m Thse Canadien Champion, Manday, December 23, 1968 Chrisimas activifles ai ST. George's church The Afteeatctat A.C.W. of St. Pledge fontd and $25 ta -Meah; Geore'as Citcech held theirena Wltrtls in the Hamiltont Chrta ticgai the om isrclt. (tame cere ejcyed of Mrs. R *P. Jetfae ai tir and apt lk lc. or 'sas Rectoey. Tht meetcttg optned tttjsyed. Thte meeting nns ctsted with the hyn "Hatit! Tite and the hosteas thaetbed by the Herald Anglet Siaig!", fottnmtd prestdent Joyce Beatoit. by the pengeonti fromt the "Livintg Suttdoy aftetaoon there mat a Measage." The Bible teading mat ctteiatenieg at St. Georgeas givea by Mtt. H. Richaedan and Chnrch witea Rer. R. P. E. the "Thouglit for the Day" by Jeffatet clteiatened Cari Anne Mes. Reg Twits. Daîhet, daugittet of Me. and Met. Letteet of thanka wer ead Stuatt Daîbet, and Madine front tecipienta of Slomeet. Elizabeth, daaghtte of Me. and Encaneaging eeportt weee given Mes. Richatd Koatue. hy tht committeet. Seeeal itenta Sunttay evening, Dec. 15, the w er ead fein the bulletin. atnal Christmas tee foe St. Plant otet made fot chete Genrge's Sunday Schoal wat bakts tabestnt tthetîckbhelli in tht cbnech hatl. A and abat-ist. tmnrgasbhnetftnpper mat enjayed MeS.' Self ate closed tht hy a age cenn'd nS childete aed nteeting and a tale mat induits. Tht childeen af St. cnndacted nttth Met. King a George'tand St. John'tSunday anctîteter. Christmnas caroit tahool preeneted tenterai mereeaang ssth Met. Jeffes at tittbtet, aflet sehich Inn finte tht piana. Christmnas prettnta scere ahan. Santn netied and mert ec.nged and Mes. presents tr distrihuttd ta tht Jeffates wos pteaeted scîth a Papist. iaveeiypainettiaby the geaap A huffet luach nias tnjoyad, prided hy Met. Jeffares. Met. Waltee thanked tht HOLIDAY GREENERY honatess and ail wha had BRtGHTENS HOME caeteihed ta the ntttting. Hante decaraîsons ae nt Saaday ntarnng, Dec. 15, Me. capte ntat hida Mante front BurtisEtan nat tht geteete ahtthot hte Tht apecia speakter, tl heieg Bible besttchocet seclude tpntce, Society Sseday. Thee nos a pirle, hentiocit. yen and goad atteedance. aboeeitae. Of theat, yewsc em Ticataday esenitg Dec. 12, the ta holdcophttst. Eveeang A.C.W.ntet atthehonte If yo con e henaditaf of Margatet Harres. Dons Dates eceegreeea laurel, andeonteda, eead the sceiptue letton and hosntood, or Japanse haity fat Attene Dulea gant tht "Thougit table dtcaeaticee, beep thent in fat tht Day.' The tait cati wos natte ne the leases wsiil sheecel Christmnatttcipt, aesntered hy and dte mithir a short tane. 20ntentber.tItntasntaed that Eset thaugh shoet iaetieg, snqaseaea he ntadeai scaneectsae henaditafeergeees aretsdeai for ntith adoptsng etao adaits feont ntahng weeatha. Fat ths the ODetia hante. Tntrsrty-fSve parpate, they ntay bt ntcaed dollats mat voted exrea ta the mith hntty, battant neyent. KNOX PRU8YTIMAN CNURCN Mialater: Bmv. J. R. L. terGuma. B.A. 87&M06 878-2632 --G anme ltl os wnrip and hum duses; lt os Ba1qat belnste ils. Lotd oas- MaIar.' SUNDAY, DEC. 201h, 1968 9.45 a. at-St. Churcit Sahati. 9.45 a.m.-Yung Peuple's lBisit Cloas 9.45 .nt -"Tht Thinbeet.' 10.30 a.M.-Sc. Chnrch Sahoot. 11.00 a.m.--Msortitg Warship. "Ytar - End Tleaghtt.' 11.00 a.mn.