CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS HAVE "MAGIC POWER" BIRTHS 1 CARDS 0F THANKS BUCK -Philip and Dcoe M-e.O0.e Bir and family n 0, h, h 1 -3h. L00 oü h3 a hi . Jhoseph Brant Meioriaol lupo.o l. >e 0, o r.. , 1 A socter for Wayne Edeood. 'ehv dhch.b.., iohho ooo Anche rg-andchild for Mr.and gocohdlh. Speoii thanks t0oi M G 1 R. Borigan, and the Fcoo.o Home,. cieo the amoh- seoooothI gooci goenchîid fo0lnc h s..ervtie. Mo. R J. Edwaod. Mis Geoco ih n Mhî, jetan' - Boocc Osa .d 27-3337 DAAMEN - Mo. aod Moe. Wih- liam Daaeo oh R.R. 1, Horn- Wo ooeh htu epires1 'U hy, ae plioed oe aneuceo thank. tu ouo vilo Iloh ho hol oh thoe r scr, David, elaOee ted nohghbmt0 for eighoî 8 ho., 1 2 oies, a Mil- th.hh 000v c 00 oh khodooe ton DhchOOOct80Hospital 0nNovhhtl(idtthOOhOO ad cds oh ohoo 4, 1968. -mtpotho, doooog the recel lIof ohor bchootoc .en ahd SOULIER -Mo. ced Mos John H, Soulior of 2503 Huontaîrio St. Cook-.oih le oae ploesd te teoosco tho bilî ou 160,0 d 10hco Coil Jean, eight 6 lbs, hO .c. ot Mites Dis ;,ic H otoh, la Ochoee 29, 0968. O EATH S GILMoOUR. Anne - At Milon' District Hopital, on Thor Oco. Octohor 3i, 1968, Ale White, vihe oh the loto Jobs Gohasoco oh Caspbohlicohe. deco eooohcoof M-e IochchWeiloof Mionc Aeioto aci Anna, die. coceoci m.oohee in cou oh 06e loie Charles Weoo. atuocc cia atho MoKersie Fun- oelo Hosme. Milon. Ineasent sn St. Dodos cemeters. Milton. SMIT-H. Willuam - At Milon District Heooich, on Wedec dcc. Oclehoo 23.' 196, William SmitOh, hformoel of Kihoido, Ont., hchcel oh tho loto Editb Loohooe. in hoo 93od coco, deor teshor oh Willias oh Deso, Fooci of Hasiltos, Moe. Dcvid Hooward (Margtalof Camp- beiheuiho, Aochie ot R.R 2, Camp- hohiciho, Mrse Lor Cocerdae hhAnnieh, R. R. 3, Casobelheilie and Ahfred oh Hamilon; cire corcoucci ho 2h groodehihdroa, 35 goocu grosuhohihoioososd ore 00001 focot groeocleod. enemntwsi Beteohe N MEMORIAMS CLARK - la hovoeg merle oh ea ocle, Ms. Absx CIorkt, cbo roocrO oascy Sec- elsr 8, 1967. Goe front toc botlehoccog m0e- Meortooîa Ihotr foulaite lis- ger. Whihe pon ibis Ceal I otoy. Scdhy msoed hy 8-cc b27-3331 DILLOW - In ieicg meralr eh a deor husbheod ccd fa1h- or, Goorge E. Outras. reb poee- rd ecoos Noenber 6. 1960. Seflhy the irccoe cf meors Geeris- c gaer, treacooe te ail, Some "y0s forgrî ot thocI socare gae.e boas log. Sedie mîcceci ho oohe Fier- encoe aci hasiy c27-3329 MALPRESS - Inle hetmsg orv of c deor husdhoed cnd Ofiloe Tom, e-ho retord owaoy Neotber 8, 1967. Loced osh, o love bryosd acl Ooliusg, .Moceecirîh o grorf beyod ali Ureo, usheood. 000 are eh- Stijl locci, still micced, sîi oOr derr bicecyt oeasotohre by jus coloe Troco ceci focooo o27-3614 CARDS 0F THANKS The Williaom Taylor feooiiy occh es o bat0ik Modo, Rele.' De- cooho , Joe, Clara, Ra, Neo- ma, Jes-y, Marcadooc and Elua- c or thooo flioral tibete dur- iog hooo recoeO herooeen c27-3574 T-he hasiof oh e loto il- licen Sash lb ioh te thbabk rheir oeoey frinds and nighbors for 1 o.