-I i e tdgo lwo triai eue o fette for cd Relie inch toits lamet. AIt ececed a titsaer, hie demi r Matine St. Soot'e nid lie ferie actsei ýetesed on t olotqtagt 'ra ticket e cdi itel epceeoed te bIle enhe Whci coeld yoa]tlheetopcscces y cf t1le8, as fat cc Mito aed dnstictar eaobilusedt Tle s uaeesfnt cenipietien ni the iones macsx o MUt aek bugle onoflie Isu. o ahane flic dieody-Silad applicationt o mate hooeig aed sec apartimendu, asr expansioneofsthe hgb cbnn i aaprietag ai Sm1,400,000, tht foot-mnai lhnink and dei cabeqeqas îeeapiaeeofibtheiidel, the disoton of th bllin ecitoit boards and ubsor mesgsc lietw icourtey-mude boaeds ai seoicaioe, Mltinot 'ISecel t deadu iniasy yeas,oribsumminesenof segioai gosemienes ASi tata top idhng en o i e iue lc toîs'sc ibaehabacs bthed tise pages cf The Champion foc the pans 52 Bot apprnielt inMy mmnd nu buse bigges i eoy ai 96 mnil "Adeenteiun Sîadacbaaod," die ust tafa aboeein Ontario. isswas paitly theiJamboreesand pcseiy slie onsmanuy cufe r btîhan basioens ssaens dirai cke i scaaoucdnieniasy. ileni cas fice oughs Mdlton caolta s Ic ii onir e clîscers rspaeded aunsalhebly un lise cati fuse liuop auud a ciuule "ce ce' inscintly gecîed apt ta nycils au haines. . .and iuschsnîis... la dure dseachied Bey Seus. Thtîs ar cscties ai leeccowasnef ineidents filai hcppeed shah sigles wiceh ciii peoably leert he tld us pessi liai sonie day. 20i yeaee frocnt n dan hse innnuaicd ciii cstli îsecsbes.nsili aàseuce ni nossialgua, tire sighe at tise big somi te cas ibis dasiefs biggtsi dnsee. asd Milin's lentest boat. si'm sure i ks in Milton cdll e forer il Aid thoe 2,40b fieous asd leades cdi nees feugen Milean The) hae nlseady ccud hieu shcef's urin eauy tangible nicys, edhhr thceaglu pîssenacennu ai serassi acsdcs o persoa]c[effesue inanfa. odcr oce atbcecuao sicfeue expessabn ai hahsdcy geeigc irt tire boys ileey hacied ani tbat terrible eighe. The Scents uase faîgesuse out baepiaiy. We'd liks te tiuk Chrestmsas ceunit a ao-dayostndin 19686*W'dfliks teeour file iigbs ai Auut 22, th ec ighi ni sisal Stran Miaeo'n tuent REAL Chîstmasc ef 1968. Tht "Main eet" mc'e Ieadmng ap ta du'sweskacius ipreenuted with pey Satns and erss cenieecunteon, shah tht irc mseaiofChristmaseoppeststin the gandy ccappingc oacsooedieg ne. Batik filee ai Augst 22, Mdlten tcrned tbe tst 'ey ofigisseg. Aid epenkieg ai eomeciale Cbtltimne, il niy pliast youas aenih as i dud mes tobeat aitout theminsterin the Stanes cho fintty ehaeked out tht miodetn Chrisemai and seveted ho thestimple, cehgiooeecelehsctioe ni long ago. tir nid hue eeegsegniioo dl cnt about tiis lbsy fchinmed tait. Ont cii the tise, tbe gut, ths Saota and the bhuhah. lie aid hue fnnidy betd a simple sevice cf ceîtsp iu ibeis home ont Christmas moseicg and epeet thte depeeonfinei hitesoige. Hec abont le, np enkette? tII elax! I'ne iancld a unnnctn mcad a fiW rounds ni Antd [ang Syne se irt ofn thes tome hait ne mideigiet, Desembet 31lan Mayor Bet rings l in96 