Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 1968, p. 4

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4 1he Canada4( Chamnpion, Wednesday, OeMhber 23, 1968 Vaughon sparkles Merchants win season opener NIU VI IIusi e 74, . 4h 4 u(4t If44file45444 Iwo 4(ga 4((4 (4(44Jno(CS444(4441((4.4447Le4444 ate 44(5 indicatio 44f4 (44.44( (li4(1(444 444te lias nistr6fr4lc4ilo Marchan(4 4ts, i6 oudb44444541e (44.4.4(4(4(4a44444sfu scs But4coach44((44414444444((n 1letl(g file4(44444l44444 n Marchands444 44414 4ea. B4404) l44î44414and t44n Lawrence tt4used thenf4rt t( gantesof ,flic44,41(444tirns(444out4444,144of ilnes, Lawrence, (44444444 44444(44 t444 bc444 4444r 5(254774e ficplyof (444ea wll 74444(144ken4.44444Th husk4(44y(4î(<144444(Lawre44ne) an 4414444((4((4144((444 a lo tufli 4î4(44 M4((144(4.444 if47444454ri 4447 4441(4444 Cole4s4ffer446(44 injurie.7404(4 44444,4444644its 144f(nd 4,445(eme (4444(46 a444 ((44(44 osrlisnoeI ((4(44 5(4746 flic444 test4 of4444ga and44 1.1447 of~41444 flic injrie 1er 4444g1(4as4p4tsriohs 44n,44î4(Lloyd4Vaughn441 sur4t5 bc4 444444e(44444t spot4in4fil 4544446114fin (44. Vaughan carne4tu(flic 44444<44444444'4flic4L s T444ie l(444444(44 4444and4,45(44ilefdules 4444Robert(Pe Lee. The4(4llub414 î((volitif;444d wit44ile4excepton of de(ec44(44(4(6 44,4444144(4444f4î54 4444(arca7lloca1boy, 4(4(6(4(554u5(4(44t oul 444(t4b44.414(444(4 sotfo1th1(444aloal7nd4ey opla coah c4,n local54 b 444oys. 444<4444(44444 54444444,4446(4 flic(444(44 lie45((44 54 44444a464444(4,44444444(4 444hi(gand4who n444î4file41e(64444 No4one4444ld4t4I4 more4abou 5(45444 football( 4te Al(4144(4( 4(4444 44 444444< 641444(4 ynt the Me4444î444(44(44((44b4k454441a4close44474onChak14474He4444I6 help the club. The4ques4444((4mark 4414414444and flic 44k4spt is 43(44u defnnce. but sc44 a (» mur pract4.4î and a 4441(4444 Sîeve Lawrece. 0141444444( 44(441444o bc (144(4 fi 44(a46ry o defesn as (44(4. AI igri (444(4(4( 4464144a1loe ad 444 comet4i (4744(444(1444 044(14(444n'444(45 b 41( <44(4(446444447444L(n(7<4444(4vry gme 4444444Io(441446(14444flc 44(44414444(44((4544ey w4441(have4 ,444(5 about4ierwon Good kce lin Milton arena 4444154oalhoke (4(11 (444.44 44 in4 th4e4(444 644k due t, mi1 (461444(4444(((414444(44t4( (44444444weaher ,4544544(4444 444(444(6s (4444(4ou,4644444444d044444tnhav a f41144 gels n" 4444444 (4(441 45744444(46 5(.444(441 44(444 a ibis 5444. Wî(4 the4 44xc454445 4f 4446 layer of4 1e asviei. (44441 a foi; 544444444 on 444647 44(444 mana44r 14144( T4c»6ey 4s46 thelocl(4î( lce lias4as1444d1 a ,46(4 5(44(4(44d 444te 44r4li 44444144f (4(645ce1 as4,4154 1441(44444441644n aner lstwek dt 4454,4444f44le444414 b 4444.1.441(n. as lie544444644or1 situation 44444 