19 10 The canadian Champion, wednesday, october 30, 1968 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAkl 20 AUCTION SALES 20 ALUCTION SALES Forme 103ýB L. Section 1 of By-law 1965-136 each of which is to be clearly bined may have a total wvidth ises by cutstomners, db'enlis, or an tng, N20 NTC FAPLCTO I is amended by: marked and maintained. of not less than 18 feet. salesmen on business- wateri ARE YO PLNNN ANTE OTAIOMIC IPALT (1) deleting the wr"pe" (viii) No parking space shall (viii) Individual parking 2. By4law 1965,136 is further wte AUCTON ALE SUC ESS UL OTIE o th CloingBOAD b th Coportio offrom subsection 20 and adding ¡measure less than 200 squaire spaces must be arranged so amended as followvs, bank AUCTIONth SALE SU C SS U NOOEO h lsn akvil e appo a(t the end of the subsection the l feet irt area. that each space has access to (a) Subsection 1 of section 38 ,or la Of te AOwace Or vi ByLaw to eguatelan >wod, either mn the open or in a) the, orage unbsrute an om a pubbec street or; is amended byv adding "bu't not of th LienedAutinersions 2 and 3 in front . .area for the temporary park- fee1; . at a vehicle ccupying the the subsection reads: more; Over 26 Years in Sales and ong or storage of vehicles (b) no parking space in a space is able to enter and '.No person shall, within any fi) les Entertainment. Begin with Listings of Lot 1 5, Township Of TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- either in the open or in a parking area may be, less than, leave the property in fomrwan Communfity Shopping Centre thfie l 0 Reasonable Rates Esquesing. ci] of.the.Corporation of the structure., 8.fet n widt th e hee vprounghot spe C2Zoeoeeciroseayniti Special Low Rates for in igTown of Oakiville mntends to apý un2) deetn Zuscin2on c hr n akn paeI(x akn ra o o-bidn, oresrctu or use p .-iropot Charitable ~ ~ i Oranztin NOIC oa pposd By- ply Io the Ontario Municipal su(bstitutting the ý folwn(o t naprkn raiiie nix meri ussmust ber con- anyildin wholrute, or npat2.Byd PHONE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ le 878265 CHAMPIO "2a"rtd n 'e (21) "parking space" means a side by a vall, the unob- »g a itan g for any purpose other thtan section 20b26son A an 3 in ofon af recangla arearapr of notless strcte wdhothamrig one ort more ofl the folow-stiuti Concessionf 2h aondsmifon of ning cob r approv0 as By-Lawe than 200 square feet, exclusive space must be not lesha 9 ofhoth mix ashal Torn concrete irg uses, namely: All those loin a fof urz the TonsipofEs Numbe o%-5 assed on68 thel of driveways and aisles, us- feet throughout. wich mnieesn thepw n fOak uses permi-tied in a CI Local (b)l I quemg nd f auth ortin the Nr day687 arch, o968 By-ha able for the temporary parks- (ix) In addition to the space vlEniergDpatn's Shopping Centre Zone and pto CLEARINGcovanefthprio so e pse on t m ig or storage of a motor ve- required in section 17(1)(a) specifications with provisions restauiran ts, furniture and ap-b th ES toppedl up to the adjoining 21st day of May, 1968, By-law 'hiele " '0 qaeft e akn for drainage which ,comply -lac ytrs thecioes bidn A U C T IO N SA L E owners - -,,ne,. Number 1968-116 passedi on the 10sur ee e akn with the requirement of 'th'e dp arnce stores, o evces, B buin 2n dyofJly 16, n B-2. Section 17 of By-laiw 1965-136 space must be provided for depahrtmetsresn seie 3. y d And whereas Council is desir- faw Number 19~68-127 passedl on saeddb:a