O.P.P. safety tips Must stop fo TWO ARTtUTS cGe ccllaheraed le preeidicy vs exhihir aed cale iast Saceday and eccccy cccv Mcs tlizabcth W;lket Hoe, ieft andl Marie Hareet Guelch, cyht. Mirs Hacry's paintg of Fcggqe eave cas one cf eteccehe brceqhc te the Oen He te ae the Hoey face, in Navvaqcccva fer tht acteri lettesh. andvslelthcrc TheaHectehictted fbcv designs ce c iqv cn c ce r y (Staff Phot.; Paintings, fabrics silver and poftery highlight display and sale lire vlor or [lt ite cuaeg ccecelevriIýttcckctd ,ttdo,v, we lr ctemil,l anvdou ancdv,de chcc dehcllvlvh,cdd Si .cand Sic 1 S.Bill Htcy ,.,ll.,v.tv cc1 ta e odct,ct c .Channincvg ik secatehcvand clv,. AsE lizaeth %% ,lkcv, He. cit vcsftccd icv lo,vei t ercln ilccc drea -, velcai plae. Altitvvegc vIv liad lac lie, peittttvt datte t, receff ett cee t.cer tttatcs and ic el, ste i tvunog I, T .cpcvvý lel expI., cc Titte lcdtccctlacvcki,vp was tac -packcd saic atrctv atceStuc cclv, Ithe leteet artca cc te letttiy. pem ttdaitc Stetata. onc enc bya tt igt einvdc,cvAvpoter>d 1 liccccgite le eecli, lvet 1 ,,.in tre civc antitd Sipteg cttel Ptt, eeet ciaet, ineret glavat. tlrectv cekecd eloncg tte îvvtee tcinci Gc ,icece. cctelpapiver marvchicet copiue tte ed made ieeaelas, pettî1cet cite , ccc, aeudcnt et Stirvctttge hltvetttii,1ne ytr Mcivetaci 'Stte ted it,, il ce .tetttl ctrttd tliture llvtttvldvd acd ceveecd v tac- ite ci heghu.tvttct like v ite pcvflttt te e' icgeltvtvva tviectvct avvd teccl etl icepitci cite tvtc.llv, lvtrond e Trcentdtw Il a big ecr a.itta,tno ptttv tttt ttc cit e t ntte Il ý, ,cart ctvvct the tltvckvv il 1,, te , Ie par itttitiltttt l etcvr ite,ý , tttepvt che tlittel [,Cepki -tettel, lc,k,ý het ,n, etdc beiget to l Lvtvve cite Ilvteiy li a i. a alf'l,,-,tvtuelpthcunta Mate, lil,,,,. si, penttd, h t- et .tli, e , Guettlpht iut,, a" I nttt rir N i,ttt t e, tttt tlle ce , 1l eetcl h sa, hi ndetitit.,tlce caccvtcittvlvebvaie lirct ctcets chcsc cvvetd froti rvund, ad a dalep ofi flot ,cuctrd-,cd-hect pickles. le, chaerge %serre tae Ote dagittct cretice., Siter SteIll.a ctit tcf Sttltcc c, Filfie vacharnd lice Fin, Tvee flee Opaen Il ,vcc dccc large ccc dt cn Sctecrdcc cdccina ceeto (cita lctiontvtttet Sîccît Honor docfor this Sunday 11uilucdrade fv esealttcin lieltaca ted srcglhurg coaurroes ,cppcvariont cf ettcek donec y t)lt FI. R. ltceinad of Kclhtde cic rcavi a ialfitirct of'tpaecta ccaridotteavtheoe bocsetacecptcttva Ktltectdv Schottcl ci, Setvday T lte ,cc eppivve civ Dc Meceelade% iceace ccli haute a 2 pet. virl pteeetiett at 30 itatd ccli v.tttaluei 5 pcvti tippetnta tv civat cc[lvh papelea decccvc wcli ha pteccddd oeecteaevvd evvvkvvv Git, actedc dvvccccvvvc cvii ha eccvpte Io tIlhe pet tvcacdc lacetdctthvvtae tetvttttthe joeph la eit Ntevci Hoittal il e civ t cetv i),vccecvvvvtecce hentcc t P.O. esx 1tt0 tKtllecdvtvr heeveelca ttc i,,repa Inquest Se veqeet Gh.aci ccdued fori1 eaeN%. 