KIMIIDE 96 The Canadien Champion, Wedresday, Oriober 30, 1968 Principal explains new method of reporting progress to parents By Mac. Wdburl Watsone Kidb Tha caneral i tl mccccc eetinge ve Sccbl sociationccccea,. Iieid1,1 ýc.Ic Mordeyr evenin cech 140 parents anddlaachers atcedci. Dr. R. Maehread presided ard exiesded a wausa ceicmcce l, ail niierdira, 16cr raad the Hoe and Schol Ctad ad annocurrd unit lhesaucilbccnoceetinlg in Norambcr. asparrnt and teseber interviews ceill be held darina themon. The extecl tv meeting oîli ba heid Mccrd.y, Nov, la, rn the staffeemont. Pricipal Normaan Folcel lci a diseusion onc rite nea eehccd of repuarn o eparecal. Theareprtyen raccve calbc basd or yoar child's prc.gresc as as crdiecdcai and cccl ce compased te cecher cîcidrer en liii cIass. The eccpicaîc cccli b or cleccer and 6 ecler communrccatcccn 6elaeccc the scbeal ced the parcet lhlccci parearr.eachcinterviewsacacd he reporing iro c relacted!mr closely le the ctulcc ckcic c of ice cilsrclicaiprograml. Mars have beer deicîrd frccet the kîrdargacren cc grade 6 reparts sicacacccaimpssible Ioc me Isola the pîcorece ofl ch ild rer' c aieucc g onc a hunred-pcccl sccale. Tice assigsmarî ccf marks cccceg rnmes gerce aperession of nccccracy and ccbjecicly char c milradcrg rcc leaccîersaret and ebdldrar alîke. N eaw rcpccrtc ccil be intscduccd in grades 2 lIc 6 ccc cicide wclb rice reportsl inrrdaca c ls yccar ie birdasgarler andilerade i. Kîrdaearren parereac.cic interviews cccli 6e leld cci Narambcerand rpcrtccardeccii be sent homeinMsrli adecccc Tbese reports waclb rlccced by t6e parents. 016cr inereewas will babeld as reqccred. Fccosa1I 1c2, grades and 6, crcerececcc ucili 6e iced ce Nceembr aferrtherhcdrepcrt bas bear sent to paens Rteports ill ba cîcard cci Marell and lare. cc c eta relrd by paret. 016c r cntervccie cccli b beld ac reqairrd. Ms. Hcccclccucgcen accvocecof Ibarba by Mr. Ambrault MIcc Carelyr Roers'gradesd 4 5cce t6e sbcald and acard fccrtce acîstparents in cîlerdacce. Falîccura the amecet ticr pasres criedctheiasrccce ofl tbeca echîldee ccc acel the lenceas The Kclbccde United Charch Wacaer met recerlly ccc mae final plans for thecccca bcccc ard Ira tecc c 6e hd Tbccrsay aiîsero ' ccv. 14, ac 2 p.m. ce the Saaday schobacci m Aacc acracg cccrccclcec ac uppcccced, Mrc, Fct Ale ander ccd lM- Fred Abbotdl The deecclîccal bccerd "Tbaankcgcacra wac ccccdcccd by Mcc. timer llealrcegccc Praacdeel Mcas. Mcl Davcccc prescded. About 75 chîldre aned .cdccic nlIeaded the Kclbrcde Ccccncry Ju mberer Scct. 0,1. 1) a Kclbrcdr publcc schcccl, ecacîccîf Danry ames ad theCountldcry Gciaae wclb Oaby lcccry. Seacce. Sheds and Dick Gcbbcce, "Peel Couary M1en. Darey and iceic'ireccnc Ihact cco c P6 pecpe chco ibacard ccp cc licip pcccccccce Canadan taleetl Darry aies cce noc.cecrancger Iccca r ccaaucecy. as c 1-ca aserrsdccg ce Kctibrcde, %I, (Blanche) Doccaid icicc Cedar Springs load. ev. Davcd R Ncicciecc B.A., nB cc D c, cheiecic Prbylercar Ciccrcic lcccc chccrge ofi the merrcrg serccce al tice 08t6 aaccercary oit Kclhccdcc United Chccrch ccc Scceday. (0,1. 20. tee. W. Fccîdccc, llaîc BA., ai Zîce Utccciccd CIicrch lia. icîur, c.ncceîd the eaeacrg servicce, acch cpcccci malin1 beceg cappied by Liaalle Yeaîb Chccir sud the Joncer Chicer rcrdeced seccai masce rn the accrecco. Acy grls baîccara thu ageî ofl 14 ca 18 are aligibie tuce i For th. insa 1e Diamaids ROSS BRANCIER JEWELLERY WATCH REPAIRS Our Specilew L a ManIer Watnle akar_ cride Lard Rangers. Trhcc Mrc. Jcchr Lillycracpp, McNcaen p aeeccccceaey Taesdcy Road, 878 6444, and the Tha Teer Diap -la Club inecharge. bld. AIl doations, sonh as bas recaaced Ibec rl lcc-tgethecc This Friday, Nccv . 