-I Th Cesadian Champion, Wednesday, Novememe, a... tphiet New SPlan asaphlos i, owne old ea ..ad -"aid AI.., he heob- 1.A -4311 SEE THE NEW 69 MOTO -SKIS R ~ ~ MO-SKI ProvenTested OIT SET FOR EHV WINTER FUN JUST THE MODEL NOW FOR YOU ... e -o e il Models For You to Choose From * Priced From $779. SEE THEM NOW AT TIP-IN TIRE If You Haven't Ordered Your Snow Tires Yet BUY THE BEST UMMI1R OYAL BUY UNIROYAL SNOWTIRES Studded Tires Too I. e St., 0-22 store plaza partments planned usfi a modemi 20) to 22str ng centre and apossible 100 l, 165 aparment buildgion Broute Si. oiseled ii ek byanoffca]of.i priatehldrisplanigtu aoct a *hoppig cntroe on (le paiperfty ing deo of Bost St., os land, preIslly fo omci aueufaoyhosaff 1 manager ifi W. Williams RoUi .Toronio, sid hi, fim t, pioioo 115 up tenannts and tu date thy have had uUs enquiries. Tmit supermarkes, ire stosi, vrly ad dUgfiOUand have expressed intertaondltir bas liaids inUy equi from s, awyer ad prfesioootpople lhey.ae onidi g a seconid st000f of pfsi.noU offics. Theines fOi hoas an pirmoi paUject Mhih will hc paesested for Milton Plaiistg Botadi conitSaUiUonltrh onth. A smodern bUI idtg foUtoatof iIsauabailsiU plUs oit. Mr. SwUitz siUIa buldingoîtll10 siUteinlhe wnsooS range Us deenied ideol. lhouh fici flan bas c.niderean apatott Utitt 165 hogmi dopotids US hUt qUiokif the tiUs hi b signed up, lie sid, but ho hUped it wuldhboundiray hy ome tim e xa t year. A haion USho paoperty, the fomer (os HUItUOt fait, ws pUitif raood lUit toaoh. Coi Dave Richardson today ut 878-3131 CALL 878-3131 FOR 24 HOUR SERVIICE 2 Service Trucks - Radio Equupped * FRONT END AUGNMENT S BRAKE SERVICE COMPLETE LUNE 0F UNIROYAL -PASSENGER AND TRUCK TIRES *MADE Sunday mhos Oaitario denitK. R Van Wyke andCamp ioisiy presented a GUId Modal ton Mayor Brias Best (centre). s the firt e o a onmuitY and shsod the scouts, pprciîatn tc the tnfor the aid goven thesi mhoi they wr rained out dUating the AugustOntario1 Jam- boree ai KelsU. (Staff Photo) A MY HAPPY REUNION laofmeen Cmo mn- Chers andti ao sonrs assk plase os the SiaCla Lmen of Nassagamoya Toesday msrning, alter iA-yearald Venture' ScouUts Valdis OasIs and John Sawyer of Oakv itte hosame lsi on a Monday lihe and more tsroed taa spooti a chlty olalat in Clan dense bUsh atop the esrp- Moodoy. Balots Used foa sh MondUy's drato aeot eigihto for fouiuae draws, so shoppeao shiiald soid inane hotloteooch Wiaaoaooara mioddtpick Up Iheta gîfi csoaîfîoates ait he Ctham pion offîoe qoîtofyt- yoo hone toa 10 days frooî toAay 10 spend fihemr. oaMo 1 t o eoUaiSaScalof Eait G. Btack aled ho filasino the seriooiif waakly dawsat The Chamiaaon on Moday. Urge haste on signais QI OP Mdton mdl mnquîoo about prUgeoan ptans for ahe troffio tigait and intersection changes from aha Departmoot of Transpot, Milton Coooodi agred. Mayor B . Basa aeoiatod the ment. Mot. t. ots, Mos. Wayne Sawper and ptons prooitad hadnot yethbeen sons Valdîs aod John are pituaoîd swapptoq oocoîved. Couoodi agaoOd to daa saoois ahoot the hoaotmioq niglseopar .