-- 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 77E FOR AN 0K USED CAR t t ~ THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT Jack Ri 3uick,' rruck, Our chardson 66t This p wi1h engin 'beige jnetr hile Lic. 66 Hecei le Cc tep Eqe e st 'Lis- 65 Tis ce. P select, WiS are lem. icernent 1969. to take cur Sug- er satis- ts con- t Hamil- sto snd J Csrs" in se ce $1,675. M5. id- cd 31,575. an mi : 1,490. 01. ted ;63 .11175. 275 $4,175. 186 ug- $ 1,8. ith [te- for do ite, $32 S 675. tsty ted $1,785. ug- S3385. ice even inancing Mns. LTD. 'E CAPE ilton srsold 5625 he-se, Ins girlsr sEat- 7e25-3463 iaesp le tee 8b9.1645 7bl7-893 TED -batsp ais- 8c25359 EWERS 25 area, be- Acter. Ex- echlite op, lest be abler ier glovs. ORKS 1920 M17 la HELP WANTED 113 FOR RIENT 1 CHEV - OLDS Limited Chevrolet Biscayne 65 Volkswagen 4-Door Sedan Fieised in Casher ced rcitb cectrastieg -beige jeterier. epolar teedel is eqeipped This pepeter ce-act rep-e- an eeeeeteticei 6 cylieder saintsthe lest seerd en depend- able ard 'ecenmieoi tracs- ce ced eetetee9ic tracns- pectetice, Ceaspietriy chec- oen. Pinished ir caee ed and in che-rcougy catit- eich acoets-astiag ced factery ceedicien. Lie. »87384. les. Here cs ento , $795.se thes %e-dit predide ttcey 6 uc eSbe4D s e9 trouble free driec 64 Thic ecSaebereetetee. 423598. 3$1,595- -hile oct trecîrd like aent ber df the tasily cnd retects Pontiac Parisienne hy ics geed looks, the regeler mtenanece thie cas- ets gi- 4-Door Hardtop vn iihdi orlms s ar aesteehcic w-sce th e matdsir8 inrc-r and e rht a qeipped etith ail the pepai- [y the eeeds e- c sas dc optionst e Buiek we transportatien. P8cjohed woed desice. Lic. 406096. .... srter siever ithback ,55 ced sretdhieg jeterier. 64Prsen Pped ecsh e V-B egcee. 2-4o ardtn p act transmeissionpet- H -orHad eedng, poer tirait ced Hem is e stearly styled 2-d'es- aa Poetic, firisbed in tapic s adico. This car mecst turquoisr ojcb wchite se-p ced ee ho e eppeelaid. asatchicg turqueise iccedeor. 704793. ...... 5 2,195. Eqeipped etith V-8 cregiee cnd auontctranmion, pow- er-scerira poer brakes,.rce Dodge Polara 440 die. This lecetty - eorned aute, dccc eoari s tciised ic etobile represItt cele thet cacces 6e dupficatedi. Lic. ic turqueisr oith a 295-46 3.95 iig jntrirt. ýEqeipped$19. HBRE35 YOIlA KEY TO A B10 INCOME - MAIL TODAT THE R. T. RAWLI.OIH CO. LTD.. DeptI J-29848V, 4005 Oc [cdc,,, Mccci, PO Genteme 1iccccin ftSe wocs-d Icceco Rccigh Lc ne ce a t perttietebsis I ltit-ae beois fIPlease serd e PREE Cee-k Boek aed ccteteg weuh toit detseil c. Nae s .... e ..................... Address ................ City ........ .. Ps-ce ..25 Tractor Trailer Drivers MUST BE 21 VEARS 0F AGE AND HAVE GOOD RECORD. APPLY IN PERSON TO PERSONNEL OFFICE McKinlay Transport Ltd. DOINOAS HIGHWAT MISSISSAUGA, ONT. gc-tt RATE CLERK Must haer cecepiete keece- iedge of N.ST.B Tctuffo. Pc-efccccccce f0 o C.TT. ccndidcte thct is ac oci-tarcec Scicry open. Repices cctid- For cppointeietc cai MO. P. DOCKALEK et McKinley Transport LIMITED DIXIE, ONT. Phone. 