i sIe s and manoeuverin -shptetrsadiem, section Of Beef Cattie, Tractors, Implements, Furnitume and Antiques 'us of stopping up the allow- the 15th day of July, 1968. Copies: ( 1) adding the wordi "mini. space, exclusive of en trance (x Parking areas for uses bowling aTleys, private and, , reglon a:nce for the above road and of of the by-laws,. are furnished m um"l' at the beginning of the ways and exit ways. ot er than commercial uses fraternal clubs, florists and "4 -oeying the portions so stop- herewith. Notes giving an ex. heading of subsection 1 so that (x) No aisle may be less than whhare proide mc aC ot telk utntci-prt front a The undersigned has received instructions from ped up to the adjoining owners pianation of the purpose and' it reads "minimum require- 20 feet in width throughout. u ecnstre and ed, automatic or do-it-your- adt JOHN R. SPROWL or ownr. effeci of the by-laws and sting" ments,". (xi) For each parking area, at du'siless surface of hot mix slfcrwhe.into tw To self by auction at farm, Loi 26, Con. 4, Esquesing Twp, NOW THIEREFORE THE 'he lands affectedl thereby are (2) inserting a paragraph let- least one fane for entrance asphalýt or concrete which .(b) Suibsectrion 1 of section 39 the lot. situated on the 3rd Line, half mile south of No. 7 Hwy. (adjoin- ('OUNCIL OF THE MUNICIP- alsoi furmished herewith, ler (a) in front of the main and one lane for exit must be meets the Town of Oakville is almene yadn o uo dary, b ing Acton). AL CORPORATION OF THE Any person interestedl may,, oiperative Clause and adding "of provided giving accesis to and En-gineering Department's spe- matic, coin-operated or do-It- more le TOWNSHIP OIF ESOUESING within fourteen (14) day s afterImmnimum requirements' at the, fromt a street or public lanre. cifications wit-h provisions for yourself car washes" so that it this b3 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st FNCSA OLW: the date of this notice, sendi by! end of it, so that it reads: way; and each fane, where drainage which copl ithras deemed Commencing at 12 Noon. registered mail or deliver to the "(1a) Parking facilities shall separated, must be at ·least 10 the requirements olflhe Town.1 "A'i hs ss emtehc CATTLE (SHORTHORNS) - FURNITURE -Choest From and after the passing: Clerk of the Town of Oakville, 1be provided in accordance 'feet wide but if combined may (xi) Parking areas for uies wth a C2 Zone, and under- wis. 9owrbeunpsuesne1tuble ad 6 chais hilds wa of this By-Law, the allowance notice of his objection to appro-, with the followmng scheduIe of' have a total widt-h of not lessotethncm riauss akgetblhets nd4B Scws rbrd n pstresice age; n w ars; and edwa fo1oddsrbdhri hl a of the said by-laws togrether minimum requirements:" than 18fetwihae pmmedcinasd lueal pss ,kn salishers, pak n 4 new Junen ; 1 goo 8 ulitysprngu olage; sspnrens. e clsedand toped)u anewit antateeneofrteqgounde(3edeetin thireqireents (xi) I dpavridiua g' arkng o rer ya ibustseemin- ublshin hoseshotls, av-'(5 ale;6 steers,' fromt 800 to 900 ANTIQUES - IHC gas engine, conveyed to the adloining of such objection, OPPosite sub-paragraphs 4, 51 spaces must be arranged so . tained wit'h a stable dustless erns, public garages, whc vation lbs.; 3 heifers, about 750 to 800 2 h:p., old; old drag saw; cut- owvners or owner. The Ontario Municipal Board and 6 (relating to multiple at- that each space has access toi surface, such as crushed aire not