't ri)encore ,riv, the cleti t a pv ccc tBreamptonttmarit ktllvi ta, rtct vae ccv,, Aegeet 19 jIe, S. Gfelt. te o Brevet ptteti dvcd chent 1-v, eppeeaciet ttte i, a ette ccc ,ttthecunabtaet.ec Tirea .ccident ieppcei et nItle sevelti i it lvqevttc o vtll i t7 .cicttde fad. tet i tepit Flidcttp of Stylton, til.l. tvtteetvgeted titecctiet THROttdNG APOT for a bresd vsiur a o uly ec, scldseahrre e rticles anddraw redctigral-lagittrareallmiaraed Heys' Ocen Huse Satccday is daeqhtEcr eqs The saln cas helci lest Saterdac ariu etith intermittert flacites, tlcctha, a talerctd Sir Goucr Wttliams Unev- Surdav, et ttc Tre Face, near Motter saal stop rthe cebtate itetuce ersity, stedret. She dereueccrated rte ceaheq (Staff Phoro) ceacitg te subucl htrs and chaîl Quartette, Texas pkctures entertain Senior Citizensç Av acleyaitîr rvertrg cas rn ibis utitern encart Thte sp et at tîte Octuiter meetngcf Quartette titen favcred otith Miltone Senioar Ctaersiri Knox more ramiters and a iteautrial Cluci Hall au Wedreaday reedern of "Tube Tcme tu be auaeccg. Haly"truh the prgam teea T1cr prescdevt Mrs. Bredley close. aelcccdlted adtrducedtte Alec Watcson titarhed ail and uccitacs Mc .ead Mcc. Canel ccf after "Tite Queren a scial itaif Stceetscllr. Mc. tnd tcs. Batrlac iota cas spent avec the cru cf Ccophelutlle Mist Stemp cups. cnd trs. Wallace ofNew York. Ms A. Paddca lad cn pecr Aununce Ne4w cnd .tftraeshort bitnetcsststtsaon and reporcs frontv accaetret tire flealing Substance: citdy sangtecatsorgi fer Mes. hmk F. 1Tîcamyser and sc. A. S Fik iles cieer ecith Mcv. Macat at cthe toiesant.aa.e nair pao. lTe prascdeecceecceded aalàadcea.ma.. ai ofrh Zoe iiaiy tcetld A enccaed nairrerh icatitutehbu ic Brcampton an Noermitar 14 fourniranuniqeaatin« atiarriee cdtcvdtiemeccearrc crhitaicitssy taie itasnr' fovrer cirthe pceeccec ntearda up hitatg oR the icjued. n acain op aic eua ndegn ta Quartette Robiert Llliatt. lacd .a1et- Plant. coi,, Mc'iL Willam Ellcat and Most Ft.acet ent11-ut Lloyd Ladly. tacccmparced ity .,ecanttnenagthcctiag na tra. L.- Craufard' Far tier art t.rasaaitaicadorepeied cf entr MaIctt. rctvignucner tty appred Titi. ersaeoepL6abadeitg in cstume accd daltghted ail]. .-e hntaiig -cittae (BioDynti Mtr. acd, hic, McFaddev cult wcht %uiektc irelte hia icnt.rd sperd char c cccer in caccena ttntultgta. cene SOF SEESKI fr i Heys pe Hosettcacv Bowsville, Texas titen teak ail, t err or.cnae.nc SOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o atIPKNtncl tHe sOe at eedv e y piccurt and tay, on a Nnct.cdaucpnitoffre 1on ît. eig bug, Iceet Jacbe Oennvc tv-arc ld Ltoehouesheel deltglttfal cc tccGec ced Prepaeadc t. A.kf.ritt.lC yeytl Meooy, Mrsv t, Oecny . 5 2, Acrue s ,taleed cnrorduced crcchrsctlleich et.ona. Sataeatiunryeparnae reaver (Staff Photo) rcany fcrrds acthe aclvecc s r9nd Burly seeks City status Burcigto c eue caercal hec hottcd .u,enid he 'cicr ficeca vCty. lite cauecic gnedavctacvc frain, ft.kttiic' suefesvg e ecergat cf rita ccc S,,uaiecv tcctvucedcctvts t prcced a cdc pveldcctly. Il cs icpcd a pubhic Seccveg cciib hatc up hafatta 1969, daspata pies far cinvetitione acvd sent ticegit ofi evcrceg t cie , aih fitaicen front Ceeccciiacrs Gaiegiver and Burke. iMiltan