Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Oct 1968, p. 15

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Youth bowlers developing great love for five-pin game Decloping alovfeboliog, bucicg o grand imoe ccilb the propîiorontcouousi to cot, notonlycacau litc l sporlto cî port. Mr%. Suce Gould o-ho Y.BC. otorfuncad dcton formo ociaool îecuîctoo,- lic supotooct Millloc Yoootlo o .lo ldo ogool bo utooo nian , iioi Caooda.ooYollo Blowoling teoooli(îooooloooooool 'c"',o v-,o 1o 'l 1, _ Bowln oiciol and its otltou fot o.ioldtoo a1c bok l'or îloti abuhoooîoîooooo.ooooloop andi [0 00 f bcicgouocopifod inohobgcocy fouîlb yeaîull ire ccckly fuc play arcuotopl.uooo'oo a.,o-ull al cry Scoocday aI Mdilio seos, and mccy cf the senors plogucal o.o-oodicoloo and tlot Bomîcocco. areosoîoing o expertîboies gond fclloo-sbop thacone oîgood cp for Youîb Bowlng Bcckcd by the national Regstrtonocooolc S1.50, cf sossions Ihis cololol, and Ilcoyîo orgcoocclion acd bowoling cly o-loch Milton too-loo-y ploprillol Stuc Chicholot polo in 50 cnts. The ololdtuc poy a roducedI pîtue peî gomc pluycd, acd put ic 15 cent ao-co - loward ayear-nd bufed ioc o tbe pîceu foc the tophoolers coilI ho distîohulcd. They alto ublain tîc e us ot bowling sbocu fîom Ihe olley. Mcc. Guould repulot Iberc stIIl opocotogo fcc more y0008 flucllol. Baclomu arc Iloce up 10 12 years, juniorsîopl Iu15 and seniors up to 21. The Milton group wili take a chld asyoucg lc ue to hanodto piukuplthe ball. "Sîcîl 'oct yooog" c tho A WIDE RANGE cf oo-oerests is enjoyed byoo cc Genooolion '68 reprosorlttio of thoo coeek, Fcy Mathies, shoo-c hete at work inalocal bock. (Staff Photo> - --------------------- L3epuosors, o-otbdîuo-eî and Butolk ut Nova Scutoots Miton brandio hauc probably e ou forîtu bi îoprcctuou Too-cslo P, Faye Mulloirs otrd ertptuyntect atte baokoiuoe foolo-ing completonotf uta tou-youî b usiness and uucmeue course ut Miltuon Ditct Hogtt Sooo. Touoocrd schoFy vcîicty of sports oand seo-o g. Sie stoîl pîuducoo a targe ttuober of othslbeoltulf. Othor inteot in01040 copyocg of tbe lyicto o 0008 uantnac ocpbuuks. îeuding. tpoututtOg auto races, bowling 0, so-oi Om10g. oa-o ko ing anodbadtminton. One uthlIe more memoîcble 000000010 u hoor lite ou fcî lics aothe r gtct bd o-otto Prime Mocoutre P. f. Trudeau ccd Mitchell Shaîpe duîoog rite Grade 1 tri 1100 Ottao-a and Monlîect laslyeaî. the foots Trudecu, if givuoo cace lu a00. bus the Oneocbcnge tout otît bcve 10 o-ettcîe, Ibouglo. oc alecoorooguof depoodencueupur tbo U.S.A.... ulbhugb she is Oc fuoîuof Cuocdiuo cssitne ou ceccetl i mlitolo) lu tbe U.S. W. tu belliend thoeteîui sutcst Asic. Prosideot Juonson os deforîtely nut on ber b t f gon Ameîtoor pullotucos o-bob Robrt F. * Kennedy oOtdbhavebee. Etso-heo in lte oid puoltical uccete Faye soggested S ttre usier and Atordco o-e e tII 010 utaya powerî bouds o-bote oCada cocert'aie o io-ed developinent. Co-op000tion bobo-een fic U.S.S.R. acd the U.S.A. o-ould be berreficatin pacO pujeolu. sitefeeto. Cacudtur dicriit ion tendencies ore not otyîrcicl, o-t 001 reservcttoo-boud 1 odocco cee depricod ut job oppuortuttts and lackbeltlby maris; but alo