automobile service zon ib. ,,ýaot550 h. 2 t er; set of sloop sleighs; speed may approve of the said by-laws tached, maisonettes, and apart-' and fromt a public street or s tone, slag gravel or cinders, stations or body shops,neË tb. tes bu b. jack; ox yuke; nid Churn large Description of part of road but before doing so -it may ap- ment buildings respectivelyv) and laneway unobstru-cted by any' having an asphalt or portland churches and related build- fotI hefrabout 500 tbs. extension table, 5 leaves, cakc, allowance between Cons. 2 and point a filme and place when any substituting the following: other parking space and suoneent binder or any perman- ings, art galleries, billliard course - i god cndiio; etenion3 i font of Loi 15, Twp. ofobjection to the by-laws wvill be "1.5 paved parking spaces per that a vehicle occupying the en yeo elct n er parlours, artists', decorators'bn i FEED- Abut 30 bu' tble witsh 4 'leaves, very old; Esquesing, considered- Notice of any hear- unit must be provided. Not: space is able to enter and, ing surface, with poiin n iia tdopbi wha;aot800 bus, oats; ab- brass kett'le; curtain stretchers; l ings that may be held will be' less l'han 50 per cent of the l leave the property in forwvard 1 for drainage which coml halls, an'imal clinics, athletic Ontario out 4,000 bales of hay. 2 copper boilers; 2 sets of smail ALL AND SINGULAR that 1given only to persons who have required -spaces must be wit-hin motion. wihthe requirements, of th~e clubs, libraries, museumnso h scle;2 mllin os;2certain parcel or tract of land filed an objection and wvhoý buildings, garages, or carports (xiii) Surface parking facili- Town. commercial schools and tlhe ofth TRACTORS AN'D IMPLEM- lres sugaktles inger posew- and premises situate, lying and have left with or delivered to which have 3 walls that are ties must be arranged and (xi nrne n xtsal like but not including drive- 5. In ENTS ~ ~ ~ ~ lag -ua JetD.s trcoSD;Fr- ing e mahe sl ihcair being in rhe Township of Es- the Clerk undersigned, t'he ad- nol less than 3 fet6ice ind ota re e- beii surace ind ex sa han-i etuanso ershettec Fegsntatrodcn in madclhies baset hand mhade; quesmng, mn the County of Hal- dress to which notice of hearing high." hicles have unimpedied accesse ner as the parking area. stands or coin-operated, auto. Units P ioFerguson 2 r -gurow pow, cicke cop dakeha od rae;n ton and Provmnce of Ontanio and is to be sent. (4) inserting an (a) after! to the pmuperty. (xii) Whr the .par rdoi-orel a a Loi Ame 3 p; Fguso orow plow, phicng cohair; o l ch od oelne. being composed of part of the. The last date for filing objec-' the figures 17.1 in sb-para- (xiv) Parking areas must be admon aere. tdenrýkmngnarea bahes."o oi orefcrva "Maxim Olive2fr ol discpl40 - pat; Lcar as ortmen oery old riia road allovance betuý tion wIll be November 139h, graphs 15, 16, 20 and 33 uso that constructedl and maintained! an, zone in hiCh aesien s (c Susction 1 of section 42LoAr Cockshutt fertibzer and gra crin la go orntins- of L 15 Cocsin th ad Town fship 1968. the references read 17.1-(a)14,1 with a stable and dustless sur. are permitted, the ',lightn 'saedd by adding, after PASS dirift 15 run, power i fi un rub e cer, a good oe ly con tainingby admesuremen DATEDa the tad ownofOak 17.1(a)14, 17.1(a)7 and 17.1(a)31i face of 'hot mix asphalt or: shall be so arrangedast de-"Atmbesrvcstaon,15hd rÖler t arow; Hbaola vicirola, about 100 Ild