Jîim'is J otti ng s b hy tas i dt il1s atficaats have aaadaatadl tIhýaa yL.aaaaat. ha sympothate waab ahasa. Padaapt tlwa taspabtat but Mdltont pettple ftl titilat tmtstgesaahaa the htadaofficetoftheiP.L. Rabetston Co. asa maaad frot Maiton ta Readale, otet heaaag hleur caca the basa mas tttahiahad mate thlait 50 yaat befate. -The tmirtnt futura about stoaets af Oabvaiia tahatit takaag dtogt has attaattd a goad des] of pthiaaty and tadaaahaedly aaed tatatatai ataiaest.tSorte iguprtetaon the inctdencatafdagaiagtrail faiy taith bas a stadeat aaaaaii paoil tiaa setîttefagateat i0 pet ceant. Idont ftta grtatdeaaioftreief ftaethaiattttaaaetaf figutea athat, thagh.I Cette I0 patatatt oa aaaaited titeatatait a gond deat af' norifat tattata. Fiapaialy flicat taaa af braa damafe thrai caa acaat front the use af daagt otît ha kepa met] batata that fipure, tata thatghi me lia lttte at the aaty daogatata tadt effaects thnraa dsaalap frtono dtagaaaig AI] the tript attot gond and thatasfi dat eat feaitate fortyaag people ttttemaothtt *Thte tatt asse of atem jttie pubhiacaatio caltd Tempo aaaatad my deah ts mach. It'a a pahlicatiaoa fat thac oaatu pat and ahbas issu ta mladet a puetas hy Ken Broma of Mdltonamhtta stpaittd fatta aaa Yaaah Faot. Tha hatittet as a faty thataoeau hal a ttaatttgatp ta e htsmoei macatates] atatag ta potty toamphifaahil Il ý1 t , 111 I 11 ,e \ ', ,, r ,1 a t a 1e, paotta lo " itatatta t 'n ftr paaaay hy yaaaah ta tire Yath Frtat mi hntireata atmafwtiogaaach mtaatera faa hata diaappaag. Caongatuaionsa ta Kat, toa, fo aktaiag atha ft tatae tatat Taetapa. *Obaatamng tht Amenat ectibt frot a dstanceadid'tasetamt aatt e math any grater tanathusaattfortayaof the andid~'atsthaa alitc aherett atatat ta the mae ['ta fraaky ntaampatatadmaith Ricard Natta, pathapa maiy hteatt Oaai n t tata harlts attitude toaad Canada mi hiethatmhiahmtaaaiglatdaatt l'Inpepaaad u aaat attdtsec t l aay ha fihit soue day ta att]l ha hiartaaaeagataaafaaandttata ofttatatrgthy tapataatan. Whiaa math atm heaufs, atm htdayt andaaowatihaia oatatfotd caaid betama tan tattaalad stalatgat * Ffat attnfoaton ta Canada it'a liard ta heat Otit Caaadjaa Fat. Tht baial pathet-tata hook tratns ta thttoande a] fata taI gaagaaphy, h it.aay, gatattatata. paltiat. peapla aadaaaary atha, phate ta Caaadia affitata Ait ta h60 paget, tat. i mattttrpatted ta eev aaaaaaaaaahaae of appatcaatttn frot the Boy Daoti Atsationtt daaog tht Daaday aaaamaay ta fattat of Ille tam ha]l. ta ta oat aataaty ahatad hy ai the staff ta Tht Champion fat tire lta math dant mada posail tht atattaga of tht itathota,. Tht thaaita ah ati o ai tae fta tha Saots fat tii recognitonaofaouacfllactae effots. Down[s] in this t t aa, y do v tie.al '""j ile t. fdaa.a evetatat",atbt aota tatas teltp ..t taa hampat Cadeataas taveta hat dritaeat hata them. amyta haptattat frutatt atr as] tho hatta a hat paota a thern A tatgataai igaorttaceatttatwaaayat ey tupadta a th the patta l hitsi tatahaat f t [) a a ir eta o maithtmpaatatspaatthe ahatahaaiaaaato h e an fa ht patatat at Lady Gtdata tas]dh flic t tata ttf tlactti latte ars aaaflthe caa, ea yoa fnsattt Nota hae t g or atata]ta atWt 1, att p att ca" malts Nohady atat cat rata itt 20 faat af s]aaattp. 