p ~~~~~ ~ 0 "Ra a as ,ateaaovasbef 6, 1968_ C Test Yourself! Wh. à. lessre, boat m.Ag t. th. jovi.t sttre W hat's Your Yr,r .u 1th .dy Carai Care Ca. Que.?.salitt R.o pona =.R.RRR R rSb.d tale .pply- rlhrRROReR.RRRORiRRRRRBI) y0.R RS bRRarRt hg tRhe br.k..s R- lut li valve RRRRRRRtRRRRpinRRd likt R Rig diai ASth &-6 RR0 -lu A. Y..". IR. .. ... h il A.0. Ym rR cRat ORRRR Rd1nu h -itf. h h..l R Y- h R .. Rh1d h. Rp hr, Bu t, R-ht, R I h- h., R-1, RRAhOR 3RRhRORR A - ... y 12 RRRR 05 h hR ht 2lets R gade 6.R R RR RABl but tIRe RlOwinReBR crs h i itreeyfu Ch IvRIR pee . - h h-,. ~ R.Kýýd, F- ýI, h . B.* e AIRRRRRRIYl ..R5R . 1 .I. . ABRRR BrRR .1 Rt, SRRR' ORR Bille Siid- R. RIRRRI RRRRR fuo' 5RRB SId.. R c 7. hbon l Rog ridehR 16. Ale 5,00 utle R O R h. R-t i- Rn .usp Re i Rhul Rn h0s Ra t hr Me h o .MRIR _d t .rhf. Rat cat te Yeh ia: hv h olwn os di. OR R1RRRRRRR h1 ut th- 4.RRROIB=O<RRR I . i.00RRO -hR B a h0RcAROROR YOOOOIOOFRcRRROÇO3 Ofh0A0OAtiRR '3( 'B.,,. '>v r i Your Car Ran on Money ent Ro nt Ai hmohhhd berohOts Onty four prcenRtROOR You Might Be Losing Cash ORI safrty iRmpltohdRS If youro0rRRenine hra oR metrRtoR fottrr RORting aRd phfonchrutrtith frhmn Mory tstrad of Rusohinro forty perhethof thehh5PhRd' aoppry tohd eRîRh choances are you'd for OOroOiR -___________-___________- ____ tonRf utfninso arcn 0h00 proaram RoRductd foy OChampioRn Spark Pion Comt- paRny, the RveRagh ototorist Rt How wstiRs about a galtoR aRnd o ball of gaooiRh phh toobtut. Thethts mroRurdRuasA0h . to cut abl enooouopti thfrrRs oanfter your mnrt Corp0 Mooreshilie, Isdu-ca s ana, thr Champon progtamnca ais probe ihe hiffRts nf tOR' waueff AcorFiRR OR George M. GaI- AutmoRtIhe TrhRihai ServiceR costi DrpaRtRRtft"Onh uafortuaate tact ls tbat thr loOtohiRO * dorRRR't rhaiRr bis tar'R per- fhhRtn. OR foot, ohmn asked rBeore buRe-up bow bis car IR g RORRiRRO, for usuaito anwRR5tR ,ORQs.a adoe o Gotuter RoeRtioRhd tfoat 60 Ron aRRi art sRRoRRa lobs VR arRBsRdO1 YoR prenRt of ail U.S. ours are lna dsu RRtoirpaOrRbiRls gt.a .erRssearerOpt Rrhd of tusrOupotRnyRiveR i eua o hlubia shwn (ggdons More. onperRRRrRRRdRhRRORI plufaoa..of&Dyh Tbe typiaiOU.S.drirr's tioRo thRaeedaf or pRrisRRfRRRRRay rd st. diffhrhRhh torRRir0mainte- p jRrsRhhRarcar, befp sraRiRoooardriRB ho RoRhtrRs hRRown0in a retrot ILO eep rRhRRRBBcoRR sORRR. BrRRRByoRRcr ChampfioshrORY os uby m00- cl own. Wbea oa drise Rn Bora bbrfiobrio.Rioa torisOR Regieht tuRor-uRO Major o maisons for RhRlhOt wee 1) in~ Rfor a Sb.ffabeica- Sono. Y0»H5 b. gtad tory thiRO tory dont Reed fit; '00 oaR0eRfo0.Rap«Ria yeR did. 20 thry are cotheRsd about ob.et Bar yieur mabe the toRt; aod 3) thry finid lit T csiter rRarrdO -I fet obrsr attitudes strRm fr00. thre motorriRtO sot briRg awarrof DIEINFRGAANEDSELURCTO tusr-Op benefits. For rxemplfr, DRV1HFRGAATESELURCTN srarfy R0 percrRt fallrd to INSPECtiON PAYS ~~4 M H I Tires sbcuid lir Iltsfortrd JU-H L rrguiariY for trrad werrand \ '/ <ut, or otforr darriage. ReRRov- ~ 'M' CAMPDELLVILLE 0f I.os temfrddered mo t0e treuid 954-9931 Guelph Lin. - H. of 401 sit. bnp prevrot tt orest- .y tire dsaa Rofh ea Irac to f allure. ehhým . n Could Save Your Lite 10E OR HIARD FR0000 0500 2 StUAde Tires (iR .e, ahelole) reducORofopolho distaOiR 30% ih an ORslt fron exastv h t g Ra Rh Rhy hae RORAoO<o ththe cRfoi., hRROORRSow TIRES Pre-Studded or Dring in 'four New Snow Tires for the Additional Safety of Traction Studs. SAVOID hauing Sthis happen 10 01 . YouI!1 Have your Rad cîeaned, Checked for Ieaks, Anti-Freeze strengthened, Defective Notes Repîaced. HOW'S YOUR BATTERY?9 Sec Our Range of SEIBERLIHG BATTERIES 'QUALITY WORKMANSHOF AND QUALITY FRODUCTO FOR RADIO AND RVERY CUSTOMER. 