Re- t)The Canadiett Chotmptaon, Wedatesao, Naottber 6, 1968 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL 1ç LEGAL 19 LEGAL 19 - LEGAL 20 AUCTION SALES R c 19 LEGAL 119 LEGAL Cttritg Srvice" t t loal i oatot rsainmottas the cluiiaro ttl nc ~ w an of 4 tE1 65'36 ls amttdd TOWN 0F 0YVNR PARE YOU PLANNING AN m1 od t, t.aa, 4 ana t ElMI, M2, and M3 Indoattia tait use. tait otays. bp addiag aftt patagrapa (la) BY-LAW No. 1968-127 AU TO SLE 5Uh Notie toCredtorsZattes. Sub) Satt ta tectian 35(t) (ail Fat caomercial uses, noa n tm patagapht ltttttd (i) as OTHERSsin - Etquesing Cu THE CORPORATION 0F atd at aatd fat parihg at an aidth thtaagaat. (il Tht caadaat of a trade or A By-Iawto aAsad Dp-kaw 196- Cati Bp ANi sTFR 7 a a Tifor150FO ILE taget tthta a ttaat yard. tttvii Fat ah pat-king tata, tasnass, ptaaidtd nat mtate 136. JIM 'TIýNY" HOPKINS iu, Sahatîtt. TOWN OFi tAVIL ai Ioat ttc laf to aaat-aaa than 25 p,. caut aI the fltou, TttF COUNITIL 0F THE COR- Lta atil Aaatiaatar Pttssttaatt ltt tta tttaRETANICROR '"" h BY LAWV 1968-78 ta, tit . a ]w a, -r, nd -it ita,aatarthex it ttatt aie tit i" ' JtiPuttt, FORAION OFEiEITOWN OF dtag sat.ettn lAnbffý CROttE one"" Itît ap liiîhaat t, ta aaa taa aîîttded ha tanta ai a Itat n sitgn as dhapttaad, ta patt- OAKVtLLE EPIACTA AS FOL- Phone Milton 878-2657 tadtat caaa A .aptltlt Abptawteatttd theOa- hae ct'tt'td at atad tat o apttaate taadtayadahttt taaaatsîda ataothtt' at the LOWS- 20h27 aahaatttahtb All pat'taaahaattg aaalare ibIsA tha Townashtapl a,-vcZn Bp-Ioaw (Parks- parkigatrttatag naaotataahpakag atatatittita tatalyt'taidtgaanthttptt- agataat tha Eatatt af Rata Vit taIaaadttTaaa t g Prsos) yard atr a aida pard thrat ahata aaatmettiat at indaattriel mane, ittt ts totaytd, ta godsar Bp-Ioaw 193 - 136 ta aottded I nal aI Miltan, an the Caaaty ot Hat- tat'th'tc olha ata et TH COUNCIL 0F TUE COR- (vil) Parkiag oatas t aat- taa hagh a caommeriat or noaahippit as data (toto t hatizontal area of the lot LiosdAutaerld hp tse ta aaatt.taadidattCaaats Boatd ai Eduat.a tht FORATION 0F TUF TOWN 0F taia ttdtaidat athiatt pat'kiaga andattriat zaat, atd toah tatre, thttt, atnd thttt a ta public il Iota atp hotizattat fare Holidap ihttat the lth day osf Aagaat, N.attît Metintîg tatll ha OAKVILLF ENACTS AS FOL- apaatt, ataatdiag ta the tatt a-haat ttpat'atad, watt ha ait aftiat ar aiattiag of the ptem- aI the lot ahiit htlote til- Fams - Litestoak Repeesesalati 1968, ara htt'thp aatifhd ta stit tait ha Taowtship a LOWh' saa tattîtinattatian lîltîlat, tat1 Ift tatdt hut if coata as hp tttaatta cliets, ot tag at gtading la aaered bp Fastitose Sales Btaltelaak, I inttathetaadttafaedtaholtttstt ,atand aitîh hb t httaaIa faiata t) 6 aaahaofaahih iatahta latv tatdatay havattalaidth aaltttt on bushaintess. att oa marah, or iaeow Oaks peet htr tht pattaaat taptattatativt 1attaaa TaSahp taoda ha aakf aod aaofatd aI t Itat thrait 18 bcat. 2Rtaa9516laa-hs htdatihtis ht R. R. 2, GEORGRTOWN. tata tht lht daaaawv Towshi Naalthl, lait Naede paktgpatht (aiti) lditidaal parking tttbda attt atik ot a river, watertaatae Phn 87-30 Tpetia aoth2thtta daattoattltie Phdbe h (1) ddltat. thaa'atd "opea" taatata-Itt tha 200qaret