-Nuey. MILTON GOSPIR. NAS 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chrittiant gnihered la tht tane of tht Lard Jesus Christ. Lotdts Day SIINDAY, DEC. 29th, 1968 10.30 a.m.-Breakitg ni Br-ead. 12.15 p.m.-Sundey Schati. 7.00 gem-Gospel Sereine. Wedaesday. 8 p.m. - Prayet and Bible mailing. Ait ae seelcomne lu thisse serices. Thon sal cat Hia tante Sesati' fcr Ht shahl tace SOis people [ram their tien. Math. t, 21. NIGNWAY GOSPEL CNURCN A toa assemhly of THE PENTUCOSTAL AUSEMULIES OF CANADA Planter Bec. M. Chrsas.a LORD'S DAY SUNSAY, DEC. 29th. 1968 9.43 a.nt.-Sanday Scheel. 11.00 o.m.-Murning Woeship. 7.00 p.m.-a.emgetiatic Saeice. Wednesday, g p.m. - Bible Bendy andi Penyer Meeting. Fraday. 8 p.m.-Ytung Peurple's Sereice. A Chuenit Yeu Can Make Yautr Homse A Watta Wetsunte tu Eeryune BSOSTOIN AND OMAON PBMBYTUWAN CHURCHI Minius-r Ree. Stanley B. Smith, BA. RUSODAY, DEC. 2%,h 1968 10.00 a.m.-Omait: Chriastas Sereice. 11.15 a.m.--Omagsc Citarnl Santo. 10.30 a.n.-Bottoa: Churcut Scheel. 11.30 a.m.--Bottn: Wuruhip, Service. 7.30 p.an-~Baatutc Cuodie. tigiai Service. The Junior and Senior ChisilO pra- sent the play, '"Illte Birds' Chroistms Caenl". Rafretit- menas wiii E ttred in a social heuar ta foSetr. BT. PAULS CNURCN of THE UNITIO) CNURCN 0F CANADA Maie Si. lit James St. Res. C. A. Hainer. Bi.. B.D. Organlt and Choir Leadaerc Mrs. Hsaod Mage. SI5NDAY, DEC. 29sh. 1908 11.00 ont-Nets Ytnr's Sun- day Mring Wcrshsp. Sermon sattitat, "Whre Do 00e Go frein cHrce?" CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.ts.--Snday Srhant for ait boys ami girls neer g yeatt. 11.00 a.m.-Itfani Nursery la charge af mgistered nurse and nursery dapartimt. 11.00 a.m.-Boys and girls 4-8 years inclasive will attend chueeh mith parents and pencend ta their depars- manta tottamiaag the tant nnd hyma. Invitation To l GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Milton, Ontario. Rectotc Ret. R. W. Passer. Asisatant: Canot F. H. Main. SUNDAY, DEC. 251h, 1968 Christmas I 0.00 am.-Holy Comumuniot. 9.25 an-ýJr. Chuenh Schani. 9.30 a.nt.-Mattins and Sercmout. 10.45 o.m-.Sc. Chutait Schani. 11.00 o m.-Huiy Euchacîst ard Secton. Tht.rsdoy, Jaoury 2,,1969 10.00 a..-Haly Ccmmunion. CNURCN OF CNRIST No. 5 Scdecaad and 4th Line Trafalgnr SUNDAY, DEC. 29th, 1968 10.00 ont.-Bible Scheel Clu4s- et fac ait ages. 11.00 a.m-Mornitg Woralalp. 8.00 p.m.-Pceaching of the EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNU*CH Crmmtccial Street, Miltc Pastar: Ree. Ciatîn Coins 87M.473 878-3842 Tht Lord's Day RUNSAY, DEC. 20îh, 1968 9.45 o.m.-Sunday Sautai. 11.00 a.m.-Momng Watisp. 5.30 p.m.-Yuth Titime. 7.00 p.m.-BEening Wos-dsp. Wedteaday, 7.30 p.m. - Bible Seudy and Penyar Meet. iag. Thutsdoy, December 19th - Womaots histiotary Frlaewslip. Nursery ai Baaday aons". Choirs Of ut CW rc pfIl u in candlelight choral service A CNRISTMASTE decrand in50oe dol cei ahe retues heeeI he speig Bankhof abils waa ffeed asahoe ie iheSaah Cntec manage Ry Hristontlabtmew Matn Choptet 0...E.a armuai yole deaw, draciicg the winiig lichaI wtb the astane and tire minner wst Shawnette Torvet. Shawe- of iO.D.E. Vice-Regeet Met. H. Fuek. elle as aperdînog the civite in Jantaica wtb ber fa ila but rire lte m il ha held fot her (Staff Photo) Girl Wifls money tree ELWPISTA in I.O.D.E. yule draw Tht poinettia