aNl Weather coUd, wlndly The Canadicen Champion, Wcdtcsdcy October 30, 1968 81 Dria' ino21cmpete in Halton po i match N' Ico lco plowingt fi i etf h0t e i t ta Octet 21 cnmptttr ntao etttod Hadtonna 720h atnal dc<cc<goccth, field ai tho cooroh Bochngcor (<caol Georcge Rtndhnod on Sataaday. Six <cf the, ploomennwete [tam ontaide tlnlton, ond 15 [tomt the court A amadier thon ornai cramaI nf spectaont attended thte match, and thnscanltndid venturete thensite seemedmortcnntcnted to match the plncnang [tom the nanmth ni theat coa thoant to nandt thtnnga the fields. Taco neighhoring coanhies htld theit antoal matchet on thte samne day, and daectots fet this myhavce helpcd tohkeephnoth cntncas and ciln figures hcloo ptrannîu Ploomen's Association peesident George Sann of M itton teporta ho nos eorthelets pleased m<th the match . Ht andicatnd anothet 10 Hlton competatots nonld have mode il a macu h hcttee competotan hat tl nos a gond showotvnmith jtt 21 Wtrilc ttactinshave gadafly tahes octo an toceet feats, tnvidence nf the hntme-dîawn pion mas StI <t eradence thronghoat tht match. A class nos beli fon jointet piot, and anothen featate nos the 'ptesidett's clas< whete anynne mitling lire a tty cnld do to rondstoith a hts-dtan Ion Vercoc Pichet and Genrge Rtadhtad topped the htst ni>M Tht Qocen ofi the Foaton 1' contest mac anathet haghlcght. Thisyeao jnrt tm girlsrvindlfer c tht honnit and afcer they wr jndged on theat ploaing ahalaty, pctcnality, the 1adgts aoaaded tht hbanti to Mtt. Mary Pachet, naît nf Latty Pichra. Mr. Jocyce RudaIcîl neas raccct-ap. Maoy taker oot the taie [ront Rnrematy Bcanth oho holaI fi to ycar. Prcnaru Queens of tht Fnîcnn icon Haiton arcladcd Janotto Fanrco, Vrrna j Thnmpsn and RiaWisn PUEEOW QUIEN Macry Pichet mas scitoted as Ht'cta's 1968-69 Date of the Patron ct the Maln Plawng Mctch on Sataedap. (Staff Phoo) t'lnnmcos Assocatccn FloyaI Larhlry and Moa. Gorge E. [((«ccc of Mlto «cc cdgod <hoe PotnidcntSarnlchairnd the hanquet 4t Paarvitn Schnni audatoraam Satnrday cnening. Secretary-taeataana Jaack Tayioa intendaccd tht head «chic and gant ont tht anards, assicted hy macy ofthectnphy docntes Jndges Ray Montagne and Boh Timhers commenterd on the match, ,noting thn tccil a encellent foe compraitin. Mr. Tinhota raid t nar "a hine field, ont ni thc hon nel hart tort an ytans." Mo. Montagno pnaarcd thc plomenxcatrc ir pceopie togothcn foc nach aiiaatr. The Iloo qucor an <heu spe oc o filc adi,,,.oooocl chic, lc<o oc.chco6 oooc ac <ho, matchco orhch yeeoc p<tdomarantiy horac shows, Thn tractot made <rs dohua <n t-tion an 1935. Thoy noard tho Hoitor Mnnldhnard Associatan had hccninarmedain 1891 and arts hrst match mas Non. 17 of thiat foot. lais. Pachnt sard'tngct the plan as an nrlo the koy thrat aniocha <ho fettcicty of <ho sc1, and Mrs Roddcli coalird <ho anal 'Gacd't grtcas< gah tu Otan." Gtcctioga nnto er tondod an, the ploomer hy Halacor M. P. Rad Whcaang and Batlingon Provincial mnhoors lin So. and Gorgei<Kerrcooo.cloo in<ol Gucooc cpo.chc via, R-oc h. L. Bachotr, roococt of Lococlo and Zannoomar Uncttd Chnachna. nho nat mtrodncod hy part tresndant in Canningham and thanhcd hynKie-pcsden t Cametor Matahall. Mo. Barbetr ttaced tht mony changet it, agricunlture 00cr tht para fito yooos, ocutlagaatmo'rflni tnt the tasera on <ho oîd. Procoer n im n g and mcchanioation are takcng 00cr, andioarmang oingsoneofitr ohatm htoaarc cof thcr, hc fet. 