O.D. MILTON ut the '17 EEK ath are approval ai have reognit- ted theilt le jn ou r tgs thep ovettber Itot, With , stop te uqer ger- d cellent- ,g people Df tuttor- their ah- ce future. EST, Y8 Milte. hobby" ho tlaimte. Fueryhody han thoar -thtg- and i i Sn, crtrurtng. "I sttuttd te wbtit i me, an tuhutt. uncd Io do tite cato t o tht nuberi papot. aed tl tant gom trot titotu." teyt Brun. * Te date tht niaîttrity taf jus tae tla, brtz upent aui tntetetttf tho thro yeng Huttrid chiderc aiiet 310 Eimoad Crttc.ihame. Braatt wtto tartatis an troco supetviter att nursts ai Miton Dititt Hosppital. Whenbaitfend and cucca,,,t Bill tenul tatd litte lit, ctr Paultne bcd docaired ta, open a ahidrrnns bycttutg nervc ae thetuem Meiin Bingtuu.ioy peded muitl Brcn tto dot ter catoson tite uclin. -We eeaiiy bcd ta punithar binta tii, Priait munt heliou mlitt a talent bu bat," ney Mrs. Faull. TitorI ta mea trusa ttge pot rtcdy tut aportug day ti ut, andiraretunt iad taca,,budo hy nado m,th carpoutuîn. Ilcictccand auttor laboter, btancatuauoffn me, aboutt half dore by apertuf day haut tie slips duc, te Buitngteta any 1,-ee taigsI cantinue ltt large andIcouiuais.ci Tle tptceing tecutteit a Ilte i ergent pitctaîo adorettttg t BeyCaît mcii, Ntctby au a maewiau tire chidtet, atve tynIomette,, a,,d there'n a FFOR ALL OCCASIONS ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINOS SHOWERS GRADUATIONS ANNIVURS^aRI CHOOSE APPROPBIATE GîIS OF DISTINCTION Gifts Thot Are Sure Te Se Apprtojeteci Cfaaeee Ceafieatip At $2,032,000 sales in Savings Bonds Mate tirtn Pb9-,iiuerininsae atf tht 1968i utet et ofanada Puanft Baud, thtengu puyratii taungu hae brou acheuod tut datt hy Ontariourgt.tgein t h trntraepaigtt Sait, te da te au tito iialianad Pteel rea toal S2,032,000. i)rgaotottt te ite toateat aMr W. G. Pippe andoieit E. Siterpe. Stec dtains atte ito hlis re Christmas Git Gaui inaîtn cbutha plot GDr A. T. MOORE INS URANCE CAMPBELL VILLE 8 54.227 1 ha Milton man 's cartoon characters set mood for Baby-Centre centre Dy Roy Duet, aeiining, flre-tttt0tg ber up tht erttotk ut Baby-Ca tuctiy Ductut Duuiittir peoplt. Vu htghin to courner Brito caulit asualaver te theaotne. Hutjed put tattgo uarud ctticatttttg Thecboyceetutyea.uid teytsptitg ftutbeart has bort ertpiy tocatrd tire Mickre Mos tetthuut tht Cairtiherteotd Tuptr à ttt noi a aoto ago, Sutit,-tt a ot Bay-uo tu mialor t e reroa bxu met tho cie ciueutotd ir Iiietii eore,, the e ta,- mue t11- optttt erd ure tytoI uthehtcoran dbr uut the ruen ihht. T aitogttt kpjmur ut dta dutortipaî lartr toon cmeritt es b oy chut ratoday mîradvangtdhtuugh Tp gi t offotruaî batrimo et utgn fayor t tot ant o tpottthb-Ce mu ef sa theitigiatduettdat. o Whlaiirg hohGenedîttdu' Otet, Prusdterfo ý.e o tito br t o tin ec.I hlmiasr, the t wa otan, Bitiya futiv mokub ag lakor hr yante r nte al ptuing aobigbinhetun madittn d ae idi thog mumunt ntie" sastemdsta , yCre u i' awitn