mhich has ta ha sn coeefuliy potted and Faseytn-cl Shmneie duoetedet hld at îr nti pralectad se caldet clannatea, mili Tuttetit thtl Scerteftt sitrates i taCadoihernt thrse in maisi1, shady ateat of Turnr i thewiner f th sie etrnste anad inthe tht socîher U. S., Mexicoaond armesat$0SCristmateeda...seeig. -oîaoshmec.eî hal ly tt nrh batir Caradiar Imperia Bankof thenMtscomntto lorhbut Chapîter cf tht 1.D.E. CommerceI Maragr Ray thîtt are white, fini and yellam Thuesdoy aflescar. Harrisor mode lire draw. vaities. Tht tickri mas pnecliastd hy hr faîlîr ren Turner, an employer of Trafalgar Golf Cluh retudeet cf Jantaica r tht Karen Doheriy *s pefro Shameette mîli hase tht chaire GYX OO & Wlfr Blind concert of havng a $50clicqurstent t heineianaicaorehaiogitheiee The areual Chrîitmascocert slndtsaof Graddt8andlhe and the S0 ont dollar hbis wchs cf Onario chaci fat the Blhrd cittntes wsaere ey authertîr ARCIIITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - (MRA..C. l7àAG MStSrmet, Suite 2, Anto Tetephute 853-2740 ut 20 Siavahanit Rd.. Port Ceedit 274-3«2 Office Hatars by Appitent ACCOUNTANTS EABL O. BLACK B. Coin., RIA., C.A. Chnrîaced Aiatt 163 Main St.. Miltan Phonei 87806542 CHIROPRACTORS A.' P.' KENT, D.C. Dantar et Chieupractir 237 Kiaga Court Cresen Cener Martiu Bt. PHONE 078-2031 BY APPDINTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPEBATOBS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AutoHume. Peotection-Aenid- mai and Sicitteas - Family Liability Parmi Liabitity Yaanr Miltn Agent Mra. Thea Ruant R. R. No. 1, Milto Phone 870-9741 ROBERT S. HABT Agent 341 Dreitte Rond, Acion Bus. 41&451-3460 Res. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Fa nroi Home 114 Mata St., Miltan Oar 1td ymr of heipftal, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. 1B4 Main Bt., Milton Phone 878-992 Rnt. 878.9476 Tuesday, 9a.. to 5p.m. Fridaya, 9 a.m. lu 8 pan. WM. C. MILLIGAPI, 0.0. 111 Trafalgar Rd., Dakeille Office HOas ai Cati N45-1911 for appaintrent LIBRARY HOURS Tatsday, Thatsdey mnd Friday 12 nata au5.30: 6.30 ta 8.0 Monday. 12 noan t0 5.30 Closed Wednesdy Saturday - 9.30-12; 1-5.30 tire seahcai auditoriumt as Brantford. Karer Dohrety af MilIce atterds Grade h thee and played secod riclle rn tht apenvo stîtat coiss by thr tah oci ochestra. Tis yeae's cancrs Oas saged aa rontata Tira Fiater Of Bethilehem-" ard il tld tht Christaso atary se sang. Mentheas of tht jurior chair werratadents froctGrade 4 tc8 and Kareen alega se tht soprao setionc. Tire ahaînctera (Mary, Jsaeph. Shrphrdu, Wtse Mer, etc.) nitte ahly lober hy mngeretrne qaste eraliatir. Ail ataderîs atteedieg OS. Blind raced a genreua$7 gift eaah frct aretretd contractaeie Torccto shc is ey seteresîrd se therk beieg doncwth the boysand girls atthearhol. He helietes the atudeets do tnt have thr tenir cppcetueiiy tc ar sprrdirgntaeeyeshovelttgatam,' euenngeearda, etc., s0 they weta corsdet ihis thaer amI speediegnMorrey Thcse asterdirg thteanert front Mitcr 'sert Mît. Wilait Daheety, David Dcheiy and Mr. and Mes. Allitr Cirmnrs. Canada's first Christmas observed by Jacques Cartier Canada's fitît Christmas atiebratice 'sas hackin 1536 mhe Socques Carter weetaaed ai Stadacana mdlh iris iii-fatad ctte calaey. But tisai goilosît hnc.d