C2 The Coaian Chamrpion, Wednesdlay, October 23, 1968 McDonald-AII.n The chapet cf Haltun of uwhite single musot belld by Centeeniet Manor wsthe long yellow velnet streaers. setting chosen fort marrige on Gromons 'cas Cecil York of Septemer 7, uthes the daughter Tont ancd the ushnerta Alan of the Mno sprinde nt was Beeý of Gogetown . marhed Toronto, dagltcr of Mr.ad ctht.io y bit cct Mes. Stanley Allen,' Miton, field inthe htancraudtorum, becante the bride cf Roy wero punch, coffoo and cookies Feederick MacDonald, Toeroto ocre served by the Manoe staff son of Mr. atu Mts RoyL. and Auxdiary to over 75 Mnor MacDonald, Sydney. Ncoca reiet.Afterthe esidents ail Scella. extended thett gond mishes ru Tire bride is a phvstotherapt the couple, the meddmng part et St. btchuels tcpa and guet ttoceeded to the Turonto, and the gromi ihbomne ofthe beide'spaeents for a LeyIdsristee Teare ]ate afteteuun receprîon there. maigterhome in tht cty. bIS. Allen chose fut bier Ren. C. A. Haiser cffiocoated ai daughtee's meddîsg an A-ire the eftemnoncetrnîcnyoand dress cf beige patteeued lace standards of yellow gladtclt cnetr beige crepe, beige and decoeoted the chapol. Yelloo irni acsessortrs and a corsage satin ribbcn roses, mode by theocf crange deltght roses. She bcd Marior testdrots, deccotrd te made hir douglîtee's oeddsug peos. cakeo Mes. Harold Magee played the The grcsn'srîrce. Miss urger. Andree Park, recetsed tht gsrsts While tbe gcestc attenrid tiro oîth the oeddtsg Party oeoring ceremonytonîhe chapol, itoas agrey ceprdresssstcpelet beord by tsterestod tectdosls ic Of dose grry. matcbing tbe auditcriumî oser the pi.atccossonies andcorsage ofdeep cystem. ptnk rosuhuds. Tbe bride cose an A-hune Goosta mure peesent frocm Sloor lougtl gcccn et pros de Totcntc, Miton, Sudbury, sies vitt cccl sechîcoe r amcnptcn, St. Catharines, eccetuaed byseed peotl and Gecrgetcown and Sydney, Nova lace trim,uwtrh ,peoude sie Sentis. train felttng fram the nrchltne. Tiro coupie lrft on ao ae lotedoatthe sides of the dess trip 10 Cape Breton via tht by lace paes. A large peau de nceth-osteeu statrs, the bride soebos held bier sbculdr e urngadotkfgreen dessowth ieugtbsveil. greenu plaid caperand acorsagerof She carried a b oaquet cf yellowrs. yellcm tsers aud white single Befcre tbe orddtsg bits. mums.the ndy Scctt, Toronto, belli e Sbr mes gises in motrrage hy hîtolten sbctser, the physta staff bier fotber. it St. Mitcharî's beld o ie Hetoattendantccasblierstr, shcsnr; Mrs. Hael Porter and bits. Jurie Berney, Gorgetownt, Mrs. Pot Nîchttls, Mitonc, beld o mbo oerte a lccr lrugth miscelloneons shoer Mec. dleerelesa gcrsn cf jade grees Betty Reid. Milton, mas bcstess Italian cborm bath. cccl, cccl for o kitcher shcmer and Mes eclise. She more matchiug Marion MacNab and bits. Phylîts soes andtamthsgband in Walket, Milton, aotaged o bierbFai,and cateteda bcuquelt nselanecus shoer. U niversity Iecturer speaks on Japan trip The October meetcrg cf F. Hathottîr. A popet 'Wr must Mountts tin W. t. ea belli pay