4 Tb. Canaden Chumpiont Wedncsdcy, Non. 13, 1968 CDports boun * y. fo brm Mdlton Optimnsts hune deetuent ibus unnk tu by 'Yeutb Appeeuuti n Wee bt a d aus lol ganutin inutned witb the yuung flks uf tht, eomunnty hune beeu utked tu du om otlpat dulitg themeeb tdlutute teiuppeitottu th e poungutere uand geerndty guve thetc u put n the buetu. We'd bcthet tt yt discout unyeuongrutulutionnuor eppeuutn ycuth bud uunung tu theitt, but petbupt wben w r fituubed patteng tben oct tbe hueb ee cun put tbe futkstmbucgtne .nd betp eut ie mneg tbre nuiut sputs oeguntteount pessebte un Toc etîten un go tu u hockey gaeme ut bal] guutt te outub uut sntnrnyeutgee beutbecuctpeute dbhet utdbcctttbtunubplauu. Euuc nduniduul eeee fullutredtfor toeeueemplseeton te ute ut tbe bull parb ut touet ptt. But trou ntten uucoche effurts une negleted. Tbe Mittn Mirnt Huebey Associattun, tbe tuuut butehutt ascucttcncttd tbetnenly fentnnd eoceeeanucattctn ue mueb te tbe tnnn wo epend encny bîmet of teen lime obcb culd enenctcbly bn feninundeu tounrdu mute luerutite puttee. Dîten eoucbes dep cno te ien c peetu te peceede ernnpentution lue tbe huyn. There ci nu heete n, ttabn duetng "Ynutb Appeecitutten Weeb- tee Me tbuebt cuub. "Tbcnko fon teuubtngtny bey gccd tpeetsn npcd fon lcelpcng me mube btm ane nntizenn" Dae Beusli,Pedent o ltn Mechnts wllieachnet speech act Fncdaycs bckey grcln conctneng Yuutb Appenecteen Marty Seedn ieente datuysgumeenenand senpneted teib out forta no gainesit en wchue tbce t ugt to cuunuubedccnit te usnccebnconobeteeehe fastebeubnghtenucneletcecndcutllplay wtIcehe cnent s ut teertleenfc n1ey. Lloyd Vaughacncecseneccced frontbetinjuted liseltcneebend and plcyedonll eeecgbto rate ubrt tar. Juvenile TomCuding and defencemnKep Tuekc.elltrecubedt(bc ttuf bengpceduas secontd andetidutrs Pro-Arjn Fermner Merchunqt forwurd Ieuds Bell te victery By Jebin MeLeun usvenycntcided 1b-3 nicnuy (vrCai. Fred Duemsnnu und Bell emetu cl-t leud mue' Watt Kly ucuuuscfduaute, Pnddce cne li bnt gumne Tuendny Cent Hynteen euunted a puer und enly ccc oice n-5. Twe goals by sinscame [e cu Pete Munney, bleui Fletchier puced lie oteneet Bue McHugb, At Morton und obtîn ningles vecie cuneed by Bocb Luhunîmeco. (ain coumeert Warnen btcLay, Jube Niubhelcon. cume (rnm Dune Ycung, Feaset Deug Peddee and Wayne Hettuand DubCin. Heceten. Bell necebece une ftem formetr Meidten Je. meeubene stae Jeu (Clu lwo bal c but celuI). John Peecce aed Btecn MctDefle, even picbeentbhated tbe teeetg (ce Welsen ce tbey ulebbeeed Thienepee 7-2. Ai (eois, Sene Gemuti, Jobn Whete, N ecb fcesne B di Becbcuc, lcceey Mecetumn aed Duei Welson Oece tlie deucptbcctecc lue Wilnon obiee Ae Melantenueeoed oeice fee Thompsce. Thucndcy eegb acetionsa litLencnuecsmp Preecedge bya 72court(.Tppmllerforecbe oteneccocus Teccy Beekecowube but trickcad BruceGaesutumd cocue ohete lien MeLennunnand Teppy Thebert bcud one guet epeece. Barry MuTeeh am tKen Wuceenencrepleed fer Pceetedge . Harold Tbcmpsne wne the big gun cf tbe oeeb et be eoced feue goels te ieed Cbumpece te Cryderman in CarBinbet A Iee y ucenefel ladtes ein-club" benepiel oct beld un S uedey Nue. l0 ut Mdlton Curding (lub. Tbe Cureseee Bantams win tîird game