ONEIYOUNG YOTH BOWLER let- flycih a $LS0 regtration(of ch NOS cetsc pt-f Tcdaecacot50h-ve-ig-.fopfor Nhet-pcr each wet-h Chdreeegedt-eoeccandct-e th te, and oet-rect- coce. Ccst- csae ivcet-I loin thefen (Staff Phcco sa- ONEIWAY TOoIT itcset-oth h-t-tit-and acd c ht-t-t- thece hecoccees t-te cecdy to tcy ecychicg to ct-cdc t-te t- oct-c t-p c steoke. Youth Bowolint- Lt-cgt-e play- seciorc tin t-cl Sctocdcy cftect-cct t-t Milton- Rclt-ccy OUR READIRS- WRITE: PARENTS THANKEUL t-prto c t ete c f FO PR SAFETI UP BOYS dccstee hy tht- peocple cf M ilton- ct-st he grtctft-Sy ackohtocedged To the Ediot hy ct-ty parencts throt-glot Altootgh1 thot lettot oct-y et-oct Untat-o, Ct-t-tdo at-d tht- U.S.A. lt-hoi c o tot-.grttlcte thet cho ct-te thochîcl foc tht-b cot-declol people t-I Moltot- and t-t-t-t- t-tftty. Th- pet-pIe tcch tctooodotgcrec lot-tht- ct-ce- the hcyc os an-d t-hoced tht- ontohoh tht-y ccfoiedtt-slt Scottttgocgazt-t-ot hy tbeo cth ev'tooo of ole ht-c-ttt g estoet- tht-t tht-y are Uttoct Bt-y Sct'i Jachorte t-ppcti-toft-obhattSt-otgoi dt-otcg t-e b-ogho t- ot-cofilt docglforehoys-oflthococld. ctttootcît otoyo Tht-t-ht people of Miltot-, lt-cc Oct-cio. tht-ct-ty pat-ets yoc hat-e cet-er ht-ccd feocf - Athtoigh cooti thtmbor- otlle-r lot-c lot soetcsl cocotc ce Aid bot-t thrc Paico[ Lt-tt-ters attend aod otoooy hctst bctd r eyootot idic.ot-d îlt-e ocgcctoo hy St-oot officai ct-t heyond oopttoaoh ht-t tht- ASTY T'i PI trica ooz gulo od.op. a o -c-t lot-ht-t- ctooc acd t-tht-t, 'Vot- dont- o oocîtd- flot horrib th og ato d o yen "Nt-. cotn-co' cephet- oco deale.ot Toc lookbt-tg cn o Notice TOWN 0F Oakville Change ta Standard lime SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27- 1968 Cia... of the Town of Ot-kvelI. art- rt-t-tltdtd t-f the- reoltleiet paused by Oakvillt- Ct-t--t-l et- Maech 7, 1966, t-bat Daprlight Bat-ltg fi-t-t enddm t 2.00 t-unt day, Oct-tbar 27, 1968. F. M.LEAN ANDERSON, Mayor Stcetely, Murrcty Frced, A.S.M. I [th Kit-ht-cet So-tt Troop M94Jsi i ifI LEARNING HOW TO SCORE is ant imotat Part cf Miltote', Tooco Bowling- pecocceo anod ot cf tht- childee qcichîy pot-k t-p che stce- oct- sIoctemt. Miltootn c-ditcoe Met- tce 25th anniversary celebrated here Bf Ht-c Ut-ctge PeIIetteto Mt. anod Mtc oredont Mtl cf Mtlton ct-te foott of bot-ce t-ta huffet coppet t-ttho Pellettecio home ot- Octoher 9. Thte ocsoct-as Mr. acd Mec. MtiI'- 2Sthi ceddt-g t-t--ltet-t-t-t. Othett-otortotlt et-eottog ce-o hi e. John Coocetot, David aod Bot-cie 0,0, Mr. and Mes Keo Il,1 hlie Mrcad