* The Canadian Chamipion, Wednesday, Gotober 30, 1968 j ~ * NORNBY = # First euchre lis successful 26 po 32 6 - I riP;rc nrsnrerp lunches . a, to i,uti lo_ ,.. I 5 5 r' WOULD YOU REND yoot oOildmn fo school if fourt tittosa day theo hd ho cross Matt St, a Jameso St tocotttîlh that oy SOME drivers w0,0 stop lot'> ChIdm,, oMito the cotoolk stoime havet fo ot oafoty mhî, cootttg IGOT A PROBLEM? SAFETY CORNER GETS ACTION ANC ANSWERS Our, appool ltt moh lot suppot ot (lie. 06,00-lai t121,11119Lîgt goi a lot 06 p0662tt02 Dsuua.Onemr otoo e oil,0 lont t.2t1pai0jus one. 'tUtiti u to o wat0 fot ilt t.hiduoot1i 66 1102n Cha t t.ti nir0 hou ,l ,6da.« 62,0 '16 t.,ît.t tC Otoîttible i'ý t onri Chose longs ttbaieoto at. loit el fcuil totltihgotkt 2 full ttaîtîo hglît adîChat corter. tetohtid.oaioeat b htpreparouod loirtýdito2t.ato6ing2tad tia polit.e otootoblo ir doirc h ii, 2611ulnfonto flic an I ttiitttul d t.ltidt.thtt.,u'ttiOt2ioiOl oretdo, [y ltt I fi l e e t 0,, oI 0h20, oofl hactko offoiîotiu glîtototo'l No bouito a ctOttf f026' 0a,166 ptt.'iln lttonali t,62 toi 1tioti.tIo'"I0,i2 ho' hlo tirl tiiuig tf6tl haOt ot"' antimalîoitio t.t l00, 6t,IoIthIl tdt,,,. otut, miil 6206 nco..,,I4i oo,1 anima12 t Il ridtt i o l , ioh. and .,Id aimalt0 ,ili0"'de fint 601,001and000id iiljr tot., it. he,ttiott ,k. Thtc hol dotI) îý ,,îooht'o0 i 0012 2p[60266 lut ho acting si120f010 >ouotti 6621 2020 010 ti 2t pltOtit.2IcontOioltOttotott ad.221.'ott'ta t Rural hounoooot,'htold koop aoootoo it lhot ,hidoî il 11t0epl261tg10100001t6a(i1Clos1110 tt it 066r Thotoe hoattfl ioott haveo Tio,010 o taircro;n tire it, 0 oO and iote os nothg slippeio n a tooitd oH c tri ,tt.OOO6ftItt6Ot Kophtoio tritincihiend60tgt o2alingtfih't dav, A c.hange lt tafproto6ors iliit2ho laeil-îht athidfic inoteretionoofOBase Liniad Taflgar0t- Oooott6tOt Ilti't S 011 t t Lioe. 1he60 00,666rnb dtveoo,,t toud ohli h e iioototo 000 front 600t020y to6p2a1 fihetbs>hoi.ut Tie ouo6o tOtpouiilhoolt 60600 fottior ttter i62t00'andeveo20odtyteTtiflga oddil]0t.ie ao thtog otid ase L602101h001 tafr vibveI t ho htoo hlou, bos> dt intrsetiooni tl o ri oo aon wo ott. Sitadouooadtutohhootot[ase licit hoog ow,id have ookod TheoChamoti 10 npIt2thor orti Cor00 ot (il 1 I0,I171106hp tigtootaorAancet.oonuitoftaieotorit 6001 i Jiholie hoohad LitaI h,6htît trot 0600 ptoido26002tt.t.'ht iglifhh, tMoho 0Clay notppretot berhnat ttkod ot oftoot ii)ile cottftedatoot Cr 001060 olett oo 6 ho ht.o2 bt uhofffotoc Ato.odo' toiphoiod'uaol ( lotne, Mtooa% o'od0 otptnt onbong6tfldtic , d, ie oldo ,,o,21 the0It Choir viril and toi otdiothrct. A holr io tt t 002, iidico oi o,ý U h, o:,îd,,.llho,,do, '-one t.h,ldo t. t, offti tîtîî ith.ot iC i,'iii w,îId. TAKE TIME a.kal yieur waada o.anell A ..aanh chenkua' tairas e liti. trne and can sèe yo. motiy by prnventlng futur. brsakdswns RSop In todayl lO Mbon5 itg Ci 2 p N2 1 'l2 7t,.' tior t 22 ' l en222 Ortlti 0,ott 221, 26 i,i, lo, 21 ICIT "', I o,,klot216 202 P9. '2liait,, tit., 4 iýho 41ý i.tk ti.itt 243 tiu Ali, 649. 12,k I iattpîttt Lt61Noît,, \I,ttItrpito 620f i 62t D-' Il,,01-,, 642. 