bnteedeng tbeetcndefeced tcen te chtce garnes, Mdlton Bcncm cnntdecuab63omi rvrChtngnucuy ut oeeb. Melton ceeuea 2-t tend uit tbe end cf tbe Ocunt peeind,bhetd e 3-1 leed ut tbe end nf the secnd and tenube eut tutoe tee goals on che tcid te oce b-3. Rcb Jnbhsecretdtoieeand bcd une uuutnt mhdle Geotge Hucd. Haroltd Merty, Macty Catent and Phdf ColIe scuced oinglet. Assisttoene tc Kery Kdhen. Wude Bekut (2), Cellen, Kem Meuntuen und Hutold Mecey. The biftb Mdlton goel ceme ce a powet pley. Manager Bi Boeey eced te penne mue necy uloeentd te nect tine mnutes cnd eben Mdlton teck charege. Rooney eutd it mue n en itng gaine and c gond spectutue gumne. Milton odl meet Burleonn Ocmuedcy ut 5:45 and Dubiei 6- akvinSu pay Rowney heads Iawn bowlers Bdi tloneyoecn e-eeeed Pteuedet uf Mitoun bon Bowlinug Club fer the 1969 ceccun.- Alto gelete a et b amcaueeehng ct oceelu e viepecedet tOnde Patrker, meertety-teecnce rOBob MuKon and toneeeenteseucetecybEnoe mdii Thm club doucueut ocye enut iaste encusee utmbetdeip oi speceul nuphuneson heingisg tut commintycs yecch entc tle sport. Senenul yuung peuple hene jutned the clubeie nie cest feu yeuen bue the cubl wnuben bo inuteuce te tendt« The cuntc es obwole Zn' tecneu acucces toceecntet Ieru lied bee senecu pcupenty ioeence cn tht puet yetr. rink tops h spiel compeîeeg lue the Ceclinenhl Trouph y Mc. bute Cydeonce ebîppet lien ternu ofeice Bee. Geicuen, second Bety Carthersnded BRuth Dufle lu icccotY. toSlooeg e clote second uton ead Scun MuLecu, mucnu Enelyn Nedidiu, muce Jene Htugheso enut ebip Put Beteu, DeIy une point mepccnted lie top tenotu. Bcth GCeee ner a Itet skip, MarneMartin Lynne Bronaut Merion Beacee mue the hegh usie ganeeintheeuond duo Tht coller;hartdadehucenut unch bntoeenethe tmoeeght-end ganmese Thieunetecil ecencng tu lie betld ne the Milton Curling Club un a dance wci Miler's Orchetrtu oe Sctutdny. No. 23 M.M.H.A. house leaigue schedule continued WHOAHI Lloyd Vaughan mutehen the penb ne nore elten bit goal but munageut onse tre neethe nesBobnbsnn ()s hs t l n ar h li e o3on Sunduy the Licndnay necen tee lune. Lindua oeut (Seaf Photo Milton s sixth victory features rugged play Ahtet deieppisgetheir ened gume cf ehue ctson Fniduy eeghit ce Lindsay, hitoen Mechntn co hu secnd gnmeeofthe sellesnugucce Lindsay hece Sndcy feheceecc ilton lune te Lindsay 2-1i abche becurndwon tuec hone geme 5-3. BWe plened ccc hune heukey cf the menuen foretoeandcicaf pedn.eend tHien nluuked ellea lettîn» Coch Sec VIennent comîmented chuer Sunduycs gume. Mecbnte cechet ce totue ce chu meuh Lindsey defenue, scucnng to goalton ehcccd. Barry EScuot cpeeed the teorng lot the hume club, peukcng up Reub Cule' e neund. Graham Hem. obo luten neueeced n match penalty, ueoeeted on the bcnst guet. A puis play frnm Due literon, te Gary Ncylen nuccecned foc ehesecndgoaleand ganeMdlton c 2- O cad guot t he cseon peeecd. Decennemus KIen Pentue engged je luhiufîn oobh Lmndecyns Icîf Stuert undt etthuugb neethet ployen on, seencndy huet, Patt outd have t3e he genen the fuSl 10 peints Ion i bunt. Tir uule bcecout in front Merchunt str second Iesse An ealy t- Olendftailes)cc ge Milton n min te Lindsay Ftedcy ecgit. Mdltenu 2-t