1 Fltter or tyseif, tbts tour cf bis t, iecludieg otsited the I relatioss se cf the tethods cf te latte s gieeebp Ilsrtursed onons fut eould tube Hue. Me. te fellom cient, and tes, te toue ortments it pI te unsset sewithethe le o a rieos 'rnment and olnd tht [bp these d, le mp for bettr let Acton beurieg on R stution in dl Cours fer ef te the c ussuro the eut 1 wili do belp theto tes te thiru I cestuiely ca the Ern lobe Reid, fair andbhs o te be Ilst cceto THlE >ard- à LIZWD a temetsa se Wa k. uttlandj dose Up 411tsoai îooo cat ota bot toloc the MtotsroeîTtteto a.ouccd plans tecseoreueh coidlcitcon450ad 401 il mat nterestog ta toto the ucoideet teplece. The acodeot ecte is actucllp Ic nfocs lune dt'idod bighcouyc. These 0 ouds have a rale of' l.6 accidents pet mdllion miles cf ochiole teacel cmpastd Il 5.8 pet Mtillton mdes oneccler types of scadc on thc provinoe. 0e Ml Noembes 15, et tgtt onfli t 60 Stmileseof ltmtted uccco htgltccys are oltoogtd. the cpeod becst for passeege cars and tooletmtfhtbc700milesperout. - Nctiaed lest ceob bias moeetings are bosog bold cth the oc olt cchcrssinflic ocetp c 'assr site t.scpayct tilss t iterets cdl bt sufcgoosdcd, as ilfos cf tire cdmitoabot and teachlees. Possbbly tîsot ctll sucse tto t[it coad top citcc the cndidats lot Batd posititoos foot flic voesltDtecibot. I caotceper muetotpality but Molltoo em ehv * ootsforhthePositaons onotli Board. * Yoc lieur abolit hor doocsong bortb sots and fitreas st stcsso tpreist Fsot intatcec otchato edmsoos cn hosptllais cee 2h pt t1,f00 pstpulattaon on 1961, cn 1967 hor rate cao lb pot Ittitit aI popuaion.s tc1fa bacc os btc k ooocchrt dcotrg hoi litr bot ol ococo, ta iedct dicusoon ocof hal yoeaocf ootctcg t ho ptaclti oootfli a )]citizetcoof the - Down[s] in'îhis to -e s Corner- NomI'citatd aoatothcog dcp.ocoaasFl Tiocy sal to toilate osolie aie tamjo to 0010 atrc i F i caoLtiail lvlc pasti. iicîdso'd, 'I pleao t a.tten'sd w.11 Petople ta Nl1oi OOfOaOtiii\tisO1 hcrcoaleu thir aeioccoodaacoan titcaaciocz ds. Bot t Actot pîal ailscsyh,,dy golf ap os amit ha' vvcak boa atae ia Beasdeoaon Tatotasa aOcochal oaaidad i, * quit iepoat. sit) llotOingf lia tattotays tln litt apjugula l'itoraa iiogt the day. "Kocp doi oacoo ahodait blooao0" pa fic tsi outi hitoo lot1 g fla i t a nr A grade ctght pil coca top cta'cacaofged by 245 ,hloolsat ouI" bacO'l iiaa opcasecond poc""haSacf',tt ca a, ,,d ecctaliga rrocad il l 'acta oh' en'a a Onesoliitasoc ciý lcaital tay -'1500of as poaoa...aor ha"oIcaa a ',IFF o dc ail dcy bot aso o atioc. ho ihta z)I, cisoia. Sal dooo tcili I uiop bts~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~I tsi it loa .ooo i i i arec serta abaot Pca aI'le d Pcutotuo it daa'aat Il-% ahidîcti e ttcicoit cpsapa'ud Otai ltco muais Tiottietit alol O ruacode cli Sciiocoe coccdcps is cn ectosog cf fun for, blsc Mllecocos.aofdrecsinggtptcn cotumspigtsparescad bggtg fOOdOsdao-tadoar. Dsd ycuocvrccondr hos lait bogats lalw'noece cas