Revenue minister is S~ A HOS! 0F SPOCIAi AWARDS wore aooeoted dacaog Fcaday s decon, $200 Sarah Martan f0 D.E. awcd; Macohe Wilson, annuelommence ert Mtlton Dastict Hagh Sohoof 65 these $100 MiftaaaNatxnoaaoeya F.W.T.A.O. hacsar y; Sandra Wilsoa, oatstndfog Grade 13 gcadootos. ln the froat toto are Ontario $150 Esqoesaoo F.WTAO. hocsacy, Gfeaacth Ford, $100 U.S. sohoînts Jamtes Logaeo Williamo Stewart, Dooglas Tagha, Jahn W.A. hacooca, Jady Hardy, $40 Haltae W.f. hocsety aod Mata Trnos and vaediotortoo Gordon Tacbecs. Wit6 theto nre ftcdo Hedley, Hal toc anda Peel Tcast and Saoiogs sholncship. Secoos, aioîor of the Hospital W.A. $100 hocoaca, Mary Atn- bStaff Photo) PEAKER assistaot direc- inf Burlingtett1, (Staff Photo) -yeare.. .Joaooe r ent). Zaodra cent);,Science, trades ... Paul pet cent), Jam taî Page B11 r-- or oçceatieg ries Iloct 845-0318 honored . 0 Gibet reciparoix of lthe Murîray HaadofMiltaon Lions Otaria Scîtalar amaîdo aoaluded Club preseoied tuaI clhb' aword lao Traao (81.7 petrcaot), of $100 ta litho Trbas aod thn William Stemart (80.3 parceteo) Es quexaog Asxsaciation af aod lames Legain (80 pet cent). FW.T.A.O. borsacy af $150 max Mary Anderxanareoaoed lthe prosetted ta Saodra Wilsaon y Sarah Mottait .0.D.. award af MIS. Sosae Hliion. $200 fîtta bits. Waller Wilsoo; and flto P. E. Robertsaon Mary Hadley f88.5 pet cent) schalatohtp fait litgleoaaggregare ceived lthe lalaon aed Pet) Grade 13 maîtoemaîtax max T rosi and Saigsxchalahp faor prexesîrd by D. Pflem tr la lthe liighesr aggitoino mof William Stemart (f4.5 pot ceai). Grade 13 CIlemtstty, Phyxaco and Baalagy, preseoiad by L. Skate. Tht MiiiaonNassagameya Assacialtion af E.W.T.A.O. burxory, prexooted hy Mrs. t. Chose alt oi a Mrota Wilson; and thei.United SteelfWokersof Amarica botxity mas preseoteaf by Chtarles Mills la Gleotf Fard. Mîx. Jllt Bort prexeotel ltae Haliax Waaieo's Intiaite boeaytialdy Hardyand te Wtmeat's Aoxtliary af Milton District Haspital burxaty max amarded ato id Sexa. Refceshmeosmvice erxedton lthe cafeteria follamaong tht formalpaerafîtheprogramtaod tdoritsand staff mere aoxalnd Top scholars fooinued Icoco Potle BIO) staodiog, the Eoening Star Beadie (69.7 pet cent); Special Rehebab Lodge Na. 79 twa yeae ... Judith Daoce (77.6 scbalatsbîp foi highest standifg per oeil), lane Soosali (67.4 pet on English ood aoothor largoafe, cent). preseoîod by Mts. Mabel Eladley, Stephen Chase, wath bis 87.9 t6e Mioitea af Eduaaaon for per cool mas aoarded t6e Otatto Aaad fa, grade 13 Wilfred Croziet Shield foe history standing, ptesooîod by E. logbet Gradel10sandinglty A. Loeprtoh. and oneaf four E. Mllison, secretary-teasaret of Onlta Slolaa fetficaîco fat Miltoo District Higil Sobool 80 pet cent o sevO grade 13 e Board aod Kario Soeesen cedits, ptasooîrd by MOuHS. recrioed the loglis-Poole trophy boardioenier A. N. Keîity. farth ighesttstandinginGrade 9, pteoeoîed by Mrs. George loglis. S6e brud 90.7 pet cent. Dcoma taphies, ptesooled by Mca. Aooe MacAthur oere aioatded Gordot Tiiohers fat best performance inoamajor roi aod Rachel Aîdreko for best performance io a mner tale. Leslie Watkins (8f pet cent) reoied lthe Jao Milton Cliapte, 1..E. traphy aod amaîd famn Mts. D. E. M a rtin far lier highest standing inGrade il ; mhilo the George Dawson sbirld far bagbest standing on Grade 12 oaas preseoled la loge Jensen (87.4 pet ceot) by A. E. - Millsoo - M.DHS, Board prolliey aoo Prizes for Grade Il tuodents oere preseed byA.H. Beillon la Leslie