.1 Vol. 109-Ne. 34. MILTON, ONTAtIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 19 A heartwarming story of Christmas Boys collect 40 cUJ Mt1 M Rover's tau wii cost more Dog taill, lake jent aboet Depetp Cirrk Mes. Aedreyt I WILL SDE rscryrhing else, wilI br more BSh sad the costhadlgloecap of nedt c expensixshecrttrmctoef etyerdtherptice hadce n tsyar, rhsolt te hep one as Mdton. Milton heenretedtfortseteraitocas ceacicil anceecced the hrke ata Thecprrc 'rtoa maleor speted lsIG recent meetinf as arestit in ferrailedoit;mligoaupteom$2 to ronesdde highce cote of dog cectro te $5 andtfront$4teto r'1efi thre tome. terale def. Tho tcgh fro lesde osn ak oc hetore an.55 cd Thectemebas a coeleactmrittt delinqcent omceCa arerschject to M k tbe Dairvilte Heaae Soerty t0 a e eeotctceedcp $50. There safcty patrola Miltes for est pear ccd ibis te doms froart average of 20hbotaamossh. prerroeapyeare. "A littie unrest" Student walkout fizzles Wltat vies planed te o e amass maikout of students at Milton District High fichool Wednesday feroied out te wat mas tereed bp principal R. C. Hueter as "a itttlr ueest that nvee materialized." The studets mere aeooyed hp a directive issrced hy Mietster of Edrtcatiee Witliam Davts instucetief Ontavie* hrgh echools te hold classes luntal Jace 13. Thr directive fvom the Ministerisan ancecI affar but tl bas beceme testcmaet te eod thetscheel yeae in the fit er of Jole, althoagh the officrai sieel yece does' reach ite conclasion auti1 the end of lave. Reports cn the cemhrr seho actaally malkrd oet ranged feom six lt 30 stadents. Rumers sprrad qeickly ccoeed tbe scheel aboet six Weho mere et their may se Quees Paek te dearenstraîr. Thee ere reports sceeae tred te ring the fie alarar. Seeta studets ebjected te thr extra stay in sebeol becaese cf te areep tbey weald rose as a restaIt of beieg absent front mark-.'"15 meas $160 te me," one boy lai. Vice-Principal Willtam, Tom tatd 14 or 1 5 sttdset tayed out aide the acîtotal foe a peetod bel hc thooght tl mas jenta method ofet.ryrcg outoftschool, rallher thec a trocere drmecstrattot. He seggested theor mets miscoeceptions et the Cool of theecreest and' tard the pear would sot ho long thrsed hy tmo meeka as indiceted je Toronto cewepapeet. There mars alto tomne confusion about ose meeh et thv end rof the yeae thet esed lotte ellotted fer stedytef fot departnetttal enamc. These ar t e n drpartmrentesces and theîime millhbelat for classroom instrutction. Scheol offictats poiced out te the stedents thr breef'tts efthlIe lea syctem mith rotrecce te tbe abolitieon of the grade systemt cd tbe ineovation of the subject promotion in mhich stendente are premnotedl by sabject rathier allan grade. Schoel officiait atma peinted oct grade lYs virl be eligible fer enam exemption Ibis yeae. Milten District HigIr Sebee1 is ant cf sererai acasa de peroincetPr Oristmoi lut mmoi SpeetiaCi Itear.. iol Disorv mot Jail Grove saidh le ext hmates the toted tome may have 1 thett. "Bt co art", he Some pet the Hoxpit honte tot t the hospit home miii I relatives Chreistmras t 'o A HAPPIER CHRISTMAS fer dczens hcese-tc Ireese buite te Miltes and d'strict. hiidren on Miltes and district tis Rosa McGee, Breve Sogakie and [toto Booro, setoithe efforts fetdests atMil- wo hesdedup the drive,vepot peed te High Scoel. Teacher DOeg Foey's theor 400 totai while teechor oesook oxf art hoys woot "su ceut" this test asd rrght. poveer 400 parosîs cf reps is a (Staff Phroto) seven senior appointments iton County Board of Education Ocer senier eppeitett, Board Ciiriteil tred tor: rot BClircgtos aCd thrc Armitr'e.lxto xpreirert regret et fi( r Oekoilie, mete epptoeed ht tic lotsocf itC eopeiiiid the Haltes Cortp Board et edeattttx A. E. foiinsoni. ernd tEdecetten