fle EanÔn Elîamption s l, co se l ou M- MIN CNTARCO WEDNESDAY NCOVfMBfR 6, 19fi8 o11 se, cM Ti -oot ,New Christmas game sponsored Shopping in Miltcon oloop bts is seoseils, bot thee will be rotes broofoos for speodiog ycoe Chistmass giftoog dolltes on MilItos dois petis. Locsl meechoots thio oook letocheil o Cheostmas Caern coolest ohoofi wiii bsoog $5 mectosodie ouchrs at the stlore of foot ctooice to dooeoo of Milton and district ohoppeos. Prank fires Hallowe'en Wîlh oh e eoce ption of sornesoos misos l'or atoems aond scalîrei ssodoliomri att, ttslloce'eo poosed foiely qoity is Milton sod district. Pstooliog police and lon coshooro helped hoep gng of pootts ooioglthoogloot the eoesisg, sod theo potrols cosobiord coth specoal soflool goards probably pseceotsd mr serios psoperîy darnege. Mitoo Police Chief Ray Aodooos foOt Ot cas a 'eyquet"ogol. The flos brigade 000 calleil ot bo thee rfeo. Th iors sot childîco's bos oheltronr Applebp Looe et 14 Soleeoi, chich 001 pleceil Olese fly Ois Lionos Cloub. Fieotigflteeo ooid Ol appeaoed gaoolooe hsd beeo siphooedf[rom atank to getoth coodeoolstrctee hoeoiog. A chile lalee P pile of hop, tireso andoacareseaoweeepiledup in the inteesection of Cocon Rd. esnd Foorîfi Lise Dekoille, cond tgoitrd. Lote sn ohe eveoiog a Oire cas set os fine on Parkoep De. A fec olhee mnio eohhosh Osres, ai] ohvoosly sot hy soodels, osce sooffeil 000 bp ptolloog workmeo. by stores flash orek fron oo soc Cheistmao, lise voocheossocf $5 eatfi dli fie ocosded Oc locflp dooppees oho posticopots. The cooteso io eoop, joo filin tht copon os todopos Chompon andl mail i0 os (socs it a0 The Champios office hp Mcsday 3 pcm. Thetiottfocecotesocll hieoososd Mcodoycndoaliot dll Oalp50l On 0000 cekos popes. is quiet "Theos kilo are gtto o re sidocoloosoallthbsoire. oood Fos Chiot A. fi. Cîsmeco. Hls figuses the cool O to tipops fcr thes Ibste fie colis Thossdep 000 asoood $250 -plos fie ose andl toe os thee fie cohics. Choof Cîseoet notodit cooli h on0 hail of o boilding foll cf people hososd doo chilb tht eqoipmsol ooc twot cois the coountry soffisg out o msohh lie hoot by coodolo. Polics ld Ooccochoso hsss for egg-theocotg, ore mr ioolcoog a dock', hctd choclo osothrotccfrcoacar,oandcon fcor indoîcro mosote cor cf fostosoces. Milton O.P.P. sspcred ososeol micrdisohososoe, cootly in ths Noscol oail Cles Wollioms sc.Oneofttocecogltfifoo.a gong cf 30 ycoulo 000 hrofis op,oa foc mot solo respcrtbeog peiteil hy socs os sggsorc cohogs, a wced coe 000 hososil, afoc moolfioxs 0010 toppsd oces, soctio fosoosooiers osto rtpccted, ocd coodolo set fre Oco apise cf îccdhogî oithef main0corner in Comphslclo. Remembrance parade on Sunday afternoon Milton colt ohstrcs fi Miltos Maor Bsoon Bed sold Rectechecoce De> thos Sooday, the paoode col ho popel d i Nos. 10. The potae ios sohedio thef Looo Sots Pope Baod. bu fosso oithef Lsgio Mail on Lsgtoo Choplitî Roi. Fothos Milton et 1:30 par. andriei aI J. J. Mosphy col codaci thle the Victoria Perk Cnoaph et 1 sesvico toI lIs. R. W. Foto par. cAl ho dtir lotit speoakeo. Thes progcacnw bcA f is e h/ ei Oryo sooigtltoatteod. AN ARMPUL OF