spant thmrn ttîrttu Mhte. tatindi rowteheod hm. Wieb a neddtd DsyPrucosadth drrdt attoyur rd gai i 'er "Tht' fupined Biooh ors mtilp putotue tehbie. ei sepette r tttehitdtfacensmorthatteut fo tuteepes ad evetra "quit ut btitg ALLOWED tu rt the ruum- fut muthet, ta nutte ut car up and duen tht mcii, ther chtunge thitoi hubtes- ftumhteing caught atti. Smitrg, -Each chid i t i e he tutndhcktethtiikt a reepttun arcairtt font oftti, herd, ruunded o couple ut hop, liteu trtiert ireen fot mjve wth hta tputty eut, - tippnupruatritîthe dett limbod the wtrdirg tued tp tht or breuty parlttr. Orue ,ntdr tho muntuto then duc, iter tht pieytuum. the boy or girli t plin, and beadnd oft or ht, gteuitd byea hotdero thappy imuginrty trtptlomurd theilarge - uitdtttttngedti vreutof bite laite ced tite tpremlig ga eo tnd piuyttmr ta,- atperttuumpatuon the outbittt Ci tildre ar ettoaugodîoti ad ut tht ocity". Pour muo others titgn mth catdhortd hotu,-, joined him inthtendhtt beor tmurtid Pteeso lumbut. o long there crut practteuiiy e iplainuglue and papo tina-up otechaidttnmatîngtu get ' And titry d,,ut tuy "dt,tt their carsancd truckse tolitng op tuci tite ccii, at Bthytae and duuuttthtttad ttttttt utf- The maiincarepttnttdcaîitlt the ertistts otty. peit tat mtpot tetîiy. and lfidi cartoon chateetetu art Tht place? BehyCaeteentre dont rn an onumoi and eiil lust at tht nm Buritngton Mali, f ut yerr dotpt îoptatod where hbtben and tudditts cgtd muthngt wti a tild coup. t, six montht t te t yetsca uerte tact, tite btildren ae orcuureged toa up tu thre bout, obit ther tat play al tht walii, e that tit e mommotnitup. unitmptttd, in pruprtare tope thry matit tht Mets h0 tee strets. Tht catty ihome math tiem. ltdy ehlla troureged Biiy t - Baby-tort a, oper dartng Mail] nutt b,, car eiuug tht mcii bouts. Ilchaesr75 crutfe t,,,l, (somthag houid prhehiy tatt heurtand35 cetsoec hate heor tpcnbed i,,r huub addteitioaitflittur.Tituttiy home) mer Mr,. Pauitt Feuil, stipulaiotn iu rital tildro,, tht ptatparittr at beroelongert(hallrtine heurts, ter there tse ta tod,,g And theeuartuaord tamrstt, tetlity and etto, thrr itou,, 30 teot long and tour tort igb vntebses fyugt and puctaa,,eduotire welin cnrtieele ut ctntuur ject ti, rtght spot f, ec ortt oftfurtyorgue ptt-safolrttt have fut, wtith, berauritthe Irai,-bo,,,Mr. Feuil ce trot thetiee,,ed bruni, ut bruma tht puro, er rttt nitut a Miton mar, 8,-jet Ffetttid. HAPPY CHILDREN end en etttndent play e gae ttt tht fore. cau haut au dtegptng a uuury tf petatt greerd btile Mltoner tteu betfold, chost hobby is cartoon youegetter arund theutstore- PliellCnaai Oebniio hy dey, rn tht bkgroutd. (Staff Photo) quato tounonablo and tite poit tutu me gafttd carttuuttt hy S olid Stafr TVils heire! NO TUBES TrO BURN 'OUT SOUD STATE CIRCUITS REPLACE IIUNDREDS 0F IIAND-WIRED CONNECTIONS... ELIMINATE -IUNDREDS 0F CHANCES FOR COLON PIIOCRAM8 ARE SEEN IN IRILLIANT BLACK AND