spaatt watt ha at'tatgtd ta tr akeor atahtt the ttope 2Ra-if Oalille st ,68, fula parttiara of thait' (c)At tht ltta aI Miîltaa o tattah'tttaa20 and addao [ctttntata. thatteatlapate hasaaaaaIota ) taSahtttiaala ftsectiont38 af the latd i gttatts'thaa dmugs ad a datta ltatiat-l atttt tht atat the Towanthipt aI Etqae-at the att aI tht tahttatiat the ts atatae ata casin tisat ct n1 f n tevr ,'t date, tht haýttata will ig aad Ntaaataya taiS bt waatdt "athttithtoptnaarin ltheavagteataoataatd, andttraaubalic ttt'tor donortdhauaddihortso Fotttaittffttentdchntit- ,tt.attdhatîo gartdattatat tatha Hahatn Ctatta Raoman -"20)1"Parkingastatan aetwthtattbth t a athtatt aaaapyiag thth sbe taa at:i)ls aîtttphorotial atmaofoneicatppe alïImo ahach hte shaî thret Cathalit. huatt'î. Shatil Boatd, ata fat the tltatat't' pathhr apakakpatl spta l tlr o "Na pertaa ahaf,. aithit Otti the laI ttiah dtes n05t CHRe A.SHUE t sahaoIr th NmiatonMetig il ig r toag o vthlc taatthtia ,pctt la tasward jCawwaatta Shaoppino Centtt wtalhit a zant an tthtd the CHIAUaIONORR E tdr tatitat DATES aI Milton. thit 24th ha taadat.ttd h1 tht Tata at atthat ta tht tata at an a p ai-m taîdth thaaghatt mtin.C haZdoneg eeto s n rpsc s spmte ae faltps e et n aIQttt3f Miltat, and a-il i ha-d at Mt- stittat" tinwdhtrogot (la) Parking amas fat aassn- ildn aor arast 2. R' dttttiagaclaast ta) of att- Sateaea afficpia.nts dM f ctbe, 168l()'httt aaparkigpaa tattia land wat htol oro in partsetion19af aecta'aataandaubi BigaorastallIl dohma the ttadetta HUTCUtNSON & fi httatt Puahha ShhaL 184 (2) dallatgtahttto21and int la parhang ata la partlue ms in Stauthita. MlIa ahtitttg tht tatlataiag far il: tapai&kîtgatta1,tl'tttt a tatd atdttaitaicdaaith forat tpp'at athat' tirat aaitig thtcfot Salestandaatd aywhtem. Haeît ariTUOMsO a talatrs haaoatttaa- a _hî ati duls sr ace ane 't ort aI the fattasa "fh) "lot aaattaoe taos tht Rîaaatat1 &(aitîa. dl Tha tatatttg ta tîiaîit "121) "parking spartc aate tnatttaiaa ha aha I a aaaatataaaatc1aatanaalp I hattlIhtoltat o ht Tl,8827iga aUt Milita. Ona. Caut Ottta aImer Edaatt the an at 1 -eaqart a-a- tofiant IttI P hgacemut I netîa Etgtaait tapatt 9aapigCat aeadh h ra Iato I R.R. 3,8Miltot Ont. ttactti paape SoctorsaaforatheaEtt. iott ardohta-paaathaaî tt'atadan20sur ctatt exlt tcttruhu.wihrmsteTw fOk sspemte naC oa atO h o raoc 19a28 taa(îi aCaatihxtt a aaaap- t) ta aditiona ta tht tpatt tatata spaaîîaatiaaa tilta restataats, htttiltt andt aP- haldiaga ot the lot."Rtt ao 'appui ..ty be o tetmprr patta ttttaittd la section lîltîla> pttattaa taor daiîtogo pliatatattotta, aatftatiattr, t, 8v dtlotioo ttataaatt't (4) of CLEARING pttsoattt ai The Corporation of The i ha aaadaagtoand ht'l bct Tatad ttatttagaftataa hops aqattt prpraai haattaî'ttatt ta attttand staa ota ta atahatth . R.ON SALE st hatd tac et Canttal Utgi Sahaal, 1433 2. Setiona 17 aI Rt'lat 1965-136 sac ust tdwotarall)Ptatitaelt hala tct priaattefo atitmnt ocrh1 ater.ue pot1 ahroagta thcmn lotéf esta dia a Towtnof Milton Raldint Staatt, Batliagîta. a aataadadtapt apattlaai a Id aîtta Utb aoain alatat, ltriatt and "'4)tasdtcartanthtofatot at sahataal Noticeof 2 ~ il taqa-at taf (I) adatiat tht