Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Oct 1968, p. 9

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8 HELP WANTEO 8 HELP WANTED ELECTRIC ARC WELDERS Steel Fabricator Located in Georgetown REQUIRES WELDERS lob oll,,rc permanent88 position,8 88888 08884888 excel,81,1nt wokn conditiof an8188888 d f18900 -heoefiio, Phone Collect Georgetown 877-6957 8626 PRESS OPERATORS 1 Steel Fabricator Located in Georgetown ala 2-door8 red in- .ots in 88. Lie. 81.495. Dr dos- 7. _ 81,355. 8888 V-8 or M, 8088 in ex- $7,95. lor888y d808tan8 'r and8 -1.395. 3sing 9. 5008 81250. 58826 Slely M$ taes, 0- 610.81009 license. 626-3548 ives 'ICS in-g Op- 088888608 j. Terri- .3 5 oy. -2408 8C29 Manor t Hom egintrat policdes. cil!,ex WELDERS Mus8t bave provient8 weîdhtg ex- -patiece of aleast 2 yem Gtiod compa8y beotetits, CatI MR. STAN CHAO Streetsvilîe 277-2794 Ex. 58 Canada Brick Co. Streetsville, Ont, 8c26 FULL TIME CARETAKER FmO Stewarttown Senior Public Schooî Anmt salary 85.30.00. Dutieo $88 commence Novem- ber 18, 1968. Written applicatios addrassed 10 MRl C. A. GRANT, Secret- ary.Treasurr TS.A. Esqs<esing, RR. 3, Getirgete088$ reived un, 8l nl Noveme8 5, 1968. SALESMAN 88We'e growisg.,W08't you joint us - Penwell Rail Estate 6881., om c Guetpbs leading Real Ettate Pirass, 8888984088 a full time or part time -Real Estnte Salesma in the Ot-angeviSe, Ac- ton. Milton rires, to, rialth$eir latest espmnsion nerds andcu tomner demands. L8neral commis- sieu, perss$04 training progrant. if 708 con seil, call for an cri- 0-ortunity or most calme in and rails about genseth, 5080, mnd POWELL REAL ESTATE LTD. 382 WonImich St., Guelph, OntI. Telephone 822-5720 8b26 il LOST OR STRAYED LADIES' Bi,-k's' oratch. Re- 08888. 8786202. 188826-3550 LOST, neotered Siomese coi, grey, slpped in8 on88e088. An- 808888 to "Tao... Vicinity of Gu- elph Line. Lawvine, Bsiilingto8. Resoard. iease cali 878-9804. 1 lc2(>3570 C«LLIE mee Ssed y. on Mondoy afteraom, Oct. 28, ai 25 antd 401 Hsny. Medium sire, eeddish broyas 08161 so08 black unt boick, wohite markings o facead paws. She is we888g 2 rail, ose rahies, Ortler8 Etc- hatike. Wmuld onytine soeing ordog, pleose colt 878-37%6. 84c26-3547 12 FOUND 0-580-P, golden8 co881r, wear- i84 60888 collaitr. 878-9365 alter 4 1522&3602 DOUBLE barvel shotgost, in Comipbel8iiIe district8 Pho0ne 878-67%. i2o27-3495 CHIOOS 40883. Ow88er 0807 have saine by identiryi5 and paying rail etpvoses. Phon>8e 87- 4836. 128826-3322 13 FOR RENT 4 - ROORd ap0ar8t8888. 7 Court St,, phtone 874-2460. 831126-355 PURM4SHED reomi for 0808k- 8114 488881188m0. 878-2086. 13c2&-3553 FUENISHES hedroon in8 qui- et home. centalIy located 878- 4675. 13c25-3474 ELECTRIC HOT W AT ER HEATRS mith free service Phone Milton Ilydro 870-2345. 13c-8728-tf HORSES boarded, entes large8 888880846 stalls and emcel len8t riding tacilities. 8786253. 13e35408t 3 - ROOM apartiment w685 garage, ard88ts t88y. no dalla 80. Reply Bon 334, Canadtan Chion. 