r C12 Tire Careadue Cirampin Mundup, Denamiror 23,16 Commiftee givos advioe on buying toys for Canadian toits inoeduhbout toysnatoiiey o»e aou> fond und ninoho»g. The Canadiau Tnp Tes>ing Cotancd, hegun asot ommte of oh> Cit »,' Cooitteno Chideo (Ottaa,tireoh Nationanl t odosial Designt Coni>noi oanod Coioi>e' Ast'oncition i' Canada, bun 19> 0 foou prantical i>.îorî,d>tud>d teoe top at 'on otdepeode>î onittin On tlie many years nfi t> etittence t Orios rented! i>o>yiuntdedinoftyo. Thebeiohndnne if patnyirg. ba .0>0oiocd onunr ni maode tof NNY& .10EE E AUGER Ewiah their frienda a nd neighbare - E A Marty Christmas Eu In leunof crds, adona- 5 lion ho> sen tor» th> i Il .J 3i2pi 3, foi--rthCh-id-- guide tepýeit' eror tri, renitot noiirîrndnn.ooes, nd >tpeotntty ho oh> nhild bus o b cen nosrvice, e.y itoi>pretiog bos play needo. Rh»n shopping foi tahle ganes, stelect thn, nc i tireoh oioid',o>ineent and obiltty. garis filot tony enouoonge ioi>ity. gi>eo tînti effet qniet play for oh>c nbdd to cnno it Look foi ndeqone sîenit bord wto toodeospon, odoqono> on>e ouf nnt.>tnniot. nd nbility o> intoigne and ononto Gonoiniti cnstuction sti enconuiage devooliron ti cetvcnsotrotivnn, dooint marnaotnnd ntinoticcs r ur otpy a toîty. A poniniînîni noti r>Il fi snilnt se>0 ic .tronld bn i>ade ofrgeuis An ride> nid tOn iroodi> n 000>0 nnopb'otnd st toni ore pi»»'s A»y st gotoro ton) nnoiy toi un]y taosn trootonoatd destoînton Wnooti tut nhildoat Plof boinon oainhng yno séetonnti>oirorng ta nonir oid or diffénor t nirnbihty nod intc, Io 'k I. o, loo oaaned n ttkt anis or t hooihedartile. Wbn>lt Oyt bat> tire bigiteot pOuy vlne toieo ni>d a platoyitgo. unity tl n factor. To> on ooppiy o oannof of oi>nOOe> ro>opente coit alon> th n nto higg» aînd bette> Rnes By ddttrg accessories innî.ý aniolo. otc.) hon>c ptoytiigs, oh>e 0>00 blockh, itiho cinwlofe. Wind'tp i>eo.Oonininke toit nstoly. Tliny onnily hrenak afier n fto Olr of nie ni>.ii ficrîrnild nir>. gels bond o iruttd totir tOri' ny andîoot ni theeînnornosiy >000 oh>e te tho>g opoît tri on> toiy ol doironi torge tin' truk 0000 ho wloto Lncourgedonrpotirntin contructnge dnninl0nttontc a.ndoialaléan. Lookuor.ir pasein nnîttn, "seroitLnipulaon, toh>cinrrrg dumpitngdevion inirh and lanh if orooop érdges wtonino og. POnt totoen ti nit trucks r> IbigOt M.îonfni.ornrî ho»e i>od awato of i 00>0ic dîrio tînt nip and break. Tir> poî.nbno>o nends ti> simplen ooofOdnll. t inooidnd ni dont flaio. ni tof pliabln boomib 00000f S0>000>g il d totopltot tontohbrno i odonîir Ast.e gil groto oldio dote tooi oat ad ctr O.otnfn minger doit, tour non> dntatl and otofy tlithen Monk invenfed date system Poontn.olii ntnîyoloo hnot liii fire notaire[] 'tiC' inttiitoig dnted >0>000 'hnfooo Christ.* lino nabout 'A..?' Thts ntatin nieanot 'in fentrof on> Lod,' and ton> firt nfixod bit Chables Ili ni (.>i>îoy tolleiregn .ntr.îng oh> . bIntni>m tn tie iern of nis oiîgo on 879. 1h> .ytto niit>ontio>ly i.ttrog oh> aI priner tî> >0th> Sotoior ho>tb ond dcdonooong tire oonn.îndtog y>uot t> Hos Gin> y toao oovetoed,aonogtodb tite Chistianoo ca, hy a o n ahoot 532 A.D. Tire Christin non hegin on ionnooy 01 si rit tireomddle ni rire ino>rir ycoî ni oh> 194ih OOfmi>pod. oh> 793od yeoo of ire boilding of Roi> nod nit 47i4 ni rion Junir porînd. TO.> iItait poîînd. oootoond irf Josephr Scour aout 15>3 A.., tonodeniscdby i>tiplfotg ti> bon> cftle 19, toîo cycle>28 a.tie ontindicaton O5. C entuoios iefrot. abrout 4,000 ii.C. oh>e lgfpttont deorood n ...