in s Anlo fl The'4444 44(4n4fic (1444444gto su44464 44(444in 0144,4( 44444416nl, 4(44444(446(444(4444v fil (4444 have' hall trouble(4(44(4414444staff a (4415e414441am454 444(45 444464(4e 444,14(144 (4144 hase 4(444 (44(44o Soccer championship played this w.okend 44.444(414(44î(14444(ni4fli Milton4 4444444444,44(4(s(4(44444 (444444(444441a(444145.44(614a4 0.0 ai1p4 e I ll 54(4444444 place (4164.44 tak44n )ne 4,4 f four4possible444554444(474r(lie4 4444(414544445 Coach4Jan Hr44ng4andLes Wilson4 (centre 444(41464 44144 444646 4444n444.444u4aî444spac f444444n g44îî(4îaguep(ay.î46 rock4 a possible44(444out of 44444 poin(4t, 44r flic -,o (44((44(4 flic144ad44444î44444(n (4,44447(a444441444(4144 (444 (4144 Da44 4(41447(4 and444 Wil4s. 14447arc4(444446444 of (44.44(7 444.444(444 file4 (4 44,444(ýy 454444(4 1(44e coaches4and4flic 4444,44t 4,44,4,4,(441(((4,146 4(4, 544(444p444444 (441,4(4 (or4flic4444 4414 lie 44444 41(44 444(446 14tiiat 44(4(444ou flcscsnar i (4î,46,4,4o 16441le. United, Sp4.',a.64îk44(i' Pro-Arn season uaaderway 103 register for action Oi.eî 100(p(îyc, hase(4(44446 f PoA hoky isya (4i4t(on 4 75(44, ruI44 wi(4 app w 5l fieecpin 4ft, rides4444444(bd file(use ut46od..c44k4ng and the44(154(444 04ce 414144l le44u .,Il4446 44c 644646d 414o (4. 4444(4 ,l4e pay4g4(4iTho64clyîand une4ou(444(614- i(44464y(454144(1are 04(44 546644 Ken 1444sp44s. ),. (4444414 4I4( 44(4odGod , Mille( 4(4,44 Cain, Dan 4441464e. 14444 51î1.4441((44 an Jack 444î4ip444(i 44a44ain flic444446y54ght444, Ail gantes d(44444414a(475 and 5.4(. The4 44446(4(4444444 for 4 the (4 4414prtoffic 441ia4llw 044 24. 44664444s(444444 1544454444v, BOI No54444 1444454444(4B4l 4 4444(4(444444 llo No12.(4444~ . 444.26 B.:]444144445444 W4t4en44 4445644, 444 I 4444(î4, 4 N, 44444444 45444(4444L41... A BRAND NE5W Junior4 'C' Hockey4s4a4o4 44( (446444(44 hece Fri6ay 44(4444 Milton Mech- anis44.45id44(044444.4(5h drops the444(444(4 open the4 444444 Newmarket 4444444 end -MM M, flampton jr$IptI SOMEPLACE DOWN THBUE (s a 444(4444644 and (4(4540s 4(umd mom44444(44. The Merchants a 54444 04(4,44444 4464444 and Milton Mec- 4ececscn(ed on (bis play but 6'6 so onsi chants4(uod a4(46he Ne,a4444net4in 44444s((44444 he qa4464. Fc(dey's home4 444044 for the Mercshets as (Staff Photo) Tri-Countyr for coming R4csey sîd y.,4446î( 44 1444 74444(4444 ,( flic441, G. Noviceîandil'ceWec wîo,.4 TI N lueirse i a4,444 4 64, b,cs444(64(4 ,4s 444144144(. à- 45.4444(,441444475',454( 1 b Roger4 De444 444, 444,4(4, 4, 41 4,44444(, Suant, 444444, 41 iso, 44 Gary 4D.,. Brun444( 44 Spoaol, 44(n 044,44 444 MI PoTO N LoN 4(451(49 2 4444hý,G(4D-444,,44444 444k 44(4(4444,4144444444.44,4(444 44444 Marshall 4(441(444d 44 9 an Riaes talght Posttimer. arl:45p.m. R ,k losiers Mohmawk open seaso n sot ffi nriyte oto for4444e(4ky4unes, tuis4me MIL ON RI ARt Nii)( 4444l'Io(e4445e. Acti onîued a4 - 4l . J4v,(îss 444.rilaag Ken (4,454444(46(4 415644 44,44(44 4(4 l (44.. 