2 ttttt',t 14 ',t 7 t dt. \TIo k 1,t 261 M il 666,,,1,y,6,t Do, 2 6oi.,i tprt,tîî t iý,,î 21o,"t Pî d2.',ut 26$, A \iyto.lu it îi.( rurtr Muait li ti lo ,,i \i, o,, lt,[ 70 t,, 6 (Sit,,i, ,ttoutt 26, Oitttlh t' C,, had tpi. Btioitt ,ltDot 242 '6.u th t %iti 6, Ot o r l 6T,ý,, i,,., 2 211, t,, 1oîp.t 2tt 11_2 Otg 2t7.. flbrida Circbe AND FUATUIES: T aur-_Nov. 3Qf l~ 2iîghts fils, cOn.. balai acoodatin, horsigî.îui. 14DBAYS&13NMRTS tours oftheaCtynnd pinttonstt, 12 doa in Mexico lit. Te lfl -r, .1 O.h c lidirtg tours of Mexico City, Shiî,,t., Pyaîîtld., Tcurcl D._9 u, in Foidt cot 2 daysani Acapulco. tW "t. 6-t ot, o , S...gO.ItM Pu,Gîd,î,tt. Itooni thtough Texas anom,, o Rio Grantde tt Monlai.0 to.o.î4tt.înOd.T , oih ootng stop intSt.ooui, Hustn, Mississippind P., P...h, - T..net lng thei wny. 1175 AVOIR OISA&PPONtmENT - IEDEIyE ERtyl Cali Your Local Norton bus Lino Travel Agent Today MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Martin St. Milton Te.: 878.91 lir Noîrth Otolailgat Eut.htt of the faîl soatot oo, SatuîdaY oîghit Dt.. 2h. :ol flit North Toafalgar Conmnttty Cetrto ITour tut ti talsoftochit iplay ooli fito p6ie ott t fio ltlloooîf ttiooout. Mît. Roy Btoak, Mît. Ralpît Feierho'tl. Mt,, Atto Dent, (lait Wilsonl. Jo tollît atnd Wtloîtr Staton Diait poiatt DOt' 0061, hy Ms Leto Hamitltoo aod Ifotald Ktnott A doot 9606e ttitt.l 026 0044100 hy Mr. and0 Mtt Cîtît Notot ofOak6,ll1,.va ,v60t hy Msi Eliimot Mao. lThe fItE itetig ofhlic Hotohby Cuitîto Fîfîoot ooot leld ai il ho tme of MItt Roy Wilsoît ontuday, oti 26,aia1.'. Tîto meetflng Oatt'tttttd wit the. 4 H pliolgo Tht roll tooli tA rt, tigîtohît and 46 ttottiogotylDuIttittttoi foi Lotloe Kiog ditouttiol muh the gitlt thtc dfftiott typstof pookiol lutohos. Sîtîtul of flic various kidO of hîînd andl assignn010nt -62s -ct. ,tt' lttnches' foi toeie anold i6dithttthOh titmt mno hi ptipoitd on adtaiiot." Tht titI meeting ttll hi hîldon 46 Otutday, Not. 2,41i the hoime of Mît. Lîtîlie King. The girlsînr ttîm ind Laokeîp [tit teipi file uandîreoridbook Ladiet of the North Trafalgar Comnîttîty Club îîoioily otjaytd a hustrlip lu Tototto ttlîi tly weit ut a guidiol tout of Ille City Hall, [hi Taoonto Domitono Batik and fi Macketzie Hauti. A Oeiooout dttttît mat onjaptd ai fi Satrt Restaurtaît. Folloo.ttg dîtoîrt[hiy <Il nitiodil "Fotty Girl" Mi flic Fuorlawo Thîntre. Atoîittraty gietitgs ait ottod ol Mr. atnd Mît. Albert Sîatohoit who mîll celehiati ibtor ooddiog attitîînaty ont Friday, Nov. 1, tirthdny peinigs tu John D. Cotdttgliy tolo totli otînhiali hit hoîthda[t un Ptiday, Nuv. t, ta Min. Godot Sharp atM Louise Pckit t oto. h. Tht HiflotisI Uited Chutoh ladtes lield atity nocotînfol toîkîy ditteritn the Itoiîty ( hiîtl t, WoO,icodoy evnlO g,54 Ot. 23. Thlade report Chat1li thtytiiidocoter300 popleand food mat gîttitg a ltl cre Mt. andl Min. i Hanilton, Mr. andl Min. Carp Hamitot, Kent, Kîndia and Kinmberley wee int,, gotits on Sondap mtth Mi. atnd Min. RoypSmith of Bampton, foltomtng thi ohritning of Kimhîtlep Att Hamiltot toho wat ohîistnodhp Rît. J. A. MoDttmtd ai St. Paul', Utitedl Chuooh. Gît toili iuls