îtoudoo b.ttd on tire Mndante cof Aleanero. notmn fic 'hirnng te on outt 55002 R. 'ii rnlrrrrir.lorttootor. I iront> trIdor guis lk> 1 on l mnonitur> mlis ni otooy laodr nnd professions td bhei> anni>pannogncotumeso. Girl to irn>nto i, gond design o> doit motoes oooiiî henni>> disn'im inaig bîne'onooî. The»e is a>ent umdn for goud duRl bousra for girla bromocu the agca cf 5 and tire biens. A ire requtairra for o coud doli busae are: cuase ni auembliog, aturdy and 'tait irulancrd 'thon oaeomrld, monm Oie n eighl proportionr Ooone aii>thereaolldesignoahuldbe simpl> and attractive. Play toto> ni dofl boset os >nhnnnnd bo' o r rtf n itr o u l rII i' roort iir,ir til rotirori tII. oril. Do i funro shoulnd ho comipattni.ght. enivntcened nnd sim>pe,tbnotldhchaubalnce and teudîce,, aid be reuttoot. lofant Ooyo a»e deuigoed ne oh>uat tr detotopti> tenir,. lb> C.T.T.C. test oh>,> tnyi foi hooglin nottoot picns'ont oond. aultoirlo wealajt, dlupe, Renoue and wahablty. For aefaoyoue tra C.T.T.C. romoorada iropr tu check fo met finishoul, Remly'otacbod ryaa, aoguoukcra. helo, etc., nonalletrgic, non-n'iuimablr motariala, durabrle juinlo aeoe> ad manrairle prts. AI] >ays ai> o teared, iboreino> heino> Ton hay-oh> filIirrinlarof inip inppe'rs 'il. rît ie hlSPa --Wint ions ohili' pinytos -st, he nostino proportion O flic etii>ooed tif> of oh> top -Aoc ttîey desigoed wnh use or minci? '1«01. FOR4 *111 4:tOi.Di4EN. , I -OO40l d' foi- '1f-. 1,,1. .11. I i, r.i>ti, oi- .'d n'.'otu 18300, -.pc.-.i..,î. ,o,,Onooo en .i»,.ti 1,'I 6ed . Holly tea produces strength in baffle PROM MII.T AND MARIE M &M RESTAURANT - HWY. 25 Tb> fruof othen'toeheoîyoi atoh ornange ori>cdh>iry abotO on> qart»» of on ic toos..Tbeynccnr si>giynorin otoulO clausters n sort» tout ttath,. Tbey retotin on tir> pion> wl nO oh> ti»» The nototon itontooheîry hnliy groin o s iuain nanh as ,toaipy rcaodo and timneto, peno hugs, ni ow land hnodeoi>g otonip.. hngt and roadsodes. hf os todeoprcud ibin.ngbont ot>on Ontario tond noîh On aout 480 dugieni lttude. Untohe o>O'oy ni oh> tilles horh oh> tonninn ond tho comnwtntc>hoio botty shed oh>.> lentes in fic utrrn Hnoweor, oh> herses otruin on oh>e branches aodl id-'t.ntr tond o oner ni iii>> ohi>h, ini foOt fouto addo macnh gaoiy tond hennty toton oheentu> dooh andsonp>. 0f tie 600 htotonopentetof nollyý oh> Engiti hnlty t oth> on> i>ost pnd for Chistm>as deunorions. th Ai>e>ican hnilynastoreroup. Enolon> resodeot, afibOis tntinent htodohtody peocorrd rire valueof n hotty. Crtaoin Indoono toord hnily as a hadge of nntorageandnafaotr filait wold tonne uce,, os hootte Indouns ni sotrero tihc deonh houpy Oaa On gîte thien sorengrh aod cnorage in haffle. RERT PORTER I ITNUH LTRN Milton Marine & Sports Ltd. MITNUHLERG 25 Cammcal t. Miton JR. R. 3, MILTON NO- t BRîghteing oh> hione .,îth torîgs, hought and tooeniht of hoiiy i. one oi the oidet and hoappirot of Christmont tradition. The cri>ni o hiogiru hoiiy bit oh> honte dotes bock ino Roi» dort» ithe gay Soittorattu, miditir fetost tort,>c god nf tototifooad hsboidey, Romans, seit fiietidi ttoty tonooovey etteem and goodtootties. Tir e nie to bolie, nive> nt>ar>o, ncrirng On tire Fedieiitrn of n Ontario Natu>nliît. Tir>y nie tire Mottnti hnity and tircomu toîoteîheîiy botty. sotieo> onttod mlach nid»r Moonîtot initoy osa eet ooonb