îo coode and iympathy ehocee Alca epeci iboobe te Rihoodo Woro Instoîcî and Roc. Wragg for hie bisd coorde. Mcsy theobs e al wo sentr0 cordo, gofte esd fovre rebibo e a patientino MilIon Dire oriet Hospital. Soecl tharbes t cofficeorsand eeber Eert- oseg Stor REbrbch Lodgc. Cco- edios Lego Pcppy Fosd, Gel- Tttgoibeo Groop, Ladue Aud. Knox Pregbs-srlsco Oscoe, ERe. K. Mocoos. Dr. Legate. Dr. Me- Rey andnus. c27-3592 Doris Tocrhli I w.. Id lobe te exrceess ,isc rei6eansc t myflfrieod aoci neigh66s a nod St. Pa sl UiC-W. ceho belped te echo esY 90t6 birebdcy suoh a happy cr- en1. Tharbs e 10cl for the lare- ly crds. tlgipproc flaseers and gifle ccd sieeerc Iharbo te cil asu e indIy Inuit dce traoble t conte on percool 10 eiasi oo e. incere tank 027-5671 W. A. Cr111300 brh Mal R c RWFeioopcia -o, te the MoKcr,oc Fcoerai heiooiooerice. idood Th, W.a. Iceioo Fanooh3 c27.35 75 Mo- Charles Wei, ooid hhkc 0,d ihoke00 h ecir 0nd hotiveescend oooghho [or lh, cards, iioueo and cioto acol ohkodeocoshuco ho hor nace îh, 1 ho I ic Moo Ael, GOl eoe,,codicu hoeo'hif deoir h.,, 00000g finie,. Spciai i0z,k, le nuesanod staf a .Miiton aed Doitri Hospitli Do. W S. McD.n.Id .h Kihodo Reo D C. Nicheoon, Comphell- oohho, eho 80000.10 the ort-a ch ervioce,,Mro Kaihooie Home (ih Aco., McKeoo ort-ea oci Home or tohei koed and worher . eficiet servic, aed ttho h0000000 paiibecoooos and the pciihocee Oho so kedio auo.î c27-3334 ANNIVERSARIES .Mr. od Mr, Haloo R. Brown wish 0e invite cii îheoo ooeds aed neghhorc te c dace anodosocial 00000000a Siewo iioîee Toec Hall la No- ooihoo 16 ah 7.30 ce the ocas chn ifheur 501h Wddosg ho- ho iociec gies h28-3661 COMING EVENTS Biago gosse-. every Monay ai 8 pmHlhoReeoos PooricbHall, Miton. - oSSOOhi Hihoci, United Chucoh We. ame acc, Noeoaboo 9, 2 ras., ci Hoohy Uit"ooc Cbeoeb.h c27-3499h Ece, Pcieoaeo Ceaacoity Holl, 'ioeoabeo 8, ah 8.30 film Admoission 75. Lunch providdd hoood ho the Boii Clubh c7-3579 Ccoso le tho Chriosma B.- 0000 andi Toc, Hciy Reecoy Par- osh Hall, Martos Si., Soicodoy. Noeothr 23 .00 lu5.00p.m. c279-33S26 Eeohoo Lig.y Hall, Nooooe heo 8, 8.30 pas. Admisonc 75co Lunchbpcovded Everycocowl- case. SpOOaeoooo by Bsole i.hcr, L.dioe Ao0. c27-3659 Si. Siophrel Angliean Cbooeb Gid Heerby Acnac Remasasoe and Hoaso Boko Salo. 1..0.. Hall. Miton, 8-ooday. Noeoasho.8,10 as.t iepa. c2'-3550 A eeeobehop for cii aseashor. ad friodsof the Hospital Au- lioooy. Modes. Nocrcho 11, oh Hospial Reroehmceie 9.30. c27-3599 Yoc o col Coecoohuc espr tiocpating ina ce Bn d Swoar Bec Trip ocering leur Solo -Michigan, Illinois, Indiana cnd Ohio- Noeobor 24 le 00100e. c28-3517 Tcoko Seppor, Saoldy Ne coasheo Sh, 1968. auspices Si. Geogecs Anglican Ohuroh, Loo ville. Soocugefrea 5.30 pro. te 7.30 oas. Adehie $1,75: bidrea 6 to 12 ceoc, $1.00; eodoo 6 aso em. 27-3437 Dane ai Beoco Caocauiiy Cootas on Soioodcy. Noer- her 16, 8.30Opm. Mory Aoc Re ced Rodîccie. Admisionic 84.00 peroue. REoircbhmrai and ber. Specerrrd bh Scoobiar Led.l iec Acciliiry. c28-3568 Remasoge and Boboe Soir. Chidoocos cothe, boye and boks, tu h bcied ac the .0.0.. Hell, Male St., Salooooy. Nov- elo 9, trocs 2 ta 4. Sponsor- cd bo tho Milon Coerooîo Nursery Scoel. c27-3615 Dace ai the Kil-bride Hall tbis Solcods-. Necmbor 9 . 