54444 RI cý 0 44 54(44 44kon 6444,, Basebali club 414 4444444, 44444 (4444, Ben ((4444 Bll4 (44 W4444ilspcI holds dance .k't, Milton Red seul B44ncbail 644(4e 04444645 444144 a4 th4e wI 4e4444 04(4] in 444444n. Ai]4 Iistangs Win (44ce6 (44(4 go 44(4(64 th4e Association4 and Ille Pre4444'4444n et 0.T.H.S. 47444444444 ni (44444744l4oc44 Travllin to erdu, Miton 4e4cha44ts' and ai file dotai A Trie(n4 tirc Pedunior444 lîmî(4d 4(41444 4444(ic44ts444,4 4obi 4444 and f444643444 bee4 erinted. iem444v(s two tu 44446 444444 îbey 44a6 4(4 na]44 quartie of fli 44ae 444446 A R E N A 7-64. Milton 4444444 44(44 (444 _________ carter but Perdue (444 44 THURSDAY, OCTOBR 24 4444g4and54(446441he4644(44 Pro-Ann 7.45 Cain4v 44,4- 4444444e 34448 44644; 9.00 -M4Le4enn4nv Milto Mustangs 54(4446 45 a Ch4,4pou4. 44444 a 4444444e gan FRIDAY, OCTOBIR 25 44444644 d u Tfla 0(444 444444 4n.30 4.44 - JuirGame lie Cst quarter and wet aed ito s ihmn Hl oflna(ly win th 444444 304420. SATURDAY, OCTOBR 26 544(544(44(4444444444(6444ou 6.30a.4. - MilonMin., Il 44441(44444. Hockey 8430-10.30 444. - Public r à% à%MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 aq 4.30-6 Pm4 -Mu,4dMy N(tecs ti44? -0 4.44 - M.M.H.A. Tri- Cocots 04,444 ~tîonTUBSDAT, OCTaNE 29 Pro-Am:4 7.45 p-m. -5e66(c 44 Wilso4n; 9 p.m Tho0m,4 son v4. Bell WIDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 4 ~ 5.3 94.44. - Milton M(nor V7OHAWK Hockey H4454 League .Whu4 hu4 6444 desceihed as (44(4544444(4 on the M64utn but in 444(4 instances i4 44(44 u4on4d on4theuso44b44d. The club, (4445(444 44444454of 14444(44 444644(44. 444446 the N4xvmurk4 R46,4en 4(445 h-4 h444 Fi6uy and 4h44 4444454446 ne(4e4445(mie,4the4l4444e. Gary Nayler, 5445444 on a4in (4(444 Te6 04,46 and Marty 54464, 45444446 file M44(44444' third 544(46 44445 Foiduy nîgbt. Naylee gave Milton a (4-4 4ie on4 a goal 544446. N45444 and R4hson goal. N45444 then 4(4446 once hornbfi.e the4 44,44 (444 444 for, the final goal and file 6-4 Merch4440 t44k4ane445 2-07 hy Graham4 044, 444d Ted Ho4d. H4444op44d the4((44ng at 4 15 4(444 044 Cbu(b,4a(h and 5(444 Cole. ai 6:48 Hnod pushed Marty Seeds' rehotnd in alltee lie bud beenotk 444the444444. Les Chaissonnhuished the lead w414444(44goals(4415 4(4 minutes 45444. 44444 nl 32 seconds 44(4 44 play 44444 M6)44y 44na4 Vaughan44 ou44 a14444fillifil 1point6. ntn s 44 (444444i446 a44n44 44hofte 44(44 finesuanduti entre ice. Lloyd Vaughun 4e4 M6444 in the 44(44 in4 4th4 fit 44444 when 4e vert subjected Laoseverul effective Redmen power pluys. 