blassger suger sot sisde the beoane ;hitet, Julie ssbo lth biethdop. Il ee Barbara îlly Moiehead, Latine Denton, )nand Judy 878-3272 hoso Timos itiru Thurs B pr. Fri. il Sot. '& 9 p.m. ai. Matin.. .1t2 p.m.ý 7.18-19.20 âlor F. 21-22-23 Color 86 men Wlîet started out as a alloentuoesorne Rernembrance Day hikîe for l'ie Venture Scouts froot Oabsilto Monday moooîog, resutte ino a oiity and disittusiooîog oîgtti th e dense buutllaods of Nassaga'oeya for two of ltoe boy>. Sepaoated frot theio pals and hopeleuuty bost os darbooss ctosel na sotuppootimohtooday, 14-yeao-otds Jotto Sau.yeo and Vutdts QOol, of Caboîtto oîsely decîllo l t as betteo tu faco a otd tîglît in tbe boîl, llîu stumble aoouîîd inotheolloobess Meaootîîie paoonts an policebo sous kept around flio yeoîîooeto of the o utiîe Nauoafa*00y0 ora heootttoey lad lst boeo seen, and caoiytth eottioooof ant8omait >00001, patty ou> uodoooay beo flio wo t boys fiootty îoîîîod up cotll anîd hutigoyoand tiredbut utamcd ,amil stîll gay spirits. - . t . .Ruotembeslce t)ay, 1968, Mit- ptoba'btp bo à duy long to be remeoîboîod by bîtî boys and tboît faotillos. Joit anîd Valdî>. oitî felloo Soeules holloîs Sit», l5aîîy Grant and lmoy Putlagî. att l2>1> Oakodto Vet>tuoet>. sel out10 ai a.m. Moolley ont,, i plaoood oi> and compas> lte.o Thoît leader Mr. 04»i tiat deooided flic bîikei, tosild îlt>r o Na>su g,soeyaou Sxtb Lîoo, sluotiog no fa t ut 'Fv Sîderod aod liuadîogooeslet'[ lbrogb the bush-ooeoet escaopumoolooandthouglttfle aoo bnowo au Hîltot, Flt> Att iaoîd matche, os. ases lopogoupltîcal mapu of tho ra andl food fur e t ticl Wtîoo the loador otet flio boys uith1e teneous point ut 4 ypm, oîîly îbec slîooed utp. Johno and Valdîs bull bocomo separaled somettoote inth buste, When ttteyihall t madle il out bp 6 poti., Mr. Si>» notîfîell Mîilion OF.P Fot file retutttnder of tho eoooîîog O.P.P. cruisesostelel tbo aoou bouîîlell by iîoo andl Fîfloîs Sîlloooals, Gustopî Lireo join in big search bull offert hutlo esbbîts andl fislîed i fi stît ster flm lie l sdJohn ooull l iîety bellcdooo foifliooîgiî. rallior thaî,îturreîbtoaool infi Police boy> up te aIt tîglit vigil andîlle otohe Souts haoll notuIe hosioeld frot ai daptîgît. extrat oatf foe os oe te ootiod ou> bu slaauooeoi, fpt knoot 'oI> lioallo op flic 14-nian to iv f00lie pîut>> an >11»> tir 0, ut lloytîglit lu mobe tlito uap îout of Ilto flush, boltît Mrl. Saoyeo andl Mr. Si1,, sot ou> aiT t>>ji. lu lolloo a trat (lie bîty, liîal hoo h tout t>, atol at io anoi,,tîoîpotctl t.îtt ft>llttg sonne ttîfotil oall a note [lie hupu lîîkiog clnittfile Tioo, anoolooîoltps ofppooooo uoll lu mark ftio tooti îlîop îall stullos a> Sheridanî Cuttoge"u Heaoy I-qutpmet Sool on fle hStîti Utneoltooolabtottheoys' plîfit atol. 10 a nian0 outtooell 1, to amp thbshet antd atlflepolicein flic sOcri. Tîtot offoo wa> quicktp uoouptoll otî ltonk>. an>d 68 t>e slooitlld out of li to o otul t> e t>o p f oto o ho tointg. Wtto,> fict bîoy eeoolt tttsct1f a> 8 a,.. Coopooats searcelosîuow totatig 86 re to t to gîooupî oand upooad tiet out ocoo a >00il sr tchof (ie Sith Lîoo At 6.45 ami>. fli earh stt>cb ofif toto flebshu Tbp haull pluet lot> ftlao amlo oltoî a tie toto fil ou adwp sourillol fle ohl clear' and thtuits ut tteptrot and "ll>ep'uu lotuat]flic oys" coodlithough file botoi. Thitgocilhftizll ou> quickbipalteroop 30 minuoteoo.kog. f îou>t foug Oootsh, wio ld booto p.otîo.iîg flico ince ooall, otitell the lo lad> oali>g aco-thelt ficids a atbon Hoîpghîn Cuntryl Club, about liaitamiesuho er theoooîo>It citoor walkod. -Wo were pIuy>g a tricktîn fticuttI>oo llrc,,intîo lid lits ooliîoed paooents anttlhe pîolice alter ait were reuted. Oto id oi ficoohosi tos0to bock anddîloal Iloirlo'al mtaretos, lie st sîtooytiîlipyý lient, ouC ge o> tl. Witi daîkttutocurlinoog til quickip. fuicîttys tatol titop Ittutd a coîtfotlc otî îouaî hucverpon>d otIlle oîcaepmot.t marieda circleof talle,i>t a fioo. and îetololl d.oî f fileti>tgt. TItoy oooo co, lt.tugbi ilop rla ttout oîf wotd arototd 1tom. anîd ere afîaîd îtt go> tut, luI aoap fo t ure ttWooud. dipped fi hoIuo tîuuotî,g lootos tai tnetof flitît boyp, >0001 havte huoti hitît wero qutcklp dispotIid. Tltcp ,aid îîîop >caîtd until minetut'ctocbboeft,î tood>,g otiouard a îtoarhp qttooîytltu cou>ld tut>, oîtb>g. Joîtiî Satupoto> p.