8.0 pm. Moleres eroheelo. Admis- sion $1125 proc. 75c ceilh sto dem crd. Luch poveidod. Spcccered by jilbride ccd Dic- trict Rereoico Association. c27-3596 Tbr Cancer, Polio ccd Toihor- cuoi Coosmitre cf the Odd- felrcow ccd REbobah Lcdgrc mil beid c Euerei he 4cr 1,F. Hell on Wedrredoy. Nosemiber O13, ai 8.30 pm Lunch cnd prie- e.Admission 75e. Ail wcoroe. c27-309 CLASSIFIED RATES Telephoce The Caadien 191 Main St. 878-2341 Ecapion Milicen Ont arlo r - Fý o -1 o 00 0060 c0 .S l E000 s O00 S-00000.0000000000001,00~0 rom nor 15 -rli FOR SALE 13ANIMALS FOR SALE 40JOHN DEERE crowler 23 PIGS, 8 eeh aid. 878-2258.. Oohlh lion[ ed, hodor, 3cor527-3598 -00AL h nos.o Ihdh i. 00 00. , oh h u tu, S25. 878-6441. le- ook hkoh 0h7 ro .oo Lod. 3o27-3670 11, 111 loi -h eEU oeoaioooe cf ehl biods. CON!G E TSccas o riuuýns -si.5 for fini il- l.- chsi, drceser. dicingccses - fo rrih dýIl.«l l.rchoe.tcabhits. Gcedceirecticr ni tiei. 00e ocOelOe eht eîf toves, oofoigeraorc ond LSII ISLY Li o-o IAi « oolecoc toh tooOioooO .ocbo Jeon For- DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY lc123-3314 CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOS TIRES, ato aci sed. river 2.00 8 The Cosadooe Champont, Wrdeed9o. Noor oe 6. 1968 Rohit Sproingfield tires i s tck, .oc11 hoto filr a fioe od. Si5Oh. othah horeed. $1.50. COMING EVENTS . FOR SALE Wo have hatiesfor moe cars _ _ ~ ~ o __ oo1il oruks Miton Tire andi The Aeoooci Meeting ch the LAISîco . e ood iR.diaOtor Soevico, 191 Miii St. liaLio Cconoy Coeas odo oo LADIES ja4-h6: grev ho de 1711 7ii Ie4-1988-ïi 00e cî1h h hod on ThoOdo, 00t0 cci, heigeo. 14-16. 878 -1 'deaict7 i 8.30 p. ci 9435. lc27-39 he Bocord Rooas, Dc-poasect - -- D M oh Agroiultur and Food,. 181 DARK ak if AD M ManSMlo.Eoorsoe cei eoamsucite. buofti chinc cah FURNITURE CO. ITD. caec27-3621inooo, table ondét chairs. 854- '03 Main S. Milon 2432. 127-334 - Theooogh.o montbhy aseeingsc .0 tho MohOee Cancer Ueot, Moe- DRESSER and droeing table, Phone 878-65642 dah ..o 11hooih o8 pas,, s.cîcbh or co ettage, $10; Soc, I __ he chcsoeoo e Milo bc- Balc lcce phccoo Phone trier0 Hospital. Spocicl ilmh ta 67"8.686 1o27 397 ho ehowe toîheci 'The Biceice 1958 CHEV. trock. pIloooca TI-W7E1 k0oay" Ahi wcomas Coaesorbeehr cho cild triceo PC .oedhoongagchoesd. c27-3340 20Ooheei, gotd candoloosý SP ALS Tho 9916h Aseiceors Sro.c Ccasphchhooie 854-2673. AT - eh St. David', ForeohhericoaJ73n Cboeoh, Campbehhooio. eeo wil e WINTER coatl, hroco chctb ADAM S hoici Sunday, Nember 1f, aI oeiih asil cehior; eeeorch gondi DHugii vdono oot cas Phe .8e Oakitr , îce FURNITURE oouhh ho the goesî 10ini0000 ah 1e27-3324* theascososggervce andSi. Da- - vid's hoir ii su0015 the mu-20 WHEEL trciter; differeet 2 - IECE sicow h Mo. Ehaser Doodgo ce-p 0110 horoeer occihobi Weh Dvn ot Suite wi.TeSedLodge Me di' lcs Ohad Rpai Rg., $1999 Choir d Gulh il orsn Shep. 16 Jaes St.. Millen. Icohîo Sc 19.95 Sorvioooof eeîedMsca oth l0167-36600 Ihi, W- Woekhy 9.9 oootlugserv-ice. c27-3528 OIL s0000 hecîco, 2 goodes oîegons irrigationshOîOC r100 2 -FIECE cop sp00y00: 20 fi. boomandcc i FOR SALE gos. 878-6497 ho, appohetet. Chesterfield Suite 1o27-3592 Rocguohco $209.95 10000 uccd rehoigeraoor $25 FORE' cees1oedo11oooo 179.95 Phoneo 878,6758. 