45 the tinte the 4444 (444 lav4r Milton 446 44444(44 Newmreket 39-284. 44444 c44ac4 44 Hannun und managee AI 44444,4 sot.6 the 44444'5444444444(444 and need for sutue heef 4n defence. But 4444 viras du partiy tetheeabsence of Stese Lawenceuand Kenrtout444. Parton wauuservi4ga ne ga4e suspesion and i444(4baCb in the 4(4e-u5, and Lawrence iK rec4444(44 front an i4445. He44 expected tn 4e 44(44 444is (eeb. Coach Hannan4 sid Vaughan bad cnneuop with snne bigsaves and b4elli the Me4cbasts in th4e gam4e. He (4444554444445 pleused wit4444e4fine nf Ted Hond, Gaey Nayler and Marty5 Seeds. Tugetbee (bey uccnunsed for foue nf th4e six Merchant goals. Coten ... 41 2-M444n 4446 444464d) . . .464(4 3-N44(4, k et C4aisst 4(41(444, Ratmie)4. . 44 4 44(4(444 lient-Ch 444444 (4ttut., Sbh44.pýb i e) . . 0: . 1. 4 44(4(4444 tME.ny (Scott, 4asyu4. ..24 Penalties; (44444 <(M) 54144 Cote (M) 1.24; N.ye4 (M) 42:00; K4ee <(NI 17:37; 4cvo (444 C19:55. 4t4 Rubscin) ... 14:45 3 44(4,44 ket (4idd(fteld (A6n. .. .2:09 Penalties 5ee2s444 2407; itatyn <(M) 4.47; Tutk4cell (44 7:54; <(M)43:41; 4ee4s(44 43:44' 4444(4 4 (4(4444 444444(Flood)4.. 148 4 (444tu4(-Seeds 4444444, 44444444.. 4:44 4 Miltn Nsyker îSeeds. 4444444 .. 147:51 Penalties (444444(4(447:43; 4046)44 (M)7:43; 444444 4(M4 44:44; Tu44s4t (M)4 (4tdd4(eld <(44D 444u44-ett4esî Tuckwell has good second period Merchants win game number two Milton Mechn 4oach S44 ýEveeythn.gbhe ddseemed4lugo Marty Seeds and Paul Kitcbe4 044444t înstr4cte4644u4boys44 igt forebm,"Paeton said 444446 for M4ilton inthe44446 stick4444444cke5 duding 44444 The club wssable tu4 ake 54446d. 44444in 4(444444ll4. and4444444 4m444 444 of theil point 4444 Ricky Cole assisted on tbcee .bat they dîd, (4444444 444e(e 54445 4444 (bey hadl in golCent odadNy secod gae oftheseasn Fr 44444474444444re0.n th ail assioted 4(4(44 and single 544645 aftern4n Miltn play 546d off4(444 in4 C4yincbm44,s p(ay4c4 efued 44 444244444 Barry 44(4444 444446 M64ton's sit ett o hciah 4444444 the4 44ppy 44us44464le f444444 second 544446 goal. Rip Tucku.ell, 444 Robson, train24and 44546e dih4f the B4(44444564444,4e64(44444ad Graham0Hern. Kes Paeton and gain444 t a444 ma a44d44444, Mil444n 4444446 for four 44444 in 5444 Kî4cbe4 (444455444 anill 11 -. th44 rdpro t he4n gante6 4454444444 (4444,44e action against vieil out oif 4444,4 for Ricbhmond HlllbeeeFrday ngbt Mdanager4AI(Paton4us 44444 4404444644 and hen tasel4toAjax44(64y 54e(44e6 and abOfie surprised Kei44 Oiggs. 