AWARDS ces corteil foms fm Fooday'o coco mneetai Miltos Di sîroct Hogh Sîhool fiî Douglai Toght, 0fr top soholar tin Crado 17 lest year. Socg, lf, cas cacoci as Ontacio sobolar asnd rcoicol $290 or scholtoohopo andi 000 plot two bioks esnd a ohoild Wilh hoco o Cordont Tocohoos cho wonotheomajortroleaoad indtacoeandtrrtitld theGrde 13s as celedosooroas. Moto photos acnd lots ct ocoîdo 0000000 ciii ho loosil clsocheto or thos coohos ptoot (Staff Photo) Rotes up, "aeîud too Mir cent stunis wiped euft Thesoscroase cn postage to7,00 vcoqocklyocuitcout effective Nosembet I qoockly toc. Localtofficiaisoisemrpcîhod ciped outthe spply of sixcent abigetosoto cottampo sîamps eithOfe local prît office, cilfi oboot 5,000 scl iA co the es it i inasocbsoftffices Nooomhesl1scte moooooo. acrs thdorcountry. A soc stocp paokogei o w A Heoditeil sapply of 10,000 sio hsiog dopooseil by theo maohiot cetsap as gost, by oîîside doe poso office. ol Mosilotclly anddthests iooiois foorsicetand aoe of ose cool ilesosinahios, close cent stamp foo the 25 crot coin. InqueSst jury probes death Flasher, traffic ights urgeci at intersection Stossal sccocctcdotocc fcor hsoosooafsoy a Moltonc% Mcoc acd Ontosoc St'. ocossoto- tos colcdocg tir "ococoredoclo" ostolloolco cf o tbloocig stop logft ocdin stollotocn cf foul Oeoffoo Joglolo "as000003a possible" crc ocodo fiy a crnrsjury 00005000g.olcf hor desîfi cf DofkvlllsIrocct Robet Thoma oKccloîîcrcfl. Thesicocticadalotltsoc hoîîc fccodcc font 10 citcsocoand ccpctscoccttooo thetw000 001 accidont on Sopîsochs8 hcho clcoccd îlot Ochoollt cocos lofo Eoollocig Oc hooe'o dolohosoloco, île ot s scird Mr. Koo dcd cf menscal hlrtdog and theoo ccntoa CHOSEN TO REPRESENT flot lotît oto sogoocent, tho dîf Case- cosdhby Ms. Kocoto' fooloso tu dots Moccîrd Rife It thoo octokoodo Netiool Rtoosorchîc socp flot a sop cigc ol the Dtp orrooccoro cn Ottawa, oto Thotmto Bradley cf Court St., ootttosection, ond rîtocîmocdo& Miltoc. Mr. Brodley cr01 ootsti cith thet h loPofi Otosroo * Ao flaodcg socp cigc c h Ose Sound tcd 000 tocofsrred c tho CMRsinc Octofito otttoloot ommtioctely: 1917 'Woccdtd os Foaces the fcllIccog Septosohot, ho w00 * Stop sgct (pooitctlp doîhogdoinFertcof 1919.I lhoo htnsoiioceof ho woOfI loaood, ocodosos toot tootoctoil posrssoocî t hootoryocf 0fr CMR o. (Staff Photo) shoccodi hocld ho plocd on the Name Tom Bradley to represent regiment at Remembrance Day Tht SOih oosocesrooof tht igotog ofarsico tocs coshosi cdll opar oofi iogo tn mcc> a foost col sosoat, flot 0t otas o spoottl hocco O c lcol rat ThomsoBradleyf 51 CourtSo. N. Mo. Boadlty hai bseo solootoil tt reprseoltccosegomttrthe 41h Catadoos Mcocntd Roflet. ci the oationsal Romoofitosot Day Deeon n Otocoa ihit crokecd ie Ots cl attend tht ohe onastia coo comosial os Ottoca coth fis Cosodoas Soocosooi Cootingontco, a cosg hos Aoh ChOR hoît atil ho ochîse, o cocose hsod, plci hic ico oasopaogo toilolis osd CNMS Thte thtot-dop pograc fcor aicc onclodoc o dipioy ood otooptios ol tire Cocodaot Wco Museum, o soootisg coth tht Cioceroîo onostîl, c Logio tooeptiOc and c guoosooso t disoito. Ose cf Mr. ladîry's cis