40 tatsan ts haaedta frot And ahea hae gatat fat the 'sat, "tr.taht ' as] 'pop" af fat, ripper vtea a attat.aad tolaision atrne ntt hatat has power ta haapg ta ta tata aya lie data ta malithoeacnt taamadards " int orulac Tht Champitat lite suaay athat ateoapaptat aeage, tai tata fats tatadeta rpt tay. ytthhly motataf itatttaatp ttadtag and0 letataf atat. tatat o th taie utk tataidasatata AD i tluah hatnga fth bttle atata ahtch tat fRt pabaits]emr attan 40f'vauaaafto Satat a] tht phtata, hate hata tytitats] fat tacmrl ean te tata, il DFVMl _AlT1,' fA~i Adventure in Ire h atoaitl iaczo JUST 1501!E tht faste Scts mat oter- Caa tata aeaogeie se>' of tiact? sets la 1939, Ibis pop pashesas] miah theis fate lad aies fot s fsemeli pat/. (Photo Ctttaesp George Homemoas]] ti tci ritaai aafa tata tattea tat has Yauag lad tatata ha ataet ta hastata the ataflhtttttataytypate.O flia hay mtha bay aptat a Itl at haa atbe s ta as sang abot 5O limest Has tathaer, ntttata tht botyt paadiaitaaa mihed tahiati, catcthtng ha tat att ft gaaad mat af lthe tatatyttat tatotta ctarâgpitttfailtandsptamana athat. ta the' tmae fiata haaahag a 0105. oa.taaaaIllectatatttttatpstta asetf har r at taheahdahaaattl catang theguppies ta ittatata ataitatas] ataas] lidtae ayaataa.t uplataofheerto tthe hait itama. catttghlicguppiestahtaame t ta h attas Dilaa at of tire boute hai alactaa lion tae Oas] ittat aaapg httd abatagla (lia irtntag bard, ttttghfnettirhabouse.lIn eatiagaashtag the blazea Oaac ittamat hatte .sltt otahaatdmaaaanda.tappd abfioeain ah, tat. Tae htiy, ahf taatttaidas, tatagas] ta cat tata battea partao atjaraof dat] pickles tas] atr dactars hall fat pa atpin t il ap t amatit taa $62. Meatll ltae yaaap, atttactive iatglitet mIa dada't bate atythaag ta da miat att a] abat mast ahag pltae raaa o aih lthe hippae taha tats] p ltae attela tht ring teama rabhas ands bat sthe aaghbta'a abats]. lthe atm, pamp quit makittap as] the hasama-at beamt batatas], tas] thano bats 'phantas ate]l tht foaaaay matitea fihit hae bail] ta pcae ta siset. Oit, tata. tha muaa Dabscriha ta yaaa han taw ppler s]i' harw Off the cqf(e Y'tat Riaas aI tata cataitttact alttatanwi mhaattdtaDtttttfrgtatart fiha Eskimos. ti istat A dapasamatat torae ta tar Yafta retaaa bathk butinea ta frattratatet. epacaatly ta Whatalaaasa w a ttIleeatatt 2,200 hamea math eet ri 1_1tk THEY'RE STiLL PI.OWING mitb hases in receat Haitta Plamiaag Mataih, tamniag Halta, Cauta-tt Sten May ai Haaaaby s te at t ros ach fltte sa.aand. puis hia tata thraagh the,, psatt sa the (tafsf Photo) ûamîo EditrialPag tl tatatat aataaay patatial abat Mîiton attitatta atayachate thair single aayaaaaolataa. ta the atm Caatty Bared ai Edotaatito ta tht qatiattat may potssial. mhaia atha, cttattae ttit flia etitot taittat mata joteaet t'a tas clotse as taa'tt Maoday tht ctitato Waeoghaoa Haitea mai] hagit the patacta af taiaatiop the people mhare mOt fatata flhc tirai Cooty Barad af Edtattita ta Naasagamaya. Eaqattiog, Aatao tas] Geaorgetaown i lita o math îtae egta amtaticaipal eaietitos. Batl ta Milta., akatila aod Blitola whr i saaa of ya fat muniiat aitatatat. aaiy Itta atot> haas miii bcttottas. Caodidatesi ot tata ticapalatat att paoayaog out of' flt actadmaci feata sahio hards tas] barads aI adaaatjaa In Miltan Jahn Nohle, thateo an af tht Milton Diatajat High Sahatil Bars, it tht oiy dacaes canddate fat ltae sitgle Milton scat an the aaoty bards. tl mail mty heant tacclamation. Ntaaagameyt valeta tiai ya miii aita ha castiog htita ta tht questiaon af peeaaitiog Soada>' ettiat aI Moatk. Bit] Coitaa and Rata Gordon miii att ha aaaiag re-eleataon aod thee it, tas fa, et deaes appatititon ta Bit] Hatyts tnotatats aaodidaf fat the retahat