aic ettîdîd Io DonoShîa whohlasîhît il at hos home i ttl atititi ocase of pot omotnia Aotîtutay giîtigntoMr. Guarry shores safefy awurd Doffeîto Qoaîp aot tliti Tomo Lit mrais one of thi ticttal etabtlishments mOto are mtmhîon of Looal 366' of fol te Otototto. Loto a00 f yptont o, tht,, loat'i oth N31oo1,61 Sa iloic ,o onî ini ( htoogo lit long t06000s ol tp66OItnos moh no accidents oaoong losttfinie 'lho Huîoy Riiol Meomtnl notatd of ommîodshiot %vas potîentd lot filt looal't naftty aotivtts îhtoaguout thi past thttt poato. and Mît. Betrt Leolit. otho avili otlthoatt thlir wtdditg atoîttonniy ont Wîdtnday, Nov. h. Sîoootooyptahy oiettodid bo Mtt. Doog (autreon flic doulh of hîtr fatîtto Otonar Clîtoat oho doed oc Mooidap, Ot. 31, aîfleo Miltoo Ditriîct Hlospital. Lad-'otigit'ti 0, aul Jue tt-i CI 06or]ig1,- Ot" P. 262ý 666 G. '56. [t,-O 220 250. tiI R. 261, RoO .'62126 lak t. 242, OtOda R. '17. Jouek'1 N o, 61,,6 230, Ilia,, S. 22t. 011î 1,otiio lîîi l,,k k. 717. 1î,o2 .713, loto P. 680,I1-nC. 640, lank L. 620, ROn G. 606. ttdîo 6621.tt 61n I 602. ltI, l, 66l\lo, ilot, il 660. 61 0,60 6ht 24Ia 2h 4 0ot-4ko0too. N-1, 2 6,, , 6,îi.tto \1,11 Ilîolot-ot 20 tIl . 5tto . DtI.( pa1teo 216.i -n 5 204. P6ý ,i I .'6r220 ,.pt' 22r01,htlOud 22'.6 -9. 266., 240, 23all, Ilk .' r21 . 1 (-6, 260.r20. 0,0oa (If 2.66 Il VI. 26 0 1a, 2 0 214g00 Ilgt .60176,l ko 266. 220. ,11iit oi P L'200t6,ok Oi 10 Ototttth 'Bl I0- 26,t24,lu ,Iti'240ott2ltW Na3-,1_.,,, P, 6. Oint 212tOotrr 26hit -4-06 troO.îth, laoK. 261-2024 todo L,, ).k, I2-0. W2604 Oui-t Oti 264. Bill0Ct, Ooy'IBd W101 257-2. k(- Kot2t, 246. tPI 61.-0k ý 1îad . 2 [a oito 66.d Coie Plut 61, 064 K l 69 ooOt .6 a.îî 0 6',t 36 firtot.t 4 ,l k00 60. Stoot' Nt,0 277 lait" 24ottot fe 277, tt,k 2tOoî Ttmoir um tî IOloî0000lt26. 61 148,0601 pLno 'tp16116. .Ii., otdk d15t2o Vir, Tld hi, tu* t dS'huitl34 lod A few words -- and only as good as the. firm behind them. Tii. policy of our finît -- oeur reputation and pres- tige in this community -- hacks up our every promise. Our word is our bond. Corne in today -- Iook around .. make your own selection. We know you wilI have a fine choice. And remember, easy terms for your convenlence. 409 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 8M82369 SERVICING THE MILTON ARIA *LEE -MAR 0ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL REPAIR - SERVICES 0Power Telsa, Lawaa Mowea lsi Comercinal - Industriel SU LES GRAY, 82 Charles St. f V 878-6617 SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL1 CREAM 0F MUSHROOM SOUP CHEF SALAD SI1.2,; SPECIAL YOUNG CHICKEN MASIIES POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES GREEN PEAS STRAWBERRY SNOW PUDDING PFOU UMMUVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 W. Are Open Ev..y Day Thrnnghonat ah. Se.r IÀDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONIS Million BOATS aksu hy a i.b L boL on the higooay doit SUNK S nuanei îa ai t ON We Caa upl you vt HIGHWAY aflatinergshe PRQTECT YOURSELFI McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMED 208 MAIN ST. . 878-2894 a 4ý Tn4- S. WHAT IS A PROMISE?