andeomin 1h00 acet ni atma laid tb Mdlton joiediceioe. Aid the epirit ni tht occsion lit eaeebieg n, eo. Ifthe meatbet icia ail dcciii theti soaid ite n fait ssomd net the tome boiltliu Nets VentsevFo. ina t bc hetre thednayor miaiset ut, the police chief bots oifered buin transporttn. Aid mueh tht pose offce ck2 cteaety visible isom the tome bail bell tomertitilce miii hi no ece nior the eveet nt oi ng off on the dot oimidnight. . But nboton the songileader. Tom Nys dsnppedeinttooffe ititiervices.c'"eaccno longerstaind ihotte plin ebve pliai", ie detlaed ne ie rceded my celie probes for aseilnteet. "l'm te Singet bu as sucstiy Bet nl etaîid", hi qospped ai ie depocied niy office. t Oh, yee! Anoibet ceetteit tn the gcecieg icehodiis dli ie Gsoîge 5mai cib hue amplifiet. (ced ta hi the tocc hait bell, chie bang higbsc se the beiry, conid hie ssed fat and ticst. fincies d' obhie moreoelos n ies srnddoee'e goquies fat and vo George ns goneg tinanify the rings le overcnne shas pînhieni. e Aid the nicynt bac saggessd shoîs niay aisc hsonesmosicetudncsetuabee 16e bell ceegueg, nouen dipedieg on the Wc 'tient. e Itc nt eue laie te plan anvis tothe mouen bail itemn apnitycorfnalhoenif Yfeese a Nec cears Las ltay-as ie i ssest Yen came ta panneeipate. nci spiecuine. e Bat ehieces roy Chrstenmasthnknd alacd 'sIe Botten abeed ni myceli se New enS. Titat etemoi te hi tht mny il asi thi buttinet. cn focs se bai hecome ta eoeioeig asoundhlce seiee thenisseles eebedoied foc Moeday eis meek and ceci, Fdiday bad te hecome Tnsday and mirer dIIeetsnged îepeefiey te miti dendiec. Psobusm le sics ans day aibith office and anoibes day aoshome. A Tht ed ofiteyeaî bciegcs ihia change le Champion stenf, te, ce Bob Bott iees ne inca postin Kerkuand Labs ith a empapes ehece. Boit bac he nppeaîieg n nc sports pages foi nearly toluns acd to si nel itia le fates ta sn oppoctaies. le the mecanlime, ba"ives.mteiihbc hrne hitehcecaentl a ni spocts types miii ho appîrcied as os clisse le masesain anc sheinagit sparts con csage . e Bot hese's laie limie tifs se hîd aou ait a lHappy Christmns. Thas isappinece tnbec manyfoms orcmnyndduls nd cie mnsh for yen feas paîbeinea famd. Hoefaiiy se miii leciade tiosa bneg than le se cysehoie nfil hi sofii submesiocnio se-ntecres fibit bac i miercsatisactions, tisas gasesy bhat s coningion aid dice appînoasîin ai mcieslage oc emaîl. iiappy Chrstmas ta cars, als iuseciea au ect as esesey et ans pri1cesss tened ta ttc tlie c'uuîeîîuîu ci fco in iaa titiecat ion, esyecuably anecngeiacaiass. Wutniess tlie uvy s 'actisate', 'sinieureu', 'automssate' kecp tuneng ey.I cne a i cvhitarcteeg sttacf. ileret ose. ta liesr C orner aieadeeg figuesen tiins field syeek cf __________ "nability". Lloyd Oc'cciv. ca cisaisisse e iels ail flie enatersai aeds and teceniq hase been nsarsbalted, citius se crcealius scli ic tu indefunb 'vaaneîtissng' tuai flacs fsont mcid and spiret ta anathes. Ais ai1 adoit, cleatecer bis cge, peine oeesreegiy