'Thtto ts rtaii somcthang PUEEOW OUMEN CONTESTANTS Mary Pie h e r i r thie hanquot irat tent th andJoyce Rddel tcept noacicqadvc fo tuceds Rnsemar ot honhias held ire Specer Wisn et the Haltor Conotc Pinw homor lortw In ect in a row. coq Maloir Satcorday. Mary mac named tht (Staff Photo) Plawin winners Boy takes armful of awards Morrtaf Bckoan cati elca ltmfi of <înphaoa and choquaes nitor tho pîre mort dasritîcod tb <he top ploomor aft Hialtora 77ih ramnai plcooang match Satoodaf. Muttaf aoppod tht iiai<crr-on<c coiarr for pioomtr agod i4 <o 17 <crd won theoGeorgeE. EllaotIriminoai ttophc for the foangcst plooman compctctg. lit alro non a %1 istopriztdorottdhfy Groif i3ttohtooc fot hming flio hont ni <ho fit ft2t compoactota. Haro are the po<ze nr [(arr 1 i.îccr plion sud, open, Scait Mayf hra., Llofd Maf secord. [Ioa 2, lîacoors in mud, opon, Boh Armsrong. Boot Rohootson. Ciaos 3, open mentico ploor, Ino foîrowsor ore, Boh Bîon, Latîf Picko<, Bîfar Marshall. [(ara 4, treunil ploo<, agor 14 no 17, Bd!l Graf, Kon Aldoron, Hlyo Pockotrg i, Elgin Jamieron. Bill Graf in the nivrt bOf dora<od hf TorooDominiconBank. [lors 5, loacon rcoorod ploor, Haltor otif. 080< i4 lcc 17, Matraf Bocokcoo, Jear Wdlson. Murtaf hmckornms tht hatora ni [anada «loto moitet and Joan Wcilson <ho Junaot Champion coophf dnnated hi Hillnc <cr4 Peel Trust and Saor gs <ot men<ry < cof tieloto i. E. Whc<oicj [lara h, tacoaorirsrd' npor agor 14<Io 20, Rohert Btardot, MotIf Boaodot, Jcohn Boochor. Roboot Boardot ocn raeh scîvr traf dccr«od ho Rofal Bankof Can<ada. Cicara 7, ttac<oroicsd, copen, thceooîmuoreifoloo.R ichctd Danri. Droaght Mof,1 homard Icrl Richad Dmrcrownofiho sir o traf ho C i <4cain Ircpor <ia Bankhcof[Commrce [laca I. iorocc vin I ca«lctf «(ara, twocortcuro faroor, Halton orIy. agor id aco 29, Jarot Iccylcot, Boryar Matl Bill Spooh, Di)ogc May, Latof Pckoc, lKer Aldoîrcor, <laîlOf Pckorrýg Mcss Tafycor wn fihe Bank of Mont tea <ophf. Ciara 9, tta act îc u olccc, opor Bcoth Armroncg. Ric.<cn Darnest. Boir Brown., Bort ilatîf Brotc Boh Boandot, Howard Dnrk Mo. Armstrong ocra <lair Bank 0< Ndora Scoooa ttc.phf. A riroccal ((arr agoan thar foat wsopen Io arforo. ard ccoaao<d coco roticd %vih o oalkcrg ploo. toosproteardit nilcoco 10f doraaed hf [odocai Food Markets Ltd., Mcîccc orna tu Vercor Pickoo oO(h match îI WNAT DO YORI SUPPOSE h. ohiehc ha ic tae cn the Halon [onro Match bat did put fitg", ceams o 10 h tht sentiments of the doq cn ac appearance to noe tht people, as did <c ie tyt lihetai M.P. ERd Whitiea behitd a Hailln [art M.P.P. Jin Snnm. ocse-drwn pien. Mr. Whitiog did nt par- (Staf han hcort Georcge Rendhrad or mune-op. Horarirot pctchitg con Aliar Beonrcdgo of R. B 2, Gorgeown <cr4 hcr coausin Gorgo Brocorcdgeof< Stooe<rrcll io oa out cocet Ahlana ia<htt Tcom B<corrdgt <cr4 Bet tidscon Therontteaheaetalrspooal aoardr gcreouta. Bot Robertron mcor <ho Eraco chamcpions apeccal i <r <ho eil claco and null compt rn <ho 1969 Intorratonoal ohcich oaa mon <hcser 0 hn- Wilscor of Noîval. Drragh< May ohk tht Iternational Haooetrcompary rpcaal rn <ho caicicf <(0cr ard mcii alîco ho olcgch( o fic <h1969 match. Bet Roberton climd <ho Thomaitoodon pcalfortho oldoat ploomar comptiof, plar a pnaze lort<ho es hon ish <r the ticrs( rasclasses. Star May mot a pocar fort<ho heai entty ir <ho hooroe rhoo, octh Wiiam Baynr accord. Tho (itou Dooohoooh apoccal fcr fil yeao contectantrar 0<o0 hf Marray Btacor vih lion Aideron tococmog $8<0 fort secord proe. y a et le cre ary o e n aro p g r ng e rura an ut an Mavor George Harrington. ~ P E CIAÀL 20o/ 4 Discournt ON ~ Fine Fuhrics and Upholstering * Rejuvenate t ired, wr furniture quiclcly, inoxpens- ively. Let our upholstery specialint coul on you with &the details. I __ Upholstering LORNE ARTHUR ' LU. 3 Milto 878-9M9 t<tmondoarly nohlt jr <atmn ir foo cre <ho ht,aýdh.ack ollof l