fcrr a t o or rth,' sas Wednesday October 16hatîhe prepaed ad rudby ss. J. J. bome of the prsidrnt Mes.V. Kennedy;.itmas nterstug antd Nomts. Themeeting was openrd onspitîug. mit a paeml on Tbanhsgivtug rrad byte presdso folued G utît tpeaker sas Mss. by tbe tustitt O&-annl Ula*y ifetld (e iPthS WfNtls. Stewaert Collect. Ncrsts) obo as .rcurer aiYt*k Membrs cf Cempbellsîlle Unicertty. he c or lies trip Intttewr nsited guest. rt to Jpos dustsg the une Minustesmwere read asd business mnlhs Japau rs cery heavsdy correspundeuce deolt ith a pcpul ated but Flfe oppeots tn letter of thanslc fromt MIS, G. scce smocrhly. Tbey l ise Neeil for the tnstctot nîmpîoand bhete is cery JiItle membrs cossessng a lunch cn empîsytueut. Chritan booill or theit auctiou sale on tcbscls are crcuded. bhey sont Septembet 14. The ccmmittee en tbeir chldrs tc learr Esgltsb. charge of the exaltait at Miltcn Mortages are attîl ostarged by Fate tbanked members fct parerts but in amcoremodern articles dosoted and tl wct csdotstosdîsg uay. Jopanese erooutced cntarinînonlad lovegrctsîng tlîngsatnduco rrctined the amarid for hrtt matter hctcsmll ther plstîcf display. ftcusd.ý t îssprrîng hcc The district dtrrctct bts. F. muoh they c.frctc. Harbttegentherrepcrtof tire M s. S. Camnip 0of October directors' meetirg and Crerpbellclle ban.h oSnkc euuausced the datr cfDisltri. hîteily cn a tecent bcstocur to Day, Wedsesday Nosember 13 Brantfcrd. eildthenenî Distrct Anncal Cttutey ccnsener bits B. Wrdursday biay 21, 1969. Jtones tlîcrhed lirehcstess and The rcll colt "Little rtuigs ail ultc badl takett part in the that mabe 1Fr pleasaul btocghî ptcgranî and precerted flic gcest meey ioîeresting answert ftcm speaker wttît c chun cf dl membrs and vstst The apprectatton. The httstess andi motts "Att impescemenîs brgn lunch cotnnîttre served c as a raolution" a oeil delîctoca hcffet Joul, and ccp prepared andpreseutrd bybirs. cfîte. Hospital W.A. delegates takce part in convention Secesol Mdtos Hcspital WA the Mîlton Auxitans, wIl hr delegotes udtl be attondtng cnd aitendtng a lunchecît lot partcpattsg in the onnu.d presdents. Masy ciller cosserntion cf Hcspital Mdtconaec wtîl be Sittitng ino Auxidiaires in conjonction wot sort sus sessicnt cf tht the Ostario Mispttal Ast~tsocit cnvntion. armual meeting inlTrt Oct. 27 ta 30. Trenage sttlostrrs, ov bIS. Sbetagb Cosmay of regency departintut arnd Mdltos and tbree otîter delegares admtttng. vclunersrie mdll bie formtsg o panel for a Psccîîatrto patints, tau discussion "Leadership for changng rolltofythe utr P esidetttsand Vc-Ptrsidrîs- a,,trmocg the tîptcs W.A atad ae espected to aubwes membersscll dtscussnSeverol of questiost from the participants. the cttys hcnpitcs vtif be MsAocePtemyprsdent cf trd by conenton deeges FOR GAS APPLIANCES 1SE... Richardson's TV & Appliances Ml1 MAIN ST.Ià MILTON 87S4949 IMM By Larry Marrie tlîc cf t; dît.ni t,,, tî f oî, enfle t ottttcctod 1 6 1 foot - Id Ha1loir Cesîccîii M anr tesîdrol Miss Lusoir Tuck tecetiy, oren she searud oser the