612 The Canadien Champion, Wndnesdlay, Nooemher 6, 1968 mATCH OUT FOR THIS.. A foot may stop s in effect at the inte sctin of oBae blead TfalgaRad, Horb, her thneme Hornby divoncooo c-ad hmres notesly froco the in.tlel tio FI shrg r top sttc (top) have bent placed on the Base Lio Io alet ootorits to thechange in cegula- tions (Staff Photo) IGOT A PROBLEM? SAFETY CORNER GETS ACTION AND ANSWERS Il yoo'e lttoktog fttr Sttnly Cotnr ttt iamhattoomoonthi oeoh,' oenr tony to dtttppotot yoo. Woone nothtog bot pioodts todoy Fîtît. tcod ike to exprnss tot tppreocttonto the I-ilo, Coonty Rotdt iopotîîoooî lor ocîtînt tite flashing ted stop ttgbtt on thbebtLtnottlai TagarRtdntersectiton. toboon ilwsanoonoed thi, coer wot t' beoniet a fooe oty stop latt oeek, tirete ttern a otoie oftepreottdtabotut thenot-ootgtttae tLemottetttt oho mtgttt ttot rooltot thte ttop stgot wnte thero oottl tttoy oret, to the tinotton The îltoootootod fltîoig stop tîgot shoold ho at emal hnlp, ood shoold preoent o lot of tcctdeots. Wn htorn ttetîe pnetmanent installttiotns. Meanohitn, motorits are oomtndod tltts Bote Ltn and Trafolgar Roadorner otti terratîto fou-ooytstop furot sixttonthtthn noth othleolfiîcoîttlget aothtîoughtrettootght-of-way Second plaodit goes to the iuore rit the Robert Thomas Knolt inqoet, oh o came up wtî some oeil thooghî out tocommendattons fortWhat ttototg oot tohnt adogtouo rnoer Mainoand Ontario St,. t Miton't east end. Safeîy Coroneri atntîootly oaatog 1he fllohing stop ctgnt îlîy eeooomended for "imîttdiote" intaltitton, Tho otîntdet of thoto idea foretaietototottog mdolot ofiteovtoo taetepaettettioey elsewheene Tht Champion. Ooe thtcdttokyoîttfthettoah goet ot totheoîtett of Milton Pla o rtoeodepnog and epaing theoetronce tothtopla fleorinMainSt. ý If youooohootttltyng aay feom tttotheo enteonte to the ptaza lot, gtîhy that oay tomte doy ond tee ohat a greettimpeoveotohhnt eti otade. Wed tht t, thtoh out atiettl a feo weebt ago aboot the daogers of the entoncewoy peompted tie monageoetooto do something aboot tl Rotre gitd thnî dtdý On the lightntr tîde. noooteofocroeat heltt mîght he ieteesetd to hetthbott lte noocost eltthotoopotgoîinAtrlia whee wivet are gtoeo an afidavit toosgn Thiîs tfidavit cutîtottant the hotbad todritenoîtlîoottoighs t th nedhîtotwfe promitet i the ts coppied ot hbltnderd o Hetp hint drtoti Lead ltt eveeyotteoe. Read Io htmr Dotuethe the soeey and theochlîdtoeteprestioons tîto Do ati theoooe aeound the yard. Teactît hein son to ptay hatll aod hottd mttdel licat eoohut tî dotttoehootnttoîktottt ngo oot andgelta job to suppot thental Do yoo gel tît oir" Verna. ctContied tnoe leaders Harold Pa AIe. aoden, Ai. orembers Vemna T B 1oon, Dooti Ro wmary Booth, Noiogtoo, Der Joho Nurse, Noin John Afdersoo, Edmted Bird. Hatton 4-1t Str cadets Bill tioCarthy, membt Booth, Lore Austin 'Many An. 'lotse, Keith Stokes, Eltoolo Jean Wilson, Be RonadCoeoan, Steoto Gosby. Haiton 4-H Con, leaders BrockHal membert Keith Norringtoo, ,Ve, CoU Middibro- Booth, Car.[ Sot Anderson, Rot Ted Brown ' Nor Leslte. Doog Ga Nure, Doug b Haiton 4-H leaders Bill P Brandon, mnmb Daviîd Aushin,K Edoad Bord. 1 St at Nont. George Heodern Bob Harois, No Fmiao An. McCaig, Nedl Rc John McNâb the Hoiton 4-H chaed tho pi assistance tf %% Mary Andien A <tonr conmre MANU FAC *0 Sept ic (Ail S' * 36" 'V andiL le Culve 12" a * Sidîm a PI9 Sf Phone You're ail wet and you're blaming your battery. Yet-the real cause of your "won't startI" trouble is just as Iikely to ble worn spark plugs in an untuned engine. Wet cold weather cuts you r car bat- tery's output so there's less volt- age availfable for sta ring. And worn spark plugs can easily require twice the voltage of new plugs. Re- sul-you have a combination thal can be 100 much for even a brand new batlery. In fact, an 80.000-car sludy caver- ingaîl the United States and Canada showed the odds are three limes grýeater thal you'Il have slarting trouble if your spark plugs are worn. To avoid slarlîng (rouble Ihis fail and minIer, gel a Champion Tune- Up: a new sel of Champion spark plugs plus any olher basic lune-up items your car may need. Cham- pior spark plugs meel or eocoed warranly requiremenîs of ail vehi- cie and engîne manufaclurers. Chaion spark plugs ..the heart of a tune-up CAN C CAF SHO4 FRES, Corne complet tg AUTC 269 ONTARIO DEPT. 0F TRANSPORT A uthorized VEHICLE INSPECTION CENTRE Effectove Noonothet lt 1968 att utnd motot onhînînes offered foc tale hy a deal et, teansferd t, a nam owner o haing regîstered te Ontario fcom onothet îoeisdîctîon must carry a Cectificate of Forprompt and effhctent inspection tee- Mechantoal Fittess. If 000 OWO a othiote winh oo plan to seil orctet,, fee obtain yoîo Cectîttoate feom ooue American Motors dealner ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON Bronf ete South 878-2328 I VVIRAEIP w mi 1 Vol. C New Crop Florida Seediess GRAPEFRUIT 5 '0149c N Fresh Curly Leaf 2CELLO I MOS ,3 C Compare et $1.09 - 12 Quart Size VIM Powdered MiIk 89c Compare at 3 for 35c - Heaitho 12 1 5-oz. Tins $1.09 DOG FOOD 9--R'89c- Compare et 85c - 1 28-oz. Gallon NORA BLEACH 6 5l IRESDANI ANACIN 1100 8 C1 ' 79c Cl 6 The Canadien Champion, 'ýVednesday, November 6, 1960 An untuned car is "won't start"' trouble.