1363 14 WANTED TO RENT 16 SERVICES REQUIRES PRESS OPERATORS MI3ST -BE ABL~E TO SET UP0890RES,00-388 .0ROM BLUEPRINTS. Job ofters pesrmanent -position, gnod 0804888, 88888el8e8,8 werking conditions ansd feinge henIt Phone Collect Georgetown 877-6957 8626 FACTORY H ELP for BRICK YARD GOOD WAGES - DAILY BONUS 1861er short trainins period: SORTERS AVERAGE: 82610 0-0R HOUR HACKERS AVERAGE: 12370 0-0R HOIIR lncîsdlng incentive8 hontises Stesdy Permanent Empînyment Day Shift OnIy Holldays + Ali Benetits 0-aid COME READY FOR WORK Por$slgueste and Italien Speaklng Cn-workers APPLY: MILTON BRICK CO. LTD. Base LUne Rd. 18 Mile West of8 livy. 25' MILTON, ONTARIO PHONE 878-4441 8b26 SCOUTM&STER for group in MATURE, active womn to Campbells6lle, intere88ted 0-08888 88088 f888 2 year old antd hahy plasse col1 r-54-2576 0or Write livre 8in prefe8ahIy, somte 88461 Mes. L. EarIy, RIR. 2, Campbell- hoseok, omit eocrm, ample ville. 8c26-3552 time off, I 080881 paid vac8at- ion8 y88088y. Refe88ences f88408088. WOMAN %vi86 some eslteriece Caîl sfter 6, 853-064. on indsstrial 88888888 machine88 90880-8000 8888498088 88 do sceng of dra- peri88$ in8 008 home. -Machine andsnne training provided i necessary. Col or opply rit 288888 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Draperies in Mitn -Plana 876- 2513. 88826-3523 IMIO5OLE-AGED ssoma8 ood 886e hos8keeping ttt hoby sir- YOU con cnesa extra money lbin. 878-3644. 98826-3534 gissng 0-meleigit service to pour neithon; and friends. Gond8 TUTORING, ail p0618ic antd openis in -Militen and/or part 888gh s88hool sahieces to Grade Baon8 Co. Big profit. Easy for i1. Phon08e 878-9204 afteý .35 star$. Fusll ctsmnetic 18888, spi8885 5.m. 8c0323 medicites, vi808808s, waxes, pal- _ 1Yhueokwne.$ ishes. disinfecta8ts and8 food DIYhuec, 8888.8 prttdncts. Write Rawleigh. O8pt, a daY. Transportationt 888888888. 1.214-T9, 4005 Richelieu Si. St. 486 Lioe and Derry West, 878- HOenry, Montreoai. 8c26,3164 297 c2-O FUR-NISHBDE flatot oon -bed -8888854 4,and kitehes privil- eges, aresa8td Ontario St. Srouth and8 Main St. Phone,8, 878-3278 $88888 6 5.88. 14882&3456 URGEFNT, bouse 9688h 20 .il,8radios81 $1 Miton, 3 ld 88888888 s 8881 $5. Ycar8ly le8ase, Phone88 Par8is 442-2058 888888888. 14c2&-3541 15 PERSONAL PRIVATE. coriftsble, neat home, in I$8888y888808888ytide bas 058888885 for8 I lady or8 genItle- man08. 4486 Guelph Lot88. Barling- toMr. AudI 634-2901. 15c826-3498 COINS 00088888, P.L. Sets8. Open Sunday COIN DEPT. Trio Smoke & Hobbies Hopedale Plaza 006888888 827-5673 "BAHA'U'LLAH" One8 hundred 50808-8040.88one Voice, foret-88 the sphituai breakdowt8 nulle affiti g 0888 world - and gave us the solu- lion ta il. The 88888t888 of 888888888 8608 surn0ainded tiler Speaker'& hife constitute the motif 8888t8088 able sto8y in8 tman's spiritual history. 81,8, $688 888088 of Babta' - u'loh. Yeow il88 to8 yourse$8lf WRITE: Baha'î, Box 164, Oakville, Ont. Th8888eis 88088888$ or obligation. 