îîlîg commenutoouo agtibo"lit>can we have atithe loîk?" 2-4 million gallons of water available here quadrupled is aoo,,od,oonbs expatidthel1otiply, hich wlId fl l oo,î,.t,,ovouidtb Mortday l'y geologolt loch Kirk flicî,h prescrit upply tt.u,,,,,,,î,, Tite o, Itto l, all of Internationual Watoî Suyply. onotho, ooIl old haveco bc bo e t, oo eod rallier liait a single Mor. Kiok noed cousoît drittod about 100 feet away largoine,tuîsure aoflow to psuoîtybas aypermit fsoothe frot the presott oott but the tous if auytsing soutdthappent Otario ,Wateo R esourues existiof holding tanb woutll beîtu oneof the lisos. Commision to tabe 1,000,000 utittuod. Questooed us tbe timing in galtos diy frontbe deep et Iltus estioatellaonew elltuo deoetopioguanadditiooul source, sI Kelso. He assurell membeos ytosille 2,000,000 gallons daily the enginooouggosted the tous there mus 2,000,000 gallons wuutll, uîth pumpiog facilittos could po oceod 0>0 on dandy aond yossibty 4,000,000 ioctudell cost about S100,000. lleoelopî,g aod prongtIlle oeil a voai1lbte frot t he Eogineet Ken Hydelo ld andtoeaootitcappedlutl dtttaod tooo-lleseloyelsurtce. couoocilthe prescrit loofront shoed aoneod loîostalte He soggstedouconatwitb te Kolso tu Milton ooutll cary pumoyto, facilitte,. Il oas eu,îootol foutt,,,stx,,onths oold bc r toqottd fot 'Iurn up stolen goods "fli crgncrws se Tî oto on te Si. u te wortli over $1,200 e ,i hudbflcport M let flc gl ratat ofoiniegIo andl Il charges of theft andl possinlave bers yoessedl a.s a tgt.up of localttesleos iooiuding adult, pouthu and to Most of fio stotes yroyrtp bus llîuuyyeaoed frot the sooth Ouboîlte atea ooar touo, and toooed up etiber in towe or in îîooth Ouboîlte. Seosoat of the charges bave pet tobuheeed in corCloef Rap Aodresu satll. On Tueullay uf last oeeb a 6300 oobooer stoten frot [ln Chomica Indlustries Ltll.,a $200 motoropole missiog frot a Nassugauepu bomse, un $85 power muovo stolen frot Milton and a boy's bicpote, otstteroobttooo, oeooeoeoell by Miltont Police. Ose man was ohagd wihto coutilsof tbeft and two ofpossin w îosooties faced tlieft charges, and aîîother msari ou> cbaoged oîtb theft. Investigations oesuttel ou foothot charoge agat one man for thoft of gasoline. Ilîuudoy 0150 ooh of fireoookos missotg froot Huod Chicîa tuooell up andon ma oas cbueged oîth theft. Moolay of thiu oeeb usotbet S450 Woroth of fioeoorbs asd plastic bîtobonoato. olso ooood by l-tuol Choîtotoal, us Esquesing electors nominate candidates Elotoli, L,,quu.oîg will ho tttoniatîttg candidate or flico ofcso cvdeputy-reeve and cî,uncillors or fic fis sIlo, yer terni in fli toîuî,uip' ittorp ai fenmnto meeoting lou> htonday night. Ailu o o. noîouitod ar candidates for flic new aOu Couuty Board tf Ldooatuo The omnton moeeting tutti b belli niLquesing coninitinity hal>a Sîoo,,,tioc, startîtg ai 7:3 lOy o Althîugh iii, oft (lieoponot incunibents have not declared therrisoîoo. Depuoy-Reeve To,,, 11>11 fais iodîoîted lts, wl ugato ho in the ring. Keeo tthserves tof theotowshipcelle eupect ail tho poeset office Iîolllou oil 080>0 he cooosoiotg Gieorge Cuooîe is lthe presrt refv ooh toonship, Tom lf t> do po>'-ooeoe and ottoctlloos acC. F. (Put) Pottooson, Bobt Loo>ooo and Wlfrell Lesîte. ill Luosoo, a memheo of the preocoot Esque>tog Sool Bloardl tias sad lie il onofor theo (oounly Board of Elucation. The South Ameîîuao btisstog bug" a ouoeuteaton pooerful enough oo dît mn A Public