totaiood pcoeosisaccthck bookflcingttireflctoyuf tie Place restrictions on Esquesing Iands A bplocioposng landcuse restrictciîcs oi osAt cadn tooqoosg uctsotoootcextic co Mlon, ccc opprosoi Mcsdoy by Molico Cootoi Provsionor tire actiono c made osi tht fosmat Dntaroo Mosocopol Board oiltrofc tococotoncccooocd lait coofi. Two dropouts Nass. township cne bco coo ca pobco slot dhocgo ol b co onn hacon Noisagocopo Coosoil ofito tht Dec. 2 olocioît Tr soc facui o i]b treptaoittgthcoc olai at tomnwohavo flots thooo cocor iShlitl Yas O f1 fii Wdtctm Cooltco hcs goton hoî notioe of otttcietfrn Coonccld Ccourc0ct, Rocs Goodon cdi flot ho ologoblo Oc front Nussogocopo and os no o oesodoot ofCGuelph. Mr..Gordon opooodocoucone ysoo cftoo Mo. Cooltr Depoip RocoWdhlaittlocp hccdtoioted hotoicil ciro. itotltOo Coi Cocooocii hao coado hos docoîlco ta 10n hor couu seot. Mo. Cououi coi onciOOOOil inOapttOOiu otttopt. Nooite Coosoicor fts. Aso MacArthur oct William Mohos hait mois tholo itentofots knoc. NcoiionOifhi Nos. 18fandltheolto i c. 2. th CM Ridcsoig îlo rt old co. It tell ohe s coo> of îlot togomtti complots coofi picotos cf fise officies ond tho baloefield, on Foasco, cand looto tieoms ofomtichooandoitop cffiootoandosanocho seîtd inoIL The hock hotogo hoofi a loi of ocemooieî fos Mo. Bradles. îlie joisoil tht 1th Gîfi Cooio Oe Sound ot tht ageocf 1h, andilctiovesetsitco glail cuth thoco io 1917, jo00000 the togomoco os ie hild Shociloot 'Oc Sept. 2h, 1918, 'ct, Brodley cas sippoil home Io Cacoda andl dichoogodi ii Fohocaoy cf 1919. Mit. Btadlesi iet ho co dooply hcscoed o b hose cIso O ooprsîoasohoooccoooo Ottawoc this oteficoi. Ascohoo delofoor from the CMRo os gccg tu Le M oIls, Fooooo lot o Romoofloaict Do> cococo>n îhoî csokocd. Pretction uit wuvrdens inner Regional goverment Wrdos Williamo F. Humeoît cci hootoi fi> Hoitcc Coasot' officiais andl foicoilo ct tre ~ cosiy'ianomaotWaîdoo'is o /50,o in Cerogetown Foodo> 000000 , - Dtpcoy-Rtsit A. flptght ' o ptoseotoi tht coodos cui o oschocong choor aI oheo ocoluon cf tfr poogooco, os hohiaîl cf e flltoc coostyocotootiloc . , Ic tcplyoog Ico atoat lt îltir Wotdtii. poopocoil fi Rooco C. Coîse, tire Wooiloo ospoccsil oppoocooloos for the hocco on 0.0 flots1 lcosor tcoheooy'o top positon. tloecotelomoog ' ohoe yooî'c hlogioghs Ocho sccs ofthe coartt folmo oail i ocoodo, dtir onrsoîotlunos pîcovilci O ompoto oosoy , V rooil, aod discuons on Tito Woodtii lctccoc hor pcoohoblotpy of tire coîtiy hcocg à lit alatoooddîooi.oosplyooîc '. a Ococst Oc îlle ot nyculc Rooco Absr Day alotc ooiod lutr c-opooatioo Oco t htar Ill ossctaloîtegioal gcoosooîocîi. tto notoil "ce coolil loko tooto coontyflcoslaooi oIt as0 tho> Thoos coot 12 pool coodoco pîtoono fcrtthetoicsog thooco wa ottoodol fi> 150. Tht pout catilcsccttshoosdoicaoast poopoosil ho Reoco A. Lodihf oa rocpcoodIoi Ocfi Rocco W. Cooliso. Thcoo proesri toctodoi C. Coricoanilco Lcsih fonto Lîqcsog, W. Coulto cail J.' Musc front Nociagocoyo, Bud- MoDotoldi i.J StewcotioandtH. Hito fois Acoc f. Altoen, laoli lîtoc ondth;oclSargeto r¶' .o frot Coogehton Dr. f. A. o;, Maitoo tî oiltoon oa CG.c