rec- 66' ceb h aemr ville, this 30th day of October, respectively, concrete, which meets the flect the light framr that zone. "but not (oin-operated, automa- F. p ler with motor; M. siderake, ods; old carpet sweeper; 2 hall :- 1esadwih adpre 1%8. (5) insering an (a) after the' Town of Oakville Engineering (xv hr akn rarcor do-it-yourself car was'h- Mayo baie buncher; King Wyse ball tablesura ie;2odbd adi oepatclry¡ S .FahrtnCek figures 17.1 in sub-paragraphs 34 epartment's standard spd or drive is in a yard that ce so that the subsection e vtrdouble chain with mo- romsites, 3 pices in each, described as follows: The Town of Oakville, o43mlsvof both. fcations with provisions for' abuts any zone where residen-. eads: C fr amwgn and rack; 2 god Condi-tion, fancy, designs; 1 P.O. Box 310, (6) adding at the end of a new 1 drainage which comply with' tCluelaepr'itdacAtmblesrie.ain Ckshui trace ormanure srprea- old rocker; old bookcase; dhest PREMISING lhat the sourth OAKVILLE, Ontario. paragraph lettered (b) as fol-|1 the requirements of the Town a h eo of evergreen sh ab butotoin-oeratced sato-s der; ri binder, corna binder 'of drawers, cherry, good one; imit of the King's Highway oS: (xv) Entrances and exits sal of not less P'han five feet in malic or do-it-yourself car EX and threhin mahin butter coet; marmalade cruet; Number 25, as shown on Reg- i"(b) in the interpretat-ion o besurfaced in t·he same mani height must be placed between w'ashes." Bi churn; old buffet; 4 Dit 'lamps; iýtered Plan Number 421, on TH OPRAINO he requiremns se fout in nra akn ra the parking area and the lot (d) Clause (a) of subsection 'llis IciDol crocks, 2 blue designs; but- file in t'he RegityOfc o THE TOWNPOFRAVILLEO thi.i section, (xvi) Subject to paragraph line, ad the remaining land 1 of secion 46 is amended by definiti. MrSC. - Set of sca es; J. D. ter print and ladlle; picture fra- the said County, an crsg()Wheepkig eqr- (xmi), open parking areas been t'he hedgerow and nr-ting af1er "sric hops", relates hammer m,1l, 3 screens; 2 drive mes; toilet set; Coleman lamp part of the west hall of said BY-LAW 1968-50 ments are prekate to eating most be curbed with continu- the lot fine must be landscap- ",coini-operatied, automatic or do' rivers; belts, 75' and 120', both 7 mnch- an a-en ldi ap o 5i adCneso a capacty anertd stin isbyopng ..ou six-inch curbing so locat- ed, the whole to be maintain- !il yourself car washes" so thatS.fi es; M.H. electric creamn separa- a bearingladi lp of Nort 77-2--5 An by-a to amend th Oak- benches, a c 20g ins yof ed as to prevent vehicles fo edin a healthy gmweing con- the clause readis: o n for with motor; selsoe ODROSAEAnius West astronomic and relatingý viHle Zoning by-law (mobile pebncshlbeoutd'damagmng buildings,fecs, Or dition free fromt refuse and i()Bns riehpci-vd boat; :De Laval mi-1king mudh-ifurniture at 12 noonr, followed albrigheintrt:- IcergsrvesnMM2 asopn enc sea lb cne laindscaping features. debris. ()Bns evc hpci-vd mne; pump j-ack; large amount 1by miscellaneous, implements, adM zne.