277-1461 S625 APPLICATIONS Witt bc rccrcec hy f6e ce- dersiaed ill 5 c'cieck ce Mec- dcv, Scoebc, 4, 1968, fer the Posiiof c-- c TYPIST ccad - ASSISTANT in fthe GENEOAL OFFICE ci the Township of Esquesing A kroceedgc .i cmunicipal ef- fce rcedcce ocitll bce ad- ccc c g e. K. C. LIN-DSAY, Ctcs-k - s-cecocce. Eoqciig Township, R.O. t, Georeteow, Oct. 8b 17 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED TUTORINO. ali pubie and higit ocheef tehiects te Grade 1 1. Phote 876-9204 cIter 5.30 Pa. 9c26-3223 RESPONSIBLE yoeag w eman oeeko hecorkeepieg poost 1n, fend et chidree. msect fie ce. Ccc ocppiy ceterencco Ccl Mary Henero, Miltoc, 878- 6441. 9617.981 I WANT WORK 1 occef te iee dciry tes- ca.le, 18cand esot wyccecn r6e oickecccg sog ci Los Ang- etles tcee eeeegh te stiti be stolecancd hcithy. Rut qoickiy ceekecupfor -y ccepecence ccth eefhoocsecin, ecergv ced reepeocis-e aftitude. $99 c ecc th fr adh. DAVE REA 878-2246 Milton 112-924-9450 Toronto P.S. il cc hcve ,hcids-c, 1-cf tfirow ce fs-cc geiccr fessens fc thras. 9c25 iLOST OR STRAYED MAN'S eclîci. hicck .bhe pcpers-c.uoftecey.eicinriy el Miten Hecahise to d Lice. 828-6626. 11,25-3469 WILL the pas-ty oce tairan acehîlds lghî woed wcgon eich blc thon free, 55 Bcctee St., pieae rcteet A cecre seeicg ceete, pfeae phone 878-9716. 11c25-3512 12 FOUNO C8ARK RIM gicseso Oct. 15, Hesohy Teeer olf Ceerre. Oscr teey hce -cme hy pcy- rag for ad. 878.2001. 12c25-3443, 'F5RNISHED meont fer gentte. Ma.878-3135. 13c24-3433 45 WORKABLE acrecs fer cees. Phcec Ockciiic 844-2230. 1c-5-3317 icc..cccc 878. 4675. 13c25-3474 PROtESSIONhL cffice seite, hrcted, air ceedctcoed, piprs8. lit teccid' 878-6594. 13c25-3458 ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS wdîS trec erie Pheee Milten Hydre 878-2345. 15e 1728-tf AVAILABLE Nec. t, I bed- con oechidcee. Ccii 878-5294. 13c25-5485 APAOTMENT, . ept ci, chcldrce cr ceiteet,, ecy dec. cecîcd. eeciiclc ceetiete. 878- 6518. 13c25-359 t BEDROOM haeeee ep- ccccece, ccdvNNov.5. Phce Ccmehcie 854-2495. Ne ccats aller 5 p.., plee. 13c25-3320 3 -BEDROOM cpc-tment, Mit- tcc vcicecc, cactcilbtvecemed- ciaccci $110 per teeth. Catep- bciicii 834.2467 elle, 4 pet. 13c25-3506 14 WANTED TO DIENT 2 - 0EDR0OM apartasees rccdcd cs-cetiy Actce 853-2305 cftcr 6 p.e, t4c25-3499 FUONIS5E Ftic oc reca s, hced-'icfiegc ki-cchee preci- cor,, cececd Ontario St. South aed Mccc St. Phoe 878-3278 .ftc, 6 pet. 14c26-3456 15 FERSONAL COINS We Boy eed Seif Wcnecd, PL. Sets. Opee Sedcy COIN DEPI. Trio Smoke & Hobbies Hopedale Plaza 3rd Lie ced Récica Ockccilc 827-5473 15c tf ssBAHAUeLLAHe Oe hced-ed yer egce Vccic toecccot thr prte becckdeoeeenoe eîtîcicn or ceid -eead geees theolu-. tice te it .Thce sesof eceets chef csreceded tha1 Speeker's filfe cotitue, the ecot reeccrk- cble Sosy en maee's Spiriteal lciefesy. Il is the steryeof Baha'- etich. Ysec cc if le yoroett 1e red il. WRtTE: Baha'i, Box 164, Oakville, Ont. 6cre ce n ceos os- obligatco. 15c.58 Notice 0f Annual Meeting and the Election of Off icers for 1969 The Provicialc rdieg et Hcl- ton Easf cnd the Pcdem]c cidceg ofl Hcftee, Wededcy, Octeher 30, f968, cI The Roycl Ccecdcee Lcgcce Hall, 136 Chccch St., et Nccy St., Oekesie. Oceet seker, ctSe Heecos- cbfe John H. White, M.PP., Miccote, cf Reene toc the Pr-oicecof Ontcri. EVEEPONE WEILCOME Lcght s-lrehmeets ocill be ,cs-ecd fci1lieg the meeting. 