191 MILTON TIRE AND RADIATOR SERVICE Mill Street 878-271 ottohhoOy rallier Ohao toot on hOkihf theFpresttco0tu MayoBilan et in aceremooy foilo th OR Or0.cohoue DAy service K. Vao Wyo.to Foosdoho of thr Ohtario Cooooil, Boy MondRy. 01(0 uAe for ibis Moodayts doaot 3000 ne ligohlo foo fouture dtaoto, oo îhoyco ohoold srod iR R 000300 balot a Wîhhr arc ocoîodcd o F000 uF ohcoo gîfo 00Ro00030t 30 tOc Champioo office qotokly -yoc have jo0t 10 days troo today Oh spcod oboro. M i1ol Chaothoo o f Cooomce'tcOcOouticocOoetary Eaol G. Black maude 0he foooo n ohre ocorsocf otockiy dras a Toc Cloampion on Monday. A VEUT HAPPY REUNION betunees bworn mhenht. Ms. L. Ozols, Ors. Wayne bawyer andi Oheos and bo soRs locnk piace ch t0e OicOh sons Valdis ahd Johh arc hocuRed Sospihq Lie nf NRssa5ooteys Tchoday moOhhOtOb aftet stohoco shoot 00e haRR0000h hgh'shcxpeei- 04-yesrocld Vshtorhr Scoots Osidis Qools and ehors. Pot morh pioOtcs ahd sory on the JohnR Socyerocf QOhoifle Oeoooo toston Rh 00h03It0hu 5603h0 e0h, sec page Oree. Modap biles and weon fcord loR spehd e obilly elght je the dense bush atop ohe esonrp- (Staff Phaolq Urge haste on signais pogessonn piano fcr the ORRfbOc SISgnos<d intersRction changes front tOc rpRtaornon of TrRnspco.'t mion CoucU agceed. Maor B.5.st opoRtrd t0e plas pccsnised hadlnnt prO ben rorohosi. Cossod sgrecdstedsaw on the DepOoOrhRhl's attentiono tobe cers I isqurst receooondatios and asic ail basse os Rh. installation of the sgas lis 1 MADE Soodai, ohhh Ontahio aod thooetosho Souts Rpphhhiohionth h0e otiKý R. VanoWykruand Campooo ortheoîd givo hhohhO heOheOJee iy pohoooedcaGold Modsl ohhed outOdurto h e A0OtOntaro Jam- oo Moay o or aBet (cenite) boree a KeiRo. the fîooo hohh toi a ihooRohity (0Saf Photo) eive menit medal id pooiopated Jin r ie 2,50 I the ite. f Menteois o f handa -R..hO 000 030, Mlayor Bst enihlAooedio athhicoiod onhehif ot file ootooooooof Milieu woth oohoiod i0 cofeotihiy. '0ih0 the kotd of spirit aod coohpehto pot fooot3od a0 ohul tote il provet 0h30 oothtOf os imhpossible foo ohe tooto", Oiec ooolodhd. taif of ohe Jamboree oopoooood apprcia00ion otho phuplh 0of Milîton foootheir ooopooioo othrteo stoff 00030 had flic rtpootiholiiy of loohiog 3h01r 2,500 Ai'terthe camp otat OiROOAOhd. lie poosiitoed,' helîolf of tho staff, Ohhr pooh herchestthe tooto and olgeie ooheacepohd h> Maoyor Reil. Caotp Chief A. W. Dcooy pRidhd oîso tho hotof pricototioo of Coooohooatroof Appooo.otoo ou iiiodooli foo tii itn coeoi oneto Dlepiiy-ocue Oioo Harris Remembranoe Day message We must neyer forget Wc must neico foogco, not Pipe Band tho parade otoiiodod Johnoooteoti thc naroes on the otly to erXshCSt g00ratitu0de Oct the Legtohh3000t, Logo on cotOph. mhocoha FoRycot tc have dcdooothon toc orothy Aooodiaoy. oteothct of Mdltoo otehe offcocd hy LeRoR FRdOh of ohiRO sarOific . Robert W. and OaktdllecoAcOit Optoomito, Oct. J. iJ Mnophy. Rnd ioc F ostrc hRitcnRed thotc Focbfghocoi, Revrs, VrhOooercR, Watcoi ioooodcd thn LA0 Fost ROOOhdhOg tOic RohnuRi Scots and Codo. andOd RiROes wcIasiRoicRog in OenoocobRRotOh 1)310service thehymnos. buodoy, Rstohe coott<R<ly paid todoutc to thR fuitro on tOc 00. Mayor 5030n DcA pocoodcd for WrR00s oteoc piaoed hy tOc worcfdotrssandotheKRhRootac. 