oe type af coootily. SfoSnswng ton mould the toWnol on District -tins white ow Hornhy lotion. The otge Cuttie piîa]lBoard; , A. Speight io Counties Hinton in a Coultet and ,ouncit, anal y court of omply with 3îonm Safety enMcNohtt, tit thetwo bop a thtmn o htoriaîcal te fic 1969 tpec, sn tht files ai tht gs ta itl wiii cnlnhnatn m5 Thotsday, rks oîth of stotîn rcoveînd hy ibs of Milton loy moîniog, atging of two foond in Constrvation 1as paît of a id Chnmicot atbout imo itto report a damage coi ;30 notimalinl aîbîng lot nI 1Bîonte St., M*saiv. ali fou ê« n«u Churches Chelatfoas hisoupers. oied clotlsiog mnd tufners for tht usdetrptisllged are commosplace omosg chuech coognigationts ai ibis li o! year Star impotîrnot ai diese cammounîîy actisiuur, are, lthe toîiiy massine aid froint Protestaot, Asglican anal Gîthodex Chueches of dhe mol onte droogh dhe Division of Intte-Chutch Atal, Rehuges and Worlt Service ofdte Word Cooscil of Churches, briser is Geneva. This raider cumbersome naine-usuallq ahoridont to DICARWS-hrings nogeihet lu' as egumnirical effot 400 min Chrisiias frnt churches in 90 counîries and terelîgries. Totl hudlget is about $18,tt00,000 lot refuger and deteopmnîn si, hut atditiuoal funts are soiseal m4eenvr and oherener o disaster occors. Pot insance, tininses ment sui thaig tht gtrsd lait Auguas ohmn represesioiines of dhe World Coosicil of Churches reaâcher! a remot regiot on Iran le off ni rinîgroncy ait. Belote they IrIs the site of ont of the wuras earthquakts in tecordeal hisiory, lents and effet relirf supplies vient, un their way id a massive cillf feom churches un Grrmany, Great Brîlain ast inoin ecucmsnical mupplp tepots in the sea anal 8tW,00t usits of penicifhin niere hting Ilomo froin Fardant. As suon os the chuech's mohile anal multiigoal tain couit omsets tong-ierm atets in dhe aiea ohere 11,588 people mec iiet mtd 25,000 omît iîfi homelets, mord miess oui fron tht Genena lseatqusrers t0 churches arounal tht motît Irsling dlie kom vebne ihey couit do t0 hetp. Onrrsoghs, footls ore mode anadohire for Ille effotit Chnistions un Desmak, Norwoy. lodia ast in bond-bit Iran itseif. Cherches on other countries, ioctating Canada, hane contrihutedl cash to baili timon lully-eqoipped clisins as pari of tht long-range mehahiiîaîion of dhe rres. Although tht Councis dinision of Ioît-Church Aid, Refugne mnd Worid Sernice sere 10 inct such nmnrgency neettoheonete ant oherener thep arise, lire Division is soloa chotcb-muppted Red Crots. Mure ippical of ils moitiniios dollar prostatm are thousanda of dcntllopmiest projectsfundermoy in Africa, Affa, Latin Amnenica, dhe Islands of dhe Pacil'îc, Europe, Meuth America ont flici Middle kart. Tht Couscil nitos these miCfheip projects asos i-cnmcpeetv mediciot" mnd recognizes ile in many pats of tht under-denetopal wuîla tht vilage pastoris aisea pimoiy community l e adler. As a result, senti ai gonennimensi ictding Canota-base tecidedtes chmsnel denelopineni funds timnugn tht churches. Is Thailast, for exemple, ohere 80 pnr ret af the Christians tint in rural altos, a revolning tomn foot was rstabtishnd to hntp intinituas and smai communilits rais Iheir stantard of living. Tht Rtc. Graeme Jackson, vihl heats tht Onision's Asia desk, tetls honi ose tinp nillage of a daien lonîtiies onercoint community rejeciion. Their tepusasion in dhe reguon mas hbarl becouin thtin pourtland could non support thbeml atequotetp. kîginteen monnbs aller drey neceinet a smati tan freim a cburch agencp thry bat ctearet oald culiuaind mont productive tond and al bat hn t0 win acceptasce tin dhe orna. The reruit of theit nroty.resealed îndustiy mas a net profit ol $ 100 pet foinaly pet year. Frain rwmmmmmmmmmm