Walbaas (if pet cent) and Lois McNabb (87.3 pet cent) on Oaie-year arts and science; toNorlene Alard (76.3 pet cent) and Suan Dunphyand Lieda Millet (lied at 69.5 per cent) ie foaî-year Arts and Science; aod la Myrra C argîll and Mona Sorensen in fou-ycar bausiessandomomerce. Gradc 12 recipietsaofsimilat cotirds iocluded loge Jensen (01.4 Pet cent) and Keoîarîh Birown (80.6 pet cent) in 80ve-yodr artst aîd scietace- Gad Facto (77.3 pet cent) andLinda Smith (71.3 pet cr0t) an facîpeoar Arts and Scieoce, ard ta Murray Ereernan (79.4 pet cent) and Masha Waldie, Peggy Wilson, Faye Matines and Pal Samptata (75 pet trot) in AWAtDED BLAZERlS Iteaaag faar-year bosioess aod Ftidayxaaaoateaaemanataaacetc commerce-maj~or athfelta acact ines Studeolccoanid haoaiertalc plaquex for Gtade 12 studeots weeptnsetaed by cootil Eresietar d FAyt ltg Jenasen, Goal] FactoandMN uray Receiviiîg t6e Leray iglis F Y memorial scholarsbp and aap E E T I fat grade 12 busioess antd E E T commerce students wasMurray Freemao (79.4 per cent). A COMPLET! EL) Presenlotion mas mode Lay Mts. O INDUSTRIAL D. leglis. e RgSIDENTIAL lenid Falk (93 pet cool) 0 RURAL POLE LIt îeceiaed t6e $100 Aooe OCascade "Q0', Wate MacArthur Award on fie-year _sas t~ 0 0 ~ 91f Grade 11 History fruttiMts.F. --- S. MoOual, and t6e Scboylet accard of $20 on Grade 12 Eeglish and Histary was woby loge Joerae (fi0 pet oenl), presenîrd by Mrî. H. Sobopler. Administrative management Society arilhmatic pîlficaency certificades, presenîrd by Mc. Vaoilickle ta gtade 12 foor-yeat business and commerce studeots mere wonhpyLarel Keoey, Ingrid Scbichi, Oee Lyoo Warth, aoee Wilsoo. Zandra Mdlec, Ron OaSis, lao loglis aod Lioda Hdsoo. The Terry DesLaotiet o ciltnenslsp cop donated hp * membeet of Millt High School staff mas preeenled by Mrs. Anne MacArthur ta Wdberl See Your Way Clea Wilson. Df Awards la Gtade 13 stodeots Dfggers, (Ce Sp iocludedt Other Winfert A Uneioersity of Guelph matriculalian diploma presented OPEN: 7 arn. to 11 p. ta Mario Zaoeora hy W. Sundays - eobieeae; and preoeotaliae of M.DH.S. baed praficioocy prince by R. Gardbaoco tu10T Douglas Tigbt (85.6 per cent) M and John Teaas (81.7 per ceet). Corner Main and Ont Dotaglas ai won lte Picketl ShicId for bighst Grade Il at Halton P.C. annual aild flic anattacmtf tatangt of Wadatatday atattata ,,t !faksaf Haftaao (fodeal) and HaltaatEast [lea spaba ofli oemn' (par iaa) Caaaeratolto omrfo dattc hy tho seleat Assaciatiaoa Ihere aaatad baanoaaomiîleeootaatao. Mr. taa ,ta faads. Whito ,,aid flia omitc Morley Rasberry Milton man heads Scouts Morley Rashetay af Mlfton Tfa aoplaacmn tac rcam as naatd presdtdoffleantdoltyeaa.taftalcficia]i Oakvalle Ditratct Boy Scoutsat assattle lia aat aaaaadoto the atmanoa aoaliaag ffild ta qaitaaag seooal ltnaseahladatt Oaktafloelaxt wea. ti ta aaata s n gl thte Walh fltc hotte, pation af ltaofee taoaaaaaoaaag heeps yaa att ta deadoa oopaaaaao anad Satata atus appaitaienat a, oontoottafgetatoo tatetett in assistanat Sctaoutatleaft x.attog Mr. Rasboaytaa ef tta..ptdtattttaaposatioastatfaic equipped ta> heail (lto ottoaattt loatta ttag.taaattlto. Siltoa fa, flte (fakaillo Diattaat, wfataî Bottttt lfttot attaad fttuni Doîtog a fefpopîttt tatlattao fî Rathoaty toppl ap f -ratat wtoth Thta Chtamonpta fi. ttaa-paaatidatttt, tattag potadotta Rtsery or fottal of i lta antdaftficalyattfaaîtta thettfal fiait heottt tttotlood aoth and patataat t li al ima S aoui laag.