mrs. Coaltan an- rnoayad shatinates, buildingit Hara. Mtay binass leaders and constructiva parpase. Tht noanced. a fire anditavingtheir lunch ofA from atltlacnt.aOt gave pttsd mstrtctntacommisionstOp A pinasool sociol lime n. s roaattdapplts and daghnuts. a a itit it athefiitncn witi ta slady lte difficlt question of itet taitit Mes. O. Dawns ond Me. and Men. Thomeas Olven ta whictinte irvicas tacot ibandi a national mladicol pion, Most Mr..C. Fordossiting te hits- and family of Battioatadtisited su cadnattenescinftor aiat îeý s ittaavaaîue fthe masa im-ess in serviaitluncht. ih Mr. and Mrs. Hoaord Brad- an ioaýinadaitautcnxperotssitities. pattant. Fantar Aroin tait Moday lit leyn nay. os I tisac no ssoatsal, ofcourse, ..t tt t tht~i lthai at.,,tsidaraitit namitn ai t daleates tonlal htava camae HALTON MANOR ta tram Hali n coant ta itis tiaa gie canteraaa. Witt uta reny attd divesenindastrics inoor aea, ani Itle renidanca scilin lthe Chapel Services, Slides, Bingo m ingin thecetres ofToaronto atnd Hamiltn, Halian t-an anicai turia id tammraient. ids ,-m..g Activities at HalIton Manor L trilsncommerancialtana Tita cantaranat s isai ta ite Sp Misa Martel Thampsais W. iHughesr, natra vary ttatky att ar litformîative camaI apan the ftaatbai.ca...a lia.tita.- NoYvanCntrt.tlnfa ta te %vinning titta prtrs aaitWinn- naitic of ltae îra faili ai tht taeen Canadaian tradet cmmis. .ra.tdet sacra extondd troast arsaofaona prz ahwr, r.cnuinwo descritai in soesaraunn ltae nooti and itnaitaritand himsettitp Ra.0. Howa.rd, Mrs. L. PayarMrs, thi choplr. Tha cenotaionwas buatiness toadatrs ai home. Sastrat J. K. L. Marlann minister oi Wilson. Mms. R. Tinlina, Clara ther atticer an charge nf a cnrs- I.ointirada risiotns tram Knax frasittriao cittrch on Suttat and Liliani Bataitar. At ltae va athnrî o h Canada ainoecantîtaonths haveaMiton, wh oitcnductrî ltae close oftheagainsMr. and Mr. profomnem.tnsaedmantinrthe also madetcotribionts t0 an aitarat sarvicea in tae chapti an Alita torsai ostov rettashmani, Roan aantm rdte ahhs a up- w itoprooci to-ada pitara. Canai- Stnnas, Jaaary i. Mr. MaGoara canniatingof ai a couace, sand- aas cunime ta mot ahien sol i ana cao tain atnaensaisfaction meai lna passages ni sariptura, oiaitts oui ccUlas. tor n ita exclbdir.N en etes in fliai pat c t. vrit tttprslt ia 1WCtltt5 i Sanday Service h as an ohumalste mon and casuli otitapoa tacaaosiiaiah and thea second tramitah Rat O. APowtalt, radaur otfonotlit pece uoti laid titrce pattaent. dr-ap an imports Firsi Epistia cf Jaohn, verses 5-9 Graca Aniglican Clitarahitn Milot, lthe prahlir t oftin sicit servant inttac corcnpnditg pariad.Ne- Mr McG.ttt aiaedbis sermon catduteditheitaaraitserviceaon in Jaausihands. Theaservant was vartitatan. ltera is otita matra an lthe qaestion that isaoffer ast- Sandat. attrentatt, January 