2 Thce Cacadien Champion, Wednesday, Oceeber 30, 1968 Wants burnt school for home counicil refuses, too near road N ~ cc c " c d1IcV Mi ccc l relceai.lpc. cl min sugetcý (1, lic Jacquear oall caîchcbutin chacce - haly give icca out nahani iccae on lIa Fitîh f acaccil suggeald Mr. Permissiontbîild and havcethe LieNagawyia ca f Jqacmr accid bc betlac tuI ayere rmaed,corput paîit lice buiddag' prcaîoacy tclhe demolhîlc tce exacacg structure îi ort rlal 50 yaeHe tald enad. If the Township fallaaaail Ia nd mv ha buildinlg back ta orcil noaicdy aaaald boy thce plan tawiden thalotdrac iud comapiy wilh the TIlaclbpas praperty for tice pcice aaked if brieg the bulingctclaclbcclcaa By-L.aw. S. W. SlavageBling ep caaid nomallae sonneuse feet of the cccd nleance. Iccapecc for tiretownship laid of thce exiing strcture, a Reene Wilianm Cccaler suggaîled. coaccl the Ilcalh Oepaeîment fanadalîaan aad faue ala. The 'That sneal. calthy siainal hall fîcîbicdda bîm la issue a building hcId been bailt in 1923 foanyhaome." bildcidngpaermitforthe prapaced as a chaai andhbas aîce been Mr. Jacqueart lcoriccl il plan gu ed by tie. caa hîî intentiona tous li existing n'alla and foucîcdlaa anFod- a stopl ouevludu $20,000 and pal tha hausa cp o r w m .t fac laie. lic w.id lehal jc pa agrceemeal aîlh acarpaclel th11 ic caaaid fiace tbhe plapelf H ornby corner aalaed ut S6,200 and tha caepeclecaaauld bîildith home b cfrst aaveli g rn Sevcnh ai and Base Lace ai cag~e.Lte Ulcîaccacd che nescini aHacby abte Rdawl bc rqaiedaaobey John Noble candidate County Education Board Jack Noble, ichaan Lt' th it Icccatin as.acpcaeanaie Miltan Distrctcc High Shoo f itlhe Distrctl HIlgi Sc.haai Bared, aaaaaacedltoalalcc Boaîd, Bard meetinf ha aîîcld ha seeeinîg eliclas Miîcca'î A9 ccaîbac af tha distrct eepreeneaîîae tl lice Cîaly boarldtforllclee yaeasMMr Nable Boarcdof Edcat ion. wavcea'chîaiaiand chacecaa Mr. Nablchbas baicaîabac ai tlîe pcapaccy ccccmalllec in aI lic e Intecîva Scchcîî 1967, bcîag active la lice Oegacîîalîaa pilaigfo heh planingfo tacha e.ntrent acbaa lanito lite llacaly Boarcd alddition, A rdaaît of Mîitonfor 16 yaaca , [eiî a 'igcadaale af lice Universitîîy of Toaconto an Ciail ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BjArcb. - BRA. .C. 17A Mill Bîreet, Soiae toncla Telepicon 853270o 20 Bînvebaik Rd.., Poca Credil 274-3428 Ofice. Honec by Apponeme A CCC U NTANTS EARL O. BLACK B.Cca.. R.IA.. CA. 163 Maie SI., Mcilon Phcone 87836542 CH'IROPRACTOFlS A. P. KENT, D.C. Deoc' oI Cliicpenclin 237 Kicagi Comat Cesecai Corser Martio Sa. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AnlaHome. Pcolecaiaan-Acid- cil aid Biakea - Famip liebility Fana Liaailily Ytone MilIcn Agent Mca. Thea Krce B. R. No. 1, Milaon Phcone 878-9741 DM The utua Lite ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Oraille Rond. Actoi Bus. 416.451-3460 Rres 519-853.1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~y McKERSIE Fanavai Horme 114 Main SI., e Milton Ouar lBeb pene of iceipcas. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0. 18 Main SI., Milton Phoise 878'942 Rms. 87S-9678 Tnesdnya, 9 tral. te, 5 p.m. Pridapa. 