15c.81 16 SERVICES BAISEMENTS, lardes and gar- ages8 881888888. Rtthbish removed, mai8ling, etc8. Reao8,able rates. 878-2283. 62831t1 8888 ANID 2888 88888884048808818 0880i08818 0888$ 88qipmen88t 888088$. Call 0Glenn8 Danzey, 0060080 Re- alty 18888,80888888, 827-5713 0085 finie8. 1638-3200 PAINTING and walîpaperlng. Col8 878-4623 betwen 3 - 7 pan. Allo, basements, garages and gardiens cl18888888. Resno888he rates. 16c26-3310 HOW 888088 0888888 it 888888 88 have8 a 818888888 5088y for 8888? Ju8881188 4808 , 6 2 plates 4c8 888888, 88888858 3c1 coob, 0808888 glas 4c=- 396. Total $3810. 10 $608888 and 14' 8abllecloth8 13.50. T9oa 87.00. Coîl Miion88 Part8y Retirais8, 878- 9413 or8 878-9956. 16883560-t8 K & R Lumbers Cert8ified8 880880880888 and geui- eral0 $88888881188880 tme lling,88$ aI- teraion, m. monts$, $8880 088888 MILTON 878-9937 ACTON 853-0633 1638-tf Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRSJCE ENTIRPRISES 0880888888 and Itsdustrial. MILTON - 878-6869 86a17-tf ED. McMULLEN Co88iract88r e C88ment Floors, S8818wa86x Stoops a Chmney li 0-80888888858 Reprs la Stucco Wo8k la-6-88510880 Phono Acton 853-1818 96c23-88 WATER HAULAGE SANDS - 0-IL!. - GRAVE!. STONE TOP SOIL - 8 YD. LOAD V12.00 D8888888088 ELVIN COWAN PH-ONE: 878-4898 1626 Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 870861 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE, buyr 08ant good old or nm brick bouse in Mil- to.AI] cash6 orlage cash88 5081 55 Years' Cotsnous Service Membr o eth1e T4ooto Ontario and 0Oak'iIîe - Trafalgar 0ReaI Estate Board8s $11,000. (6,0896 building lots, nicely 818-088888, h8140>ood marries, coveient8 888 401 and8 Milton. Teril can bc rraged. Cal Deni Lawrnc 870-2240 o 8769543. Cal BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c26 Main St. Milton C88088888-1ial/26 ft. frontage, 2 stores888 and 2 ap08-8088888t. Ex- cellent 88ea8e0. 0w81 icorne. Rcasonarhly p188888 wittt good 100 Acre Farm Froge on 25881 pli 8188i 8808688808 8888>8e bouse, in ex c18een condiion0, gond barn,8 goccd location. A88king $1,100 Milton-Speyside Area 28 acresoaf beautZhl den8ely wooldied 88olling5 country887, pr8t- Milton Fabric Centre fh08place, 2-cagara0ge. Ideal 12 Martin 588-net f,- Ébat 08888811088 retre0a8. Ask- 804 $33,000 0888h surbtiontiol Serices mnd Repaies on 1 o ail maires of sewing machiri85, don payment. tOc-tf 0-880.30 i6cros Fromag on Hw. 25, close to PACONI 401, ail wouded wiih 8088888 ev- Dead Stock Remnoval $20,000 ssilh 8tennis. A8ko LIMITEO IF YOU ARE THINKIN OF0 Highest cash prices for8 deod or8 BUTINOI OR SELLING, CAL!. disabled cowsmad oses CAL!. OPIERATOR. - 65- 0-OR STELLA PARTON Zenith 9-7950. 