R SALE rolet Door anturqoise tyîtttdoo effl 'tit transmis- o radio. Here a rihal li in t totditioi. 1,15. .. 1295. ýt Impala rdtop elylod 2-dtttt -astAttg red in- andtOt custom perforncerot ht srcivel .I muooe. Lic. ...... $1.495. 4-Door 9 ettVtt tt:8 iont artdl us- rist Laoottotios criint Ipic maotchittg int- go onas in t.J83647. ' ienfle .rdtop o black ootth otiot 2 -dAor pp000 88ith VA8 ,tit trattsmis- ttetririg, pAoer toittdtt't, cus- contdtiott. LIA. .........$1.395. r 2-Door apA8etfttI 6 idio attd hutk- mohile OtOa hot seconttd car 0989. $795. day ANTED) ;TATION DANT att At phttttte ;UNOCO îlle, Ont. 949 ANIC tottoho attd l1ft .AbIe 10 tailler- ttgîioh intutA- N CHAO ckCO. Ltd. Onîtario.IC 0K idled doî6teop ITED ày 25) ntario 8B28 O0u0 Pt-ttt.................................... 2,15.... 1966 BUICK LE SABRE 2.500K HARDTOP. Lit. J84634. Automattic, pAtoto stOtitt, powert ho-ahos, soAA-otatic radio, nohiOo88000 and toheAl diseso. $25 dlotot. $78 ttotlty fAt 36 me0s. Our prito.. ....... - - 2,175. 1965 F0O25 FAIRLANE SEDAN. Lic. J79181. AA itert- itdiatt motdl tiýth big 00r otoottotot. Eqoopptd toith atAttomtic. $25 dA88t. $49 88000hly fAt- 36 m800. Our- p-tAtt............. ....................._......... 11,375. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4.- DOOR HARDTOP. Lic. 803176. AutonAtotit, pAtter sttOing, tAhitewalI,, radiA anod wheel disoo. $25 cAtown. $73 meAtth1y for- 24 ms Ourt ptit.......... ..... ........ 1$1,490. 1968 MERCURY HALE TON PICK-UpI Li,. V30636. Trom- ottdBootittgs At $25 clownt and $71 88tttthlp Pot 36 mtts. Our pt'icoo . . . . 2,075. 1966 CHEVY I1 2 - DOOR HARSTOP. Lit. J87627. 8 tyl- ittdet engie 25 clotwn. $9 moAtth1h for 36 m80s. Our Ptite. ....... .. 1 675. 1966 PONTIAC GRANDE PARISIENNE 4 - DOOR HARO-1 TOP. Lic. 723319. AtonnAttic, powert s0tt-ciOA 88 hoobto, radiA, othjtt.,olt ood tohool dit-s. $21 oot $9donttoy for 36tmos. Ourtpio. ..... $2,575. 1964,FORS GALAXIE 500 4 -DOOR 1168-TOP. Loý 667888. Auttotit, powero 0000iA4 and Stioho. t-ioo twhite soallo and 8 ,ytioodto togoto. $25 dlown. $76 ionothlp O ur price ...... - __ ..........-......... $1.550. 1963 PONTIAC (3 tA thots frontti, 2 LaAOOtiîAn antd I StratA Chitf. Pt.iood front ......._ ..... __...... $ 840. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE. Lit. J&6198. Auottototit. litm0r stttt-iAg, 000800 hooko, radio, -thiteocolls and otheol 011088 $25 douvet ood $87 othly for 30 m8As. Otr ptott ... .. $1,545. AIl AehicIes have Smon otterized, and thetked o u ettItttAic scApe for reltubie 00,0000 performaInce. SATISFACTION GUABANTEESI, .. HORSES hoatdotl. etra lot,,o 68, 4 spact008 hod- lar-ge Itraight sta1i0 and excel- I oms m1188 odemA ktohoo, a- leot riding facilties. 