9 a. cn 8 pi. WM. C. MILLIGAN, 0.0. 155 Trefalgar Rd.. Onkeille Offie Bliac Delly finlualiag Balcarday astic. Ce55 849.1511 fec appontileic LIBRARY HOURS Taaesdnp, Thocîday and Priday 12 nion el 5I .30; 6.30 le 9.00 Moidny, 12 lioni 10 5.30 Closed Wadiesday Saturday - 9.30-12; 1-5.0 AUCTIONEERS C. H. TUPPIN AITCTIONEER ANID EVALUATOR Phiones: Eakwood 856-4246 85".373 EDEN -MIBJLS, ONTARIO. naif crenlîy a îaeabcc '1 lice asocatiaon of pcîî. o.îd'i elfîcecca lits laîaily cIf bac ahidîaîîcîoîeîof nhîîaî bal gccdald fromî lice loal scbaai lylleal, asure h la calecal la llcaîl adcccaîîc ST. FAUL'S CNURCH Of THE UNITED CHUECH 0F CANADA Main Si ai ]fumes Sa. Ban. C. A. H ,ace, B.A., B.D. Ovcaeccc.and ChiriLeader: Mva. Harold Magee. SUNDAY. NOVEMOBR 3, 1968 1161h &NNIVERSARY SERVICES FLii ana -Secaine Sa'van .bct, "Tha Pv,- a ileinc ai Lîning Rîca Gordonc Hunierv CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.îm.Sanday Saicil lac ail biaysandc gial naec 8 i1.00 an.lInai Nuvrey le ancd cavacca depavcmecc. 11.00 .m-Baysa nd givla 4-8 yeavc incluaiae ai attend crcvabaiicpaenaa and pvacvaci la lhicai depacl. met linc the nec- ond hyme. 7.30 pa ,Srvîce Sermccon inijclac, -Stand tpcIc Vîcan Fna." R-' Goirdan Hoctev. InacLaitin Ta Aul KNHOX FRESBYTERIAN CNURCH Minislev. nec J. K L, MaGan, B.A. 878-6066 878-2652 huadn, cni an u keei icclav lie i1nd clan MIaie" SUNDAY NOVEMR 3' 1968 9.45 a.m.-Av Cici Sciccan. 9A_5 ia m.-Youg Peapiens Bicle Ciaac. 9.05 c.m."The Tlîcekeva" 10.50 ana 0vr. Chavnb Oncool. 100 anc -Mnving Wavcbip. 'fTie Pvcnanbaai ai AIl 11.00 ama Nnvrvey. Macclai, Nuac 4 -The' fiel T- gnhhi.v Gvaap ai eti the. Scîcclîn Sahani Hall aI 8 p.m. NIGNWÂY GOSPEL CHURCH A lcc SSicaambly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASEMBLIES 0F CANADA Pocîne' Bc. M. Chiclîccîsc. LORD'S DAY SLNSA, NOVEMBR 3, 1968 SAS5 ana -Sacday Scicaol. 11-00 ana -Mnvcig Waecbip. 700 p.m.-Evncalialîn Se vi ce Weieciaî, 8 Plum Bible Slody and Pvayr Meeting. Pvidny, 8 p.m.-Yng Pdope'e Bavice. A Ciucavl YeaUn Malle Yanv Hoee A Wavin WiCccefme la Eaeeyone anc away atop ligna sonon. Halaon Up unll na Base Lîne Rad bas iceen aliccanfil alcali aed matlcîîaaecie cal ceqaîcedîne clap. Mc. Caolbeît aiaaed aone cnenforîmoccnalett notaail lice rad offîer and ne Inartomd la pacaîeg lice intersection aîicncît clappîce. Aflîr waica Mr. Caciceta desccied aa fourcîasixamni edacalon pecîad. Trafalgar Radî(the forercSeven Lice) aîiii c madenla ogictorand Base Lîce Rad nîli icecnae n stop Street. Hr sad fic Iwan d a qarter rode maid diversan aed aI $390,000 aa ncîginiiy acdednied la open le Jane bal lice caccînacacas are adil aicradof acicednic and lice rond le eapecled la bc apeed ibis aeek. Armsarng BIna. of Brampton icnndied lice jobc andralme dîfficnily aîich wcl aealicccnp anlîl Angnal. lier pîcked np loaa îîaeincrcîen odaenlicer. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontar'io SI. N ' 876-2022 Chvîecîaec acercd inlice came af lice Lovd Jrcoa Christ. Lord's Day SU NDA, NOVEMTBR 3, 1968 10.30 a.a.-Beaîîg oI Bread. 12.15 p.m -Sacday Scicool. 7 00 pm. ~Gospel Searvice. Redeesay, 8 p.m - Pvnyer and Bible veaciieg. Fcv ail hcave a inîad. and aIm lictofte glaa'y of Gad. Roans 3, 23. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Mitn, Ocnaro. Reaîa:vc. R. W.Paosler. Aasiatant: Coan P. H. Maison. SUNDAT, NOVEMBER 3, 1968 2iai Sunday aller Tvinily 8.00 a.m.-Ely Communion. 9.25 a.m.-Je Ciucnca Snbool. 930 aa .Maîtiiaaid Sevmoir 10.45 am.-Sr. Cici Scilool. 1.00 a.m.-Haic Eunchavaca and Serman. Tcnsvaca, Oacinev 31 - EInlp Communion, 10a.m. BOSTON AND OMABH FRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Rea. Stacley E. Smit, B.A. SONDA, NOVEMBER 3,.1968 100 ana -Omaic Waveicip ILii a.m.-Omagh- Cboch 10.30 a.m.-Balne' Chnrca 11.30Sa.m-Boston: Wnvaip Se-vi ce. CHURCH OF CHRIST Ni,5 Slclrvad and 4lbLiic Trafalgar SLINDAY, NOVEMBR 3. 1968 l00G0 a m.-Bîirl Scicool Clats. an lac ail ages. 11.00 aam-Mvning Worship, Gospel. EMMANUEL BAPIT CHUECH Commercial Street, Milton Poalae' Becv Cinycoî Caîni 878.4473 878.3342 Thr Lavd'c D'y SIJNLAY, NOVEMBR 3, 1968 9.45 a.m.-Soeday Baceool. 11.00 ne..Morîiîg Wecnicip. Musailia.m. and 7p.m. - Mr. MurrayBack andfui- mîly, Delta Tabecînacle, Ha. 5.00 p.na.-Yoiic Tins. 7.00 p.m.-Eeoing Woictip. Wedecdny 8 pas. - Bible Sndp and Prayer Meeting. Nursery ai Bcaoday servcla. Trouls for snowmobiles Elallan Regian Canseevatin Authaeîap la cacddeig a peapasal lac caild snmealde trals eiceein and aaand ice Kclaa Caaaeran Acea. o o iaad frontc Kali, [0 l RatI ak , îco. ci Naîglihcîîîg iacîdîcîaîcc ilacî M cecale anggcîlcd la tire Aaîhicîy ic aaaaid be îilicg la ca-alpecale aîic teaits anter is landareureKea. A cccitcee widi alady lice praposai. AI last aceka emeeting lice Aalhicîy aiea: -Deaîded la icaeaalgale lice farmatian af a cneratian faordlaio, sîmîiae la Melca Taeanta acd i Regîac Coanseratian Anlhicacilp faarcdlac. Memiceas sad fia faaicdlan aaeabliaied, ap 51 ant oe doatioas mglîl icetefil Aacbacîly pcageaeca. - Agreed la seli a icame ie Oakaîlie back la lice aaiginal owes ia lace af $8,000. The G. Banada icame a anceeded fac lice Mareîaan-Wedgeaaad Cceec diaersinachianccimacicaandlthe Aalhicaîy icanghica îlasapeae for $30,500. Tice icame ano damaged daeîng lice canstructian aacicaAdlthe aaneca appliedtl repuase iaceMemcersappraaed lice maie aI $22,500, adic an added cause abat lice Aalhicaîl aaaid cal ice ceaponsible far damcage alaima a aretrait af lice cicaccîl. * Heard a report front lice public relaions aammillee tical lice Aathicîl's dîaplap bil gaile adewil aihcrnede aI lice International Plnacng Match rerGuelpic, aiccre il faecced part of lice Hailan Cany lent daspiay. Tice dîapay, aas alan aicaan aî tice ecenî iennîai aonfecence of cnsevatin autlicaîc * Icaîted anenieca af lice Haitan Spaclemenas Association ta serne on lice Anahicacî lanad uecacamilîce fac lice cntal bIneRat af bacc geaap. - Learnedlthectempoaay dam le Dcamqaîn Park needa reeiaîidngand decidedlaodiaîaaa lice peajeca wich Ockicalie Bard of Paccs Management. Conway's store site is Syer's Jaicn Canap' slaIe, fealaced iteý 'Peckiag mIat Mdlac'a Past' le hust acelasCcampian, as NOT abece Ledaacic'a stare iccaa. llaaaalcaed nmicalîc nop ecas Pamîly Faalcîana. Tice carrct information cotsfroam Wff Cnoer,aia aicaaid knaa. He caagbl