1e27-3343 IR een r.l sc ohen Oui SOWckI machino; ce ashisco dock cnd* GIRL GUIDE osifare., ýC oci oh (ifo.oceo: îoiioghit cemp, 10 girh se srec3. 878- eooci cage; cnd buneogarten 2 -FIECE 9095. 1027-3593 et. 878-3h27. 1027-3668 Chesterfilid Suite AIREOGIF auto îtaob prodeo- VOU WILL LIRE boyiag vcer Ro0ch.oo 3259.95 00r, ibo 000. $40. Phone 878. houilding maîeroil ad ccl ai Spo.o.oh 219.95 6758. 1e27-3339 Croeherdes Ceepbrliiie. Guc GOho 8220 Wocbh5, service. Higb qcchoty. Phoer* PERSIAN LAMB eret eiîo 16- Casoheheohlo 958-2252. Ictf-416 2 - IE(E 18. cn excellent ceodition. Bcdt oftoo. Phone 854-9977. 1e27.3595 SOD, deloocrel or laidi. Loo Chesterfield Suite oct poils Fiseest qoohote. h0o0ooho . 5 .... 319.95 CRIB, huggy ond tender-; bet- Promapt dohieoc Jobs Hosteoo , hpceaoî.h ....0.W.ý, 2799 l%%r eead hbrihe wroer .95coeCsooOo oo, Goe5.0Wc or car0. $35. 878-2425. 1 c27-366 obhnndsýveer ceieCge 8S8-244S., *con FEATHERWEIGHT Singer _ _ 3 -t- 2 - IECE oocoag machbise and stand, c- FRAME rach stle S- bed- Chesterfild Suite tcbes $60. 878-2000. rocot hoe coub atîcbed g00. Regeico $349,95 1e27-3653 cgc, semis doorated and 0cit spocci 299.95 600150 MACHlINE-S Ipe ed, bohi acre lot ho North Bec- Och $3.00 Wooklc wro.eîs fer sade cr reobol. Phone lingt006 For appeontent phoe* 878-962, Harris Stolioccry. 878-9111. 1 c28-3439 Soe, o ooriccoco let47 LARGE gloses- priat et Cosa- 3-Rose Groups WOODEN 00001 asiadcas .ooe Cham0ion staff photos, 5a Flo $ 49q.90 S699 95, $799.95 dcor, acy dihheret ercaise 7 sie O$10 0sizc$1.50 plu oheasoecascindows and docrs. 10. COasms clOeeOOOttor- USE OUR Roocsohibe. Actes, phone 853- de.Fnquire seow aChapo 2805. 16b18-750 -office. 191 Mois St., Miltas.. CONVENIENT le 2037-If eco o I TIP-I N-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MILTON Uniroyal Tires and Batteries comasinsand secothesrco UNIROYAL MASTER The tire for tiroerres USED PASSENGEJ6 and FARM TIRES DSED TRUCK TIRES 878-3131 ANYTIME Il hccy CALL 878-2587 24 Hour Service lcîl FreezerSpecials OF FEDERAL INSPECTED GRAIN FED PRIME BEEF HINDS .69ce SIDES .59c - FEONTS .49e LIVEE 10 lbt. lots Aise o Fr Loice. Ribe and Perb Eoaete Al] bref ci tc yccrepeoolieclioc Foul reteol counter fidl and Saturday Dricery cn Miltons and Aeloe ecuroccdosg ditcte Wedesdcy and Thcredey Boy dorect fromt bbc Fanrn BUD ORGAN 7 Con., Est Flambera Phone Watordown 689-6561 le-tI SEWING MACHINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL cd. ouled osd cirnSod sn yocO ocos home. Orly $3,98 White-Elna Sewing Centre 576 Kerr St., Oaheilie, Ost. Phone: 844-2782 lc27 TV TOWER SALE 20' Oooer ioeielled ashth eil chn- nri hcci $58.50. 