tome os lier hirst helicupter trip. A rsdert of Daknie for ail bier Fe priot te enerirg Thr Maror about tero years agoMiss Tuck entioed taiant ceafts suprnsor Mes. Theima Green bier ierti tht gianc eggbeaters. Mes. Grees buebard sa chief pilot of the helîcopter divîison of Hicks and Lawrtence Ltd.'s agriculture and forestry aviation, and trantiiers on Nu. 10OSideroad hast brcume used toasaiogea helîcupter as part of thetandscape teGrees' bck yard. W.I. draws parallel Hitch-hiker -po MISS TUCK ENJOYS HER FtRST COPTE R RIDE OMAGI4 C. Ford family has dinner party G. Robinsons seil Century By Mis. Ceci Pattercue Me. and Mrs. Clarence Ford, Fftb Lîre. estertuiord ai a dirret on Sunday Oct. 20 fut tht erembees of thete oeeredîale fa m iy, ai thue arnuai get-tugether. Ail four sues and famdîies cere able t0 attend for the i per. dîruer. these ere bit. and Ms. J ohn -FarioFoid and Lyr. David Briae and Aler. Me. and J. Clarence Ford of Buramthotpe Rcad. Oakvîlir. Dr. andbirs. DouglasFord and Rbuida ut Rang City, and bis. and Mît. Paul Fordoith Richard and Elizabeth ofOahndlte Congratations lu Brion Miarshall ou bîs succeas, at the Gurlph Ptsuîng Match. Me. and Mrs AdenrBauman and sonichael of Elimîa en Suuday cîsîlors ai the haute cf Ibrîr pareils. Mr. aid Et ta Cecil Pallersor and Cecil Jr. Huodîrds ni puisons tramr mary arrac atteuded tht faim tait cf MI. and Mu'S. Gardlon Robincr oî Salsîdaf. Octobr 19. God pîtees oi erc aized and putchasets cru t b oute happy ccîth buirt fîemmues, as there or scores uf antique aticlesand loseif dîshes and sie.Seilîng conîtinur! ctlî darh urss slopped the sale. ttcrrby W.]. coscrsed a refrrshmrsî bootît and wr quctecweli palîrîeied. bir. and Mis. Robteson basr suid therfaim ami . l] ior. a tes doys ta hibrt nw Iromie m Milton, thon dîacs toa cose auther of Oahstlio's pîsuert forer famdîies, Mi cead Mis. Robinsonbiîdisd onroneof the odest centry laais te Hailon, tl hasîeg brrr in thr Robnsoruamectunce 1826. Frireda wcch lIete bappînesa and bealth as iiry reltire. Congratulations 10 Mr. and bis. Roy Wilson, tappet, Boue Lîse. cho cull crieraîr Ibrtr 251h tceddtng arîtîsersaîf au Wtdutsday. Oclabet 23. They wlerterttcinr t mm'tdiait fanuly lu a buffet dner foi tht happyuccasion. Wr csc Ibis, moof mure. MstMayJores asd atrued biss Marbe Rutîf cf Nets York Cîty sert gurars for tact ceek cctthbi Mruad Mis. MichîaelJones and famiy, reltung homteton Octobat 20. Me. and bits. Clarence Ford and Mes. Ena Fard ut Oaknilo sptut a,1feu dofs îto.,Mi. ?ad. Mis. Lawîrence Wdlson ai Sheiburne. Congratulations ta, Omogli Gis' Sofibal tram or ininu flie Cbampo,shîp for tr Halios Rural certes ccacied by Stan Prise and Donald Coaso,. A ruche uc ierld rn Esyre Cere as o grand finale tu flie mcasos. the girls and cocess recsîsîugitirîrpîîcsîî,î Fridayoeen .g Ocîîer If. Conugratuslatioins Io Rich Rosas scîo cas hîonorer! iecetltycon ctpletng lis lOti fearloferpo.tnt withii, s Autericon Oil ai Shîerida, hîch iri the researci deparîmsîîî of tie coipany and tecoiced a