lice stare frant Mr. Canap and preclntl f ina apelaila in lice icnîbulding. -A Chcampoaeaifîed adaccîscer reparts ceceîaîeg eîgca cal n a -cal forasle" adin ls acaica papier. W. E. Wood transfers R. DiCola is manager REG DiCOLA cse cc vian cagec of Mileones Bank of Nia Sanaolsie akcg over cthe posr loday s former macager William E. Wood cranefeca to North Bay. Mr. Wood, rîgrt, mecomes lice iew mancager ti Milaei (Staff Phcoto) Considering merger of parks, recreation Membera oi Mîllanes Parka Board and Recrealin Comilîce mec maich caneicîl Mndny tu, debale lice pcnpaeed meegle of lice Imoicoarde. I1 mac geeerally agreed amecgecawoeid prodace mnr cefieny n oplensince. eapeciailp i ea lîke lice commnlp laîmm .n pool nicere respoeeîbîliltics of lice Ian bcoadanaelap,aned fî oijectins eaeevcced. Afler baif an icancer' dicusesion, the Ian boards acre askîd icy Mayor Brîn Beal an snbmîl a irîler nullicing lice adianlagea and dildanlagle of am mrgel. Tice bîcîeg nf n full tun0e cecreallon and parka dîcecîner wa mentioeed eaeralitrmes dncîeg lice discuaein. Racralion Commilîre cairman Cbock Geraie tld canicîi flic cammla ce aeemed la be "balaie8 ils bend op agaîcel n mal" durîeg eepealed alcecîpla ln gel afi]cme diecnc ired. "Thec pacha badni hiappy wîich i le ceapnabiliîee" cicairman Jim Dilas laid cncl. if a merger caaic place icîmgc Sia grenIer e ffacieecy of opecaaîon, bntl ie naedîl migcl meuraeeaapeople ieacied inlice meifare nI lice aammnîy cf lice ew board aasmillercain sz Parka mîmber E. B. Clemeela enaid cf lice barda are merged tbere may le peranc an lice board aicaae lneeesareî spccificnliy in pacha nI caleao leoti balic. and mardlthe boardacccidlhave t be mcl baianced. '00e aaid hie la Sec lice pacha aecionoafanp anmnalgnam alted board ocermicelmed by lhoaecaltecealed cnrcetin"le added. Mr. Gervais aaid Ihere wan ocerlap of responaîbîiltea and a HELP WANTED 2 - Reliable Mon for TV and Appliance Servicing - Good Working Conditions PHONE 878-3221 EsHOME CHASEIAPINE 181 Mill SE. Milton Phone 878-6043 ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE Large Firm Green CAIBAGE 10c Bach No. 1 Firm Red TOMATOES 2 lb. 39c Con. No. 1 P.El. POTATOES 25-lb. bag 79c For Hallowe'co Fresh Roasted Peanuts in Shoîll-- 3 lb. $1. 7 Varielo, Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES ....39c box Granulâted White SUGAR 5-lb. bag 35c Aylmer's VEGETABLE SOUP 4 tins 49c Glatit Bax - Sace 20c A.B.C. Detlergent Powder ..... ...49c Maple Leaf Lean Loin CHOFS 79< lb. Tender Plump Fryer CHICKENS 39c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS . ... 2-lb. 89c Decon Brand SIDE BACON, Rindless Sliced 79c lb. single board wnld do amay wit libas pcobiem. Cncilior Robert McCoaî8 cîled "aneeaay del" en gellini projecca fueisbed bennuse of n iacb of nommniacn belace lice boards. In sone cmmunlces lice pcaread recnenîînefacdiiîesarce maeaged bp lice sane people aerng anlaabards,îîaaa poialed out. Aclae. BeampÎan and seceeni aeatera Ontarin Ionn Ilperate liî a. Sonme aece merged lhiceî acaca barde aîlh pache acd cecceaîn bodies.and lice nrea managr aise, servesas recceaîcîn directer fac cthe Inan. Thia bnngc a