ha tbe rase mn menuetn nbo froc hues schaot y e. a pecmanent mark. Tise ccsid inia chichi yo pecile go tonuersac may eaevstaetiy shiftieg les patten; Tenus dccay ban be laresy preveaed Mr. Justice t senicti liait ai flic giadisate ieay weit fend tisai be must hy hsusiing seesh aises e'esy nient and hy Onstario CossisInticesof tise Sies snd train and retrain secerai limes diiriiig enising dameo ais annd smees. Bei if Objecis uni [duai su lias csastieed ti5 carkieg years, but wheibes he yen ceest beach yens tensil afet means, the tise nceds est cuistcsisyary sicîdenis spe.sds a lifetime in one vacation er nast es Rissing ys mentuisu t ni fee freint tvr nl. sfrere le tsar y, the kind cf peesen lie is cui passicits îmmedsasely afies sasing an cas Tosonto sehassi principal and hs ceeni store in the long liant than the demi baoth deay by as mach ne 601 pst coiteague hase adcacated abatît 258 skîtts he lias mastered. No enterprise cens. If mee s cnet hnndy, hen ficih OP changes. sceresao irent deaiiny mlitii s sisenger than the men cho epesate attr appe eeisy a fut venesa l en. a eqaîpesieni aed inîclisas. Tise key la and direct il. Ms. Ornis le escitingy an aple ceery rawcarot r tst. the gnoo tifs and tie teaittsy socsety. cpeiefic about flie psemary rote ef e eas tee ses il, is clitise flic d. aid one flie teacher- il i ta make mec Ont aaghe, nvnsy day ai lent, se heas a of cha'sactce tsglited by cision. Afies noble." lissue cacg, tena nad peem, tee a fine pîce aned,îifismneposieb tesapeak a fini nentonahie mande nstL4.a a Jeheen Wetignng Van Gethe tfl nIC ff-C .e At titis fisie afin~ig aned gettîeg. Witincss bac, n hase occasions f t an7as0 miii irsQ eay u ibre Octantes lits hast gi oail it tsfisiîas isef. misen ce do gise cale la faith or Sast a y eag ae 0 sth nai For a fec biset di ys eeshsed tlie trust as affection, ce preface ihemn Saet Lage.cai ai cyssicisisi ansi clerc lin be miii dadgy phrases. "il don't cnt ta atîrseices. Wit iseey seiseu lisars secn snadie. Maybe il's ctd'age casses tsi fi s rf ilce. erespisg ep, i kniw ibis senîsds sqeise.- Jiora Fi es iertsays fi se rl ofssi a sîeel Ai Chbristmas ese can drapth gieders, asîsg trafit s. iiasiîîg ligues gniasds as ce t cas bands, lips and aid pestiitiincstrais .icsstiits yiens scontinenteate the gaadcii aid il sîryessg drivcrs are sens nesid tny tas aise fets selae sort ii set let. enstiiy tisai iîseaty simuggte betani file Onearea Saieiy [cagne ihai Thuhw on i o atcnat fi surseface, sesangety meceted. sding ihes. ai inei o miels masses tif peopfle. andsc cati le ibis shest brasas cf beaety, don' ge thee. oluIo evesy cutanés of site glaie ce listes ta tlie carats, vendi aut cisi a larin tf ise seleeisîo [nain. greetiele cards e'îsgcd ciels graiefai Wisenyens ied yersei apasihe sî eitîsis sec otis essec iersaa iiieiioies, delei agass as flie age-aid Wilil ou indyorsef uon he peobieîs .ss s crtise se tisciaten asti story cf castiseema ibroagi a teen s osf a diteistia. apysasse