tard tanini- aysaandteitapa. tataa- Jit ptaada tabut h ht t natait-oatat- and ttatcap dividiot ttat lot Notieat'atththtgtaifotagatththallme ltNaitthatttta patdeaatacatttadinad o tdataia o-pa'saattttitt od At thttfat, Lot 29, Con.3, taa ha halat ta ail Mauiaha t' t itebgnigo h l)N il myb esta adms cntutand cd tiaaatatt.or' o-tyor itc lataoaita oes tttand-I Wa'faTapU lcRR Wd cc Nominatione and haadtgatofhttaîtttt t tas that 20 ftiattdth t-agtoat. taialaiodtwith a staaletand sefcrwhs. elocantaogsu be-WGrfaxTp,4misSE. idas No iainad -ha Couatta aI Haltta at Man- taa & ' amniu Atîot t dvwe . Da-atothat 2, 1968, haîaataaI Icî" tooaa tatta &i) Fat tot poarking atta, att daatltatsurfaat aI hot tala (b) Satttatiot l ot section 39 dan', Ste diaidtd iotao tawa at ofAtuo-dac Polling tha haatto aI0îl0 am tand80 atat ý (9 teatI tt n tat totratatý aaphatt ot oacrtc ahiah .it atatoittit haoddit "at aato- watttm tiiaeoal ataWRNSSYNVMR 3 0THR t (2)insrtng pragap Je- e lts hih cmpy wthWEDESAtî, 'oRAME 13 2-6ttt. 1. a h ak noic tha the Po '* 12r (atan otoap theapin and one tata fat toit watt tac tattta tht Tata aI Oataailc tatla. ctta-aptrattd ot do-lt- tait Sa-law, tht laI ahaît tac pm f 26w la t otlaIatttat ptaatddfatttng aaaýtanad Eagifitatig Dtpart-ttt'atsp- taaaaattacartcattat'asaathat i dttatd tatt 9c5a tattc ot tSaad attle iaiodiag 80 reg Pt M ings-aag oinalcanaadidat- LC. MaINTYRE, oatahalaeanatcadintgt of aImma ttttto pubiataat- aîhaatiaaatittap'risionsafattaadat îatttahtht gtîtaitct partno hait Htttfrdat'ockaatftltooa rme Rawbottoat th aftaathe Maltait Caaiaîart'd Retita'îg Othatar tmtatimat raqaittattaa" aI tht tay; and toat îaa, therta dtaiag ttaat w atapt con tyith "Ai] thoatotset ptttitttd lites.") e hah:130 a-iWdat a 5h il Educatîat tand tht Halta 19h28 and ai il, ta that tfmis s pCrd atada' htttrs; 3R50 toa -dcsb di~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lattaitmi musatahaatpt bca Ptktgttt ttttd attattoot0t theîS-tasaîro'ttattotht Town. alita a C2 Zonea, andi codet' 4 Rt addiag ta ttto10 aat,6 seaaad tttaî attahatS tott1 Boadt haal bttatt taapd la(a Parking attatie fatl sat îataittg ttatahataparkin aldots taata 5) a ttn afCoatat ehati ta0lacie tra; 2 0 tont ietad Utei, .'a..haaRoaniathalichadh tati aatatttt tt ttaaîtafala tt laatttaa o tak easttpalahetspr andtt a"w att',atio 5aser MFy mxd rai;2 ult. dfrm 'Mtîadît Naaa-atht 16, 1968, Forer 103-R wtthea talltaiag tahtdtt aI taa 18 Ittt. o-tata art pratidtd la a sidt pahtiahiag haaatt, hatets, tait tvaon 1961 flate frot aothet Ne Ide 35 m) t Fto nd "rai. ot itta 731oin lctions NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO mltnimumt taqaittau lo)liioiotpawt a'ti- totaaaagaaoatya is 10 tatt traaatar; attr; wramer rettre; et- t tctaedhpitJ httcaitt oatag r - dh THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL (3) deeigterqieetat aaomut bc arrneds tat pit a ttalettte r nlatombl serviaeot aIh cnreo tatet- Na le t odrltFr iti.T daR b heop lttîagtaraqratta 4,t5paata Sth s araags tu a ufaie, aaih as tahît c datî iot s orbd tatatalî (tataor î httîrtghetha cr taatar and taapote lio a. Ata- s Otaliaglait- Cenattal Uigh BOR pseCorparatiaton fapptîa tatatagrah . muSltatiapploeattat otat aa aartad î aat tad ahoid a-an atatt httptetctta and taitctiatteoat. A aadoo h taala33 talwi Satript, aI th or f9"IeF pait Immat a paublia ttot ar stoae.aag, gratlaoraidcts, ahara-tat anda rettae ad tt rtth5atttaa ta o B-In- t rsasiseassit ' taiot-, atit apat- lateat antaattatd tat at' taatiog at taphaît ar portland loga, art galleriet, tailliard flood litait as attahIiîhtd tt an TERMSt Catsh dap oS sale. t ai F ustatîta-taitt l. en buligstttitttitttt) and th atattng Itata anteaenntattto aypemn 30til a- Tisestato Pin te Ad ttttta th olig thaýt t ehicleo aaa-ppitg te tat typeof aI otti tait aoar- and aitaitarostudiot, paublie tacitanefun the c ttatenotiotret e- t eii Bakiîtîg 125Taala d.. 1 pattai parkaitg aptata per apatto la ahlt ta eter atit itg surfaae, at patvitionas halla, animtal attalat, athtetii at the trtata la the grtîct. paatitat fa acict ne The5 Juni Dahaîlla aa~~~~~uit must bat proaitd Nat Irat tht Ppt nl fo-watit fat tdrainagt thiata iaapît' alutat, tîhotrica, atoseota, 5. It atctitn 33, bît aadîo0g ta AeTRR atots, TtJta CGaiagetowa - Hîgh Satatatý TARE NOTICE that the Couat- la-a thaa 5t pat atat of tht o-ltt the rtattdro'ettt aI the cotataraal ahata atit tce tht cualturel aaiti '"daxitmumt 2Otl Ratkaaoott Osai. llliaaiait- 70 Gatlph St. niI of tht Corpatatitn aI tae raqiradpatot'muaatbctitha (iti) Rurfacet patrking faaili- Tao. htathaut ntI ta-ladS-g drite- Unt Fa-a Acttta tht tarda "of,1Townaaotalakiiatelctaatap huiddiags,garages,aîor pana tict muast ha attoagoit tait IiilRoltrattaotandttilsahal) i aretauat orai reîtetct LaI ha ta that il thltemail: Antique Auction te'~ Mit- Martin Sttttt Pub.- plat tht Otao Maoiaipal tla-S havt 3 talla that are tict erraaiaîotargottpte- c haartaaad inthettsain ari. 1tandstoratiapratdao taMaximuam Uta Pter-th asr of ,St.hol H-t Martia St., Mil- oard paroaat ta the pmti- ntt las -at 3 Iet 6 aochts hiatta latta ottispoitoi oacat's att at thea pattai05 at-a. 'mtll ar doi-h-oatttta arwvi- LaI Arta.' a tata1 aioo tot 30 ha Tht Plan- htgS." ta tht ptapettt' ahii) Whtatt tht parkting atra atata ', PASSES ha tht Caaaail thît STANLEY PARKE In BaIn %aS ttusn EqeigC iaig Aat lot approat otf Rt'-L.a (4) ittttttag tan la) alttt ti)Praa ta aath i)itaradaa dt t a aaaît ti ttO 2tî1 a'a at.1).t Etaaîg aqoia ot'Natahar 1968-50 paon athe Utaha- ligurta 17.1 ta tata-part aatttttPaaking atas wamuast b tt aot a aeittal ziott or ta) atataittin hy aitd onl2 te - SAofAY Jud E9MB.Ro attatît HaA o îtntac, (htpf MataS, 1968, Bt'ta-t gtaphs 15, t6, 20 and 33 sethat tîth astahlt taidte srtttat. art ptatrd li tghs'n "Automobile rt F. MaLEAN ANDERSON, At I p.m, Naîtagatarpa Aataa - Nta- Nawhtr 1968-78 patsottnt tht thae ta-rttata tai 17.1)a)14, Ia1a aItl 'tatoftal ao igda oe a the sataetatiestationsa- MayatrDE tagoatca Tatanship Hall - 2t itat' aI Mat', 1968, Rt'-taa 1 a)14, I7.lIaitai tIlI aart thtatta 7 ltitt ltIaathat.l aar do-ltff coato, cSt Att- FRATHERSTOIR, 200 Lais - BFatt5 Canladienls _ I tptaciahlle. No'ttat 1968-U16 pasttdotOttataapm-tttt. Towan ot Oaitto Engietring lait> Othoto a parking amis es" ta that the tahacatioa Cltth.Stra ttoea-pdok tbt As the Townshiai aI Nat- 2at itat' ai