commentlfronm ('nancîliar Cnlin Sicî Ihal lice aeabard bias bacc aachîng cecyawei asaaepareeccîy foi maccy yaars,.andlcicidîc'îbc laaclced. "If ciee arce acclancabla aIdas li lan lice Pacha Board aanid Iicke la be cnaderedIone of them," repied Mc. Dîiia, Ai lice diacusscan ended Mr. Gervais ad lice cecceain cammillenaanldlnaaca aigle bard, and bIc. IES ad tire parksagccIpanould clcder it fonicier aed sîîiccc a lte cainnlca proscand consa farca merge. William E. Wood, far lice paît fourpears managerenfthe Mlton bcaci af lthe Bnb of Nova Ocalia. bac been lcancfeeced la manafa lice Narîliî Bacy icaecb effe'ctiae iii d.l Dau,î iii, 1 lillliîlllll ni ilîc Ma, Wooîd linas icaaîî ivîlîe la S. Pal'a Uaited Ciîaacb and V lS ca0inmlàn i lp olganiescînna., andice saysiceicas madeanamcelaf gad fcled bere. He mac Iceasacer afîthe Roary Clcb, Iceasacer nI Hnilae C.N.I.B., a mrember af lice finance commilîc of Milton Caring Club' a e ec af Trafalgar G olf nd Country Claba nsteard and fienance cammîllîl cicaieman aI St. Pania, and a mecacer oaf lice Mlaon Cicambor of Comcccee. Mia aife a acive ie lice curing clubc and ic daagc'er Barcata isa Grade 10Oaladeel aI Miltan Distrct Hîgc Scicoal. Mr. Waod aa a bunkcer ia lice Mariimes fac ecaccai fenIl bcfao camini M Miltan. New manager aI lice Miltn iccaîclîîî R. P. (Reg) DiCala, aicat îîaeferced icelle froam Guelphl tins aeec. Mr. icCala la ancalive (if ?Cnall. IHe lîias ican li lare icaekig and fînancia indaalcp fac 19 pelace lIce paît faur pyear .. cmanager of the Speedale Ave. aid Steenon St. brandi le Gaelphc, ced peine toi ihait he aanked aîich a farer Milaon mîlîaar Haroald Kniîîîcî ai lice i1'îîiîîcke iîaîîli. A cllera and galiva. ha aisan peclaînîer aîb lice Gaelphc Lîgcl Opera Campany and secaes as peesîdeelnE lite gooaa. Hecs a memcer of the Guelph Country Club. Me. DiCala ie macciîd aid ias Ian daagcdere. Ticey wil iie en lice hoame aacaled icp lice, Woods. ll3th anniversary at Knox on Sunday Thce 113aic aeeîaerîary of Knax Pceeicpleciae Cicurchla nbeeed Saednp in asevc fealncîeg guecl epeakcer Genege Fecnee asanclale national dicectar of Pcesicpleciae men. Gaîsl colcisl as Dan Ruticerford. Aie partcnipallet alec Rea. Cicarles Huerc nf SI. Paules Uinitedf'cand Ren Stanley Smcich nf Bastn and Omaeia Pceabyleîn Cicices. An aeerary eappel a iceid Tneadap eeneng, sposoed icp Knox Ladie' Aîd. MILTON Abot7e8y-32aro TUS.RSTa NOV 7a... 11PEDAr -RVT NAY F GT 0FrREL-o "AY OND HE AINIR "WiN Abot JaNr" - Catoon BOBFY' HOPER -HI CaILrto WC FOR "THE GRADUIATE" .Coming Soon electric heating lets you match Wben the actiaity is higs lice tempersînre can be low. And vice aersa. It's ticat esp wilh electric iceating. Room-by-reom or zone tempeenînre coelrolc pot ceendort et pool fingertips. It's jact one more way electric iceatieg bringa 5100 ail lice coenfocle of home. live botter oîectricaîîy MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC CoMMiSiO 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONI UW8.2343 Ha Revis IWedi Milan appui face lice a Thi again appel Mîlin ahi la ai 5 appe. yeac clapr Me Arno Raip Jack and Nana Mr. Fenil Tc cairi h.- 0 * e iài Church Services