SERVED FROM12 A.M TO8 P.M SHoliday Dinners For Christmas end New Yeur's Iced Ceery Heaeis Quîto Olives Smeni Mînoit Pickles Fruit Cocktil Cra fTomoate Soup or Tomate Jonce I Cia t Chef Soiad Roat Chickeo mith Apple Jeiiy I Rosi Gose. Apple Sauce Ruasi Duckiing mit Dresan Roas Prim Ribs oflSe Hos Rads lEnls Pm Pudig Ho MicPe o cinea j $350M Cominin ofu SWo Tas Soap Eg Rol SweetasdSourChkenS BlS, ra Shrm Sotald Sobecued PubCike re Ric Chsnese JasineTeorCfe Lschee Mais Fortune Cochîns $3.50 RaaanPh fo Re an - 78-9061 loi MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9061 The Canadien Champion, Monday, Denomber 23, 1968 3 thoe world's differenoe are bridgingl titis ilsep retumned $40 penyea to pop off iheir Joao. Sach pînjîcîs, thoogh ininiscoli scher ccîmpaîed mîlli the moitit'. neds. aie cosidiind highly stlalegic hy deselapinini experts. Peoplenin nnltiîînly primitive surroondings cermot hi enpected tn hurdtt tht centies Seien tht agt of the as-drow o an d the cyhotseiic oge soithoot masive dislocations in social and persona moes. Somn of theprojnctsaof tht Dinision of Intt-Chutch Aid, Relogen and WottdService thereforsttmpnosizelthe deveiopmient of simoplt, indigenous tools. Tht Altica secrtioy, Canon Burgess Cotr, dispiayo photos shoming feeding troa8bs ai an agricaitordl dnnntopmnnt station mhich ment rthet siinply mode hy spltting hambou tsthwise. Tht tffncts of athanicotion are not oneîimked, hamtnns. In many ports of tht mortd tht cherchts havt hetped farmiers and csafiontn dennlop marketing channets, somnesimes building mris se ileht isolated nillages can sendi their produce t0 mnarkets in tht langer cities. The churches' field staff bas leannd 10 octicipote humai probteins, ton. Whtn oit mas disconnnd in Nigeria,fer exemple, an ilan of moîkers ma enpîctdîin Pari Harcourt. Tht local Christian coanicîl, with the encouragement ofthe Worid Council, ptonided sctarial training for yourg o ie in enening classa as a positive alternatine ta prostitution. Tht coonognoas min andl mamen ai moek in soch projecit oround tht morld must hn hitssnd mîth a spicia meosait of patience and oiib unosuat resdîincî. Sometimîs il talkes yeats for o projrci te hear fruit; noti.infreqoenily ont mast accept apparent faillite. In Fast Pakistan, for example, an agricutoral dîmonsiration fain mas rstohtished hy Canadian Baptis t0 train min ta reteîn t0 tht sillages and iniptont local production. Mosiof tht mnoho came for raining liked the ctyand found unhan tmptoymenî ralier ibn renisn t0 tht isolted commonitîns frein which thny had came. Ont Patualani oho did tetoin, homener. mas Paul Munsh. He had te rach Chuskhori in tht Biomapotta delta only hy boat and ohen hi tld tht local farmers tpe thould ose hetier seid, hegin ta fertize, and tahe advnnage of pesticidea hi scos greeteit mith douhtîng tares. Thty could notaffordîtarisk monîy on crops thot sometîmen are oashrd omay hy sali-mater rides. With a aimati World Councit grant hie pstchatd thetsetdand suppieshtcnndrd and aller o fIdure or 100, conninctd tht fernners t0 try. With surplus coiniodities supplied hy tht cherchea in the Uinited Stases hi tsiohtishnd o food-far-mork project inmhich adikemwashbeli aund tht crap tonds dulieg tht diy atason. Wihin ihone ycaîs the yintd had hin increaedithee timesand the communty mas ohle ta gel tmo cropptonosoty rtiher thon ana. Nom the faineis are teady te purchas aitracitrfor c-optioiusemiih a boan mode itough tht Eat Pakiatan Chriatian Counicd wih fonds topplind hy tht Division of lniir-Church Aid. Tht Diviston aise prosîdes the chonnel thiougb mhîch tht cherchesofithemvielli cont etheaid of innocentincimofmor. Minutes effet the news of fictrentiCztch criais