Jlt, 1965, aand Bt'- (5) îttiag tan ta) aftrîtht Dopartîtî standtard ptoi- aor drito las sn a yard silast eadat EXPLAATO NOTE taiatblrr - otaare ale:it aat Natahar 1968-127 pasoti on figutres 17.1 on tatapatagapa34 haaaaatioswta ptoaiions S-t ahata at' zone athare rtaidta- 'Aatamobiltservicesatin EPATOYN E adchry-olsrvtad i.tgao-.anatdteT,,ataiA- tht 151h dot' af Jot', 1968. Capiso 0 43o itcltoiveao ai t. dtrainagt aîiit atapît' atithtaiaI aats ara pertalîsted, a btat ntt atittapetatti ato- LWN.19817 ohr; odslcio fod B tintil] ha- attahiatat ta attai af the taplata art ftaithrd (6 thatdiagattiteatof t ttooîiaatttftoa-. toigrtatttr'trta t ta ato-it-pattatof Theattht'toattttoftdaaotaoeaa ahaira- taportalat, case, wtcc- .nta-a rhtt tht Uattotiheowit Nttsagiagta. h dt )i .a)ttttaititat festatahtlti ataht itoaiia fatir "lo ota ara ataaoptianeta * Rttid Catî Roard aI RS-aaita, tht plataat of tae parpao andt pattga tittatta aasfol (tatatractaS-ahxis sahatfn tlatato, fve Data-atshs. dehnifan er"lowa; tadse, cccktcup-tc* stadoateid Ntotîtatton Moetiag widl ho loveasîtalatod t'a 'i sutrfaaitdin theaminetatts htigttmusthbcptaatdhbtîat' li) Clatoe lai of tohataii s t ats atttatacaîh a a-hat lieDnai Phca temsl arg et Catata aidtata-ai Sp tht Township aI thfet ofatheitt affd t'tt "1h) la tht iattrprtaat ha lier tas a patrking alma. tht partaing ot and tht lot t aI otatia 4 t awti iver tanlîtdac aataorss Ittlal-o attin afatrtifu e l g lotata Coa- \atafataati aI ac hoe l-and tataitt d ttth Ua atarttt are otti 46aithia ta patasatat littitat'tiiytt iaoigharttia-hp' baito atatrae aafi pro- t.adotchra'htt'ashs.aai- )o at ..aphlleaTwsi al Atypetrtattttttoetrdwmayt' alo, Itiit,aopentpartaing amas bttitheta tacdgctaa and .,ctîa.apcraîtda1toatordo- taFr aîUelvll.wtit tasittîto 114) dapo afir (i) Ohata parkaing r'tiaire. mt ha aarhodit o-lttinu-it the lot lot watt ho andtaap- i p vattfaa a o"a idat ai morelit acoao atiat tîhfnarnaId itooiltg etcoea FrC as the oatafaMitonth ataei o bsntcsn y mnsaerltdt etn ossxic ubn eIi c.tewoet taioatnttattott tatatasei car ttltrîataîso asa-oh-rhoatai rdUttattthanisas haetb:higazn oud t a-îaa roadatngcoleto' ta- atat Nattagateya ill tat Cltra aittTtaa aatS atta at 0iaaaa taaighiiigfta îitfe atofît tait lawn ofoat tortiate thapos taIt 20t atatte oftttt pattotn butatinot, Wtdaaad Lorgt ,o APF Imreue n aiahar a ltt o wtaar noticea aI tala Obtona Ia ap0 tnaah shaît ho cauttai laaitîaapiag fcatarot. dotait oatedati, aatamtaat cf dot h'igh tht ftaont tait tar lot a-ta,. au tha Halta Cautît Rao a I Oftht tait SpIta togtthtt as onet scat. tatii) SAt' ttttatag watt ba lat A ahaIttr of ce mor ptatatt car taatat, parhing Dotas Il iltaatet a vatawt A Satit toteatiotn. Cahlc eaat cel or, iha tatattat ha tht groaundt lai) Ottatr tht application aI aaragrd teas tat dotltait the ihantot lctt inthighî asdttot oaaanditacomercaltttr-lhrd ai a Iaaai; a atot TER'tatRCASH. -228 ManS hai Noa'titn Meting adi aIu oaatbtjectitn. ratiastrtaltsinl a fration aI tight laot adtjaceant 'etaial wort thîto 50 square lect in laittaat attde ta a att i bona'y oatt atig th tatath- abate avilo haaaandaaidapytheaTowaaof Tta OntaaoMataipalfBaardt