ksas~C14 The Canadienc Chamopion, Wedsesloy, Nocarcher 6, 1968 I B12 Tisa Canadien Chvampion, Wedvesda, Novoccier 6, 1968 WATCH OUT FOR THIS5 ... A issur stc stop s in effet ait the inescinof Baso e in Trafalgar Road, Hc.sby, chere thse test Horiso divers:on o cre or ccctstecsy frot thse intrston Flshgd stop sqns (top hve enpled othe Bae tin o o lert motsts t heochange in rergoe tiens.(Staff Photo)t I GOT A PROBLEM? SAFETY CORNER a GETS ACTION AND ANSWERS Effective Nccevtiso lsi, 1968 ait used mater ceisîtios ofiieîed foc sate isy a dealer, icavsiecced to a oeci owvec or Oeitg regîsceceil ti DOicoicm avciissc îuccoc mat cacry a Cetificeie of le A B R M K C N Il J, hi E le M B A N R le N C Iftyoutot.îuokintgiurSiityt Cotrerto lm sesarctrienetIs toeis. sto'rc -octo icuppot yuu. Roco ntiiing but picudits iodais Firsi. w'ciltike su express oct ,ippreciatio tu tho lilto Ccuniy Rucds t)opaittcstt tor puttsag tho fasiig ccd stop lisgitt ont the buse Littt.iiTrafalga odinterstctsc.ion. Whcsititcu ainoucd tOns corter was t0 beci.iiîscaitos-stopsuptctticeicsteee lt of tc.tti expttssecd aout Ic ciuty cogutot lato Lice motoritt itho otigs tut realitucIietoipttsinso iee hes uotit tticy oc toto the iteetion. TOc ittcciioatei flotsig stop sigos stiutd bc a rot hcip, and shccid preicot o tut ot acciidens. Wc topo thlic prcmanent installations. Mcanwshitc.« attisti are tottissilc thît Bote Lite and Tcraagar Roaddortnertstitttocain atcct-tcy stop fo au ixtucts thc nthiscsth trattîoutittîgc tough sttcctsrigitc-ity. Second piacilit goas to tise jurcnca atie Robsert Thsomes Knocc inques, velue ame up wlithscoe etiisccht oceut eomedais foc sohat is icOflctg oui te bcoadanogccscucet isicivand Otio Sts. at M iitis's cat end. Safaty Cocter is anxiuusy attaitiof tise ttcthing stop ssîo îisey rccmmtcdrd foc 'ivttedatc' istaltuion.c Thc scminoîciof thets isr ctfesniotucicgotadesalot of evse ton see pîrsatouy eisesshccc it Tho Cisompion. Ouc tOisA th.inkyou ut tise ceisguiottctiheustterstof MitoPtîc.sturîs ing andepavuttheiseitrice tuthe plea tcctt Maino hi. i. If yucris ssyig aayfuost tissucîhet etacco t ilcptcaottg îby tisctiytusodayand ec wisoia gsoat sspructcsotissiistctmsde. We'd tike tu tiitisutstrtic c test weeks agoabout tise danges cf the cttccsty pcucptod tlic managemtent tc du tuvscthîoî abocut i. Berc gtl siscy Aid. Onfle titistersie ico. ucusets of car teat btll toigii Oc iiecciid tuo e abuutflic nuccîseat ih cacpigclinAtîio a'hcccsivosoare gitct sn *ottiilucit" tu tilt. TOit affidavit suthise tise ihusiln it ive iurstîttîusing hissccthciio adistifc promss if fic is csipptcd or bituded tii MepIptîîîî dieus Looittfilm etoysoiso ReadituisictDsusibe thescencsyoandithe tîitdcovtcteprssiuonstuhis Do tithsestsis cccod theyaird, Teaohtiscson tu playhbal]tccd biitdcsdel assoat. Tech jhiiii odu h hoisrhictctk suttie cutg ui and gela jobs tu supporti stîcîtah Doyct get the pit'" lerna. acders Harold Fa 1ic xede, At. embts cVerna T att Midduel ccciv9tcc, Dec On Nurtc, Noir sOc Aidessot, dicccd Bid. cCartisy, memb coso, Kestis toiso Elizabe ton Wilson, Be Moton 4-H Cccn emis Keitis [octiogcon, Ver att Middlercc outil, Carol Sic, V .cdccscn. Roc :I ed Brown, Nor otie, Dug S tccle. Dc Haltco 4t-H cdets Bilt A iccodes. oscoth' David Autin, K David Fisher, Edward iîd. T tuact Nurse. lois H Mac,,, Norman Aos McCasg, Neil Ro Jotn McNais Oc Hattot 4-H hisased tise Pc .sstanccot W Mary Andcrs Acte,, i Coacerete MANUFAC * Sepiic (Ail si * 36aa V aod L * Culvot 12" a, * Sideve * PI9 SI Phono CAN G CAR SHOV FR151Sk Comm complets te AUTX Main St OâT sd.