879-253. PACONI ft,-oitoite 0108008180 diningi 1534-tDead Stock Removal bah n Ao. 4une ituate APARTMENT, Coople ottît- nto Ilmi 1,ltAtAAOO.,t88On ,-hildror at ias 801888.0001 do- LIMITES S2t,90t0o .îîdhgoî.O co081001, 8aAtt8hIO anyti88o. 878- Htght coash pr-ives fot dood or'0,00 6518. 13c28-3692 d1t8,thId 8008 8and hototo 88t18 îpllt I'P'l' 200 ACRES adhA 'bar,0lad i CAL.L OPEIRATOR - A5K FOR 86,1,801 living 8an1dti gond1 woAtking condition, soAtS Zenith 9-7950 1114 ar08, 2 harils, garage, Ait- At Mil1AToton, Tero Road. Ete-t riogs 878-2787. 13c27-3587 Lio. NA. 94RP68 126C68 o.îî,î on 2 acres otIard1. lOt-, ot s 1., , Mitîor S.kttg $70. 3 ROOM seflO c0018iA01 op- 900. arin otad garage, ootskitt s of Miton, adits Orly. No 01048 W E L L S .2sra Buildng pI0880 S8oîlohlo noR, n575. R o BORED It.tîîthtl g3,000 sqil pisBo 80336,i,Cnditn Cham8p- [t, 0n 88001 2, .8008 ot ion. 13c28-3693 a CLEANES Iii0,1 Asktog $21,000. FOR LEASE EXCELLENT FARM LAND Suitable for Grain 60 OR 100 ACEES Sothb toI Milton on Too88aAo Rtd. $7.00 8a acr poarly Apply Oakville 844-6955 MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 15 PERSONAL 388 Main St. at Highway No. 25, Milton 878-2355 CaolUlat, Ptotiac, Buick, BeaumoAt, Atadiion, Firehiod, G.M.C Trutcks. 5h28 8 HELP WANTED 8 HELP WANTED LADIES tA dttivto8catlogu- es an01 take oodooo. faboloot Rural Housewives Chrttstmaso glts Sp Futller. Noto li thetim tu8 1 tart. A car ts AVON COSMETICS ttoîosstty. Cali 978-4941 îofttt- 3.30 pm 88 6203705 Ottottoe'r, î 088814 Ap- potnlot voir . . . wotkittî INCREASE yoAo eOariAgs. in ourActo-ntoAAunt. Terril NA copitaol ooquired to s0800 int tories BELOW 00110 Nt. 5 Htop busoinesort touto8f. Large av08118h10 prsofit Wrtt prouptly for 0088- Phoot 7 1.6000 informa0tion. Fîsttooto, lirt-t sto-,od. Rotoleiolo SopI. K- Mrs. Graha 63-2408 284-AV. 4005 Richelieu St., St. Sototo 8.30 and1 9.15 am.t Henroy, Moottal. 6628-3166 8c28 Sealed Applications 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WM4 ho otootototi hp tht Townt- 00111 îto cure880 fot ohild îhtp Clooh, R.R. No. ,0Georg-, 08 8217 9c28-333. 00tt.n Onotorio, 12.00 pot-, Tue-AOO __ _ day. Doottobto 3, 1968, for 1 DAFSSMAKING and1 aIIoOaO AS Truck Snow Plow Operator Part Time Grader, Operator and General Maintenance Work. 9c28-370, 12 FOUNO LADIES' knîîood 188600. VeAte olo' pinis, ono Mill St.. Satttday Nîov888oo 9t6 878-6109. 12,28-335 TA s1001 iaoto8ty 2nd, 1969, 14 Vvmm00 L t u t ti or- tAtîieon t tht-to moth., pro- hotioaot pot-At. If satisfait- SERVILE lot lot 88Ahi1 t-ry, will b St oîody oooployý 8orne. Cl8I678-2745. met. Rttootttttt t-oquird. 