aiparikngbtpaa-.atheotoqatd Ptttalttt. ataapay c ettd intheoiltaolsigte iiso netboh Miltan, atat tîlI b h tan ai Mati wtt' apprata ai tht tati ha-laat tatahar ai apatta ohall hoe so- (atîtîl Nataltat ta tht rtttair- patrking ami for the~ u o fi) Rotait thataoatsandoi tht Constrvatian (04) Zoat. MAX STREY, Saulaster tan tra-ai Paublia aahaial, 164 Sot hatara dîtg ta it 'tat' ap- araati ta the atat taightt 'to fa paragrapa lalil, attndatt." aatitî for ptaitaa-t made ta 19ai27 20h19 Raahaoad. GENERAL Statua Stret, Miltan poit a titat andi platta ta-tat at' wola tatahair opan parkting aroos muot te 4. This h-at tRa i a taire af- tht pttatt. _______________ obajectianata thotap-lata o-il hoe (7) dtletag tahetitia 121 atat atitotti trota the atret atdit nti îi isl approtet hp Tht lAi) Salot, fattrp antaite ahaTO ALS 2 ACI AE d) Tht ceting te taaitate tansatottit Notia opn htat- tttaattttitg S-a il tht batIat- latt adjacant pratiato hyano Onitario Municipal Board. offittes," 20- AUTO SLS 2 ACIN AE alemmesteteHloýga thai taa S-e hteld o-IIl hae to: atirgrtta tadgoa, bricka PASSES tapthe Cototaiti tit te) Sahaetiîlt t aI settiaoI tapiaittaattCalui hateo li aita ar ittut lai Othara partaîtg tattîlîto ta a taoighî ai flto feei. F. MaLEAN ANDERSON, t los-îaa Of Tracte, ltsplemsenttl, Caitte, Paisc, 22 G«s»CNT titi ha aiadutd Sp the Tawn thtCltttaatittîigti, ohotat' aara-qairat ta pamtatd for tala) Sot' land hatwmot a S-i Maora 33SA Ctiaapratrd, autatia MHktttsgRalstpinetessAntiqus andt IltsstMtetilso ai Ceattal Htgh Shhtt, 1433 1itt1,tateatet. attatg tgla-ttd s aearhn datait htoaa est'ablishtamenat R FEATHROTON tai *t--aaao attta Baldwi trhitt, BRatliagit. 'Tttidafttiigalo ta-attataha-idatthalg, b haataaphdandittaitai- dc t aaaa'ot-Si'POts'lAaa Th1crfotaig be-dpltats ar atttîtiags athiataha -i ata aI to-tlt att tîrtot tspa- ta Rra YNS* Atteraia 2. Polliag, il ttqtirit, ahat 'titte tait bct Natattata l3tta. atati -attU watUt a aatt arqiaatsatatagt aataaiat Tati aoaaLi7 Cs ,PahasTt. seaeti *Att ha halat ta aIl Maaîaîpatîtîîon 1968. itaalliag attita' far trafia saftîtt' o-hart toata queLuesOR NOT qataîaauooilesa w atîtatt tooahl.aî ooa o 87 * Commtat i,- (aitt ai Haltn att Mata DATES ai the tata ai Ota-. li Pttkiog apatats ahal ha aentaaoott - BI-LAN Na. 198-78 mie Ertth ofGepel ieesto o wo r a a, tatha 2, 1968, hatatto villa, Ihia 380 itay ai Oathtt, Iati att the satat ast thetrac ot tait fita tht patta- Thît tapait cantget tht gea- 3. Thia tyapit ohall nt tati c ho heur,atofO.0t.m.aatd 8iS)1(. mtainuto. tagaoahatttt'tabiterai poisionstftheflatÙng cffilttatilitti apptitith SATURDAY NOVEMBBBtWh t. PaA, Feaththana. Clara lii) Na tata tatb haottrt tp toimt tat Bp-Saw wtorspect 10prkn tht Ottario Muicpa Boards1it, hap 3, An Advataa FPull, if te- TheaTo-atat Otatilla, ha ,, attataparkintgaorsiet fetfotthteittraaataoroli. ta bh rtaîitatial and att_- FAStata tat tht Coattit tht CATTLEI(31tadI - CoasiR- optoadotr; 6-atai drag Ma- PAINTING ,iataut hitht att a Pat .F Bat 310, aia toia t tqait ha frait tait Th partahîg ai loiopt audottiat tata-. XI tditt oat la da'ahatier-ga A'iut ost a s at-attolti tsa 5 ,, ait i.,e at-behr 30, 19t, ho- OAKVILLE Ontaita tard, ptaaidaat hatattat tat lita athitita, tradetra, tait atditer t ot "partaing atto' , yrhr os u i m;ln ailr ao n lattha- hatrtaof Il a-ta and ___tht partigaofpaaa-aga-tnt- hatta tati paitot100 tanit "araiag apati". l canges F. MaLEAN ANDERSON Do-; t an cat, datain Sec.; rackta 8' Maidaatick Stetiaf GILt 7.00p.m. ai theatoathao Mil. S-ia-ittartone acommerciao'. patasgtoa. ttaaigalthetartaingR- Mapat. 