ic a meetingf W. L. Meoi. "Se IcItececould Tirsday ar the Ceuvt ei et xcenior posirrrtiou tOrer Adriliistatott Buiding. cirîrcet more tfirer,, owiittrg Irle eiottifi irective D. S. Laeleat mias naed Stttdirt metring lire pttiit ctit leeiltvt. Assistant Drectortetted io. tOti J. W. Singletonrteeotieeted Acedesrc sepervrevdovrts Dttee'tro toîdotetieti etit naed tere W. K. Mr. meoeting. amears Atritrof,0. A. GiieooeOad 1 l t ,trotn ii iror ciilg R. K. Selt. Trutstce Dourglas reqremeorî r Ill lieu 'ail, hasp. Weod, sn prevrorofg the CotriBoairdtweeetiirited ai 0 corr.tteeepott eed thctr $, v ý(oo.o o S.3,000.000i orista inerc ii metId bcdergseredilae'to r rIotiýtlita rtriri eand[axes to reoditrirnd profratistructieo ad peceia e'totecevted. at tire cerioro reercer tehes thee erers mere Doteetr o t ldOe.îtiott inte omo ogeoro fox defsed. Srttgietirot altr niied Il iltee rrerfkey ooreiithe Srtpettctcdet otfBusiess hroard wiii havoexrttttt "trttti aned Finance wiou hc B. T. etreottof nueo mroliorî drilli il, or Irtiroo District Licdiey, pretectiy husiness t he teor i o fods fot floîror t etextrel edoîresrator rot the Btcrligtron aeperaotrtttiott puropeterend Halîroo Cerrty leri Board of Edtcoton. Hemriill lso te 'erflotrroastiturket be trcctnret. Frank Dsreand Theo xrgnrrrg rîtreri more, ri al] rire tredotrecci H. F. Lrabmacmilbe asiseant erthorrred tarrange iempiitrt sepeisesdevîx offinaeceeand horremi rorricvrnrerertered rrrr Wiliam Bare'r roperatroca. bock on tire toto ternit eoeiteble tccted tohvetont rtie Named ea ecreîort te the rtitacotrnetent'reuerecutood. re fortheaopper adboardmas Mca. N. Sewrt, Borodmemeettpprtivedea vibroare otei clati toercî eecetaey te the recemmevdatirrrof the Drctor hsirrterniettrrcd bt Disertor et Educetrr in filialthe Canodian mperial Barrf ibis tsaril up tu the Oakvslte ccd te the tsiterim et Crommerce be ttted for sard. Scholat Organizatiee Conmittee. bankrsg ead le letor 1970 e ople at the Meeerand 't wculd bave hees Irepprer tu satemect et tire Boatd'x ai miii he allomed isce reeofthe senior persoenel reqtrremevîrmwili b ihcrror ted lie dayand othescat front tIre Debtille Board o et aelhebatoudeidd tort tic ai rebo caneot fe Eduatien Ires A. E. Robinson location rot fetrte bcektvf. se able te icvite ciose has aceadp submitted Iri Me. Singleton icdiceted box te joic tIra fer cesignatien", Teesîc O. Palarer cpes ta tIre heepreat. nated. gCoaaataat on Page 4) "'"illi toys for By Royl5omtrt .rd te ta oecrrmerorrooi Stroe yerr lear tet srtpi. "',îy et lhtatctt e r a stry The xciv, tf Citmas.rpirril andh1ot!hooly 100f Oroco oe trda eovop.tr o oto lu c t t il ottîcotrto.l a sory of oherig tui ho Il tre trie rptrr t , ho lîly titt.eCOect 1i rxted out as ated try. Tire ho on0e areport" er l voihgued ro p.rticte prior .rlittrgh ilt'd retier Iort.l1 ued loy w'te tofie igir cho ri th t Wodncxdey tu ctheck ctl a stry efot-V thrat srotte stirdot ted rraeod ille lac moikoret to rpttestttheteiron fic C ptrk of li sie 1 Itoci rter. sktpped ci liote. het Cet tes as ftoile, stty. peutple for Mahc fie sprit of Chisîtmtas odie mas et tittt tor. et t 1 iked rvtpedd tho soecd xtrt hbâter lors fite for hoip. 1te'toemteda freep ofrade tall ive il xtedeti miro drd iher Chroimat gecd tei terra Mono tanigie moy,hby ectito 4501 grftt ofi exed royx ftrrrroedy fl*xI ctrtdreC rot Milton tord district. Tiroir Ironte mont, in tie igi Ageto mcoo t waitetciiy helio terith Champion gi y.terepped Chorimax Mettdey. presoctstloy omplerod boer Tois crfk And teacter Doeg tcivy Paie On miro heîrtrtg prrtediy as lie ettttOrPitt tetricitrtfilrhttbys aiterrk tlie deedi te ed hr coey ha pide don Regional uca-i, gov.rnment IbyItooi limminent" closeOiri Ragiccat gceemmenan d t raI OC e prebably a mangerntfHatan