lot, oucnnlnîhet ecndintnnecc gu me. Pluying oi nnly thee defenotunen and methu Gcaham Hem ut hus fomad ponhtio pcsedesheetco uch clua butden oe the cubl. Atthougi Lloyd Vaughan rnade 41 enne,ompned tu20 hbc Beton Dontdcnn en the Lindsay net, enecuone membeu fcent boob ucu ugeeed Milton bcd ne unny gond teoetng chancnes nuLindsay. Rcl Cule sceced thefieet goal of the gemu em cn oobte Tom Goodmng anîtheconeminute mark cf tht btct peceod and tîteet soetng powec topped thete. Guytt (ceeue aed ion Aherccromboe sci -d fut Lindsay. Merchants player stats Aof Nnu. 10. PUYIt G Ntet O. LAcet, B. Cnn.tto GPG A Pt Pen 8 9 10 19 19 7 7 1 0 17 22 8 7 8 1 5 1 2 7 5 6 11 ý4 8 5 3 8 0 8 3 4 7 35 4 1 6 7 18 8 1 6 7 14 8 3 3 6 17 7 2 3 5 4 4 2 2 4 8 4 0 3 3 0 7 1 1 2 25 4 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 cf tics Milton nueta ceb end ut che ficce penmd and saoPatron chkeuaseue positioen on top of the Lindcay plcyec. Milticn Ocuhuse lient did batlle uieb Oc,, Scephueninthe second petecd chuer huti plcyenc lcctecughng. A wencng oed lcet n ce or the cthec epccked c hree hue nigeruu ecule wcde tteurcnndcgnopcs1tep. eurceu penalcy hon, A long leader pccn heoin Seec Lawcence tee Seul Cule et the Mdltcbelon ue elte stage Oct thu Midtcn cptcincs cnly guet cf the ganme Coletlookehe puishcbe fat aed ceutsknted tie Lindsay defeecetIometheggeiounua c ea cut play pcnfeunty uneuted. Jtm Ceewod aed Goed (ceedet beoku ic tugethun egeenet Vaughabue ce.tg hie chut out on c ncce gonl. Vaughan bcd nu ct ctdc ltnu goeal efthee gumu ce the fl peeiod on t penalty cbct. Otece Lawrmnue oue peneteecd foc pu5meng the Lindsay heemutd dloue, preenng acconng plap. The unît mue quecteoneble ce the eluk hreken nr the reud Lcntse c g"u care ce the lirt penod and Atencmhte'ithe thrdeandlfinaltpencd. tn upcte nI ehe lent,mage AItPartoe hed lucdnofpcunfor the boys. -Tiey plcyed terrifiu. The delece onu hctteng and ptuyin eonland the wee cub lonked gout,' heuuneted. Foutecte: (loput Vaughan me bnuk in ehe nets aed ce hete thun eset chupe. Ted toccd i te cl ocith a puSled mucle.Hemucmeînuedtin n gume to ee ugo nest Ftcdny nigit. ltm Chclktey jcins the Mecunen fet pce Wedneoduy. enndeofseuM une lce fns. Atteind puutnd gol hy Don lectnc Iccn Gcacy Ncylee ced Dunu C eubseculi gave bllten n - t tend. A penalty ulcet goal hy Cnuîeerd aneu e geal hy 1cm BiSes et lie 13.45 mccrk cîthu tenal punîct netecueut te eeccgin. TIce gte oct e rougir oe cil cec coa f 35 penalttes beeeg cseeu, 15ltsand 2majocs te Linedsay end 14 mulotsn to maiînte and c mach penalty to Miltton. m(uT. NOV. 16 6.30-7.0 Funu ce Pendet une-8n.0 RLdnh nul KBe1,t e.009.0 OtS-c (de Tuen Tiru e.0I ý0 lie-teS ' Kngbtn B ine n 1onneS. P",nuen P, c tenu, 6.20-7. 10: Kartie nt nPtigmenen 850.50: Lth vs nehtce e9s5S-ce t0ceci ht it2cc Hi.u t0 te tt.30 t B'. sneti-eci e1 ese 2e t.20 en Scefe Fie- 12.0-.1 t S IIu Oei ce t mt . WED e N-no 27eneKmi e15.3.0 e >S , L ochn l nu 970ue SKlP PITE SWUETMAN derntetec bis mieeieg forti as nine. GeofflWenicnd.leudOure eTomandBsecndJohn Combat lookln The gescpmoseis theappeoîtnmeebepiel, ielut Sîcueduce te mcoiten th Touli Apucectîse Week mhenh te ucqenied ut h local Optiites. (Seuff Phioto) Clu0-8e10 Pbueeun, ns Pute 8.1e-O:00 Cdc. Ttc. vilnto 9.00-n930: KiCtO c. bouti 4970 9.5e-10n40: Sell c. Dcpt. Store u.e.