> Thtoasttttant mtintg lat ttaok. Sa.otar otfhe loaltfgap testgoad and.l aatktaott ta Afs tat ie (tto ta aie totiontt Marfey, hat mtfo vofaoîeoed ba cntoaay toas Afc Pfatfltpa Mr. sevcsutla repflaceet a Pfttfftps the toto ,tdtttttaatata foilld. ta Oabtalle ditricta. For You ... NOTICED? Wefl grootedacoatec depend on raguaa o professtonal beaoty Cali Us for an Appoielcoenl Latest Methods, Modern Equipmont Fus-hienr Beuuty louaige TUE H08SE OF PROESSIONAL HAIR STYLING At 1711 Main St. Phone, 878-9533 -I It's time to save again! EXCITINJ 0F NATURAL GAS PLACS From Hardwick- Moduina, 30" Speciat 'aaa1tt 1,,tatataktt.tta.atatat touttiittttt tt ,,, 11 tatit' athe fata ' t fa ataaktop. ta' tatal W a ta ta , H. a t f Jus 18 9 ntatfff, hat fatta 65p.. 1)-' t afat t a lat a , . tata f a le ..ttt-ft fatafata ini,aa,aaaaaaaaaa A lapaftctataa f.) i RONI '61011 A1-RIS 1ERA I E Rh! 5E Ni CRFSS AUII. 1<< IC R'ER t $199691 ERONI 66[(;(;306 NATil. R 6.% l)R E DRR $24969 Aafaflttt aagaa apptacata dealea, dapariltst ore,îîaot United Gas From Moffat- the trim-sgytrd Standard! lac taha Ioa tata tit at u, ,e . t. that,.laa.ataaf.l, Iý tata 'Ittat tt i-ta t,,I dot-tt , t iI ad,,ta oto, Iiita at 'iatti ai- , tak bit to tt plaî at es' htttttt -ha tata ritat a altaat. it1aCtetaa t111- lat a inat Sin erxarrcs t ta at tataga>- the. ,ata Just $19 69 En n hif l e b l FOR YOUR BEST DEAL ON GAS APPLIANCES se... ~CW Dn~M'~ RADIO & TV PHONE 8784949 su.. ICA DS N 201 MAIN ST., MILTON the Mailtoa Hah atoll dacaaq tacaha Wafdao andi Cen Browna (Staff Phataf EssoI SERVICE raS and a Hoot of Ceorbae I ete R.. SERVICE NUE ESAISO-- aio Sto Ser78v36e The Canadaan Chapion, Wedctesday, Novcaber 6, 1968 Thaomson of Oakvdie, ail taýprsdataal caadtdates. peaker Elce prsdet o he m eeting Eaaooad to )aaic Ithh taataa.a p Baaa oh ,quýJt,1a1,ollfi a t t!, 1ý' kd ,il gg e, ed f[, p ý 1 l ciýI t ce- u-d- kl , 1ut - tggataod-i the at ont.. ffi akffodeand tdv-prdet aveageasws e agîon taith Nr aN ckonoaf Lia. municiaoaah. Secrtary c Gorge Nartieof liouaaty.e svrl f Otakoifle and trascrer Jao lin aataaad aoia afrIt47' Dopew o alle. reoommoodaaons in rite Smth With the exception of th1e Report and ld the meeting flic ofic oaf the thiadaace-president aa.aaaiîoo httc d had 115 bath the Fedeta andPraovincal dfegattcaod 356 batafs d e1esoa andtmade134 hanges in he AssoPtciatnafAlcth saine.a coaarpa kesaa udaaa. a noihave a third oaa.a pexdent. Eagl.i oaflToronto a andidateo fi leo preoodenay aaf he Ontarito Progressive 1 MILTON 1 (aoneratioo Association, Bruit> T LEH NE Bragafhi of Hamltona, Aadea l i i iRO Faaa of Toronto and W. S. ANSWERING SERVICE ittataaaaa Prtaaao oat cidule at ea aaa CONFIDENTII Ii-tt'.a.attot haaddaag 0COARTEOUS atoafi ri.tttuilh Dipfaanat'a PERSONALIZ ED hapve ffaf.aie sutua wf aka 878-2020 ufic secplaod fttaaaLaa THE VOTERS' LIST ACT Section 12 Clerk's Notice of First Fosting of Voters' List 1968 TOWN 0F MILTON - COUNTY 0F HALTON NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN that 1 have atmplied math Setats 9 and 12aof the Valets' List Actand that I hae osted oP at taf office at Milton, on the 28th day af Qataber, 1968, the lit f a nl peesons ent.tIed ta vole in he maattaipality et municipapl efecîtios and that sach lisf cemaajs there foc inspection. AND f HEREBY onff 0900 alf aaîers ta tae aaattediae proediogs tahavanyomissionsor, errors orcec acoding ta Iav the last day for appeal heing the 12th day af Naaemaber, 1968, DATED nI Miton, this 28t6 dny of October, 1968. J. MoOFACHIE, Cferk, _ Town of Milton.