Mtc. Bili S Mout-t-t-t, Met. Pete Thoccas, Mrc. Jackhfearsoc, Mr.oand Me Oates. "s. lis aead Crstsand Sost-tt Sloettc ottocded a oct-t- iesehed. t-e-ccccd diocet t-t the Royal- Cootocoglit t-lIt-Iele hcco bat-t-b enor n Ihoocl cn Hmilto- lot Toecdoy, fScfPcc spotso-ed hy t-ht Ilt-ilton (tfPht) Au-tom-obile Clubh. tSt-coo'scooc ct-t Cot-p. Petter Bcocoy of tht- Boclot-gtoc Polic-e Fotot- Site hald Ju ta i e ht-t- tcohtd pt-ooccy tu Jusi a dîme r ctpt-t--t-tt tht- Bocloogloo Pt-kio ît's stan School as fety Oct-t-, acd Ccc c dot-e dtopped t-to t-n- t-cophy. occolge at-d hlack ht-c oc Othee Scfety Oct-t-c lcoc Ht-lit-ce'tc tot t-oIt-e eil t-ht- Atot-, UGeortowntt and pt-clecs ofthecwodd'scto and At-t-otet ct-te petc t-t the- ht-cg-y ohltde? No, ht-t il t- dtce-. stat.Me. and Met-. Ert-t-t Simpson And thle Unot-d Ntitot-s of Ut-ht-dît tpect Sccd-y colo Childeecc Focd c lot th- thec dt-tghter ond toc-lt--lt-c, ht-tit-est-of ct-lotg fesb statt-t Mc. cnd Mec. JamcesShtccctand et-et-y dcy t-llocectht-cord . fcocdy cith food, t-lothicg, chelte, anod Congrtultoostu Mt. acd t-dot-tcoton UNIC'EF regardc Mtls. Willit-c Meredith cho et-oh dce tl reet-te- Otoc the t-elehcoct-d tht-oc OSth ceddicg Mot-octet- t-lct-t--oc t-ccItt-t-h annOOt-t-tt-t- oc Thcckot0tccg storttfora-ohldointooeoftloe Ut-y. Tht-y cote the- goet-tt t-I t-t-cty doorecsed t-rtt-t t-I the- honniocacoahbffetcouppetctdoli cocld .An-dta- slct-trt mctc-co hooce of Mc. antd Mc. Lot- ccothettcflitiocph ofloope Rot-ht t-f Pt-cc Ahoot h64 octer dot-pot. UINICEF deols t- ltot-od- acd ceitcet ct-te hope ..ctth yoc dcec. ptt-ct-t fortcohhappy ecoct. GOt-d and cet-oIt- it-strcoe Mes. J-ce ncot-It t-ce t-toct- tet-ehit- t-otte cet-lot t-irIs hco te mat-e lot ft-e tihe- t-ed t-pt-ces (Staff Photo) GO! Ail Through This Winter witb STUDDED TIRES For Just a Lifftle More, Get the Security of Non- Stop Travel Malce "Studs" as mucb a part of your car's winter maintenance as anti-freeze aind battery checkcs 10-1#5 SERVICE STATION 878-2952 Th- ogcegctto- t-lSt. Lt-hec Aoogltt-on Chuch, Pt-lt-t-c beld t- pot lt-t- coppet t- tht-P-t-ch Ht-Il lt-tt St-td-y et-t-t-îg, cn t-eîeht-tioc of St. Lt-ht-s dt-y. Follt-ctcg tht- soppce Ht-t. Hll-c Rt-t-t-t t-f Ut-ht-dît t-lo-ed t-t--t--t- t-udt-c acd tt-lhed ot- ht- ct--tt--t trip to Nec Zeclct-d, Acctet-hc ccd th- Fojt Met. Lot-cc Vt-c e t-pet lot-t ct-ek cth Rt-t. and Mcs. Maocoy Feto ccd lt-cty cf hMt. ond Mcc. ASt-c Pcttecsoc tclt-hccted tht-te OSth cecdt-g cotott-octtcy ctth Mrt. ond Mrts. Gotdon Oit-tlt-c ccd Mr. and