brainhed! thînr ni moisi planet grotointg toto tii ght ton teti feet ni oren. The> ete ore tii nd notoott and booglit green aoooreThe finitiona ppitth>ed one-quati» o ni o> c trirn diete> and ho»>e o>n a teodr It nmoriad in moiti siuionsi, toi> places,.swn>ps nd d>p tondt, etpenîntty tire edget ni spanuoi hngt orini>u>uok Mountin olnly ootoidep>nd tn ootiro Ontario. ho> comntr nith of fi> Canînin zne oe 49 deg>eeo nnîth litude. Comnoi toi>te>opr holty o> hlach nid»r i an e»» shtoh. g>noi>f t» n tbijte»n feetoi hoeigbt. Tii> leatet nre sho>piy geeno n>eodttod» EWhtes" Ibewarell On> nif rire 0000 popuin> rsoîbol ni tli> Chisntmas Ilrntrdnys. ooody oanes, bogn w t> an id soperiton doong t ie Mioddie Agot. lonoopoaniof fitid toiti toonred nandiest n distillet etol totit>e, tieliotwa toniai ti> ett unes henni» to onte»>oiod r> tot»n tor cndie» thotcationgof ed tpoiit toni ioigotieiiorportsthe Cnndy. Chotointo ood C>ii>otin>oy tîtiior GYPSY RELILF Gypsie. heu»>v thnt hntty. roy and pin> tee tond> et»8»»ee o> >etoo>d for iheiptin t»»>e the bîih oifCloit fbu>vew lb> gyptie. ling ntt foi tteu noibeo toc» tnid hy ihler etdee, thot .th ton> hinnhhoiied front fic evergre>> lit henneit, han >0r pont h> hidi>8ni of h> Ch itchitd. NO EVIL SPIRITS boni> h>ie>e oh> aninti Di>idt gav> i>ystncal ogofcnasnce h> i>ogthe brhets tf ioa iotncbootchig neither h>u>eo not carih Iu tous helieved to ie immune, oherfnre, o> th> i>obcuoet influernce of etdl spiiots. rhe Dooîdo. front Gnt, serted in th> oteon>t section> of Franeunow, hon> as irittooy. Tira miteooe la oOdll puputor i Fronce, 'thor fit is aulld 'cul'. tii ta pou for tire t)olelobr, iropriRç eau onb poora boie a fltrre oChristmas! TED FIGG PLUMBING MI1L TO0N CHORIRTII scervice o> Rousigirti cardo pusse off ice f roi unnounoed Th>'s sr drup f>oto te h>rp fi and i1le the holodo Pos>nnor oh»e tous drup tous Chistmaso iran oh>. finie; and auch ut people o i Tranl The n thr Tue actual do 'tus the. held . Ru, o bule th tre faow of mOrte. coatltp pe.iud s tuoard h grutr uf iaai usidr us moni uf a»>v tirron.di As t Coulaci .prelin unnrtut Alun E> tu rth cunuide run amuigi Miltoun Buoard tirait o gura. munici oie>." G R EET "W TIP-IN TIRE Sales Limited UI i. Bat. Lino 878-3131 Milton In the truc apirit ai the aeaaan. we wish you ail the "ald.faahiaraed" joyu ai the halidiayo... the ever-new delightu ai goad finonde arauod yau. gaad timee and goad cheer. and the gladnesu ai exchanging gis and greetinge. And, in a spirit ai aincere gratitude. we wieh ta extend our thaaloe for your favora and iriendly gacad will. Each day in aur business ie. makeas us appreciate more deeply haw much aur pleasant aasociation mans. A \E WISH YOU ALLI FROM ALI 0F US AT... w~rrfltrflP FOOD MARK."TS Proctical view in early Rame '*Citas la lti nc tiu tir a orraubu thepagua foutival CRMe>n>u feue> ehairh come roie Thsa modem com>plairaitsladr Cirelama auuo>o rt mup iras> force, as mrnebai Martilt irwesr, uas sot uucke>g mu ognluity. altoua uvse o precrafa AiRer tI baie t>e crafly airas ni bitig a large nimba> uf sentI Rvnf preenos sud lire, pit gofos sucr oa tourothas fgi Romnopo> Marial -ho lvd nuphins 'tih hus hemn adtwol hri bu 40 fo10 delvrd tehi>li pote doit A.DO0Cfi i ke boks. f niti oud hav >oir uc Hi opirtow tnp> ssd csefothern>crogeoho rig inua see ni poem rito te rfor a >i,"f paundo of od>vr weah paton, ai the tmeao plate. Tri"09-N 1 .. . . xte4t(M