Ils rus se od Iwhee e Maie <f Ivcn <ill bc cd the to Sing be thse et Banil sary ctened Ltson cf vedding tfarmily el home iHume elelseote peeloil, a fatal desele cf ecideets e ooly. se wcs offtcees moiles cf Delon of woeked s. Tisere d, 77 dles, oeil sl safety total of e etolco Tcesday T na etc 1.26 bc pet tcctcdi lande (f«tc<cc' ccci Air Polltion< (Ccito Auc Ltckirg ai ll bctcfg tation< fron c<ccctcctt, «««tl haeced «t pro«jct un d file nciok, i<cf ai., o cl couiacte lit ttctttctegiicttittttd. l'<< tit Yecc, locat munitccia bt tcc' adcq<tcty. Seule [LutnLiIc iilte citcccâv dtpd (le ti na«li FLIC(«det fIluicdc Mdlton) ptchtitt acc open tire wc c thot a vitril tc« ig pet front fisc l citef Othes'iv mui ci<<cpal have nurtri«c tn ()i (poil tires.c « AcP«tttttt f<ct<AI poltion iCctttct<t NALTON COUNTY MUSEUM etecod e disptec o__ f eboce 50 atiquce cartic tect« HeIsccc' <test in te cccct<t'c promotion Dent in te letect et te Icterceatonel Piccttcq Metcb ea Gcelph lest ccebk Titeccecos cf piccccq ncettb visices cbc tccscd the oent ocjcyod selc toe echbbtt dtteicced hy Mucecm cuirs aoec Met. H. J. Noecn bic eassistent Ee bon<tf tDc.- A pcht sctctt«« tce t ll il Ilcfct, btutt<'fitc< ittc<ci t y 1, [ti pc vdc<f ti allumtc, rirc<t' ti disposai at flic clutbcnd dipote il «t n l, o Nulle f ireh iict<cc iiittt<c p<ittttes use site h Comne, sthc ht-t tcrdlttic ditacetccty Os<ncL c<ty buidintgs<c<dcil dtc'tcit<cdt, lit, arttch«g t if y«c liglttabccttsc und stlelgels c<itc<g<rst propr brunscttclon byiec wclrivok cttlehNutou«<<iit«(cdcý Acd <tcchc P«I <t<ttg thic «,t. aAir '«luicII S,t c Litc «t ycc rit'« lit , l'Ies> l'p thrent cp by Rtct<t<g your pot"cD«tttc-c< tht«t<ghithtttt "d CIpta <A o out o gtonpsdcave malec , t rioet ittttc<Icct yeccwtcp<<ctd gardon. joli gont tirer,, op <ps<tid thct<t ont on«<t hvo i, cc<t-d «t gttd, 1liait c-tp p«t<ctt«<' hc hc<h«<g a<y il ieAtr i'<tItct«t ct pi«<ty at iltc tprotf'i ctoI y<t<t v c- 11 (1«<,lwodda,,an u' Savings Bonds sales kit $521,OO here A (oral tlit i 18.1.1,00 in ctcded ticors [ yet ' y < tt al tae of flc t19th sees t sate by mure fil it ttcttc000f Cacada Sa g h onds ttt<ccgt tt«tc, 1b arc «ttct«tf Canacda c0dat b Onai ogatttccc<«i pcpe<tti dcduct<t plan forte t bi c eor c n lc câiu s jt4jT a s i f er n ot c bar <'<<tin allc «toDtel bee prcse db ctttf<cfcn aeae 'Ilf, PhtppontandI<Jo hdqurestiTrno I. Sbc<pc' Fe die, le c«<ipcfc Sc1cctcso f< r ftic pcyscti cndpoit ct <fii 4 iittcccttt cc ls « Osbp A. -týIlis1olets hve ieccdy i)<hctty otTc<..clt.. tctte,<t and ct«<ec<c hcerd tcct'thce Decctc- Reee ccc Hecris ot Miltoc H t t Ritc Ccccervtcioc Ac<hccitc Unie <ccisc Heltcc EMO0 and te t)c«<ctrcct i ofAgrcultcte edded dtcpics end thecit - tdcctetc t ofthe<«ttt tettc tct tttt< <ec c (Seef Photo)i THE HALTON COUNTY TENT et test <ceoits ccceep icdcustet promoticon cccsctteo, ItertionalcccPtcctD-MtccnottitofocGuep ectcredeats the eccecIthJckArmsctrcg tcctredaecnee traccecadet aes of cGoeownccchc pte o stineeoccy cigc cf wco ee ccc Ccchciot. OCbctttoI leto tct hourcc decc tbe ptccttg cmetcht wee tcdcctttet cccccccctcose oa cbetctec cf te coen (ttft Pbctcif SAFI (OSTISIL bDtbc sce Ycct Citd cr ftscpstcil c<ticct on< ctfht. ilitonc itt PsDcccttttc Iclc i <c ail parentsc Trcrtct ,tc c lcc, buî fitLe fucct hcpes to sl Dtctct-w'ctttnd thic use t c stop <c