15c25 16 SERVICES BASEMENTS, essccc ccd go, egeo cleed. Rehhtsh reaseeed ecovieg, etc. Reetetteble resets. 878-2213. 16c2831t1 lot AND 2ed ecoctgcge tedo dccSbe as eqoîpasent cccs Ccii Gice Dceeey, Oakcccc Re cite tcocomte,o 827-5713 cep- cie, 16,31 -3200 PAINTING and wcllpepertrg. Cali 878.4623 heroeee 3 - 7 pa. Aise beaseets. gareges ecd gerdees cleed. Reesenmble raes. 16c2&33510 K & R Lumbers Cesfcfirnt ccrpresry aed aren cccl ceetrectiea, rCecodctlteg. ai- tcccfcces, rec.nrero.ise a oek MILTON 878-9937 ACTON 853-0633 16c38-tf W E LLS BO0R ED * CLEANED * DEEPENED MILTON WELL BORING M. Peltier - 878-9552 Hentry Guckek - Waer Diciner Torente 366-4390 16o-t The Cacedian Chamepion, Wednesday. October 23, 196a 9 16 SERVICES 16 SERVICES WE RENT the felleesssg itemrs COLOR CONSUL in oSell er large quantifies: tee AND Icocclo. teble eohs (plain or c.ecic). fcldieg cheirs, diecer- INTERIOR PAIN w., 2 patterns), Icea, oth) cicIc.c. c nccccc, Cali 878-A'1 co incO, voc, pccty or occddieg Aite, 5 ptc acecepicl, -cc,,. Cal] Miltone Party Oenlfo 66 MilCes St., Mil. tce, 878-9413 or 978-9956. WC'il __________ 6e giad Ie hrtp ycc. l6b2839 59 Septic Tank Pumping17 ELETA ItLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES Dcectcc and Iedustsel. Christie & W MILTON - 878-6869 REAL. ESTATE R 161.1 189 Main St. - ED. McMULLEN Ceets-cctcc 92) ccc cs, lhccSkeg eCeent Ficcc,, Scdrtcclks & li, c ina, Stcepo c,.cccic d,tcrcc aChieccey & Pi.cotericg ,cot b" ck hcec.cic Repairs icc- L-,h,ped livineg a*Secco Wok cegcc-rc bright voi Phone Acton 853-1818 p,cc, 4 pice clc 10,9-) itch -.cId bc ccd W EEDS com i .A ura DjO yeo keece shes Octeber S21lc00 [tilt prive, 3 6e the et tfimeeecspray the 1ic.-torev brcck h cods ie yeer le-ce? .icen, 1.,ccccc clccccg ci, c n cc ce t CALL 3 bcdccec-and 4p cpcair, hcctcd by Dick Vandeniberg uncloetd 878-3959 Tcem. Lîceecd Wecd Orlersejeeter Werk GecarateCd COUNTRY HC 16C25 Ti onr .,i cccl kcpt tel. This h WATER HAULAGE havOi peccccrtbaura, SANDO FILL - GRAVEL ..,.itd clccccc ce STONE ,cccc[. 4 picc bat TOPSOI.-8 YD. LOAD 1icctcac, iccatedon $22.00 Deliveretl ccd hcgiccccî Ocily ELVIN COWAN 3 -hcdrccce spit PHONE: 878-4898 chcpcd lcge kiccc 16c26 inccae,, 2g ktchcnn ,iccaccdcne2 -c Sewing Machines cloce c Milton. SALES - SERVICE RENTAL LOTS PHONO 878-6861 Icîdecci eot, 162' x cccch Ockcciice Aski Milton Fabric Centre Pc, ci, cc,cdcd i0cr 12 Martin Street 67,800. Open ca off Services ced Repeirs o cal[ ecck of ct oieg seachines. Scccc bcuilding lt e 16c-f iletcccccccccloicck cqu- c.cecc-c-cd oods Plton pricc fer t ced af' 4 - lied- ced cc- pcf kit. ccpheccd ,rcd bath, ha io anc, c. Terras. oce, kit- ce bath F. A. cil MES Ie- a large tely de $29,90. lece. L- with et- Sgarage cIf cend, *250', le eg 15,999. sf6 ervci- ng piclor- * Aking Home Builders 4 ce npedodc. hohlea ROUON AND FINtSHED S10,90. CAO PENTOT Shelis fs-es $4,999. op. 878-2095 878-6057 Fer csfcedteo ccd ceseas 17c25 