"The end of the. b.ginning' BloTtis Cenadien Cheampion, Wsdsssdoy, Nonombes 6, 1968 Top scholars honored at Commencement lis s anif td sitae ,testitstisdiied gli ,nid teststtcn ptic ,ite.id to ttt set performacee t a mao no e a edent once egate Feidnyneenîngeas Gordon Timbeit delîncîed tule entedtctsîy tddiect te c cnoed et 600 e t Ihe 1968 Commseceenieerses it ,Mites Disttict IitgilsScliisl Gorsneisecollett the tend mens"ries tiC Graide 12 trips, file east nee-sus sbe. and aetof ocesosete .esnd eartsih hbel lie ieteestsdtfie phaseo iett met set se mech fihe connecn eio semetheng. hut tethet hlc ontsinuationeet ce educ.tin th.ît teted wthi Grcde Gise.ýi lfisss st tlise esd. Ic st een ile heiseessg eftshesend Sl stIeedeof the beîitssl.tic Tise pîe8en s speesne is ptinetcia R. i. Hurlerî ested 30ies test veei'itGrcde il eitttre piesesltis ,îiiesdtsg n'ersisy Millessuettresi iecis esieee t'ics one te illss rininsg, toet are neîkisgaedItlte isînmedes Titîs nos the tirt gtsep et gtadeteiewhemsiesett eqtted ti.suîhnit t se ni Mr. Hiere CaeIle d "iho sseekie, ots lie cseipisiesised Ietm theit tosd stsndteg iesyitoll aeddnled d istic , s ins t betidîtîtes be npencdsDceist Gueît speaere of tlie progrti Ga . S. Leetete, assistant di tecns o etdecain in liit itsn. suis net îsîtnîýdsîed fi' d t he lositiiie i tt pisiey siatiet itppîsees esi sounceseifetiy pehleetiiial eiaied yeeitg peoe faceth challene le hipptitt and nnednetiey. The mould has chenged ci ensdly te ieen decades itic estniaied man bats earned moto aout hîmsenfitn the cst 100 yeansthan be halldeceted in the ehele datation et li specîns belene ihai. n annmbeieopecintsoet sccupais. eeeh es phyntsicead Oise, btanîches et science. ol e Possible fii, e mie te lean andc esinoniy asmaflperceetotesot the hneetedgn acaîlebte. -W r clon etien, tohetitet me ite tedmit iO ot net:' Mit Lcseteioettted. 'icey ci flec toitttltuatiUonA estili t ccitt if ne did set flo inconpeiene leadets methssi [le sigoit peeple geteg ses tonfie eetd soh bitetesied te ne dengs and pneiaedt et eccepttaecostaentiit. Sîndesiccencil peiene Rontlt Gets, ihinhet Mr. Lomiess toi lite aditteses ted pteeed bîo msth c bosuquet t ceses o luit 6e. Fetitieing lies. poeeteio eomoiademtssmae. lhssetcecseiein seeseilets echîtl gtedeations dîpissito ieieded, o tsiLe year-cite and scec ouss-dietd Ateic Dcie ituteil, tistitie sel hSsi Sesue. tDotglcs Sosfesd, Ke'sieth Seiwn. SBernrd 13iy ce S nscei Caritecs, Mcige iltihets.n Siephen Clemnist, Sisesyi i ectes. Shbron Cnn, Soies Ceamp, Jebn Ci sîk. Ions t,)eicheet, Rutb 5e. liCe i.5 teres,. Seedît Frech, Motry Ame tosdwnn Pacitot G incestes, Roert Hcdisy, John Hanses, Masry Lon Mille. Assi Etepeis, Shaton ite, Agsss Jensen, Inon Jenen. Petet Ionsen, Stephes Kecnn, Paul Ketchen, Roberi [Lee Rebent Martin, lanice Micîîes Red MeKeocs, Roger MeikisyPaul Meunninn,Gniiy Neyieo. Elizabeth Neble, Rebonrd G'Vinta Cient Ans Gliset Goay Oliver, Kesth Patrkeo. Sirles, Paronen, Phstip Poellt, Noies, Pointie. Lyne Recbetey, Neanies, Roeretton, Net! Robertson. Aies Scott, Vline Smitb, Linda Stoent' lanice Stîncti. Peit Scîtone, Edgar Taylsor, Viie lmbers, Michael lynes. Sesen Vcndeeae, hStphon Sfeiicesd, Scandta flcey, George Rîlkiînson, Miuîon Yîossgý Vo et tîntyeert ancd science cu ses eMLaren Btoen, Goît Vacos LinoetFeri, Gonid Frtench, lette LGreen, Olceteti Letits. thistece \tclrsh. lîohn Cifts hi nssnne Psesoha, t eflRs, Rhsnoid. Goncld Ritose, Macîtîn hesds. Lînda Smsith. Stoihert Wilson tes setr-yens bueinesscand comrecourses.