c -l, o th chl loo , 1,,,,dogfou, lood' hoe cooonud. ioac nord car nccofhcroootccd optimism <colu cr r inli faon ni rtaahhatd procas fcoc choo ptccdcctr inrcompaoiroo tuc <ho risng oaiaof podu<ction. Ho cootairdcd ocala a pconm thai pon<d rut tnt aIl tho rrnrhirc of flcone inmo uncoe nandow"icooonrd<ocoand yoo'il d<rcooott <hat font lahcc< ts <oci vin"t;' hohallrogod <he audienco. Tht doicoocs atholo darrot oaa srocd hi tho laieslofSt. Georcge's Angicar Chotcl. Viceoptoaadcoa Roy [notie oraordod tht gcoap' <hanha <o the ladies fot coaiotcng. C.I.A. i orrrarco dooaredsi prttod momtohchoctcegcoo aoaf asdocti< proor t Achnne Whitag, Choros Mtchell, Niotman Biggat. Llcofd May, Rosrr Srgroocoh and Jack Moocohmrn<. Doctor's bag is mnissing The rarh cci hetoua o cotrs haga sp<nad fronot Oahrcllo <o Milton lalt ncok. ohon a ca2< a htnhor cn<cc 0< Mitor Dirtrict Hocspital patkcrng lot. A <rag cotaarcrg drugr oaima<od to ho oo<i $30ocr remortd f rot <ho ocokod car of Do. ion A. Hantet, Maltcor, con Wodrtrdayorotoig. Oakciloe Police raid ia<nppoatod<apicofc oooo acorodcto rlcarcthedJour irch Dtn g car are hoi<ood tosponriol for a rash of docor' hag thoita io the Oakociloe 0000 in trotta onohr. Awards uighf on Safurday Bf J. Jorhcrr <atn' 20 4-i1 clurh mcmhotsodilh etrcvda< re artral 4-i Anatds Naghc prngtam <o ho beli <hos fea 0<t aice Ontario Scohool fr (ho Goa jr Miltonr, 8.00 p.m. on Satardf, No. 2. Ttccphaot wcli ho aoaodod <o, tnp placcrg crdiradnah, and alrac viinr oaf 4-H and Jcnior Foomot coompa«<ccrr i ara.- A rptc<iaon etii r otmi ho Ralph Crdmoto, Ptoccdorc cof the Canad<cr Ccoccncil con 4-i Clubs. Ail nirctoc hotoccodc.acoan extra effort «c attend <hos toonangcofto<recotin Patrts, fnorndr ancd suppoters cof 4-i clubi acotk an Otarico are <ciao, atgcdo attend. Pollock an] ICampbeII Manafartaroor nf HIGi- GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAOVINGI 62eWeNct.NrhjAj Tetephece 621-7580 Total Assts racccd $118,BB,000 Meceher Canada Depsct lnsoance Corporastion f 7 AMONO THE TOP PLOWSOYS at the 1968 ertson miro mas tire aident plnmhny participaI- Halto Plaig Math heldh Goge ead- cgeasellra he EssChmpionsrspecel ircd's oti Bcorlingtcon farm Sarcrday more o'itner Bill Gray 'aho worn the Toronto-Do- tee foort srocor mth thet- tropbtes and rrmrRinanck ray or plowhy aged14 te,17 amvards. From lf aelrt-year rcotetat ad RobertBrarder, wioer ofthel14te,21 Murray Brerkon who wonthe Eîatrcrrdcoer yearrcrnts and threfRalBank fray. ocall onr is plccardg plustGorgie Elit trnphy asthe foccogerr contestan;rRo b (Staff Picotol ANOTHER REASON MOST PEOPLE à LISTEN TO... ALAN SMALL YToc gSt the maxtmum Icme 081 detgeby eeacdceetcgq lie hucinga a ccount on or shcetly cOtler Naveibser lit I Came in and ak us about t1his. -SPEÇ UAL NO SERVICE CHARGE ni, il t ho .,cnIl hctc <Agora Hclccr& Peel Truc or th iiu 40/4 CHEQUING ACCOUNTS No c- h o o hionbl nm r of In, oncmiimu orcc cochalance, t2ttldiree. Accorus WelSear 232 Matin Strate 878-2839 Donald Bmt, Manager Lamne Share, Special Repooten oncev 2CONVEIENT OFFICE HO1JS Moan. - Thora. 9.00-5.00 Fniday afil 6.00 LOCAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Carl Martn Vine-Prercdent NORTH HALTON ADVIBORY BOARD John l T. Artrong, Choircan; Retord Gordnouse, Matrice n' C BeaN, Michart Ledwith, John Goy, Dr. B. D. Young, Lorne Shacce. HcdOc. Dakoie; Other Ottean Bramppoan le Bantilon. Sicn, Delhi, Cankolle, Georgeton HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVENGaS COMPANY The morgrrofHaltonn& Peers itadh CanadaTrust -Humern&BEemeurstht aitnofnnrrrsrvics wiitthonoaitaiaod andngnntehct bhe fciittesofa atin- acide nrganiaatian.