- ta the Dopatlmot's attention Oncs, For more0 piotores aod 0000f ont he ti h 00000 nt ioques t resoltig 86-man searola, sise page tlaoee. recommandations and o.k att haste on te instaBatiao of the (Staff Photo) siBsais. oommoity rathea thas loUan idivîdual. In niahtigatlicpaoîortatiot Mayor BraooBestina ceremony 001100010f the Rommiihasti Day mooîoa K. Van Wyok. proîidsiiî of the Ontaraio Cooatit. Boy Remembranoe Day message We must neyer forget Uoty to oxpeassouo gratitude hua ao hava dadîoaîon o bc ho thy of teîasoorihfoa Rois RobertiW. FosIe toal eotoged îhose Rememas aoce Day service Sunday, os ahe oommamaty paiti truto to the fottas mn thei t005 wuied warand theKoroo ao. The parade of 275 as tia Ceostopti on the ovetoast day mon aiagoiotod Iiy cotUas fasm Scout oos rpaotntn ths whoa=tod the Ontorio Scout Jambloree andmoere etaeming t honor the 10000 fet ias h=ads 'y lte Loroe Scots Bes mi spi thU the ceive merit medal la, otoîti ws had paiSipUted toedmng the 2,5(0 ldeaiwh wr te the site. (if Moit tUs al of ho aa -C UUUar. Maoyri i elliphaild il waU ion OUt lio Uth alievesd ta ectivily "Wîih the kind if rit Ua soooitioU pua ward at thatfiie it paîoois t noittUO is o1piosibto fir tUUia, hiOiS0Uncudd. Ross Nouait, a iliototte ol the statf tif ttic Jambhoree aspriosed MapreiatioIno epoitof uith theUtaff fihit bar]idlh respfotiility oft tlkiO U' ftea 2,500 oafte fli camp iUUi eau.iUted. tto pioustoId. lau hotoîtf if the staff. thaoe pUat hooohes tU thetow aUnUd toes itnoploeptd by MtUyor Boit. Caop Chiaf A. W. De osy paiiided rivea the halior pr00000ttU5 of CoaaihsUtoos of Appaocotation to idduals, tfit ioithtfileJamboree. t)spoty-Roone RUa Harras occpiod a coahificUte on hohalf if Wade W. F. Huntea for the asistance0 of lI.attoo CoUoay in prparUog for the jamboree ait Katio. Coahificatoi er iiaatso awiasadatU Barry Humphaays of the HtlIcio RegiUo CUonrvtio Aoth ooty oa DU0O Murraoy of hon Aothority foi assistance;Io Jum and fkia DAas forasUisUtance tu the Jamboreeooommittee fros file aliest ptlaigstages and thaoogh news oi.oorage and pitiof Ussittance to Ed Joyce foa opraUtig the scurity section of theaJamboaeeand lus offorts dooong Ua Uftea tihe violent stoofli. Ua to Mayor BriaS Boit a tlic citizens of Miltoo for thoia kiodons ood geoeaaoity to the boys aod leaders if fltc jamborae. Siouting rpaoativso 00000 paaoooîtfoiatheooaomooY fo WellUa, Guetph, Wotlacohiaag, Tîoonto. Richond Hi, Kitcheoea. Hamiltoo and St. CUth armeos. Doo tteaon, M.P.P. oho otî,iad the planoang commttO lita the Jamboreeand Faed Whiskoti. Boaitîoa,aoho h,idad tha paigram section 00000 al00 poamait Gorage WeBn, 00one of ih, jamboree staff mlemhoos, came0 faom Winnipeg ta paraîopaaîîintheaverti. Camp Chief Doooy spoko O ppreaooiv ely o f tha oo-opatton of the Leioo i peaonttiog tho Soutsa to express thooka s tothe ooiaoai thtthsmioB the Remaoahamca Day -Thoaa weto quita a f000 deco loiosaed as car feodeos and aootiops on the vehictos trsveBled thaough toma on0 the weekend. he Legttonnaiaoo, Legîon Auxdiary, momhaîis of Maton and Dohkiittoooflto Optimisai, Fiaafightoao, R oveas, Vosaoooas, Mayor Bran Bt îpresided for the service atihe oootph duriof mhioh Rois. Foster detivaod tîte oddress. Ha îîolad the passiiof f0005 bacd raitd mioor oundtt ihe stUsoof tat threataoed us, and faom which tho nolijoa staoggled ao pasooac us. "Ioxoopt foa the sotdieas the upwmrd stmggteo f humanify moutd hava heea stomad." Past Legisa pmntdaant Poad Johnsoamadlth iioamussothe cenoOiUph, momoad pooyaat weeofferod hy Lagon Padro Roo. J. L Msaphy, and JS Waessoosdod the [Usi Posa and Ravedtoo s wottasteadondin the hymos. Wreoths 00010 ptaood hp the Provncoe of Otario, Towno f Mdton, Toms of D.ahntto, Royol Cooodian [.Ogîon Braoh 13h and the Lodies' Auadîay, Matoui Fireflghtea, Rahohah Lsdge of Miaon, John Miltaon Chapaaa I.0.DE., Saroh Matin Ctîaptea .0.D.E., Maton Lions Chuh, .and o paivato moeath i memoaf of Pto. J. Dookoay and Pto. S. T. William. iýchmpun 3 -9J The Canadien Champion, Wedn"y, November 6, 1965 11.1 a Twentoy-Four Paqois.Tort Cents.