of entureîa had very ltIle tc ceiteate-famine, irets, hostile Ininsa witet itteif comnted tc ntobt that Chriatmas unythîrg but teeey. The fit Chritmas wcethy of tht dtscriptccn niaer" 555 in 1606 in the auicny uf Paît Rcyal. Plugued hy scutvy and ssithaecthterlong itruppen tirai, the Pcrt Rcyal culrris 'sete sien gglitg agoiflat extinction bten Santon de Champlain eristed tht aet cf gaatearcmary ir tise nereatc of goeidphytel anentalnheath. Champlain fcented a dseseg club, 'L'Oede du Bur Temps.' Each menthet tank tuer se heing Geani Natter forat day andeis hecante a point cf hceaî ce ill the post of proidng meals for thtcantpaty wtth flair. As n retsît cf ibis freediy runipetîtn of the table, Marc Lrsaeht, one of the eoleisî histations rf Coradion saîriemeet records that tht 'bcatd goaaeed beeeaeh ail tht GONE TO WORK hach Chriaso meai the Geargea Power Companiy of Vaidatta, Genegea. deacenees ils glasmaiied lobby mith a heautiful Christmas liee aed a Satao tha ails hy the leee and mares and stetes tea dl wo go hy. Oe Christmas Ever,Santa bat ditoppeared. On tht caie as a segn heoeseg ibs metsage "Sarrtytheia i my husy eeght, Sonta Cloua." THE WASSAIL BOWL "Wattuit" derive frm two Oid Etgtish maeds, "maes" and "haie,'" meateeg "Be meit." Il maa tha cassan te ancieet Eegland fer the hast te haedua nam guet a cupof thethtcttagt (a mixture of beer, spires and fenil juices) and tay, "Watt htai!" Inleutein, the guet hamed, toucaed his top ta the hats and eepli'ed "Dik haie!' or"Drinkin eeath ."I i usurest cf the 'stIer fcrset -ccis,aribouanid deer, heoar, atter aed laete durits, geete. gtcu se and plcrr; sti.erc ton, and train,and fesh r tntme ruhIe tytetrd tiirough the By Met. L. D. Smallom Theaftrercse unit of the U. C. ' . tiet as rte homei of Mes. Garfield Coihag. Mas. E. Bathiet mat in charge of tbe murep service, abiy astaild by Met. M. Rtadhead, Mis. F. 0. Callietg, Mas. R. Hatheriaglon mnd Mat. R. MacAela. Alter the busiess portion, gifla mete eucbged beetween jPeayee Parets". ne hostesa teteed lunch Instat by Met. Eeiaed Colieg ted Mes. H. Warmingtoe. Zirinan Chuech Satanai Staff mnd cilden mli pregt itie attuai Christmasaconcert, Moaday Dec. 23. Gordon Malmatrant bat bean in Chadohe Hospital. We wisb bâi a apeedy tetuen la heaith. Tht achoal band of M. M. Robinsoneeeceieed many complimenta for theie concert ast Daiemand achoot in Hamilton o Sataaday. Faitviem Scheol betd heie conctert on Dec. 18. Vocal torbiters hy bath juoine and senior chaita as meit as cias numbeat hy lutine divisin grades mee mach eejoyed by thoar patenrt. "Childas Gmt Tbeatre" evenitg mas betd ait Faitrient ut Feiday Dec. 20. Met. Bruce Alte reports Nelsn Chuech mas fldlad fat their Candietighi Saeice Dec. t5th. Tht 'Yauth Gronp Band", front Lomviite United, ptayed fat the hymna and gave a peagrant of seecled Cheistmas amasic. Met. Lilliat Thomas msSi ha eperdieg fChritmas duy oith Me. and Met. M. Pomell. Mets Ruth LaPaga la eiaiting Loutene Motea. They bath wil eIun fat Christmas. Me. and Mes. Geore McCaentacb and famdfy mOtl ha ai Me. and Met. Don Paers for Christmas. A nent "fattea" baby aeeirtd at theit home Ibis meait. Mies Mujatie McCormacb mi Happy Yul. Tht Fart Safaty Couaicil of Deari imah youand yu fantily a happy and safe