~ Mechisaa Fivass. If You cciv a vehitte which you plte selrtccans- fer chiait tocs Cenistcate fccm vour Amerctat Moicîs dealer. For promsptand efficient inpto ses v ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON Bronte Street South 878-2328 eh :»I Ir I -1 il. Pl, csse thl, Ossci, se Sersidc, os iibr cf a Cao .di. eon.. td i Put ills.î c ehs lacseaai leie paoSa. SoohiIi»g .-eîsS halsl million t s»di.s il As ricane oith thse Il ,.g c -ry -mise. Tie siot effer. ot, fun inrcs .-sI lima sissSasss rite, i.rl.isg ea tish Norths Paiea. .1reppra,>ie., liaiid fine. Bons on Icssaas aises prsidc f siscdri.g auicy high... sesaa asa St. taaaic -er, ie icouse a«peed as high a, 60 m'e. ciee. eauic Bl, Hly)is 1I VV M>^Fu &P wý MI Control That Skid - Here's Hlow to Do It A akld cas be one of tise 0,0,1 fearsomne raiseciences a doiver cas eadure or Il caa be tcereltroutine, ftdependsup- cr whether or oct yoa ksoo .biat ta eopect and bell ta A driver icho Oaa experi- eoced aevlerai typs of akida arlion, paaies tshea his car breaks atoay on5 alippery ur facea; se traains la central af thc sitaatioa. H ere are a fric facts to isetter heip yoa aaderatanst a0nd aaticisate sktdding. Geaeraiiy, yoar car icili go it ose of three commaat terrsaofakd: rear-ead break- away foar-icieri Élide or apin- In the case of thse rear-ead isccakaway, whics say have isesncaasedisy uaevea irait- Ing action or smooth ea tires, thse car 0,111 tend ta swingi tif degcera, ptvoting oa thc front soieets If aatioipated in tticc.t, ibyisei bccceeoted by turntag tise froat tobeefa la thse direction ot tise skid, csfted countersteerti. isy apptyiag tise bilse ocorrety os a stick Ilarfce Witis tise icheets Seket oa have no costcatovcr thediec- tion yourara , be takbsg aotît yen reease tise brailes andl permit tise tires te regais noral routasg friction. Oisti- oatiy, additiosai israkisg prcc- sare 0,111 sot slow yoa dassa, isat gestie pumping of tise iscakea vêit heip if yoa oa taintain a iabt toci titis you r toot. Tise spins-out tis vimitar te tise cear-end isceakaway, as- cpt tiat you have toston- tcotof the frot eiscc s veil and yoare ikey teisetave- ing at a gccoter rate cf sperd. Tise olt nieatare cou cas taise ta cocceo t tisis feigistes- tsc sksdîustacoutrierteec and soe yoastliltcontact a sction ofroad surface onoicisyou cao get gclOOisg action, Otise ftsa of sktdv iociade tishtailto. tront excesivtoc- o ai $1.09 - 12 Quart Sizo IM Powdered MiIk 8 9C e ait 3 for 35e - Healiho 12 1 5oz. Tins $1.09 )G FOOD 9--189c- re i 85c - 1 28-oz. Gallon RA BLEACH 6e5 Compare ait $1.50 Core t 1.3 ESDAN ANACIN O 89c LzL10s!9C for THE COMPLETE LINE 0F B.A. GASOLINE, MOTOR 011, LUBRICANTS, WASHER ANTI-FREEZE, RADIATOR ANTI-FREEZE AND SNOW TIRES ... Cal at.. SENTINEL B.A. Base Lino at Ontario St. 878-4311 R & NI TEXACO CHECK LIST for trouble-trie winter drivingi Lai aufs cek osier ail oi lise Iems n ibis lit ta pai ar aa In top thalle for oiter. EENGîNE TUNE-UP - toue isesi protciov agcîains iees"otcstaris.