00e tervice 30 oheoceoRpO Province of ORnRari Ton of dooîhg othooh Oco. Fo0tr Miltoo, Tooto ofOokoic. RoyRl TOc poradeocf 270 O th, deltnoood the addthOR. He oOcd CaRadROn Legioo 5hrRoh 136 CesooophconOhe ooecORROdRy thenpasioRyeahOORad reOatd Sod the Ladies' AuxidhRRy, wa0 RRB00000d 0f coOIor froio re O oRhOOOdire ololsry 0030 Miloeo Fioc0figteo, Oobebab scout goups fcpRcocOOieg ohoso OORRROOoOd us, aod froo otOtO Lodgc of Mdlocn, Jcotn Milton abs ottcndcd thc Ontao Scout the soiodinot sotglihd tb FrOOOO CORpOOR I.OD.E., Sara Mrtin Jamsboree and 000f hRltîR5n to us. hEtoopi for the toldonrs thc Chapono Mdlon Lions bonner t0e tocs for 000 upuscd strggthof hcoRniOy ClubORndRaphROvteeatRh in bospitlity. ood have 00cR siootcd.' otoacy cf Foc. J. DOcboay asd OtRadod by Rh. Lente Seots PRof t.cgn pooidcnO Fred Pte.S. T.Williams. ofWoode W. F. Hunorofosothe asisitanceof iîoh CouROf i prhpAhh5g for ohe jamboree 30 Kolto. Cootihooloes e as .oocrd Oo Baroro Hoophoeyo of oito Hoiîoo Oefîoo Conrtono Aoohohtyhond Dave Murroy nf oho Aoohooîîy foo usstcc;i!o lon and Doto Gi for assistace îo ohe Jaobhre comottter front the e01000 planning tages aodthoioughoneotiioteosge aod photog assistance;.ohEdiJoyoe for opeootof tho oeouoty section ofohotheioeand hu effohts dooong aod RlteR the ioolentitoht and t Maor footoo Brt and olri cRoof htiA foo ihooo Oindoroo uod grooooiity to the hoyt Rnd readerst of flic jamoreo ptcihht foo thehohhhohy from, Wrllahd, Gcelph, Wudioorhurg, Toronoo. Oohmoood Hill, Kitohroro, Ha<miton aond So. Cathaorne. DIoo DeRoo, M.PP. otho ohsiod ohe planning FRed Whohkeo. 5uohontonuwho loccded thr proopoot seoticonwr uloo pRoohO, George Wells, one et ho ohhîmhoeostRffncemObrs, came fooo WiRRipeg OS pohiopaeonhr eerh. Camp Choef Deooy opoke RpF reoîaOîor y of fhe otOphrOto of th0e Legos iR peroottiog the Souts fo expess thROOR tc the eoousity foiiooih5 the Oeoteobooooe Day se rvice. -Thrrwune quitte a ira deer orussed OecaOr fessies ad ooofoops as the hebhles tRavsBled ohrough foo n she w.ekesd. isc_ JJ._ -I g50etrh andoaphotssil 1 00 6 00h00h01 houiding Ah Shhhth St. ealed hoi oook hy Ah ofioal of hhsohhiuildhhoisplinhgtluooOt a hppoog centrhhihli p0iphhity0ORin i Itesiop Rd. aod Aone suvd. ont he o of5îonuioSt.oorlanods p.oOily wRcommherialIuse Murray SOartz, mahager oif W. Williaoms Real Throhth, ohoot loi foot os pReetho itenants And tu dote thhy havo hiadt isoeoqohic. Toto ihphRhiARkhii 100h hiphhiihd ntrest and the 0as liod soooouoy hOqoiriet front iR0.yeht and profRtRioRRpeople lllllllllllllMý u, .ut Mlý.To'hoiyoo Poqoý -Too Cents, D-22 store plaza >artments planned prootesioil offices. The saine fhhni liat atApAihhoO ojct ouih i hoe peeted fhor Milton Filanning Biohd't oOdoAtihhlae ii mhoith. A hmodhhn bildinog foauiRig Andergofundh parking, 00030n hAnnis and hooabali os pl.ioooo. Mo. Soatiot 03,0 o buildiogiîioh10 utes oin toheioeeitooey range 0' deooood odeol, 313000(01 flic film liai cideoood ai apOhthhhOt th !.5 ilgoAh ou he ploAzonsitructionh il ho0ig depoodi ot hioi qooîokly tho tenants ea ebosgned!op, betRod, butihehopedai 3030. A haon oo tho poopeRif Ohli formehr Alim folooro fooî, oui pArtîf RAoOd lt ocrh.