WHITE au AU. THIESE SEM. INSTANT PICTURE I e INSTANT SOUND!i RADIO & TV YOU CAN RELY ON OUR SERVICE" 201 Main St. E. Milton 878.6949 t. i LON( REPLI FOR. OF R COMPAR and You'l 3LIFE TRANSISTORS Agre. That ACE VACUUM TUBES. The Very A NEW STANDARD ELIABILITY. Best is Motorola RICHARDSON'S A 810 GIRAFFE ine of thet ayclru cron rcn the ouist at Baby-Ctr centrei rlig Mal.Ats ra Hatfield puis the firnhrg touchesn bhe animal. (Staff Photo taoghulaIoi n , c1at, ai. set ju uatuald hav dncu il week ie stt uic ta disu.anghul %ctoanli o rj more ptoathalv. motIeand t sceiig cittiu liad aialecofia g,d autac>eua one lfte tiali's stores. Tire Baby- artc whal, utc,, motaher hall plcased a S325 sitappd utuupcrcdtfor lar tauy (-tba price t wau ubil on full flu,, it' tI kcop laec 1, l Aud lie inight iha et,îuyed happy anudîtac j nIi ticcatcd Iliiedut iil-ouI il, tha atialetoptoftlog,, [ie chosl t lu ,pl)ec aîcd Fau twuoa-Ihids iliaI pic. S325I'iîa. SERVICING THE MILTON AREA LEE - MAR 0ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL ~~REPAIR - SERVICES 0 Meesehold Appliaaces 0PwrTeels, l..w Mea.ee 0 Commaaercial - Industriel LES GRAY, 82 Charles St. It ~878-6617 The Ceander Champion. Wtdlntnday, Norarnher 6, 1968 B3 IIALF BAKEt) ary distathence. Su o ha, way [laer ye e bad abaed tua metk. heo uak their white telephonet Weo ii couple t in e Pl. triup i n theo n. When the MimiFltidu. ede dap wth a vade aw( >ke a d bcd oriser. she huit hcked a,,,. Sauta, hes mie decded tu do uauu, baking. and had bee up ,th ile bahy ail tn,-trd on th ovrta, prehnitil wogiat do h., haud ddh,~al t -bc la !- PORK CHOPS -------------_....75C lb. DEVON BACON --------- ....75e lb. BEEF LIVER - -------------- -----55c lb. BUTT SHOULDER CHOFS -----_....55c lb. CHICKENS -- -------.........41c lb. CHICKEN LEGS - ----------- ..55c lb. RIS ROAST - - - 69c lb., RUMP ROASI T 89c lb. ROUND STEAK - -89c IL. SIRLOIN STEAK - -95c lb. UNICO OIL - Gallon Tin --- ----$1.75 Maxwell House COFFEE .....69c lb. bag Betty Crocher CAKE MIXES, 19-oz. 2 for 89c TENDERFLAKE LARD ----- 4 lbs. 99c BIG STAR WHITE LOAVES __ 3 for 69c 50-lbs. ONTARIO POTATOES......._$1 .25 HOMO 3-qt. JUG MILK - ONLY 69c With Every $5.00 or Over Order 176 Mai St itn 8836 NO0TICE, To the Ratepayers of the Township of Nassagaweya Soc are eby advised the fullowng questiont wili be placed onaballot tu bu anted onby the Electors of the Township of Nassagaweya, at the sate time a the Municipal E!tctionr Oeer 2td, 1968, and et the saepolir places a , leto for the Municipal Curuil Pulin open- 10:00 A. M b 8:00 P.M. "Areyu in ar of a B-Leabeiae puisard h. the Muaa- icipal Coueil eftahe Corpoaionaa utahe Townsahip et Na a:eya tu permit horeuacinae aBter 1:30 ecleck hn the cternouuao Sundays in the Township et Nassa- efietra?'" YES < ) NO Certld atrc copy of the uesin tobe paed onballot J. C. McINTYRE, Clerk * "YOU CAN RELY ON OUR SERVICE" 201 Main St. E. Milton 87"949