chair. li0 Gaegatame tht Mtaeo bat Ima appoeota, if ha ataka elatitt, tas hta ltae maya, af Atton. We haaea't baes 00yfortmai repata fetnt Eaqaaaaog ta tf il tw taoaf Miiton af a Madai af Meeia ity flt ha>' Scatt Astacattitn, attatettot flic itmpotancate tf lthe adThdoe p t attam aa iny areaotpitiont ofali epn o Tita pete t att mat tasswnh eeoe weatoiiia ntafia ecu etatata' f tas taanes] oto a]lt Kaita tata ta Aogoal. Tht 2,500 Soauta ats] leadata atacoatas] flic sts ta paota on Miltoat. ('itazata, aietes ta thte peablat, ltak ltae baya tas] leadeta itt ltaeit hamea definf cltitttt, Caadiog Itoti tas] bitaliog thata tate sigitt. It mataft tama ananamata "lama' thol occamptishas] att thia il taa lthe isatitida aitazeet, lthe ftaailiaa tas] tht otdecttndiog patenta mita moats] hoae miches] Coe tieit ama boys, le o siatilat sitoatiat, ltae coma kits] tf motta, opaen-hearte] teatmeet ahallengeet te candidateat thera bai it'a tihaf tama anteeat miii batte dettalapas] hf Mos]ay. This fae lfaqaaaiog bat aliames] a ltonger pattas] af lama halmeet tht ntatitatitotstos] tiectito Itoa il boas ta pratitot feara. Eltatitot fta tht Caooay Baes af Edocto and fat ltae Caaaty tapotat Sabtai Baes thia fae hatte peattidesoatte iotaeaatiog tmists. Attton aitatats, saha sate a rapreettita ta tht aoto> bard af adacatton mitb Ntaagamaya muat goto ta he tamaship la ominta ta lthaI pastiaon. Seate tabtat tappartata taa taot ta ptetiaapata on ottttating ima repestatitea ta, the Caoty Baes mat ga ta Boattogton thila noaiotnaton farthe siogle sat ta tht f'aaoty Septeate Datai Bares fat Miltaon, Eaqaaaiog tas] Naaaagayt mii] ha mode oit Milt. Eteatiata abat fafata are ooifaemty tabedatas] theaaghaaa the aaaaiy fat Deatabter 2. Tht intrtduatiaon af tht coaaey haes af edaaataaa Ibis yeae, abaaid on atatif ctea son sa 1aa itteet ta the nominatiaonsand eleatito. Mltot, fat ialtac mdl ha aeptaaieg ita tattea mambar publia achat] bard ats] ila aatea mamba, diatriat high tabtat hard mitb ate peetat. Il may mai] ha the tuae af the jait attaif bas feigittes]d aff a gaad ata> candidate. Hamatte il atita damen, Maaaday migbt stae litaagh aitazoatathata of ta>' tata, abat as rherhood... Tht tammatiatiton af tht preaaamo waaaampiahed thaougb oatmou teita" bot tha aaahiliiatiao taa amift and tatattafat. Il migit atta ha eagaredd tas ata ai' thata madern day mieaclat mhiah gatatoat glimpte af tabat at hae aatampiths] tbeaagh a fateroaty af adaeatandiog. Tht staff af abat Jaabohae a o ptetaaoiaety amareao atheI eetoa eatitas hy baya tas] ltadats. Tht reapaeasibitity tha saoff ftaad ta tacief fat ltae baya an tht fate afta Iis teitia mat a baa> att. Thetfat ie>' tppeaiatad the coaternan ot]ae of the ailiatot mat ltogihiy tapeess]c le Ihet ptek batabta prettoas fatdoy hy at saoff mams htlhemmheae, ta tht peaple af Milttt. Ceetato]> tht tStauts tas] theit leaders batoafitas] feoa abat apteiteca oit balsoandts Mlot. But mate impartant, me feel, mot lthe betofat te ltae peaple of Miltone Su gar and Spice hpb y a cia ICI'attaaattataa finae afatan aittatgh l'aaataat hbeeo kaaoasaThe eeaiayaa,i1 hava heaut oedea atasab. Tht mortt deet huoe on the mhaie aritar matis] has tromre out an priot ahatpiog abat 1 am themaost data huntea je the maaid. lI go fat segcos] mart. boa l'Il tat ha tseadetad like iht. Ai 1 anae top fahot "fiay Wyoeab mut hea thia mt aban. s atoe aee'i bilta tata astd jne bs spapea bosiness. A iiet le a litait item oted ta espapeas ta pia aboie. Thty