file tgtD dirsction.c Tent, film ait plow -match Halton puts best foot forward NALtON COUNIT E-M.O. C« ocht ec W. B. McCregc occtetct cc etcretqoct <cppitoc kit 50 ce tctts Mrs Flctccce Mertte acd ftttc Mar- sic, f f 2 Cectccttttt cn ito Hclt< Ilee lc t< et t ethie tcntentionacl Ptcctce MetcS At the r<tht cs «ce Hctct ct <estc c belot act cctn<ctttdt A scprsccc t Il, « cSt ' ct Trito-tes «t, it tttcc te cottcct «<<A titt- awt citA pctpcty ccccc cclc l tecited. cl virs cd «tonin «t tire <dcc bc< cc< tcittc «t qcct« cootliectttcctwct<cttct bc e ini ct, ciltstrdttct thte cy,,teet il diet Ua: c, btc occccdbcctt ilcsplictt orvir.Wbc< <t <c dic<dcd flic cseceo uvl ol]b Mcjoct cdccctcfc cf tic, stiec. il cc tcggectcd, 1 ii the tsuchi cf cfitles voulcd bc f.C iitt<<cDd ccd preiu ionstniscccttcd. A andcoctc(tccltttcD<cc ttcd. Ms. Hldc «<ttpc<Dcd (le ol cscbocdi hctf dcccno ccchccctc secrvipacc lcteccolilartccc<l dteD Ilcret« tic cc isccodae. Cts fDfct«pct ore ccbjoct Dcgrn f D il cf 25 pet es t hp file province and 25 pet Actcc tchctecec cf tho dtcctaycc m tctceto whbch ptopaesd te e<hbitc fcD sthe mch. lThe Hetc Fict -"lThe Man ecd te Bc" cbtcit celtin vas cc tetced et thetlent acd ahoct t,0 cco tehe Ditot (tafft Photct agc-<«- boih10,00 tctcttcd ct p thcta«t tire peoplet ct <ttc «id pcrt «it fi, tIt hct pt et < ttc c cc r t cct flcct nvctionc hc<<yýilc o tcccctcccdl titccc I ccctd bctcttt<tg trecetcad. tg n' ttc' i, l, ce l I «fhttc Ltt lnd tu fclot,,cflic pc-pt, cIl \-dt ucchtcctt-cttopcIcA-tetc Dcpnettttc Pctt , c ti, Hunting restrictions set in Esquesing township Tir cirh r ieiit Al A l, T, , ip hitr pi cduen Tws i tp pian h u untg Lasttrcitccfccpcctcltctief t tc DcpccltIl e c ecri- <t cccdo cat cek. Fo<ptc o rci lco(itrce<)ite Ic lielsoutre alle Courici cctdct tcc t< ec ct ccdrost Coplairast2c f<c i , tl < t 2< pfront cycainier ctin fc ,i.<c f n-iuiei c IttcdccI ctt'< tp-, c fecds ccva I l I, < c f«il 2 1 - hercshal bcno irni on tw c-< dd «t fe.tct the <ccites cf relcent hittctg cDioccst 50tcrctcttcttcct bouilclsto d cc>ui hece b ira c fille - ci n fl o nb [fallir Co pcct cilc, bc,( 1cc ni ccctad W([idc tratoa Ptt<tcttg Mtchi <lid nfi tfroct Weitcdttcdc «tL Sittdcy ci la,( veck. i-ce tocc, divt iscc uatd ct ««<'ch c cctcr tc-tcdcsd cit cid «<A ctet dcsptcp cc<t<t<t«t««e cetcc(cd <<<t t tttttt Strcct <<tire tcctcd ccc'ý «<cc vi.hil dttptcpc ct 1tc '<ct-t patt ptcccct Tirccccsd-ccctigtccdcccta ccc c t c-c ctcd ccibtc ««<c-c ct ti <tO tril e p ««<ldc filttg tirc dc< fcccrtc tttttctlctcccttttd sttgtttt t,0i d<clo tt cI 2 ls t«<t r ptccct thtdccrtir lIc oincuei ttcttctt't pas <cs «ce<petcctcd ctttthttcd ht flic ttcttttt t or pcstcdcd ittc ctttkIf c otcf (tht ifotary flu ottf ctio SDtt « Additti;ltitcctccf «c c cppe frtc[lcc <«t thtdo tre hc,d'< Sttse.ite Setiliie Lctptcccig ccd ttt<e le, ti, cth cccticdcttuil hccstitcbt ptectbcd by tire i«cpc'tur ttct 3 Airy y-tctc cr pact, oftc bytcc- wchb cinoisin ltl <c archc Dc ibc c tecpc citA lirc bp tcc gcet mcic cti«ct ireditcttty. Pe beehc «<u(< trific igitincofaccr dccve< bp Dconald Mitchcll, Gonc Witcetci oH<lglticy 25 <tes hpepcids Mccdcy mcsctcg. Pcticeepcrt aboutS U0crnae ccc donc tc Dotietnticn spseso acd beclos \IStctcct. c apl pIlc cco at <deai cctiqcc io ct l th gft -Itcc-dcy c<ctt<Oracttt bctt< fie «iici fu dtcy oftitet <cccOit