14v28-370 C. E. SNOW, URG1ONTLY 88ded, ' ho-,b RoAd Soptoitttdet, t11088 i,)artmen1 t oos i Ttownsitp of Esqucittg, Mltont a088, a voutt8 confit E.R. 1, Georgtown8t, Ont. îtlh 1 ohild Pieuse cuit Da, 8ht21 88ti Lî 87859458. 14l28-38 SHIPPER - MANAGER TOP SALARY YEAR ROUND PERMANENT POSITION SA NOT Apply UNLESS ou havt hAd tttponttto in, t BUILDING otopply BUSINESS aAd att ttAipltd tA maage drivers, HOLIDAYS +AIl Benef ils Paid APPLY MILTON BRICK CO. LIMITED BASE LINE KO il mile ettAof itgh8IY 25) 878-4441 Milton Ontario 8b a SEEPENFO Lots MILTON I lot,îî 1 ii, 162- x 250' in WELL BORING ntîîh OuktiIoc Asko2 $5,800. M. Peilte 878-9552 F.rit, li ,,îî,dd 10 ...... Aki.g Hoooo h,î,kîk - 0880 Dîioine 87,800. Open Ifo offen, 168 Il YOUR VALUABLE SHRUBS AND TREES PROM RABBITIS Dick Vandenberg 878-3959 16830 Farm Construction 688111 hoildtog lîtI len vte ovtttlo,kirg pîotoo- $77500. 4 acres ofIlandon ptod mari Stktttg 110,fl 878-2095 878-6057 17c2 7 For- Service and Satistfattion Cotosoît Best Realty & Insurance 17828 Realty Services (1961) Ltd. Tel. 878-3551 - 854-9979 Campbellville Area Large 1208088 2 - îoooo- ofri titItioned brick homeo 8ith all m8odern onveience, large bansk barn, 000101 b idi cu81u 18h08808. E8o1y posses- soo. 0018801 1tII 1el 34,088 oîith 101888 Coal] rght otofor an 00 10onmett insopeto. ýMo Gootouski 878-3551. Milton 2 Storey Home Spaciu0s 8 -0ruen oldot borne on MatinSt, 808800l00t t dowotttO800, lot-ge lot zoA- ed Commecial. Eaoly poasses- sien C.11 10.a fot appoint- men te i sp01. Fou pt-t-o 033,5000 Mr. Gootoooki 878- 3551. Milton - Stone House 10 Acres Lovely old 01000. striai pootd winodoot,, pl8o floors, 4 hari- 00. 108018 vi-, of the Ni- "BAA'tLLH" 40% GOVERNMENT Lîmieco 84808 oO880apmeoAt, loattd ott SUBSIDIZEAH 310 Main St., Milton, Ont. 10 tot,-s ,oîh more0 thot 500 One hundred yvaaoo o ne SUSID Il. fi., , ge. Cal] today, M0. Vt oioo as AtOtthe prtua0l Totos, F,,oo Rauves, Stoneo REALTOR .în 878-3551. hto8kdown now afIictig Our Piles, Ponds, 0t0. 87 -6292 878-6592 rto Rao Ld I oottd -t0 and gaveu the solot. t.rg clins cerrc 008 801 78rthu eltrLd ion0 toi t. The scriv, ot evets boIt F0180 ap _00_MrtinS_.,_ilto tht su iootoded that SPtokoo'o W,8 î,ood ho 41801 tII 00880010 MrtnSt. ilo [fie oOtttAthe most 00008k- youo job. BUT OF THE WEEK" - 72 bilon.t fiitireh s1t-py of Boht,- Watson Bt-os. o l,, 6brtok bungalow8 Aith at- tA -d80 tl Bramptotî,_Ont. rooon, comtbînatîoo -10 WRITE t hreakfast808 801t, n 8, - Baha'i, Box 164, Phono 451 4804 bnîord and cîttîter nuîits Oakoille, Ont. II I8o01088pcd lot,.1888 Thoto n ono toot or obligion. ANNOUNCEMENT - rai8l, 10881001 in Milton.