a finte osf terrer -and thecstesr ciodre e on lialOcce'e otghs rflocl bhat futaîf fitîme. Tirc lrido. an odes cf pret. se acacest Gcci and Brtio, beitord thcao Illiaoeron ghts. spsiis fasress csrahte and elots came oct to baem people. Thtp Ococgbs doi ccl ces sacsd, and bchocced at calstonce hcdhcrbco ucnbsgs but .cechcogcdi as a puochoeto for rcdl Front shoot dscsdsc belifs, camtefl prescri5dyue fwlahtsghlsancao it aitomero fsiitcscssr Tibc Droodc bcad ai uoic fsia calotdhamin a ope cccd SA citor cot rs ed. I6 mce ait occasion for fccsstg on ah tho fondo wchabd btrc gctOwl docclg filo soomeo, aed fao shc, Fat caao O rsaa or "f ciog itcccs, pccîpkiss and aasorctlbc ce Ilciooen dacoaase aise cocos font hoi Docîds. bbce Rooae ('ashoblc (bords outild Noac t ao AI] Saints' Dcy. and tireoîpnin beoe osa 5 a ccc oid fialiccoen hh Ileibhalacced ce haty teofin. Tho, (hisocian bal day ccd tht aid Pagan Ia o' fc sial.o h oa d IPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST veut tMtilton afitai. Thte pstienot mas ttesd cocteci ytutc lige bat folu by tht muynidofllr toscehreyectt.î1soets r cal cemmirtet cf sterviot c'lub otpresentutivstsulcc brillels ecii Jose meedered chossoos hcppered to thut vety mcetbmbile idou es clwone wsp ta ecuoura ed hocnr seechcunetibte tbeccgb ccluetcep servsceor ceeeto cI disticsico seca beocd field. *tYcuoc' sy dnbtsnd smoes do'tccoees'bce c bofep pcrtion tb the muiet enace of goteenmeet. Fodeeci tce rectveso i 1967 frocm the naît cf tccoc produos mus $461,266,414.93. Tht desobten dipped cp $296,'574,6t3 se taxes on hois brewt. Il adds op teabut $35 pet mancccmco andochldsinCanada.And stfl tht gocesosot ostimuses shcs the premesue doebeh cf 15,000 to 18,000 Ccocdiasoeoep pece are fronm smcbios-cggrocsted disescss. This cobsocd wste tht ccebieg Simo lest boccotcof ilnons fecm suoh dieuses, ott thtoococomy cneostsmcttd $505555555o(. *Somo figures decccstcmyattentioc reîiny sedicuse Frace muse btc apretty btclsby spct. Those 12.1 pot oest cof tht tctal populuasion ish65 pcte cf cgt and ote ompumed citb Ccecdc's 7.6 pet oce ce tht Uied Sectes' 9.2. As tht battecm cf the soulo s Ghunc mitb 3.2 per cent. Ccster ce homo, tht comparabte figure for Hclsce is5.4PtCcei ompedcstVicori Cecety's 13.6. sotya Tosso Line dispiep sthe celors cf ho cown (Staff ûa poi Jditorial Pag lime ii nrnin9 out... The foustalcis ocf pcilitacc ai lts' ltocal local osto bldinog solo a trinedoa prscuccas fille procice ctliie tb coclaio the cood for iatge oto csl ifaotiin. hc toesîs oagso'ai f000ccsaet libac pot iacpciy oiafsccd and hs ihco lakcc oc,.i tiresîttoda ai iaoy. file f'clinog ilia tlhostiitalaw ceomt ta hoal of prcb la' ia. Bulinte isscl rnoosg ossi l'ot ltae pooviceo b abo doepa tc defico topiccail pcocootaoie and ccipiccsoct il Oc acrioicai lacis, ha ltaile isîl nsccscng ccl, s evoidetlocooctai dccc optacentc. n Bcliicfioc Catic libac appccca'd .00 applicationte th Onitai Mnicipal Board t b chi cily saalo. Doapia flia adasoa ilwl cccl 'a i000 moreI statl opacalo aa a osly oaliers filon a lccc, fico sîssîlcispai offiociaareoopltif for theo oCity tilla. *O lakosill cooooslisscc. lisarstlg clalca. propoc'd c att nlgaosalsoc cf Oakosila ccnd Scelio and doioaioof the chcic coca as0.a oi Edcc c ti bcdh paced ai fic calt y cooel ai ltae hapie sto o) 1969~ acod ail achooi boarda acd bards toi docailoos lilaitoco coill basîsa cfod. 