-Our egivetue-up ittotudes tise tisetkîrî of spaek piugs, poivts, cot- denser, roctor, dissietr cap, stîrivg anvil eectesta coctons, tcoi, and air er E1 BATTEAY - ste check foe fttl powee. Malle sueteettivats avd caisses are tîght avi l ttav. E: VOLTAGE REGULATOR - cisetk adtusimevi. Over ce ufldercthecgistg tav cuis tise heiiecy. E STARTER AND ALTERNATOR OR GENERA- TOR - retvu avp toreosicon and chsetk ishes. E AUTOMATIC CIlOiE-chrtts sdte adusimevi. ECARBURETOR - check. ceove avnd cteev sf c c cossa cyi E FAN AND PULLEY BELTS - theck adjusi- met ifbdywr hey shoutd e eeptated. E COOLîNG SYSTEM - thetck avtîtceecc evd ail eciator hosers E GiL - change diety Oit ce orutruirstcigsi eit -vosi torcasier 00h11 seaihec siectog. E LIGHTS AND WIPERS - sitîtr t tise dari, wtsoascct. Wr t melse sute thet heuights paek- ittg sf055s, teîttîghts. top tîghts asnd dîrctionais are ait workingpoepoctyWe'I iseocheckipr cpecaicc and ser Seat tise htadrs stîpe tiecit asthcut stceckîngtstistîvidshied srtaneek t E TIRES - taeutty ceamive trcd depts Wco tires aee especîatp davgeeous orn sce avd stOow E BRAKES - check foc ptcpec edîîsimevi as ecet a stîght putt ce ove tide tas teo bourctar ieaudatgeous sidc ~Jo VsNstont Town & Country Snow Tires 1 at List Price And 1 ait 1/2 Price R &N TEXACO 43Main St. Liaansod Class "A' Moshania on Duty ROAD SAFETY BEGINS WHEN YOU BUY 0000 TO BE SURE BUY FROM Your Mercury Dealer e... Gallinger Motors Ltd. IN THE MILTON PLAZA 878-2883 'Easy Tonus Available with Low Down Paynient, ONTARIO DEPI. 0F TRANSPORT A uthorized VEHICLE INSPECTION CENTRE - >< Compai New Crop ,I Floridla Seedloss "' Compa .iaPIO50 GRAPEFRUIT DC 5 'u4 9 c o 'X Frosh Curly Leaf NO 239EAC ceierain ansd hydrspiaaiag, ,Éisera your tires ire virlci sklmmiaf avec a tisin Mim Of toater. By &bout 55 tripis pOs maly have tost ai frictional contaet lts lise eaad. A sid des gsat ai wlnd glces pou thse surpise ai yase file. Two cardinal raies ai skld- ding are: stop oif the braise pedat ucîtil yoa have rcgaiscd stterig csontectl atawayc ter iseli direction ot tise Be espcsally 0,aly of as loy suace whies it la 10u sct eoi tise f reei poitt fi o ta ice as stipicecy as it 0,00td b0eat Bo play il sale. Trave at a sensible spced. BATR srthl OT AT FAULIT Many starttog faiicccs iitcd as hattery cailurea actaty are sot. The trouble cfft lt eacoedisy aissccsaiconditios itise Igiionssystcst sobich causes tise isatteries t0 ise coeras doica while tise driv- er sa attetaptisi ta get tise car started. Free Pamplet Outlinea New Car Care Plan A frec pamphlet ooiiai.g iset il lake, Sa tire , car in miel codition e f eos, iisted ia SOe rampcit il, a adohhethhold ie pea. ferosad. lDe fiiio.g th-eo ervsicc, thecar sonar oid Se raqaireoscenti and ...eid e.pre»iSe repaie.. AIs., Ore rooec ononrea Siscaio amsi w.sidaio.ya p... oiiai cehîide ireapesiets Thc cuiaeliet cain Oc oh- Slve1 ri aasendiag aé ead. ChampSion Sean0 Piai (ana. Inlay, Dis CJ. Bos Su, To. adat, Ohia 43601. A va thers Line 1 4-yE lohn Monc chilly