Cottogflcî frot Haîloogîco ' ~ Dthoo gooclo oscloiloi Wotilot "3 osnd Mos f. R. Fritzocf Welliogtons (000f, Woil'ooand MIS t. W. finotcf Pesl CocotyMr. and Mrs.u no c, Mrt. oand Mi RodRlocitiand M.dMoo is. oC rge foot. Chotîmot fcor ohe O00000l' pîcgoomt, wchf hsgoo cctha tooko> itoot andl fiollocoi throogh tcotsi rsiIl THISI15HALLOWE'EN? ? ?Det preenaton, sj. j. cho osoil Hellîootro soght Arstrong. cocef htooc ecd ciloulf o Daociog tc the mosto cf tht the stoso cairn acnd plaquce BilltPowelgopcocldsilthe Cootessial Posnd os Marths prograsc. pt0opttopositonco0ti0fOotire Ologloco> toaloo Act *iAotroootooooccoildatioo olo-,to oofoo. loolho ccoostlloil .00 sioaoss1tibole; * Tho Doepotoment ci Otoglocopo dhoolil vcw tr w loic strtureoo of thelo incOtiono fot cofoty faoctoott; * fiponi Ini uni Octio So. froco hor C.PFR. too.flusiooo, Oc the ccolooso tor hoocoilco chccld ho oodccd ho 20 milcs pot hooct, * Sofcoy holto louolil ho oocod, acd coîooHoed ocolaotcrs pococculotlyoinooldtcooolh * Cciis. foct Philoipo aod coltîts Dovoid tolico er ccmmoodcd foroîhrtions. Mo. focst ocd hoo colo. retooooog honcteo O Doiollo roco c drive o Acoo. hoad hocoo trvlln toit on Mtoco'o% laooo St. onsiooppo i oir oloo 1000 Foococooto Ocu o fsoild oloo soidooco ditcloiod. Thte cot lft oh cstoreoad poooooltot on Maoc St. and cighî Otocgh tioc Moa-oc-Oloîoc ointertionc cooiout oloppocg. Tioe cor coi oomoood htccdcids by o soocthhoocd ctr disîc hy Frtokin Socpoooo of flloo Itooglots Whoc theotot c pciloU îocontoi ccc) a doolo cI. Knoto was ohroocontcc Illoc diocoto dccî and ccdgod hoococo tloe co'i frontchocilondccovr hocettf o podoooocoi colkc.oy octc Molon Fioco Thoe dooctîts colo NItto htcîgooct Koto a c oi iirw friîs oheo car ild looodod ocoil ths codoet. Sfioe cas only cîchron op aond opt o foc dao Oc hoopo toI' Witoocooî Thomot Leoooooc ci 154 Ochinooci lrt lico imeitable lîcocil I4' Bcoodcoy Aoc., oa Daoood Fatoio f 55 fommciaol hoý oU a.[i ,oooodooolooppoc Loccooooocoo suitOlu coa carli toiro plco lcot and toc olc' cc fc 00 0000 colflo cothocohci1 Mienthecaroîooolidod Tlooy colo ficd Iho K cooc cot AA oO oppoctoow cw Aoocctoho 000.0 c a ta'elicog aout 30I ,,o 35 ocîco, po hcct. ocil thoo coooh e'optot cceLoppoooclooooocb ,,lcoig about0020 Ooo 30 noopo Luooîoo cooiSopoool.ool, oppotccoly o occod o o.ollion.o Mito loco ardoilocolochocd coi o cotoc ive acod kool or theooîoilî ooooloooooco Alîlooocgt lieolo.ootoooool]lieoococco gcod puits. "I Acolt oîcoccohcîcooocng lore scp cîon oococel. cboc aodod. Site ccc h thrcrastii TOPS IN 4-N loch trcphy at the assosl ecotodo coqht htcdey, Foc a liostofuctoado, itr thiswekos letos pages. (Ste01f Photo) oscratrl ho idiots Nordhtco and Wilf Posos The caorn, dcli- tis an00000 t Oc ottccooh theoo( ponodis 1967 osea trihooc lrstoo pîcpcîîy, tucthesiocoîscwhfsouded addeoloped o et thr Miltos ccc tocs, ccc doosod it iîihb greon paisi St. gelt aFîodty on Hallocoîco soght hy tosgholess andats. cooficor Prso IStt Photo) 0000 ctr octood tho inertoion and hotr loohoci yoflod. 