îe-7 due:lars te Pigment Clu-Bue-00 Biluls aLtdonth o.ue-.5o Ketghtsts. Parb Ftran 7C2.0O eroneli tu ept. Btore B.te -.O0B Seh c. Bnbelcal eee-0.4e- Crtc t, Moobue iu40-tî.3ut Pbutcmuecs cute, Thte 12.20-t.10tt Bfonds ne Metnunu Football O.S.D. club in finals Ontarto Snhout foc the Deuf met Mounet Fucest luet Toeeduy ite lmabol gome of chu ao te decede the leaue football uhempicedecp. Golitg onuo the gaite, Multue haludtoet otdy unesmthebcigbt gue scusue. Te lois cuatc ugutout Patmccston on de fiOt leIn B ectings ductttg the maison Miltoo beun Mont Forect 16-ut and B-6. BSdn Dyetoed huet becs the top scoren foc Milton mith mecsn toouttdlowet and n totat nf 42 oes Dyrned mue= fooedh Rue tlB atnd S. Wbptc mtb 30 ir 'cf fings GPm L T eo6 1 0 Cuso2 704020 Marshall scores two bantams beat Acton Abunu dusow tut te thebeert peniud. peceed Milton Buoturno tumhted Mucebull uuebed te ugtie te the te e 4-0 cutiver Antue te fendl muene on apues Iemm Dune Auce Bedeedy foc that Roberte. Rinb Jehb eunned the secondt men ie to gucee nI thout Milten goal frnt Mark Tni-Cuunty hockeyuecton thto Gteneeundueisedn elee wa .Mdlton lieut Bramptonece goalecucedby CoBlee. the fcstgarme. Mueagec Si ROmep sutut Hlugli Marshall beuke the oce goutte Botd Evne curne up oitb pctccng Miton un the Bcote corne bey enece te tht eudly client meth n goal Itou Phil stages nI tbe geaine and bepc Celles enely mn tht ecnudu Miltoun te tht garne. Winning ways return for Milton Novices Gtuued onun ugdin mith minning onyt Mdltoe Novicee benu Anmen 3,0 Baumdup te Antue I ledIde plsg - ted uhntbcd op n second mie on enhbitioen play ugaieul Dnbttttc Mnnduy. The loices hall troegbe fîcot buo garnes. Stcnr MuCutuben, Bîcen Haunnoe nd Bout Coudieg mete the mrnene Inn Milton in thece gante ugumeet Auton. îleu Pecrson and DuniTurnerueosed Manuget Duwon tEllimn satut Millen cuut huve tuottt mrnne godes bulliîbey nul beten tobiet p ohtn neune en tht Actue Btiue Buteon anut Ciu Muecu elunerd tht gndttendng duttte lue Mltne. Novceu bud lu cule ftont n 2-0 Itud in Debndtle tubent thern 3-2. Dubudî r etd in the benst andecond ptndoheMilton scctedonceeintheecndnd tocue te the clieu piet Dune Turet enuetut tht oînecng goal feorn Etic Elîteon ndu lue Sdthna mci helf n minute left ce the gane. Scote Seeueyeucoted fnrntDenTune enut Pety Cuputu nnd bute Pee Wees whip Preston v0 in exhibition play Looiiforlgto? Tukmeg udveni e t e Mcndcy .o n stent aed lune cundeteunmug ce Cuben Tunelle ecucet tbtee tht Pteston Pee Bees e hhclf, goels ced un nuctut fut Melton, MiltIn Pue Bees ohcpped them Scott bluKenzie ucute t co 10-1 te ce exhibitione gme goalc, Brtce Elîisenecoet once, Ken Fey coneut e gent eed un ceunis, Putnfinuchnnuh seonedea The fttpuenchste jnmp fcm goaleandtcheneceoits andAntte 9 Harnenss ae oi n plane oce made by Alhert Byeenece ced Nom Membtuy MOHtolh I7>A Wr$K Berry, n cuptuen n the U 5 aded einglues Posttîme7:45p.m. jEXIT38-HIGHWAy4OI Atmy on Mutuh 1,1912, Irtu dustane of 1,500 teet. Nu mutttt ohet bcppen. thece me clocyn oen h emietooutd The bundeet chcng c bride hue to