(xvii) Any lighting must bec x e operated, automalie do-it- of estat of crp ion civuar aw feed and cattle. COMMENCING at the point ___(ii) Where the application of ¡arranged so as to deflect theta ee fntmr orefcrwseprigfrar ef intersection of thec north-east ' TH E COU NC1 L OF TH E COR- risreutinafctoof light from adjacent residential n moen egtadnt aesadcmeiludr h o TERMS: Cash with clerk on day of .sale. . limit of the salid road allowance 'PRTOOFHEOW OF a parkmng space, the regired peiesmr ,tþin , sgitare feet in . tkings incidental to an in- through No reserve as farm is sold. Everything to be removed by being alse the south-west limit ' AVLEEAT SFL number of spaces shall be in. . ramybe nrce the, dustrial use such as: fines. I November 6. Special arrangements may be made for hay and of the west half of said Lot 15 LOWS-LL ¯NSASFL creased to the next higher (xviii) Subject to the reqture- parkmng area for the use of ()Rti ho n hdf grainer or auctionecer not responsible in case of accident day drawn parae e tondw 6.0c 1. By-law 1965-136 is amended wopenmbuscin 2 n entsparkingararapmust b4. Tis bylaw shall not take ef- utet ih preprdu mae noud of sale ih on rounds r d eistance meas s t _ fcto 6t bstituting for it the follow- 1 acv nro ph ern yt ad ,ta uni M nici dprv by The[ Hi) Sales, factory and olter the CO g - s~~~~~~~~outh-cast limit of the west half words "mobile catermng ser- "1()PrigRgltos- evergreen hedge-row, brick PSE yteCuc-lti MAX STOREY, Auctioneer, of said Loi 15 in said cone- vcsafter the word 'bakeries" Residential walor ot'her landscapin ma- 2 1st day of May, 1968. |(c) Subsection 1 of section 20bli8 Rockwood, phone 856-9755- sin3, id point of intersec- so . that the clause reads: ceriai, which is opaque to view 17 is amnded by inserting a onbigd at6.1feet "(b) dairies, bakeries, mobile (a) Where parking facilities, to a height of five feet. F. McLEAN ANDERSON, now, clause 33A after clause 33 linbigdsat6.1 catering services, printmng are required or permittedl for (x)AnladbtenaltMyr flws CLEARING more, or less measured north- hx "n sinlefail detached dwellaor falo westerly along the said north- shp 09 iean n uh cenms S. A. FEATHERSTONE "'3A Coin-operated, automatic T A LE cs i fthe said moad al- iecru yti a shvll b he duple in, midetached dwe ings, bc landscaped and maintain- Clerk ind do.it·yourslef car wash- lowance frm the seot angle 'fec unt th 4 --roec my tsahehent -oti Mamm-efiai FOR of the, west hall of said Lot, 15 Ontario Municipal Board. cwl *-mr an (xx) Subject to requirementslu ftet f-tetsa GORDION JEFFERSON in said Concession 3; PASSED by teCuclhi gumsfor traffic safety, where such EXPLANATORY NOTE ces arranged to accommodatte l 18th day of 'March, 1968. (i) Parking spaces s tl1b a screen extends to an en- BY-LAW No. 1968-78 queues of automobile vat Lot 6, Con. 3, Esquesing, 2 miles north of Milton, 1st farm THENCE North 44d4-30" F. McLEAN ANDERSON, locatedl on the samne lot as the trance or exit foumr t'he park- -esaa- east of Hwy. 25 on Campbellville Sideroad. d h- main use. This by-law changes h e- igsrie West, along the said north-east Mayor ing area, the screen must be, erlpoisoso thonn In Thrie ylwsalnttk SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd imit of th, said allownce; S. A. FEATHERSTONE, (ii) No area may be constmect- stopped not more than ten By-la wrviiths resec toeparking 3,e Ti it1 i l aproed byaassocia At 12.30 p.m. sharp. 