and " PnneelCutaes rno neefnrarof dA rieitof mairsneleand depcty-reees mbc arcsic Tornto Friday witb Ontaricas Miereter ot Municipal Affaire D'Arcy McKeoagb fer an nferaa discusson ne the sucblmt came amsy ritb abaet feeling, asymay. An MnKeoash's sugestion, tcpressntaies ce Naltens saent U ' with thre miister andserinraitonp dapartarest cf mniciepal affaire officiais as the Fridas meeating. Altebnsb the mteetingis caosead an the press, datagates ltse repceteri tbe arisister as aveins g Nasses for an earlv trt on f ïl reginat son mecnt. Tara ' mnthe aso Hailln Cncnty Concil dmtlared i ies rea dy anc therbcaeand inetted abse arister te, disnna a wieth ctctynoffiels. Me. MnKecagr anparrs an pensent a reginalatin proposatonPeel CneyConcil n Jan. 22, 1969, and tbe inaayors, reecas and descesycarees ne Nattas macs ineited as speaarsr ta te areeting in Bramapton. Milton Mater grise Ramt saia ta nahari liçe Pae manIaI baccara a rgncea encarnrane finit cash Natas folntt artd an arctea arer cf the tara cesseti. Lagstatan nanseceq tbe aegnnatazatar, of Peel Contrsy i e c ead an take effana in 1971. The arreser falliIr P sa connerce sonars f erm of baffa, arlas naaded la epacans Matso DRISSE[ Tornta and tbe Namiton Nsaa resin. Anne t aranaipetitiae encae Esqasas The ces csrrpresented et tse Friday faturis anuas. esanisa id id t Ile tire dri cet re t t ft fo dot i ..d Frt needy .ie'dhbcihappy Iortitdet.'Look a.triît,"choted oreteitoi." tard a in ,ootrti. "tlîrx freer hrg ,mr.dîrtiîtoc lootki irox liho new." ,tcttete'tatttttred A totcycle tord a couple rot ytt.. lur Jieoce podai eatr more riotrfl items MîDHtsess il. YeehIteo tiret soietted op. Tire trikv ît rp cx ain roeded sonne ropcorx aed oe at Cittrti tir hbot petit tOi xrop portode teidiif or heok rothrain it ; eiteeyo htoî.e tryr rrodod punit or filOecilott.]ttanitit.iittrîtptrs tey foi fixed te. hut ltoi yoer qtotokly. led 3il proxtett Tiren tire grog roued ep Ifeued ed ciot o rtie forlt tir holp mrth tire )r Mr. tey,"x.trd e'rt.rio ttek ofttereppttfirtail n ' So trttio usropdtho iitogech pcae sot Tedey erd tr miroitier ol tettcd e hoy or rounrd teteveroef gir. tord tli e tfop that od uedtotyt" tttrfiit folftie mot etexerom the t r.y. fli petuple irce gIl! Arnd troc xport oer lrrgiy te thirsr crui S25 on mreppovg pper Itemt re lady frvc etca theit orn pochera. ockey stick hie trot n Aitorgl rfere mer a lttl et trtod." tord rtne 401C peret on Wodnsay. they pl.ttirod te ceileet mere if trnie met avaoiahie Ard tome rof the II p po perceixre bcsterny ats te maii v..k too tetit ooxrhrthem.hoi rot meck. Tie Chitmasr.toeothy, thoro mere ,il] ho rxocd , ettrecermorepretdtrievittseih6 hbtys iotreroiceted, repaoredeand pubhicetonrofe ire ter.pped fic uioeds et vo. edcorttxvtt.rnd Chritmast.tgtftt. txtttrtîtediettlu Tiroi grit, tord tibuse eeiected s.Dropicy adr etc frrotrtierclaes crrrthe teheel, 'w iTuedryî a or wer mooirwrrded te tho ocifae rorrtrodiedidmotOl ho adro orrtire tort in Mites, tr i on trid.ry. t'xqexrtg tord Nert.tgteya eo cwitfentded frt ho dited ltoi teek te Il dtieu to issuoe oiedy ottitler lti the tiotce âyý Srîoneiîridrer mtih c htvtsgca taper i)tier erli lrepprcr t trrxte ibox tsar, pro Teerdereand titenk tttttiit ettforts. iey munirrxg ot 9l Auto ail, tro't thet what Christmras te all about? 5UP IN MUU MUUS and c grasis shirt at Thuesssy's n Dicter Party staged ho Hailtes d-H clohhees, ara bel cf Nershy South club, Marilyn Barber, ursean Cathy l.ssby and Katsn Mases cf the Dublin clubs. tomes, tIre dicter cf cccliv fcods and rtra prngrer g pictres cf fHawaii carried net rIre eheara cf *5 (Staff PboI) I I I I I I I h1~ c Egir Page TsvCess - Imam ý e7, L Ar lis 68 S--ýI c.- 1IL,ýI by 1Lhý P.., Sil- Dýpt.. Il., P11I.91ý P.id m C;- ai Ot-i,