10' tocoor oaetchiod asibh cil chat- sol becci 172.50, Sf' 0000 unsetolid coiib cli chan- ne] heCid 38750. Extra heds (ier sco010 TV ,eo). Istelld 115.00. F.M. stencil brcd. Insclird $1500. 15 ohcît eoior hooci. Instllrd 364.95. Atomastu.c rotor. Irobciied $69.95. F -poire of tii types. Richardsons Radio & TV 201 Main Stret Ecst MILTON Phono 878-6949 (area coda 416) LA7-AVVPeT FLAN 38-605 TO SUIT YOUR ADAMS FURNITURE No Deposit Up to 3 Years to Pay Ask for Full Details of Our Continuous Credît Plan Now STORE HOURS - Mon.e Tueo. -Thero. - Bot. - 9 oam tc 12 pas. Wecircdoty 203 Moto St, Miltoun, 878-642. 2 PRODUCEFORSALE COBE coon,.hy feior las 878-9873. 2.24-0453 CLEAN oct aci eat t Ph-e 878-2787. 2c27-3662 YEAR -OLD holeul hcy coci sta.Phone 878-9406. 2027-3651i 10000 it W011 oed hay - st;alie 2 relie soa feoce 878-9846. 878-3509. 2c27-3594 KILN druoi iblhled crn, 843 ton c6 orn on the cob. $28 ton At tho foras Coepbeiiciiir 854 2458. 2o27-365"i APPLES. hoses-. rider. Gien ores Fruot Morb40. 4 nilleý îîolth oh Milton, Hey. 25. Opr roors dey 1ý6 Pc 2624-3591 APPLES. eig and cooli cpploc. Varieco grades cnd prie e.Drap in osy dcy. Chodli Oreo.. 2 miles oorth of Milloe os Hoec 25. 878-2725. No MATTER wha ron cr69 unoe af 0cr readers prebchiy hoi I1. Tep the Want Ad page BieS l127 4827 IC27-3333 1 VEHICLES FOR SALE s VEHICLES FOR SALE 2 PONIES, gond vith ehiid- ter, ceocicc mae ood pinta colt 878-9200. 3c27-3338 MANCHESTER T eo ri e r, hblack, aroecd 5 motifbehd *36 Boolots Si., Milton. 3c27-3588 RED Soroci gcidiog. 16 borde, gond ooicicg hore. Phore Rckobo d 856-9339. 3r27-3328 FERRETS, greal hunier, coel pre. M. Trece, 2od Lire. Ccasplicilie 854-9952. 3ce3617 i PALOMINO gcidiog, grolle. Weil aerd, Wecterotrai- cd, oocb rertod . 878-9595. 3c27-3610 i GOOD caddie horec6 yrs. ohd; i heocy wcrk berce, 1,650 ito 1,700 hoa. 878-4500 evcoirgo 8 te 10. 3c27-3549 PURE BREOS, 2 - yeer - nid Beckot Coeturion. miikiog, dcc 8-c-., i eooe, miking, due Mer.; 2oyearling beitors: Tbori dcc Jots, Moctor Moplo icot hrrd. Servce sires, Hordemon and Moohor Mopir. Mie. E. Wbrei. band, SER. 6, Mihlton, 878-6586. 3c27-3654 LIVESTQCK Oldo tekea rote fcr raceh seecoadboeifeoecerrii ng [roas the West stcrîtaZ Sept. 10. Caille ccc br ococ ci Stret- otilehof boil te sectb of 401. or Siloocci Rd., .as 001ide. Coolie for scle ai ail liee. Oodr 000100110 tilird. Free solivery. Russ Evans 826-4478 3630 4 IMPLIEMENTS FOR SALE Used Farm Machinery Ucod Gotd braos doîy forage hoovseor. lise coco: ed Inter- national P.T.O. forage barceet- ers; csed 1 ad 2 rowcrn picb- ers; cec Brcdy ecp chopper; eegroieygrain hoxee; 0069 inernaoticoa FI00. F130. F140, A. Cch, W04. W6, H, Suer M. B250, B414, B275, F300. F350.D 5040 ceitb hecaer, Ford 3000 Mioey 65 diecsel Higb - Cicar Mocors- 35, Pose. Johc Drere E, Johnt Doore 1010, Farde and Fer- g00000. cocO biers, dises and pis; coco ced ed ridiog For the lcogeel ocicotio of ec coee'ucime YOUNG'S Farm Equipment o, mile coelt oi Cieppicenes ECornoe oa Nc. 5 Hogbcoay Phone Waterdown 689-6668 4c27 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 1962 00010E 4 - deo srdan, es. Las1helheiiio 854-2240. 