1 Milton 878-6705 Uic. Na. 94RP68 l26C6 880-11 17c26 " CLEANED " DF8,SFNED MILTON WELL BORING M. Peltier88 - 878-9552 Henr8,y Guckk - WI8888Oiner Torontio 366-430 Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE T8ees8, 0-ence Rovs, Stone Piles88, Ponds, etc8. Large elms 888888888881 haIt prier,18 005. W88 0888088 8e go81 t88 081808888 Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phono 451-4804 TOP QUALITY CARE-FREEI SEAMLESSI POLYURETHANE FLOORING CUSTOM COLORS REQUIRES NO WAXING Grant Wilson, Freelton 41"-36515 Immaculate MOBILE CLEANING Dump trucks,8 88888888888, t88088 ers.88 vans8, 088888888 88888880 -888808- CALL MILTON 878-2516 n8d058888 $88 ma hn, w 88888 t855 .8 . . concertes fluor.8 The8 lot 888 60* x 132' on8 81188118 888 888110888 o 2-110,a- 889,900. "IT'S IMMACUI.ATE" - 00e in8- vite8 7880 t0 88855888 345 HIIh 88888 Dr. $818888888 th88e W. 1. 08116 shool in8 Milton. This 088011he88 garage8 888 in8 88st .868 888860 588811 of S24,900. 0558888808880 cati8 0881 Cro88ss ESCAR0-MENT PROPERTT - The8 881880 88,81800803 08V2 acre8 lot, 3 miles88 08888 cf Milt8on, 08888 8888888 rage on8the Apple- by Line,8 118808letel8y 88888888, st818800, 600o888888 58888 and8 ce- claoines 81188888 6886888 51 185,000. Cal] Att Pe0118o 870.292 or8 878-6447. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY THE MODERN WAY Photo M.L.S. on the Brampton - Toronto and Hamilton Real Estate Boards CAL!. JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER 84 Cbo,-,1Str8eet East ACTON - 853-1650 (888118888 beside p888888 8888ld1i88) Residence of Dignity If voir8 arc8 a ,,hoo8y bayer, 80h11 a look at ibis 58,188811 bo0886 ter ar.14008on8larg 80888888 lot, close81 8, O.S.. 3 big8 88ed- moins wit8h double811888888888and -811hly hnoodloa08nd f840888, modern111 8808688888W 88088 toi 0808k in kirehen, din888v008888 and 118888 living roumi 08818 88881158008 0888 lar1ge 0888818088 8888118840687 800888 and porch dn,1k, hail on8 11880880808088 and h8ilt-in gar1age, altoex trao 1808888118 8880 in base- metbTis hom088 88888888888 08888888-8 extrasyou mut seeto Milteon . 78-6292 sied.8 Ou 8406 es rato 8e mot Georget$'08own0$ g0a88. 6886888 $35.'000 *-8For a- poitmnt - c880018. 88 Ano avd A - --877r-6582 chic8 Cairns8 878-6980, 340 Main 17c26 St. Milton888. Christie & Woods Thinking of Selling? We1 have8 goad clients88 08a8888g REAL ESTATE BROKCES afg, Éco-unt8o hom,v. 8808018 01188 189 Main St. - Miltion CtdyoupresGe80v8887 h8808co o ftot 8688 08888 0808888888,18 and ai- Anna &Archie Cin 88-11888ivy 8188968808084 - ted- 34080ain8858 E., Milton8. 88400 bricok hungalow. 85011- fous L-sae livi88n8g888 and 818- 878-6980 ing are880 brighi compac01t kot- che,, 0888b ample 8888585000f E MA TI 850111, 4 -580888 08888,-e bath, C A LS M R I 5088885 f8888888888 hosemesst R. R. Noý 1, Mil88on. ap08888,188 or a 081108888888 878-2161 room0, 8881 F .A. fu080118 Terras.___________ 121,500 full 58-896, 3 -hed8-408o E , ,1h88, 11880688808888 living and 'w188888. 18, 8188888 $8811 on0 fi 8888 fl8488and 3 6081880880888 081t c ba5088 th1 Realty Services 880n-880, close8 by downtoA.8 (1961) Ltd. T1188m88.oarondan COUNTRY HOMES This country bn'880e8ils8ona lage sseii kept loi. This8 681,k home bas 4 sp5088800 bedrooms, mno- 81em0 688118888, attractively de- corated18 81888888 mnd living 8-400.4 - piece bath and oul f08880118, 888008888 en mois po- vert8 888488080. 