1,aI 8 p.m fareclaca. hccucahald contants, eveey Fccdy ecîlîl ac18 in te Iceeue ccli spono accc.cccckates. eiclbcrig, cccys, 1ci -ccilcca 1cc ccd, und cc'ciibeiecc..clIyn a, -1 FINEST MEAT ANYWHERE AIL FOOD CHAINS BUY THEIR i RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF FROM THE SAME SOURCES. BUT FOOD CHAINS DIFFER IN HOW MEAT IS TRIMMED. THAT'S I WHERE LOBLAW BUTCHERS LOBLAW STEAKS AND ROASTS EXPERTLY CUT AND TRIMMED- JUST THE WAV A LOBLAW BUTCHER WOULD TRI M THEM TO TAKE HOME TO HIS OWN FAMILV. SPECIAL! 'MIX'EM OR MATCH'EM YORK VOilTAILES PANCY ASSORTED PEAS. CIOOICE PROS à CARROTS, FANCY CUT GREEN BEANS, FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN, FANCY CUT 10 FL WAX BEANS h nh ipaln ZTN EACH 15C If yuhva ejgprbt a ugilaion or a omslain Hîlda ntenigo er omyo rite ta her n Lohlanc Gromierisca Co., Lsmited, 545 Lake Shor aS;f dWest, Tontol2. SHJLDA'SCOLUMN The lettera that have been floodmng my mailbox at Loblacas are ainsys informa. tive and interestmng to the prenident and, of course, ta me. You ara giving everyone at Loblasa an aducation about what you, the consumer, renlly wants and neada. Naturally tnt avery cuatomeras raquaat can ha aatinfled by Lablaws (i ke the gentleman who wantad ta know if we could maYa a certain aubway entrance away front Loblawi front donc ao ha wauldn't have ta bock the commuter ccawd ta get ito the atore!), but whecaver poasible, your raquante are fifld. And in case you'ce wondering whether your lattera ara givan the "once over" and dincnrded, rent annured that thay ara not only raad carefully and anawered, but are kept for discussion and future reference. P.S. Did yau know that Loblawa han reduced thea prices on avec 1700 items? The ieaî ailI cancana aeh home in thei commaaiiy-foa pick up ar fasiliar inforanin plase eau one of the followîng, Gin Dobbie 870 6153, Doa Chase 878-6312, Dave Brown 070-9454, Dire Semaitt 070-9097, or ins ilardsand 070-6263. A large cacaber ocl childeen and ,cdcclc ctcccded (lie Openi SPECIAL! LOBLAWS COTTAGE BRAND WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT Honse for Dr. HOR. McDosuIld, Snndny, ai Kilbride puli People aiiesded, fro Chntham, Elmise, Elora, Ancaiter, Torcîlo,_ Owen Soaund, Guelph, Deli, Oshmaa Peterborough, Georgetowan Holioseille, Lodon, Stinifarsi, jersey Ville, Milton, Burdinason, M ill0roe. Wclerdcccr, (Canpcciicllccccd lc,cccile, SP#CAjýTOATMATERSPECAL!TOATMATER' ~PflAL! DEMPSTERS Clii. pa P6 FRUIT BNSP.G. IFU 1.1MUXIDROILSF14 1 SPECIAL' LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUNO' 1 i i. Non PRIDE of ABRIA @FIMm&A 75 SPECIAL!LOBLAWS* FRSHLY ROASTEO T WORECUP COFFIE PEAL B:AG 654 ROIERISON'S FACIAL TISSUES SOLO MARMALADES KLEENEX MARGARINE 12 OZ. JAR 300 3KG Pmapa TOPS IN QUALITY! TOPS IN FLAVOUR! CANADA No. 1 GRADE! POTATOES '5668 ONTARIO GROWN! FANCY GRADE! ALL-PURPOSE FAVOURITE! S-LB. McINTOSH APPLES 49, FROM CALIFORNIA! NO. 1 GRADE PROM BRITISH COLUMBIAI Ne. 1 GRADE! LETTUCE 2 39c PAJO 1 FR09 SPECIAi. CHOCOLATE SPECIAL THIS WERI( ONLY! SPECIAL! DELUXE SEAMLESS SHEER CADBURY'S EVERGREEN IRONSTONE GUIARANTEED FIT: NEW POLi. SHADES BISCUITS DiNNIRWAE NYLONS I31.6 FOR 89PAIR 6 Wib -IYAtIORIAÈ'o MAKINO YOUR OMA sa T'e RC FULI Sc