6 The Canadien Champione, Wedessday, Octeber 23, 1968 DRUMOUIN Grade three pupils take GO train ride as part of studios ty Mr,. CecilPa,sonas Psptts fsam the classiacets af Mes. Baumas and Miss Bases. grade t hret frsat Percy Wh. Met ey Schaai, estayed a ride ta Taoronto ae tht GO Train o Wedvesday Octahes C6 Tht gsacp sef5 the scattac as 8:45 asti hy schaahbus fortthe Oakcttte depat satd hadad tht GO train. Os asrivatthsy had a hsaef toar osf Union stattaon, Taoasnta. made the setase trip, aed cets hast as schaathby il 45 a. n. fat tht scas hast. Eath chttd ptad fat hiso ticket. Ftfty tcss ahidree ssjaytd te trip ctth theas ta.aciestand mathts Mrs O.D Couase, ts. t. Vellt, Mies. W. Bsadley ava lis W. Hai. Tht ride tas tht GO trats cas a fasiits .cp .s n t essasa as TransspartattansI tpractd assa st assîayahte aspassesce fat ail. itatas Maasseeac, a pupst of' Pesey Massy schasststrped whtea yiysg foalait assaa tie t onOstahe th a(tcol Satfiasg gasat patn. lte cas rssitd ta asattgtvcy as M dace Hoasptaieistas faavdhle iaadheakee ts. lie semaiced tn 5asvpttai fat ahservatsas ad treatmest. We wsh huaspeedy seet s y, Teacherssat Percy Merry have secaatly cptastat a coucrse in Ftsct Atd gtces hy this Joahn Ambuhace, asa n aoly last ceah secasceat ttat ca't tftcatec. Hast daf day as Peraey htassy haiasas cas set'Id sac Wtdsassdac,' Octshas 1h. fasa tih ec vairs sf tise yea. Faft), ftce dates cae paspattat anda ttese a5aatkly dasappeastat ai luch tact. Tht dattes ladscha iadheev qaatt hcsy.retaxtd aftarttth a stsv a tcu cf ta a hat dag asd csakats. Thase cese Mss. R. Baear s. M. Matine. Ms N. Stacta. Mss. t. Peacack. Ms F. Needisats. P. Kahasat. Mes. George Peacaah, Ms tatas, Nts. I. Rahsas, Mrs B. Chaambhas, htss. M. Katetmas, asnd cov rMrs C. Pattesas Nsci hat-dog day sait as Nactethet 20. Mstss Matgases King, yaasgest dacfhttt of Ms. andt Mss. Howsard King incoapanycsUsha tsaad %Nias '., Pi svas aniey, Tortat eta s asy in Sapsasahas hy baat fat a thea taveti's satiday n teEurope. Ttay sstt rtronDesasahas 12 by ait Fsteds ash theas a happy sie. The Nath Trafalgar Sttesattas heid thae utat meetinsg as OCtabes 7 wiah 29 teersssh ptestent. Mss. Pat Ctaytav tht itrtvctae sntradacea seceal litcty net gattas cashmui vhtals scete enjcytd. Ms teth Stepheeson was the betssttegt lasefthefehast. Nex meting ta hae httd Octabas 21 i Perey Metsj Schac. t saends estent!d gel wesa t ashas ta Latey Graves. sas af Ms. asnd Ms Ted Gtacts, Stvth Lsee. Late, a grade eigttstadent att Pttcy Mesey schaai. has httv i silhath sicea iastaasteandhbas j a stsese es homa itass Oakvitt Htaspital. Mts. andt M et. Dace Ayres anda Ltvia accaetpasedby Mr. andt Mrs Aibert Peddsa af Mitonas spesi Thaskcgicseg tatkecd i Ntsc Yask Stase tcjayassf tht heaaty cf tht Adisaadack Mauntais. Miss Cathy Ay'ss aa gaet t i er fvietd Msss Bretda Httttsaa fat Tttasshcecssg Btethday fttestegs sas Mts. Fsed Lister. Rats Faites, Pantela Bye, c tedy Sqaares, Stapies hhapcatt, Edcatd Chaac. Dasia Watsd. Lydsa hastie. Elitt Cavdigandasav aofr Ntissith weddtsf aacacatsasyconOctahtt 27 ta hr. asnd Ms Gecffrey I~TELEPHONE I ~~ANSWERING SERVICE IItCONFIDENTAL I fe COURTEOUSf *1 PERSONALIZED "'ASPECTS 0F THE HALL-DENNIS REPORT ON EDUCATION"1 IS THE TOPIC 0F SPEAKER J. W. SINGLETON Director of Educatson for Burlington AT AN OPEN MEETING OF THE University Women's Club of Milton TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 8.30 P.M AT THE MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSEMBLY ROOM Teachers, parents and anyone interested in changes in education welcome. No charge. 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TIES 1230, TIE/FM SET S4AL NO DOWN PAYMENT ON RYAN'S ALI-PURPOSE ACCOUNT SHOP FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. 115 WVYNDHAM ST. N. GUELPH Fc tr) with hittiet youth for a i Same There Tak The aren't hae en le ave teeon P