~EIit #AbUW EIGUflhUt Car o I M I L TLON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1968 Y u a i Your Guide For Better Car Care iltmpu-n imeaty-Fats, Pages.Test Cetss f St. D-22 store plaza >artments planned t orasssdte' 0 o22 statt g cete ad a possible 100 ta 165 eated samttthy antofia]ofsa rai estate fs, te itshfuide ssplanning s> eet a eppssgaacentshtflepasptttiafssg ittstap Rd. ad Atm Blad. ont the , of Brtatt _on ltads pesssfv an omeal ate. Murray hmasa, manager asf W. Wdlliams Real Poots, sad hat fin as prsestty ,teants and tss date thty hast had stencluas. Tta suprmarktts, -storts, arimy and dmug fi ms and tasse epresdmitt and the las i ad sss tsany equtie fro lamyrs amd professios] people they ae osidtsttg aascod stosay osf Thessnie finast an apartmet prajec whih i bc ptmsentd for Miltosn Pi tasig thds a ssdtsatiosterii sMosth. A mosde buaiding itaturing undegastd parkissg, sttani tsmms and tsasaahdathsspaed. Mr. Sarttasasd a haasfdmg sh f00 suisetinthsssattstoey range as dersied tdea, alsiaastg flic atrm lis cuitadered at .apaetmet wath 165 thtsor fi plaza consastructions wil besta dtpnssd on ham qasckfy the tesnats carilesagdap,lseasd, but lhtsped i msfld ha udtta yhb y et et year.barn onthe pmopsry,teformer Jsi tilsset fatm, wspartfy taztd last attit. A VÉRY HAPPY RUUNION istmaat tma sas- titats and tms sets tsait place se tht Rietis Lita ai Natssagtattas Taesday maeeaeg, aiter td-yet-sld Vattaseer Scouts Vaidis Oasis aed Johne Samye ai Otkitoii iteama las se a Maeday iie and mee lsred ta sped a sisilp tigt en tisa dtense issi atasa titaeseaep- ment. Mes L. OsaIt, Mes. Wayne awe aanttd sans Valis antd Joite are pictaeed smtppssq stetits abouat the hattamseg tagitta tapeti.- tness Pst mort patatts aed staey ons tisa esaltieg Rô-mat stattit, ste pagt titrat. (Staff Pisatal Mad u atsssed fat ihis Masday's dsam aret case tgiitfe fartu iaua" dsams, ta sappets Wssstsa atessmded tapack tapt heas git aetsflcates as the Champtos afficae qasakfy taaa hsate tatI f0 data isam saday ta spssd tem. Msi1ttasn Chamites ai Coammtsat's cutststtsttay EasI G. Blaah made te fsai a s ite attis of mtly drams as Tht Chtampian as Masday. Urge haste on signais Milton md l mnqaat tissaI peagtess ont plas fat the teafil signals and iaterstaion canges fessa lthe Depasîmeet af Ttanspott, Milsas Csasadi tgeeed. Mayas B . Best sepaeted lte plane psaeasedbladatpyetisees teaeived. Csaaad t geeed ta da ta lte Depatlmesî's attention e h e taec ent ssqaeal reeasemesdalisas ad atit ail haste ta tise inalatiaa af lise sigais. aammasasy sathes tha tuaa In saaitag thespssseatataasaao MayorsBsasR estmi a ceeemasy ialtamssg tht Reseamisasat Day tersice K. Vas Wyck, ptssdsa ai tht Ostaria Caasadl, Bay MADE Oseda mhless Ontatio ,ntK. R. VassWykt asadCamp tssy psesenstd a Gafd Medal *nMayas Briats Bs (cetrtt)f the fi st taatt tc, a comstssaitY and sissamdl the Sctats' appttatatiats to tise tsased outt daatasg the Aagaat Ottaria Jatm- itee as Ktlso. (Staff Photo) eive menit medal ad passsa.spatsd appratita tas the people ai assitanaea ofai tsss Jimg tise 2,500 Mittt forthtttas cospttasasss pttpasssg fat the jan ars ssisa sate msih tia staff thss tsail fise tisas Cettshaatess thtsst s ttrspasshdsty sf taaskmg aises amvatdtdttRarry Haum I2,500 sitar the camsp mas stse