5c27-3662 1963 RAMBLEO, 6 cylirder .îuoacic. ecoaoiccy Ai1. 878-2251 bol.Core 9-6 or 878-9903 .fier h. 5c27-3341 1961 FORD. Moreb. V-8, au- ioac, $290: 1965 Bel Air, V-8, octoaotic $1.100, cors gond conodition, Cou olttrr 6. 878-0492. 5e27-330 1966 METEOR S.33 2 - dier Otoodop. autantetic, cnoe hfoil scaote, radio, poweorstrer- ni; aci hrbee. Lie. J84443. CoasphoIIiIe 854-2678. 5c27-3667 1962 FORD Feiricor 500 asitb s tuddrd eace goipped tirres, in excolloat conaditionc, $550. Claude Olegie, E. E. 2, Ccmpbeiillîe, 854-2310. 5c27-3665 For Vour Next Car ... BLUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS* 87"3580 O self 7 WANTED 0000 home for pore bed 5. yrerchd Si. Bereard (fee). 854- 2386. 7027-3500 HOESES hocrded. iedisidcol ber rtIhe, ridicg lrOiid. M78 h6583. 7c27-3666 'BALEIS hcy, go-d qualit., meil baled. H. Blairey. Cocord, 869-3546. 7a27-5819 PL&NO. ciso coccUl spelcieg wbrel, in gond cordilice. Oak- 1648e M5-3579. 7027-335 7 WANTED TRANSPORTATION wanted o Ochrilie freinthOe 6th Une et Hcreby, bocre 9 ta 5. Call Ocbciie 6650143 bermre 5.0 and 7.00. 7c27-3673 dJuet Dial 878-2341 CI.. Cteeid AdUr.*,9w 'heeopion i 00 TIME TO TRADE On a Select 'Goodwill' Used Car or Truck, From Milton's Shoceplace of Quality Reconditioned Cars With a Money Back Guarantee Prices Slashed for Our November Sale No Offer Too, Low to be Considered BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. THE HOME 0F GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE 388 Main St. - Milton 878-2355 Our Asking Price is Clearly Marked on the Windshields for Those Who Like ta, Browse Around at Their Leisure and Compare Values. Our Mark of Excellence "GOODWILL" USED CARS 1964 BUICK LE SABRE SEDAN. Lic. H76150. Auoao- le, power strerong, powroc bocbco, radioand wshite- ase Our prie $1,375 ................. Youo afer- 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALAt 2 - DOOR HARDTOP. Lic. 681854. 2-lace finish, oclomatie, radio, whieccolls, eclrecccly 00011 bept. 0cr poioe $795..... Ycer effer - 1964 COMET 404 SEDAN. Lio. J80572. Reficicbed ic tucr qoise ooorh oteica ontericor 0cr price $995 ..... Ycur offer- 1964 THUNDEEBI RD CONVERTIBLE. Lic. 6a5595. Fin- icbrd in -lob maroc ceoth wshite top, buhel caifs, ococ4lo.e eealc6, powero ctccriog and briali 0cr poice 12,490. - .... ... Yer effer - 1968 ýMERCUET HALF TON PICK-UP. Lio. . Pleet- elde 8 fcot bac. 0cr poie $2,085.......Your effct - 1966 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Li. 566426. 8 cylinder, col metie, oadio acd whiîreealls. finicbed in medicen blute witb bloc interico thel oclîelot gondi cre. 0ur prier 3180....... . ---.. Ycocr cffer- 1966 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN. Lio, 566426. E<icipped asilS 8 oyhicder, ecleeacl pIer cOrrricg, coboleeclls and cebroc dicses. 