CALL 878-2204- 6tfFrSrieadaiscio PACONI Best Realty Dead Stock Removal & nuac LIMITED & nua c Hicheos cash pdices fo-r dead er disblctcos ad .res Limired CALL OPERATOR -ASK FOR1 310 Maie Sc., Miltoe, Oct. Zenith 9-7950 REALTOR Lic. Ne. 94RP68 12,6 878-6292_878-6592 16, If ____ Farm Construction "bouse, ices bRO eSI-ircs, eitcfcd oneciace lt ls 40% GOVERNMENT ce Shopping pîccc lic Miltoen. SUBSIDIZE Ccclcd ptcc $32,599. Cadl Art ,eith aneconomeascl 6 cýyin- 64 Chevrolet der ecacce, actenaeic and Bel-Air 4-Door ceccoas radio, Here s anea- Finjchrd in TeOccîlce tuquoise tomhile thcî hec cany milt- cectls mtcheg intesice and es ftroehiedriing in equpped wth 6 cylider vng- it Le.. J55764. ..$1,550. ne and autnnti trcasmi- siead custmd o. He-e i e anatooile chat is i 65 Valiant abo.e average conedition. 4-Door Sedan Coe in today and scfor veroif Ccc. J84115. ..$1.295. Pcstised in cal bhcr eclh sectching ineric- T1ht ecedr 63 Pontiac 4-Door is equipped wct-h an eso- Eqipped ih -8 ge at lest 6 cylinec encce and dc escfic tranmiion an ce - pendable stadard transmis- teom radio. This Lccs-ccîcee s ionAs featecro a custeom Sedan is fiecohed in tropic radio. Hec, ce a pctpccla com- tucrquoise ccit'h seîchieg in- pct auomble thacotait! t,,erior-. Ready te go en aemt- 601e ta sceescd cor pre3s- utOts reliie. Lic. 183647. lem. Lic. J87-225 . ..- 51,195. 11,095. Used Pickup '64 INTERNATIONAL heu-sec pick-usp featurhsg long, stde body; V-8 egine, standard 3sped trasision, Iseeoy dcîy suspen- sion ansd trosck-typr tires. Here i soc truck Ieokhsg for work. Lic. 2188 P ..._ _ ...... ............... $1,395. The following two cars have been completely reconditjoned and are available at reduced prices. 1 963 PONTIAC, 6 cylcde-, eetesratic, radio. Lic. J72931. ..I795. 1965 PONTIAC: 6 cyhender. au terseîi, radie. Lic. J84524. I750. The following will be released to the purchasing public at wholesale prices. 1965 PONTIAC conertceie. V-8, ecserseîic. pewer steerig, se- er brakcco radio. ic. J87005. . 3_.............. 1,250. 1965 RAMBLER, 6 cyledec, standard trasission, radio>. Lie. J84283. ................ 650. 1963 FALCON Statioe wacgon, 6 cylieder, ceîersesic. Lic. 52767X. S 350. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE ALL CARS GUARANTEED JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open û 9l Opte. Meedey thcessgh Friday Saturday 5 pari 6791 llcghccey 25, Milton OSwttt 878-2393 - 878-3812 5c25 8 HELP WANTEO 8 HELP WANTED WOMAN part tinie. Appiy Mil- MAN, ecperiened me-el cut toncDry Cleaertc 127 Comeeee fer. Able tcsceetand servcepub- lai St., Milton, 978-9262. lic. Applv ie percee se Watree 8c25-3502 Checlice. West Eed Meel Mer- ket, 140 Maie St., Miltone FARMER ccaned fer pert - 8b25-3319 f tsese eret. Appiy et fert, Me- Nair McchroeeseFcs, 25 HwC - Actee. 6617775 - LADIES ccaeîed for -1.esh- mmpichseg. Apply et !fera 'McNacr Mechrecet Farte. 25 cHighwacy, Actoe. 