1008.39 Ieet more or less to its Clr cd or used for parking or stir- fecet fromn ·the entrancirt xt inla bot resetial akn - thevc Ontrio Mi iapl c Board.ci RE. HOSTiNS - Cowy, Wo d gri uer;p plgain aherr; n hi EXPLANATORY NOTE rd r vid r, u ritradlers, and fnitioalfars "parins ara nœ d dSE oth Counc' 1hebo. yr.,bedOc.8;co,4 rsWod' hp.pat cope;Highway Number 25 as shown BY-LAW No. 1968-50 1the parking of passnger ve- boats is not permitted in open and "parking space". It changes, Count, due time of sale; cow, 4 yrs., dump scraper; 2 land roller on Registere-d Plan Number 421 Tibylwaedthgn- hicles or one Commercial ve- prigaes"tehaigo tePrige FMLA ANDERSON, Asc bred in April; cowi, 3 yrs., bred drums. on fiein the Registry% Office eral pro'visions of the Zoning bhicle not exceeding the manu- qre ntShdlsoato Mayor.to h Sept. 18; cow 3 yrs., bred Aug. for, the said County, and cross- "Moil facturer's rated capaci-ty of 3. By-law, 1965-136 is f-urther urmnScel sastto h 23; heifer, 2 yrs., bred Sept. MISC. - 1 Surge milker un-, ng part1 of the wes hafo ad By-law, and will permit "oie 6000 pounds G.V.W. in a drive. amerded by inserting alter sub- show ihis is a minimum require. D W. BROWN, assoc 30; 1 heifer, bred Oct. 10; 2 hei- it; double compartment wsih - s hal -d C a - 3· Caeing Services" to locate in wa spnitdscin()o eto 7anw ment. Il increases t'he required Dep. Clerk. Coun fers, bôorn June 1967; 2 heifers, uank seIltor cls S u t 1- min Concession 3, Mi, M2, and M3 Industra (bhr akn aiJte ubeto ubrd()a o-parking in multiple attached -- Respir born Aug. 1967; 1 heifer, born'beamt electric clippers; rubbe r THENCE ot-etry al- Zones- ar reurdo emte o os aisonettes and12apartment EXLNTR1OETi Jul b%¯' hfe, bor April ired feed cart; 1 40 ex[eso n h ot etrypo residential uses other than "D()PrigRgltos-saces per uni to 1.5. Ilax BY-LAW NO. 1968-116 cut 1967; 1 hieifer bor Fb. 1%8; 'adder; 1 hay feeder on skids; 1duhction of t'he laid south-west THE CORPORATION OF single-family detached dwell.1 Non-Residential reurstecnee akn erespira 1 heifer, bco April 1968; 1 hel- 1 pony, cart, saddle, harness and lmit otflthe KL.ngs Highway THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE ings, semi-detached dwellings, i(a) Where parking facilities huietsthe covl red c p akget This byla mends the gen- activit: GRD born EN Ma 1%8 h idle A-a setvera steel posts; 20 umb te ri25. beinaog a rveio BY-LAW 1968-78 duplexes, or dwellings which are required or permitted for not less t'han 3 feet, 6 inch era provisions of the Zoning GRAD HOSTENS I ei-a qantty f cdarposs; 0 t th rihthavng raiuscontain not more than 4 dwell- non-residential uses: high. The By-law as f lostWt fer, due time of sale; 1 cow, rod of 9 wire fence; 5 rails ofl 1195.92 feet. a chord distance g Wy-ailstoret bre Jne 2;1 eifr re A no fnce Itapauin12 1; f 17.2 eelmoe r lsson A by-lawi to amiend the Oak- ing units. (i) Parking areas must be lo- somte Setion and Sub ,ctio (1) Il will permitt in an Agri- rcn ril 13; 4 veal calves. 160' draw rope; 1/3 h.p. motor; a chord bearing of north 59d- 1ville Zoning By-law (Park. (i) One of every six spaces cated on the samne lot as the references. These are contained cultural Zone a person to Car. i TB AutoersNt:Tecw alf h.p. motor; half barrell mo- 05'-34"' West to the point of in- Ing P.visions) required for dwellings under mamn use. mn Sub-Paragraphs 4 and 5 of ry on a trade or busimess, sub- metho, ad hifecrs iNoe thisae are sse;4'wle ie pr ewo ftesi ot--. section 17(1)a must he- reserv- (ii) Nu charge may be made' Paragraph 2 of this by-law. The, iect to the regulations outlinedposb Most1y sired by COCBA sires plug lire pump; 1 jackall pack; westerly production of the said THE COUNCIL OF THE COR- ed and clearly marked for visi-: for parking and such parking