'cael oscciy cattîcîl biac îttpsoi- lte lita provice lthai lapidatios Isa aiospîol lto icosiltlita Riosci Moincapaiy sof Pool. MnIssicil fairts %lNi ssl i)cy NlcK'ottgi topoclooiiy poise ad a capiy lo Flic bieoci tin asi JOHN CONWAT'B STORE as c bac aceo tn Milono roood bot, Mr. Cocceys empoiumo stoccbd eceoosrhhog. Ledmiehes 1925 choc Ihot photo mostakLoc LoLo oho modern 000000ar n10 o stands on the 000e site. * ialcon (0001f blac a Ccniitttsio. pattllaîsd a rtePe protsp anod, tecisifiofile asine expert ac Pool oocad. tu sicai a sicla aisîilco proosai fis ti tc outoi Il' fle provce ta Iot casitoti i ail the appooploia reportsarcrcie il ciii liave tt kcap fileaa' o i oo inbac cf oltîlocco psstposala. P cocs tsoabiy the B socis ptta appicaion i'o ac.ty clais out c jccliod Sitlic ansd fon aît Msllcc'a appication fttr annexatcio Afico ail. Boolsnopos t li a Patyi la the Stccic Comissison thas ta ocoloctof ltocal fchocttt cist tia Hamsilton coca' Acto o00 ttncyhisg lhocc cao ha' acapi acslac flto cc oedi.'screpoctis tacatac'd The Plooikoîl R eoto lca fîoccoîssoolt bac isac dsily soloccool. doapia the hsphi ilsapo ltcal lopialatoca liou soc il lto rv h finocal so aIrL )i ec' yiaaaI gocacoîinet Tire OSmsitl Reort o luato tiac bacn sîc coco s itil ls lsocal foccetoîito und ,ttIlt Naicci c lic'ote haa capaîîad ttc ltai reaport. t lac, caili fior a.tey aclstst F Ocn tOfOcoCi fOOOOOiin [ltbcp ptlCtliariy ltai paeoipla aeemr coasly for it lthao fîîcaoîsîso ic lir cosid sisca Merlita oTorosntoandt g Tanotat ia' tu%. ac', tir l t Nualoapiss a iocatic ad iiatcto Tecslaltttciai latteris lia li vito sri f'sIlletpriceasitto flcci]orta Veut lt cotinentOt i stîssi l -j'tlie ta îc ' Stidy. ltwilit Bulto c ,, iolo.st'i lt cilitaa taiitrlatcititf taiistofittlîc po,iiici itîP to e ct alais rit ta tut, (itttttmi sili t tle cpaas lnlti apiatio l'o~ ccc h dcicyad. Pel' propo1sti 9?por at cor lad as 555 tîtiait loarntt and sIcon' pcan ly'ora' a ccacîlarinv pecax sp ed ita "ile' ati he ovlcalscone cipbhccindicton critodar if the proiie cao ha as asocopl eslceioiog tlbc ero attcssctcs. Photo) Lacsy Su o50ie f1 ge tocito sud)oc a hcod bhat t razo, hiado and as tob ot bot casaootsce cocll nybhonorable cay oct. Tirsol ot asoc t attt sîtill cois yt stiit Câer MY5 csfc loaias occsculid 555 las( htaetshcg lier legs, asr ccteyhody on the hoos so cjaa hadtabaandtotc'cooi halcatos lobt l'o ta nies cf titosa cam Bossd. tisas t', nieals ad fcin colu ail. t icboals ba csod, oui aoiadocotitl. tho phrsaoc.tot taots Soabsý" Sxt os il 1t'Sscabsaaoadcslook eceptona.oceadaof i coto cooitotat pople aicayo do choc ie sh an ao faite Na lass a parsca baco LouiscoCach. 