gtid oapel bollon os o lthken ofIs About 35 guosts gotlîcred tit Saturday esr,,,ng Oclohe, 20 t,, lîonorbMirs. Geoîrge Peaock,î,, ber hîrIlhdoy ai biei tartonie fo surprise parly. Fucir, r,îkinle and games 'crc rnjoyed. foiio'crd by c dlic,,us luni and bittlday cake. Mi, Peacck rrceîced mcoy gîfîs for titi occasion. Attending cote tli immediare fcmîiy and frîstîda Gorals 'cern trou, Guselph. tillsburgiî. Ochuille. Paletmo bMiton Ororgosîlle and til, Rick Ru'on, secretry iîîPeel Dîsîng Club. oiterdrd tire Ontario Llndercatef Coîstîcî1l C onvention aiI lte Caosodian Miotel recorîtîf Bîrthdcy greetîfs tiî wock la Diane Lamîb, Mis Clîlf,,îd Joues. Mis. George Pecîtu k, Prier Leriche,. blorîllyr, bilit anrd S t pher GuIl Farm iheddîsgoaIliîr.tsctuoy congaltionslO tît Mt. aloti tîs Boîtrer oand bMt. oand Mis, Jîoc Wîltnoîtt Tonelli family holds reunion A ssccesfloilrTe.înco,î,,c .e. Toseli fortîly ýwos Ilod Surdaf. Octohor l3ait,,ebon cf Mrt acnd %lis. Staleyic Otîdill ci R. R. 2 Geotrgetownî. Aîsusd 80 rololîic li,, Guelph,. Oshaowo. Slenriî, Ochutîlo oand Miîlton, attîtdcd. Gims, aid prize1 coe eîîcyed hy flttott adîtld A cîltut t oc s ci led fa, fle cîîîîîîîg fOtît itî tIr,. Stoanley Rotdcll o, prc,,doî,l. bits Oclyl, Sertt,, as scetarttcoîot, tand bIt, Airs Torîtoli to, rcretio.lî, A pîîntc soppeî llttsd, Nacsogocseya Womrn's Inatitur held their Octcber meetng at the he ofbitt. fred Edtcords, Haltorslr. Tht prercdeei, Ms David De Bioucc spered the meetinglîtb a pema which 'cas fuliussed by tht ftrttte Ode and tht Mtary Stewart Colect. Thetroll cail was ansettd by ptttducisg or describing tire oidest buoh ce possessione cf tht members. There orre saime Bibles dtsplayed dottof bock en the 1800Os, as oeil as a eeriney scrgeon hook andcthrs. Seserai rottrsstibuîsiess orre droit oîth and a drîrgore appcîuted tc lits Ccnventionn i Guelph onr l)clcer 28 and 29. A coto, ttee wts uomed lu pion a sotcialrsrenîtg inNottsru, tc hoe lîe1id sn tics Btoosîlie Haoll ci oulie netghhcîrg institutes agust A paint parif 5505 teslttsely set fut Octobr 30 ai Mstî Cliff Ntchoiscns TiTrlre oefhemeetngcuu Cîlîcoîîciip and Educcîcon ard thetohtrclocas uellltotdedhby .htrr A. Nîttrîsi, the cunsener. SIe read an article or tht titcl-lttker. whots 'e osuaiy tiîk ci' as (lie prssn cn the i)cnl foîrgrt o reset ycur clchî tfins otekerd hack ose bou s Sîltut, nud distict revccrîto Stlîîdard Tîme. l3cyltght Saorng Tîme rude ai 2 c ut Sunday. J. R. (unie, OD QPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL TEIEPHONE 632.7788 Ha.rspaost e Lts$1.25 UABRT V- - - - -1.9 PrutSeltsLst 55c2 Moubc sh l2os Lost 99c ABFERN--05------.59 Fri- se Lst$1.29 RIGHT GUARD - - - $1.07 "Carefret" 36's List $1.53 MODESS- -----$1.31 Glleiie Fuanty 700z List gos SHAVE CREAM - - - - 77e Gtîlette Scper Statrrsa, 1Os List $1.d5 BLADES- -----$1.17 36's L.ist 98c FEENAMINT -- -----Sc Johnson List gos BABY OIL -- ----69c PLUS r)OZENS 0F EVERYDAY LOW PRIME ELSLEY PHARMACy 212 fi-.M.it PR IPTIONS 808492 _ rood csîth bits