8617856 FACTORY HELP for BRICK YARD GOOD WAGES - DAILY BONUS STEADy PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT DAy SHIIFT ONLY Amsple ep1serseety rer everee. Helidcpc pIes eh benctits peid. COME READY FOR WORK Pertegese ced Itelian speakita ee-eerkers. MILTON BRICK CO. LTD. >BASE LINE RD., MILTON PHONE: 878-4441 - SCCCiLUDCOUNTRY LOT welf Miton.8V2 acrcesc-m- picîci,. trced, ,ceck, trees. î 5.0ff Ccii As-c Peccech. $24,90- Bccotîfol cv br-ivk 3-hcdcce buaowfc oith c5 fcched garacoe cloe o cheeto ce Milco. Oses iraeofeered. Ccii Bsb Cccs, GAODENEROS DREAM' -35 asc lace se ces-crh Bcrirg- ders-cie,hbak barnSo, 40 cres e-f che becs mrket gar fen land rnth lSaec $25,990 ful dccc pacmees Cai Beb COUNTRY PROPERTIES - 40 ccre pa-ee o Hwy. 25. 6mi- c,'îcss-th cf Hos' 401 aI Mil- tent, ecenc ioth cdar tes, idcci hores, ite. creek and pond sites. S5,000 alcmnr lAcci buildittg les as Kithdide onp.icvd s-ead. 125' e 480. Pst- ccd lIo seil] as $7,500. Cati Stce Thcepsocc GECORGETOWN - Modern 3 - hccfcccec hoee.oe te soep- picentrec and7 Hy-.,coi- hieclec livinrg ccd dceccg rý .6ùv ectgcge. Listed as $21.200 Paît Mc,. Bas-hec 877- FOR THE BEST - CALL BEST Milton . 878-6292 Georgetown. . Meters efth1e Bratepten Rcal Es tale Beard l7r25 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE A. E. ePAGE PRIVATE SALE REAIPORS ktMITED TANTS ITING I ACS u4 19,25 E 55 Týrs' Ceeceecous Servie Meer ef the Teoronte, Ontario and Oaheclie -Trafalgar Real Estate Boards Cali BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c9 NEW ACTON BRICK HOMES Oc large teed fot, hcedy te businessosecio, reae te, 3 hcdms-,, cas-aoc, rxrta.. AS LOW AS $20,800 FULL PRICE As Low A~s $1,500 Down Payment JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BSOOKER 84OChrch Street Eat ACTON - 853-1650 foccted hocîde phone building) 17c25 Phone 274-1967 Main St. Milton Cee,'escci l26 tt. freetage. 2 to es ad 2 paretts. Ex- Celntla,' Goed icorne. Occcrchily ps-iccd o-ctt geed 100 Acre Farm Frceîc9c cr 2 paeed rcadt, hcccftcfu cI vîce boese, cnex cellenttcondifionfgond barn, eci locction. Askceg $1,100 Miîton-Speyside Area 28 crses cf hccoîcîif dersety cecded relieg country, piet 55 3-hedreer, hungelowe wirb fbptcr 2-rer garage. Ideal les- chat oeekceid rcts Aek- ceg $33.90 octh suata cowno paysceet IF YOU ARE THINsIINGO0F BUYtNO OR SELLINO, CALL. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c25 Realty Services (1961) Ltd. Tel. 878-3551 - 854-9979 Hornby - Esquesing Twp. $27.509. cueste, heit 8 - cmoto bungcalcw, tccaiedi cose te 401 ciccla ona weli land- Scpcd iceo lot. Loeey lcv- cfg rcecccnd ioelei hs-cghs andhcccod[ccsepc'ete die- ceg rcceandiccey hright klîchre, 3 fcceiy scaedhed- eo,ee ticid bcth olch cecisy. e 1511f3 reeteit cclS iodry. This sseeclcfc home s l'e- cîrd ie ce acec cftecellent qcaicy hces. Ecciy pesses- scon Ccl Ms Kieg, tri. 878- 3551. Milton - 2 Acres levers, ps-eperiy e,196 2 moedeet apas-seeert, i yrar eid. Ve- des cps. ceocite e-t large living rease. dieig s-ote, opa- hius icher osth Casceg es- s-c 2 heds-cris. tiliet bath ccd flt hateerst Secend cps. preoee tly ceetiegfo1r $130 eeerhiv. 