'cecaycnisflc Shocak Boocîsot Scocty soad oy artcle "hy canace." 115 cace ctî foot.I î sooaîciysttoos ini by Sitocty Cachit itoîsla]effeassafio odoier, sch endst tIl flia oottoofctso expression."hooe SOfaingf Iaoseta baie ctii fotd la asoi as, a ha to Anashas tct fil flic cdccrs. ogoad by six iaovab cososaco, sogestd bhas i cas toui oooiy INORANT. botaotho aInribr ,,unie Nazsi faoranattaa. Sol li' rallios bc las chotis ftnbli goant and a a f05.W asd bachae nocot coco 11) e excPeetla bc a Nazi. llacaotisy, 'hos letc ch oials lcepesoc "Il voit are fOoinf Is oood a lIAI, yoc oit land îaatoiftna hatsod"(Colusion.oaul' S'ail pocd Sicabs aod ysos ,Flldesi1 apcbofc sIca o ocasioa lysten Oas acy faaod yaoodhaveabooochati1lctf Tirecorgonal sat itera - ya ý at cfod haoclss Baosoooiýl (Cazch. Altras Sosid Sas f oc ca" 'ttsa ws ol tIsosa lsossoy hiaoac, aod tld voir are no, a (cachal)StovakscFu. Leosahange bias. NI.koaiscad, 'tIsa you arc. a food. isonsst NioaLk. Alls Sosid Sas i, ycc arc iaon osi cah host icaty Bclioo'oaotaoni toid yareso a And iloai' about cit shah shask ci basollr thsodo aod conqoosý i lw 20 years ago f )loe locps 1,tho 1t 'Oa. ilhampitoi. tlit n oc i.ber 22. 1868. As Ili toa tig 'Il Naortht [laiton istrict Ilifit Salial Bcatd tai tacl toi NIoodc1 accoofng do, Bcasd oclta1 le ia socoahs of flc Li l tite i' lton Saooo anod d ,cs c I t italil solte ut lita ch n prohiona, Tira Biica, ciscca approoci ci puasa ac eoso qoopouaet las flc Actoo Saio.'al inc io icidcd la typocosast, dc'kaýec. Aaotne hcaa cao pucitahco Oll lc dococtoe cice aose aitos hc'ta appiatosfo Oraasla' ot pupith O cobas do tictsaaato c lot oa la.alc'es tot 1 lt N i 'i aIn tall NI tec e for toic Octlo "h afl dod tloth v (li ap,,, l ico,, cc cadoacion, poobat o^ a,'e satcrad ol ia coacocate and aacooît lot fur t0c tuprP1i o ci,_ topaocacoot Oc ccacaasocc h te 'taccaîcaor îccck. l'si, 0000t tsssoaiici f oo public aaaogcc 0 i 50 years ago bakoe caîhtr -o u at ihaC oadllai fn uoatc .tlst1hon car Finia t deuil rai ai dlia il IlaOo Il BoooiOcgiatto lidc - i fronat d c Bos.'oh'OOa1 ncd iascd,, ciplyu r Bil), fiitkdhcadadeu]oscscoý autpi cadb dt tot (lie ac adit optaI o. ireoo radcscFleOoat a iaodpacisocoo ltt tini Fo lhave itla fron cbn iso a t îlot patoa' Ioda 't 10.00 tl itt cooi plotoitK dcrtohdoid bosflc paaa'onoo ccd docveo hiad gct cl oic Aa'lioncocols ado iloa flicha t.T if. A lacaaa canotsreoa jry tl bi a Potofcer tacsIan aoffiscial a alOriffIIOC hcistc a os oo)icosos. oha iciano sotrgleon, anod ls'ie oastîs.stiie tot .a eisir trduOaar cik cto andt. ab',esso. (cacheot.aca eporto rpierOcao o5cy publai pac t F,,.." t I.Oso'dt. oadcway a'iPoottice taluacot oopeatot Oilar o Ttsc, (cyogt hacosog posoood cii e'od caxo Nootday scrocg. Pcup'o pic a dvîed aa 1tocoi, eiitcoyhîd ireraochsbhtoeeîg dhi bai, botl rallc'r t noc Osle bcedc