15, itrai in ltaI seif-name haur', tuibaidonc. cdiniemrittdy Wha Hrad nam 43 and thettrst caeitis matr,hcntrion, A aup a laa as ii Christiaa religion aboaat portion ot aitaptar t ut ha. Matit- itai saci a det p uoqaesîioinî ' Ataocroiatanaiadthteap1- anyway.. Ha ansmerd ibis ets Gospel, and titan datisarai taaitin Christ. anint ?i tht new Josepht Brant question ity saying ltaI Christ- Stemariai Hosapitalino Bartiogtop. iasity i scacad iistc t Tiaplcadid inalitution il the thissn,- Sin. ami aita5Wa S 1__ orte aiolta rebo iens uni apasitu tett thita i entOI Care A vailable oiisotn tetrigtna tf tht tota lita aiterp, arc casiiy loi on- citaoataatntt area. îray andîhariîtaiaditocktuothe o a si d R t r e taitit mont modern facitities nd oi o. Bat haisation han item pr- F o o s e , R t r e seorrai noar innoatattns, itis vidtdtforast Criatnsdeatith o n atnoaatttaatapiioptl.aitt H1 wt ot w ittaaitot pomiea in t-a aB iaCasuiritai ntta sv pattants and mantaiv rearird prasia haspîtot henefîls tar mion tc0tot rat inlteBr-t religion itici Gai gants iladrn as a-aonaad rotantty tem. rîther for groteal denitlo iotodistrict. Attar d«ittcailiru Heit tac tht b saloation ofni ttot tht Nortit laltan Associatian or extractins. Speciai tarres are hadfve o-tosaeapr a i corarimnt L fotr ptaed litan fur Raîardad Citilatran. Unit-r tha acaitaitie tram itospitois, or al s e a.t acdrititinpriraa pnimtnartc tnIn Soth' planth taOntarioaHospitaihers- doctr andidentistreoy prosnnt ita-tatiana ittitiott iaeaaiena ic osuancoa pa-aidafordentoaa[cter taithe hspitli.rqunt- An n tt e a- ib s poitanl. iraiit iieac Mo. ai c-ara or patients acio prescrit ing dental Irrataent. an( instîtan lita titin hospiti and Mm., L. Shepherd af R. R. 6. o spacial atraitutana1 dentisîs ss nRed t o ^ tWhi.frttta ie aidentss rnoed O titroogi cititor inaiiaty ta stay -Seseral have tae to e neokat- and loth ha RlaizCatios lia ON. nia-natai nacotian in Fiarida acitit- satl or tatat att andorstanaing cf ing and piapisi hocksey on tht tait . c acparatian inocontrihut tn tht spart ott an itaot on Tues- whit i-I reqatirci att tam in ltae Miltan and Corephetînitte pands. atonl toivlvl. h e-tMs.Sehr a spant a haa tauh patients mo-t bc Irratri aidai drop in ntiiog in tte dis- artoi prtvincial gosern sioni titisag arnd na ruh fao dantal dinodes in publtic itiat. menta tantrihattdi ont aonesarliemandtitrsgt millinadollarttetaonstmuct.tatmatrat nmaraoftcotarci ianci ltoitapitt. -ai at cot.siidesn Thry sharti ltent sies siniicticntiblin. te Manor t0 ahana tem in ttc ENTIRE STOCK A-scwii as te attt,.ýitatiatn audiltriume. Mr. Sheptard ran ltae Of ts rtive commenîary. Many tomons IO DE H ITS O ENTERTAINS BOARD and heaulifai placea on Flîtrida at aia Or. andi Irs. C.