tceiness. Mc sre sîssiL se neen tise, Bbe wusose adsene hrlegs a breatti af appcsing altenativses sec tisticaiiy anti barres wcu bec i about ssItse lies snd sape ansi tealing ta a isard-hoiicd, nseaacecsan Otleescîse Yeu ic alutiers sn aîilisg scaid. caetd end eip tike al cartaie aks mibi an execepiionai intelligence qîuotient. He cas piaced nsiidcay j L beiceen hao eqeaity attsactise o « a a n eee mendies of tîay lie deed cf siassatiainasdcefofisWytt becaise tee cîstd not finit sec sis tes Driessih titi tisa titis 11111 Iit lte tewa, esettstse aia etîcase heiwce ttests segîsia its. iii bitteS sre sinisais uuinili ayace cho paskcd aschioaet as tiis aboti ut iistri cil initie, ailes selicie atcng flie ccd sisaesd e a o tee saîs ande lis ibady înspcied an a "-Seersecker" is tie nasse a'il i n aiiset Ninscvai. n ietesmadis stake leefase lits lianse. type cf tabsîc; il is aise, ataine tas cere sacel yssisiese ieiabed ateeig Wiiti tisatit ew lec ac agate ai fle feioni misa believes cassspteteiy tlie înrcesssn.st ay c i nsceined: tise Ses penalty tas biackîcg trafitc ai ia otue Rayer focd Le no cealelil" rs or *S*SS*S&tiLiAitaAAAA MIIBEI LOCAL PREACRERS, AN» XHIORTERS 0F TE 1VKILTONé cXnCx1xr1 Sugar and Spice b y b il S- et y Duets ,q .d,e.s,. tl t ' ,tt tient1gl ict.sisa.n a, card o ye. te ate' sftie extra teppence les cicesps. n ie aiy cisie igc ai tha Juea Saciety. inaeatsaighsiaekeof lime. te Oncembes. my ciii ccsaup stir clsi n ecenys euth a pst'Cbtieimae deýdic. Kimcwacapstefiesn pasng fa basr penfesmen's degrer sei piao. And t'e hi n snoerd ondes lie aient acaetenetcofantî-leaacseetesfilaiceney day. ecesy ceek. cakse aie lest ainaîd cf geo in i t e', Cis lianee unes eassbh [ifs ant idiot. i eitened te type nny cefe's ccsays foes tien, cfte sas tn'dcssstee licest. Ond yen tees iny ne type mini siee iengenc andesncanenheashingtbodydalon yens teck't Ttnnnecaseutilag;Sesy about tias lesealiesg. Site lait ecenird tintake ance t dedes* aines a n'and. a ceetnna. et a qesascas aas fi endat deadless prace. Sitea tine [site fenece inca aheen peicenasloirtiasi 1do. liess Andi tld lierse Abane ecesy 'O nanriues 'id snant "Ali icit, type Itle dc am ehinge"ennmsetfI" acd caýnep aif. And dae'd snep."iiec anybedy mite clis a cetnmnl eac type au hadly as icais bnyecd aie." Andsuvin en.I loek a(ai Ica e lu enî as long ce al Tis cas sigles ses slie msdcs et thai annualdbadnniofpre-hssna xnia eccnetsilaemafes te hsneseacbns fee tifs bandmng i its ici gnatsos. heccance tics ainsi mcsksng file kîde' papese lie keacs aiiy tisai hi lice sangles nineg misasevn lie ibis fait temn. Escepe. secyhe. centse bcd test Aises tfiis nîdeali. s pliasset ta look cas iaîmaîd se isosdcyc lits nie rentas, îecd, and centrespase. gsîd OP one's laies and say, nas "Titeheek math il. its due fats whoarem the long, bltes, ciioes terni. eeg fie Net tis lime. There t cas, nypîngcwife's file aiccys, masbing rscen papets, toyise ta bsepKe e s ui eLnh Enengb. anse