04raham 0444, 4(4441. (4444 the Met(44,tn4' faciles. '444,444441e 514546 a 444444, Marty Seed4 squred4offnîith Brown of 44(4,444(464 (4444 1nl54a4minute14f44in4the4garne and came4 out the 44444r in1 4444 bout. 544444t acknoiedged th4e tac 4no,an4le coul6have a 444d club if tbey sett(e6 64(44 tplay hockey. Graham Hem, Ma4r45 Seedu and 5444 Kîtchen 44446d fot Milton4 in 44e 4444t 544(4, 544446 (4444 a 3-3 lie. The officiais (44444 64(44 44 o Bou'manville in file se(4ond 54h46d and Milton4m44444e4d Kîp 74(44(444 mus4 have 444 snekînd of record for44 defe4(c4,44 in the se44n6 period, 4444(444a44at4trick Curling begins soon open house ail week Milto1n Curling Club 454446 theue4uon ibis week4 wi444an open b1ouse. The open bourse begun M44(64y 44(6(4644444444u 44444(444 ut44 S44u6day (4444 a 44444444, Ieess Halloe'en dan(ce planned forn5iday night. 546l Gaebee, publicit 6(44444e for the 44444 said effortsowete beîng madetluencourge 444,44444444use4the444444e r 4444 bias heen 44er hab4it in the p444 few 54444. The44644(44446 garnie4f444644 nd44ci4i4, 4444446 4f jus( curling 44(6 4e46î4g4home444î4(. Actual cueling beguns Monda5 Oct. 28. Ochedules (464 be po4446 in the 4444 mo4n. Me. Gaebee said the444 5444(446lnne one4 social evening5pemnotai for dances. A. R. C444tee is peesident 444(4 ibis year and (464 gel belp front li44 a44444444 Me[ Shelps. E. R. Reed is as 5444P6en4 nd club. E. R. 04444444 4s the club 44444 the women's 4a46 the membe444444the curling club. MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB MIMBER C.F.SA Spnoe by4 Milton( Rotary Club liçare Ç/.ztin Cli RTUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 4.30 t. 7.30 STARTING TUES., NOVEMBER 5tk Norma Sediar - Senior Professional Janîce Giaingor - Junior Professional îship Fees Executive Pres. - Mes. Sîner Blecklock met 4444. $22.50 14s Vice-Pres. - Mes. Son Mci<ay 4(4, 4(4, $20.00 246 V(ce-Pces. Mes. J. H. McCutchean s4and44644. $47.50 Seccetey - Mis. K. Cenn or more4 4444444444 Teesue - Mrs. R, Appleton 4494445 Assistants foi 14.4844444 M4s. Norman Peace - Ms.0G. A. tengc(dge P... payable in fulliatiraeî . oreo fi mc day if heo MRS. RON APPLETON Pi.în f o 129 AN4NEB LVIO., Mail 4 oMilo,, Ontarie EARLY t Pleine Id. Foi Wlîh Applcatie. 4UMMM~~~~ MPMMMMMM PM LM MUM MUC A M M MMUM NM.MM Ma.(.sg Addcess 4(44 (444 Priv(444 1.444444 (444,4444 -42.50 foc 15 Minutes Addiîie,îl Ferma Avîllable el Mille. Arn& 144454444 No. Membe S,- 13444(44 444-S4hooI 5 4444 Fa44414rate for3 1~ Pe School hou for I (4so.4. (.44c 504(4 foi son laietin, NO44,4 <1"ob (Coach4 5,44,1 1.4(4(4 (4",lo- Gerg MChaules Meausti Th,44,4, Coach (4n,,g (,.4y 1. 44,, I' L...c, K. 4C,44. [4444,, N,,44â, Mell Ni Mo,th4,, M(4441( Militai, 44444, Nh4hM(( [44.d4 (44444 5 MBurke,1 Mac 44( (44,l444 L44., K Gc4p4b. R(4.,4. (44444r4 (444)44 444444 (444444

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