Hltot Rsgsae Co f Met mas taaauatd. fit prestattd 'asn Aatthatty atnd Datt n ai fs ic tisalfi f tha. staff. thats Pasrk the Aatisasaty fas asss af Casad. heahe to thesatsw and thate Jit asd Dast Ddtas fat mttt acctptsd hy Mayas Bss ta tht Jamborasma aaad Mavmr irmtheeaaisf paa Btsttssa t %Vtaattstsaaade Camp Chmef A. W. Dtty aditsaagh scas atntfaiaofthe itta.tasof saaPttdd osas sht hsaei ptsssssg assisaace:.tt Miltoan wat achtsstad as ctstmassts that atsa tam fat aptsatatftite asatassy. -Wsth the kasd as Pttsettatsas af Cettshatts af secstioshefattha spasit and coaaatasa pat Appssaaatsae tatndasdas, for efatrts dasng asd foramad atthatsttttttt Ptsts thtss assstancetnas catsas violattstatm. and shatsaathssgt esposasihte fat mitrteJamharett Usas Ret atd theac thetosam",hstsastsfadtd. lfspay-Rseat Ras Haatis Mifton fat thtss ie Remembranoe Day message We must neyer forget We mt tt e forstager, sas Pipe Band the parade asafauded laitnson ead the riantes as the aely tasaxpsetsrataistade buat tht Lsgsaesaasas, Laga as att aaph, stetatîal psayes ta hase dsdicatsas ta ite maethy Aasdîasry, memeet ai Mlon mets affesed hy Legsas Padse ofititasace, Res. Rait W. and Otkisleaaassdcis, Optsmssts, Res. t. J. Maspiy. and lue Fat tee ahalistgt d ltaost Fitefihhess, Rasets, Vestastea, Wates ssaded ltse Last Po atta disg tht assaal Scoutsand Cais. and Resslle asmwell asfleadng in Reme atisasa Day service tiseityma. Saaday. as ste astmmft ptsd tilsaî la aise falt e ithe tas Mayas Bttas Bet peessdsd fat Wteais steta ptaaaed isy lthe tsatldmtrsmadlthe Koatt a . lthe service as sthe asasapit Provisae of Ontaria,Tawnsof dasîsg mia Re'. Fattet Mdltan, Towa afOakisslt. Rayal Tise paade ai 275 la aise dehtssted flic addsess. Ht sstsdl Casaias Lagtae Btasai 136 Cesalapit as the asescat day tse passasg yas tsad seseafsd and lthe Ladstts' Aasdiasy, mas aagmsested! iy aslats Train mats saasdf y ltse sfatty tas Miltn Fletghses, Reaisi RSasu at espsssestîag tase stsseateeed us, and feasa miis Ladgt ai Miltte, Jaohn mdrit misa alst ste Ontario Sau sthe îaldtes st tltgpd ta pealeat Chîptes t.OD.E., Rasais Mollen Jamisree and mett ttetig te us. "tssaept fat lte saldiets lte Chaples I.OD.E., Miltas Litet isase lthe lama far t de pmaed stmggit ai itmaeîty Club,and a piatesweth in isepitatity. maald hase itees svd." mtmasy ai Pte. J. Daaistty and Headad isy tise Lamne Saos Paot Levasn peesideat Fred Pte.RS.T. Willam. hn ehaif etfat the aaanty las bhate as pheys ai ritrataya assg stages teage asd Ed Jayce eceandhia aises the ta Mayor ittaets af inss and leaderssafitetamboree. Scasatasg stpttsssstats sasse ptessat fartsheattremasyfisn Welland, Guelph, Wallaaeisatg, Toasasta, Riahmond Hill, itcheset. Hamiltonsand St. Cathmmies. Dat Eteats, M.P.P. mha ahaised the plasnning sammittet forthetJambotree assd Fsed Wtttsktt. Saslisgtaa, misa tseadtd tht psagsatnsctaionse atta pmesast. G7eosge Wells, tas af ste jambasee staff etmitss, aamt fsaam Wisnipeg ta paessaspatt ta ste eset. Camp Chstf Deasy apaise appseataatttfl a f tise aaaaspesatias as the Legita las pesatttlg tht Scaats ta eaptass titanka ta tht tssssmaeitY fatttlaig thetRememhstaceDty -Thee mess qaste a fem diee teassed ta ar feadasanmd saalftaps as ste stillt tatalled thttagh tame an the m.ekead. 11 o Car Care for Y'à 9c IsN 'j