0cr prioc 31,895 ............Yocr offr- 1965 FORD FAIRLANE. Lie. J79181. Tbic ececcocicai 6 oylicder compct i e qcipprd oeilh ctroralie. 0cr proce $1,360.- ........ Yecr o00r- 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 - 000 HARDTOP. LUc. 8031 76. Eqcipped coilb auortecic, powcer clecring, cclscn pccb ballon rcdio ccd ccccy of Parisieones lcocry cictieo 0cr prie $1.485......... Yecr offer- 1967 RIVIERA 2 - D00E HARDTOF. Lie. 43582. FulIy eqcipped iclcdig eliccale olrcloi aircondiion i0W fer year rcccd conmfcrt i on ce ccoy settilg. Our prie 14.175 ......... ............. Yccr 640r- 1962 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON. Lic, 98766X. 0cr prie $585. . .-. ....... Ycor cfer- 1964 CHEVROLET IýMPALA CONVERTIBLE Lie. J66198. 8 cyliodor wiîb coleelaie, pocwrr clccring cnd tie- Ere. rebotoecîle ccd rcdic. Ccrcbclly maciccaincd cnd ceroiced regclcrly by lcai ccsr, 0cr prce $1.546. . . . Yecr cfer- 1963 INTERNATIONAL HALF TON PICK-UP. Lic. 21984B. 0cr prie $990 . ..._ _ ... Yccr co er- 1961 ZEPHYR by Ford. Lie. 7R0430, 6 eylhcder wi1h ecletci. Our prie $29... Yolcr offr- 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Lie. 684022. A 1 cwcrr ccr chat lIce booc lrerr nccles tâtan mcl '65 model. Sec il coco ccd secu 0081 acre tbcl ito ecellcnt trccsortaon a _I.._>> ................. S 290. 1968 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN. Lic. 72292N. Acîcocelie, chebil, lîicbrhd in bcrniched ccddie. Oco price $2,684. - ..........ycur cIter 1966 CHEVY Il 2. DOOR HARDTOP. Lie. J87627. 8 cyl- icdr, radio, echilwalle. Our prie $1,675. ycor offer-- 1964 GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP. Lie. 667888. Power eqcip- ped. 8 eyiicdrr rcgice cclcecclic, rcdio ccd wshite oeclc Our prie $1,450 . -_............Ymcr offe- 1966 PONTIAC GRANDE PARISIENNE HARDTOP. lic. 723319. Poer rqccppcd acd top cf the lice. Ac cels Ocr prîee 12,585 .. ...... .>............ .. ycer off e- Yco mcbace mcy icopeerîth cr 500 melect ccd if cdificrci adîcclmecc or repcirc arc reqcired, me 00811 be pleced tomale hem. $25-00 Down buys the car of your choice. Immedicte Delivery with cour on the spot G.M.A.C. Financing. ANOTHER FIRSI PRESENT THIS ADVERTISEMENT WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR PURCHASE, AND YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR NEW 1969 LICENSE WITHOUT CHARGE THE FIRST WEEK 0F DECEMBER. MILTON MOTOR SALES LTDI. 388 Main St. a? Highway No. 25, Milton 878-2355 CADILLAC, PONTIAC, BUICK, FIREBIRD, ACADIAN. BEAUMONT AND G.M.C. TRUCKS 5b27 SVEH O) c 66 Ch 4. Tbic pcpir beige e iclericr bile th miles o ýLie. 423 66 4-1 Here i c a Imrpala maiebet ceitc V mobile, 66 Pc 4-I Here il a cclisty cn Cent top ce Equipp Cr sreeh Lie. 7O5 65 Di Thic 4-de mait der e cumobi escf i it Lie. 64 Fitrir This p croie il chie or Itorlalii rd ccd tcelory '64 INTE V-8 rol wrk. e H 2 LAD] EARN ry jr spi Brueb c, LA4DIE i.lhr 4841 aiic MAN, ter. Ablo EAERN more. lu Writlo R 4005 Rie Motrrcl c c A cro ferred. Writte ced tco Seer T.SJ R0. Recrie ber 15,