lu the sex ut the job appltoucl. Reltigion, site fnds, lias cbcoged 0000 in tbe pool tom 'oecrs... coilb tbe oborcbes slevolIng more u thIejo lime lu reachnog y0001 peuple on thoe 1,FayeI Mathies c000 0000 e ol r00ed 0 h ai ultîo.dogcotood ond utodgy front0. Hoe or t tll depoodoooun eccborduoduolottnoutot.andlus cuoogîrgtio us loo oppal tlg ad/or effctie aotl cuc00 haioc Mostltueeoc8d peoople doo1t gico moucl ttoîglto 000 te Religoo doocîtî't hauc lu ho orgucourd and under a teepled building 1 o b ottffetoiv. cte. thu eoîly PIoOooIo. o-tîo adtouîed olooooly out pooOOilO uftuîo coutintr open-aor ut lb .udo buoldings. Coommootoog on toic drug ouoldol bcooto involved wioîl tloem lieoucif duo to some0 unplcasantuupeicd o-otk medoo.ottyodminislcîcd doses; but the lokotgof drot 4100 -o ertorey up 00 lie -ooodul himselt. Saleu so-looeobbc lidtu o-îtbdîaoo theîiî oabot o..oan ltruugb -i otodocal proouooplouoý Fayeroubd liko tosec tltc legot drookocgoagelooo-uod ot18yeotu sinco. 01000f peoople .000 oouîtîcd and houldong clowoos u ht ugo andil youog poooare alotto-d corioîooptioooofocooo in tite homo llocy lioouoeý octoîcotîinooo-uîoog riîto li Ic Northo Iloituon pooitîuo. soo nuted Recuo Rollooco Loultco of lbhe too-nship. oitlîoglî slot scould oh e lu sec smc ompcocomutsoin flicstuton reILOiqrOilng 0000spective boco-buldoîs tu buy 10 acs of land betoreoioey co huild. Oe ooggestd olpf veinent o-Iîoic bcoînc 00 1 utoorader ocosruction. Tteto hou rae coud bcresold andthe oooy applied o toousicg anod lacd Incuotmorybccooobuoeforooil ut Noîrto luailot o-co ht it o o-o be buolt up o-itIo coeful planning. Tioot sbouid boggond furîbatkc as o-cil. Soeîutul poooot eeotcuarelced op foc participacts this 0000, A dotubleturnaoment o-ou field, and ut fic ccd ut Notoocbcî te'sabcat -yu-cccoogc crto-tt ooili uîott ottîbe uo-udd. A lucly t-uooMooo staged ut Christmaswe o-o ins and dads conte ouI u todayoti fun. lu Februayttotheet Vuieteco tSy touccumoot, anod o bogb schbo touîoootet o-it >1 bothed ltto ttîoo yoo. Youtb boooleîu oO.OoOOulOuts fur hoglîgatnes mil Danoad Berl Mutyk huve dooc ad tîopoy for flie ubocpooobp 100011 at fli ccd of thebeoo Mîo. Goutd litos thoc e gulot toolpolu. Misî. Joooo Smitho. Mou Joyoce Cloultz cnd Reg Graoy. o-u crimeooultcd wutîeOk Io hlp tchband supocervis th ooldren Secoîci parets are quoto mierter! 00000. and bof 1loin up fooquenllyltolotn alind. -Tîtoî cs otn pîobtem o-vtlla kcopiguscore," repuorts Mou. (ooutd. lbe cthutitotire fonduamental% and tire ulotldroo do tire se.ringf um-M-M RaYOR- 0cm~ CHICKEN TASTES SO GOOD!! FrnhFis79C 3 Pieces of Chicuken F-enh1Fric, $1.39a Cote Slo .aI.0 Buttrd Bon Honoy Ftm.rCosp $ Chick n Ready$2.IJ to Servce il~l Pie',1$3.99 20Pee '$5.25 Phono 878-6028 and your order wlllbe Open 7 Days a Week Sunday Noms ta 10 p.m. MURRAY HOOD11à Drive - In NU5E LUNE RD. Won of NI.hwap 25 ait Milton nUYs At GALLINGER Clearance Sale BRAND NEW BRAND NEW ERAND NEW BRAND NEW '68 COUGAR '68 METEOR RIDEAU '68 RIDEAU "SW'0 Cobra-jet Roc, Aoc 428 en- 1500155 2-dc. Hacdlop, V-8, power gine, culuocoloo. hogh par 2-do. Hocdîop, 390 ecqolle. seciog ccd bcckec, aulo- cool, F70 X 14 fobregloss - wY0itwa' tires, p1owe ceollo. visibilily 91000. S33 kollod tiros, console, poot clecicg. e, power ots o-heol ocoîes, ticyt coof. Oc diso brches. poo-ec 1001- 100 oOc d icoatbet Save $940. ing. poch-kuîîoc cadio, dcla- 'sole etrmt Or groop, slylod wohoolc ' e chadn. el, ool èiIA coctpelitoochodlieg pock. ccotocciroco-bheolcco- Solo pic---- $ ,160.