Mcc. ttccold Ut-ct-ct os tbecr dot-tet got-ots oc Sctcedcy t-oght at Icciscolle lt-c, Wioot-. Mr. and Met. McCamust and dt-cghtt-î Mot-y t-I Peteehoco t-t-t doccet gt-t-tts t-t Moodt- cth Mr. ond Mcs. At-cc Met. Willoiac Mt-Fde- tht-ced cet-t-cl t-f hotr didet taheot t- Bt-oct-dit-, Tecat, t Kn-ox Pe-tyte-ot- t-ht-t-h lat-t Wedt-t-dcy et-ctbotg. Votitoot ot- Sccdcy cdth Mr. ood Mcc. W'olliamc MAt--ddt-c ct-ct Mr. acd Mcc. Stantlty Fothe- of Vat- KIteh Holl acd Rt-t- ood Mcc. W. A. Dou-glascof Mcodoct-le. Mrc. antd Mcc. Ahvin Coccell of Strtt-cclle ct-ce dot-ct- guctt lot Wedcecdoy cth Mr. ccd Mcc. Mt-Foddec. eeceiced 'e it-les t-tet-, Wt, iy cf oct- stoppef Pt-ce -I Tht- Canadien Chamon, Wedneccy Octohet 23, 1968 B SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICIfEN AND RICE SOUP CHEF SALAD sl.25 ROAST YOUNG TURKEY DINNER MASHEO POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES COLE SEAW CREAM RICE PUDDING FOR R8S88VATIONS PHONI 878-9061 WeAre Open R.ery Day Thro.gho,r the- MJOI RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITION8O Million 140 Main SE.-Phono 878-6501-Fres Delivery WARREN CHARLTON, Prop. Opsen Ail Wad.-Cond Mon.-Thues, IL r1UttI 9 p.m. * Open Ail Day Wed. OCloned Mon. S Open Tbursday & Friday 'Tii 9 p. FeaRuring * * * Red and Blue Brand Boef O FREE DELIVERY 0 Lot Us \ persontally FIN Your Freezer L+ and Ouartera -tt USE OUR BUDGET PLAN MAYI1 YOUR CHAMPION S EACH WEEK? IN MILTON CARRIERV SERVICE IS AVAIABLE FOR DELIVERYB CALL 878-2341 AND A CARRIER WILL BE ASSIGNED The Canadian Ch ampion 191 Main St., Milton HALTON & PEEL TRUST offers 7!1 2 & 3 VEAR TERM GUARANTEED I NVESTMENT CERTI FICATES 7% for 1, 4 &. 5 Yoars AMOUNTS FROM $100.- $100.000 octet-ct paid l-yearîy by c-hequ.e cr ict-cc he depostof to, ycotc ot-legs COME IN FOR FURTMER DETAILS ... M 9L TO0N 252 Maie Bt-cet-t 878-2834 tI.o oo.., ,ooh h.,.ý , Lo-, Su SoIt,,,oo,.,!Ioooooo.o Col,\ i - NILENT lîtît.IE IOURS Mot Ihoo 900 ;0 o tdo, , 6.00 LOCAL. 1)101 O ( 1 ) ,! .ui VtoooPt-,idetot NORlIl II I IIN AtOhît-c OOlHARD 4 e ttI ~ (oo.o Ioo, 0,hB ,oo ue Mauot rice 0 C O .,. \to,o, t,.Io i.o o l, t- S Yot-tg. t S0. - ~ ~ Hi o it- o. k, ilo, l obt,,to,, Oooouotot. Ru otI.o' ... S oo,.. 1),OIlo l." o,I, foooottc Ou mi,')ouI.o HALTON &PEEL TRUIST & SAVENOSç COMPANY Tht1tt d(j c l t, -l ,iat - Ho n & rctcn tho ail of ottOt-0tootoooo w ,o11bc , otoot oon,,,.and d.oogoo,,oo..dhbhet.-,,iieoIt tionttt- t i, o -o o o t o o - Toto)l t-ctetc Moebo, Coanada Depcct .ottooed 88,000.000 lttceace Corporation e v