O.P.P. detachment has aentc thias week rceived coptints cf velinules r sc4 coil buses di0'l'giirctu.ie PLEASE ha aieS t ai al tinte. Wr oot pcoceed uottiteheoi us dcrnet wanttthave aoyof our ce suces moetionr ethrie attildeen hurt, cr kitted. ity a signal-cgrts areno lotnge, cacnînss driver pectine a stopped flashing. recircl brus," ays Cotnt. Peerice. This weeba ceinét> tipi icunt Coort. T. R. Peenian, Safet>' Offiucr cf Milton O.P.P. ccrroaachccl ues. Witt the tchadl trnm cc ir lut î wtgý Éieate nto i 94 (2) cf tae Ililwtvt Tt.ttttt Act: ... "Sec. 94 1) Witerr a schadl bus ta cruppra un a tctgttay ce part of aitigtrayon whuh the maximumt cpeed limited ia grearer than 35 madcs per beur fer the puepuceuof ceceivînguor diciteging cheot citildrn, rthe driver cf a ceiiae, (a) witec crerteing a tchadl hus un whith rthe cards "do rut part miten tigrait flaiting7" are marited and tsra cedt cigoal-ligbtc are dliumineerd ityintermittent flashes:and (it) cher meeting un suait a itigitcay, utiter titer a igitay waith aepeeatencoadruays, aasctuu for ai the hot water you're ever IikeIy to need J 'e-, 'e-, Rent a new Cascade 40 electric water heater With a Cascade 40, thece's always plerstp of hot mater wvaitcyg foc pou. Whert you need more, Cascade 40 will produce % tl quickly and economicallyp Because ý Cascade 40 as flameless. cr's sale and cleay. a needs ns flue so toc cas istail tl anymitece. Jast ask pour Hydro. line better electrically MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPI4ONE 878-2345 eýNaVdL£n _dd C» Ëa a d INDUSTRIAL ANS COMMERCIAL CQNTRACTING SUBSTATIONS ANS StOTOt REPAIRS -UNDERGROUND WIRING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION -AERIAL FLOOOLIGH-TING CUSTOM CONTROL PANELS 24 HOUR MAINTENANCE SERVICE LOU NADAON 'et. Tax Notice RATEPAYERS of the Town of Milton are Reminded That FINAL INSTALMENT 0F TAXES IS DUE NOV. 4th, 1968 SPenalty of 1% Per Month or any portion thereof, miII beý chergedc on each overdue inctairnent until Dec. 3lst, 1968, aften oahich date, interest at the rate of %aof 1% Par Month wil be added on the tiret day of each month. JACK McGEACHIE, CLERK PETER K. McWILLIAMS, Q.C. announces thaf in addition to his office at 235 Church St. in Oakville, lie cs opening an office for the Practice of Law ait 181 Main St. East, Milton Affernoons 2 - 5 p.m. Telephone 878-4681 (If no ancecer, cali 845-3897 Oakitelle) NOTICE DAYLIGHT SAVING lIME ENDS 2 A.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 IN TH4E TOWN 0F MILTON PLEASE TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR JACK McGEACHIE, Cierk TOWN OF MILTON SAVE 90.oo ON THIS BRAND NEW 1968 WESTrINGHO USE 23' CONSOLE T.V. * "Instant-on" - No I-mm. Warmup period *b Solid State Power Supply *ll 19,500 V. Picture Power * Walnut Cabinet Reg. $289 '95 LIMITED QUANTITY ONY199-95 With Working Trade (Similar ne illustration) 181 ST CHASEYS TEL.: MILS. HOME APPLIANCES 878-3221 3153 BASELINE RD, MILTON, ON TELEPHONE 878 411 1 à *Il 8 CHRYSLER ENGINEERED AIR CONDITIONING 1 ON bail Toci this ONI e A dur, Ont A oth,