0617 $29.900. 3 - bed-ocin 885888ý level.L 86050f living and dinino m108 on, arg kit60en wtbest- 888408-880.2 bathrocan, garage8 8880088d on 21acrs ofland, cloe 8t Milton. 6886604 S29.900. LOTS Industrial0 lot, 162' s 250', in 888806 00686088. Asksttg 8400). Portly 08408e180 ac s >108 6885804 $7,000. open8 tu offr. 96118888 buildin88g loti0888b excel- lent8 888110 888811884k888 pi1cu- clique8111100888 de. Askiobg $7,.500. 401acres on pa0880 rod. Ask,<tg 810.000. 878-2095 878-6057 17c25 Tl. 878-3551 - 854-9979 Brick Bungalow 25 Highway $20,500, 58-88088 and $88888818881 3- b88d888m ranch88 st8yle borne, 84008118 on8 a 80ar88 0840810 lot $501188888 l8iv8ng 8-88008, family 8888118 kit,,hen 088h large 880$- Ing 08-88. Coli rigbn nrom. Mrs. King4 878-3551. On a Clear Day, You Can See Forever Vry beautitsil aod exc18i88ng 30 a888811081188 with s8ping fed pond,1 gond bo88b and proha- y ihe 088888 ourstoodieg feao Or$i the 881880 buildingele- 8808840 081881 58808881880 a pai- 0880088188811888f the coun8try. sidr. 0088880881888 valuoe ait $8.900. Coul today Mn. Gout- 00868 870-355.. Campbellville Area 100 acres,8 b8800tiful conrer8 pro potty, 25 acres8 gond hosb, trou,8 in full autmranc olr 80arge8 8888 fao9l88ted tari boo-.c. 4 bndroom, ail con8- 88888808811$ batnk ba,excl- lent8 f888 bo,-ses. ,,boic8 locat8- ion. Mohawkh race8 180886 08 ou. Col] ,igbt 8800 for n 05- 408888808888 88858 860et hs lave88- ly 5084088t7. Mr. Gouiosh 878-3551. Brethour Realtor Ltd. 100 Martin St., Milton John L. Newboîd 898 854-9968 CLERK'S NOTICE OF G. W. GOLDSTRAW FIRST POSTING OF Real Estao88 Compbllille 8542213 VOTERS' LIST,8 1968 - 17c26 Township of -100 acre18 bert fim - 285 acres88 Nassagaweya 0888160618, lar1ge -barn 08888 ce COUNTY OF- HALTON Ment8 lot8 and 88888-088881888 f088 Notice1, 88 hereby giv888888 861 200 cahie, 2 silos 14'x60' n h88 6,88, com0pi8888 0888 Section 9 20' x 60' with unIaders; -8î T3he Voter,' -Ls At,and thot storcy brick hoa8811o1,h cup-5 lhavepol1d uporitmyoffic8eart boar8ds, b888888,,80and,8ifur- R R. 8, Ccp8iivnle,, 0on0888 race;1 extra- bouse 08886 batf' 30 h sdy col 0118e,. 1968, the t88008. AIl ibis and1 more- f08or 8 01fitn ail peusicspflltyctitledto le, fll 5888111 of $62,000. 808 8 688888515i8 $~0 200 acre81 bnel 80110 - O 888h8e 81ipal 888111880888 and rital su Ho,->-,olvdisîtric, 1 mile88808088,88888080808 litrie for inspect bOarn and automatic fec81lot An8dl61 e88o88cl8pon alvo- 1or 250 110888,, 2 .8ar5e il8-, tiers tu 80881 808088818088 praceed- maculate8, caondition 018111 and lave, file ts doy for appeal oui a886 818181,1188881 88088-e on beng the 838888103 of Novem5er, 88888881188This5888a 8081,-38rlýl 68. k,,pt fo-v and is 8808 out8 li rite ay ot 580,000l 508118 thit 35888 day of 0080. ber. 8968. 185 acre18cou08r8y31188808 - Bavk bo,-n 60' x7f', 11508550 fo J88 . C. 