cctccde tcccacdy lain dcol undttt ie: cet sccout 1h,, ptect cacte '.lc loeri tttcl rttt dcsptcyc file bctc kctttttccrtcct naci Cotmptccc leur «<coi setc rîccst tttcidc-hc1t frott dot c ILctplcie idcc Lckc. thc k ots Ait e \fst], site nul tire pcnt A ctftttettttt)dcd tcaitt Ketcc ccc ftli ttttc sieI i ftttctccctt'I L «<st Acgcit Threcl Scthttttt ftcrcte «t cctok und tht cItilap ctsD SctittDc ccptrct< and ptc«cd flc fCancda und thet [«cctd S<cte, Oflic<d<t <«ci fic « eilLi Diicced<ctctccite t tt aloA liait<ct Moicdc< ce flic i<-<tttttcctt ifcpthc Att bc! ecptctcCd cc ctdctc, Jt<ît e1ttcet preccttd b> Ptcc<t NoCarco ,fn, Sec< 'cttt irdolltcc i<«<etel c Dcctctccdtc)c sectcc-iti t eccitct lice ccýcIte «ccc J.zR rie, ozo. OPTOMETRISTI BURLINGTONI IMALLI Hticttttt fctttttg bcckgrccund wa cctnpt<ticd ti c tttdc soc it tirectcctty. t tctcd («t (cctipcp<c dtcptct pscccttcdl ccd [lhc r, cctp't tts cc Mesucctc O'fcttcctt<ti.Tttccwd [flor vsprcpctcd <'<t cc<Dtcfn. Elitctcc thctcifl<tc icicdcct tbclto centes ««sptcchcc ncltdccDc ccmplcxcs. Iccccd cultueccd teccsctcctctcistý or D «<t orfic tccr lc fic cpecitc i ctcutrttc d ttttc a cccttiDttctcttccfcngd tirt len ca itccdcd b, A.t«t', cttt ctttitd «t ctttttcc <«<ti cccct Luutr cccc ttihc <dcA h< fou cc i oredle d tý <ttc, ccttd t, lentc <, gluer flic cttcd, t nve qucccctons cd pointcctt cppccccccies St cdpcincng cccalr et a ptcc<idcd «s prosecctcd tcctf c Tire ccccty ccfced ac cpcc ctf twi cccctictor ccid ptccc ,voe «cid. Pttittt< xcth (lie c ccdiiestc btt <hteC ru~de cipcIctgccct ttcchctrouc Dlcdcccdc itchccrctcdcccdcw frontf <ct c0oetgcd fcc ct-ttc L 1< eî trit< tt «<te dc bcollie <lc lntpt Alctc f', pfini cc to oo cis«tto ctire fictcc<c ccduýIÏicu l, c u.:idso ag 1teccs cccctid flc« ccc, ctd cohlcg ht, bcttire scuntigt tnougtfitttcttt titcccdccctcect Cotinnts«< tckcIll Dtpttit ccctpctcd «it flic cctdccTi' ptctcctg «««hd hroid Wcdcctdcc ccid bc tc <t d «t) ccc c pcl inoix Vrrnhgtrnt end MILTON, ONT. fl3t ANNIVERSARY SERVICESI MR. GEORGE FERNIE Assisan Neiona Decro Pohsyten oMes SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27sh 1ilo el n .Il (seStadadirne Morning Soloist: MR. DON RUTHERFORD Cancadicen Opera Sacicety Robbery, kidupring bring 15 year t,.am A1ccc vettctccticcston ,ttc rc Micie ch rt f Dhle robtc0tc d tol oftcc «<«t ci dt g ttc t tt t icftt t a cct<t c ctt d allerc holdin tict tciretcglb h<dtcppicg <tgil «t tre Kitcene-ccc vhsccrli cchchd hccndcd d«cr oten cc<c cf0 un<d t'Ic Il<<onflic ucccd tttbbct< chctgcc d'id c (««-cc co ce t ttne n fic um-m-m FâWOR- CHICKEN TASTEJ SQ GOOD'il C cit $1.39 Hcof Chce ed$2.19 RSY<i $399 2fof $5.L Phn 878-602 and yccecerdewlille Open 7 Days a Week Ssseday Noce te 10 pain MURRAY HOOD Drive - Un EtI UNE RD. WOUt cf Htghway 25 set To burn or flot to burn... lThe Canedieo Citmpipn, Wedneo Ay Ococe 23, 1968 Leaf bonfires said polluting air T hse C fait cay fcfice di Brol o p't-ttcd T ,,11,,fqccD c cil cc Il qo po A Al, pw tI", ctt fcr dcp t-L cý clt' tlo tftl i i(i, "' li ý ytt N l t<« t tu lhs d tn i lr u, Lt u o g ilr l v e ol r ,po , tc h p Lcsc t iectcitccnte cttcd o elg cnpcuns v cc ud laei)lo alu ,ti .bag s 69c tr 98c 49c Sc lb. Sc lb. Want more information Urge register new Ionds Rotary Club 't lo (hutttitile ta<- « International ...g.. cctcdý ____ A itt cLf ILc pt< t w<ith p ci,