- ISo-tI F018001 t0 sel 81 $23,000 ______________NEW OPENING HOURS $94 MONTHLY PI.T. - SolîdI 16 SRVICS Mînîtt -itIA08y brick bunaiolow, com0btt8tio8 If You Lîke 1688 SERVICE C'd. 8680001 "L hpe livng tnd durtg &00..1.180 8m rootth store î100pI880. 3 *ttt.tt*t...tot* 9 MANttith chanot tawllcul SAORît, Ipar. 9.00part. bodo.o88, pAt-l ini,81hcd Tîke atooAk ati bis gacion or t1inu trecs Forte cti888tc8 We ott.î 24 hoortttoog antd rec0008110marri, detahed ga- plut leel tAt8hed in pari- lotood. 878-3I08ý 16c28-3708 ciller services. rage, Apacio80 lot 60' x 179% lin4 nobito alAtoonum8 sîdîtg, __ - - _5 , NIOtA. otig.tg . si10,10. nesttod ono pitk -tîke lot 90' BASEMENTS, al0ie8 and ga00 Com8pIlet Idi.g service od close to %chools, in Milton. x 183', 8680180 by (ail 00008. -a t0ile A,0,d. Rttbhth 008800001,pic 2,00 lvlvbdro s ih ih t oooing, etc. Reonaoble rates. MOFFAT MOTORS Lîtv pt8 0)r0 otone fleuortsît andh 878-2213. 16c2831t4 OPEN TO OFFER - 2 t-~ to 1008d18088tn 2d lot,, 8001m -MOFFATOT hascrtaliud in 8008 Attg livin Itoowt osy8 lt ANS 2nd 8800IgagOAAds MiOT. hoto, lo0ivitt cpr.te0 18now 1attil2hI8e .tIs tîî 98 p880t 10888. 854-2553 Mît, Il , firettc and10 large014 tttg 008 'ob oo tOoSORe 1c3 dinîng menti. kheSt otîth nto vlooki. n lot-go atntd inp Cai GlennADane,OkoR 8080180 utntdOpboaAdAuts3 1188loroh kto ltrondernpt ilvInvseto.ttt825713 attO StdrOoAon, 2-0804garage, nA'tgAî.AO.ott.8AO fn. 16c3 32 TOP QUALITY 1ht8ting systen 66' 132' lot. 'a, tIoid mon8 int base, WATE HAUAGE CARE- FR EE I Asktg pr0180Ï19,900. ment1, 8888v OOtt-88 tt8ludtd. ELVN CWAN SEALES I LARGE HOME -SIR' -Hm88 Phone and rails i0 o80. p0,00 WATERHAULGE SAML860abut8a 11-r0088hlouse8ith 195,000 Ca89IAnna Cims 878. 0 LVN OW N POLYURETHAN a 16' x 28' liing 00088, 4888 690. Phono: 878-4898 tly t-08 se' poc, bootn Vacant e K & R Lumbers CUSTOM COLORS basemen8t, garaoge,10 lT 236- 8,0 3 -8108 be too ugalowo OAtt' e envvlh ntl8i finihed cp- 0 eta 000888.10188 reiocli REQUIRES NO LUTY Ol 3.8 00, 8 81 -îo AS r.mti okCUTYHOMIE - Dclightfi 818 îhd 8080,i etc. AXING t4 -bedooo st00 ore , has,1 ftI lofiohîn, on toottoo A MILTON 878-9937 tv 2 miles0 10,88 MitîAlt o lt. l88d888p01 wlt tt-0088td AIITON 853-0633 .0181 't A e 088 lot -0 ntb ThD il i8 Full kpi n- 16,38-ti Grant Wilson, Freelton "'ttto îo, t tho b-orto.ottîttFlpoe M3 MLLN 41".59-3651 caetp80, cotA.111g. ot 10 822,900i F., appoittttoont, col ED. 188LE Ik lt28 000880, hot 888100, il, fted, An..1 Cairnst 678-980. Contraoter b08ting syt88, 3-80 garage. ee ttn cri F1101, Si18o8k08 Lî,tod polît $36,800 toitS LIT slooIps $15.000 dot- paytotnt. LS O Rthipet-o tei n Your Best Investment -it RSto-oWtkl Gibson Willoughby le Ettopltoos SU C S U Is In Real Estate Limited Phone Acton 853-1818 lCALLMltoRpoootto SALES Milton . 