Chrstmas. And y au cas make thc.t mssh cama lre, if you prtict tht Chritmas spitit theaughaut the haiiday session. LaI this reaiy be a teatan of goodmili ad caeey il thaough Newr Ytar't ieta 1969. DWARF MISTLETDE Tht Doaef miatletne, cousin ta tht miatlte me use for Chritmas dacratiots. is a cetaeated kiiaer of mesttaIt catifees. Dmaef miatinîne lices and feedaaonthe branchesaand the tunba of Sers, taîchea, hemtanks aed speacea and robs the teea of tuttients. Content of dmaefmiataete la posasil ony mith catefut management. Canseteatiniata Say thtae sano komtchemicat thatttsa spcibic fat tht parasite. Wiîb tbeeey miahea fot a happy hltuidoy semsoirereete e ue goosi frends and customersand etend ou hetfetthaes for the opportasityuof serig sanb oedeefai people. A tey leety Christmast Ioneeoed aitt CATION EXCAVATIMG bc athome t aslllaray 9. Tht Giel Guides Chistas paety mas httd Dec. l16. Thete wsa .fur.Sled "Treaue Hart" in tctch each girlihadiate id het presert' Hoateta badges gere peseaiesi 10 Karen Smndermon, Jaet Knight, Shitley MaCaemaak atd Wendy Echeesley. The Guides, mith their leader, Mes. R. Hacaden, sang carei later ai the Senior Ladies Home it Moutt Nerno. Fiee Poinettias in potsmwesaput intheemnsby the Guides. Mes. Amil, omnea of the nursing home, thanhed the girls atd made theat melcome mith a daity lunch. Tecumseh Schoal Choies peesesaled theit Christmas Cotnert n Dm. 18. J. H. Huaghes mas in charge of the Gtade Seces an d C. W. Hamilton, Grade g, Mastea af Ceaamotiaa mas Pain Cunningham, Studetîcauail paiadent. Solo peefottees mee Beeey McDonald and Kathy Rajazait for toice. David Tallas a piano sala. Ma. Hughes condacted a eota "Sing4aoeg». Theee are 250 membees ie the choies. This event mas eejoyed hy a fuit capacity audiete. Lotaville Uaited 'Cbh peesented their Caadlellgbt Chorat Service an Dec. 22. Saliit for tht esenteg mare Met. PeIre Galet, Mits Satan Guds&tan, Misa Janet Katiajt and Mes. D. Smaltont. The, Juile Choe and the Yoath Band aoalrbelbae raI appeopelale numbeet. MIs. Jaab Dae mas ai the egsan. Mas. George Caseg mas plailsit far the limiler geoup. Astla ladies fas the eeenlng mec e.. Hall and Mes. A. Coulaga. The U.C.W. ladies pea4paeed tefeesbntts aI the close of tha sevice. Not atly have a Maty Cluttstmat-giee one! Ja IL Cu.i, 0»a OPTOMETRIST BURUNOTON ML TUNHONI 632-77» decteatia Cui tard and app Whila> lb place tht the tond sheitar GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS SERVICES TUESDAY, DECEMBIR 24 CHRISTMAS Mv 11.30 P.M. - The Mideigt Enabarist WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 CH4RISTMAS DAY 8.0S A.M. - Hniy Commueion 10.00 A.M - Haie Commotion A BLESSED AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO AIL IA Happy and Joyous Christmosi AND A S Blossod New Year T. Ail RElV. R. W. FOSTERI RECTOR SGRACE ANGLICANI 1 CHURC jew W! WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES 11.30 p.m.-CHRISTMAS EVE 8.00 a.m.-CHRISTMAS DAY 10.00 a.m.-CHRISTMAS DAY ~neeeeugeeuuquBeqeqUUAEeWOUUUU Whs tise Holida 5«.sa railse 'ansmnd, it glivés a eaifailn ta bd able to say "Me"r Cbràsgnaaa nd"Massy Tel ahan mue &isdsd Nope ymse Day lsa shappy onei Seat Wisbes Pîtti Batte, Atet, Gait, Suas, Bob, PFfel, Vi andl Esi. MILTON PHARMACY hm ET. - NLO