îeecmn teca bucsnest ceeicat dîpleso: JoAsse Duracen Sunece Ve'tesoni, Macry Atn e.cisn Laurel Kennsy,' Sosaîs Marsite Vaye hlcthses, Pene NoiSl, Pet hseiipio. h esce Sotseewki. Mershe Reliîs Kei ties, KLen Pelu Asd t ticse aniecore seeieosg cl genecia husinese siesottcpic dîpisese: Donna Gevhn, Nanos, Goteng, Lsndn tisesîs Gonna iLentes. Getînne Leslie. tinishe Rebersons, Ingrid Sebichi. lndy Thonîson, laion Tolosisn. Peggs' Rilsse. MurrayVtnemcn. fltero gradnatioe dîptomet viete pteseiisd to Dinde t3 gratis. Yvonne Agnee, Lorraine Atîissn, Mary Andeison. Peseo Anderon, icîty Andss, Edmnd Sont, Cicig Britih, Phiip Stesh., Leis Castes. Robent Ceuse, Senti Conp. RWilliam Gey. tons iSenoet, John Fleîchet. iisnsth Fotd, Douglas Vester, Ksnnnih Fesiet. Oeid Franko, Dooiat Gaidbencn, Pcmtyn Gteen, 1dli Snaddon. Mary tiadtey, Jnditb Hatdy, Gavid tics, Nota tIsoont, Keedion Jackson, Senda Krnete Lînde Ledcit., Jemes Legnie, Maooaet Mookay, Cscde Matin, Peit One, Sens, MolcoTsa, Joeph Meoph, James Metono, Gavid Retîs. Aitenes tessseo, Lsndn Servs, Rilliam Si1eneii. Geette Stne. Gonglas lsghi. Gorîdon lîmbeto, Boy loneli. John Trant Alec Reiket. Elizabeth WReb Keenett Wilson, Meosho Wilson, Sandsîraîis; noie Judith Gance, Gavid Gceec. Rechard Koie itd, Rilîiem Laing, Pont Lînseman. TOP STUDENTS te thei giades teot yest mets Lsciie Wntkno,' lefs. ecsh an 88 Per cets standting te Dinde 11, and In., Jesen, right, mih 81 ci Pes cent e inrde 12. The girls mets nseeeg heneddoef ssuenessiemeni dîntees aed noc ois ns Fridnysscoeecseit (Staff Pheto) Roecid Mcynt, RBeeos Metdoch.lanceePierceMechae Roeseei Ine Sonceil, lndy SneSlle nenenvd Censhinceio troînint and acetiheete et aiiendene eoc necnded Ain Lents. Mensis oe Isle Hein, Boit for lent yne's noîto îinded. se Goade 9 fiee-yecs cat and sce e: omo Seenhenne, Gai] Bron. Sonnie Ceone., Raye Gîew, Mots Falk, Barbarc iHudson, Mets, LeGenne, Lee-Ane Lynde. Ihenese Mentit, Richard Mettcy. bon Penîce, boanne Roberts, Sosn Rberstsn, Holty Sosesn, Michael Silces, Ceotie lmsibeoe. Sesan Van Seke and Baotaranoo ed. Vent Yeaî busnss and cm ec:Hsney Snkkeo. Donna Hesheeingien, Keose hornses: tee, yen scaene, necheelees, ced tedec: Stunct Hall, Bernard Joebsoen, Bruce Shannon. Si Snmith. teesi Witlici; Speciti tmn=yno. Robeot Maroine. Diede O0 nacpents on hie yenoartsnad scence tinuid: Soeyc Atnee, David Anstis, S t eplie ilChc ase, Gonna Dalbraths Robin Gsîlaod. Intie Kedronns, Lino Mazoaonoc Alexaner MeLaren, Jnsmes Marsohall, leena Becnecco. Jacet Ton, Seetp Rieeo, tosan Rdlkencks, tee, ynco cite ne diI ci cse n: Lsieidca Seemoesîn, Gattene Verie, Heaibe, Mefnsg, G ooneo Mitchell; Vent tien, buness nnd tomre oto Mnsie Cop, Bonl Gnuls, Genna Kees, Zandon Mtiller, ntstetie hiioti, Gebeei Pîresson, oaise Wilsoss. Four yeco tonene tccliiohigy and tondces Pont Tieeepeoe. Ino yncî epeocil