878-6292 Anna &Archie Cairns TO W NE Georgetown . . 340 Maino St E., Miltono. AND Begin with Listings - 877-6582 8868 COU NTRY 5 7c28 8868 Refrigeration in the CHARLES MARTIN Service 1No MJtTTER 88680 yoottood, Rý R. No. I, Milton., Burlington 634-6095 CHAMPION oneof ol tenders00 ptoahblphtas 878-2161 B8 16c30 1, Try the Wat Ad Ptage Bt-sI., 72 îoo S33.000 t-tth sohAt8000ia clown p.î8oitto 30 Acres Fotatg îon Hoot. 25, close tA 401, al] toodedo'ith lovely ev, tttOOlîi 51088. SAkittI 520,000 î,îth remis. Home in the Country 10 acres 10r1l184 land1 is tht ,tn or tht, lovely EAgiOh 08088240x14.8118 fioopaco, 3 hedooo, 2 hltthAAtsA large kîîchoo 8ith suodech. rec.t01.8888lth tttoplac and walk-uul 10880008n patA. large douhlt c80 garag. Ash- i84 S39_5100. 1 Acre Building Lot In îîoth Burliooto. $5.500 cas. Bar00tttt & SoicIOtrs 219 Moto St. East, Solictors for tht Exeotttor. 19c28 General Session Coo8t- ot HIaltn I TA Wit: t Notice ts herodby gitott thAt the Cîot ttLlooal Sesonstof the Pt-ot And aiso the Couny Court of the said COUNTY 0F IBALTON otillb hhol in the Cout Room, int the e ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Base LiAO, EsqAooittg. Coottootittg Aon IF YOU ARE THINKINGO0F Monday. Dec. 2, 1968 BIJYING OR SELLING. CALL ut thh out of 108.a8. St8a- dard0 T1888, of ,ohtoh aIl Ju- STELLA PARTON iots othe8, Peaec, Coronters, Constahle,, Gauoletr and ail ot- Milton 878-6705 0018008000oed at-t rt5000ed Io ta kut oticeand attend t0 do 17c28 a001 peot- lot ail dolies 88hAh appetaito o theto 18 TENDERS - SDrifs OfiNe,Sof, Halton Coootp Tender for ase ictEsquttttBintg SAND TRUCK N.08 13th, 1968. 15638 Seoled tenders todi ho re806t- ed by tho Towsoohip tof Eoque- The Corporation of The ttog Cetok E.R. 1,Georgetownt, outil 12.00 p8.. Tuesday Dot- Township of cotoht 3, 1968, fot nAO 00108k G. asgwy F08, 25.000 minimum. Nssgaey On an htottly bas, the haut- Notice of 100rate hall toolodeop0000800, Nomination and fuol andII operttîtt 80001. Att a11 o anc o o booo pe Polling d1188titthtv tott 8811 bc mad10e 181a Titke notice Iller the loc.p ..te ferS days. mc0tings t0 nomtinaletcandidat- Lorltîlc 11880 10888 Dece08- et fer, tht Huilait Cootnty Board bot 15, 198- MAt-oh 15, 1969. ut 8-010081,1 and tho HoItott Loont, Rom8an Coohoîjo Soput- L1o,tt1or ntender nOt .11e bohoo Boar-d soott ho htId ilt 8080008-01 tn Monda%, NAottthtt- 18, 1968, ltomo 7.3Oprit. uttl .3Opa. lt C, E. 68100 tht 1A11A88t84 loatiAtos Roud Sttperit0deAt. Toonship ni Esqototog Mulalolpallîy - Loctiobn L-dre R R.1. Georgetown, 0nt0 Bottttgîoo - Cetralo High 08h21 Sohoo - 1433 Baldwin toBreet, Tenderkvbl fooIooto Admtinistrationt Tend rfo Bulding 0 225 Trafaîlgar Rd., Snow Ploughing 084.0. HgSScoo