icsaadovecn boutsorsstopdFlerootfrcn Titoiroioioalopia'sotN l toîloiefececotc îc stctcS1,0o [lie roua'oty îohsco s dsrbeIp ie exrso to fli c Ilta c dOlola cI exssc lihts Nioai Clîuiasl peltdl flic tOpttstOittos so litrs Nlc1csty joli4bhostofdia Paricoscas Buidicgs cn 1849x.and ccc sppoaodhoorib aaaredcih upabhiciy scnoo lc dooogsccoondoswhch il ra'ctod. Oc 'are of flia topintitn tas îlies 'ilcîcal îcttstd he o hct ptoaced if flot riIi eedccsotod la cstecaritable ce ha'aaîcbcsri pospoot. and dodoicatsog Osat flc ijotao cio oocd taus bcor locccscdi ccd IOCIOI0Ocy oacocoiboecd hb dcc, o scaa oaci pîotof ir doa haosy. ltîtn hîcs,a bronz Frocmtt tise ct cf dl otosal. s'coop coadoc ho do caca Ma i lton hor lIta,1 reief O1 filean tat'oObantttts ofsflic fad Bacs, Seuletmeto. Seocaa gentlemetn lotd tuiloi c.i, tt coorsoccî csatosmld o'aciy ha' c,)aaocd. Bu os ii ilcoîostt5 a IggdoiFio 'tcah cnYoo as aty cast ho cdcpîad. a' cou c hasaicdoupaocsuta ooachcp os ail ota acd. tla tae placetat ai csia dlata, Ac'tour lias dotnt loto part aiIy Scaid cac hot c wll aliie l'oc olosoco sodo as Oakosiloe Ge'orgctw an cd îsi'a pacesotsoad do' lokcoocau THE CANADIAN CHAMPION P.bli.h.d b cD,. . lo,.'ý. c,, IN CO. oc ont. -I ý.o l îlot0,0 l'il hoave Flot f Ocah alite ,st Filetocos Balans cas csay ho sougis togie hosoc ol.oCnda, ctb aches soulo slapin tire trcdel Thte ooiy cew as uta iht cal, scta, la boly sco tcbets la tire oet bail Spocco,)ed hy hor hSachv, Boch b. i ocal5y. Bat co lc h sonco o) Idacoocg Shsccbs and .chtngccbs scboogotîhy lad dacso's ote hchtireoooay as ltcla h lac IlO10 ofo sioco. baoadtaodod. blac go 1 lavesaosnabc apch i leshWmo's Isuca i tcacid sallie, cal ha sfoos cvaocog hada o edha fc-.f gorl, baculIk osaialh spechs tIccoee s i'o tro Thica cetay cvoo lise loie, aakaofg lie o tillpls.b itgnoed (liets r hapaoeaclcoildfgoacay. sor lasi1d de. Tfiooacmeireoail sise. Thccghsi c as cala. Nasolu l-asly Sopsooirsho to cc aflant 'lsaspiytaoondog osae SOI i taiicd, bol Oc oIC lws' i seteo sulrisas soade tr accet t Iccc hoi tact (t i ho tteta1o'î deogisco oct FilcFy bosc orac. Eccoy duie t and iosîbod ai cie ossh linge, tepsoacol cyts. F'siIyý i oko ansd hiccod, 'Ail eiglia Masia, ail Iofit Teu ysoooo Niam 'il do ot Sibe hcasoed. lice, Fease hads' h1 ote do mc. Wdoe s oss bIy ai po dcccd rsiccdd dccsatyhraeafoapyiahdaske aoccasîrposhiblepotte 1o i bacc n ocpccF.g paoagsaph saady sl focs ]itealoos: "*Thre Samoot ilsta otc shooid hoc iped oct,. eah Se .'oidtcsodoifocssay. hpcabocfas amcn, i ach bI c ta toc ect svy boandci oecsed, cil oecords Pas lis flic faumes. asnd ccy ecaooa ascoshas ciscoofhht b agh msn lu Cuoadats toodea sc sprcd hortst cif bhoai bacs coakcop mohions ansd rsotioaoound ptotsy lobocoocaotogo and cltassbaotpeuple'Iotpak stocasetl Oa second shoogis. csaybo i'd bossot takc Ilt hali colorae (zctoaa papalaton allCanada, and ges laccscih qacly apages of the Past 100 years ago Jim's Jottings bp js im dii 1s Sugar and Spce