* A. Ma rtin et- notre vsitti. amang tem Miamirtea.slde tertutinci tomans aI tte Miltotn Key West, lte Cyprons Gariena."sE AAIYIP IE ther i lts ttc Satarits acrenin At Maîîimoad. Mr. and Mrs R. A .2m A. A .2s ui .hoffai itnrAtaingr- Sitepitrd lotok aoumiter ai pic- F1,JN Oh A. A .2s Mr.andaiMtK. [aaM oi tares ai lte Rdstaatti Forpais-a. 7 tan9p.m. le s.m. te 6pin. Mas. Refa'rd Gardt.tuta. Mr. ani tsittaproedltan eprîaliy in- tAboeMiltoHardwaare) Mr,. Ra., Carbetan Mr. anal Mrn. tmaing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack asskdi. Mr.andt Mr,. Eaty Bingo Ernst ilson M. ad rs.R. Asary infarmai and ýhmey" Humerta anal Ma. -anal Mt J. DItis. Itale parîy wsca hed on Saturdoy - nigt Janîar v 14nhen 25 rsid .un -Bat lingîtta Catanaitior Laron anas aosrmhîî in lte auditoriume MILTON k<I) MTON Laing ratt bcan reappainti ta tt piaY 12gamesnofino. Arn. ltae Mil.an Aiat Fira Cammatae . hAllen eaitri lte osteher. Tnao for l96ti taniienas, Mms. E. Fister and Ar. hus Fr -SiJe.1 20 1 PUBLIC ;a M FIRESIDE a THURSDAY JAN. 26 ilS pe . c.KEffMN MAIIFW 10 - RJ~~emMOEIHOEHa.oeM. DAD'S wIhm Mt pomeüai Riatarint2 MATINSIS SAU5DAY AT 12 NOON AND 3 P, CampwalviKss Adai Aseraedmiu THE 3 STOOIS - COMEOT - COLOR CARTOON sponsarri its Mass - Tue. -Ma We. eu 231-24 -25 FAITH 1RMApr-METR CY Ou les Spaerh PAUL NEWMAN -JOANNA W#OCOWdi MYRNA LOY tIssa Vienne, Astria. Active la Unied Nastins. l..ul ODtsopaSp Mani traveniler and lertarer. Living in Mautit tf h put 1l Dr ope 0 pst peurs uni aringin Ca nstsraace. o w Sos .3PT .ANB UU-TO-NEW esins te buiateasttr aiasfiei.a.-d iees. ret. imin.tal., pmie, tata- mauimuisa.s.i ssthtes- eiaaiip-dmiled -iffsiie ON LY CANADA NO. i GRADE NsEWi BRUNSWICK CAO 4 PO AAIS50Le. $14 OnCaria Gratei - Ciap ami Julny Cee's BPY OR AeitNTOiSi APPLE 3b*3 9c À P L S CHOC 3 PaIy Fitetis Criap sud MMi - Grass Top DAflICUE SORIGINAL RtMISaJUL UmcHES 4. fori2c St. amai - mIsA Pacebs LIQUID DETIRGENT Aamre JAMS jar 3for59e GO ItOPP 12i. 4 KING SIZE SUPER FAB Gecf ntn o: Off0 15cOFF 24 os. DETERGENT 99c 6ett OZ Coass licF 3 Apîmar Pamey COFFEE jar 89C O 2eOF3 a TQS4M ?. fe 5 DMN _i CKM Puimar - Chaet« Ayle Uagriiii Chale SIaICES Pk 25e PIACHES 2~ for4 Pa&dS 15 as. FI, 2 for21c Tsn fiW 31or-2 f r de ~i vu~gp~âslne.uUaslBksJa.e sN on l0e !4c P2c S5e t-I ~1~ Il T-IE PERFECT COMPANION SET 'TO TrHE GOLDEN BsOOK IIaLUUTRATED ENCYCLOPIEDIA _X_ - , , , ý - ý ý -_ - j - ý - - - - 11 - - _. j) . - : 1 -.1 1 1 1 . -.1. -_ - -1 - -.1 - ý - - . - . OwkhMk ftmtItu MW$* wA~ -~~~-a~i Mr~AH ~ Miltonof0 4111,nj riA~à4i* eath Blple asoeglssittiiqlwgAty one tl 15 girls Hl hoeo .J. Hopkin, Castel tshsed thte Sirli atet hom le 4 on Or' =rS meitihers dre:isJtklig: Hato h hldr ha St. Miltlon eot the Jaseuary ine l inaey 14. At thesie meetings the farward tu a Sati year, far lthe Most 2= ldren ha id i.Ms. M. Patlersas presidi -Es practisti titeir &kit for