muglie eay, as top ni tha rsbei choes. "Oh, net' cge the Fass. "'ibai bssd c cliii teeu eecky. [etcs ssciiy sc itse b im. '%S ds,eV été NIe ate .eeI...lpt, site fan S9a a caifI an yenyntney. cas thr targei. bige lit mibsddle ni shas cntd snay and the blhzarsei.dbsgcsstac libc c hamcitesg niais. bl ceaides go al cil, ecep citent1 dîdn' need se. And nibse l did al net eeiy limpsd. bat caaghnd. Osd yen ecertry la gis a sac tsuckt, ni eitfgliia blizared' Hiavenynngrienout bsrec mansege se a sac, cites bevseg yeoî basiesy etncîged ietiy. ened ast the bey. aid gai e "Rassin. nangin. scegs. engb. spot, eaegh. catgh. cegn satgb. nat ta . ..? Thee heensed medeanecs asd ai seacs sec amateus. laid nie se cas' the oemacche ,ire. d ia tione [ie peinds. har piagv. tise caîbaînees. ttre aitsnietes li cincirorwaeser Tioymetra sentit tanne aseficepcsi peiectnsbjaeesve paniepe mc'aeetnIoine t ieaogh loincîcof ain assndiadsc's eransportation: "Cnddap, Neti: ce i' boe yen." t ncpiaced caerytihssg ihiey tld nisc. eseys blat nettes sete plastic Iiitcg yen cespesthecinc t h. Aede iiil tees tekc a1s1nnse ciels flieiavs fin t'a net decaasn et e claite Chrimas. an a Yoeelog.eorcassnèl eeydlly gaecs. ThecIndy goeesaatdeouspae titis holiday ecacaun cii bceabîsc sel feeigers My cîfe cuit be enscssaasasg a ideh-bensasy G'ermai pilsoispher. liens Hiegel, ciiis doucer itan a dicte nef esasied peas. My dagiasncdlheeeb c arigceihea bannis cf Behesiani caled Bc'ttivn BaeF, Granadoscaad oainess l'Il be the aine ciels flic apras est, ding the dnbes, o aeeaeanng. (Ors1ebfhie'en bc lie anc cei flc bas. hecdrd fo inn cespese aed Acapulco. c slsth flassesin acui.) Hacevreî"noacns tu c ribnalit tire holiday sacan," au Kim euugin pnti n no es ngc.llHggli ithbcnhome,nd os'it ha vs saine jatiy abats chus lts fature as n waitet, sieh ha n nec. Yea hacea geadet anyccycalethall My t.ait. On chat's set Pages of th-e Pasi f rnomes a m p inoI f il1es 20 years ago Tase fusas île issut ai The i asadn Champion, Oeembes 23, 1948. Pnieru seidueconsuing meesingnof dus ytnafsflie Notl Satn Hugle fiebsat Dauistrc finaud.Oc. C. Massues, eiucuccea, esnurased dure nsuchcscand ofleciais ce lias bacc nd ah dlavcer an dai Milton Inn as Manda y sursusg. le prved adelgnful suvin farse yenis cr oefibas lune been c raliesr heavy oenu ansasgssg fire nett ditict and bnuilding pengease. Aceonns mess passsd as t6e Bard metivg. Trnspoationn pschtems cite dnecsed. Tht buidng repert on eh eu sa misi Milton c isesha shny wl cdtbssdyiforelaes ai slie begnrrsvg ai île sec teri> iqaspcetssecesrvng an dot ,b et The Bsii's Foraum mt ai flic ucheci foe dte Mesday siglet screso. bfssshsssnieg ta tht radio beeadicac, F. liadley sead the repnrt of doe Ceunls Bîsedes' Assoaione, ceeui retin bad bsec gese seaker. Tht psngucmt fan the ecsnseg hcd bie arraner hy Gonid iiedlsy. Ms. and Mue. R. Moore gave c cnnu skis ni to men "Bayeng a Sact," fabeced byacvaldel. Ms. Whettbaed sang e ol eei is thie gnshsesig in e