1 Hareordtandt1SDramhe- hittdtintgatdtodition;FPat' ti-i n -t -t'cn t'emn tc -. qttwa D.oiaî tosa . BROWNI, SaîtiSaDraa tdaitht-sttciasgtd- Pt lait muatiaipal afficeto. TUE CORPORATION 0F taataa t aa3. Ralat 195i38t inthot thto it i a iiu rqi Dtp. Citak t Guene att cm , due ta Dec.; tatiita, 24" aplaadtt; 13 rien J. StaGEACHIE, THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE taitat abttttt ai aîattiat'inaatttttat- . II liattt thetrqtird -3 Dathata tait t oerstt taitilioat and gtain trill, Stn Returning~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ofim BYLA 196 600 oudsG.. inadiestiîtt 12) ai Setion 17 tactv par-king la mtlei attiet towt. palort taret; I Hareordti gad coittiona. 19c28ot BYA 98--50 ioat' ta partteîd. athaaattaa aa'tarait 131 as S-l- 'ti.ttta and oparwasas EXFLANATORY NOTE tam, att hah; t Heraford cota j tdati 1928 - a Oharac parkhitg battititi'ta Ito-ot taaiig bota 1.25 parking Bt' LAN NO. 198,-116 aita tait at aide; 6 opta Herto- MîSEL'6NEOUS - 25 fi. lsi A -lat entend te Oak.- ara gsqîta atIntero a TheCopoatin f tse aileZosie ipiaa estaie a'iitttit ato atte chat 17)3) Parking Btgslatt - patrt pot anittIo i.5. Ih ota fatat ha tort, 710 - 800 ltt.; 1 gttit tagler 3R fil. hap tttaotl Cati sota otstgtrlces M M , l, ,i tîtialtd utsest ttof Na-tits tatthaaottpraa o Ti atlat atatada tht gto- Matird toit t Durthamsiter,Ltatittgriaale;f- Township of tait MS zotes.) taatiaatthioolta a taoprat tai' have tatta talai thia Ot ai ptavitiots aI tht Zatita 7000 lht 4btta tat igsltart talet; 50 anad Nassagaweya TUE COUNCIL 0F TUE COR- cthiaat at ito-aliaga tait art rtqairoit or potio a tîitta Thba 3 is loti, cts ia 1)t O-I otl peitat 4n hn 'a-a- tatatadb, 2ab3outh: bf crt moi-t ttiat; hai tata Ra FoRAT'oN 0F TU T OWN ot ser Setta cMtiS-a and Rota-Rotios culttualaonea pttat tu aot I Ha-ta-lrd liedet, aout 500hta latlieraiwoald Notice of OAKV"LLEI 'ENACTS AS FOL. 't, atia t) Pattaing ttttt taast hae ta rotatos. Ttatac art ctaiito rra o ata ar batitota, tata hadtlpitas-ak; sat UflJ l8'w 1965-136 ts arenm FCD-AottR a,0 ttt tý ttttttalu5 tia ai t Patagrapa 2 toi tait tapito- Tht la Paragtapa (il ai thisýaw.ies byinerig n las () f eton 17(11a mtai ba tiatt- it) Noarg wtt bc maeb-a hnitoue ew ()i ilpoei".n Rodtt tart; about 110 bus. aIfT Poiling setattttt ofaeta ion46the td an atialtttardtaortii. tarpartaingadaa-h partaigt set otnrai parkigroaita- ca.tiattîtttat dta iipaaab ,0tdû of -ho NiTatthIQU Saatpiahes-;J i. (a) Tallt not fihait tht od "amaobtiletStateit6tt -- ahtalleoponttt'tttahaof tieont dooag taell rotideatiat I attartttaot't" romattaatig critiqat îawp sade; piosetat: AI me ng tenomnat cadidtard vie"attatewr aattg vidd hat in not cast tt' tht publict o-lt atitg teandi too-ttttitttiai propties ta a C2 Caînttwai Shoapping M -aINO EOURMENT-Ot preting bartit; attique sioce et taur tht Haitat Cautit Boati ta that tht clatse ttaaa tata e. litt. tatrtaod, tareliii tte watte thtwtatrgtiiat aeith lapras Ceatrettoe Doand ate C3 Cetal aata pa2 anit 'ttOi, tmaie Itopads tat atad; oMd isusù ai Edaaatton atd tht Hatlo "Itb) daitita, taataritt, moabilt ho itte iat mard 'tit (aiii) threo e aptirait foe grapt 712aitat oian Pr- prahîitaîtaDitit Zîone Ia ais Cacu tt-lt antdt mttotot, stai- latat aid jott; aIt piastal;- Lactit' Roat Caýtthali Rtpat- atirlgtservices, prnaon1 may 125eb l tpaaotdtrt arkn otaai ta-o-ad, watt gat1. 2 o h on y phrtit Sthia foate.g inLMET a C6nr7;, MMt ea . c s ait jihars ait l ploc aitale KNGH tan Maadat', Naattater 10, 1968, 2. Ti ylaw glitaal nat titatis a aa atth tt b at rotaitaa btoitn ptring-TE OPRAIN0 TUE atl tattla pemt doiî-pat- 3-îat t ain îaî. dra platitioehn; Isaahes rtt7.30 p.ta tatil 8.30 pw. tati et actif hi ut appataha hp tha tJ) arkin t e atoît tai itass ratas ftor iuar ne TCOWNRAIO F DAR HL E aIci at aaot atataî MIUEOD taSainOlata'te ittliatt taasM Ontatio Maoicipal Baha horsan taric apto too Ottat lia a att-t atot Mi igla oraata Z(ttt u o-hidi Int dragti agor MUo, opiag Ttatt aurt wtt'athi ao tht floig Foaios ASSES tat' tht Cattaî i i anopn maexSt viFohcmtecaltseaTWNOtattarasaaotr as eso e oclelOatit;Oliertitatlver rit;HCI Mtaslotpaty - LoaattISt-Aitittsa 16U dtp aI Marata, 1968. tatttabttatrtt~. parkingttmas watt tattait la- BY-LAW 1968-116 acolit a 'tot het' ata ast par.tat atttta dti;Ita oa a sscoa assa Rarfitîgit - Cotral High F MeLEAN ANDERSON, vice totatit paring ata as itda titoptasg-tititein tan M2 Mediato lit- 68 h dat;. Newa Idea tautitîotn. Scol-1433 BaldinSr-tt, 4ttiotîih pacta, aartdiag ta tht c-att atiat Zonea, tan M3 Htot' lad- W Buriathatl Mayopa , 1 - n gtoraset tatîa la stott Iltîal, A hp-ian- sa etendi Bp-ian- 191- atia] Zone att lan M4 isait ORDR 0F SALE: Fiataitose and atiqats ai 12 aooa So- Rartiosiat R~~S A. FEATURSTONE, ahttt tata claancest ar 8tot datth îta 13(estsaahtaaaaa- -____ Otaile- Adminitraotiona Ciotta iot in-taightand a patotd warhoawittaaîistt sqoattaea'3 sassesn as- na&* tiil Rail-at' Zosat batti ha 'titaeos, ittpetssti, lard, sailig oqoiùneat RaiMile -12TrbgaRd, a aot tata sc apaided. ta) Fat cosecal tata, Mn ( 4) il ail Mîetadoce parking and caile. WELI Otaadaa HilaMahha EXPLANATORY NOTE (iii) At taigotd patrkisgapt aiitt ttpaac eatUeCUCL0 U CL taqitatett air "tai-o10t TERMRt Casha aS-t Sctk dap aI sale. ogtowntat - 70CtHigh Rt-oo Ttai A No- 1968-50 watt ha perS-taS S-r ech addto la MtiS-spa 7)lîîî 110 PORATIN 0FU TH O 0F cd tautaati att ditiEoatttl Ottos- or aatoS-otnsat tatpatdtioS or aaccwidetsisay ofj Gymasum 7 Gelp S., Tio- atatda ste gto- itolio5 colt mi a aonditiont of dinSetio a-at)10PRTINO H ONOF hn salsmet., sl.R Gergtwnaquate fetpot parkaitg space OAKVILLE ENACTR ASaFl cOar atit Phaollhnea. tai etrgtolo toasoso teZnn he]aefrsuhui. mst bhaprS-ide totoas-les LOWRtAciner I MORNY Miltasa - Martn Stret PaS- Bp-tati, and o-lt permait 'Wioil (ia) Parkineg lacilities dtatt te ant -0ucrn attoetit es 1. Suso (1) of Seto 56 TUF CORPORATION OF TH 20c:,7 Cad0stttJU le OnCAft, Ph9,e5Bai