l Thse Canadien Champion, Manday, Deceee 23, 1968 Some famous people celebrafed their birthdays on Christmas Day A yaaag ftatatta attfo ta Eagiatatd gave haeth toa 111atai bâtit ta hot 'tatti dtaughtat. And in 1883, in ai,ttaatt'saat moade] hanta hahî boy. Wttat dtd ahes tat ate hita have ta coment? In taach ctasan tht chafl aa hata 'ta Chritas Day, and gotat ap ta hacamo 't fateata pet "tat Tîtoat atell.koat "Chrtast h'thtoa atone Evanatlave Booath, Mauritce Utrillo and Str tsatac Neon. Batat ('llathritas Day ta ah65. Etage oîtt laat t e ftatth datghatttltltt Salvattat 0 Best Wishes for R. R. FORD INSURANCE Milton 87846357 Anoty finanoder, Wilamo Bati. By the age of23, sthotatitoad or lhe Sýji't,ît Aftty i itdtand r, 11)04 ta a-1 avi peattatat fua thetir Unttetd States. Darng Watald Wan 1, the Salvataton Anaay lasi eter hon jaatadtcttospnt Chritmtas-as wte 11 ta s tiattiy athna days nttana ta the neod ofi Atanattat doagitityt ta France. Tht atoad "daugibay" stnemt ftonm the colnittated Saitattan Aatty datgh oaat, a Waeld Wat t ta pie One Chritiattorb't chid h'td billte chtto in hta ife, ta liotidaya 'tr athetatto. Tis mat flic Fteîada patatet, Maricn Uttillo, hatn ona ttocemht 25, Son a t'an 'taknowat fathet and Christmas treE just grow like Tît o ammcal Chritas ttaa yta hay m'tat ltholy dada't 'jat gatat' tht Tapty. iChances att toe taon yaa tajay dtattgtfltc haladayt hat fot sovotal yo'tta accetvtd catafl attetittt front a tact tarmna. tahatctt. ttta 'ta aoy atlaca cme ciaarp-'adChrtas tacovatre gtattatth the tde'aio ptadaaatta aacmpact, walliapedattteaots no atpltt yotaaild. Chritasa taon cut itesave eaahlaitaed sah ttglt stavdardstlat grattatrots te pat thela qualty ai tht tice, ahthiea ta hob Frasertir, Douglat ia, ted codat, Scottcht pate, Arizonatacypres, wahite paaeor athot papalta tarintata. Cttmmetctal growattt 'tf tht Girlas tours grow Christmas flowers Btloang la dha heaet of amEna and haat.ted ta lihe innten aid soameaeei in, Infant. The caess of Hin finflera the anoat, the Chritas roiesl a tanaed lise petais plai. plant faaned in Ingenli. i Botanisas cais lthe Chritmtas Acoordioli ta an oai story, a rosn an a memben aio thse paor littie ittepheatena had no hottencup faatly. Native ta, gain ta effnt the Chrtist Child. Sauthern Europe and wesiten 'atd steoapt. Wheathertt'ar Att.tth as l'thery, dar geent t'tinhd [lie g'tttid iittttt't i't'ttt ad large, saucer-a't'ped tpta'ttd. tlattatt th hi te tr i'tti ttged Denighted, alto pl'tcked an ttpiait. a mathen h mias a' madet fon mati ai tho Montartt ha'ah ta'tldtt, o hattnoie. yting Mtatnca tasa ahy antd tldtatt, att avly vn chtldhaad hat thtttgitttt hat lait. Ieaeiaally, reproductions ai macy ai ia paittos, paataaalanly ahane ai thte apteitîti athite dame ai the Moantmartre Chonait ai Sacre Coton, att aîed hy the thaaîaeda eey yeaa an Chritasa aada. Saa Itsaac Netttn, Etgash playsictaa, mathemnataaaao, philosopher linotted is iast Christmas, aed iiafiat day, in Lincolnshire, Eoalaod, an 1642. Faal tnd aaakly 'as a yaatit, ho devted maay itayhttd Detomitoat ta tavocteg and makavg Cistmas tait. didn't Topsy Fraser fi, fi instance. suint cattaog hacl, tite aide atnd top btranchesathe tte toant iat ta'wta orltuce fena igl. Etati yean, ta datrmtnt mtetita, thte treeoaitoshaad. The aterage gatatta plants 2,700 litta ta tht tacre. Each îoaihe maateaeaed themifor atoed 'tcotead ite matotatea tire latta. Ht extamines ettit tnee totce atîco ad eacli tanoats aitoaaed aceali tht tiad Tht big tai htarvoat. tigcomes tht steett iota. Taons are aatitli ctt aned taapaaaodl ammodiattli ta arket, atieon titnî mdl seoto deligat boys and girlsîo ai l agea. Itatdgattatotd.