aclt- order. scitool. Multrray Oreton ls and optrd tht meeting wlthchce Vo haertmdevemeesl dey, studied iaite rtc- 11155 ovs ~~oeaiNew Year ponta .Gsl'nfM - ord baoks and proctned utIding. --N4orth ýHaltan O? P par aiesovrlh »Oe serhwa aiut of lti2 Aira Ur Me . am ofa lfaa iCsaa~e i'e~a~c rsnshm1eh10."w ba mloa, 70i thmaslilas* Peaiif iedy ler. dai .u m.s spisal avrdeisgt on Sari d n th ouJ,~rl Air. amd oi r. Sl th ~ Am lon.t vwo terer. rr o s iso. Ml, laI.* uinletts laSial than Ituuepr. of 'tgon fait ub ram eit -,IN. lmae trses. sfait ast d- wn tile aua Oepa s e ltta%m oTrno on Ssdiy al hijsara Air ai l A Mesiir Da is 1Xtei hl, i stsily te ~st le ese ai M Ar.. and lie. 9h 5 akohiéh rigit arast iho the lae". AI tiha le al tie elshto. ie e as o. 'aSsAISC agrlationi ta Air, amind iiCta isiliht lraunmI tsCrien Cantleua ais the MMs C. Sateceii Alsa t si et at nUma rth oi lhIsI disfler on Moa* ChkWdhilti, Chi lohat foir ie :wA isienti y, J*nry 9.Firot arassichili Beihus, w11li ii. Ci odiS 11.1l11 sBuh' r lir. ani Airs. tioria Cant- slAiis t a aihsne. A ThAi raesd Faiai ai n.Milton, tormirty ai 1ie" msath# li'nI out = nl o Mira u et ai , n'W seibS UI.ithu a sislei iiittbê Titi HabtWh cili Ih" Xv- Ar.tesli5sSiii Cal Lai"s ACA vie won hy Air. lug WA. 11811sissir fies 0si aias coe"fi "Ai ts vi ileuist e, ie second lims g of ut M Yse on ick Né ebl ltfal; 't hr h ,ý7 i rith llus 2.=a" dâwo il Aiin d11 pneus; falnV mi ala qisiasM 'thiaeh MAUO suas ls - att tt flic mu cIeh thi tisaa wo yMs .L iss airsU. Woais by Ils an prayer. Mrn. 1. assOLiais. ce an intreibStlndevallail. ci 1555c5*' UI Thetmlauorr and saeetér "s7 o Alen pya eh. Ioster shs liii =Yrtei d ne ltisi reparte. A Ney, Va"n essesaA moreph.iWrt aiapici sam Isili triaon mreeie tAt solotin was i al iven AHt nreaiea= Cnte glat thsa jeMr mse oasis Deah anr.u G. ioasteand 11 ippasen. rtht ceis pear. The pas lac ils be lC i ae a li CA PPee ani aneail miii«tests w iCih home. sew fin. Ca ro .» ita nosancti. hailned Ihal Craihan t h fII p rm it an Moitesn Dy Aaters" wutas0 am eo 4» pm Ts lwl W EEK O F PIRAYE e, tille ai lte ubat amen Inar rtqssesti la brins a han or ai the reteehars. Jov lunch. ~ci~aec steîetseadrm.Tie e dosgaie All soita MON., JAN. 23 - FRI., JAN 27 Lunch~~~~ hsCtre b r. erbl heur miss esjoyei iarlng the ont and Mrs. Craig servnshflunch.SPM Me. asd Mms Ltw Sarepson vin. Mbl Q Masie bt8P i wlit Air. and Me.@ Chials On Daemhrner 3t, WlnieCte rier in Torant oan Suaday. Marshall was hastess ta tht 4-H as UEST SPEAKER MOCCIDENTAL LIFE EAGLS "Terre Insurance on tht Bent Terme»EAGLS JOHN M. BURAEY REV. FRED POTTER Local Rapestie TRM - LIFE - ACC. & SICK. Ai.n Ilrailey Aisnigage and Ilaresrchill Insai EIW 02 1 £7U( T &6% Agood tansuranco agent duem not OPPOSITE 010 FOI.KS HOME Altonai sewttsrac ..he huys It tar bie client CUIII I