FROM SAINT NICHOLAS TO ST. NICK w trsdtimo .poru On le boy&die e the nanana an aantu- Us. of Iioly once " trone wâd ou riat an frendhipennty Christian leaders nppnttd like the hntty tact, tac of hniiy during thet o a t oo s r v l Thedngariy o loe ad wldChaiataasitannet. In factt the rnse bttaay mnp need pennang Ch.intiant ancre feabitidea te i hieB a buna titoty accorda tht use of decnenar thae homnes nath R sW ieB a tnolly as a tytebti of gttdnilt Chritas geeeneey dnning tht Re~d Suit Are andi friendship evn htforaateIn anad'i)t,.nnnh, ,nn Christian trsn 'oina tn Inhe knan h n1pn.n Ilanit'ah Holiy wranths, spraya ,and Lvnna, ty, howtntn, laily Gnajvilte-he twig wer usd fo, i varonsdecoatins bcam su ell a hite-heattird An nny titra thennghnnî anonh of etaehiheti anti sa pnptnar ihey chiid non Cell yen, Chatas ho Euopc in thnat enniy dnyn. Anti anere ginen Christian annepiance. Santa Claus lnnoks. lare qeantitice nf the ahany Ont tht httnniclnt givr et gatan t'niiage and eed heies YULE WtIOPPER tatenenta hon nt aliays heem watt henught intionrs ta Tht inrean Chritas taa ente pictued ihc Chia, tee hon h btightan tht tent tioeing tiah laghatdi an eievedtia hate hemn ntays trenttt hY sliih ne aninaca dayn. Bue n hefore tht 3h4 fera ta!! It as inattdian htneght hans gitn on Christas Rotane sea font on Englath Cliafonna'n redtiaoot forestaendti e nt tntot,hohntnsnt lays i shnores, tht danitia taete utng tant fart tienenard in tleceanhet, hten neard Santa Claon! hoiiy in their on pagantaiten. 1945. -Sna Claon" i In troth thild's euphonie ay e pressing tht Detch %"On Nikeinet," trOSt Ni hot neya Tht tnnyeinpedina Aanrtnn OC. Nicheine, a ftentaS-te tony hinhnp, tat latte henord in Europe, an o trend te eh!!- deen. Legent iOnde Site tak- ,pr Ing ie ronds on Decehbe St*'.Htt. gte, cetandet th, tht tnt nf OC. Niehn1o d 1870 nanýte, a Doy, niaS gitn te rerod eh!!- -,. tneed tan87 tet de fnt gnnd hehonine. ~ en~nn aa Instead et a iniip ted tuit, t ldinhnloe ante aoe, or tala otti, ted fontChat reon e teoiiy didn'C nerd n sleigh, ne eene otrse. Han robe etohird hin t Ceont! ten pincte pinte, iesantty. tn Helinti, hoaneter, Se a snid ton usn hotte teefil Ionee it niha riet te tonte. Dutch nettîr hoght OC. Ninhtine an tht Stan ,nId, anhee Se gendeoliy thio. hSm nane t nana Clonennd tred hs hteme androb fohr r indr Onand 'a ve sut.a ftht hn.t ni hoptsarne eoîantiod te yna fora e iho >tttn , tho ade Sente It AMaatt'tnst -kt i.,rat n s bria A. il.ant varan, heppy htiay wnih fientin yole heiti ot. O jnty rît "Saint Nicnaaakahae aaaaii '.Saklataittcdam for ynn loye! paronage, nlih deoan he eight t Straaa in iane ae' natnkanaete ieaa MILNE'S SUNOCO SERVICE Iendmete 1ent 'i,,aa. St.,nena _ a 1 , ,aa ta,, y ttaan u, ie a 24i HOUn SERVICE Nithtlo n l hIewa guiein nt aa asnat'ettaa ai.a'ngia,tiati, 'at fta Sote Clone ha on ineyed FI'tHitI C.HRISTMAS. tena,' ata'inainaa h aeinCakat, t reattnia u tnten, Guelph Lino Campbelvillo Ce any ponte o tahe aneeid, natt tt.aadent ,C tac Na,nta paat, Nidtaa1-a aaa a, ha,e. tte 1909 iana aanIa", tainnt. ien Seaomng h otwdl aprrnnt, 4) n Ottanea tanketet tii a n ffirea 84949 nw fgf ies mr rti.n-rd. -rCtaa Nf MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION W. Rowney, Chatran Extends its grateful appreciation ta the members of the various municipal groups that contribute ta the welfare of the town. Many hours of personal effort and interest are extended by these public spirited citizens who serve on the Boards and Committees and it is only f itting at the year end that this contribut ion ta the Municipality be publicly recognized. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Rnhert ManKan. Cheacrann T. Nyt S. G. Chalda Tomn Cnaneli Inahet Thoanpsne MILTON RECREATION COMMITTIE C. Gervoin, Choiran H. Schnnttî T. Jteenieg O. MnCnoig n. Wothens n. Deenn W. Feconnen MILTON ARENA BOARD Hoarod Gennannit, Choacrann Rohert Bîenh Anstee Ladanilh Ray Hnrrisn Colin Sanlitîe MILTON PARKS BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT Joane DaIll. Cheitan Dote Sanith Gecrd Keenlo Boh MnCnaig H. Hopkan E. B. Cieanen M. Gekc MILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD lD. Seanon, Chacann N. S. Panne R. Cnptay M. Hond A. Logn H. P. Johnson MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD John Nohle, Choairan A. H. Betten Rossaeert A. N. Ktilly Dantd C. Sminth R. Gaedhnne Glyne Roetn MILTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD John Bradley, Chaican J. Lcewin R. W. Cloche Pothet J. J. Mocphy Angelo ToelIn J. C. Loegedyh A. Meiann MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BRIAN BEST, Monor A. LEDWITH, nette n. HARRIS, Depotn Rece W. FEnfISON, Coneillo P. BARR, Couenilioe O. McCUAIG, Counnaller C. PAY, Conitior C. SMILLIE, Cnnalîne G. KRANTZ, Counniller ; WE EXTEND A VOTE 0F j~fi ~J( AE 71 POTNT FMHtEOEN L I THANKS TO ALL MEMBERS TH OE*KSMSOfRUIYO MN N N L 0F THE MUNICIPAL STAFF II THE COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON FRAJBWELL DONE AND A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN 1969 C. Thotapson a. BanC MILTON PLANNING BOARD N. S. Pae, Chainan D. Hanaord A. Wendley C. Copeandt G. Keonlo R. Hennin P. Bacc B. Bisnt H. Fuek MILTON COMMITTEE 0F ADJUSTMENT C. W. Clarke, Chaican M. Ledanilh D. Geen F. Menton R. Recti MILTON PARKING AUTHORITY J. M. Ltdannlh. Cheacran K. H. Etntty C. B. Knight MILTON INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION S. W. Genien, Choican Rogner Raednll S. A. Pop Charlen Johnson A. J. Nicha J. M. L.ndaith 0. L. Hadiey MILTON REPRESENTATIVES C. A. Merlin -Holn Regin Connetcon Authoraly Aunlan icdanilh -Heltn Chatdce'a Aid Socety Alto Conhc - Hellon Maasceam Board Charlan Pay -Millt Ares Part Coannallee S. W. Geoicy - Hellon Conî Indnnleiel Coanaille. D. Heawerd - alten Coaaelp Plaenig Board A special word of aaWeIcome * 90. fil »Il ftaXpayers and rose jdents in thosol aroas which g wilI b. annexed t0 the Town oMitnes ofJana,1jst 1969.1 -I The Canadiaen Chamnpion, Monday, Decemenhe 23, 1968 CS DistinguishwI scbolw hod doubts about pom -Twas the naght hefnne Dr. Clemennat Cak Motaneanate Christmasanhenail hronga he tepe afor he amuaemanttof Notz atune a, aa'a ring Ile( A n snjr the honte ai even a ouse-tire tme conpaed tl and had tl With thean tnts begans the puhhaited a ytat ltter in thte foandliar ptettt "A Vitat haont St. Troy, N. Y., Sentine]. Nichoiet." Ttday, thisetmoa The poema appeaneti tteatured portof thehttretaf aonymtously, hecause Dr. Chistaos, tften qantcd antd Moote frit that hr, at a paofraattt ptahinhed ai the Yuletide trasn. of divniaty shouid tnt ha Suapriningiy, the ptet wht ansteiiteti aith tuch otented ti tat fat fente ptnnd of 'undagnaSted' antrk. hjt tntrk. For mntre thoant 20 yearn, hr A dastntagoinheti Biblicai tefutedta tae edtforthe schniae anti professer of dninty, ptean. This anc with yon-ale aad hear>. healtn, tranquility of mnd, happaness ni spirit. Have a Merry Chrastmas! THOS. DEAR SHOIS 221 MAIN ST. 878-6902 w~wm~wm3w nOF ~ ... . .. p. tani epese l nince opeinion ce ail pareclaneg tedanndeotn, gonpn anti orgo tantins anho have ontialtd ln maoing 19h8 nenh a sunessfu ni sar. -Umbbi'»» in . ther ni'.. ( Sa. >9ra.