îîachîdi Geneso, the mheels ocre itniog ta help mny Catchs in need. Wishattncotogiog Cttch nationals 10 migrat, toîreom home on ta rimais chiait, the oLcil îîaad îeady ici beli, tlie nearly 20,000 vite wire in Vienea îd other Austiim annas. Sy mid-Srpinmhnri t appiarnd thonr mini Catchs oulside ir hometood prnlenrd tu keep theit possporis mnd natîonality and se techmically mas sot consideeed refugees. There mas a possihdiiy, howener, fihat tht Austrian chesches woold need hetp id furnishing food and thetter la sentea thousand Czcchs for Up lu lit months. Sometimes tht Division mass psanidr tas insistance with atmost deîicacy, asi n tht case of telief thipinos t0 sstnring massts in tht Nigenian incessiooist proince of Biafra. C"-perting mith tht Isternational Committre of tht Redt Cross, tht churches had contributid o suhstaniel part of tht 3,000 tons of relief supplies mhich mere tlomn it Biafta ai night t0 tOppîf 320 stations obere 160O000 moibîts and chldien nitre htiog fed dadly. Tht Dinision maiotained whai ils dîrecior, Mis. Charlotte Seomne-Mayens, callndl "a non-partisan tinhitita' in onder la be able t0 hnlp miel tht posi.mar ntnds in the Afticanares. Aiong the tree tents inining in Nigeria/Biafra ont incloded a nurse and ima sapply olOicers froint Canada. An esiimatnd $3,800,000 is esrectnd loe bot hie y the chutches of thevieildi hroogh theDiision Io idmwa victims anal to hetp nesiore damageal hospilals, schools, faims; and tht social lîfe oI Nligeria anal Biafra. Muu muus and Halakahiki salad 4-H party goes Hawaiian Girs in Immuusoandîteis, fnast af HawaiianîfoodsandOa sui preses talion on thn idautifot senery of Hamasii madn for on înttnsiingtnenng Thutnday, as Halion's 4-H Honîemakîng Club girls siageal their frst Chistminolner paiiy in tht auditorium of Hallen Ceniennual Marier ot Milton. Girls froin tht coonty's 4-H clubs prepsea the buffet dinner Planner urges continue its s Nalton Planning Association chatnnan Mauice Newton unged Couniy Counfcilte1 continue i5s support of tht gnoop. draming menbters fnom ail caunty municpolities, mtren hie reporteal to the coun t y cosnc il's Oncemhnr meting. Mr. Newton, chaanman of the Natsagomeyo Planning Board, descrihed tihe Conny gnoup os a forum loi open discussion aimeal aiuinpronung the eniroaient throogh planning. He recoooied association action an the litanie lot psohiem anal noteal finit nom uolins aoibeniic Hamaiien recspes, and thefeast made a ig bit wiih tht parenta andaspecia giorsîs aitndstg. The mena feotureal Pou Kau Kao. Guano Compori, Potynesian Mingir, Hatakahubi Saloal, Tîriyobîs Hawain, Asui andNouAha Saloal, plus a Haaiin punch. Fottoming alîteetchiinan Anne RoMl of tht Hornhy South county upport entsy manucipaiy mas involveal in planning. Esotonsieg tomnship li year inae ils Oirsi planning hoardt. 1s mlas risiemia lebt association meeings o inctodel films os planning as metl as prnsentalions hy ptnntg nxperts mhich prasel of assistance. Memhersof County Courai praiseal Ms. Nemion's report anal tht on of the association. club untraîtoceut specual goesis Mr. anal Mis. George Readhnod, the piesialeni and secretary ai alton Agricoituiol Society, and CBC fatim braadcast reparler George Atins anal Mii. Arbiri a! Dtronte. Salth gentlemen isierdet congratulations la tire girls an the îaniuass dînnîruand wisliuod(in coninued ucs un their hmemabung prgrams. Mr. unal Mis. Walter Th ree years Aiready cammitied 10 prison te serse a hle sentence for morde r, Ted Woods o! Saîtunguan mas gînen anexr thrTee-yerîtrmi un magustroui's caurt in Milton let week, forits port un a jaihbrab flrom tht Naton Joui last Sepiembîr. Wodsmwas reicrnîdiathe local court fronm Kingston Peruteouuary anal pleadoi goîlis ta the chairge af eîcaping cosiody lit anal îiree aihers fleituhe lait tn Milaon Sîpiembîr i5 iii a ioe caeft guardi morie hiairs. Woods anal tw lhr ere recapîsred tit saieuglit anal the faurtt titn carrîndoral un Utah a maonuh ugo. Tue aubins ire t- hoe sentonced ic. 23. Tht fon-fltngservices ol tht Division ose odininisiria hy a refogîr staff of frse. ight aea wcetaiO and eight irnitinal îpe.