« tFot et, t ah,- tt,, ta t, atetpuions a ltt . in t, d- ttdo.. ta pt taaE ,, t oih tho t11 o .t, a aoi.t ho- ., h, nit,te . Et ..itaa.tIalo..titneda td - toeaeta "i ta it lat ictatatt mat , aot ttt oo nth, a m tata , t -cth FRED MILLS Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Wear 878-9541 MILTON A FULL NOUS! e tended Ontario Shitotfor mel asny tm ricde Andersoc as Mrs. lthe Doafas Chritmacottnet Wvdeesdey far Cratait and Daaiy Pare at Sîttago Att Wil. tite third prsntcttita af titetcncert. Bote s a son as te tacol lecaterand Scîae Paon as seefroaav"A CistmasavCaro"In ltitefront thettmancctoattlookhon ind thse atm acri Jitt Caitias etoti Cratciit, Aint Bam-' Crattitts. (Staff Phtoto) THE CRATCHIT FAMILV titi daowe ta eeioî a Chitasa tppot, in tite O.S.D. Chaitas ctoncert proaduction of "A Chritas Ceal". Titnî are Lteda Andeson as Mac. Crattitit, Aloi Bataill as Tinytima, Mati Acte Citaiel and Darlene McPhial as auaghteottand Raobert YuI.tide beauty reffects in I.gends of f Iowers, greens Fiameneitaestaoti ltland tirea and sittita wetO gotta math cea leavea o taho aigit ai tht Savitatas it, sa iteted tais. Dame thetagt tht 'tînt, cettain flaers and greens haveitold an itaaaoed place ta tht tane ai Christmtas tht halls and tht tty, miiette, eaeomaî, the Chitmas tota, theatttoc Atateot peapios bittlttd that misttetatittapatetetIo atdaoff elo uea vaaantî'oftilccvacas. Dmaid paietsof ati tatv lontg aga, ittlitaod ahat mastaetat sitaid hoe cat wtit 't golden haute, titet itagoîaeadtaa asva prttontatntthe hctiL The Gatcha, tac, used ia ta ard Martin asn on ve nta Daiet mas tite aidait dauitteranmd Jimy Catppa as Ma. Crattitt aed Bolet Woiats eta dagttea. Tht pao mat dirctodhby tHe Faiteoa, assisted hyHoard Wilsonet4 Mas. Peggy Fraser. (Staff Phto) An aid staty tait that tht frtaactteaofntemani attiteo ta ta athea Matry pltatd tht Cist Cidd'c tarmnts te titis sittei. Like mactiette, thn bittthtli-otnaed italli mat eatly cteditod maith magacai tnd medical patent. ta cttld nen, iegend said, tel]girls thte ameaof their future itsasd. offietal. One ai mtoî logoado stroatdiai tht patinsettiateanls ai t pourn metiaino girl mita, placedtsmnnadsademoeeds at tht tout ofai statue topresenting tht Vargat ted Citild. lostacali, theo meedi hecame saelea blesstrms ted titas, sa thte leîovd tait, flto poinetta m'as crated. R'tsemtty, theo tîmiai ai atottatai, mat t attefii madoli 'taed cn Etiland as 't Chitmas deccttottat. Dotaca tht Victtaa tra,i ls papuaty 'ted als atm seldam, if tvrsenas pat ai toe Yaletade gieenty. -4 MERRY CHÎRISTMASI W. wih la eotead aue warmest halidoy greeiigs la vil the wandaeful peaple in ose lown wha moate day-la-day business a spatial pleatare. llaartfelt Ihanks fan yaur loyal teast and sapport. Merry Chrislmas, LORON'S FINE FURNITURE 14 MARTIN STREET Beat entahea ta cunamnea «ad finds for a holIiay filleai eith th. happy sond af lnaght.r. Mneey Chritma. MILTO [UN THE MacKAYS Sis a family day ...a a day whose great- *ess lies in its profound simplicity ... a day whose spirit of peace and good- SwiII mnust endure if the world is to live a. day when the greatest loy cornes ingqiving joy~. OUR ENTIRE STAFF JOINS IN WISHING YOU THIS KIND 0F CHRISTMAS LUCKY DOLLAR MARKET CAMPBELLVILLE 0RA08 Pal ton Centeni mes mill Beine, Ma Calens, Me Billy Chat, c c ai a si