by-law then introduces a new in Paragraph (i) of this by4aw. expamt an aeal be t enra uls1 electric brooder and a quan- south-west limit with the north- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF tors and service vehicles; pro-: shall be open to members of iset of general Iparking regula.. (2) it will prohibilt "coin-op- th e and anyone looking for god tity of poultry equip.; i set easterly production of the fine OAKVILLE ENACTS AS FOL- vided that mn no Case may the public white using the ltions dealing with residential crated, automnatic or do-it-your- soi heifers should plan to atted block and tackle; 1 set distrib- of a fence running south-west. 'LOWS: there be le.ss than three spaces premiss and non-residential p prie, elf ca Iahes" from locatinE ate this sale. tuter pipes; 22" powIer lawn erly; srervdadmkdnr (iii) Where more -hnone ýThese will supercede the pr in al C2 Cumuitrhopigifem. mowerI il of srap ron.may there be less than a mi-i parking area is provided for sent regulaion hw aa Cen-tre Zone, and a C3 Central cni HriPEET --ato 44t Mnuaey forks, shove}s, saws, grease TEC Soh 39-'-0eatlmtftewstafof umf125pcsprdel-a use, convenient acces mousat graph 17 (2) fteZnn y Business District Zone. It alsoeos Hearrs adctor wah dustecFra -.ns bars sledges etc. Wsaogtesi oth adLt1 nte frsi o- m eevdfrrsdns be providedt between parking law. prohibits their locating in a C6eahy loaeran chin; ubleeFod un, ion , . easterly production of the line cession 3; (ii) Parking reserved for visi. area for vehicular and pedes- Service Station Zone. tractor, A1;b ple for Ford; FUNTR -2chsefedofteai fence, 37.10 feet TEC ot 38d-48'-30" orsi a service vehicles must trian traffic. ýTHE CORýPORATION OF THE (3) i.t will pennit "coin-oper-b mounted hydraulic mow rn su ites and 4 Chairs; 1 oak dress- Imore or les s the oin ofs in East. along the said parallel whe can esen thinsexcept (,v) F or conmnercial uses, TOWN OF OAKVILLE ated, automatic or do-it-.your- An soc Dale bunche 1 ba Cr and moirror; 2 floor lamps; |esct, ;:tefn o h ad ne, 33.21 feet more or less to eIaace ihnsm parking areas must contamn m- self car washes" to locate In an Asc abal 1r aew H ool htuicn rr1 ene a 1 -tepin fcmecmn. res use for visite and sea. siia ac rd tp ar k in BYLA 198-16ght Industrial Zon swhichbre eDa de rassey arris 4c o- chairs; 1 steel bed and springs; ing aiso the north - east limit Of TAKE NOTICE that the Mun.. fease 14 feet mn height or, set forth in section 17(1)(a), mitted in an M2 Medium Ind- added arsere;3uroacbo 1chid's crib, springs and mat- the east haff of said Lot 15 in icipal Council of the TownIship iwhere such clearances are 8; each of which is to be clearly jA by-law to ambend By-law I965- ustrial Zone, an M3 Heav Ind whIh to eur . i , 2o ptasdone ts; I, high chair; 1 fernery; 1 the alforesaid Concession 2; ut Esquesing will take, into con tnei lod ra o e marked and maintained. 13 (certain bushw»u in mg- ustra Zon an inaiM n donati dise, nearly new; M.H. 17 . tooth hall tree; 1 garden planter; set THENCE South 44d-48'-30" ýýderation of the passing, and (v) Forn commercia uses, in rlcultura zoecrwsl)usti'ala oe powver cultivator; Cobey 10 ft.lrehuescls at alon the sai sot-ws apro ed in passa its . mee- s(ii An ssigned ar space' addition tu the space requir- (4) it will introduce prkin The packer; Int, 15-n drill, grain ANTIOUES - 1 cutter; 1 bug- limit of the said road allw ing toced Tth