'fit fol cchct'o toî" 'ilhiooooioo a stop 11000t1t ilooot koooc. oloo odder Assistont oci Attorney Murraoy Roolso cho hosillel tho tooqors tpoocil sooths Acocoe hol a ord.ti MrI. Sîspîco. idtovot cf tire socolioood car, otoil ho hcrt clocoil fort ho ocolco> totofis and wai gooogohbout 25 c.p.h. cho how opctoil oh trocssfont losne, 1tdodi'tiseohicoonloth coi sighoc or i front cf me ," ho oootoflod. Ico pooocgoto in ous car, Moogot ocnd Toît fChorchll coco simolortstioy. MrI. Chutohll hompoil hos hsad kocho uconoooilocd coiafe Ccoîo. Phollopo, ovscrtogototg cîhootr, topoîloila cocff-doty C 0PP offloot ai the torts toclot ho dolotoile o polose os Mt. fooo fiuo chotheoccorse Do. t. A. Hosot oited a fo mioutesîloostheocnoscdead. foc hod toccofsed 0404 foot oto tote inteston otnd Soopîce 24 feloto hod anod ootheoSteptce oahlf 25 foso cf okodocofis clooch codoil chooptly eit he poont cf ompct, chite Ohese creo vicoiohe oflodocolo feom dor soho caoo He otodîthe stop sigo iscc f sot lune osîhos froct tht soth tilge cf Moto St., atdltho ococ poosîsl out the H.T.A. tols it musd hco ctrss thos fico folfontmthesdecof the tîscolîsil portionocf the roail. A poot cortto and tests oildcoteilno tracetofdacohol or hoahtcrtt on theon ioicf the iloceosoil. Phooscf tireocciodet cerre ccd tht oppochot O the onteseticosoodcttd aosc'c 0000 poît> oscures the Mcoo St. shop cigc f acarspullsocutathe 001000 froc thte Tasîso Free ici, acd Coso Phillipo îspoeted soch o driver ocli hace o l h 290 foot fonto tore coner hefose toooog the sign. Mî. Rooloton cochocord tht togo cosiollegali> picrA, tco.oodosg Oc the HT.A. Pothologoit Do. V. R. Woldosf ospooll con tho pool moer, occg docthccco aootdby "oss cf hbond csty tapodly feotelage coocdosinthera d maor crocelt." Foomptoil hp the 50000 co moflo c itotottoo os the ose cf scat hoto, he agreil "tht> oettosly dohelpoinoaseschee people 000 throc foom cers" b00 oddsil Mo. Koto cas or lofloly kolloil fy the fooce cf the imopct thec h1n htogîboco frot tre car aftr the coltision. lie o r o rtto hedeeaed l sets cance ooooc the loog ood coclil prohahi> hove a loir tipctococf aout one pear. Lcal mochasoc Soit Nodotto othtedtthhoofooooadtiresscon tho fooct cohoct, a 09h0 Roochio stationi wag00, 0000 in odcOorkig odotand the car Oc a tos fconcolly "thoo aceroge" lortohoo poto, Cooso. Poillopi îood tht Vdaoat'o hockos cotologocil (Cotolsooa Page Il Cor curre section in teky >4 hep/on ssyu a eail> o faco a coco00 cof moloting? s it sale eogh O gel poo dhoogh e .inteof extadsislnghazsds Tht Chlampcon doos oref preoscris oodrs coth a specoal section os fafil ciotr cas ocos, coh oomethoog of onteeot to sctyco islde Ots pagos. Towncn oare tOctcshatOhave crIt thocr sopport 10 this caopigoand theitcmessagesoill lisc hoe fotoc in thde speciel seolcon ooido tocdys papes. surae of the odoeefeites of thos ceofis Champios isclado F test secttoo-Hitcsrest cornîOtotO 3, sports 4sand5, Shesidao Colge soid hong 7, clasoifords 8, 9, 00. Socond sectitonEdioriels BI, Yooth Front 82, local cartoost B3, cediogi 8h, Christmoas gifs game 87, fats secs B8, 4-H aatrids IIi gl t B9 , commenocement 810 anoi BIt, Sîfety Corner BI12. Vol. 109.-No. 27. 9 < 5< 5< 5 j;)c 1 morning scrut-up by town