Sculelo tenders toîti b60000018 Gh88t8s08 - 70 Gutelph St., tcd 8y flic Ttownship Af Esqot Gortgetown. ,lAg CIlk, RR.Ne. 1. George Milton - MoarttetoePu- toon, untt 12.00 p8.. Totos- t. Schoi, 184 Mortin St., Mil- day, 080' nîbto 3, 1969. lot. One for 0080101, 100 ho050588800 minim-8 Esquesing - Esqoooittg Otomt- um8, en an hottt'I h8sîs. munitty Hall Steootioott. Tht hîtAIlY rate0halt ittalodo e 104ttA Att Nus- Opo-ato., FAel an01 opootitt.gito Tostlp Holl - oostt. An 8I8aotceo otneO bAo C8îotpbloolo pet- day tadby tî88o wl10 18bsc oTotso fNo days. 1o0 A Il ho combtittd te eleol Cont-800 titre item, 008000- An,, membeh to tSe HollAn Sot 15, 1968 -Mot-oh 15. 1969. Coîtity Boar-d îof Edocatio, the Lm"tor nv endr ni n- NIomiaOtion Meeting 88ill he Loocot o ot tooot-oto o 88t00000 bo the Townoship tof cesoottit 888000001 N,,tsagattya and soil ha hold C. E. SNOW, ti Natoogaweytp Tot-nship Holl, Roud Stoptt-itenottdo l..t8pholillt. Townoship Af Eotpotiog, lot At tht Toton tof Miltont R t, Georgetown, Ont. ,82 the Towtnshtipsof8 Esquet- 08b21 tng and NassgavveyawiIhbc 20 AUCTION SALES cu tht HaiOAon County Roan88 - CathAitO Stparato Scheel Board, hli Ntominattion Meotintg will W ard Brownridge Mi ?te ad Mipb Oho Ttot Maf- Lî,ooood Attotiottee ftin Stoett Poublic School 184 Farm- Lvcsock Martin Stret,. Miltont. Frîturoo Solos tht) TheAttt etAn I ntAoinale 88088800018 t tht HolIoo R. Rý 2, GEORGETOWN. Couoty Boaod Af Edoonotiot l Phc ne 878-6730 represetttthe ttpo-oî sohool 25o-ti supporter soithiot tht Cotttoy, 88111 ho tottducid hp OSe Towon ot BAoîittgto and1 ,toîî h held For Complete at Central 1116 Sohotl, 1433 Baldwin~ 81040 St-et,. Botoliton. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER Sales otf alItyIpes. Big At midi1, II do Ihemo ail. Sales coodoted îotytht-e. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Mtuon, Ont 2ý Politg Rf toqi-to, ohtll bc tt.'It on al Muniioplilioî int 'ho Count, of Holtoot on Mo- 2 o, Aooo8bet 2, 1968 hototeto tho flours cf 10.00 oat. and &.6 J. C. McINTYKB, Rtumontg Ofiboor. 19b28 -I 5ç VEHICLES FOR SALE s VEHICLES FOR SALE 13 FOR RIENT 16 SERVICES 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE The Cottadiatt Chamono, Wednesday, Noo 13, 1968 9 T E NEW SOVEBNM ENT REGULATION COVERING THE 13c2o ltoo. 8 712 have a10 dittoA pry frte C hristie & W oods A .E. L e G 17 R A E T TE1 E A SAFETY OF USES AUTOMOBILES, IS CERTAINLY WELCOMED __oJuiv gIlooo 4, 2 plates 4c cach, REAL ESTATE BROKERS LeIV.L oiet rdtr BY THE MOTORING PUBLIC. HORSES bo800tod. Phoneo 878- cup and sactoto ýis4c R EDotoo Noti. REATOR LIMITto W mde i o oic or he pat and 40il onttinuen 0244 132-62Io, .oth 810400 189 Main St. Milton ,55 Yto CottotoStoASOTIR ooholeho88-odly in the futurete1 deliver, 8 tto v poo-ohaser FURNISHFD oo tfor -ntl, 3 , , a S3.6 . 