îais(0 Many oi tie inibch.tîiocti. ot tic Casadien (Camail of Chuicleiarecaic membeîn of the Woîld Courcl end theitînit, hast o direct innoivnntt in tht I3ICARWS pnojecis. Tht Uniterd Church of Canada, for exemple, as its hiennial Oentral Councdl ai Kingston in Augusi, votr an anment of $1,750,000 for ovresdîeteopinn anal relief "in the nesi 28 mnonths'; $750,000 aI bant ainouni te hi speri in 1968. Tht resoil of ibis resotutian cas an oppial for "one day's puy' froin ail church menîhbers, hrgusoing mith tht Maderatot, Or. Robert B. McClure, anal tht personnel of Unted Church offices in Toronto.As of Dec. 12, $10000 hoal hein receisîd milh contibutions caming in daily. Clîuîch officiais point oui that tince ms congregaionsaonly mode the oppeul an Dec. 8, il mili prohahly hi mid-Janany belote the fnl total îsbknown In any case. tht amount of $750,000 mas guaranietd hy GeneralCouncil and any hotage in fle campoign dubbed RSVP - Rispand hy Sharing in aVarittyaf Prajcts around tire morld' - wllhbemade up oofithe chutch's resre fonds. Itttsbopeddflt tnislyea, anuheiaof Canadian denminaions miii ie marbîng togeiher ta toise fonals for vra denelopineni anal relief. Mtanmttile, tht instrument forgial hy tie matit mîde chorch famity miii continue ta bridge the mold's mosi huriful differîncîs. Norrungion aI Milton. woier iargeiy reîpansuie forrganaurîg the dunîr anal titi pruugîauî, weeintradocel by Laura Maxwell. Mis. Norringiotti lo braihers are muionaey pnuisit worbung in Hawaii, are a altctat andt the iter a lutti teacher, anal iiey shooed a tartes of cainifulisiie pictaroiuilioylook on a rocîntisit tallic istand. Mis. Noîringlan tld the usiandis hustory fhum uts duscanery hy Cayt. James Coob un 1778 ta anresation hy Urital States andi commentral un great detal an flie puclures bur husbaod shameal. She mort a mu moui purchasedin Hawaii on the trip. Tht No rrungîans miie presenîtal miîh o gufi for thiter contriu ioie he enng. Sesrra merchanduse priais mern coniuoed la the eenng by merchonts froin aroard Holion, anal Nancy Maban dra out lthe minours' ramnes. They inciodeal Mît. Bruce Frame Mis. A. Seon, Mis. L. Couiter, Mrs. F. Ruhi. Mrs. E. Hyaît, Mis. Mutiel Nurse, Hiaihet lifail. Cathy Lashy andonna Spnce. Manyaoffic-H'irs atirding marte Hawaiien moeu mou' and ait tht goests aire piesennal mih luis ta oîat araard the"r recks. Ont brase girl, from, the Oublis clob. mare a grais siii. represîriativscaf thi Caonty Board ai Edocatian ta dîîccsî the tiicessay terims.of schan arrangement. Commit tee citaitmai Claie Smoîlman prosental flic detaloal ripait om n tis osentf coniservation areas and saggstd tat liandie aalrtiîr ara siLdnit lor lttre trips dorn1 their scîîî cîaroni, mioula teqaîso picfiaminig foii 75 siodonts daîily -Amang flia pucportie oi flic Autiîarîty are aut at he lobes, tsera streums. ponds ald mciaas. inciaaingaoteisustanttiel anal hrolthy blocb al lins 140 years aid. qocîrten. canes, lime îilns, a namber of ld hanses anal barns, a sam miii ana agonie faim: tien., hitaes flie naturai sciences,'cà * i aoghthPiiiof chemîiîty - maîhenatics. hîiogy, lîîstary. geaingy. physiogaphy ar;i. otait, almasi anyîhing mîithin the edacalional aytein.' Tht Aoihorîty niembîrs ondorseal the repoet anal authoriel theîepesnatona t0 the Caonty