2 hcdeteas. liring 'ecte.dcrirg'eese, ioery kcfchec, tiied bh6rend 4-car gar-age. Lcated ce a icscriyoceric 2 cre lts Pr- cciicet tccarcieg. Ccii Mco. Kie9 878-3551. Campbeîîville Ares I99 acres, heactfsfo cener ps- persv, 25 acres gend hosh, le- infl Oce-hec coler. Las-a, eid . tashioed feras boe,4hcdecte, it ccee- les- hsc, chesrice laien, Mohawck race track cesa. Ccli s-cgh ce- fer an appoint- et ete cspect thie toeey pepS-y. Me. Gotcerki 878- 3551. Brethour Realtors Ltd. 100 Martin St., Milton 17c25 Tracs, Perce ROce. Stoe Piles, Ponds, etc' Largeviasreteved hcf f ydce cpp. W, ceecid 6e gfcd se esiete veer job. Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phono 451-4804 TOP QUALITY CARE-FREEI SEAMLESSI POLYURETHANE FLOORING CUSTOM COCOOS REQUIRES NO WAXING Grant Wilson, Freelton 41".59-3651 16c28 Immaculate MOBILE CLEANING Ootp trcks, -rclorse trdit c. Buildinge ca,hd creide o "LET US COME TO TOU" CALL MILTON 878-2516 1&,26 __________ Sccci cgc, large lard- sccped cft 1,16 cbondance et chs-eho. toity îeeved, pctie, prv- c drive. $23,500 CALL Brampton 459-2871 17c25 FOR SALE 2 cdIeirirg hcgh - prodocing las-ss ce Heocich Townsehip, Horon Cocnty The 119 c cre tacets, 95 acres workIahie s-vercecoy -eircd lcrge hase wiuh 28 pipe stach- cens. ccth proviion for otchle Iccne, ors peco. adjiiig pcg-peeo. ccd ce irtyete shed. 9-ccoeed aoestes -date ecdedhose wihlfced -eir oit tomer ha9reetm and cee- vmne.Prcced as $27.990 for qoich scie. The 50Ocesohas 40 ces coshabe esh bas-n ccd aspic- met hed, s-cer and a spring creeh. Pciced $8,50. Appîly sec Warren Zurbrigg R.R. Ne. 2, CLIPPORD, Ors. Phone Clifford 263-J-2 17-b25 Picturesque A oealh cf livcing s rn stoe fcr yo0 in thie gecceee ee- cotice hoe, fieiohed le opachiea whife aed etled olas-ge lt ech tait scees ccd oh'eo. A Soct spîit- levai that alest dors cocy %villa sai ctcachceg, 3 toei hcdroeeso ced hachroece, oecond ccci., richly hsecd- ie-oerd ffcs ccd sais. M'es prepcriea os a hceece on the ota-sede- hstchce oith handy dircea asce. ecareicg hI.neg norri'e eih tireplce cd octl idoleec oeeioeg ie- opicefg perds deck ctteetsed gcreheese ccd hoilti gar- age.' ascemy eetrsrteeh m drcpes, cpplieeces fisrplace cqeipsert e tc Extra fieished cee-en crhcceet. In exu- ive reighherheed. Cee, inte- ecrtes. Foli prîce $35O.09 Cati, An"c and Amlie Ceinte 87".98. We Need Listings Occeg lt ecert ses., e ae almostsoed oteot-erand countryhbes ced acy gead heye-s ar-e etaisiet. Ccli 5ccts Ochsoe Willoughbty Lsd. repreoeesaerce. Anna &Archie Cairns 340 Maie St. E., Milten. 878-6980 CHARLES MARTIN R. R. Ne. I. MilIc. 878-2161 17e25 20 AUICTION SALES Ward Brownridge Licenesd Aeetietteer Foasm - Lirestock Foreitere Salas R R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-6730 280>11g For Complete Auction Service CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONRER Scies e-t ail types. Big er saail I do theas, aIl. Sales etasdeeted aeywhere. Tel.* 878-2576 O.R. 3, Miltons, Oirt, ARE 309 PLANNING ANf AUCTION SALE CatI JIM "TINT' HOPKINSd Liceeced Aueticeeer Phono Milton 878-2657 2oa16 AUC11ON SALE At the GALT LIVRSTOCK EXCH8ANGE R R 6, Galt, aon Ne. 97 Hwy., 7 asile etof - Preetn. Seaille. clitsejes of Iiresteck ced pceitry jn eated arasa. Every Tttesdey erenng, 7 pas. P'ep. and Asesioessr CARL ROM78 lodS