10 ],ir nd M,,c t o f h,Iî O t io 1, o,î,,,Bt8IT B a hie ne U- Cio 10. f-> 1 1 1 ltî t :ý 1 I JJà W R ' hh 81o R T VCO BUY WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE ROOM ,,îîd hca, ,iitcîd , 9480 1_3 o 878t tR.tR IhltSôOf-l îît 4 a I ,, 011oty8 FROM pîooooicd Tank72 13828 71 , ou,îoî htok htvigand dt, - For Sale .o.îîoî the Estatt of Reto Vit- HOUSE fot cent, adults. 4270 SetcTnkPm g La 8îî8pod îcomp. ki-tri od, eo teTw MILTON Iv-OTOR SALES LTD. 13c28A,-Rd -3710 BL etçadInutil - stre cu store ous Comeiiul26 fi fnae oIMIoAt8C8t51I 4 ptic ootd bath, ctn cccwode no TH OM FFURNISHES bodootn in qtti- MILTON - 878-6869 littto,-d hmde ntoan in, gth rcarof poik0tt- celt A ss.Go ,tO8AOttoe. 196, arctherebhdofi togttot, GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE ethmcnrlylctd l1a7t aprmn rarcelo Excellentt tA8ootnont. Phtoe: Reaonablhy pitotd wttod gAo tu the AAîtoîgAtd solictorsA 388 Mai St - iltn _____4675 ___ 13c25-3474 ,-o,,t, til F A. It,oot. Territs. Sottoîl Lawrenceo 878-2240. ferro.]o t,,- he peonatl rapttAAntative 878-2355 4 -ROOM oaslfo-tntained fIat Sewin Mahines S21.500 toli ptl8t, 3 -holtrott Wanted l 0AreFr hoa, te dolthd oot Not- 80aillli. A88,ah able imm diately. gbarict-- 8,k born, kit-~ 10 ce Fr o-,h Ot o t ottth 1966 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE. Lit. 555388. Parisienne 878-9326. 13c28-3699 SALES - SERVICE ,Ihént, som"bnttttitn livintg and Morn8 3 h bdoontt bouse Frotao n t 2 paved rtads, 969l fll partt8ta o f a thttir ooith B cyliodert, a-tttOatic, raditt, tohitottaîlisadbi. au , iu an t. ttltlt Adi diîdAh odtp tA o A tott ond r, sauf datt8tttte, ficA xttlttttt it wh.tetlitot. B2tdon.Bl81îottothlpttor 36tttos. COTTAGEîoteet 12 x24,l1 R EN T AL 3 btîlooottand 4-pic,,6.toh Miltotn. PI88cotcttt8t58l 00l081.tAotn.AIht, o.td ,18,tlt oftttthet 8811 S854-9802. 13c28-3752 Iunccoet ono n pot a,,- doî,.totd, haviAg regard otty te 1967 VAUXHALL VIVA. Lie. J87081. Ctonoleî, bttthtt ýtstM lo atrt 18 88tAA CAtI claittt of o'hich ht shall ttttttt atdtdo hso h oAt oodl eA8ttîAg ELECTRIC HO0T WATERMitnFbc Centreý T- ae oie attd ttadio.t Ts itt tih $25x mde]. $49 mtoi] HETRgeSItRtt88 12 Marttitt Stret BOB McCUAIG Milton-Speyside Areaht, At. ly for 36 mtto. ttr pt-l ...... ...........ot...... $1,395. Phone Milton, HyrA 878-2345. Services aAd RopAito AtH m s DE ZL L W E C 2880 acre of tIttlu dcnsthote168 131281At 880 tI0888 c8Ihtt. , 80188 Z 10 8AAAtt pt HUTCHINSON & 1968 PONTIAC STRATO CHI18F SEDAN. Lit. J85319. CAin- ___- l681 . ý,,1w,v cr1 lot.8 This hbrick Q85OA' ty hdoo uglowo W THOMPSON