Invitation The akvlle Board of Paks Manaeentandl The Woyoeh' AuuIliary to th OakoIIo Trafalgar Momoriol Hospital REQUESTS THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY 0On fil Occasion of the Boood's ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW AT THE BOARD'S GREENHOUSES 159 Rebecca Street, OakviIo Immoediately West of the OokvilIo Arène SATURDAY AND SDNDAY NOVEMBER 16 AND 17, 1968 From 10 arn. 80 5.30 p.m. R EFR ESHMENTS A hghtqht of tbis yeoots shows will be the AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST Scobring your amaras. Prizes for the bost coforod slid. or priof takoo et the show WILLIAM A. BATEMAN Bosiness Adminitatooto J. C. CORNWALL, Chairman I DA NC E AT BOYNE COMMUN"T CENTRE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 - 8.30 P.M. "MARY ANN RAE AND RADIENTS" ADMISSION - $4 PER COUPLE REFRESHMENTS AND BAR Sponsored by Sunshine Ladies' Auxiliary The Draw held at the executive meeting of The North Halton Association for The Mentally Retarded WI1NN ER S ls - TEOOY SUAR 2nd - LACE DOILIES Mr. Bin Cannon "Woody of Gooretown" Ticket No. 146 Ticket No. 651 Doooo by Wiliam, Fergusoo, Presideol Enter the Milton CHRISTMAS GIFTK GAME l"_ SEE PAGE B9 TODAY FREE - $25 IN 5 - $5.00 PRIZES I N MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES Redeemable at Milton Stores or Services advertising the Christmas Gift Game. Appearing Every Wednesdlay. 5 SURE WINNERS EACH WEEK HERE'S HOW IT WORKS - Fil on tOte coupon, listing y000 rame, oddoess and phone oumber. -Jot clomo the tome of the meobo,, l itoth e oGîft Go e Page) mbeîe yoct oih lui oedeem the oeot.f.oole in theooenîuof a w - Cotapon must bo i tIhe Champion Offioe 001 lter tboo 3.00 pm.Modaye ah oeebyouentlerte onest. Eîlbeo Obem ioi th e Champion or mait in tme for the deodînre. -The 000e of the o, oers mîtl be ptoblisbed the fuiiom- ,hg Wedoesdop Y:t.tky wioners muist oedeem Oher crtfoolaes W lb,, on doys of Ihetr oae, being pcb- lisbed Winners may pobk up gi0 ceoifocales oithOe Cbampioo offoe. -Certlfooles aeîeuud for$SOO0 inMeoobodse oniy- nol oedeemob le for cash. - Enoter os ofîr,, os yoot m sb -Tou mostouse te coîotl coupon,,eoh eek, 5 -$5.00 Gift Certificates Each Week .0 tCoup~onflIVl CHRISTMAS GIFT GAME teMerchandise Coupon Entry Formn Novembor 13, 1968 Address I ss tc reee 500 Gîfo Certifisate for Nove 13, 1968 , at ................. Name of Eligîblo Stoe The Caeadioo Cbhampion, Wednescloy, Nov. 13, 19683 WORRIED FATHER Wayneo Souye, Oakvlle, ,ooed tbe sooob- ers Tesluy onniq he ouqhsnd VldOols. He dosusses the rescuo opertttu, w'th the boys' Venturer lee Audri Sis MEN'S READY TO WEAR]1 [ SUITSI Courier, by Michaels/Stern -the suit that begs to be worn, Courier contes oo the suit sceoe-aollIntays. It beepo ils shape, boo great every lime you moe il! The secret? Courier ctoth-puro wool espe- cialIy woven to meet he deoands of ruggd wa.It taitors beuuttîully, on the Mlichaela Stern tradlitionof utine detaiîing. Aod it bas the incomparable foot of wbut il is-OO% woolt Try os the Courier. Michuetu/Steen makes ft inavuejety of styles aod pattern treatment. We've gut thesu att-i our5 si;e. $89.95 and $110.00 OTHER SUADY OA $49.95 DROP IN ...AND SEE THE NEW FALL SELECTION 0F Tailored-to-Measure Fabrics by Warren Austin... Hundrods of Exodting Now thados aod Patterns to Choosé Fromn PRICED FROM $95. "Made Io Tout Measoocoonts ond Goaantyod o Fit" Milton Depariment Store Clothing andl Foutuea, for tho Eotiro Faesily 280 MAIN ST. PHONE 878M961 -I MILTON ci bhobeaded upTueloay 86- e Andr Sils Co.Kennt bKing-n, ohn' mey,confeotb one of thehboys'fathes h,,hoo instrto o rtoHart. Fmom lefo ore Cpt. Loooy K,,eoie, Pentooeî oad- (Staff Photos) Boys spend night in bush aorney's Restaurant - ~ 1 mile N. cf 401 NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT AND SPECIALIZING Un Italian and CanadianFo