'Mclt8TYRE, CIerk, br11l ovd ail 110818881888888880 Top. of No8soaga0eya. 88,111 8881884, painted88 80858880 186089 1188 shed, paond driv, avd 888- boau,, wi888 I80 additi,84. beý 20 AIJETION SALES hb,- wh-h6 11os $1,00. alertte. The, bouse1 0808 com8plt8ly 88e- W ard Brownridge of $24,000. This8 88 o b88ooti- Li88etsed Auctioneer fu8! 8888088 8811888 8800- b8e des- -atm - Livestock ai ny $79.535 wlh 835,000 FoiotSle 81008v R. R. 2, GEORGETOWN. 100 oacre loto - Half mile f88880 Phone 878-6730 highIoa 100 acres88 08881108888 20e-tf af gaond, high 5088101180. O- en0 bottom, land, bat88k barri 60' 70' 08888 tie-p 05 and8 For Complote incise 58-888; 11,î - 888a888y trame Auction Service hoo,,, 08886 0luminum00 8888188. 1oil fu11801188 600,11400, exil5- CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN boar1ds and o86,,r ovo888o- AUCTIONEER us8 an881 0808 8nl Mok Sales of altype. Big ortsmai. l'il do thernaIt. 50 acre1, 80110 - Adioiving th88 Soles cond8108ted8 mnyhesre. village, of Ccr81o8ll1, aoh 888888 rd in8 pe110888880 50888888880888 Tel. 878-2576 a on a88 t he fron. Thit Ils gond faim land and w81080 a- R.R. 3, MiltontOnt. Che wee11k11881tarti1nr Pricedt al ALI0-GIS aolv $5,.54. ;06acrediryfam -On p00ed' AUCTION SALE 100' v, 0. 08886 tie0Ps tfer 60 S1ATURDA, N8OVEMBEIR 568 1188088811088110 b888lobl1oiean- A 18 508. 88881,48for er8, new lo 1 4' x8 40% I8iotor- 18 6brick 88888888 08888 cup ME. VICTOR OSTRAP4DPJ boards,18 b0d880o0o88 and 886088r Cov. il. Lot -17, Top. of00- race., Thi i ou hac Io08860895 8108-880,801 mil rOt cd GeOrge- gel a g8od inculte808801the 10088, 28miles oth of Norvat. $25.000. Of4 Glanenand Pluie AnsOquea, Hosehold Puesiohugu l150 crediy fai- AIv8ork - 88881,1 8h1 hborno a. b8k 6008rn 6'-808808 6ort, 2; raamund6 diaing x80 Owit8 88ooo0f and in r.oumi8tables; g-omapne888 ; old gond condition,888 milk housr 5808 688,1608 table; 8888 88priOt 8888.8888808h114l888-and810lk88g c1hai; en. ean ch1,11888ai; coid P- 08achi888 inoluded in8 plircbose .,oo tant0; old snalnot dresser 51811,1.2 8888111178888111108808888 mathig as stand8808888 8; ma- 0888$ 88808011883-580888 bath up- te]84068; 88114068; Braver 8888,84 888088-88 2-piro bath, dovot, ClI- ers1:808088 5884 tables; pionare boards oand $8887 88888881 810888- 81100888; 688888804 machine; 8080 at,81 Taire a look8 ai ibis mne 58081 modem80 dtestertieid suite; 51181118 at oitly 137,000888888 tr1ierai wardrdbe88; 0840rd player; 8185.000 doo88. Tire8 balanre on8 nid8 babv crb; blanket box- a 88,-vi 080889004 at 63896 t80 6-588118811 -%et e-aam 8186-es and run 'o 81 5 7080. 11888118 088881180 pieceol satn gloss. ,,40oa sel;8 8805t5088t; 0881 Fo i- mton or8108888 0800-580880808 11885 & 8808818808 moustacheoup tu sec these 8and81080883.W0$y an~d orhrrold gessmaddchia; 0881 o t08 faim in te Ar-thur, 1909 Japan11811vase; sellerai H1111,ton,8 Palmerston88, Dray- 40f88; qoo88lity of books (schonI 888n,8Mount88Forest88andf2Grand books); 1 cannon ba6il; bicyce; V.,ll,-v district,18 ,otacti 888881108968 typ11weter; quarn. 