* ogo Sav $1,14d ers. Save $1.009. Solo Price - -$31860. salo Prlce $3,127. BRAND NEW '68 CYCLONE Mouccodo, 390 V-8, cuoo colo, GO performancce gcop, F70 c 14 lires, con- sole, power disc bcokes,coe moeco colmr or.Die o coole Save $931. Sole Proco $3,262. DEMONSTRATORS' '68 METEOR RIDEAU '500' 2-DR. HARDTOP - V-8, cutomatîc, vtnjeI tnterior, power brukes and steering, custom push button rcdio, white wclls, wheel COVers. Saveo $1,300. SALE PRICE - $2,929. FORD F100 PICKUP 360 V-8, push button rcdio, ItO0Vy duty suspensionl, custom cab, whitewall tires, chromo junior wesî-coasî mirrors, 8-foot styleuîde box. Save $734. SALE PRICE - $2,440. USED CARS sAv 3 31/30 07 '67 COUGAR '67 COUGAR '67 FORD GALAXIE '66 FORD GALAXIE ,HARDTOP, V-B tHARDTOP, V-8 #500' '500' Foot-baîtel, automaîic, console, Atmtc aipwrbae 2-do, Hrcdtop. V-8,. ocotic 2-dooc Hocdlop, V-8. colo 010, power bcckosccod seeoog, radio, ralccocdo.po cks îdio, powoe hckes andolorg: radoowerocsteococuocýd brokos reoe ccno irror Lic, J88105. and steering ic, J86213. whit o-cils, whool coveco. Lic whiote walls, o-bcd cooots. Lic. 467- Solo Prcco $2,695. Sole Proco $2,649. J185681, 762 ___________Sole Pice $2,499. Sole Pcoce $1,865. '66 METEOR 2-DR. '66 FORD CUSTOM '66 VW DELUXE '65 METEOR RIDEAU 6-cylindoc. Outoocolit, radio, ecco- 4-St. Sedan. 6-cyloodet, a ceai bar- This lottle bug has lotsocf tcouble- 2-dt, V-S, aocotc, radio. Fully coco o-th comforl foc. 467-697. gain foc. J76723. free miles left. Loc. 730-278. recccdotiood. Loc, J88-386. Sale Prico $1,y440. Solo Price l- $1 r299. Solo Pîice $999. Solo Ptoco... ..... $1,295. '65 CADILLAC '65 MERCURY '65 MORRIS '65 METEOR CONVERTIBLE PARK LANE OXFORD SEDAN On-one tad. ILofCailacs V-8 atorc o werO cbrchos, poo- S33 Convertible. Bucket sotscon- fine cc lccdpen onl cfi bdlc eu- e octocn o wer ceai coondow sole, flooccshoft, cuoo oic, power foceeqolo J7604h9. ccbeo whito o-oh. cohool co00015 oc. Idect second car, Lic. J85042. broos, powerocolecieg Lic. J96007 l Li 649675-749. l rc ...... 8 9 Solo Prcc 299 Sole Price $1,575. sol uc 89 Solo Pîoco $1,595. '63 MERCURY '63 FAIRLANE '500' '64 STUDEBAKER '63 OLDS STARFIRE MONTEREY V-8 aloocatcpower sloîinq and focoomccl h-cylinder, aotic, Cocvertl, full power, rcoodi- 2-dî. Hcîdtcp, fulIo equipped, hok- brokoo, radio. Lot 88-419. radio, ccc co-cot car. fou 43861. tioood Lot J183294. riw condio .Lic l. 653-142. Solo Prico $1,095. Solo Prico $799. Solo Prite $595. Solo Pcce OnIy $1,099. SAVE $ $ ON WINTER DRIVING NEEDS(1 NAME BRAND ANTIFREEZE $2.5O Per Gallon Cash and Carry SNOW TIRES FI1R ES TON E Town and Country Reîreads 2 77775 14 PARTS AND SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN THURS. 'TMI 9 P.M& - CLOSED, SATRA GALLNE MECR Ls INMLO P AAMLO -8828 a

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