Board. Mîmhers aiseappoed an cp-alattd pîiarîiy list of pîntecis settîng flie Hilton -als anal Scotch Block amas i 96to damsn an 14 Miii Cîeeb un 1970. Afetn daniuin 1971t.Drmquii dani in 1972; Gîttalstue Creeb dan. in 1973; mansemocal dont i1974 anal Raititiiahi aai un 1975. -I c-yIw" -uf Maintenance deficit * thoîiiy shoatl invnstigait isrevetin frsitestrtrait A deficit 0f $30,000 in the Htatd otdamttttoechaigd mintenance bodget of lhe ht Oh' Sargentlcoggeslodltho Si. on ( a. t'il roiv hâ p,,, ti il Tii' Aoîiîiity oi! equire trane foiici ,i" -ifie of fonds lion, fle capital years--if wedoiicpid fic attooancn budget, nitibtit weecents as of li lsolt o! tht yioi. adsistd at tht Enai meeting o! "If yoa col baitdinîg Hilion tht yer Faits aod Scotch Stock dams and Secîniaîy-tînatoîîî Mas puichasing Ciamfoid Laketdoing Hathoîtty îepoîteid revnueo flone noihing t doii't oodttttand Ketto had îsceeded tht houdget so." tht chaimao totd. bol ihis mat rot sutficin t0 Tht chairman emphaoiand tht maîntan tht tighi ornas ondnr Aoihority had nat osttpetits the Consnrvation Authoiity. ttny, hut atreed memheis mootd Tht mintnenance section of have a meetingncaly in the ynar tht hodget ptovidtd foi ta considîr tht t9h9 hudget. rspnndiiorrt of 570,000, the Tht Aalîo rity carretly itiaatti noind, ohili tht opiaites or a Pot capila ltny of pinsioos ytai's ixpeodilores hoal SI.45 from tht manicapatlits in excntdtd ftha.thoaîho Cliairman Barry Hamphri th Dialingoh ithiOlili ctinssed thtin nesi iiari hadgits thonata oooldasisddbv tot yo'nsburedtiid eregnoa tiieoclainthc nain rçalistically in ilta repuiltiuî cno h r e1 at io ns i i bewee exropiatonfoi taltou Fatls maintetnance and capital Adsîsctîieipctin ntc aih ispendiioris. dieshl eomnete Mis. A. Macdirthur rocallîd Autboîîîy lob! n siaction an the ahiladh tr asoidaith prajact il tiiiaciid. Cramford Labe site. durîng A foriiet nmeeting mîlti discussonns ontial poictiata, îîçrusîîî iativs cof Milton fihat tiie ltsy ta municipal tliis Cauncît mas appracoal. na old nat iioctatdhbythe effort ta hase thm oîtldrao porchoae ttic ieqaiiniosl that Hîlta beNorontsaalttht iesyggoaid Faitlsr praoctci hi proceedod mîlli iciiyytaiforihelstli A r epaîtr t frot the yîars,- tht chaîrman cootîrîd Coti ilsatias Edocalcon Mît. MacArthur cogisteit the Adcîsoey Board iecatnided fihit eisting coservation ornas ha mnade asailahie lai tiaching porpoes. A comnittelvOas 26 DAY, DAY RR, Year-End Scivings empicyses union On Every Car in Stockr Untaetesbeto BRAND NEW CADILLACS, PONTIACS, application for cetificaion b the Canadien Union of Pub] BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, FIREBIRDS Employees, members o on ACADIANS AND G.M.C. TRUCKS Council were advised a h MILTN MOOR SLES TD. ytutond meeting. MILTN MOOR SLES TD. The application is scheduied THE HOME 0F GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE Toronto for the enda of th 388 Main Se., Milton, 878-2355 omentit. FACTS LIFE Neaity onet ofoltnten i motue niote deadis tais peur occueret due- ing the mmih ot Dtcemhtr. onc hall of tht Dictoher ftaltiir innoînet alninkiog alrivers, ast one out of toise Deoninher traffic accidents inoinet drnii pealtlimo. Dorisg the laut six houes ut Chitsmas Est tht Itouety rate uf total accidents mas about fine limes greaier tita lor tht reinaisr ut tht holiday. Whili incterino meather est I- creosit alusoluo traffic cas hemr a portiuon ut the hiaint. alcosol mIss lits impaiemeot ut ceilicot jugmet and ahiisy musi bd a major rosteihuloir in the ibren oui of loue total Chreistmaos occidents imnisMg speed excessive lor THIS MESSAGE P1881NTIND IN 'ME8 PUBIC INTERER DY McCuaig Insurance Ltd. 208 MAIN ST. 878-2894 MILTON m A A