Francialmcorries a of tht tacîlîlces of Howenet there arra hstch-hikets oa be business ccueid, memhertip and oho havr mute or qualifications as s MeS. Cocherern about Wsrk ard fermer beîngsvery r A diabatis condition and sîber bealth pscberîr cias peeted Miss Tuck fromt pittctptlgtin nat i tirelî long osorlard bts trips Motta, totdcts areoffîred, but she faurd the bîrdus-rys stuc "a ted tbri". Tht jauni thruugh the cisada Fridey afrerusos. October Il, inciuded a swoop user Thr Maeor uhere a sumer of resideats ere gathtrrd outside te sale the creft. "Il dide't hrbiter me a bis," Miss Green tld us, iookieg bock ou the ride inthe mrachie, erre tbougb belicupters in the bect of condition and in tht best of boudela sei produce coosiderabi eose sud mie capable of merseuners that erosid friglstee the stoutesthbelle. Most of bier conteerpuratits coeueded she hall more spirit of adreesure thea thep. or citizen rhumb up the lutter givne use te douts tatîse. He ond ter. Mît. Ncrrch dicpicyed reîbîilty, ru a pîcrure of the township cret s tothe cal and euplianed il indtal. A such aihard. Tiîaehcgisîrg priemtas red and ir types ut tht meting clcted oitb the fourd in tht Notional Antheer. Lunch rues in churcb serred ard ascialtlume eejoyed citienrshtp. hY ail. iesthrame Earlierin the montasaieeof or lhumhîrg tht membes attrrded e sucial afteîroue ccItt te Badeeock read a petera toslluteîinrber comuer nity tdleesslthe bail. AIl report a nerf erjoyabe ewardingoand tîme. HAVE You NOTICED? ~-' , deperd onr egclar prugecsîostl betuty Cett Us fer se Appoiteraientc Latest Methoda, Modern Elquipm.rint THEt HOUSE OF PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLING At 171 Main St. Phone S78-9533 If you can work _ a Iight switch. ..- AFT LCR you can fine tune Electrohome color TV. Every time. Electruhuere bas solved tbe prohlem ut culot ptcturle ranîng wtb an exclusise feeture called ELECTROLOK. The magiî s tant a smell pusb burton on the front uf the set. One geerlu pusb. presto. Peîfest culot. Nu more ttddltng wîitb dals, No mure turing as f00 swt b ruer charnel lu charnel. And ELECTROLOf is only se ut the outstend- rng teaturestin Electrobome culot TV. Hand-wieed chasss Autoerattc culot coetroi. 2-year picture tu be warraerf Bea uttial Detîcraft Drap te sooin. iSee and try Eles- E I trubome culot TV t I ELECTROLOK ;yrnigburton ELECTROHOME COLOR TV Priced From 59995 Wsth Trae Chase'1S HOME APPLIANC«- loi MNu St. 878-=f Realizes life dr.am on helicopter Îourney ( ( ir ( ( ( ( r HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS ... *AUl Suegieat Opee'.tlas Inddel or Eecpteee Geeeps *Decees cals p.id Maye ento a et et case ef C.e.e Fient Vieil che meti. *Confincements. REVISED RATES *Aeaeetteilatt' Sernvie" Meeehty - $6.61 Single *X-.'eys Ma.echly - S13.22 Caspte *lo Majorhi Medtcal ttaechly - $13.23 Faetill (30 Dan Walileg Perled) Payable Qatertn or Veerty tHALTOH CO-OFPMEDICAL SERVICES r 14(N Mai. Si.lei) I Ho .... ...... ................ AdAe ......................... Di.t 878.9712 -t