Judith D)nce. In Grade t1 teve yccinarcsiad t)e e:sDorm Sobto. Lînde Sîleshi, fieL Ssson. PaoM tCtead, Iconte Canese. Ingrid Falk. Sated Lnay, tienne Loîcsen, Karîns Mci solînîni. Lois McNobh. Catrol iheesen. Utsula lek, tedle fie-thon. and sciesne Netteenc Aieeîd.hla foun yeoo bueies ascd cmec:Bîtîsîsse Anderonts Myts Cestili. John teglie. Snendc Millet, Alise Neiscen. Nocs Re'tvo ona eeSctnnn. In Grade 12i2e yeosonetoad scec:Ken town, Roert Hodîns, trige Jenen, Ionie Matibes. le fouri yen, nrte ced eVcien:Gi lFco nsforyeos bnsneosaid.Ctisic Murray Fosemas, Faye Matibas Pal Sînsen Motsha Radie, Peepo Rittsss <sels 1 i le ysetoars estd tclc ecîpient icled Gtnnîih Vend, Jmeci Leonie, Lynda Sevn,, Wiltiams Stenet, Dnogas Tigbi and Jon Tîcas. Sondent enaseiti amarid sysisos poeoeniaiinn o et ies mci made bynice-psesidentîJanieMabies 0e Alan Raiket. Jmesc Meotes, Janîs Leonie, Liedc Ledinitis, Moogoont Bel, Stîctyt Ceaiet. Snoos Vandecce, Iance Matibîs, Jane Getebest. Elizabetb Noble, Faye lniîiiies, Afn Hnpkîs, Judy Haody, Mary Hadtey. Glesîli Ford, Rny leselli, Dene obie, Nancy flnnd, Jeane Cannes, Urola Tnsek, Leslie Rîthins, Rcnda Gncy. Nantcy Iieey, Lancie Kensey, Mary Ani Htibon, Pbdlip PoelliiGordn Tnbec, Maosna Rîleen, Maîtanet Mackay. tnde Krancic, Neora Hecons. IJohn i eglîn. Anni Neitten. Bebert Lee, Vdmaod Agnein. Peit Snilono, Gaît Enans, Jette Ctse, Richard Bteoen, Peit Liet, Kothiese Neneil, Dora Geedte; mhtle Manoba Reidne and KenBonsenaeboeceissd a scosin jeeket fee thit major etfoets. Giiieiese,înd tiretees tscinded, laGo'ades 9 and 10; Veeflîc luhisstainding se Grade 10 inseteel arts, nitit 90 pet cent .. Sieplien Chaese, iinnint Isle Unsîted steel Reokets heosaoy ot S25, pnesenied by (haties Mille. Fr tlie iget staning in Grad' 10 Soein Leseenis, heui tiein catis nS pet cent B eerly Rîtce and Geosna talbibnth. tecesvng file t SRW betssyetfS 25. Ce, Cie hsgbnns standinge in ird soi s'otmecia nets aon foeio e-sindses aend cotites tens tise2adi hSesioeseîs nnood of S50 piesened bs, G. Seein 184 pet tfeceigbokifoentshi Stean Cocup olfeapesphile Rosenes Ocotinie for siet Ibuth 90 peoceninge .- Katîn Reospîns ni fie Milton Distict itigli hehoiil Board proflaieeey pecoes by Grade 9 nindenso, poseeied by G. tReberts îeotnded: A s, su aild OSc',, e 1 fv- .. Sscs Vesickle (88 peo cesnt); Onnon Rebertsen (86.5 pei cest); Arts and nscesc tnne-ysns ... Bnoînss and cemmense Cno-ysno ..Krin Seoress (90.7 pet cesi), Hessny Satokes asd Dense Hettieringien (75 psr cent); Science, iecioetgp and teades tenî-yeao .. oBrce Sthaeno (82.t petrcent), Bitt Smiti (78.6 peo ceci): Specini twe-ynno ... Bebet Manien (8O.t petrcent), Daeid Mctstyie (72.3 pse ceci). Rectyints eoimtla aeads fnt otaedints in Grade 10 inctnded. fins yece ... Stepîen Chaie (87.9 penrcent), lames Marshîait (83.4 pet cent); Artsooed science teoryeao . Itethet StcCato (77.8 pei cent), Getiene initie, (76.6 pet cent). Bsinessiand OUEST SPEAKER D. S. Lomies, assistant disot- tnr nf edunoties in Onriisgtst , mos gneot speoaksi oPetdIcapa higb seboni cenemet. (tafof Photo) commee Cens peco. .. Jasse Widsoe (82.5 pes ceci). Zosdeo Mdlet (79,8 pet cont); Scence', oechnohsgy aed tads .. Pas Ihempts (75 pet ceci), Jin ssîseOr Page B51 AROUNO 600 PARENTS, 6-1 ad stdensati on Fria q-e dý e otc e,,n tdrisfrteracm h e1- f1 eeî1 qe ee sh 5s h,, tc'-' ho pLrof Tee - , - ts. c 5,, Lo e ft- shoise THE ANNUAL MEETING of thic HaItos West Progressive Consorvativo Association wilI ho hcId - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1968 et 8 p.m. - et tho ESTAMINET RESTAURANT, Burlington Guet Speaker -JOHN TRIMBLE TOPIC "EDUICATION ANS HALL DENNIS REPORT" Dance to CoIIow Meeting SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN AND oîct soue s1.25 CHEF SALAS 00659 TUOKEY SINNER MASHES PGTATOES OR FRENCH FOIES EGILFO CAROOTS STOAWOERRY SHOOT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 We Are Open Esesy Dep Thresgheet the Tes LIDO RESTAURANT lit Mets AIR CONOtTIONRO Miltes 1~ Homeowners Aluminum Doors Uftsqelttst - Combination Windows jSoif Stesiegi ORDER NOW Beo re the CoId Weathor - Factory Prices KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Noerds e paito'sns 20 yoe geeeote Lot us teplaos yos Steoco orWoodtidlog PATIOS -_ nastots desigsed CAR PORTS - inooponsiean astiàl ALUMINUM AWNINGSfeo or ottesefing Federal Industries 0F CANADA For Froce Estimatos Phono Collect Foot of Forsytiso SE., Oakvillo 845-0318 A A NOS? nnistoedi' snholorssJ Troits osd Seossevi Tc Seodis (68 toso yens. pr cent), enet). Sstehs pùst tes E.Mton MUlon E c nned ol 9, oseses leWis. Sbs Deamo t Ms. Ani boso psron asd Rach petomas tes e V for tier hi1 t1; wtite stoistd En, Gonds 12 teses (8« Mittson Mfl.H.S poizsoi wnere prs te Leslie5 ted Lnis cent) en petence;t)c Liodo Mil cent) je Science; asd Mn busineso ai Grade i awerds ol (CI.4 pet Focts ( Smith O Moeeot ceni) and Wilton, F Sampon Siodecit ptaques e ptsidssi Jenses, G Feesmos Reeicii, Femoia G. Isjtis. Ingrid receino 4 Geade tl S. MeOis nnsasd ni hoglisi te peseted Admis oety a Vontietotse binss a Rnsl Gai Lieda Hil, The citizenshil membes staff met Anne M Wilmon. Ameedo isetodedt A LUs micitoa in Mari Rnbinon;, 'M.D. H. S psisss bj Dougla i and lotos Doglas SidfitE The Corporation of the Township of Nassagaweya PUBLIC NOTICE, toestablioh County Board of Ede aticn and Conty Ro- m iCathelîs Seore Schnel Botrds whieh will beceme effecties of Jaseoty 1, 1969, thesetsoue Snl ords et Edeeatîe, FPublic Seheel teards ond Sepotote Setiioil Boardso mîshie Halte,, Cectnty cens te exsot et o thot dote. Eisotiess wiii be holti os Mesdey, Docesobes 2, 1968, sn eet Mosieipelity sn Nettes Ceesty to senc sesobses te the Moites Coestp Boasrd et Eiceeties esnd the Htteon Cossy Restes Cetisolis Soptiete Sehot Bsoard. The numbsi of meers to 10 e eleced te bhes tee Boarsfon ieesach Mccc ipolityo giece ef Meeteipolîtîs, îithie the Ceeniy os as fellemeé Meeetcpetity Hottes Ciy. Meeseipetity Haiten Cty. Remne Cathelic Beea-d et Sepenese Seheot Edeentien Boaerd tetieglon S Beelîngtee . 7 Gokeilis 6 GOkeilis S Georeîtown 1 Georetoween 1 Eoqceoheg t._ _ tsqesoio i......1 Nossogaeep ) Naosogooceen Actee .....i Sonoînts Seheel Holtee Contss ot loteos ... 2 20 14 Eeeh Mesteipettty miii teonuc lt eo Bletties, esti the membes wdli hor eltes fos e porltil etof Iveesi J. C. MeINTYRE, Retsroiog Offteer