o wligui odto d in Section 17(1)(a) 100ý THE COUNCIL OF THE COR- requiremnents for "coin oemat Campa fert. and grass seed; John Deere iv l rse;1tedesw ance, 1126.40 feet more or less mber 7 9h 30 M a'lcki the evnnteu wlase fort sconitio sqaefeoefakn pc RTO FTETW Featmai n oi-oreffns 95 bus. spr e Arac etD.wa- ing machine; 1 glass top cup- ta .pint therintdistan s66i y 7at the c Munipa thaer ofn (i)Prin naiit shHb must be provided fr aisle OA LLE ENACTS AS FOL- car washing establishments." with i: 3section harrows; set ai4-sec- pne Chýs of draw rs; 1 odon-g the said south-west limit the said Township of Esque -oaei nte aelta h clusive of entrance ways and 1. Subsection (l) of Section 56 agm lion harrmws; Malco 28' skele- writing desk· 3 cane bott1om of the said road allowance fromn mng a By-law stopping up an main use- exit ways. of By-law 1%5-136 is amended THE CORtPORATION OF THE earier to hyelvto; 6 Myat cars 'the east angle of the east half selirg the above described pro- (v Subject to section 35(l) (vi) For commercial uses, no by adding aft paragraph (h) TOWN OF OAKVILLE upcomr tonha eevtor 1' ayathpcais.of said Lut 15 in said Conce- perty in the said Township and (a), no area may becosct ailema be less than 20 feet a newi paragrapih letrtered (i) as BYLWrates. Furniture and antiques selling at 12.30, followed by misceso.;,h onilwl t httm ed or use for pring or in th thogotmoHw:B-AyN.16-2 implements and catttle. , and place hear in person or by storage withmn a front yand. As Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents sale day E, 332 Netm o rtes to-3'-0 any peonel wholims thatehis (vi) Subject to section 35(1)l ati le n efr epaknt rac buinTes roided oftrd morAB-atomndy-w 5-10s TEMS-CAHt point ofe mntreto of es te and wip ero h prjciall afec- a) where a lot abat arore and one lane for exit must be than 25 per cent of the floor '3.o r Lunch avaAaSe cete poine of rethen sai telad by 'h by-a prjad wh affc- bea conestetd o r ued fay provided by means of a fane area, is used for the purpose, THE COUNCIL OF TH'E COR. Tho Fucaarm isold. cro alone w th thed p¡d, te b heand aparkin costt or ina for or private roadway and where, no signi is di-splayed, no per- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF ho WARD BRWRIG Auctonee fraid aline rwt paale to ci yeb ,dardin or sdre tha ab sron such parkmng area is within a soen outside members of the OAKVILLE ENACTS AS FOL- w ith and 66.00 feet in perpendicular DATED al Esquesing, the ado ieyadta bt commercial or mndustrial.zone,, family residing on the prem- LOPWS: . Saturd Phone 878-730'.itnemaurdnrhet 21st day of October, A.D. 1%68. a street- suh street or lane must ex- ises is mpoyed, no goods areBm a 96 3 the e: Mrs. Cameron Wilson, George Currie, clerks. 20b26 disfroem te aford ouths- (vii) Parking areas must co- tend through a commercial or stored on the premises and BYa 195- 3 is amiended special - -y erou h frsadsu K. C. LINDSAY Ontario, tain individual vehicle parking industrial zone, and each lane, nu shipping is done fromi l. "(a) "lot area" means the to- envelo f •Cortnud otomNet Clerk of the Township of spac-es, according to the scale where separated, must bie atl them, and there is no public tal horizontal area of the lot mii Successful Auchions Begin Here . " ond tnN e Esquesmng. 18620 set forth in section 17(1){a),ý least 10 feet wide but if comr- office or visiting of the prern- Conitinued Next Page doai