_________ _____ - *12 The Cacnadien Champkm., Wednesday, November 6, 1968 le A in B R M K C N J J M E 1 M B A N S J R S 1 N C WATCN OUT FOR THIS A fa-neca stop is in effect at the ýa-, ancd Trafalgar Road, Horn-by, whuta à , s o d cuvsccothwestul fcamthe --g ed stop sn (topl hae beecc pince4 -- zs o lr mtui c hchs hage inc reguia- z1$ (SItaf f Photo) IGOT A PROBLEM? SAFETY CORNER GETS ACTION AND ANSWERS fivucu lcckcttg for Satsty Crcrcut idbat uhssuomuccus ths unec. uccu irr Ioss cdccsppucuc you IVVve nthc utnplandcts Frst. cc*d lks Io express us appcecc.sscuc su th ics tnu Councy Rcds Desyustmut rpnslccg tics i.sshtug sud stop lights un th aeLn iTaagrRa nescin Whstittwstcccuued lut oci ua, cupcsssd abhut tce ucncy teuie Bus Lcuc nutuccsts chu cscght ccci cusîcus tt s tcop ,cgcwecc thecc nsl tlcynweae tt the Intsaction. The ilmnted fluhcccg stosp cigc, shlcnd bc a ceci huip, aud Meeuchcle, motuucs arc cumndsd ih,, Bute Lcu acd Tcafalgar Runci crner cilrics acfucay stop fuoriubsutu othtithes uscth.,,cuthscsiffsuillseta huugicstcc gt-a.y. Secndc piasdt Bues an the ucos a utchu Rohect Thomas Kncal icqus, chu uame npnath sonu ccii chcnghi out asucctucdatiuaa forcnhatictucugcsut tuhbc adnges c rnctr MincandiOntacio Sts. et Mitou's cas, sud. Safety Cornerc ts iunsicncg the shic toup sgc tsy rcusnded fut ',sccdcccu" installaniou. The cemacudut cf thcc ,deat fossfscucctuccngcmdsaiuiofaucntuc sua supcccis stucy aisuchuce sn The Ciccmpicut OurctlcdtlcctkycuuifheccuskIsgutcuttuothe uns cunu Miton Plcsc for wtdenug and cepaicgithe snrcscccss the pss ftucMain St. F I iyuushctc sicg cccyicrontlctiuccrhcc estt ecetu flicplazcloi. gccyhtcay sume dayand sec uhstna gtea ipcuucccuthcas bun md. Wc'd lke cu thtkccuc ecrtic s fuis sueks ag shout thu dangecs ofthe cntsacccy pcccmpted tiesmanagemet tudu smethug abhut it Secse gicd thsy dcd. On te lighcc %idd, sunsrsuofucasscat hcii, scght hu inteceted tuhuehabuctihesuusieatceihsiîampaign inAutrei, whecc ucue, arc gicn au "affidavits cu sigc. This affidavit nuchituces theuhuthuud tuu vewthut u,,g hicatestnd hiscfs pcucmcses iheb i crppled ut hlicdsd o Fiuip hcuc dccc, Lucd cccev ausysulecu tend su hm. tictucîhe the sucscey ccd cleclccid'euts expcssious Io faim. Douail tics ,suc acound thsydfeclittiir sctti playbchalldnd udcide acrcait. Teccclc,,uctodocthe housewou h e tcc go u ndgutea job no supportc clcc al] Du ou gcc tics puit"t", lerna. aduca Harold Pat lexandcer AI. teahees Vea TF- . ,l M ,ddich on Nurse, Nuctu sica Aliderssu, / .deard Bcrd. Hultue 41fi Stca caducs Bill tcCcthy, 'nmt cuuth, Luine ,ustin, Mary As, urss, Keith / aubes, Elizahut esc Wilscn, Bec iuaid Cocstc, U tutus tiishy. Halttu 4-H Cun: ede ut Brckc Hec. usuthecu Keth oruitsuc, Vecu acl Middlehcuu Boothc, Curul Sua Acdcrsuc, Ras Fsd Baons Nu,, Leslie, Dong Geai Nlursc. Dsng S, c C lures Hsitus 4-Hi leaders Bi1l A' Brundua; mesuhe David Austin, Kt Davuid Fisher, Edsl Birdd.TI Stuect Nurse, Geuage Henders, Buh Harri, Y Nor Inan Acd MuCatg, Nel Rot Juhu MuN,,hh the Haitus 4-11 1 uhacsd chu pas assistance of W. Macy Anduts, ecettug. concre MANUFAC, 0 Septic' (Ail Bil * 36" RW end Lit * Culver 12" en * Sidew; a PIg SI. Phone CAN GI CAR SHOW FR1514 Corne complote toc 811 AUTO Main SI-6 ONTARIO DEPT. 0F TRANSPORT A uthorcized VEHICLE INSPECTION CENTRE Effectve Nunemeu lt, 1868 ait usuci muasa ueh ciles utteauci fna sain hy a dealer, Iranttuccued au a nets umuna nu huiug cuBsteand intari fantua anuahua jicictttst musa carry a Cucatticacu uf Fur prompt and efficient insptection se Mechaccai Fcatess. If ou caca a vehce whch youplauainat e rtrans- tua han oua Ceettîtuata tacts Ycua Amerccan Macuas dealer. ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON Bront e Street South 878-2328 IL IDONT WAT UNTIL THEGETYR 7IRIAKER MSP.ai&ll D.algn.u fre Mles of Higlwap Delelaag SAVE MONEY NOW AT PRE-SNOW PRICES! Here's your chance te ho winter- ready when the first 5flow Mejs. Don't put off selecting those snow tires nowl Top quality - dependable service when y.. FOR FRIENDLY DEPENDABLE WINTERIZING SERVICE SEE YOIJR B. F. GOODRICH DEALER VV M , ý ... iý' ,ïF - Iz _" ' - VOUR CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO DEALER Te, wi ,f Yo unyu cacs WWy I 2.nîle y-se tet e ChmD hre a tured ni et Cr pana, tih halln of Te sac tuet a ale laI muesnt tactata Autoar tuemec faut i ,Okay.' Gala need c time. The dIS ce Chant 2,e 1 the c Ga] these mtue Tir cegut cula,ý Ing r uf gli 10 tar New Crop Cma Florida ~ v Seedless "C1ompar GRAP EFRUIT DC 51 49c Compar N Fresh Curly Leaf NOI ,SPINACH R BAOS 39C L0 1 i - - I aeta $109 - 12 Quart Size IM Powdered MiIk 89c aeta 3 for 35c - Ileaitho 12 1iS-oz. Tins $1.09 )G FOOD 9o89- e ait 85c - 1 28-oz. Gallon RA BLEACH 65C ompare et $1.50 Cmaee 13 ESDAN ANACINI I YV MAEUJ 411111111111 a l