conent oi os heeg mhistlut *for inetecut uft c dheccennehttheeteut ute n (tee ef lis goals cenu Duce Rbe tntc hl one lune sit Alelicugli ce one Pmcstn fient gante anu tbey nr tul uneS Bng plnyece oct, manager Kee Yong flt lie Mlnecu lubi plupet gucut pueecenl hckee anedmocut the puub oel. HELP WANTED 2 - Reliable Men for TV and Appliance Sorvicing - Good Working Conditions PHONE 878-3221 CHASES MAPPUIANCES 181 MiII st. Mils.. MU mo a Ellîtue scote; tht otiter goal fue the Mtltoe oie. Manaugee Eîten nonrneded bis. defene on 'thee eupid tmrnptumnet. Joe Soîthu, Pcety Cuputu, Garey Daence nd Deug Steutb ute ail membece nf titis ycutu' deleeecoeestuff. Milton mdl rmt DuketBee Bnnduy me Dubedîn e incegolue leaun play. (udes' btgh uinete, Jlne Gcutd ee0e;tadins htgh l une Cutu Sebet rend inglIte . en Tiesut 2ne8 MuOnene Specu con, 2en, Othet gndu teiplet. Mudlene Seuu 739, Muree Mortn 726, Put Muehul7 T0. tuut Caun non n tnt tn, ot Sheds e fot en, tenad Pinns lIc CCr 33uitt 2lnt ee> Pie tînude e foluee, Fout Oint ftot e0,ueunutten t or 25 Kng Pins 2tu lou2. 1t8 0590 Mn.nduay N itte t-9O Phonu e 78-56n MILTON ARENA THUESOAY, NOVEMBER 14 4.30-7.30 par. - Pigue Sbutieg Pro-Am - 7.45 Charnpoeo ns MeLenon, 9.00 Peestidga uts Cuin FEIDAY, NOVEMEm 15 8.30 - Junior C Hockep Dubeille uS Milon SAT1JEOAY, NOVEMEE 16 6.30 a-rn-. - Milgon Micer Hockey 2.00-4.00 p.rn. - Pubic Skatlcg 25c 4.25-6.45 - Tei - Counly Garnes 8.30-10.30 p-rn. - Peubic Skating 50c SUNDAY, NOVEMSR 17 3t.rn. - Juior Gane Ltedsay ne Milton MONDAY, NOVEMEER le 4.30-6 p.rn.-Mocdap Miter. 7.00-10.00 - Tri - Couetp Gunee TUISDAY, NOVEME 19 4-30-7.30 p-rn. - Rasue SkutetS Pro-Arn - 7.45 Wilsott ns Thorngeo 9.00 Paddic ns Bell. WEONESDAY, NOVUIEER 20 2-4 Pari. - Adut end Pr.- Bchgsî Bkalicg, 25c & 1Oc 6.30-g peti. - MMM.. Mos.s taagu. BED. DEC. 25 CHRISTMAS t4tGBT BAT. BEC. lB8 u ne30P7.0 b FuteelisunrkeF. 7..10: l rri Oues Ledwth u 8.10-9.0 Kegtebtat Ptpnent ne0950 .th i Pobun Rên ose0-tut.0 Cdce. Tone nu MnQcuai *tan*c tutu-t1.30: tuents Bde 11.e0o1.20:î (nuhettui Phurrnun tîî.t te10 BenuhntsPontu lie ut N mED. JN.e t T.u. BEW YEAOB NIGHT BAT. 2Oc dtto. 6 3S-Cl20 Pigmenete LsnÈdoth Nnw Murket lîs-nîs10 Citevt Keigttb. Etd n .10.3.00 Ometi et Park Furm letn 9.50-9.50 Ocul nu Police Bowmue 9.50-1.t40: Beneis nus Keithu Bured BiB 10.4o-t '.lO: pt. Stoce te t.nudunen meI tees-Il210 Eu ou een Bottetnnc tlý:.lS-t.t Muebtunts SnR'bnbub ThomebtO SERVICING THE MILTON ARIA 4 LE-MAR * ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL REPAIR - SERVICES a Noush.Id Applassas * Poweua Tels, Lawc Monilos O Cmmerial - l.d.aala LES GRAY, 82 CharIes St. 878-6617 SOCCER FILM SHOW ENGLAND vs GEMANT WORLD CUP FINAL, 1966 Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Milton FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 15 at 8.30 p.m. Tickets Avoîlablo from Jim Harkin Ph.on. 878-9835 AIl Peoneede Io Milcon Miene Sonner Assen. Refreehments * Admission $1.00 Ke. n.-1 K. r.b, Butt, . tc J. Mcmw . (ole M. M.tt Da, P. Bu E.tp Mt. Bun.he. T. t. 277l, n M.thet n cen-cen Moe Cc 255k, lie F thet 1 C5. Bect bae , A.d C.1 Fr (hume. Cnat, 1 Meurnen tenue Cg7, ilt Othetjk Liute o TC., tud 230, An. l4S, S3 .r