88888 o8 lombes. ALVIN OR BRUCE Tbis 88 8h1 tiesi sale in du=re COULTER collectr. Plato6-attend.8 aiARTHUR, 0888ario. Ow8888 or8 00088888888, nt rII pov,8i,,e tor acci8dents8 day of Ph. 48-203 sle.ALFRED R. 50-ESCE, If no0 0880 8484-2319 Aa,,tioner-EvalmatOr, rap. R.R. 5, Georgetow, Ont. John D. Hutchisonmi Realto8 MO0RE AUCTI[ON SALES UNt 17c26 PAGEm le 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE The Canadian Chamvpion, Wedvnsday, 00886888 30, 1968 9 F-o, Srvice and1 Satisfaction17 RA SAE 9 LGL Cotisa0it PRIVATE SALE 17 ELES TE 1 LEA Bes R a ty 3b88d88oot oli8888 brick bun8g- plow lst88red wall88, grd A CAMPBELLVILLE AREA tNotice to Creditors Best ReaIiy 11hooo 19611 l88dý 1008 a,,, lG & Insurance -" ll 1t i, ofll, ph "1 d dirve. pF.f,,,,ý1Icn1 lin litAth6E.0t.Vtr.E.. ETA VICTOR. rit Mo,,,58,Mîlum o $.23,500 covnene bc-drooms ifne REALTOR CALL other o,,,ild88go. excellent88 for agis the, 9 Estate8 of8 3088 Vi- :r8888880118808and8h0r8e1, Sce - raCrnwe8, te ofthe Towns Brampton 459-2871 n1 i,608 location. 0 Exelen opotu ot Milton , in th County of ll- 878-6292 878-6592 17c125i foor nes , o rle , ton8, d811oe , 0860 died on o Apply 1968, are hereby s<,1i0ted tu8 senti 3885-T LISTED" Bronze me- in 888 the8 088dersi8g88 sol88icitors dal,o, eleat,-oolly heated NEW ACTON E. Eichenberger for, the persona88l representat0ive8 bun8gaowm 9688896-5 locatrd BRICK HOMES on Guelph Ln, just past of th1 said8 de888088cdon or 85e- in Milton on8a 75' 134' lot., Race, Tok, Campbeli,-8818 f-oire the 20-8 day co1 Novembe-, The $5011888888 888888888ion888 08, 1On 8l-rges 81 1608lots,08881y ta 171126 1%68, fll palcar 81 ofo88 60 8888 88880 and8 8188888 roc,88 i8 pari b0888888888secti8on, 881108 8068, 3 claimvo 188ov1118o88y ailler the rI6-81 08886 maoganoy, wa 0- b 88888-908, garage8, 88888808. Ud C-id date. the1 E88eclao88 wili8 o'oII br-oadoo8 plus8 ta e ne Construction 8 ,he assîet othe said ti885I0888. lao 88088888 6886$- AS 10W AS $20,800 3 -1881888 68888809bugalo. all good d .88-8181,oi having regard88 atly 80 en. 888-8081$088 i$ ail bled- FULL PRICE s80'8188,,,,,0,o2 - car garage 1l0888,of which h h a8880il t8f mui.Li sied1 58896 S25,000. 1 ot$, attractive location. have $0880c. For8 an8 appointaient88 8$ 8880, As Low As $1,5010 $32Z DATEID vi8 Milton, 5888$ 248h cal] 58088 T6$,epson 8478-292 dv ,of 0,186,888, 1968. 0r 78-2455. Down Payment South of Campbellville l-8ITCHINSON li VICTORIA ST. -868808- 888ans- 3 bedromi bun8888o,,$ oood THOM0-SON, fere. hi idr yp hm 88011 lot $81888108k888 C88810 0096888888 & 58olicitors, fe,,,. hi $8188 8'888 8,me REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Springs48, I8818 clean-u and088 219 Main8 St. East,8 a combina8~8tIi~o Mart ien nd REQUIRES smai 118850111 6868884 $30,5300 Mi,188 Ont. .81. : .88...$..... Experience proferred,. So,,icitors for the E88888oor. Fr,îlet quick teillas with 9 6£LASSIFIED-ADS ul, -Là 1

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