hae totop tteel botes, bot tbty tantb ha asaoatea taa one. Whta me otat deapeate fat a one-inea ta fl a baie te the ftaat page one aimem e stoabit te. "Sinae Wyoaah boas tht gat." And be dis]. Ha atoide't tata sue os. Neaa aime me mate Ceabai foa a oe-linea, me jnetas, "tkieay Wyaoab bas tht goot. Apoit." Aad ha did. Nam, paobabiy aaffaitg faomp oat,hle haemaritaaaaa uriootarbtieonbaabhhe beata trand tata>' toattiahabe ah, iaaluiodaotheatoibeaay, (andl1 oois]'be aoapiesad if he'd heto ie tatab motbeaty, mhiab moid giat boat the posa) tayiep ao saggest abait 1aamaatasedeaeautrtbae Tbos ia Oa aoip lite tht pot aiae tht battit bisait, Il je labone poittaise alaamaap abat has appattea oi a bippea loar fiiaytama ita in my ais] edaaaia cair,aaanaaopied bpbtheaeo ot data huntea te tht maaid, tam hy tht mart. lna sact aartiegaoutopots] ahatatsy, hae taues] tht tama mas] pote haatatp tapeabat. At fat tai moa i eaite,bte tais] the trulliabouttme.He aidl1has]oeaotaof diretionaaintheth. Welays]ome fout aaagea oin the bth, ad taaaoos]do eaeay peat. That Ptottt ntahog. Ha tais] 1 dadat etow bam ta chop mats] ta Sohat? I dada't hre tnas at tatadathappea. Ha solts I feul ta the laite tata>' ama me ahimbad itt tht skiff ta costht higha ta tht as]aod. Dama ofaboat patoaes aiopm eaaafaaidaaogeaahearfea mat. iut becase it mas Natambea. Aad hae taffatas]fthat i put 3.55 aila abalin Jaha Daajaadao'a 32 table. Thatas a hae. l oa Tear>' Watpbt'a 30.3f. Bot tl io iaadiba bom feehie hie mamoaf bas bagama (poatibif potits]oe]) about the imaportat abiope. Ha dida't mentiot auia ha eaa osas fatas] bit paali a stoaintpaeat. Ha at at a tame otct ats] att' eeaaiy bit al. Bot I tatoal>' fates] amioet ta odata, shoot 4f seconds aftea ha bcd ditappets]ei antoth ctedoas. I tbiah ia mas a data. l boas tt reps] bath itt hie tonoste bam I satats] tht food] profietm. Wamweastamboas fat foot etra dape on a doseat isiots]. The atheo, aatiep liha hop, motas ta caotitaat iot toast of btef. Butlm aaintharge of foo] aoiag. Wbee I beotily deaide] as utotap ililture ouats] tohaftaivepo s af ahes tataieratheaa beef, bot aabadp statted. home ofousbhoe foeipitt; sonne hinesipbt. Ats] bas aampeaaiy Coapattea abatr ttip home Patta tht isiaos], afta tee doye of 4fhms]lean-hoot mios] atds] eaa. "My mifa'it bil me," mat tht plintiat mbîatpea. I em t taa taa lit fat abait. i itear mite moots] bas] me ie as]. Bot at ihata oapiap, lterie motif huoiers, me look off jeta the piaah-s]sek, te a teometoto, 12-Caaa maaaa, a akieg boat, faite deta onthae top deah, sas] ahe ettttttapompaontheah mma. Tbay loy ta thear botits, gatet and graaatt, whte tht ais] ftpbtea'piiat, tht meit-dailiet ats] tht maddie'sad goade tatas] theat abats. No rers of diaetita todee]. Yao sboisbhavetaattme teeentabaa fntbe bisack seamatoata, mhiie Joht pot op ot the pee-]aah (ta paap-]aaho athiis boat) ta lobtea ok a oa tht totbiag, oand Taemy motte] the pompt. t dant tatas hat, pot-pptesred, ttyaep ta haisata has ego. Boa i trean tl mbea ha shams ta gatatude fat tht people tba tatas] hies laCe. Pages of the Pasi faro, in campiot hiles 20 years ago Taitea Paot the issue t] The Coaoattoat Chamapion, Ntaembtt Il, I949. Faour people aaaatsy amtapadseia injot>' obta abats coa e iclsonn lthe Porsa Liat abata ail tad mti a] Miltona faaaadoy tagit Aacaadaag ta the iavtapaag affbcas, tomas Lyaas mac paoceadaag tourait sas] a cas chiien hy Dattes fafatng of Lata'ts]t mastavellintg aosah ohat bath cas er ata