enuninty insgiog neeascpcssid hy Mss. J. Ouso. 50 years ago Tokse frnt île suea ai The Canaduce Cleamion, Osembur 2h, 1918. tIs abbatdancc e uoaistuecios front Ms. Mille, Counnuin fiehoii Inspecers feu the trelief of6te esncdîog un the cln buidding and teacecnmmdnss classes caedaced by aiedontinationechnl tences, che ns heieg esgagsd, the duessg naem cf the New Royal Motet bac bese aeatd. Misc Soes' puocnsy dspassmnise ciii nbcutpy ut ainsi t6e heludayt and 16e ifting ai tht 0eu bac. Muet lluet's dspaiumeot cdll meve sie tue pcinsy secat and tht tbuud ceonnio dspnliceni cdli hase the uoni onaiaed by Teus us no chaieientin se6einueonce tpdsnie se Multn asd nsiighhosod These hase hein foas denihc oublin fibs dnys, ail irtem pnsieea, and the conditin ni seesn Paltits t ctia. A saches ai nceattcae Otctctpoted ystesdny. Du. Goeiaed, Medieti Heati affices, eenficms tht ahense ioday. Ht enyn the die i petd in le]o dieteins ieueni neeghboshaad. These nre mety criibl ---es, tetal ni peuoniin cMion. He Secs no proipesi fartihe liting of 16e itan ni Peidayesmetinegof dt Board ofHIellit. Chritmas ccc rallier quiet bee on acoont ni the la epidtmin, but acmitec ofiyong peopte came home 10 ceietiet ic. 100 years ago Taken frnti issue of The i anadoan Cleamppons Milton, 0ecembas 2d, 186h8. île (Coaty f'lesk (if Peau es Fnsday baeghe aven 100 enedu eh gend cand fans dlcuse tire Ccnehy Buiddingcsipveces avesuging Sh50uccd.andeaold genany qecntuîy ai site caina yncc' Tht Dog Tas lesr Neuuegaceya feu 1blele cas f333. and doi ansorit tpeeded feur degc kiing uheep fes i86 ise Sn f347.521 [nu peaur, fond ai $2'1 ccssvxpsded. Ws naatd dtcC atevtion tu île advuutisomnsns efhue Red Rines Cencens, wch cas pcsspned insu enionele en aceacuto téhe bcd bondain ai aile tends. iSsus uns rveuy prospeect eh fnst ictse cui bs gound cighteg n thtelesh ai Jcaauy diîpcsed ptisons ta rbe's tire denseulans condition ai thisan iritscstsnsss nonditian, ce feas, wclel mi nssd asitnemi et favet, aund te so bait sey du su, hy fegilet efli cuisse a hoiperuecri ducs eeasg. [et enaons geedge the psucs tuf admicsion, siObi il ccnid nee bs gicta cebh a bietse ebuet. Mute Pis- Bo ed lssd heef anca beef sanue tender. tet lcool, 16ev choap ut fille, cob one pnrnd see,aoe'hnfpecf appiss, scn pournds enllants, ne paosd esieuo dueced, haif acce of pncdsstd envs, ailspine, eunnacnn and gieges, Ibues pis ni scesu odles, oe puce ai Madeira cis. balf a pi ai brandy cobh scaagb cuan ta ssten teayas lacs. Tit cit crakte a laigu tan fai. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION p. l:a" A IL RItIGAcD FS leaa C. niLMe ce-,caececnse8s8 ause oeiatRsa.y Nt.Esh ton 055 iamea,. J im' s Jottings bay i im dli, 1 A4 (iA note i.6 4ound4e4... Down[s] in thi wmH i n y domwIls HMw TIMeB HAVI CHANGED. Thts is e saeeder front the ditesicceit, chii "mnieslcl boieicees and exorotera". A yc.i tg57 listintg Miltce end fine are& shnnehcs one lte Meebo- topys eeoaed iey F. W. Meibocte cf Milice.