oadt'amapa caolsoa. The tmaot faots]hathtcarsttna tht appate daites, Prtatactal Otabtea AI Lemmot sots]. Ha estiate] damage ta bath tata as S15DO. Mas. t yaaa, an accupant ofathe Lyaata oar, mit MissCefafatpedag mithalbeabase,mweataajad. Bathas ior btas tomas] ta Miltan goatas Tht acidenttt cattedsabouta200 yardsatamit o] tha Lyaaas' Paaimame 50 years ago Toitta faam tht tacte a] lTa e toadaa Chaompian, Notambe, t14, 1918. Miltn]aaomot beits athea calots ans] ton at Manda>' ta clbatieaaj tiaa plittstassth sitagaaag af the armtice, tbaeoabmicatiot abathiota t ltae Hatoatiatats fan tas] end uftae bîtadocat mas ta ltae masida hitaty. Maoa tas] paocaomed a boita hitaoy. Thase taa a prat daspay of hoataag. At 3 p.m. a pracession tas fattats tets ltae pubhia soail and paaaeeded, beades] by tae boas], vati Maiat ans] Brotn luttas ta Victori Parkt. Thesa mate taay motos cas deatoas math oties] hagll, etc. Thar of fbesaff mebester, an osith thest mas o aCfe-etas] aigy of Kater Bill, atoafosots math ittoi boots tats] optote] mtaotie osis bote cotte] off the paiaa bas] shesa beet tata Thatat otte tOaitoapoane sas] bandsaofhboyshiaming baias, hangaeg fin ans] 10 t]o thata aDiagtefigieaf lthe ateatts met of lthe mas. Thesa mas a trameadoos totatoot of tht ton ans] peopli thea suosatadag cta rya. At tht pasit, Resta Little mas ohoisman, and oPtas aopttytsbyRe.O..Cooa, gave abahot themaeaatt. A atm tammat> apirt mot kiadies], the sotisfatian tf oaaempBasimaî taa fait oad thaa glitapse af mitot cas beat ottmplistas ltatoogit geateacit>'tt oatdtrtattsng, mac eapoeieeced. We ltoatt ltae Scats and theit laders far ltaeit peee je Milt. Tht taperietatobtes patte ta ail a meaoispfol Advttea e in Beelttebeas], tiat theme ofC ltae Jomboee ilsaîf. apeatop adisess]n iaasadataad the speokets, Jadga klitt sas] Drs R. K. Antdersot, M.P Tht speechtof Hiiaaao, sthe Jadge. mat at the toan tatas as abat of Dat Wiiam Hteast ta lthe Saaadoy, cattcladtag mith o lapacat tas] stttaing appea fat itabay lata. 100 years ago Taitta ft the tatae t] Th aada Citampata. NIa tatan Natetbea 13, 1868b A bate atteae as]c oftfice a] Ile Western Uioat Taagtapa Company, a Cao datas agaro a ad ofatas] a do apatli a dat se es ta a lady, tattia tn taagp ta praneaa as ta tatae the quetatona a] the paaptity a] l attattpilora Ast me sappared ta itto os tatagaith labatgoage as deapatait' Mut me flot accepa attayting offeeedaao os' Att mat ha bcflt jadgefthe ]abstoeelty ai messages? batti oa tha quetis asmbch satattamat putale saccatattain the performtancetf tatai dat' tn the case sefatas] It, anoppatim'ttmadeaaahe aitf taaabtte afiata. mita paamptay aadsedtopentilas faoaos,"Thisamessae mast hae tftoas], ta moase mit tht cataeqoattas mayhbc" Thsa faaattts] mie. Noabruteashotidhbcattedaouseathe maaas fat ltae taattyaaaa a] ihiugasity ots] mesages a] ti haatoes, essenalf> prafane as ahscaae maa oith sofety ha aeftoaed. la thaeaaeepbaan oC maeagas ltae lat tajecte the ides a] tan obigigon as' sthe poa a] sciegrapt campoatias tuaaaaaiae mitateatasas hade] ta ilte. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION tu a M-. 5- l , h. t ss ttts tcos a- A 0st1, s ~e ,.ýi s di 5atm tn ý a 1 a sa5 0.0 t . N- st t s t , P.o .. -, a at at ., as ., t st a tj OS.. M-- t 'tet,,- tsmstaot s fta ,ý asý.. t ,o as tbpt, -,o~ ta 4taa t... ttttsC ,st ao a .t. t a_ t t ý 35 tat a Y» ; sa S' . 0 tt a 1 -ss 4,,at.am s t tn tat , at t, Ott,,o,. tt r 1~ Corner County hourd elections.. %JIN rma i